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tonyhhello everyone02:07
tonyhDoes anyone use cairo dock?02:09
MichaelPWhy does chromium get along with free ati driver  but with fglrx kwin crash when useing chromium ?02:18
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Smilerutis there any way to have a setup without a DE that still looks nice05:49
Smilerutevery such setup that I've seen looks boring as sin05:49
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lordievaderGood morning.06:55
lordievaderSmilerut: Without a DE? That would be just making it hard for yourself.06:56
aws7The system is too heavy اه07:24
lordievaderaws7: What system?07:25
aws7Intel i3 device Ram 2 g specifications07:26
lordievaderHmm, i3 is not very powerfull. Anyhow what version of Kubuntu are you running?07:26
aws7kubntou 15.0407:29
lordievaderaws7: This guide is for Plasma 4 (you are running Plasma 5), but I suppose many things carry over: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=188903407:29
aws7Thank you07:30
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ChrisAdChocMy monitor Dell U2713h enters power saving mode after Alt+Ctrl+F1...07:56
ChrisAdChocmonitor is connected via DP 1.807:57
ChrisAdChocI suspect that monitor via display port do not support console low resolution.07:58
ChrisAdChocDo you have any experience connected with that?08:00
lordievaderNot really, I am using the U2713hm and that works fine.08:01
lordievaderGranted I am not using Kubuntu.08:01
ChrisAdChoclordievader: Do you connect the display via DP?08:09
ChrisAdChoclordievader: not kubuntu but maybe kde?08:12
akasicblack screen?08:13
ChrisAdChocnope but power saving mode08:13
ChrisAdChocon alt+ctrl+f1...08:13
akasicwhat is the issue? maybe i can help (maybe)08:15
lordievaderChrisAdChoc: Yes, I am running kde.08:16
lordievaderChrisAdChoc: What graphics card and driver do you use?08:20
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ChrisAdChoclordievader: nvidia GTX760 and 352.2108:42
ChrisAdChocbut that problem do not exist on DVI-D interface08:43
lordievaderHmm, does the nVidia driver support modesetting nowadays? Else it could very well be that the resolution is too low.08:43
ChrisAdChocI need to read about modesetting....08:43
ChrisAdChocI need to go for couple of hours.08:44
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BluesKajHey folks10:17
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Ped7ganyone on Plasma5.3.1 from backports PPA to check, if hers is crashing too upon RMB on appicon->Special Window Settings (and application as well) ... I get crash in kdeinit5 each time. Is it just my installation?11:19
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BluesKajPed7g,  no, plasma 5 is still under deveopment and it has to integrate with plsama 4 and some syncs aren't working too well, update and upgrade to get the newest upgrades to your packages11:26
Ped7gBluesKaj: right now it looks like I have up to date 5.3.1 from Kubuntu backports PPA ("0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.")11:29
BluesKajPed7g,  try a dist-upgrade11:30
Ped7gBluesKaj: a day ago the menu did work, can't really recall if I was still on Plasma5.1, but that would make sense. So I would appreciate somebody who has the 5.3.1 packages to see, if they get crash too (as it's two mouse clicks away only)11:31
Ped7gBluesKaj: I'm on Kubuntu 15.04, after dist-upgrade (so nothing more to upgrade)11:32
BluesKajPed7g,  i was on 15.04 , but now I'm testing 15.10, so i can't reproduce your crashes11:32
BluesKajactually 15.10 seems quite stable atm , but it's not meant for a situation the requires a stable OS11:33
Ped7gBluesKaj: I see, thanks for your time anyway. :) I can't go to 15.10, need this desktop at least partially stable, it's my work PC.11:34
BluesKajyeah, I know what you mean , if were up to me 15.04 with plsama 5/KF5 was released much too soon. The deveolpment work wasn't nearly ready for anj official release11:36
Ped7gBluesKaj: so far from my personal problems I think that's understatement. It's not only about Plasma5 being not ready for stable release, but from reading some blogs and bug responses the actual design vision is almost completely going away from my needs and usage patterns. Not sure what to do now, running KDE4 is probably not an (future proof) option. LXDE maybe?11:40
BluesKajPed7g,  in my case i just got fed up with 15.04 and returned to debian jessie as my main OS with kde4 of course11:41
BluesKajPed7g,  but as you LXDE  may be a good alternative too11:42
Ped7gBluesKaj: so you expect the 5 to get up to it over time? I had difficult time already with 4, but toward end I got somewhat used to it, missing only very few things from KDE3.5. So far I don't see the same thing with 5, looks like the basic idea behind the desktop is now diverding too much from my taste.11:43
BluesKajPed7g,  agreed, I'm not sure what the timeline is with plasma 5 becoming fully integrated as a complete desktop11:45
Ped7gI see Plasma 5.3.2 should be out by now. Any idea, when it will hit Kubuntu backports PPA for vivid (15.04)?11:49
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mparilloI know it is available in Wily (15.10).12:24
BluesKajcan't seem to find a source for Plasma 5.3.2, been searching for a while and kubuntu seems to be skirting the where is the source question12:27
BluesKajfor 15.0412:28
lordievaderBluesKaj: Its in the KDE git.12:31
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BluesKajlordievader,  yes I saw that but there's no source deb that can be added12:34
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lordievaderBluesKaj: Download it from their git?12:36
BluesKajit says here that plasma 5.3.2 is in the backports http://linuxpitstop.com/install-or-upgrade-kde-plasma-5-3-2-in-ubuntu/12:38
BluesKajPed7g,  checkout my post above, this site claims 5.3.2 is in the backports already12:40
lordievaderNot sure where they get that from. Lauchpad says Plasma-desktop is still at 5.3.1 for Vivid.12:40
BluesKaj a lot of users don't know what to do when they're directed to git sources ,and git makes the assumption that users know how to use git12:45
Miar Hi I am unable to use the internet even though it detects the wired connection on ubuntu. Any help please?12:47
BluesKajlordievader, the git images i found are old, definitely not plasma 5.3.212:49
Ped7gBluesKaj: the KInfoCenter is telling me 5.3.1... imho that blog is simply wrong.12:51
lordievaderBluesKaj: Source of plasma-desktop v5.3.2: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/workspace/plasma-desktop/repository/show?rev=v5.3.212:51
lordievaderPed7g: It is, 5.3.2 ain't in Launchpad.12:52
BluesKajMicki,  what does this out put?  ,  ip a | grep inet , pastebin the output please12:53
lordievaderPed7g: Part of 5.3.2 seems to be in the Staging ppa though.12:53
BluesKajoh great , another user expecting instant gratification12:53
BluesKajlordievader, yeah i figured that url was faking it, because nowhere else even mentions the obvious backports12:54
lordievaderTheoretically it could be talking about Wily.12:55
Ped7glordievader: I don't expect those things to update in minutes, I was just wondering if somebody has idea how long it may take. Anyway, it will very likely fix very little of my problems with Plasma5 (excet some crashes, I hope), so no sweat. :)12:55
lordievaderPed7g: It won't be this week, the Kubuntu team is at Akademy.12:55
BluesKajPed7g,  sorry for getting your hopes up , I should have realized that url was BS12:56
Ped7gBluesKaj: np. I tried to google for a short while, to see if there's some Plasma5 roadmap, or some design/vision, and I didn't find anything reasonable. The project wiki is more empty, than informative. Where's the design work done, is there some summary web? I would like to verify some of my feelings with some facts. :/12:59
BluesKajPed7g,  as lordievader mentioned ,a lot of the ppl in the know are away in Spain at the Akademy conference13:01
BluesKajPed7g,  i guess it's just not ready enough for 15.04 yet13:05
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yossarianukhttp://linuxpitstop.com/install-or-upgrade-kde-plasma-5-3-2-in-ubuntu/  ->> is just plaijn wrong14:12
yossarianukin vivid at least its 5.3.1 (and has been that for weeks)14:12
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BluesKajyossarianuk, yes we realized that shortly after it was posted , it's a fake14:23
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diego__Hello, I'm looking for help on how to apply a bug solution to my system using GIT.16:16
diego__I have already found the bug but I don't have much experience with GIT, so I was wodering if someone can give me some guidance.16:16
soeediego__: what bug ?16:54
diego__soee: thank you. It16:54
diego__'s number is 34760216:54
diego__soee: It's about the update notification systray icon.16:55
soeediego__: ok but you have fix for it ?16:55
diego__soee: I saw some code that appears to be a fix in the website.16:57
diego__I'm not sure if I should apply it.16:58
soeediego__: i'm not sure, if there is no patch you would have to create one, if there is patch you probanly would have to apply it to sourcees and recompile package16:58
diego__soee: I think there's a patch.  Do you mind guiding to apply it to sources and recompile?16:59
soeediego__: sorry, i'm not familiar with this :/17:00
diego__soee: That's alright.  Thanks though.17:01
soeediego__: you can try asking on #kubuntu-devel or #kde-devel17:02
diego__soee: Cool.  I'll try that.17:02
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ubernoobhi! anyone know how to chance the application launcher icon? used to be right click but its no longer there..18:13
ubernoobalso, curious as to which window manager is used in 15.04, so i can look for themes?18:13
soeewhta if you right click and pick Application Menu Settings ?18:14
ubernoobsoee: it gives me a window with a small list of appearance options but nothing to do with the icon18:14
soeehmm i'm using alternative18:15
soeeApplication Menu not Lanuncher18:15
soeeand here is such option18:15
ubernoobthank you soee.. user error.. i was using launcher18:15
ubernoobyay now I have an oldschool amiga boing ball for a button18:17
vbgunzdoes anyone know why my Kubuntu 14.10 installation refuses to see my Windows 7 installation for a grub entry? I can see and use the Windows installation when I'm in Kubuntu but grub never finds it to add it as an entry to the menu. I have to use the uefi boot key to boot from that disk. How can I get grub to find Windows 7?18:18
soeeoh i'm not familiar with uefi etc.18:19
ubernoobevery time i have done that it has always recognized my other partition with windows18:19
soeevbgunz: maybe worth checking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFIBooting18:20
vbgunzfor me it's always recognized the other disk but that was with bios supported systems. This is my first time really using a uefi system and the first time I've come across this kind of problem18:20
soeei think in mye dell laptop uefi is disabled in bios18:21
vbgunzsoee: hmm, this might be what I need, I feel like I'm onto something, I hope!18:24
vbgunzalright gotta reboot and double check these settings18:27
soeeok tel us how it went18:28
ubernoobi used to have a dektop in 14.04 that had a movable earth with constellations and zoom, wish i could remember where i got it or what animated wallpapers were called?18:33
ubernoobyeah lol.. it was pretty cool.18:36
ubernoobi always set so many up that I end up forgetting how to make it look the same as before18:37
regeditwhen things freeze up, what are the steps to try before losing the session with "systemctl restart sddm" or shutdown -r?18:50
regediti tried ps -ef and top to try and kill some processes, desktop session was still all frozen18:50
regeditalso tried killall plasmashell18:51
nico_Hi  all18:58
BluesKajhey nico_18:58
nico_Can anyone recommend a graphics card that will work out of the box with KDE please ?18:59
nico_Hellooooooooooooooooooo anyone home?19:01
BluesKajnico_, I've had good luck with nvidia19:01
nico_which one in particular?19:01
BluesKajmost of the ir gpus are fine, the ultra highend nvidia cards can be difficult to find open source drivers at times19:02
BluesKajI use an entry level 8400GS, it's cheap and itworks fine , not for gamers tho, fine for HD movies etc19:03
nico_I am only looking for an inexpensive one,it is for an old puter that is OK but it will not boot into any KDE desktop,says GPU lockup,will boot into XFCE or Mate desktop OK19:04
BluesKajnico_, on 15.04?19:05
BluesKajand which gpu is it ?19:05
nico_yes,15.04 Xubuntu,15.04 Ubuntu-Mate,Linux Mint 17.1 and 17.2 with mate or xfce19:06
nico_but not KDE19:06
nico_just wont boot19:06
alkethow to actiave Guest user in 15.04 ?19:06
nico_I am using an Nvidia GE Force G72  7300 SE / 7200 Gs19:07
BluesKajnico_, that's odd, unless the devs have dropped writing drivers for the 7 series cards19:09
nico_I know it is an old card but I will buy another if I am certain it will work19:10
BluesKajnico_, i saw a 8400GS for 30 bucks on amazon a few weeks ago19:10
nico_The MOBO is ECS with 3 gig pentium 4 and 4 gig of ram and an SSD drive so it is not too slow19:11
BluesKajnico_, new in the sense that it wasn't used, but probly been on the shelf for a few yrs19:12
nico_I do not mind used if OK just not worth spending a lot on this puter I have an Intel NUC which has HD 5000 and it will run anything19:14
BluesKajmake sure your mobo can handle PICe cards because that's what most of them are nowadays19:14
nico_yes it will,the MOBO is not that old,maybe 5 or 6 years old19:15
BluesKajright, but a 30-40 buck nvidia card should work19:15
nico_thank you for your help19:15
BluesKajno problem, nico_19:16
nico_thanks again19:16
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ChrisAdHocwho of us works with plasma5 and use colord-kde20:27
ChrisAdHocI am asking because I can't get it to work.20:28
vbgunzsoee: I managed to find and boot from Windows 7 through grub automatically. it looks like I was in legacy mode and that couldn't find Windows 7. Once I added efi support (long winded setup) I can choose bios or uefi and if I chose uefi grub-efi was able to find Windows 7 and make a menu entry for it20:56
vbgunzsoee: thanks for pointing me in the right direction!20:56
Pi^2Hi! I just upgraded to 15.04 and I'm having some problems with system tray icons....currently, the skype system tray icon works, but pidgin, thunderbird, xchat and others don't. They are all set to minimize to system tray when closing, when they just disappear when closing21:07
Pi^2Dropbox is another good example, it's running, but no system tray is visible21:08
keithzgPi^2: Have you checked the tray's settings itself? They might be set to be hidden unless there's activity.21:13
keithzg(sorry I can't be specific with what the options are, at work right now and still running the last LTS here)21:14
Pi^2keithzg, They don't even show up in the system tray settings like Skype and Steam do...I just read a thread however saying that some system tray stuff was changed in this release so these packages need to update to get it working again...trying to find a workaround for now though21:15
keithzgPi^2: Yeah, the underlying technology the tray is using did change. And I guess Pidgin, Thunderbird and XChat are all kindof slow on the development side these days.21:17
Pi^2I am finding that KDocker helps a bit, but I'll need to reprogram my brain to hit minimize instead of escape on those for that to work...and thunderbird seems to freeze the WM when i use kdocker with it21:18
Pi^2Gonna fiddle a bit more and see if I can get it working nicely21:18
keithzgPi^2: Not to try and force you to change what you prefer, but is there any reason why you're using those instead of the KDE alternatives? (KDE Telepathy, KMail, Konversation or Quassel)21:21
keithzgPersonally I've long preferred Konversation or Quassel to XChat, and I like KMail a lot more than Thunderbird---I rather wish it ran nicely on Windows since then I'd have an alternative for the Windows users at work.21:22
Pi^2keithzg, I don't have any good reasons for xchat, it's just what I always used and I would easily switch to an alternative...dropbox has no alternative, but as for pidgin, the reason I stick with it is because of the OTR (off the record) encryption plugin I use21:23
Pi^2and same goes for KMail/Thunderbird, I've just been using Thunderbird for so long, I will look into KMail and try to switch over21:23
keithzgYeah, I don't guarantee you'll prefer them, but I definitely do personally. I think KDE Telepathy has OTR now too? Have never used it myself though so I don't know how intercompatible they are (I'd hope it's seamless and using the same code behind the scenes, but I really have no idea)21:25
Pi^2I'll definitely be looking at the alternatives the next few days, and that would probably fix these issues21:26
Pi^2I'm not super attached to any of these programs, just used to using them is all21:26
keithzgFair enough21:26
Pi^2thankfully clementine system tray icon works as well :D21:27
Tommasoi have a lenovo X1 Carbon bat the HIDPI is very slow21:28
Tommasothere someone that can help me out21:28
* keithzg hasn't experienced problems with HiDPI speed on his Chromebook Pixel (other than in GRUB2), so slinks away21:30
Pi^2I'm liking the new UI in 15.04 though, btw21:35
Pi^2it does really make pidgin look more dated than it used to look21:35
popcaranyone here?21:56
keithzgpopcar: Yes and no ;)21:56
popcarheh, well I got an issue with kubuntu 15.0421:57
popcarwhenever I try to change a password on my account it says "internal program kdepasswd could not be found"21:57
popcarkeithzg what do I do? any way to fix this?21:57
keithzgpopcar: Well, first up the simple stuff, make sure that kdepasswd is indeed installed.21:58
keithzgEasiest way in a terminal would be to run "apt-cache policy kdepasswd"21:59
keithzgOr you can just search for it in Muon.21:59
popcarunable to locate package kdepasswd22:00
popcarright, it's not here, how do I get it22:00
keithzgEither install it via muon, or run "sudo apt install kdepasswd" from the terminal.22:00
popcarsudo is unable to get anything by that name22:01
keithzg"sudo apt update" first, then.22:02
popcardownloading now, should take but a few more seconds22:03
popcaroooor maybe not, keeps grabbing more packages22:03
popcarit's done. says there are 111 packages that can be upgraded22:04
popcarlemme see if the password works now22:04
popcartried to change password again, still can't find kdepasswd22:05
popcarkeithzg I uninstalled the wallet program, maybe that might be why this happened?22:09
keithzgUhh, not likely.22:11
popcarso... what now?22:11
keithzgWell, all you ran was "sudo apt update"?22:11
popcarpretty much, yeah22:11
keithzgI guess it could be because you uninstalled. But regardless you should run "sudo apt full-upgrade", and then "sudo apt install kdepasswd"22:12
popcarsudo apt install kdepasswd worked, thanks!22:14
popcarseems like my problem was a bit amatuerish, I just started linux 2 days ago22:14
popcarthanks keithzg.22:15
keithzgpopcar: No worries!22:15
keithzgGlad to help :)22:15
popcaryou guys are the best ^^22:15
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popcaranyone ere?23:09

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