
darthrobotTitle: [Stronger Than Fear: Mental Health in the Developer Community - Open Source Bridge 2015 - YouTube]00:36
nhainesWell, meeting in 5.01:55
darthrobotnhaines: Error: "startmeeting" is not a valid command.02:01
EurekaFactoid startmeeting not found02:01
nhainesMy life is a lie.02:01
darthrobotMeeting started Mon Jul 27 02:01:40 2015 UTC.  The chair is nhaines. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.02:01
darthrobotAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired02:01
nhainesIt's meeting time once again!02:01
nhainesTonight's agenda is available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15July2602:02
darthrobotTitle: [CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/15July26 - Ubuntu Wiki]02:02
nhainesHi pleia2 and ianorlin!02:02
nhaines#topic Upcoming events and announcements02:02
nhainesSince there's nothing on the agenda, is there anything going on in the community that warrants mention?02:03
ianorlinfor flavors there will be alpha 2 for 15.10 planned to be released next Thursday02:03
pleia2we mentioned the Ubuntu Global Jam during the last meeting, it's 2 weeks away and we don't seem to have any events planned02:03
pleia2maybe next time :)02:04
nhainesI am tentatively working on the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase.02:05
pleia2I'll reach out to MichaelPaoli and pganthavorn to see if either of them can do the San Francisco Ubuntu Hour in August (the 12th) but I'll be out of the country so I can't host/attend02:05
nhainesI think my book publishing obligations will keep me from planning an Ubuntu Global Jam event, although I'd attend one if it were local!02:05
pleia2nhaines: have a link to showcase info?02:06
darthrobotTitle: [UbuntuFreeCultureShowcase - Ubuntu Wiki]02:06
nhainesBut it's out of date.  I'm going to reach out to people this week but hope that by August... maybe 3rd, we'll get everything up to date.02:07
nhainesI'd like to get this started up again for the Ubuntu 15.10 release.02:07
* pleia2 nods02:08
nhainesAnyway, as much as I like Josh Woodward, it's time for a change!  :D02:09
nhaines#topic Agenda02:10
nhainesThere's nothing on the agenda, so no agenda items to discuss.02:10
nhaines#topic Other business02:10
nhainesIs there anything else that anyone wants to bring up tonight?02:11
pleia2I'll be representing California down at UbuCon Latin America \o/02:11
pleia2pretty excited, I fly out in a week and a half02:11
pleia2and it's my first ubucon outside of the US02:12
nhainesOoh, how exciting!  :D02:12
pleia2that's all from me :)02:12
nhainesThanks, pleia2.  I'm looking forward to hearing from José Antonio Rey that you had fun and didn't just work the entire time.  ;)02:13
nhainesianorlin: anything to add?02:13
ianorlinmaybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/ would probably be a good thing to read if you want to help someone with testing02:14
darthrobotTitle: [QATeam - Ubuntu Wiki]02:14
nhainesThat's a great resource for anyone interested in participating in the Ubuntu Global Jam!02:15
nhainesOkay, sounds good.  Well, I think that's it for this time around.  Hopefully it's just a lull before the next events start kicking off.02:16
nhainesThe next meeting is on August 9th.  Hope to see everyone there!  :)02:17
darthrobotMeeting ended Mon Jul 27 02:17:11 2015 UTC.02:17
darthrobotMinutes:        http://ihas.5cat.com/~darthrobot/ubuntu-us-ca/2015/ubuntu-us-ca.2015-07-27-02.01.moin.txt02:17
nhainesI probably won't be able to get to the post-meeting stuff until Tuesday, if someone wants to get started on that without me.02:22
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-us-ca to: Welcome to the Ubuntu California Local Community (LoCo) Team! | Website: http://ubuntu-california.org (has links to mailing list, forum, and more!) | Next Meeting: Sunday, August 9th, at 7:00pm PDT (UTC -7:00) This channel is logged at irclogs.ubuntu.com | We have an unlogged channel at #ubuntu-us-ca-offtopic
nhainesBut there's a head start.02:24
RoguehorseAh, man02:53
nhainesYou missed the fun this week!03:00
RoguehorseSorry, got tied up in a little madness04:45
nhainesIt happens.04:45
nhainesSo usually by now I'd be thinking about upgrading to wily soon.  But not with a gcc5 transition in progress.04:46
Roguehorsefour years of secrecy revealed .... http://roguehorse.blogspot.com/2015/07/gunning-for-you.html17:33
darthrobotTitle: [ROGUEHORSE - Blog: Gunning For You]17:33
* blitz files that away to read after this meeting18:01
blitzwell everyone in that story seems petty19:13
RoguehorseMan, the local medical supply store didn't have the adema slippers I was looking for  http://www.amazon.com/Edema-Slipper-Swollen-Feet-opens-Fully/dp/B00B1M0B8C23:23
darthrobotTitle: [Amazon.com: Men's Navy Edema Slipper for Swollen Feet-opens Fully: Booties Slippers: Shoes]23:23
RoguehorseI tried Walmart and Target too23:23
RoguehorseI was hoping to try some on before bying23:23

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