
LinDolhi all01:04
LinDolkungr, hello. good afternoon ;)01:06
LinDolhaha What is your time? Korea is 10 a.m01:12
kungrOh no, I'm not falling for that one01:12
LinDolwow. :) Have a great dinner.01:14
LinDol"What is 'tom' mean?", "What 'tom' is mean?", "What is mean 'tom?",02:14
LinDolWhat is correctly sentence?02:14
manokaraThe three are wrong :v05:17
ricotzdarkxst, hi, https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging/+sourcepub/5258491/+listing-archive-extra ?05:24
darkxstoh crap, that should have been wily05:35
darkxstbut doesnt matter I suppose vivid can have the new backgrounds05:36
darkxstwill likely ship them with 3.16 in wily also05:37
darkxstricotz, ^05:38
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Noskcajdarkxst, do we want glade 3.19 in staging?21:38
darkxstNoskcaj, sure, any of the 3.17 stuff is fine to upload now23:00

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