
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:54
MartijnVdS hey brobostigon10:00
brobostigonhi MartijnVdS10:02
beilbyjust taken just taken OSMC image from 4GB SD to 16GB SD it boots & works, is there a way to resize from Ubuntu to enable me to use all of the 16GB card please?10:09
MartijnVdSbeilby: there probably is, what's OSMC?10:09
beilbyraspberry pi distro10:10
MartijnVdSbeilby: if you plug the SD into an Ubuntu machine, you can resize/move the partition(s) using the "gnome-disks" or "gparted" tools10:10
MartijnVdS(I prefer gparted myself)10:10
brobostigonif memory serves, with raspbian for the pi, there was a tool built into it, to resize itself.10:12
beilbyyes, I am looking for that too, stuggling though10:14
beilbyI guess I want to10:20
beilbyosmc@osmc:~$ df -h10:20
beilbyFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:20
beilby/dev/root       3.4G  819M  2.4G  26% /10:20
beilbydevtmpfs         63M     0   63M   0% /dev10:20
beilbytmpfs            67M     0   67M   0% /dev/shm10:20
beilbytmpfs            67M  4.4M   62M   7% /run10:20
beilbytmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock10:20
beilbytmpfs            67M     0   67M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup10:20
beilby/dev/mmcblk0p1  240M   16M  224M   7% /boot10:20
beilbytmpfs            14M     0   14M   0% /run/user/100010:21
beilbydev/root 3.4GB10:21
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beilbyresize2fs is there10:22
* penguin42 is glad he went for a nice walk yesterday - it's cold and horrid today14:27
Laneytoday and the rest of the week :(14:31
zmoylan-piit's summer, of course it's miserable outside :-)14:33
knightwisejust started to rain outside. Not considering this "summer" :)14:38
TwistedLucidityI can't wait to be sat in the queue to Folkstone whilst the rain lashes down. With two dogs. Who will probably be desperate for the lav....14:50
NokajiAny recommendations on blu ray media and best prices, I need a few rewritable and some write_once. I'm new to the BR market so any other advice such as buy verbatim or avoid LTH also welcome.15:15
* penguin42 turns the heating up and switches gas tarrif15:28
* zmoylan-pi wonders if if it might be cheaper to announce on social media that you are looking for cheaper gas, wait for all the bumpf to arrive through letterbox and burn it to keep warm... :-)16:11
penguin42haha possible16:12
zmoylan-pimaybe mention planning a big order for marshmallows for local scout groups for a few free bags of marshmallows to toast over the free fire... :-p16:14
TwistedLuciditySorting home insurance. Such a total PITA.16:20
zmoylan-picheaper to install a scorpion/crocodile pit :-)16:36
ginghas anyone ever used a cd as an apt source after install on 14.04 or newer ?18:27
penguin42no, but it should be possible, normally it leaves a commented out thing in the /etc/apt/sources.list18:34
gingonly trouble is i still can't get it to work, since 14.04 the default mountpoint for cds is /media/$user/ it used to be /media/ which seems to be where apt still expects it to be18:40
gingi filed a bug 6 months ago but i don't seem to be able to convince anyone that this is a real problem18:42
lubotu3bug 6 in Launchpad itself ""next 10 entries" at bottom of page" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/618:42
penguin42but then how is apt supposed to know which user will present the CD18:42
penguin42ging: What is the line you have in /etc/apt/sources.list for cdrom?18:42
penguin42ging: But I have to agree that my /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00CDMountPoint still points to /media/cdrom18:44
gingpenguin42: there is nothing there currently i cleaned it all out and tried to add it via the software centre and you just don't seem to be able to do it unless you hack fstab and force it to mount to /media instead18:45
penguin42ging:    http://paste.ubuntu.com/11943567/18:47
penguin42ging: Looks like you can specify the path18:47
penguin42ging: Or use the apt-cdrom command to do it18:48
gingwhen i tried it before i was able to add it by specifying the path, but when it ccame to trying installing a package from it it went back to expecting to find it at the default mount point18:49
gingi don't understand how it's not an issue which as got more attention, because it doesn't seem to be an obscure set of hardware or config which causes it, it seem to be an issue on any machine18:55
diddledanging: it's not a common thing to do18:56
diddledanmost computers are connected to the net so installing direct from the mirror is standard practice18:57
penguin42it's not unheard of though18:57
diddledanno, but if you're futsing around trying to get packages installed in an offline-only scenario then you can usually figure out how to install the deb packages manually18:58
penguin42mind you there's a guy on #ubuntu-offtopic who just installed an ancient thinkpad using a thumb drive over USB-1.1 - ouch18:58
diddledanthe answer is to just plug the thing into the net18:59
penguin42yeh that's what I said19:00
gingi need to distribute some packages offline, and having to have a work around for people to be able to use the cds is something of a pain19:01
diddledanwhy not use apt-mirror?19:02
diddledando you _really_ _need_ to distribute packages offline?19:02
* penguin42 can see he might need to19:03
penguin42I've come across machines with some broadcom ether which you need to install stuff before the net will wake up19:03
diddledanyeah but in those cases you don't do it via apt19:03
diddledanyou download the single package you need and install it with dpkg19:03
d3ngarHi there, I'm experiencing a strange issue: when I plug in my USB network adapter I do not resolve host names anymore. Any ideas why that is?19:04
diddledand3ngar: you'll have to be more specific I think19:04
diddledand3ngar: what do you do, what do you expect, what really happens?19:04
d3ngardiddledan: mmm, what can I say: I can still browse with IP addresses19:04
d3ngarI have a USB network adapter for my laptop, it doesn't have a normal ethernet card - only WiFi19:05
d3ngarAnd so to use a wired connection, I use this USB ethernet adapter.19:05
d3ngarIt connects fine, identifies the device and all that, but it just won't resolve host names.19:05
diddledanok. when you use wireless you can connect using hostnames?19:06
penguin42d3ngar: and where did you plug the ethernet cable in?19:06
d3ngarIn my home router. It's one of those Sky things19:06
d3ngarBut to be honest,the issue came up at work first19:06
d3ngarThere it was some other router19:06
d3ngarSame problem though19:07
penguin42d3ngar: What happens if you switch wireless off, and then plug the ethernet in?19:07
d3ngarSame thing19:07
d3ngarActually, I only disconnected the WiFi19:07
d3ngarDidn't completely switch it off19:07
diddledanhave you perhaps toggled the thingy in network-manager that tells it not to use your dhcp-supplied dns config or perhaps set a static dns config?19:07
d3ngarJust checked: no19:08
d3ngarIt's pretty much left as it was from the installation19:08
d3ngarAnd the issue just suddenly appeared19:09
d3ngarWhat's really bizzare to me is that I can still browse the internet using IP addresses19:09
penguin42not bizarre if DNS is broken19:09
d3ngarSo it has t oahve something to do with how the DNS settings are refreshed19:09
d3ngarBizarre even (or not so)19:10
gingi used to have a problem with openvpn breaking resolvconf i suspect it is a similar thing19:12
d3ngarIsn't resolvconf meant to refresh when I plug the cable in?19:12
gingmeant to, but things seem to go wrong with it19:14
d3ngarCan I trigger that manually?19:14
gingit's quite hard to do manually first i'd check that resolv.conf is still symlink and hasn't been overwriten with a file19:15
d3ngarIt is still a symlink19:16
gingthat was the problem i had, all the fiddling with resolvconf was doing nothing19:16
gingis the namesever in the file localhost or something else?19:17
d3ngaryes, well
d3ngarAt the moment, at leasr19:17
d3ngarI'm using the WLAN19:18
penguin42but that's ok, ubuntu normally sets up a local DNS cache thing19:18
d3ngarI have also noticed that I cannot ifdown or ifup. It keeps saying that it's not configured19:18
d3ngarEither interface19:18
* penguin42 is expecting nm is managing it19:19
d3ngarAlbeit they are definitely configured and working19:19
d3ngarSeems like I'm out again19:22
d3ngarMore strange, I tried the cable again to see what might happen19:22
d3ngarto the resolve.conf. I stayed connected, but then after 1 minute it dropped.19:23
daftykinsi purge resolvconf and just edit the file by hand to avoid drama19:24
gingusing vi or a magnetized needle and a steady hand?19:28
zmoylan-pibutterflies or nothing!! :-)19:29
daftykinswell, nano19:29
daftykinsi don't see the sense in text editors you have to learn :P19:29
* zmoylan-pi wonders what text editor daftykins was reared on without learning...19:31
gingyou still have to learn most of the shortcut in nano, it's just a bit easier to figure out how to do simple edits19:31
penguin42ging: The first 5-10 years of vi is the worst, after that you get to like it.19:31
daftykinsnow you're just being facetious.19:31
* penguin42 is on about his 27th year of vi I think19:32
gingi seem to have to constantly switch between vi and nano because there are things i know how to do in vi and not nano but nano is eaiser for most other things19:32
penguin42ging: Here, have a simple summary of vi I wrote ages ago; http://www.treblig.org/talks/vitalk/index.html19:33
penguin42there are others available19:33
gingcan you write one for nano too?19:34
penguin42no, if you need a summary for nano you're beyond help19:34
diddledanergh, I hate that - it would seem that the dns information is only available via dbus with a network-manager interface19:41
diddledanI don't know, then, how to get at it19:41
diddledanit _used_ to be saved in /var/run or /run19:41
diddledannow it seems it's config-fileless19:41
diddledanI miss the days when everything was a transparent config file away. now it's all via opaque services talking to each other with no way of knowing what they're up to19:43
gingthey are sending all your internets to amazon19:43
penguin42diddledan: Yay for SunOS4 days :-)19:45
gingit's all so you can't see that your local machine has be replaced wit ha dumb terminal and everything is going on in the amazon cloud and everything you do is being watched so they know when you are most vulnerable to targetted adverts19:46
diddledanI get the idea behind it is for things to "just work" but it makes it completely impossible to diagnose when it doesn't "just work"19:46
diddledanamazon don't advertise19:47
penguin42maybe /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf ?19:47
diddledanyou're thinking of google19:47
gingfor chromebooks it's google for ubuntu it's amazon19:47
* penguin42 thinks ging is referring to the search term thing19:48
diddledanpenguin42: nope that's the resolv.conf used to point the nss to look at where there should be a dnsmasq listening - I'm looking for the dnsmasq config to ask d3ngar to pastebin but it doesn't exist19:48
gingnetwork manage does it or something19:49
penguin42ah, yeh I've got dnsmasq disabled on this box19:49
diddledanpenguin42: I'm thinking there's a discrepency between his two network configurations for dns19:50
diddledanbut I can't prove it without no files19:50
penguin42right, time to disappear - back to work tomorrow19:51
d3ngarIn the end it started to work! By itself no less...20:11
d3ngarI wonder for how long or why it wasn't working before20:11
=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
daftykinsMyrtti: bit funked up there.22:51
m0nkey_Myrtti husband is messing with the internet connection again.23:02

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