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sforsheeapw: did you see the chatter from friday about overlayfs and lxc?13:00
apwsforshee, hmmm13:01
sforsheeapw: tl;dr is that in wily, overlayfs fstype is mountable in a user namespace but the overlay fstype is not13:02
apwoh heh, that i could believe, and it would be broken13:02
apwsforshee, is there a bug for that ?13:02
sforsheeapw: not sure. hallyn?13:02
apwwhever that was discussed it was not here13:03
sforsheeapw: lxc is trying to mount it as overlay if that shows up in /proc/filesystems, so it fails and that's a regression13:04
apwyep, i am sure we failed to apply the overlayfs fix to allow user mounts to overlay,13:05
sforsheeit's probably a one-line fix, but I wanted to check with you that it's an oversight and not intentional13:05
apwindeed, and its an oversite13:05
hallynsforshee: apw: no i didn't open a new bug.  there are adt failures due to it, wasn't sure if that auto-opens a bug13:58
apwhallyn, no i don't think it makes ssh-keygen -f "/home/apw/.ssh/ldap_known_hosts" -R togetic.buildd13:58
apwh yeah thanks13:59
apwhallyn, no i don't think it makes a bug directly, i assume it is lxc which is failing ?13:59
apwits self tests13:59
sforsheeapw: yes, lxc tests are failing14:02
sforsheeI've got a patch, just tested it and it's working14:02
sforsheeso I can make a bug and send it14:02
apwsforshee, ack and ack14:02
hallynthanks guys :)14:03
infinityapw: Has Laney (or anyone) whined at you about the udisks2 autopkgtests OOPSing your kernel on i386?15:33
infinityapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11947918/15:33
apwnot that i have heard about15:34
apwinfinity, the interesting things there is the first erorr is a disk error15:35
infinityapw: It's a VM, so neat trick.15:38
apwyeah, that15:38
apwa bug would be nice, with the how to run those tests manually15:38
infinityLaney: ^15:38
infinityLaney: Are you trying to tell us that you're being held captive by someone who doesn't have proper keymaps?15:40
infinityLaney: Is Timmy stuck in the well?  What is it, boy?15:40
LaneyXNOX GOT ME15:41
xnoxinfinity: i demand porterbox and early alpha2 release, and Laney will be free.15:52
infinityxnox: Meh.  You can keep him.15:52
xnoxinfinity: he is safe, inside a wall climbing facility.15:52
LaneyJust seal the roof15:54
Laneyapw: bug #147862315:54
ubot5bug 1478623 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel oops - blk_update_request: I/O error when running udisks2 force_test_removal test" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147862315:54
wyvernHi folks, I'm on 15.04 and I need to use a newer kernel (ideally 4.0 or 4.1) to avoid a usb bug (http://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-usb/msg123652.html). How should I go about doing that?16:51
apwwyvern, there are no official newer kernels published for that release, you might use the wily kernel which is at 4.016:52
apwor is it 4.1, 16:53
wyvernI don't use ubuntu much; how crazy is it the kernel from a different release?16:53
wyvernAnd, assuming it's not too bad of an idea, how would I go about doing so?16:54
wyverns/is it the/is it to use the/16:54
apwwe tend to do it pretty often, but you don't get automatic updates that way, so its pretty manual16:54
wyvernWell right now my usb devices aren't working too well so manual is better than broken :)16:55
apwyou can obtain the debs from the +source/linux page16:56
apwif you don't have dkms packages, then just the linux-image* and linux-image-extras* package should be sufficient16:57
apwwyvern, once you find out if 4.1 helps, then it would be good to file a bug (ubuntu-bug linux) saying where its broke and where it works, as that is the starting point for finding out what fixes it16:58
wyvernOK I'll see what I can do.17:00
unixabgapw: Greetings, just checking in on the overlayfs things with casper. Any progress?17:50
apwunixabg, sorry no, been working on some critical cves, which have consumed pretty much all my time, those went out today, so tommorrow might be better17:51
=== adrian is now known as alvesadrian
unixabgapw: Sounds good and thanks for your willingness to examine the overlayfs things.21:38

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