
greenrideI setup one maas cluster, which has 1 node. I have a total of two machines. I turned on PXE-boot and wake-on-lan in the BIOS for that node.When I select commission selected nodes, I get the error message: "The action 'commission selected nodes' could not be performed on 1 node because its state does not allow that action."00:32
greenrideHow should I diagnose this problem?00:33
greenrideI tested that the following two commands wakeup the node: 'sudo etherwake <my_mac>' and 'wakeonlan <my_mac>'. However, selecting commission does not wakeup the node.00:44
h0merdid you install etherwake?00:47
h0merapt-get install etherwake00:47
greenrideh0mer: I installed both wakeonlan and etherwake.00:47
greenridewakeonlan works from both my laptop and the maas controller server.00:49
greenrideetherwake works from my laptop but not the maas controller server.00:49
h0merif you machine on a different subnet?00:50
greenrideI get the error message: 'SIOCGIFHWADDR on eth0 failed: No such device'00:50
greenrideBoth the laptop and maas controller node are on the same subnet: 192.168.3.xxx.00:51
greenrideBoth using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. One is desktop and other is server.00:52
greenrideMaybe I should ask on Ubuntu about the etherwake before proceeding with the commissioning of nodes. If both etherwake and wakeonlan are available on the maas controller server, which does it attempt to use?00:55
h0merreboot the maas node00:58
h0merit uses one or the other00:58
h0merthe script in the /etc/maas templates directory checks to see wheich one you have installed00:58
h0merif you have both, i think it uses etherwake first00:59
lathiatone thing i had to do greenride was manually set the mac for wakeonlan on each ndoe01:13
lathiatit wouldn't pick it up from its general info01:13
lathiatnot sure if that helps01:13
greenridelathiat: 'sudo etherwake <my_mac>' works perfectly from my laptop, but it doesn't work from the mass controller server. So, the target machine is setup properly. So is my laptop. It's the maas controller box that has a problem.01:20
h0merafter installing etherwake/wakeonlan, i had to reconfigure maas01:21
h0merbasically bring it down and back up01:21
h0mer(i rebooted the node)01:21
h0merand my hp machiens with wol worked after that01:21
lathiatgreenride: i mean within the maas config01:24
lathiatgreenride: but if "sudo etherwake" (literally) doesn't work, then yeah01:25
lathiati also had problems with it working over a vlan interface01:25
lathiatso i had to stop making my maas vlan an ethernet trunk01:25
lathiati suspect that was a switch issue but i didn't verify that fully01:25
h0merif maas is on another subnet, then you'd need to add the subnet prefix to the etherwake/wakeonlan config01:28
h0mergreenride: can you do a wol or etherwake from the maas node to wake up your machine?01:35
greenrideh0mer: laptop ip:, router:, maas controller:, maas node:
h0mercan you use wol or etherwake from the maas controller (command line) to turn on the machine?01:57
greenrideh0mer: wakeonlan <mass_node_mac_address> from the maas controller command line works.01:58
h0merbut maas can't wake up the machine from the gui?01:58
greenrideh0mer: 'sudo etherwake <mass_node_mac_address>' does not work.01:59
greenrideh0mer: That's right. From the GUI, it does not wakeup the maas node.01:59
h0meris wake on lan installed in the /usr/sbin directory?02:03
h0meri mean /usr/bin02:03
greenrideThat's correct. wakeonlan is in /usr/bin. etherwake is in /usr/sbin.02:03
h0meryou've rebooted maas?02:04
h0meror the maas node02:04
h0merthat is?02:04
greenrideThe maas node is in the power off state when the command is executed. I've tried this multiple times from the different machines/different commands.02:05
h0merno i mean reboot the machine maas is on02:05
greenrideThe maas controller node?02:05
greenrideLet me try that.02:05
h0merand then when maas comes back up, delete the node in the maas gui02:06
h0merand re-add it using wol credentials02:06
h0meri mean wol mac address02:06
greenrideBefore deleting, should I try the etherwake command?02:06
h0meryou mean from cli?02:07
h0meri thoguht you said that worked?02:07
greenrideh0mer: wakeonlan <mac_address> works. sudo etherwake <mac_address> does not.02:08
h0mershouldn't matter, just looked at the template script and WOL is used first, then etherwake02:08
greenrideone command works from the maas controller node. The other command does not work from the maas controller node.02:08
greenrideFrom my laptop, both commands work.02:09
greenrideThen, let me delete and re-add the node.02:09
h0meras in okay.02:10
greenrideUnderstood the 'roger'... the abbreviation I didn't. :)02:10
h0merand btw do you have two nic's connected on the maas controlelr node?02:12
greenrideNo. Only one nic.02:13
h0meralright, the only other thing i can think of is a tcp/udp issue.  I know wol uses tcp and i think etherwake uses udp02:14
greenrideBy the way, it worked this time. After adding the node, status became 'Commissioning' and it booted.02:14
greenridedhcp didn't work. But, the boot part did.02:14
h0merlast time i had this issue, i just rebooted the maas controller node after installing etherwake02:14
h0merwhats the dhcp stuff you're talkinga bout?02:15
greenrideAfter the wake on lan, the maas node tries to get an ip address using DHCP. That fails.02:16
greenrideIn the PXEBoot process.02:16
h0merbut the wol/etherwake stuff works now right?02:17
greenrideYes, it does.02:17
greenrideThanks for your help.02:17
h0meralright, is maas now setup to manage the DHCP and DNS on you network?02:18
greenrideDeleting the node and re-adding it did the trick.02:18
greenrideh0mer: No. The DHCP is done through the router. The router runs OpenWRT.02:18
h0merdid you set up the network in maas to point to the router?02:19
greenrideThe OpenWRT router has dnsmasq.02:19
greenrideh0mer: No. I didn't02:19
h0merand it's set to pxelinux.0 and then points to the maas controller node?02:19
h0mergoto the networks tab and configure the gateway and router ip to point to the DHCP server (in maas)02:19
greenrideNo, the only thing I did was add 'next-server <maas_controller_ip>' to the dnsmasq section of /etc/config/dhcp on the OpenWRT router.02:20
h0meroh the stuff i told you earlier?02:20
h0mergot it02:20
h0merid need to see how you set up the network in maas02:21
h0meris it managed or unmanaged?02:21
greenrideNo networks are defined.02:22
h0merthe networks tab shows no networks?02:22
greenrideThat's my problem I believe. :)02:22
h0mergoto the maas controller and type 'ifconfig'02:22
h0merdoes it show eth0 or eth1 or something along those lines?02:23
greenrideIt shows lo and p4p1. p4p1 is assigned the ipv4 address
h0meris this a vm?02:24
greenridePhysical box.02:24
h0mergoto the networks tab and add a network02:24
h0merset the gateway and dns server to your dhcp server ip02:26
h0merthen goto clusters tab02:27
h0merand then add an interface02:27
h0merp4p1 or whatever02:27
h0merdo the same thing, but set it as "unmanaged"02:27
h0merset everything up to the router IP02:27
h0merand then leave all the dhcp/staic fields empty02:27
h0merthen delete your node from maas and re-enlist it02:28
greenrideIn the network tab for 'add a network', only fields for name, description, ip, netmask, vlan tag, and connected network interface cards exist.02:28
greenrideThere is no field for gateway or dns server.02:29
h0mertheres no field that says "default gateway" or "dns servers'?02:30
h0merwhat version of maas are you running?02:30
h0mer(it's on the bottom of the page)02:30
greenrideThe version that installs by default with Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.02:31
h0merwhat does it say on the bottom of the maas page?02:31
greenride© 2012 Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu and Canonical are registered           trademarks of Canonical Ltd.           View Documentation02:32
h0mersounds like a pretty old version02:32
h0mercan you answer your pm?02:33
greenrideanswer your pm?02:33
greenrideWhat do you mean?02:33
greenrideI'm trying to find the version.02:33
h0merdo you not see a pm from me?02:33
greenrideh0mer: I got maas fully installed. I'm playing around with it. Thanks for your help.07:31
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haripriyaI am facing an issue, Installed MAAS in a vagrant box using virtual box as provider. On accessing the web UI, I can see only the nodes links and no images/ cluster links are available. I tried the sudo maas-import-pxe-files but still the issue persists09:18
haripriyaThe nodes created were all stuck in commissioning status. Can anyone help me? A09:18
h0mer@haripriya: not sure I understand your issue.  Is the gui not resolving the links for the pages, or are you having a commissioning problem? or both?09:48
haripriyaI am having both the issues09:55
haripriyagui is showing only the nodes link09:55
haripriyaand after adding nodes, they will stuck in commisioning status09:56
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greenrideh0mer: Thanks for your help yesterday. I got maas up and running.22:59
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