
apparleThe link http://www.plasma-mobile.com/ posted on kubuntu.org news article is not working. Not sure who to inform this.04:01
bshahshould be plasma-mobile.org04:02
apparleSomeone should fix it I guess...04:03
bshaheveryone will be sleeping I guess..04:03
bshahapparle: I will poke people when they will wake up04:04
apparlesure, thanks.04:04
apparlebeing a ardent KDE/Kubuntu fan... I'm just pleased that this is happening :D04:05
sgclarkhi iall frameworks 5.12.0 vivid in frameworks-staging needs testing.06:08
Riddell!testers | frameworks 5.12 in frameworks-staging for vivid07:56
ubottuframeworks 5.12 in frameworks-staging for vivid: testers is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information07:56
bshahRiddell: www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-team-launches-plasma-mobile-references-images references to plasma-mobile.com which is wrong and should link to plasma-mobile.org07:57
bshahsomeone here was mentioning it today morning07:59
Riddellbshah: I just fixed it thanks08:01
Riddellmparillo: how about a wire article summing up the press coverage of mobile?08:11
ahoneybunnHello all!09:09
ahoneybunnI'm putting a call out for sgclark from akademy for testing!09:09
ahoneybunnall current testers and new are welcomed!09:10
mparilloRiddell: I collected four so far: Two IT World articles, the KDEOK G+ post that came out early, and Sebas' blog post, and added them to the bottom of your wire post (still in draft). I will look for more today.10:29
Riddellmparillo: links to reddit and hacker news too might be useful for their comments10:32
mparilloWe have been slashdotted10:32
Riddellmparillo: ooh? 10:37
Riddellslashdot isn't what it once was10:37
Riddellbut I do like this slashdot comment10:37
Riddell"My cows are from France.10:37
RiddellThey go "Moi".10:37
RiddellThey are very self centered..."10:37
Riddellmparillo: maybe lwn too if it gains and comments http://lwn.net/Articles/652439/10:42
ari-tczewcan you check if those changes are important for kubuntu-dev? I'm not sure if I can drop it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11941322/11:05
BluesKajHiyas all11:09
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest36220
soee_ahoneybun: ping12:20
soee_valorie: ping12:30
=== soee_ is now known as soee
soeeguys whoever want slack invite please send me your email, maybe tommorow i find some time to configure auto invites12:39
ari-tczewsoee: do not being to be sexist :P12:40
santa_Riddell: I have rebuilt libqapt here (both plain wily and wily + silo 16) apparently it builds fine, don't know yet why the in the wily upload ftbfs12:57
soeei have configured slack team to allow to join anyone who has email under domain kubuntu.org13:04
QuintasanSince when are we using slack?13:06
soeewe don't13:08
ahoneybunsoee: pong13:10
soeeahoneybun: you should be able to join slack uing your @kubuntu.org e-mail or if you want to use different i can send you an invitation13:11
ahoneybunthank you soee!13:11
yofel_is it something we want to use?13:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ahoneybunI'm good with that13:11
soeeyofel: no idea, but for example Neos cms community uses is and its cool that is why i decided to try it for kubuntu13:12
soeethis is nothing official13:12
soeejust some tests13:12
mparillosoee: my gmail user name is maparillo13:22
soeemparillo: want an invite ?13:22
mparilloIf that is how we communicate, yes please.13:24
soeemparillo: this is not how "we communicate" :) 13:24
soeethis is just a test 13:24
mparilloOK, well, I can try to help with testing also.13:25
soeemparillo: chekc gmail 13:25
BluesKajwhat's wrong with irc ? :-)13:28
soeenothing ;)13:30
BluesKaji guess slack has it's virtues, but do we really need them 13:30
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mparilloBluesKaj: My complaint with IRC is that some channels are not logged, so I feel I need to keep my laptop running all the time or I have to figure out a bouncer to see what I missed. And if it is something that was said a week or so ago, then I am searching archives (inefficiently). What is nice about IRC is its low barrier to entry, so somebody can just pop in here and volunteer..13:59
yofelright, the missing history is the big downside compared to many other conversation protocols. Which is why I don't really know anybody that still uses it outside of the linux world. With other people I usually talk over Jabber, Skype or Hangouts14:01
MichaelPif goal for kubuntu 15.10 is plasma 5.4 why build it with same version as 15.04 ?14:01
yofelsame version of what? plasma?14:01
BluesKajmparillo,  I have a bouncer for you and they're on freenode Server: orion.trekweb.org Port: 5709, use SSL14:02
MichaelPthey both 5.214:02
yofelno, wily is on 5.3.214:03
yofel5.4 isn't out yet I think?14:03
* Riddell blogs http://jriddell.org/2015/07/26/plasma-mobile-images-by-kubuntu/14:03
BluesKajmparillo,  or rather they have a chat on freenode #trekweb i think14:03
santa_Riddell: hey, I know what's wrong with libqapt and gstreamer14:03
Riddellsanta_: ooh well done14:03
Riddellmparillo: tried quassel?14:04
MichaelPi always thought you built from beta versions14:04
BluesKajmparillo,  aka #LayerBNC14:04
santa_Riddell: but I don't have a patch; the problem is that the gst/config.h file was moved14:04
santa_-rw-r--r-- root/root      4487 2015-06-24 22:50 ./usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/include/gst/gstconfig.h14:04
santa_↑ from debian's buildd14:05
santa_it was previously on /usr/include/gstreamer-1.0 I presume14:05
yofelMichaelP: we take whatever is available, which currently is 5.3.2 as there isn't even a 5.4 beta yet14:06
santa_Riddell: so I guess the thing to do is patching cmake/modules/FindGStreamer.cmake from libqapt to find gstconfig.h in its new location14:07
MichaelPyofel: ohh ok... 5.4 suppose to be augest 20th am i right14:07
yofelright, if I got the correct schedule, beta should be out 11th14:08
MichaelPohh ok14:08
MichaelPguess that the onething i like about arch... already 5.3.2... Qt 5.514:09
MichaelPis dolphin needing kde4 as a dep14:10
yofelthe current (15.04) version does I believe, the next version should be qt514:11
MichaelPi know with arck.. kdebase-dolphin witch brings in some of kde4 and kdeutils-ark brings in kde414:12
MichaelParch not arck14:13
MichaelPi noticed when i booted live usb of 15.10... the power settings was dead... like in the beginning of plasma514:14
MichaelPThink i'll install it... Give it a shot14:16
Riddellmparillo: http://lamiradadelreplicante.com/2015/07/25/kde-lanza-su-plataforma-para-moviles-plasma-mobile/14:20
Ryoma721i have kubuntu 15.04, after suspend screen i cant write password15:42
Ryoma721but works ctrl+alt+F215:42
yofelRyoma721: #kubuntu for support please15:42
Ryoma721the other day I was told to come here15:43
BluesKajRyoma721,  that's because you had a devel type question16:09
BluesKajthis question is not16:09
DarkwingI think I just hit a particular nasty bug with Muon Update18:27
DarkwingI'll be filling out a bug report but, I wanted to check if there was something I'm missing18:28
DarkwingI have my system encrypted. Using muon update for system updates hangs at configuration because of the decrypting thing.18:29
DarkwingAnyone else seen this?18:29
yofelhm, I guess I could try this on my other notebook where I'm using full system encryption.. but the package manager shouldn't care about cryptfs if the volume is open..18:34
yofelunless it's an issue with a package related to that maybe..18:35
yofelat what point does it hang?18:35
DarkwingConfiguring systemd18:35
DarkwingBeen there for 15 minutes.18:36
DarkwingNeed to run to the store so I'll check when I get back18:36
yofelmaybe check the dpkg term.log (/varlog/apt/term.log), that might tell you where exactly it's stuck18:37
yofelor figure out what exactly it's running (or trying to) with pstree18:38
Darkwingyofel: https://paste.kde.org/p3bwfawhy18:51
Darkwingnot finding /varlog18:51
Darkwingor /var/log18:51
Darkwingnow it just showed up.18:53
Darkwingyofel: dpkg.log https://paste.kde.org/plzitw6aa18:56
yofeldon't we have someking of GUI handler for that o.O?18:56
DarkwingI thought there was 18:57
yofelyeah, the only thing we have with that name is systemd-tty-ask-password-agent, but that should not be tty which can't possibly work here18:59
Darkwingdo you want me to fine a bug request for it?19:00
yofelyes, the question is against what..19:02
yofelthere is systemd-ui, but that only has /usr/bin/systemd-gnome-ask-password-agent19:02
yofelmaybe file a bug against kubuntu-meta, we're missing something here (which might not even exist yet)19:05
Darkwingyofel: term.log although we already identified the issue... sorta. https://paste.kde.org/p67aliis419:05
DarkwingI'll be back in a half hour or so.19:05
yofelyeah, it's hanging asking for a password on a terminal that doesn't exist..19:06
DarkwingWasn't there an option once to view the terminal output?19:07
Darkwingor, is that in Unity19:07
DarkwingWife runs unity so, I think I'm confusing the upgrade processes.19:07
yofeldunno if there was..19:07
DarkwingI remember clikcing on View Output and putting her password there.19:08
yofelsynaptic had it IIRC19:08
DarkwingI'll be back at my laptop in a few.19:09
yofelgit-buildpackage: command not found19:38
yofeldid they seriously rename that into 'gbp buildpackage' ?!?19:38
ScottKthey did19:42
DarkwingI'm back19:56
Darkwingyofel: did we figure out what to report this against?19:57
yofelDarkwing: no, I would say file it against kubuntu-meta and send a mail to the ML, maybe the others know something20:05
Darkwingcups upgrades also request for cryptswap120:09
DarkwingThis is interesting.20:12
Darkwingyofel: to make things more fun, it's not a one password to rule them all20:12
DarkwingEvery time systemd plants the request it asks for a password20:13
Darkwingrunning in konsole20:14
DarkwingI just "decrypted" it 10 times20:15
DarkwingI'll draft a post to the devel ML20:18
ahoneybunScottK: don't know what?20:19
ScottKWhat "You can cutegram aseman.co/en/products/cutegram" means.20:20
ahoneybuninstall Cutegram20:20
ahoneybunwritten in QML and QT20:20
ScottKNot in the archive though.20:21
ahoneybunyea need the deb20:22
ahoneybunfrom that site20:22
ScottKWell, I don't typically install binaries from third party sources.20:23
ahoneybunnot sure of one in the repos20:23
soeesgclark: would you be interested to add small jenkins configuration to https://build.kde.org/ so the builds will be reported on slack ?22:04
sgclarksoee: umm23:19
sgclarksoee: no clue how to implement that. And slightly unrelated to Kubuntu?23:19
soeesgclark: isn't it related as its Plasma stuff etc ? (implementation is very easy)23:20
sgclarkI think Kubuntu CI would be more useful tbh23:21
soeethere is Kubuntu CI ?23:21
soeei though it is the same23:21
soeesgclark: ah i see now, ok if you could spend few minutes and have access to installing plugin in jenkins than add 10 lines of configuration it would be all to add notifications to slack23:40

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