
=== happyaro1 is now known as happyaron
rectHi all, I have an idea for desktop ubuntu inspired by some thoughts I have just after getting a new laptop05:41
rectEssentially I am noticing that there is general friction when using multiple computers-- it is annoying to synchronize data and configuration between computers05:42
rectI have some thoughts about how to do this, and am starting on working on proof of concepts that remedy this, but I was wondering if there is an ubuntu-sanctioned way to contribute to the distro and project05:45
didrocksgood morning05:45
didrocksrect: hey! Nothing special, just write your poof and communicate about it. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu#Writing_Code may have some ML to where to write to05:47
rectAh, so should I hop onto ubuntu-devel?05:48
didrocksrect: yeah, that would make more sense, but only once you get something concrete to discuss about I guess. Building a poof is a nice way to achieve this :)05:49
rectdidrocks: what is a poof?05:49
didrocksrect: sorry poc (prof of concept)05:51
didrocksrect: not completely awake here. Needing coffee, brb :)05:51
TheMusoc -all05:58
Sweet5harkgood morning, desktoppers!07:42
didrockshey hey Sweet5hark!07:45
seb128good morning desktopers07:47
seb128hey Sweet5hark didrocks07:47
didrocksre seb12807:47
Sweet5harkstrong french showing this morning. maybe I should indeed polish my french a bit. After all its the official desktop team language.07:54
seb128Sweet5hark, oui :-)07:57
seb128no larsu, no pitti, the german crew is limited today07:58
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:03
didrocksgood morning Laney!08:07
Laneyhey seb128 and didrocks!08:08
Laneydoing good thanks08:08
Laneygood weekends?08:08
seb128rainy, windy, but good mostly still ;-)08:09
didrockswas good! temperatures are getting bearable again :)08:11
Sweet5harkseb128: j'ai empaquete un "LibreOffice vanilla" qui contient autant que possible dans un seul paquet. concu comme un base pour snappy/click-foo. avoir belle allure juqu'ici. plus de details dans notre rencontre hebdomadaire demain ...08:11
Laneywas actually warm on saturday08:11
seb128Sweet5hark, super :-)08:13
Sweet5hark(if that sounds like a robot, thats because it mostly is as google translate helping me out) ;)08:13
seb128(hehe, I had a feeling some of it might be google translator indeed ;-)08:14
ochosi(late) morning all08:22
ochosiSweet5hark: kalikiana referred me to you, mind if i PM you quickly?08:22
Sweet5harkochosi: shoot08:23
seb128hey ochosi08:27
darkxsthey Laney seb12809:35
darkxstanychance we can land the remaining core 3.16 before A2?09:35
Laneydarkxst: You're not in A209:36
Laneyand what is left?09:36
LaneyI know about the peripheral thing09:36
darkxstLaney, oh I thought we were09:36
darkxstyes g-s-d/g-c-c and related peripheral settings09:37
Laneycan be if you want and have testers, just mail the list09:37
darkxstand g-o-a stuck in proposed09:37
willcookeGood morning from grey London09:38
darkxstLaney, I don't do the QA09:38
darkxstpretty sure we have a QA team, so I don't have to deal with these things!09:38
Laneysounds like a good way09:39
Laneyif I were you I wouldn't be bothered about being in the alpha or not09:39
Laneyhey willcooke09:40
Laneydo you feel the excitement of being in the cultural and economic hub of the united kingdom?09:40
darkxstLaney, I'm not, but do want to get the last bits of core landed09:40
Laneydarkxst: piloting this afternoon09:41
darkxstanyway dinner time09:41
Laneywhat else is there apart from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+bug/1475949 ?09:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1475949 in unity-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Port to relocated peripheral settings" [Medium,Triaged]09:41
Laneyto unblock you09:41
darkxstLaney, bug 147778809:41
ubot5bug 1477788 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Remove support for external panels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147778809:41
Laneywill try to look at those09:42
Laneyis mterry ok with the deja-dup thing?09:42
darkxstI don't know, but I am dropping it from g-c-c09:42
darkxstits a pain maintaining that09:43
darkxstso there is no point in having that 1 and only panel that uses the external panel code in g-c-c09:43
darkxstLaney, I also think compiz needs to build-dep on unity-settings-daemon-dev instead to allow for g-c-c demotion, but there is no bug for that yet09:44
LaneyI don't know what it BDs on g-c-c for at all09:45
Laneywould be good to write it down for me somewhere if you want me to do something09:45
didrocksgood morning to willcooke's London commuter09:51
didrocksLaney: IIRC, the build-dep is for some tests using the schemas. But this is 3 years old memory, so probably wrong :)09:52
didrocksand the g-c-c part is for copying and generating shortcuts xml09:54
darkxstLaney, its mostly documented in the g-o-a bug10:17
Laneydarkxst: which one is that?10:17
darkxstLaney, bug 146629010:19
ubot5bug 1466290 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.16" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146629010:19
Laneyit doesn't say why10:20
Laneybut it does accuse seb128 of handling it, which is fine by me :)10:20
=== andyrock_ is now known as andyrock
darkxstLaney, yes, seb128 said he would look into the compiz part10:22
darkxstis anyone working on gedit or nautilus btw? the former was meant to happen last cycle but didnt, that latter is a big mess with all the changes in nautilus10:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1463662 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.16" [Wishlist,Triaged]10:24
Laneygedit don't know, we needed to figure out a new toolbar but didn't10:24
darkxstLaney, the old toolbar is there for Mac builds no?10:25
Laneythey have no toolbar there, just the global menubar10:27
darkxstLaney, Ive done enough menu patches now, nautilus should be easy enough if that is all that is blocking10:27
darkxstLaney, Mac OS has the old style toolbar, atleast it did last time I checked10:27
darkxstit was more a case of the Mac builds pull in lots of unrelated (for linux) code10:28
Laneyand it needed to be disentangled from macos apis for linux too10:29
darkxstmaybe it was 3.12 screenshots I saw10:30
darkxstand really that is for another time, right now I want to get the last bits of core through10:31
darkxstbut after that its just basically nautilus and gedit (assuming evolution/e-d-s is about ready to land?)10:32
Laneyyeah today or tomorrow10:32
Laneyrobert_ancell might know more about nautilus if he started on it already10:33
LaneyI don't know our menubar patches there very well10:33
darkxstLaney, menubar patches with gtkbuilder are easy, just pull in the old xml files and voile!10:34
darkxstthough I haven't looked at the previous ubuntu patches for nautilus closely10:35
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
seb128darkxst, I'm going to try to have a look to that this week, it was in my next items list but I need to look at the gcc5 transition first11:33
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Guest79953hi, i got some problems with my bluetooth device under ubuntu 14.0413:06
Guest79953my notebook does not recognize the bluetooth device13:07
Guest79953i would be very grateful if anybody could help me13:07
=== tedg is now known as ted
dobeyGuest79953: #ubuntu is the support channel. this is a development channel :)13:25
Guest79953ohh sorry13:25
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
Sweet5harksomeone is wondering "how did they compile LO 10 years ago, when a laptop with 4GB RAM was not so common" ...14:05
* Sweet5hark has 50 years of LibreOffice experience says my CV.14:05
ogra_Sweet5hark, you should tell him about the pandaboard ;)14:05
Sweet5harkogra_: he is trying to build LibreOffice in a docker container with 1GB RAM for unspeced reasons ... -- His gcc suiciding on boost::spirit likely has nothing to do with LibreOffice at all.14:08
Sweet5hark(w/o swap)14:08
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
Laneydarkxst: I can't build g-c-c 3.16 until goa 3.16 builds16:21
Laneydarkxst: and g-s-d Breaks g-c-c16:28
Laneyand u-s-d needs g-s-d-schemas16:28
Laneysorry :(16:28
seb128Laney, have fun!17:15
seb128Laney, is bug #1351890 something you are still having on your list (looks like you sponsored changed and said you would deal with the updated version if somebody added one, which they did)17:28
ubot5bug 1351890 in mate-control-center (Ubuntu) "Changing external screen resolution with dual monitors" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135189017:28
Noskcajdebian have switched libgtop2 to multiarch, should we follow suite?21:59
darkxstLaney, g-s-d-schemas would be staying in main23:02
darkxstLaney, but yeh need the g-o-a/webkit2gtk thing solved first23:26

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