
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
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mandelsil2100 Good morning!! sooo.. I'm a major pain in the ass, but silo 17, seems to be having issues, it is supposed to be a sync, any idea08:42
anpokhi trainguards - sili011 needs a manual sync of glmark2 and xorg-server08:48
anpokit seems I cannot rebuild those with through the silo ci jenkins!?08:48
sil2100anpok: hey! I can do those :) It was EOD already when mir finished on Friday for me09:01
sil2100anpok: those are not CI Train released projects so they need a manual intervention09:02
anpoksil2100: ha - it never ends09:02
sil2100mandel: hey!09:02
sil2100mandel: give me 5 minutes and I'll look into that :)09:02
mandelsil2100, super, thx09:03
sil2100anpok: yeah, big releaes are always filled with sweat, tears and blood09:03
jameshcihelp: did anything weird happen with the ARM builders over the weekend?  I'm seeing weird ARM-only failures for my branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/thumbnailer/devel-sync-20150725/+merge/26588809:10
psivaajamesh: let me take a look09:11
jameshIt took an unusually long period of time for the autolanding job to pick up the branch too.09:12
jameshpsivaa: thanks.09:12
sil2100anpok: uploading the packages09:19
sil2100anpok: can I just upload both at the same time, or xorg-server is needed to be built first?09:20
psivaajamesh: i see test failures in the likes of 'Error creating thumbnail: ThumbnailExtractor: change_state(): reading async messages: Could not decode stream.'09:22
sil2100mandel: ok, see the problem09:22
marcustomlinsonsil2100: could you please reconsider silo 30, it no longer removes symbols09:22
sil2100marcustomlinson: oh! Of course, could you again re-trigger it as testing pass? :)09:23
marcustomlinsonsil2100: ok :)09:23
sil2100mandel: so, the silo was a PPA sync silo, and now the PPA is empty09:23
mandelsil2100, oh, can we change it to sync from wily?09:23
mandelsil2100, everything is there09:23
sil2100mandel: someone that prepared this request didn't use the 'sync from silo' notation - that one would auto-switch to the main archive if the silo is freed09:23
sil2100mandel: yep09:23
anpoksil2100: no dependencies between those two09:23
sil2100I'll do that quick09:24
psivaajamesh: that 'Could not decode stream.' error appears to be the cause for most of the failures09:24
mandelsil2100, AWESOME, thx09:24
jameshpsivaa: yep.  It is constructing a GStreamer pipeline to read a vorbis or theora file.  There are no code changes in that branch that'd cause this.09:25
sil2100marcustomlinson: perfect for archive release, publishing!09:26
marcustomlinsonsil2100: thanks!09:26
sil2100mandel: reconfigured, you can try re-building content-hub09:26
sil2100mandel: I hope it'll work as I saw the sync code malfunctioning after recent changes ;/09:27
mandelsil2100, ok, I'll let you know09:27
popeysil2100: jibel added music app to bottom of citrain spreadsheet, could someone test pls?09:28
sil2100popey: thanks! Approved request09:29
psivaajamesh: there was a new libgstreamer1.0-0:armhf (v 1.5.2-1) released last night,09:33
jameshpsivaa: thanks.  I'll see if there's any clues there.09:35
psivaajamesh: ack, thanks. I dont think if we have any control over those failures09:36
* jamesh hates platform dependent failures like this.09:37
rvrpopey: Is there a changelog for music-app?09:38
mandelsil2100, so far so good :)09:46
popeyrvr: yes, its in the linked readme10:03
popeyrvr: http://pad.ubuntu.com/MusicAppReadMe10:03
rvrpopey: I see, thanks10:05
popeynp 🙂10:05
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* sil2100 off to lunch11:36
davidbartho/ trainguards, you can also unload silo 040, as oxide 1.8 is released as a stable update using the regular channels this week13:14
sil2100davidbarth: ok!13:14
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sil2100Ok guys, I'm building an OTA-5+ hotfix re-spin for mako - the rc-proposed channel should stay intact14:08
mzanettijibel, hey, I just realized that my silo 35 has an already merged branch14:16
mzanettijibel, looking at the build-log that doesn't seem to be a problem, the merge ends up being a no-op14:16
mzanettiso I'd suggest to leave it as it is. does that work for you?14:17
jibelmzanetti, which branch is it?14:17
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jibelmzanetti, works for me14:18
mzanettijibel, thanks14:18
bregmatrainsguards, is there some kind of black preventing me from getting silos for lines 76, 77, and 78?14:33
rvrboiko: Silo 39 approved14:42
boikorvr: thanks, I will just ask robru to hold the publishing a bit, salem_ thinks one of the changes in there is causing a regression, we are just validating if it is the case14:43
boikotranguards: can you please just hold the publication of silo 39 while salem_ and I confirm if one of the changes in there is causing a regression?14:44
boikorvr: according to salem_'s tests, if you boot the device without any network connectivity (no wifi and no mobile data), the telepathy accounts are kept offline14:45
boikorvr: he will confirm if the silo has anything to do with that14:45
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rvrboiko: Ack14:52
rvrboiko: What do you mean by telepathy accounts?14:54
sil2100wgrant: hey! Did you get my e-mail about translations by any chance? :)15:35
slangasekcharles: hi, can we expect silo 55 to land soon?  (g++4.9 build-deps)  this seems to be a prereq for flipping the switch on Friday15:47
slangasekcharles: looks like the silo is dirty and needs a rebuild at the moment15:47
slangaseksil2100, robru: hmmm I can't find a spreadsheet line for landing-055, does that imply spreadsheet problems again?15:49
robruslangasek: could be, or could be somebody deleted the row15:53
* sil2100 checks for errors15:57
sil2100hm, no new errors15:58
sil2100slangasek: I would suppose someone erased the row by accident15:58
sil2100Or removed the UID field15:58
slangasek"could be someone deleted the row" - how's that bileto transition looking, robru? ;)15:59
sil2100slangasek: looks like it got removed somehow indeed15:59
slangaseksil2100: how can we restore it?  I should be able to tell you the list of mps15:59
sil2100No logging or version control on the spreadsheet tho ;p15:59
robruslangasek: ugh, still some problems with https, needs a few more iterations15:59
slangasekrobru: ok16:00
sil2100slangasek: let me check the backups16:00
sil2100Actually, we have no backups, my backups didn't get switched to the new spreadsheet16:00
sil2100I think ;/16:00
slangaseksil2100: I know the lander, I know the mps and I know the silo name (in fact, this information is all still available in the dashboard, even though not in the spreadsheet).  can I manually recreate the spreadsheet line with this?16:13
boikorvr: sorry, I went for lunch, so, we expose the ofono modems via accounts on the telepathy framework16:14
rvrboiko: I see16:14
boikorvr: salem_ just checked and the problem is there even without the silo (bug reported already), so the silo is good to go16:18
boikotrainguards: all the verifications were done, silo 39 is good to go16:18
robruslangasek: yes16:18
robruslangasek: well, you'd be missing the landing description only16:18
sil2100jibel, ToyKeeper, davmor2: I have the image17:06
sil2100jibel, ToyKeeper, davmor2: image #4 on ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm/14.09-factory-proposed (mako)17:06
sil2100jibel, ToyKeeper, davmor2: please flash to this particular image as I will be adding a new one that has the here tarball on top of it17:07
kenvandinei can assign those17:11
robrukenvandine: ^^ same request assigned in both 6 and 8?17:16
kenvandinerobru, wily and vivid17:16
kenvandinenot dual17:16
robrukenvandine: ah ok. manual uploads17:17
kenvandinei was to speedy with the sync from 6 to 8 :)17:19
* kenvandine works on patience17:19
sil2100kenvandine: you could have used the sync:silo_number,series notation17:21
kenvandinei thought i should be able to go ahead and sync from 6 to 8 since the source is there17:21
sil2100kenvandine: it works better for these cases as once you land the source silo, it re-targets to the main archive17:21
kenvandinesil2100, i thought so... but last time i tried that i got an exception and was told to do this... :)17:21
kenvandinewhich was ages ago17:21
sil2100kenvandine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/citrain/SyncSilos <- should work now17:22
kenvandinesil2100, do i need to wait for silo 6 to finish building before syncing it?17:24
sil2100kenvandine: probably... it might need to wait until it's fully published17:26
ogra_sil2100, hmm, just looking at my ubuntu-touch-meta upload, why was qml-module-qtbluetooth added to touch, ad not to the framework (sdk-libs) ?17:30
sil2100ogra_: slangasek merged it in, but said he won't release it - so I thought it wasn't released17:31
ogra_sil2100, it caame in with the last metapackage update (that i had to do for snappy personal)17:32
ogra_if it shouldnt be released, it shouldne be merged in the seed ;)17:32
slangaseksil2100: what won't I release?17:37
ogra_slangasek, qml-module-qtbluetooth17:37
slangaseksil2100: ah.  yes, I merged it in the seed, and was waiting for the discussion to finalize before I uploaded the package17:37
slangasekbecause I had already merged the seed before ogra_ raised his objection17:38
ogra_i just noted post-upload that it landed in teeh wrong seed (qml modules usually go into the framework (sdk-libs) )17:38
jibelsil2100, you mean #4 is what we have to test or we must wait for #5?17:39
sil2100jibel: test #4 - #4 is the community image17:39
jibelsil2100, ok17:39
sil2100jibel: #5 is the same image with the HERE tarball17:39
sil2100jibel: in other words, #4 is like ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu, while #5 is like ubuntu-touch/stable/bq-aquaris.en (for mako of course)17:40
sil2100E-mail sent17:40
slangaseksil2100: looks like I need to add more lines to the spreadsheet in order to resurrect silo 55, because the spreadsheet is full?  how many lines is it reasonable to add?17:40
davmor2jibel: sil2100 I'm firing up 4 now17:40
jibelsil2100, yeah but as soon as you'll publish #5 there'll be an update notification and I'm sure a tester will upgrade17:40
boikokenvandine: I think you need to change the series to vivid before uploading to silo 817:41
kenvandinethe train should mangle the version in the sync17:41
kenvandinesil2100, ^^ right?17:42
boikokenvandine: only for train-generated release schemas17:42
kenvandinei can manually upload to the vivid silo too17:42
boikokenvandine: if I remember correctly from the telepathy-qt landings I did17:42
sil2100jibel: #5 is already present, that's why I said to explicitly use #417:42
sil2100jibel: I can't keep normal rc-proposed builds waiting forever, so I had to creat both17:43
sil2100slangasek: uuh, I usually add 2017:43
slangaseksil2100: not 1000, which it defaults to? ;)17:43
jibelsil2100, understood, we'll be careful to test the right thing17:43
sil2100slangasek: no, worried that the spreadsheet would die afterwards ;p17:44
kenvandinesil2100, since this is essentially a sync from mako, even though i have to manually upload it, what should i do with the version?17:44
kenvandineshould i do an sru style version even though this isn't an sru?17:44
sil2100kenvandine: syncs work only for CI Train released packages, so depends what you're syncing17:44
kenvandinei wouldn't want an SRU in vivid to be a higher version than what's in the overlay ppa17:45
sil2100kenvandine: in case you need to do it manually, I usually version it like an SRU but then append ~overlay1 if I know this won't be SRUed in the nearest time17:45
kenvandinethis is a package also used on the desktop17:46
kenvandineso i wouldn't want an sru for the desktop to stomp on the version in the overlay17:46
kenvandineand the source package i'm upload is identical to what's in wily17:46
slangasekcharles: I've resurrected the spreadsheet line for silo 55 onto line 83; maybe you can help fill out the rest of the fields that I can't reverse-engineer from the dashboard17:48
slangaseksil2100: ^^ and should the rest of the automatic fields update on their own at some point, or is there something I should do to trigger a refresh?17:48
charlesslangasek, looking17:48
sil2100slangasek: hmmm, might be that this part of the spreadsheet got broken, let me look at that17:49
kenvandineboiko, it's building now in silo 817:56
boikokenvandine: thanks!17:56
charlesslangasek, I've resynced indicator-datetime and platform-api with changes in their trunks, will rebuild the silo & resinstall to confirm nothing crazy happened17:56
slangasekcharles: cheers!17:57
sil2100robru: meeting!18:04
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robrusil2100: yep it is working: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-043-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/pay-service_packaging_changes.diff/*view*/ ;-)19:12
slangaseksil2100, robru: so not to worry you or anything, but I've just noticed that silo 13 is also not in the spreadsheet19:30
robruslangasek: naturally19:31
robruslangasek: "stuff missing from the spreadsheet" is not a scenario capable of surprising me.19:31
slangasekthis means that of two silos I've looked at, both have been missing from the spreadsheet19:31
slangasekrobru: can you audit it, to figure out what all is missing from the spreadsheet and what we need to do about it?19:32
robruslangasek: there's an easy way to tell what's missing from the spreadsheet. if the dashboard doesn't have a description in tiny text at the bottom of the silo's card, then the row couldn't be found in the spreadsheet19:32
* slangasek nods19:32
slangaseksilos 13, 14, 26, 27, 29 appear to be affected19:33
robruslangasek: looks like 13, 14, 26, 27, 2919:33
robruslangasek: there's no automated way to restore it, just have to copy & paste really19:34
slangasekmzanetti: I see that silo 18 is dirty wrt unity8, which we still need for the g++ transition; can you fix that up please?19:41
mzanettislangasek, check out silo 3519:42
slangasekmzanetti: ok, then can you please take care of cleaning up silo 18 :)19:42
mzanettislangasek, had to do some reshuffling and moved it over, will drop it from 18 when I touch that next time19:42
mzanettislangasek, yeah... will need that as soon 35 has landed to prepare the next one19:43
boikocihelp: hi, I have a telepathy-ofono package showing as "Regression" in the excuses page, is that for real or a false positive?19:46
fgintherboiko, It was a false failure. It should show up on the excuses page with the updated results in a few minutes.19:47
boikofginther: nice! thanks!19:48
boikofginther: so, are you guys always monitoring those failures, or do you think it is a good idea that I ping you when I see a failure in a landing I am dealing with?19:49
fgintherboiko, No, we don't always monitor them. so please ping us if there is unexpected failure.19:50
boikofginther: ok, thanks19:51
slangasekgreyback__: is silo 7 really meant to be a dual-landing?  qtmir isn't currently in sync between vivid overlay (0.4.5+15.04.20150617-0ubuntu1) and wily (0.4.5+15.10.20150722-0ubuntu1).  (Question prompted by trying to track down all the outstanding g++-4.9 build-dep bugs, which need to get landed asap this week)19:52
greyback__slangasek: I'm waiting for silo11 to land, which lands qtmir to sync between wily & vivid+overlay19:53
greyback__I hope that won't be long19:53
robrugreyback__: well the silo is sitting in an error state, are you waiting for somebody to do something about that?19:54
greyback__robru: I'm waiting for silo11 to land, so the dual landing will work again19:56
robrugreyback__: ok but like... it's not on anybody's radar to QA or publish it, so unless somebody is actively working on that silo, it's just sitting there.19:56
slangasekrobru: are you referring to the error state of silo 7 (which requires silo 11 to land so the build-deps are satisfied), or silo 11 (which has a lovely error message I don't know)?19:56
robruslangasek: I'm talking about the error in silo 11.19:57
robruslangasek: greyback__: this error appears to be because the train doesn't support syncing packages it doesn't own, in this case xorg-server.19:57
robruslangasek: greyback__: but it looks like lukasz copied that package manually, so this could probably be kicked along by poking the train config19:58
greyback__robru: silo11 not my thing, I just want mir0.14 in vivid+overlay before I start with silo7 again19:58
robruanpok: are you working on silo 11? how's it going?19:58
greyback__robru: do you think I should do something else?19:58
robrugreyback__: well I just have no idea if anybody is even looking at that silo, the error message sure doesn't make it sound like it's on the verge of being published.19:59
greyback__robru: I am maintaining that silo, and it fails to build right now. I believe that is because the qtmir versions in wily & vivid+overlay are currently different20:00
slangasekgreyback__: IMHO this is a dependency on another silo that's going to take a while to figure out; we need the g++-4.9 build-dep dropped ASAP, because /after/ it's dropped we still need to try to build these packages with gcc 5 in the other silo, and deal with any failures20:00
slangasekgreyback__: so we would appreciate getting the g++-4.9 b-d fix landed without it getting tangled in mir 0.14 / vivid20:00
robrugreyback__: I mean silo 11. as far as I can tell it's just sitting there. I wouldn't hold my breath for it20:01
greyback__slangasek: alright, will take it on tomoorow am20:01
slangasekrobru: looking at the config for silo 11, how would we fix that?  The 'sync:ubuntu,wily' applies to all the package names there, right?20:01
slangasekgreyback__: ta20:01
greyback__robru: anpok was at it today afaik20:01
greyback__robru: was running AP tests20:01
robruslangasek: yeah but a sync is barely distinguishable from all manual sources, assuming all the other packages are copied correctly and working correctly we can just take out the sync, reconfigure, and WATCH_ONLY build and it should be good to go for QA.20:02
robruslangasek: but I need confirmation from the silo owner that he's tested it and it's actually good to go for QA before I bother reconfiguring it for him20:02
slangasekrobru: gotcha20:02
robruanpok: why do we even need xorg in vivid-overlay anyway? is that used on the phones?20:12
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