=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as SaniccuAmerica [09:27] Hi everyone, I have written before about QT apps, don't know if anyone read my message. So once again: reason of ugly looking qt apps has been found (xfce bug 12012). Mint 17.2 ships with fixed xfce4-session, no problems at all. You may build new one or grab Mint's [09:27] bug 12012 in openldap2 (Ubuntu) "missing changes from upstream merge" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12012 [09:28] bot is wrong, xfce bugzilla [09:29] Workaround with trolltech doesn't fix icons, so that's why I am writing [10:14] hello! just installed xubuntu and i'm having a small problem (maybe not xubuntu related, tho..) [10:15] i cant see anything (blank screen!) during bootup [10:15] after the initial bios screen, the first thing i see is the mouse cursor just before the desktop loads (not even the grub menu..) [10:15] my gut says that there is something wrong with the resolution/screen settings used during boot... how can i adjust these?? [10:23] you won't see grub if you only have one OS, what graphics card? did you install proprietary driver for graphics? does machine boot quickly? [10:24] hm.. ok fair point, i just thought i'd see a grub menu of sorts [10:24] i just installed on a hp pavillion [10:24] (no other os) [10:25] i think it has some nvidia chipset, i havent installed any drivers (at least, willingly) [10:26] i think that after the bios screen, it takes maybe 15-20 seconds to get to working desktop [10:26] but i think thats normal [10:26] lemme try and install some graphics drivers and I'll get back to you.. [10:33] ok === Guest54458 is now known as dazm === d- is now known as Guest1885 === Guest1885 is now known as dazm [15:03] When I try to view the contents of a flashdrive in xubuntu through the file manager I get the error "Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/pj/PJ: Command-line `mount -t "exfat" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,namecase=0,errors=remount-ro,umask=0077" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/pj/PJ"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: unknown filesystem type 'exfat' " Any idea how to fix this === mrkramps_ is now known as mrkramps [18:46] i am currently a bit irritated … [18:46] using the xfce 4.12 ppa with 14.04 i wanted to manually install mousepad 0.3.0 because the menu bar should look a bit different [18:46] but actually the menu bar is the same in 0.3.0 from trusty repo [18:48] oh hell, this was because i had an instance of version 0.4.0 still running [21:29] anyone run xubuntu in a VM and have trouble getting the screen to resize with the host monitor? [21:30] tried updating guest additions but it says i have broken packages.. which is apparently a wm issue? google only tells me about Unity when searching [21:30] i'm a lazy linux newb and probably will be forever [21:33] but it sure beats windows