
justCarakascan anybody help me with the "no network" bug on nexus 4 (mako) ?09:43
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vthompsonIf I'm trying to install stuff from a silo but am running into issues with the "/" partition becoming full (2 GB being used) is there a quick and (not) dirty way to free up space so that I can continue doing the upgrade?17:27
vthompsonFor my above issue, I'm just selectively removing packages in hopes that I don't break anything.... yipeeeeeee!17:58
YayHello! I can't delete bookmark21:27
matv1In the browser you mean?21:29
matv1I think you can.21:29
YayYes in browser on specific bookmark I have issue on delete21:30
YayCan I manually do it with file manager?21:31
matv1I am not sure what you mean. A bookmark in the browser is a star at the end of the adress bar. It can be highlited or un-highlighted21:33
matv1opening a new tab will show which urls are bookmarked21:34
YayI was edited a URL and bookmarked it but it direct to a subfolder and wont deleted21:36
jfredtrying ubuntu touch on an actual phone for the first time \o/21:43
matv1jfred yeahh :)21:43
matv1which phone?21:44
jfrednexus 421:44
matv1cool there do still run pretty good21:44
jfredI now have two working phones so I can experiment with one while using the other21:44
matv1I prefer them still to the BQ21:44
jfredin case the experimental one breaks :P21:44
matv1same here!21:45
matv1you have 2 nexuses?21:45
jfrednope, the other is a nokia n90021:45
matv1ah but thats not running Ubuntu I guess21:45
jfredright, it's running maemo21:45
jfredI've been running sailfish on my nexus 4, but I figured I'd give ubuntu a try21:46
matv1cool hope you enjoy!21:46
ziggaii wana install ubuntu on nokia lumia22:05
k1larent the lumia devices locked on the bootloader side  anyway?22:05
k1lbut the ubuntu needs at least working android  drivers. i doubt that there exist such drivers for linux for that devices22:06
AbuDharwhen will we see a stable version of Ubuntu Touch?22:24
tathhudepends on what you mean by stable :P22:25
AbuDhar:P good question.22:25
matv1AbuDhar we have a stable version. It is just not aimed at general public yet22:25
AbuDharwhen will it be aimed at general public?22:26
AbuDharlooking at a review of the Aquaris E4.522:26
matv1;P good question.22:26
AbuDharbut the developers are serious about this OS I think.22:26
tathhuwhen its readyTM?:D22:27
AbuDharwill it be a serious contender to the Android and iOS?22:28
AbuDharto Android*22:28
AbuDharI mean, is that the goal?22:29
matv1AbuDhar yes22:29
matv1with the added advantages of convergence22:29
matv1convergence is key in the longer run22:30
matv1AbuDhar yes :)22:35
AbuDhardo you need devs?22:35
matv1are you one?22:36
AbuDharnot 100%.22:37
AbuDharI don't feel like one but I would like to develop my skills and help out.22:37
matv1everyone can help!22:37
matv1have you tried installing the SDK?22:37
matv1its really first class22:38
AbuDharmatv1, I will later.22:39
matv1awsum. hope you like it22:40
AbuDharI want to develop apps for the OS.22:43
matv1any ideas specifically? or do you want to help out on maintaining and expanding existing apps?22:45
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AbuDharwhich language are the apps written in?22:46
matv1native ones are mostly qt/qml22:47
matv1but webapps html5 are also very powerfull22:47
matv1if you wanna go deep you can do full c++ as well :)22:48
matv1qt qml can run full javascript inside it22:48
matv1qml is basically the interface part and javascript the actual worker for native apps22:49
matv1have you ever used any of these languages ?22:50
AbuDharyeah.. javascript, html5 :)22:52
AbuDharand a bit qt22:52
matv1awsum :)22:52
jfredWishing the built-in messaging client supported XMPP, and spotted this in the messaging app code: "// FIXME: soon it will be more than just SIM cards, update the dialog accordingly"22:55
jfredthat looks promising :D22:55
AbuDharlooking forward to the future of Ubuntu Touch.22:55
jfredindeed :)22:56
matv1although I am not sure that the core messaging app will be extended to xmpp22:58
jfredthe backend it uses already does, so hopefully they're just making it a more generic frontend22:58
jfredbecause that's really all it needs22:58
matv1ok didnt know that :)  that is cool!22:59
jfredyup, it uses telepathy, and telepathy-gabble is the XMPP connection manager23:01
AbuDharcan't I use the ionic framework to build apps for Touch? :D23:01
matv1I am not sure. I am not actually much of a coder myself. Ionic I have not used23:03
* matv1 is looking at ionic and likes what he sees23:07
matv1hmm ionic seems to be a sort of overlay for cordova if i understand it correctly right23:10
matv1cordova apps are supported through the sdk23:10
AbuDharnice :)23:11
AbuDhargood night for now.23:12
matv1same :)23:12
jfredalso relevant, telepathy has support for both XMPP and SIP audio calls, and video calls for XMPP23:15
jfredthough that would need work to integrate with the UI as well23:16
mariogripahoneybun: (ahoneybun_) got new design at ubports.com, gonna make uni (where all pages have the the same design (not on wiki))23:21
jfredhmmm not sure what I think about the centralized push notifications23:34
matv1jfred how else would you want the os to integrate apps notifications?23:36
matv1what don't you like about it?23:38
jfredeither a system for subscribing to notifications from the service directly, or encrypted with a device-specific key23:39
jfredI don't like that the push notification server can see the contents of all notifications it's handling23:39
jfredfor example, if you were using an instant messenger and put the message contents in notifications, the push server could read all your messages23:39
jfredit's also a single point of failure for push notifications; if the server (or servers, presumably) goes down, no notifications for anyone23:41

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