Pi^2 | Just wanted to stop in and say thanks to keithzg, I migrated to KMail and Telepathy (and yes, it has OTR like you suggested). Migrated to Konversation as well. | 00:27 |
keithzg | Pi^2: Good to hear :) | 00:36 |
LjL-Alps | Pi^2: it only has OTR since recently. one thing that bugs me is that you must explicitly open a chat window (or have it open from before) to receive - and be able to decrypt - encrypted messages, while with most other clients, they just enter decryption mode automatically | 00:37 |
Pi^2 | LjL-Alps: I haven't done much testing with it, but there are OTR options there which let you choose when to use OTR...I selected oppourtonistic for now, but have you played with that? | 00:40 |
LjL-Alps | Pi^2: yes, i use it routinely... am using it right now | 00:41 |
LjL-Alps | okay, was using it until a moment ago, now my friend logged out | 00:41 |
Pi^2 | only problem I have with it right now is: | 00:42 |
Pi^2 | "<FONT>what tags?</FONT>" | 00:42 |
LjL-Alps | oh yes, that too | 00:42 |
Pi^2 | my friend's messages have font tags...lol he is using pidgin i believe | 00:42 |
LjL-Alps | fonts, and other things can have tags | 00:43 |
LjL-Alps | initially i was convinced there was an "interpret html tags" option, but i must have dreamed of it | 00:43 |
LjL-Alps | maybe it's in kopete | 00:43 |
Pi^2 | yea I know pidgin can interpret tags, and has an easy way to switch your character set (from latin to cryllic and back in the same message) | 00:47 |
Pi^2 | haven't played with telepathy enough yet to discover if that exists | 00:47 |
LjL-Alps | uh, you'd just use UTF-8 i figure | 00:48 |
LjL-Alps | i have no trouble using Latin and Greek with my friend (haven't tried Cyrillic though), he's on Pidgin, but we're both set to UTF-8 | 00:49 |
Pi^2 | LjL-Alps: ah, you can add the language bar to the chat window :) | 00:54 |
LjL-Alps | i don't have a language bar, i keep fcitx as a tray icon | 00:55 |
Pi^2 | Anyway, I'm going to head off | 01:00 |
Pi^2 | thanks once again keithzg! | 01:00 |
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[Relic] | anyone know how to access a ptp camera in 14.10? shows up shows being able to read everything, but can't get files off it | 01:47 |
[Relic] | even transfers part of it then give unknown error unspecified error | 02:19 |
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JimB45 | Hello | 04:23 |
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JimB45 | hello | 05:30 |
JimB45 | What is the topic of discussion? | 05:33 |
krise | Hi my laptop heats up to 75c very fast,what might be the problem. It is cleaned regulary and it stays on table top | 06:33 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:47 |
lordievader | krise: How old is the laptop? | 06:48 |
krise | max 3 years | 07:01 |
krise | samsung chronos 7 | 07:01 |
lordievader | krise: You might be facing the same problem I have with my laptop. Degraded cooling paste. | 07:02 |
lordievader | Or at least I believe that is my problem. | 07:02 |
krise | is there any solutions to fix it | 07:03 |
lordievader | krise: Replace the cooling paste, that is what I'm going to do next weekend. | 07:04 |
lordievader | It will likely void any warrenty you have on it though. | 07:04 |
krise | my warranty is over anyway i think | 07:05 |
krise | thanks, i will try that | 07:05 |
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vedu_ | Hello I am unable to boot into my computer | 07:57 |
lordievader | Unable to boot, how? | 07:58 |
vedu_ | I had installed kubuntu and was working fine but I don't know what happened | 07:58 |
lordievader | What does it do when it boots? | 07:58 |
vedu_ | when I resumed my computer only the mouse pointer was showing on a black screen so I used 'sudo reboot' in tty1 | 07:59 |
vedu_ | now there is just a terminal cursor blinking on the top left | 07:59 |
vedu_ | even kubuntu is not being displayed | 07:59 |
vedu_ | I think the bootloader is not starting | 08:00 |
lordievader | After the bios screen you get a blinking cursor? | 08:00 |
vedu_ | lordievader: yes | 08:01 |
lordievader | Hmm, do you have a live-cd or usb laying around? | 08:02 |
vedu_ | I have. but even that is not working after install | 08:05 |
vedu_ | I am downloading boot-repair, following this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair | 08:05 |
lordievader | vedu_: Could you boot into that and pastebin your instals /boot/grub/grub.cfg? | 08:05 |
vedu_ | lordievader: Hi again. I just logged in using a Live USB | 08:45 |
vedu_ | what was the command again | 08:45 |
lordievader | vedu_: I'd like to see your instal's /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 08:47 |
vedu_ | lordievader: In my /boot/grub dir I don't have grub.cgf | 08:50 |
vedu_ | grub.cfg* | 08:50 |
lordievader | vedu_: In the live usb's /boot/grub or your install's? | 08:50 |
vedu_ | install's | 08:50 |
lordievader | Well, that would explain your troubles ;) | 08:50 |
lordievader | vedu_: Mount /dev (rbind) and proc into your install, chroot in and update grub. | 08:51 |
vedu_ | lordievader: oh no. wait it is there. its contents: https://paste.kde.org/pzswfcddh | 08:55 |
lordievader | That looks quite okay, I'd reinstall grub if I where you. | 08:57 |
vedu_ | I didn't do anything with grub | 08:59 |
vedu_ | maybe its another issue | 08:59 |
lordievader | If you cannot get into grub it is unlikely to be anything else. | 09:00 |
vedu_ | I have just one OS so I do not get the grub screen anyway | 09:01 |
lordievader | vedu_: Ah, you do get grub when you hold shift? | 09:02 |
vedu_ | I will have to try | 09:02 |
vedu__ | No grub doesn't load | 09:07 |
lordievader | vedu__: Then reinstall grub ;) | 09:07 |
eleektro | hi | 09:10 |
lordievader | o/ | 09:10 |
eleektro | somebody could help me with a problem in my hd? | 09:11 |
lordievader | eleektro: Perhaps, state your problem. | 09:12 |
eleektro | look at this error when i'm trying to copy a file on that hd: | 09:13 |
lordievader | !paste | eleektro | 09:14 |
ubottu | eleektro: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:14 |
eleektro | for example: cp /foo.mkv /failed/hd -> cp: error writting /foo.mkv: read only file system | 09:15 |
eleektro | but in fstab its mounted as rw | 09:15 |
eleektro | when i do touch /hello.txt i've no problem | 09:16 |
yossarianuk | are the new kde applications going to the PPA ? | 09:17 |
lordievader | eleektro: Could you pastebin the output of 'mount' and specify what mount point is giving this error? | 09:17 |
yossarianuk | i./e https://www.kde.org/info/applications-15.07.80.php | 09:17 |
eleektro | ok | 09:17 |
eleektro | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952525/ | 09:18 |
eleektro | the problematic mount point is /dev/sdd1 | 09:20 |
eleektro | sorry, /dev/sdd2 | 09:20 |
lordievader | eleektro: What is the out of 'ls -l /media/NAS/Volume_2'? | 09:22 |
eleektro | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952542/ | 09:25 |
lordievader | eleektro: Can you 'touch /media/NAS/Volume_2/Apps/test'? | 09:27 |
eleektro | yes, no problem | 09:28 |
lordievader | So where is the problem then? | 09:29 |
eleektro | this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952555/ | 09:29 |
lordievader | eleektro: Ah, looks like your disk is dying. Is smartmontools installed? | 09:30 |
eleektro | yes, look its output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952562/ | 09:32 |
lordievader | Hmm, disk seems to be fine. Bad sata cable? | 09:33 |
eleektro | look this too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952568/ | 09:33 |
eleektro | sorry, that output is in spanish and english | 09:34 |
lordievader | eleektro: I'd check the other disks too. Perhaps it is not sdd generating the troubles. | 09:35 |
eleektro | do you think that /dev/sda1 could generate problems w/dev/sdd? | 09:37 |
eleektro | /dev/sda -> ssd | 09:37 |
eleektro | i'll check the sata cable | 09:39 |
lordievader | eleektro: Not really. But it is allways a good idea to keep an eye on smart values ;) | 09:39 |
TheSuperGeek | Hello ! | 09:43 |
vedu_ | Hello I am using boot-repair live USB and I have generated this report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952600/ | 09:45 |
lordievader | vedu__: See line 16 and 17. | 09:48 |
lordievader | vedu_: You are booting from sdb? | 09:50 |
Crazy | Hello, everyone knows about that Error: KDEinit cannot launch /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kioexec | 09:50 |
Crazy | ? | 09:50 |
vedu_ | There is an update. I successfully ran boot repair and it generated this report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952625/ | 09:50 |
vedu_ | I got a message that boot has been repaired : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952646/ . So I am going to reboot now :) | 09:52 |
vedu | lordievader: It works! | 09:55 |
lordievader | That is good to hear :) | 09:56 |
vedu | yay :) The community is why I love open source <3 | 09:56 |
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BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:58 |
popcar | Hi | 11:31 |
popcar | anyone here? | 11:31 |
BluesKaj | popcar, yes, just ask your question | 11:32 |
popcar | oh, hey BluesKaj, I'm that halp guy | 11:32 |
BluesKaj | oh Hi again | 11:33 |
popcar | so my problem is that I'm trying to access my windows hard drive | 11:33 |
popcar | to get my stuff from windows (I'm dual booting) | 11:34 |
popcar | this WAS working until recently | 11:34 |
popcar | An error occurred while accessing '142.5 GiB Hard Drive', the system responded: The requested operation has failed: Error mounting /dev/sda2 at /media/nassef/72EEABE9EEABA3B7: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda2" "/media/nassef/72EEABE9EEABA3B7"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0). | 11:34 |
popcar | Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. Failed to mount '/dev/sda2': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option. | 11:35 |
popcar | quite a long error, but that's it. | 11:35 |
lordievader | popcar: Reboot to Windows and shut it down properly. | 11:35 |
popcar | Got it, will try, be back in 10 minutes or so | 11:35 |
BluesKaj | think the windows pariition might be damaged from kubuntu installation the other day | 11:38 |
lordievader | Nah, this is what happens when you forcibly shutdown Windows. Or unplug a drive without unmounting it in Windows. | 11:38 |
popcar | worked! thanks. | 11:40 |
popcar | cya. thanks again. | 11:41 |
s_20 | that was a pretty straightforward error message, people are weird sometimes | 11:43 |
BluesKaj | he's lucky he didn't muck up his windows install, ubiquity must be getting better | 11:43 |
Garrett_ | Hello everyone! Can anybody help me with following problem? http://askubuntu.com/questions/653451/kubuntu-15-04-vivid-nvidia-gtx-660m-optimus-again | 11:58 |
=== LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps | ||
soee_ | Garrett_: when installing propriety driviers nvidia-prime shuld be installed and its all you need to switch gpus | 12:08 |
edaigle | Is the a global setting to change so that the X button quits apps like KTorrent or Amarok, instead of sending them to the notification bar? Or do you just change it in the app itself? | 12:22 |
soee_ | Garrett_: yes you can remove bumblebee | 12:26 |
soee_ | edaigle: i think its app related behaviour | 12:26 |
BluesKaj | edaigle, ktorrent has to be changed in it's settings, amarok on the other hand might be more difficult. I don't use it so can't advice | 12:27 |
BluesKaj | advise | 12:27 |
Garrett_ | soee_: I'll give it a try, but I'm afraid that problem is placed in Optimus card system. It's not just problem with switching gpu's. | 12:28 |
soee_ | it is 66m right ? | 12:29 |
soee_ | *660m | 12:29 |
Garrett_ | yes it | 12:34 |
Garrett_ | is | 12:34 |
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fqfk | . | 12:52 |
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daum | hey guys i have auto-updates on and now mysql when it starts throws out a bunch of errno 24s which appears too many open files. I can't seem to find a good way to fix it, i keep finding multiple ways people say to fix it, but none are seeming to work. I don't even thing i recently upgraded my mysql, only the kernel | 13:15 |
daum | nevermind figured it out: http://serverfault.com/questions/440878/changing-open-files-limit-in-mysql-5-5 | 13:19 |
christol | Test... | 13:26 |
soee | garrett_: got my message ? | 13:35 |
garrett_ | soee: yes, thank you so much :) I was afk | 13:46 |
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alket | how to change right click sensitivity on 15.04 ? | 15:18 |
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Graf_Westerholt | Hi! I installed Kubuntu 15.04 and copied my files back. I expected to be everything as in 14.10, but the configuration is just like a new account. And Akonadi is not working, it says that no agent is installed. :( | 17:09 |
valorie | Graf_Westerholt: please don't copy back all your .kde files | 17:30 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie, why not? | 17:30 |
valorie | you will mess up your ported to Qt5 application settings | 17:31 |
valorie | if they have not been ported, and are still kde4, fine | 17:31 |
valorie | but not blanket | 17:31 |
Graf_Westerholt | ported? | 17:31 |
valorie | new stuff is kept in .config and .local | 17:31 |
Graf_Westerholt | I do not understand. | 17:31 |
Graf_Westerholt | ok | 17:31 |
valorie | we're in the new world: frameworks 5, Qt5, Plasma5 | 17:32 |
Graf_Westerholt | ok, I did copy all back. | 17:32 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie, what to do now? | 17:33 |
valorie | Graf_Westerholt: this is what I would do: copy what you have into a backup file | 17:45 |
valorie | log out of your session and remove .kde | 17:45 |
valorie | log back in | 17:45 |
valorie | move things in one at a time | 17:45 |
valorie | I've done this a few times when I had problems, and it takes a bit of time | 17:45 |
valorie | but it works | 17:45 |
valorie | don't copy any plasma stuff back in | 17:46 |
valorie | only applications that you know are not ported | 17:46 |
Graf_Westerholt | ok. valorie. I have a backup of my files on a external hard drive. | 17:46 |
Graf_Westerholt | I do not know what is ported and what not. | 17:46 |
Graf_Westerholt | Important are the e-mails and contacts. | 17:47 |
valorie | right, I'm not sure about that, so I would ask on #kde-kontact | 17:47 |
valorie | or maybe #kontact | 17:47 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie, it is #kontact. | 17:48 |
valorie | it is the latter | 17:48 |
Graf_Westerholt | yes | 17:48 |
valorie | of course it is evening here in europe where the devels live | 17:48 |
valorie | and there is a party tonight at akademy | 17:48 |
valorie | so it might be a bit slow | 17:49 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie, sorry? | 17:49 |
valorie | in fact, I need to go get ready for the party | 17:49 |
valorie | ttyl | 17:49 |
valorie | and good luck | 17:49 |
Graf_Westerholt | ok | 17:49 |
Graf_Westerholt | valorie, it helped a bit to rename ~/.local/share/akonadi | 18:35 |
smalldjo | hi | 19:02 |
smalldjo | could someone tell me if "krfb" comes with kubuntu 15.04 by default or do i need to get it somehow ? plz | 19:03 |
krytarik | !info krfb | smalldjo: No, it doesn't, but here you go | 19:23 |
ubottu | smalldjo: No, it doesn't, but here you go: krfb (source: krfb): Desktop Sharing utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:14.12.3-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 355 kB, installed size 744 kB | 19:23 |
smalldjo | thanks for the info man , however im not sure what to ,do with the rest of it | 19:34 |
mparillo_ | To get it: sudo apt update && sudo apt install krfb -y | 19:37 |
keithzg | (or use the GUI package manager frontend Muon) | 19:42 |
smalldjo | ok thanks , running this right now | 19:44 |
Salrana | Hey guys, Im trying Kubuntu right now on live usb and for a reason I dont understand I cannot find my hard disk sda in /dev/. Is there something I should do | 21:29 |
cmakeshift | this is really vague, man. can you describe your system a bit better? | 21:41 |
cmakeshift | Salrana: forgot to mention | 21:43 |
bprompt | Salrana: run "lsblk" it should show up there | 21:45 |
Salrana | Ive manage to understand a little. But it doesnt work. Ill work on it later. | 21:46 |
Salrana | I found sda3 in dev. But its like a blank file. So I created a mount point and also used the sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda3 /media/internal command. | 21:48 |
bprompt | k | 21:48 |
bprompt | Salrana: could have mounted it from Dolphin as well :/ | 21:49 |
Salrana | how lol :P | 21:49 |
Salrana | I rightclikc and | 21:49 |
bprompt | ahemm by just "click" :P | 21:49 |
Salrana | It wants to open the sda3 with a software | 21:49 |
bprompt | ? | 21:49 |
bprompt | that's new | 21:50 |
Salrana | I know its strange. It was working well with Precise Puppy. For my Kubuntu it seems that sda3 is a file and not a directory | 21:50 |
Salrana | its written file:///dev/sda3 | 21:51 |
bprompt | eh? | 21:51 |
bprompt | Salrana: that's because you're not really mounting it, you're trying to browser the device entry at /dev/sda3 | 21:52 |
bprompt | Salrana: in dolphin, you simply go to "Places" or F9, and click the Hdd entry, and it'd mount it | 21:52 |
Salrana | I understand how it is suppose to work. My problem isnt found anywhere on the internet. Ill watch a youtube video just in case. | 21:53 |
Salrana | Anyway thanks for the help. I will try to make it work later. | 21:56 |
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nolan_ | hey I'm having an issue with not being able to change my desktop layout, is anyone having a similar issue? | 23:55 |
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