
Roguehorseshopping for canes .... gonna try the second-hand store tomoorw02:51
akkI got a good deal on a hiking stick/cane on ebay recently, about 1/5 of REI's cheapest option.03:04
akkWorth checking in case you don't find anything you like at the secondhand store.03:05
nhainesI'm the default English voice in UNav, which is basically the only GPS auto navigation solution in the Ubuntu App Store.05:58
RoguehorseI think I'm going to pass on the second hand store today...I don't feel like going anywhere16:37
MichaelPaoliBerkeley Linux Users Group noon-3p @Bobby G's http://berkeleylug.com/meetings/19:07
darthrobotTitle: [Meetings | BerkeleyLUG]19:07
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