
ObrienDaveARGGGGGGH is there no end to the stupidity? ;P01:35
Bashing-omThere is always a loose nut between the chair and the monitor . In my case sometimes nuttier than other times .01:41
lotuspsychjegood morning to all01:56
lotuspsychjehello ObrienDave :p01:57
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: 0/02:00
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: hello mate02:01
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Settle in, it has been slow .02:03
lotuspsychjeyeah support can be scary death sometimes02:03
ObrienDavethen it will be two hours of insanity ;P02:05
lotuspsychjeyeah lol02:05
lotuspsychje30 issues and all volunteers asleep02:05
ObrienDavewho needs sleep when i have beer? ;P02:06
lotuspsychjebut you must admit, this is one of the most active chats worldwide02:06
lotuspsychjemost other chats are dead 24/702:07
ObrienDavethis is true02:07
lotuspsychjei love the timezones support here02:07
lotuspsychjeand you guys drink beer late, and i wake up early, perfect!02:08
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: waky waky!!02:09
ObrienDaveit's 8pm here. i have to stay awake for 6 more hours ;P02:09
lotuspsychjehave to?02:09
* ObrienDave works second shift LOL02:09
ObrienDave3pm to 1230am02:09
lotuspsychjewhat you do for living02:10
ObrienDavei'm a 40 year machinist. i program and operate CNC machining centers02:10
ObrienDavei'm making parts for a spacecraft02:10
lotuspsychjeive been working 18 years in truck n trailers company02:11
lotuspsychjenow i wanna start ubuntu hardware store :p02:11
ObrienDavecool, i drove one cross country for 3 years02:11
lotuspsychjebrb coffee02:12
lotuspsychjewileee: morning mate02:31
wileeehi, how are you? I'm back heh heh02:32
lotuspsychjegreat and you?02:32
lotuspsychjeset this chan to your favs :p02:32
wileeegood, just learning to walk away on the best day02:32
lotuspsychjethat raulwyn guy is hilarious lol02:33
wileeeyeah, not a troll, but clueless. channel has so many users people come on with no previous context and feed that dragon02:34
wileeethey need local help really02:34
lotuspsychjeblame the keyboard02:35
=== daek_ is now known as Daekdroom
ubot5pong is an old atari game. It's fun!02:47
lotuspsychjeso is platoon for C6402:51
lotuspsychjepress play on tape02:51
ObrienDaveOregon Trail ;P02:51
ObrienDaveZaxxon was my favorite. and Space Taxi!02:51
lotuspsychjewe played a lot of games me and my brother02:52
ObrienDaveI used to fire up Spy Hunter just to hear the theme song LOL02:52
lotuspsychjemostly C64 and amiga 50002:52
lotuspsychjejust like movies, the older games are mostly original02:53
ObrienDavei only watch the original movies. remakes suck02:54
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Mine was an Amiga 1000, still have it back in the rust pile .02:57
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: never throw it away ok :p02:57
ObrienDavei still have my Amiga 1000 also ;P02:58
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Oh, I think about resurrecting it, or maybe pass it on to those still in that frame of mind .02:58
lotuspsychjemight be worth some antique value someday :p02:59
ObrienDaveLOL they're already antiques LOL02:59
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: I was snooping about a while back, and was surprised, still a popular thing in europe .02:59
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: yeah we had a C64 club back in the days, the older guys had all amiga 100003:00
lotuspsychjeand we copying games lol03:00
lotuspsychjewas like a oldskool lanparty hahaha03:01
lotuspsychjebut without the LAN03:01
Bashing-omYeah, I got a virus copying games, learned alot in that experience getting rid of the vius that spread like widfire !03:02
ObrienDavei used to go to a copy fest with Commodore on one side and Atari on the other. we would go to the Atari's and start tossing icons into their trashcan. it's an incinerator LMAO03:02
Bashing-omObrienDave: I never wanted to show dis-respect, but I just never could see the good in Atari .03:03
ObrienDaveme neither. seemed like a high end video console rather that a real computer03:04
lotuspsychjeatari is bit creepy indeed03:04
lordievaderGood morning.06:57
ObrienDavewait, already waved at you in #u-server ;P06:58
ObrienDavelordievader gets around ;P07:00
lordievaderObrienDave: o/07:00
lordievaderAnd I do it manually ;) No macro's or anything like that.07:01
ObrienDaveLOL no macros here. only auto-connect ;P07:01
ObrienDavelordievader, and it's beer o'clock ;P07:09
lordievaderNa ah, its Coffee o'clock!07:13
ObrienDavesince when does #ubuntu have a "troll bait" sign on the door? ;P07:23
OerHeksmonday ..07:25
* OerHeks rolls a 6pack to ObrienDave 07:26
lordievaderHe should turn it around... I have this language, do I have a compiler installed?07:26
lordievaderWho cares what languages you can and cannot compile.07:26
* ObrienDave cracks a cold one, courtesy of OerHeks. Cheers!07:26
OerHeksyes, fedora got this line : yum groupinfo "Development tools"07:26
OerHeksnot sure what the debian version should be07:27
lordievaderNot sure if there even is an equivalent.07:27
ObrienDavewell, he's got eric on it now07:27
OerHeksI would have found it i think, if it existed, still there are black spots in my debian knowledge07:28
OerHeksSometimes i have a black spot in hw knowlegde ..08:42
lordievaderNo one is perfect ;)08:43
ObrienDaveone can only try ;P08:44
ObrienDavePEBCAK, maybe? ;P09:05
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: lol@joe smoe09:15
lotuspsychjeObrienDave: nite nite09:16
ObrienDaveLOL well i had to. ;P *waves*09:17
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: is that a 15.04 wallpaper?09:34
OerHeksja, primavera 2560x160009:35
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: morning mate09:36
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje09:37
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: tnx http://ubuntuportal.com/2015/03/meet-the-10-ubuntu-15-04-vivid-vervet-community-wallpaper.html09:43
OerHeksMy mother likes this one best https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6885560/DrabberEnIkOpPaard.JPG09:47
lotuspsychjei like horses too, but ill never climb one09:49
OerHeksYou should, it is fun09:54
OerHeksThey love it too09:54
lotuspsychjeyeah but bit skared to fall off09:56
EriC^^hello lotuspsychje13:45
EriC^^how's your afternoon going buddy?13:45
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hey mate13:45
lotuspsychjefinefine tnx13:45
lotuspsychjewhat about you?13:45
EriC^^good thx13:45
lotuspsychjehows the weather in lebanon these days13:46
EriC^^man it's so hot13:46
EriC^^i'm dying13:46
lotuspsychjewe have like a summerstorm here13:46
lotuspsychjerain and strong wind13:46
lotuspsychjenext friday temps go up again13:47
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: you have swimming pool near your area to refresh?13:47
EriC^^no man13:47
EriC^^yeah ac13:48
lotuspsychjeyeah well ventilator with 40 degrees isnt good neither right13:48
EriC^^problem is, the electricity is only on half the time, the other half it's the local neighborhood distributor, and ac doesn't work with that13:48
EriC^^it's like 31'c, but it's so hot this summer dunno why13:49
OerHeksThose guys in the dessert wear extra clothes for that :-D13:49
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: they say its the sunstorms giving us extra heat13:50
cfhowlettit's not the heat, it's the humidity!13:50
EriC^^damn sunstorms13:50
EriC^^yeah, we're next to the sea here, so it's very humid13:50
OerHeksI think earthworms caused this13:50
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: hows china for heat?13:50
lotuspsychjelol OerHeks13:51
cfhowlettbearable.  we've had a nightly thunderstorm for the past 10 days - hot shower temperature but still13:51
lotuspsychjethats nightmare, heat and humidity13:52
lotuspsychje!info e1913:53
ubot5Package e19 does not exist in vivid13:53
lotuspsychje!info e1713:53
ubot5e17 (source: e17): Enlightenment DR17 Window Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.17.6-1 (vivid), package size 1671 kB, installed size 6383 kB13:53
lotuspsychjeinteresting combo13:55
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
EriC^^holy shit electricity came15:00
EriC^^oh fk i dont think it did15:00
EriC^^oh, it did :D15:01
lotuspsychjeload up your machines EriC^^15:01
EriC^^heck yeah15:02
* daftykins shakes his head at Jad-C16:01
lotuspsychjenite nite guys movie time with the miss :p17:35
EriC^^nite, have a good one17:36
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: keep the voltage on for me17:36
lotuspsychjetnx mate :p17:36
daftykinsglad that drama queen left22:32
OerHeks,,, sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?22:48
lotuspsychjegood evening folks22:49
OerHekshi lotus22:49
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: insomnia aswell :p22:50
OerHeksyes, as usual22:52
EriC^^good evening gentlemen23:23
lotuspsychjewb EriC^^ :p23:29
lotuspsychjeworldwide timezone idles are the best23:31
lotuspsychjeshhhh idle daftykins :p23:33
* daftykins walks backwards disappearing back into the hedge23:34
daftykinsi should sleep :(23:34
daftykinsi've just been playing with my cat with a shoelace23:34
lotuspsychjelol catfights are nice23:34
lotuspsychjei always wear an oven glove23:34
lotuspsychjeand play agressive mouse23:34
daftykinslaser pens... she doesn't care for, but shoelaces OMG23:35
lotuspsychjedoes that oldskool potatoe guy work on unity?23:37
lotuspsychje!find potatoe23:37
ubot5Found: W:, W:, W:23:37
lotuspsychje!info ktuberling23:40
ubot5ktuberling (source: ktuberling): stamp drawing toy. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4210 kB, installed size 7557 kB23:40

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