
Roguehorse2today...do lab work and get on full MediCal...\o/....woo-hoo! Then get my SSDI papers in progress12:49
Roguehorse2should probably get more done on the book too while as lot of this is fresh in my mind12:53
dimaageneral linux question. it is safe to store and run random nick nack scripts in /opt right?18:50
ianorlindimaa: probably should not run them as root18:50
ianorlinhard to say without seeing the code18:50
dimaaoh i was assuming im running them as me not root18:51
pleia2I put my own scripts in a local bin/ in my home directory18:51
ianorlinif it messes with stuff in your home it might not be a good idea18:51
pleia2and /usr/local/bin is a good spot too (plus, automatically in your path!)18:52
dimaa~/bin might be a good idea and yes pleia2 /usr/local/bin also. well i think that answer that for me18:52
pleia2it's "safe" to put them in /opt in that it won't delete them like in /tmp or something, but meh18:53
dimaaat work we have an EC2 instance for our team and they keep stuff in /opt so i was wondering18:53
pleia2I've never been the biggest fan of /opt :)18:53
dimaawell good to get perspectives :D18:54
dimaabasically i want to put scripts on my personal VPS in a place for the other users to use them. so I made a chmod 777 folder in /home for people18:55
pleia2use and edit?18:55
dimaaits a free for all. (we have a level of trust on my server)18:55
* pleia2 nods18:56
dimaaand i like to keep it that way18:56
pleia2I'd put something like that in /usr/local/bin rather than one person's home18:56
dimaathey are my friends so i do trust them18:56
dimaa/usr/local/bin will allow them for other though iirc?18:56
dimaaerr i mean /usr/local/bin is not just for me?18:57
dimaait is for everyone on the server18:57
dimaai think i will move my things there then18:58
philipballewWhat would cause my external public ip address to not show up when I try to ping it or attempt to ssh through it?21:04
philipballewIt seems like an odd situation, so I thought someone here might know21:05
DonkeyHoteiwhat do you mean by not show up?22:29
philipballewDonkeyHotei, I mean I can not ping the ip remotelty?23:58
philipballewpleia2, pm?23:58
pleia2go for it23:59

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