
=== mike is now known as Guest11141
Guest11141If I have Ubuntu 14.4 installed is it ok to then install XFCE and delete unity.01:34
holstein14.04. and its "ok" to do anything like that..01:34
holsteinyou can just boot into the XFCE desktop, and leave unity.. or, swtich to xubuntu.. many options01:35
Guest11141Yeah, I had a lot problems with the grub when installing Ubuntu and didn't want to deal with the same issues if doing a fresh install of Xubuntu01:36
nomicwhy not just use xubuntu01:50
nomicbecause its xfce01:50
nomicthats the X01:50
holsteindoesnt want to re-install01:50
nomicits nicer01:50
nomicjust back up stuff .. or even partition01:50
holsteinsure.. its just that, *that* is the answer.. GRUB issues at install01:51
nomici left ubuntu when unity arrived .. tbh @ the point of release it was very buggy - didn't even give it a trial -- now I notice everyone using it .. have just been watching a programming vid on youtube. . hes using ubuntu01:51
nomicor mint?  .. is mint unity .. it had the ubuntu logo topleft though -- must have been ubuntu01:52
nomicwhat desktop is mint?01:52
holsteinlets discuss unity in the offtopic channel..01:52
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:52
holsteinmint ships many different desktops.. cinnamon is the one they really push, AFAIK01:53
* nomic unlikely to move off xubuntu01:53
holsteinliterally no one will make you, or is asking you to.. all im requesting is the offtopic chat to be moved to the #xubuntu-offtopic channel, where, discussions are welcome01:54
nomici won't go in there - they are horrible01:54
nomicyou help out here & they just give you shit if you even talk02:22
nomicfuck you holstein02:22
w30I was trying to shut off my touchpad and got mouse shut off also. What file does <settings><Mouse and Touchpad> modify?02:26
holsteinw30: well, ideally, the touchpad.. but, i would test, and see what it does..02:26
w30holstein, I need to fix it with keyboard, no mouse!!02:27
krytarikw30: ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/pointers.xml02:27
w30krytarik, ahh... you are  my hero, ha02:28
holsteinsure.. i didnt imply you should fix it with a mouse. im saying, i could imagine some hardware not responding as expected..02:28
w30holstein, ha nah... its the old PEBKC problem02:34
=== JayGatsby07 is now known as JayGatsby7
auscompgeekGuest11141: if you want your setup to be the same as an xubuntu fresh install, you can apt install xubuntu-desktop02:38
auscompgeekGuest11141: that will pull in all the xubuntu packages.02:39
Unit193Well, that won't be quite it, and I'd recommend installing the task over the package, buut yes it is closer.02:39
holsteinUnit193: you mean, initiate task select?02:40
Unit193holstein: apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^02:41
auscompgeekoh, so that's how you install tasks using apt/apt-get02:42
holsteinUnit193: thats handy..02:44
Unit193Yeah, gets less unexpected packages.02:44
mpmctoo:s Switching to the fglx amd drivers causes all sorts of weird stuff in Xubuntu 14.04.2, My desktop settings were reset, wallpaper & mouse theme choices. Interestingly the mouse theme seems to only work on certain windows! On the desktop it's the default but when using anything else it's the theme I'd selected! If I'd known that using these drivers causes this much hassle just to get h/w accelerated video I wouldn't have bothered05:05
auscompgeekthis is why you set up your computer first *before* configuring everything to your heart's content06:30
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xubuntu491does someone now how to unistall my wireless card?15:20
xubuntu491just to leave the laptop without posibilities to connect to the internet15:20
cfhowlettxubuntu491, disable network manager applet would do it15:21
xubuntu491mmmm thanks ill try to disable it, and unistall it using apt-get thanks15:22
cfhowletthappy2help!  xubuntu49115:22
w30does any one know a command line to make xfce re-read the mouse config file after I edited it?15:25
w30something less than  reboot15:25
cfhowlettw30, ask #xfce15:29
roninhi my desktop was restarted because of power failure, and now it's in the login screen, is there a way to login remotely that i can take a vnc connection to the machine?15:32
roninI can get a SSH connection, but starting up a VNC server from terminal doesn't help, because it won't let me in before I have logged in to X15:39
w30cfhowlett, thanks15:42
cfhowlettw30 happy2help!15:42
roninwhat login manager there is in xubuntu, gdm, xdm?15:49
cfhowlettlightdm is standard on all *buntus except server15:50
roninthis fixed my problem sudo /usr/bin/x11vnc -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -noxrecord -noxfixes -noxdamage -rfbauth /etc/x11vnc.pass -forever -bg -rfbport 5900 -o /tmp/x11vnc.log15:56
roninthanks guys! :)15:56
roninnow i can login righ to the x login screen (lightdm)15:56
roninanother question is how can I connect to a locked session?16:15
roninto this lock screen whre it asks for a password16:15
roninI tried with the same command but now I only get a black screen16:15
roninthis is the prob http://ubuntuqa.com/244471/xubuntu-1404-vnc-not-showing-password-lock-screen16:24
xfceHello everyone!23:08
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Guest5370Hello everyone!23:09
xanguabye :P23:11

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