lordievader | Good morning. | 06:47 |
=== turgay_ is now known as turgay | ||
Riddell | hi claydoh | 10:33 |
Riddell | hmm | 10:33 |
Riddell | hi clivejo | 10:33 |
clivejo | hi Riddell | 10:33 |
Riddell | clivejo: want to have a look at calligra or something just now? | 10:33 |
clivejo | its a mess | 10:34 |
clivejo | I need to start again | 10:34 |
Riddell | clivejo: want me to start up an ec2 and we can look together? | 10:35 |
clivejo | sure | 10:35 |
* Riddell fires one up | 10:35 | |
lordievader | !tester Alpha2 images are available, it is time to test \o/ | 10:40 |
ubottu | lordievader: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:40 |
lordievader | !testers Alpha2 images are available, it is time to test \o/ | 10:40 |
ubottu | lordievader: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:40 |
lordievader | Alpha2 images are available, it is time to test \o/ | !testers | 10:40 |
lordievader | !testers | Alpha2 images are available, it is time to test \o/ | 10:41 |
ubottu | Alpha2 images are available, it is time to test \o/: testers is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information | 10:41 |
lordievader | There we go ;) | 10:41 |
clivejo | iso images? | 10:41 |
Riddell | clivejo: ubuntu@ec2-50-16-51-174.compute-1.amazonaws.com | 10:42 |
lordievader | clivejo: Yes: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/343/builds | 10:42 |
Riddell | clivejo: going to join? | 10:44 |
clivejo | Im trying!! | 10:44 |
clivejo | stupid key file | 10:44 |
Riddell | what's up? | 10:47 |
clivejo | whats the switch to tell ssh to use a key file | 10:47 |
Riddell | -i | 10:47 |
Riddell | ssh -i foo.pem ubuntu@ec2-50-16-51-174.compute-1.amazonaws.com | 10:48 |
clivejo | LOL | 10:48 |
clivejo | Im in | 10:50 |
Riddell | yay | 10:50 |
Riddell | clivejo: make a directory | 10:50 |
Riddell | branch the packaging https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/calligra | 10:52 |
Riddell | and download the tar yes | 10:52 |
Riddell | lovely | 10:53 |
* Riddell blogs http://jriddell.org/2015/07/28/akademy-a-coruna-photos/ | 10:53 | |
Riddell | clivejo: you don't need current if you're getting packaging from bzr | 10:55 |
clivejo | dont I need the patches for kubuntu? | 10:55 |
clivejo | is bzr not the debian packaging? | 10:55 |
clivejo | this is my problem, dont understand this bit | 10:56 |
Riddell | bzr is kubuntu packaging | 10:57 |
clivejo | Riddell: can you teach me! | 10:57 |
Riddell | clivejo: it differs per package, we are moving everything into debian git and there are branches for kubuntu and branches for debian but... | 10:57 |
Riddell | calligra hasn't moved yet | 10:58 |
Riddell | so it's still in bzr for kubuntu | 10:58 |
Riddell | so grab the bzr | 10:58 |
Riddell | and that includes the packaging and any patches | 10:58 |
clivejo | this is new to me | 10:58 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:58 |
clivejo | never used bzr | 10:58 |
lordievader | Hey BluesKaj, available for Alpha2 testing? | 11:00 |
BluesKaj | Hi lordievader yes I am , when do we start ? | 11:00 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: The images are available on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/343/builds | 11:01 |
Riddell | clivejo: just copy and paste command from https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/calligra | 11:02 |
clivejo | can you se the command at the prompt? | 11:02 |
Riddell | clivejo: yes looks good | 11:04 |
clivejo | what path should I be in? | 11:04 |
clivejo | do I need to create a debian folder first? | 11:04 |
Riddell | clivejo: make a new directory I guess | 11:04 |
Riddell | it'll create the debian folder and you copy it in | 11:04 |
Riddell | clivejo: try now | 11:06 |
clivejo | what black magic did you do! | 11:06 |
clivejo | Riddell: is that locale warning a problem? | 11:09 |
Riddell | clivejo: my ec2 setup script also copies my bazaar config files which assume the machine has my ssh keys | 11:10 |
Riddell | clivejo: nah that's just cos I use spanish | 11:10 |
clivejo | so the patches are applied ok? | 11:10 |
Riddell | clivejo: yep looking good | 11:11 |
Riddell | clivejo: dch -i to add a new changelog entry | 11:11 |
Riddell | export EDITOR=nano might help too | 11:11 |
clivejo | Riddell: is that OK? | 11:14 |
Riddell | clivejo: lovely | 11:14 |
mparillo | lordievader: I will start on 32-bit | 11:15 |
clivejo | go for a debuild? | 11:15 |
lordievader | mparillo: Good, I'm busy on 64bit. | 11:15 |
Riddell | clivejo: go for it | 11:15 |
clivejo | how many cores? | 11:15 |
Riddell | clivejo: only 2 | 11:16 |
Riddell | /proc/cpuinfo will know | 11:16 |
clivejo | Riddell: is there an easy way to strip out the version requirements? | 11:17 |
Riddell | clivejo: /usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends | 11:18 |
Riddell | sometimes works | 11:18 |
sgclark | hi, did anyone test vivid frameworks backports? | 11:19 |
clivejo | Riddell: that is handy! | 11:21 |
Riddell | clivejo: so time for coffee I guess | 11:23 |
clivejo | lunch time for me! | 11:23 |
clivejo | can I push this to LP from the EC? | 11:23 |
Riddell | clivejo: no you're need your ssh key which you can't put on the ec2 because then I'll steal your identity | 11:24 |
Riddell | you'll | 11:24 |
clivejo | can you sign it? | 11:25 |
clivejo | Ill do this locally | 11:25 |
Riddell | when we want to upload the package to launchpad PPA it can be signed with debian -r and it'll do it remotely | 11:25 |
Riddell | debsign -r rather | 11:25 |
clivejo | so no point in doing it on my mchine? | 11:26 |
Riddell | clivejo: you can do the bzr on your machine | 11:27 |
lordievader | Hmm slideshow during the installation ain't translated, to where do I file the bug? | 11:28 |
Riddell | clivejo: I just added you to ~kubuntu-packagers so you can commit directly from there | 11:28 |
lordievader | Ubiquity? | 11:28 |
Riddell | lordievader: ubuntu-slideshow I think | 11:28 |
Riddell | clivejo: time for coffee | 11:28 |
clivejo | 0% | 11:28 |
clivejo | lot of coffee | 11:29 |
lordievader | Riddell: Check. | 11:29 |
* Riddell lunches | 11:30 | |
* BluesKaj heads to the kitchen for 2nd java | 11:30 | |
shadeslayer | Gah | 11:40 |
shadeslayer | Riddell: what time is the thing | 11:40 |
BluesKaj | is there something wrong with the Wily alpha2 html source, received an error message saying the download was stopped by the network because it was taking too long | 12:01 |
lordievader | Zsynced here just fine, both 64bit and 32bit. | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | my dsl speed isn't the greatest but I've not seen that error before | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | trying the zsync instead of the html | 12:08 |
mparillo_ | BluesKaj: I successfully zsynced (kubuntu) and http downloaded (Win7). But my FIOS (FTTP) is generally much faster than any download site. Alas, I never got a good answer to my zsync for windows question | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | but I've had alpha beta image downloads fail in the past | 12:08 |
BluesKaj | had to try one 3 times ...think the kubuntu server is at fault | 12:09 |
BluesKaj | mparillo_, I'm in the boonies so i have a dsl 6mb connection which very reliable most of the time and the kubuntu server , wherever that is is not | 12:11 |
lordievader | I've never had a problem with the Ubuntu servers. | 12:12 |
BluesKaj | I've had trouble with these image sdownloads in the past , several have failed | 12:12 |
BluesKaj | maybe the browsers are to blame, maybe zsync is the best method for me, we''ll see | 12:19 |
lordievader | wget from the commandline/ | 12:20 |
BluesKaj | wget can work ,but never tried it with ubuntu servers | 12:21 |
mparillo_ | I like zsync, especially when you can get three or more release candidates in a week. | 12:22 |
lordievader | Indeed | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | it's nice to have alternatives | 12:24 |
mparillo_ | It is a shame there is no decent port of zsync for Windows, because during the work day, I can usually squeeze in some time to test installs on a VM under Win7, but I hate to keep downloading big images. | 12:25 |
Riddell | shadeslayer: thing at 16:00 today | 12:31 |
soee | shadeslayer: can you jump to slack for a moment in a free time ? | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | doesn't look like zsync gave me the whole file, the cli says the download is 100% , but it hasn't returned to the prompt yet, seems to be in limbo and the iso file is still ".part" in ~/ | 12:47 |
lordievader | Zsync is probably still busy. | 12:48 |
BluesKaj | wish there was an indicator telling me it is, almost did ctl-c | 12:48 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Check top. | 12:49 |
lordievader | Or if you want more information atop. | 12:49 |
BluesKaj | yeah ksysguard says zsync is still active , but there's only a bit of memory being used and no cpu | 12:51 |
lordievader | Hmm, well the good thing about zsync is you can just kill it and resume. | 12:52 |
BluesKaj | how | 12:53 |
mparillo_ | I *think* the pause at the end of zsync is when it does its checksum thing. | 12:53 |
BluesKaj | it's been almost 10mins | 12:53 |
lordievader | mparillo_: Probably, yes. | 12:54 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Just kill it and run the same command (in the same cwd). | 12:54 |
mparillo_ | Oh, for me it is maybe a minute (guess) | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | how to kill it without cancelling ? | 12:56 |
lordievader | What do you mean? | 12:57 |
BluesKaj | ok , ctl-c then ran zsync again and it did the checksum, now I have the full file...kind of weird that it would just sit there for 10mins and do nothing | 12:59 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Perhaps you triggered some bug. | 13:00 |
BluesKaj | doubt it the checksum is fine | 13:00 |
soee | sgclark: congrats for winning Akademy Award :) | 13:26 |
sgclark | soee: thanks! | 13:27 |
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu at Akademy | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | KF 5.12 Wily build status: http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/build_status_5.12.0_wily.html | Plasma Mobile images http://kubuntu.plasma-mobile.org/ | congratulations to sgclark on Akademy Award | ||
Riddell | https://notes.kde.org/p/neon-akademy | 14:07 |
soee_ | shadeslayer: sory my connection crushed, back on slack | 14:11 |
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward | ||
BluesKaj | alpha 2 has login problems on the default kernel , the recovery kernel boots to a desktop but it has time server problems that can't be changed in the time settings, enabling sddm in the VT/TTY takles the command but the greeter page doesn't load. I'm still on alpha1 on this partition. | 15:11 |
lordievader | Hmm, that is too bad. I hope he can report a bug on that. | 15:27 |
lordievader | ahoneybun_: Nice blog posts about the Akademy :) | 15:46 |
clivejo | Riddell: this is what happened on my local install too, missing liblibkispsd.so.14 | 15:47 |
sgclark | https://build.kde.org/view/QT/job/qt5%20v5.2.1%20kf5-minimum/PLATFORM=Linux,compiler=gcc/3/console | 15:48 |
sgclark | oops | 15:48 |
=== drawkward is now known as drawkward_away | ||
Riddell | lordievader: how's alpha going? | 17:36 |
lordievader | Riddell: Pretty good. Only had one report of trouble. See Blueskaj comment of some time ago. | 17:43 |
Riddell | clivejo: how's packaging? | 17:44 |
lordievader | Riddell: Just to make sure, is it correct that I cannot yet mark things ready? | 17:45 |
Riddell | lordievader: if they have enough tests done that you're happy to say they're ready then go ahead and tick them | 17:45 |
Riddell | of course there may still be respins until thursday if some issue is found | 17:46 |
lordievader | Oh no, I have a couple of tests I want to perform tommorow. But I do not see any option for marking them ready. | 17:46 |
Riddell | lordievader: at the bottom of http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/343/builds do you see an Administration section with a couple of drop down boxes? | 17:48 |
Riddell | -set_target_properties(libkispsd PROPERTIES │···················· | 17:48 |
Riddell | +set_target_properties(kritapsd PROPERTIES │···················· | 17:48 |
Riddell | clivejo: there you go it just got renamed from the clunky liblibkispsd to libkritapsd | 17:48 |
Riddell | BluesKaj: what was your issue with testing alpha 2 candidates? | 17:49 |
lordievader | Riddell: No, I do not. Just the Canonical footer. | 17:49 |
Riddell | lordievader: ok ping stgraber until he gives admin to you | 17:49 |
BluesKaj | Riddell, the default nvidia driver was the problem (nouveau) , solved it by using the recovery kernel and installing the the recommended nvidia driver. the sddm greeter/login page wouldn't load using the default kernel. | 17:51 |
Riddell | meh, nvidia, what a pain | 17:52 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Have you reported a bug about that? | 17:52 |
BluesKaj | my nvidia experience is better with nvidia than the ati-radeon | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | oops repeating myself again | 17:53 |
BluesKaj | no I'm still busy setting up the system , desktop themes fonts colours etc | 17:54 |
BluesKaj | no bug reports yet | 17:54 |
lordievader | BluesKaj: Please do when you have the time. Also report your findings on http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com | 17:55 |
BluesKaj | had soem crashes so I'll check the logs before I report any bugs | 17:55 |
clivejo | Riddell: do I fix that in the bzr archive too? | 17:59 |
Riddell | clivejo: just fix it in the calligra build for now then we'll sync to bzr when we're happy | 17:59 |
clivejo | Riddell: how do I find these? | 18:03 |
clivejo | liblibglobal.so.14 is the next problem | 18:03 |
Riddell | clivejo: I downloaded the current calligra into current/ | 18:03 |
Riddell | so you can grep through that to find where it was | 18:03 |
Riddell | then diff to the current stuff | 18:03 |
clivejo | liblibglobal was the one I had problems with last time | 18:04 |
clivejo | so liblibglogal.so.14 is now libkritaglobal.so.14 ? | 18:05 |
BluesKaj | why doesn't systemsettings have any effect on dolphin, is there no integration between plasma 4 and 5 at all ..I despise that disgusting pale green default colour that all the plasma 4 apps are forced to use | 18:06 |
Riddell | some settings are synced | 18:06 |
Riddell | dunno which | 18:06 |
BluesKaj | should have some sync/integration by now | 18:07 |
santa_ | good evening doko, we are hitting now some extra issues because of non-kde libraries which got an abi break because of the libstdc++ abi break | 18:07 |
doko | which are? | 18:07 |
santa_ | musicbrainz and openbabel | 18:08 |
santa_ | doko: libkcddb and kscd doesn't build, I presume they need a rebuilt musicbrainz, relevant part of one of one of the build logs: https://paste.kde.org/ppl6palpe | 18:09 |
santa_ | doko: + kalzium and libkface doesn't build. I presume they need a newer openbabel, relevant part of one of the build logs: https://paste.kde.org/pdhtcz7y6 | 18:10 |
santa_ | doko: status page of kde apps built with gcc 5 with full build logs here http://gpul.grupos.udc.es/kdenext_buildstatus_ubuntu-exp/ubuntu-exp_status_kdeapplications.html | 18:11 |
doko | santa_, looks promising | 18:16 |
doko | santa_, ok, I'll prepare these, but in another ppa which you can't yet use | 18:19 |
doko | I think this status is good enough. what about the kde4libs ftbfs? | 18:20 |
santa_ | doko: working on it, just missing optional symbols so far | 18:20 |
santa_ | we also need to check the other legacy kde 4 stuff such as kdepimlibs, but we are close to be somewhat finished with the tasks to be done before the gcc 5 switch | 18:22 |
santa_ | oh, and the 3rd party and extragear apps (amarok, subtitlecomposer, krecipes...), but that world is too heteregeneous so probably we will have to deal with that after switch | 18:25 |
lordievader | Did I miss anything? | 18:29 |
clivejo | Riddell: are all those warnings safe to ignore? | 20:23 |
soee | clivejo: wanna join team on slack ? :) | 20:37 |
clivejo | sure, Im a great slacker! | 20:37 |
soee | clivejo: can you send me your email ? | 20:38 |
clivejo | LOL what is it?!? | 20:38 |
soee | so i can invite you ? | 20:38 |
soee | ;) | 20:38 |
soee | i wanna test it to communicate inside Kubuntu team and commnity users | 20:39 |
clivejo | oh slack.com? | 20:39 |
soee | yes | 20:39 |
clivejo | LOL | 20:39 |
soee | lordievader: did you test already alpha2 images ? | 20:41 |
soee | the main reasons i want to try slack is: if we allow other users to join they can track history on help channel so even when they left they can go back and see if they problem was solved | 20:43 |
soee | also if they join once there is some chance they stay for a lnger an maybe try to conribute :) | 20:43 |
lordievader | soee: Lots, yes. But if you have time to test please do! | 21:27 |
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