
maxihello is there anybody outhere?01:47
maxihello are you there01:53
sunstarwho is 'you'?01:53
maxiim having trouble with updating my ubuntu studio01:53
maxiim from uruguay and you ?01:53
sunstarUSA.  What error are you getting?01:54
maxireally i was trying to install xbmc first but i got error fron ubuntu center software01:55
maxiso i decided to update all the os01:55
maxi and i cant01:55
maxican you help me ?01:55
sunstarcan you explain more.  what error? whats going on?  what exactly is it doing of not doing?01:56
sunstarof = or01:56
maxifirst of all, when i try to install XBMC from ubuntu softwarecenter, i cant. in details i have this:01:58
maxiLos siguientes paquetes tienen dependencias incumplidas:01:59
maxido you understand spanish ?01:59
maxixbmc: Depends: xbmc-bin (>= 2:13.0~git20140506.0839-gotham-0quantal) pero 2:13.0~git20140506.0839-gotham-0quantal no está instalado01:59
sunstarhow are you updateing ubuntu and what does it say?02:00
maxiim going to system->software updates02:01
maxithen it says failed to download info from repository02:01
sunstarwhat version are you running?02:02
sunstarof ubuntu studio*02:02
maxiperhaps is this version of ubuntustudio that I downloaded time ago02:02
sunstar12.04?  14.04?02:03
maxihow do I know from terminal ? Is it a command ?02:03
sunstarthats why.  12.10 is no longer recieving updates.  its best to go with LTS versions. LTS means Long Term Support.   14.04 is the LTS i would recommend as 12.04 will soon be end of life.02:07
maxican I update from this one to 14.04 and so far ? o shall i reinstall ?02:08
sunstari've never tried upgrading 12.10 to 14.04.02:09
maxiok thank you so much02:10
=== chrko_ is now known as chrko
SepLiteHello everyone, since I wasn't getting much help from the main #ubuntu or #pulseaudio channel, sorry for triple-posting(?), I decided to come here. I have a Asus S400CA with a combo port jack, however when I connect a mic to the combo port, it recognizes it as a headphones(output changes to "headphones(plugged in)" and input doesn't change). Could anyone help?19:06
=== sakrecoer-ZzZz is now known as sakrecoer
=== sakrecoer is now known as sakrecoer_
deltjust wondering, when will a VIABLE version of musescore (ie. does not crash when trying to do ANYTHING) will be availble for ubuntu studio?22:20
delt(if ever?)22:21
ObrienDavemusescore 2.0 just came out. i have no issues with it22:24
deltObrienDave: compiled from source, or one of their piece of shit repositories?22:35
delthere == won't compile.22:36
deltyeah, i tried to install their "direct" link, didn't work (no result, nothing installed)... so i tried their ppa, got 2.xx which crashes when you try to do pretty much anything22:39
deltfile->load == crash22:39
deltfile->save == crash22:39
deltoh and btw that VERY USEFUL window that clutters up the main window, and blocks all user operations even if it's not in the foreground...22:40
deltbonus points for UI design :/22:40
ObrienDavewow, anger management issues?22:42
deltbtw wtf kind of link target is "https://musescore.org/apt" for an install package????22:42
deltno more, like a bunch of retarded kiddies should learn to "manage" how to write a usable score software22:43
deltbefore ppl do like me and go back to a real program like finale or sibelius22:44
deltok i've been pissed off enough by this worthless piece of shit excuse for a software. not worth a second more of my time.22:47
* delt looking for old sibelius licence code22:48
deltanyway... bbl22:48
=== Me_ is now known as sunstar

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