
elachechetheShirbiny, I tthink that I should join the new community :D08:43
elachecheI was trying to derivate Ubuntu, I think that it's something will relation to OSDev4Arab too.. As there is many tools and ways to do that.. And contributing to those tools is part of the OS dev thing.. Am I wrong?08:45
elachecheNa3iL, you should join too!08:45
elacheche<theShirbiny> http://www.osdev4arab.org/08:45
theShirbinyelacheche, :D09:05
theShirbinyif you really wanna help -> https://trello.com/b/pslUMpQW/osdev4arab-website09:08
theShirbinywe have _a lot_ of non-technical tasks09:09
elachecheI saw that :)09:21
Na3iLback, I'll join for sure elacheche :D12:27
theShirbiny:D, please send an e-mail to osdev4arab@gmail.com and you'll be added to the maililng list12:39
Na3iLokay theShirbiny12:44
elachecheWhat to say in the mail?12:45
theShirbiny ياريت أي حد عايز يساعد يبعت علي: osdev4arab@gmail.com12:49
theShirbinyو يعرفنا بنفسه و بتخصصه و خبرته و إزاي يقدر يساعد، و بعدد الساعات الفاضيه اللي هوه مُستعد يساعد بيها.12:49
theShirbinyو لو مفيش عندك أفكار مُعينه للمساعده بس عايز تساعد و خلاص، برضه إبعتلنا و قول كده، و إحنا هنفكر معاك في أفضل طريقه لإستغلال وقتك إستغلال سليم.12:49
elachecheGreat theShirbiny :) I'll do that asap.. but not now.. need to work x) I thought it's a just a simple mail to send :D12:50
theShirbinyit is, just say whatever you want to say about yourself, mine was 3 lines xD12:51

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