=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam | ||
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Kkote | Just threw this on my Nexus 5. Was wondering what kind of apps/programs you run on it | 03:04 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:00 |
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lotuspsychje | http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/canonical-throws-in-10-000-euro-rewards-for-new-ubuntu-phone-ad-campaign-487922.shtml | 08:22 |
pete-woods | jgdx: hey. did you manage to fix that merge conflict in the hotspot MR? | 08:37 |
seb128 | pete-woods, he's on holidays this week | 08:44 |
pete-woods | d'oh! | 08:44 |
pete-woods | seb128: thanks for letting me know :) | 08:44 |
seb128 | yw | 08:45 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Milk Chocolate Day! 😃 | 08:54 |
OerHeks | wake me up @ dark chocolate day :-D | 08:55 |
jibel | oSoMoN, morning, do you know the steps to reproduce this crash bug 1478166 ? | 09:15 |
ubot5 | bug 1478166 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "/usr/bin/webapp-container:11:oxide::FilePicker::Done:oxide::qt::FilePicker::done:oxide::qquick::FilePickerContext::accept:oxide::qquick::FilePickerContext::qt_static_metacall:oxide::qquick::FilePickerContext::qt_metacall" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1478166 | 09:15 |
oSoMoN | jibel, hey, no I’m not sure how to reproduce, alexabreu would know | 09:20 |
jibel | alexabreu, ^ do you know? | 09:21 |
oSoMoN | jibel, note that there is a fix pending review, and I’ve asked Alex to add a unit test for it | 09:21 |
oSoMoN | jibel, he won’t be online for another 3 hours or so | 09:21 |
jibel | oSoMoN, yeah but I heard some people reporting webbrowser crash and it's the only recent and popular crash I found | 09:22 |
jibel | just wondering if it's the msae case | 09:22 |
jibel | same* | 09:22 |
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mandel | seb128, I have tested silo 17 and works perfectly in vivid with krillin, could you take a second look? is an update in udm and that software that depends on it | 09:32 |
seb128 | mandel, ok, sure | 09:32 |
mandel | seb128, I've also noticed that when we have creds issues the updates are stuck and we get no feedback, is that a known bug?? Do you want me to take a look? | 09:32 |
mandel | seb128, I "shat my trousers" because the updates did not happen and I though it was udm, readding the u1 account fixed it | 09:32 |
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ProstheticS | hey guys, does the mx4 support mhl output? | 09:59 |
popey | not that I'm aware of | 10:00 |
ProstheticS | ive noticed when i pair a usb mouse the screen goes to desktop mode, so pairing a keyboard and then plugging in a monitor is just the next logical step isnt it :p | 10:01 |
ProstheticS | oh really? damn | 10:01 |
popey | 🙂 | 10:01 |
ProstheticS | i mean, when i pair a bluetooth mouse * | 10:01 |
ProstheticS | thats a bit crushing, ide have loved to utilised it desktop mode from a screen or whatever, that would have been awesome to play with :( | 10:08 |
popey | hm, there are videos showing it working | 10:08 |
popey | on android | 10:08 |
ProstheticS | thats funny, most of the searches ive read say no mhl on flyme (meizu's android) | 10:09 |
popey | so maybe I'm wrong | 10:09 |
ProstheticS | on the mx4 i mean | 10:09 |
popey | http://www.gsmarena.com/meizu_mx4-6627.php | 10:09 |
ProstheticS | hmm, well i guess its less then 10 pounds to order one of these connectors and give it a whirl :p | 10:09 |
popey | heh | 10:10 |
ProstheticS | i'll give it a shot, coz if so, i already got xmir going on the thing, i could do some funky stuff with a proper monitor | 10:10 |
ProstheticS | its quite fast actually, i didnt think it was, coz interfface lag and whatnot, but it started some largish apps quite fast once i got em going | 10:11 |
ProstheticS | fun to playwith :p | 10:12 |
popey | neat! | 10:12 |
rogro82 | a simple google cast mirror would also be nice for convergence | 10:13 |
ProstheticS | i pretty much bought this phone because i could mess with its innards a bit more then any others :p and ive already started, stuff like automounting sshfs on my server whenever a network is present via dispatcher.d scripts and the last few youtube videos from channels i watch so that i can watch them when on the tube(no coverage) | 10:15 |
ProstheticS | syncing photos when sshfs is up back to home | 10:15 |
mcphail | Given that cut-the-rope is in the stock image, is it supported by Canonical? It needs to be tweaked so it doesn't autorotate with the phone | 10:17 |
rogro82 | currently in the process of writing a google cast client... first implemented youtube fling and that works nice... now onto casting media... guess it will take some time before it will land in the store though | 10:18 |
Dragonkeeper | anyone ported mumble to phone ? | 10:18 |
Dragonkeeper | if im not mistaken it uses c and qt | 10:19 |
nhaines | Needs to use QML. :) | 10:20 |
popey | Dragonkeeper: don't think so | 10:20 |
nhaines | QML and C++, I guess. | 10:21 |
Dragonkeeper | hmm would be a nice addition if its possible | 10:21 |
chrisc | hi, i'm trying to find the bug list for the touch web browser but failing... | 10:22 |
ogra_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webbrowser-app | 10:23 |
chrisc | ogra_: cheers | 10:23 |
chrisc | so, the bug i was looking for has bene fixed in oxide branch-1.9, anyone know when this update might be available for devel on mako? https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/1422339 | 10:26 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1422339 in Oxide "Missing API to wire in basic access authentication" [High,Fix released] | 10:26 |
chrisc | oh, what a coincidence! | 10:26 |
chrisc | ah, the bot feteched the tile from the url, do'h | 10:26 |
popey | chrisc: question for dbarth who appears to not be here right now | 10:30 |
chrisc | popey: thanks | 10:31 |
Laney | renatu: thoughts/objections to pushing e-d-s 3.16 to wily? | 11:08 |
zzarr | hello! is there a way to serialize/deserialize an object of an class that inherits QObject? | 11:11 |
zzarr | (I wish to send an object from one application to another and the other application may be on another physical machine) | 11:13 |
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guest42345 | hi all | 11:56 |
egon1 | hi | 11:56 |
egon1 | sombode speaks german language maybe? | 11:57 |
ogra_ | lots of germans do i heard ... | 11:57 |
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lotus|touch | join #ubuntu-discuss | 11:59 |
egon1 | i need a information | 12:02 |
ogra_ | egon1, just ask | 12:02 |
egon1 | it it possible to sent the contakts to a pc | 12:02 |
egon1 | or to a other phone via bluetooth maybe? | 12:03 |
ogra_ | the contacts are stored by evolution-data-server on the phone ... i would guess there is a way to ex/import them from commandline | 12:04 |
egon1 | you'll say thats possible to install a terminal and midnightcommander maybe? | 12:06 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
ogra_ | the terminal-app is in the store, you can just install it | 12:07 |
ogra_ | (there is also a filemanager-app) | 12:07 |
guest42345 | egon1, sudo apt-get install mc? | 12:14 |
ogra_ | guest42345, well, that means making the system writable first (and losing OTA support) | 12:14 |
abeato | Laney, could you review/merge if ok https://code.launchpad.net/~alfonsosanchezbeato/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+git/gst-plugins-bad1.0/+merge/265791 ? | 12:14 |
guest42345 | ogra_, can't i make the system read only after installing mc? | 12:15 |
ogra_ | installing debs should rather be done in a chroot in /home/phablet/ | 12:15 |
ogra_ | guest42345, technically, yeah :) | 12:15 |
guest42345 | :wink: | 12:15 |
Laney | abeato: sure - does media-hub need to be updated for this or is it ok to upload? | 12:15 |
ogra_ | and for a single package thats actually okayish | 12:15 |
guest42345 | yeah :> mc should be harmless | 12:16 |
abeato | Laney, no, no changes in media-hub this time, so you can upload | 12:16 |
guest42345 | can't wait for snappy!! | 12:16 |
guest42345 | )) | 12:16 |
ogra_ | :) | 12:16 |
abeato | Laney, thanks | 12:16 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
zzarr | hello! can I have more than one constructor for a QObject? | 12:26 |
zzarr | I having problems with it | 12:27 |
zzarr | I have the standard one "explicit MyClass(QObject *parent = 0)" | 12:28 |
ogra_ | zzarr, try #ubuntu-app-devel | 12:29 |
zzarr | ohh, sorry I didn't realize I was in the #ubuntu channel | 12:30 |
zzarr | I'll ask in #qt where I intended too | 12:30 |
ogra_ | haha | 12:31 |
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egon1 | i hav installed terminal yet | 12:48 |
egon1 | after sudo -i he will not aceppting 'apt-get install mc | 12:49 |
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Alex______ | hi | 13:05 |
ogra_ | Alex______, you carry quite a tail :) | 13:06 |
egon1 | ogra_: i can ot fin the contacts with the filemanager.. whre exact are the contacts stored? | 13:06 |
ogra_ | i dont know the exact place ... but surely in a hidden dir under /home/phablet ... .config or some such or .local | 13:07 |
Alex______ | please tell me, who be have installed ubuntu touch on phone meizu mx4 (android) by yourself ? | 13:09 |
* ogra_ doubts anyone has | 13:09 | |
egon1 | its possible to use whatsappweb? | 13:09 |
ogra_ | you would need a flash tool from meizu and an image from them to actually have the phone re-partitioned for ubuntu | 13:10 |
zzarr | I ordered a MX4 last thursday, the page said 2 weeks how accurate is that? | 13:10 |
ogra_ | egon1, doesnt that only work if an android phone is loged in ? | 13:10 |
ogra_ | (might work, but you would have to carry that android phone along) | 13:10 |
egon1 | i hafe a whatsappacount over genymotionemulator on my linux-pc | 13:11 |
egon1 | and want to use it with the ubuntumobilephone | 13:11 |
Alex______ | ogra_, thanks | 13:13 |
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g | ||
zzarr | (I can't wait :) ) | 13:14 |
renatu | Laney, I am ok with that | 13:18 |
dale_ | Can anyone give me (a noob) a hint about how a QtQuick app can control the phone's screen brightness? | 13:26 |
ogra_ | apps cant control the screen (or any other hardware) | 13:29 |
ogra_ | well, not true ... since very recently they can ask for the screen to stay on i heard | 13:29 |
ogra_ | (not sure how though, new feature and not documented yet) | 13:30 |
dale_ | The video player keeps the screen bright? | 13:30 |
ogra_ | well | 13:31 |
ogra_ | the media-hub server does | 13:31 |
ogra_ | not the player app iself | 13:31 |
ogra_ | *itself | 13:31 |
dale_ | Okay, how do I talk to the media hub server? | 13:31 |
ogra_ | https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/QtMultimedia.qtmultimedia-index/ | 13:33 |
morphis | does anyone know why I am missing /var/log/syslog on my vivid based device? | 13:35 |
dale_ | Thanks Ogra, I think I will need to delve into the source of that module. | 13:36 |
morphis | ogra_: any idea? | 13:38 |
ogra_ | morphis, there is a werid bu where /var/log changes ownership | 13:38 |
ogra_ | *bug | 13:38 |
morphis | to root:android_input? | 13:39 |
ogra_ | yes | 13:39 |
ogra_ | thats the one | 13:39 |
morphis | bug 1451565 is the one | 13:39 |
ubot5 | bug 1451565 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "/var/log owned by wrong group (android_input) (again)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1451565 | 13:39 |
ogra_ | yeah | 13:39 |
dobey | egon1: i don't think the whatsapp web interface works in the ubuntu phone browser. if you want to use whatsapp on ubuntu phone, the best people to inform of that desire, are WhatsApp themselves, as it is a proprietary app and they are very strict about unofficial clients being used | 13:39 |
Elleo | kenvandine: rebuilt silo 2 with a fix for the failing test on https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-sheldon/ubuntu-keyboard/fix-1477901/+merge/265839 | 13:40 |
morphis | ogra_: hm | 13:40 |
ogra_ | morphis, and i have no clue why ... we have hardcoded passwd and group files with fixed UID/GIDs, there is thjeoretically no way that can happen | 13:41 |
ogra_ | (we even have an upstart job that chowns it to the syslog group after updates, just to be sure) | 13:42 |
morphis | hm | 13:42 |
egon1 | mhm | 13:42 |
ogra_ | (but obviously that doesnt hep either) | 13:42 |
morphis | is it changed back on every boot? | 13:42 |
ogra_ | no, only on upgrades | 13:42 |
morphis | ok | 13:42 |
ogra_ | /etc/init/boot-hooks/ensure-logdir-owner.conf | 13:43 |
ogra_ | if ! ls -ld /var/log|grep -q syslog; then | 13:43 |
ogra_ | chown root:syslog /var/log | 13:43 |
ogra_ | fi | 13:43 |
ogra_ | even by group name | 13:43 |
ogra_ | (hmm, that could use a -R ) | 13:43 |
ogra_ | (wont help the issue though) | 13:44 |
morphis | yeah | 13:44 |
morphis | who calls the boot-hooks? | 13:44 |
ogra_ | /etc/init/boot-hooks-emit.conf | 13:44 |
ogra_ | checks /userdata/.last_ubuntu-build against /etc/ubuntu-build ... if they differ, it runs them | 13:45 |
morphis | hm | 13:46 |
morphis | could be changed to WHEN=every-boot as workaround | 13:46 |
ogra_ | you could try that ... though the issue only shows up after upgrades | 13:47 |
morphis | I'll give it a try | 13:48 |
ogra_ | (and indeed you slow down the boot process by several nanoseconds) | 13:48 |
davmor2 | morphis: iirc I saw it if I flashed the same image over an image. For example I'm on image 3 and I use u-d-f to flash image 3 again without wiping data. | 13:48 |
morphis | hm | 13:48 |
ogra_ | well, in that case morphis fix would have helped i guess | 13:48 |
morphis | ogra_, davmor2: did some one check the actual rootfs images? | 13:49 |
ogra_ | morphis, about 1000 times | 13:49 |
morphis | :) | 13:49 |
ogra_ | this bug exists since 2 years | 13:49 |
morphis | uh | 13:49 |
ogra_ | we even have code in livecd-rootfs that forces the owner to make 100% sure it is the right one | 13:49 |
morphis | magic ... | 13:50 |
ogra_ | haha | 13:50 |
ogra_ | with a sledgehammer | 13:50 |
AbuDhar | hey :) | 13:50 |
morphis | and doesn't help :D | 13:50 |
ogra_ | this bu already produced some of the wridest hacks | 13:50 |
ogra_ | and yes, nothing helped | 13:50 |
davmor2 | ogra_: but do you sacrifice a chicken to the god of hell fire? | 13:51 |
AbuDhar | the Miezu phone looks good man! | 13:51 |
AbuDhar | I think I am going to buy it. | 13:51 |
ogra_ | davmor2, only goats .... not sure that god takes chicken | 13:51 |
davmor2 | ogra_: there is your mistake, hell fire == chickens, Lucifer == goats it's the whole pecking order thing | 13:52 |
ogra_ | davmor2, please add that info to the bug then so morphis can do the right thing :) | 13:53 |
dale_ | The Miezu phone _is_ good! | 13:53 |
AbuDhar | is this a channel for satanists? | 13:54 |
AbuDhar | why are we talking about Lucifer? | 13:54 |
ogra_ | AbuDhar, we talk about hellish bugs :) | 13:54 |
AbuDhar | hmm okay. | 13:55 |
AbuDhar | dale_, do you know the next phone Ubuntu is planning on selling with their software? | 13:55 |
dale_ | No, tell me about it | 13:55 |
AbuDhar | heh I was asking you. I don't know it either. | 13:56 |
AbuDhar | I thought you maybe knew. | 13:56 |
dale_ | Hardware-wise, it's hard to see how the MX4 will be bettered in the near future | 13:56 |
AbuDhar | maybe the battery? :) | 13:57 |
AbuDhar | how good is the battery? | 13:57 |
dale_ | Dual sims, SD cards maybe. | 13:57 |
dale_ | The battery... | 13:57 |
AbuDhar | how many hours on full charge? | 13:57 |
AbuDhar | normal usage | 13:57 |
dale_ | you have to keep an eye on it with WiFi switched on (and the screen, of course). Generally it lasts all day no problem... | 13:58 |
dale_ | but if you use it heavily then you may fall short of four hours. | 13:58 |
kenvandine | Elleo, cool, i already tested it :) | 13:58 |
kenvandine | worked well | 13:58 |
* kenvandine comments | 13:58 | |
Elleo | kenvandine: okay, cool, thanks | 13:59 |
kenvandine | Elleo, i just had 100% pass :) | 14:00 |
Elleo | kenvandine: awesome :) | 14:00 |
Elleo | kenvandine: is that with your dbus fix branch too? | 14:00 |
kenvandine | yes | 14:00 |
Elleo | cool | 14:00 |
kenvandine | and like 4 other branches | 14:00 |
dale_ | In normal use it will easily go from 9:00am to 7:00pm, so spans a working day. | 14:00 |
kenvandine | Elleo, amazing the can of worms this opened :/ | 14:00 |
Elleo | heh, yeah | 14:00 |
kenvandine | these all passed before the OSK change :/ | 14:01 |
kenvandine | but most of my fixes had nothing to do with it... but they were clearly issues | 14:01 |
Elleo | yeah, and the OSK's internal tests were all fine, so it's good that we've uncovered things there too by using it more extensively | 14:02 |
mandel | kenvandine, silo 17 is ready for QA, I was stuck due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1378678 thinking it was my fault | 14:04 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1378678 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "updates panel doesn't deal with invalid u1 tokens" [Critical,Confirmed] | 14:04 |
kenvandine | mandel, ah, ok | 14:04 |
kenvandine | thx | 14:04 |
mandel | kenvandine, I did not try to delete my creds, was debugging and found out, what a waste of time :( | 14:05 |
kenvandine | bummer | 14:05 |
kal_cividFajdida | hello, I have bq Aquaris E5 - free Smartphone of 5 \" (Cortex A7, WiFi , Bluetooth , 1 GB of RAM , 16 GB of internal memory, Ubuntu ): | 14:10 |
kal_cividFajdida | Some guide to form it, where to obtain repositories. | 14:10 |
popey | kal_cividFajdida: I dont understand the question, what do you want to do? | 14:10 |
guest42345 | popey, he uants reposatoris | 14:11 |
guest42345 | four phone | 14:12 |
popey | that's not any more clear. | 14:12 |
popey | I'm asky what kal_cividFajdida wants to _do_ | 14:12 |
guest42345 | hesus christ qml is crazier than me | 14:13 |
guest42345 | i'm coding a silly game in qml | 14:13 |
guest42345 | wish me luck | 14:13 |
kal_cividFajdida | popey: I look for information to configure the telephone. Configure sources.list. | 14:14 |
kal_cividFajdida | install program from sources.list | 14:14 |
popey | kal_cividFajdida: the phone is read-only by default. | 14:14 |
popey | kal_cividFajdida: http://askubuntu.com/questions/399709/install-with-sudo-app-get-install-doesnt-work-not-using-locking-for-read-only | 14:14 |
davmor2 | kal_cividFajdida: the phone uses click to install stuff no apt, just look in the store | 14:15 |
popey | If you make the phone read-write, it can break later, and you may need to re-flash it again | 14:15 |
popey | We generally don't recommend doing it, unless you're a developer, and are happy re-flashing it again. | 14:15 |
popey | also, many of the things in the repo you could install wont actually work | 14:17 |
kal_cividFajdida | popey: davmor2 : thank. Go shit¡¡¡ | 14:17 |
* ogra_ recommends usin a chroot in /home/phablet for deb packages | 14:17 | |
ogra_ | or an lxc container | 14:18 |
Laney | renatu: ta, will probably do after alpha 2 | 14:19 |
renatu | Laney, ok thanks | 14:21 |
seb128 | ogra_, do you still plan to land the lxc-android-config fix from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/whoopsie-preferences/+bug/1437633 ? | 14:24 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1437633 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Choosing not to report crashes and errors setting reverts" [High,Confirmed] | 14:24 |
ogra_ | seb128, h, did nobody land that yet | 14:24 |
seb128 | pmcgowan, ^ I think the fix released status is wrong | 14:24 |
seb128 | ogra_, no, I don't think so, and we just got another duplicatge | 14:24 |
ogra_ | seb128, not sure i can get to it this week ... cant promise | 14:26 |
pmcgowan | seb128, yeah was looking for that, someone just reproted it again | 14:28 |
seb128 | pmcgowan, yeah, I just dupped it | 14:28 |
pmcgowan | seb128, but I cant repro it, prolly cuase I set rw at some point or something | 14:28 |
seb128 | pmcgowan, right, likely | 14:29 |
seb128 | you are still rw? or you are ro? | 14:29 |
pmcgowan | ro now and its fine | 14:29 |
seb128 | weird | 14:29 |
pmcgowan | was going to try to reflash and see | 14:29 |
pmcgowan | jeez that bug is open a long time | 14:29 |
pmcgowan | who else can land it | 14:30 |
ogra_ | yeah, it was always dumped in prio over several OTAs | 14:30 |
seb128 | pmcgowan, let me try to have a look now | 14:30 |
ogra_ | and lxc-android-config is a no-fun landing | 14:30 |
* ogra_ would have asked morphis, but this package is really nothing for a first landing | 14:31 | |
jibel | we already tried to land once but it failed verification in april | 14:31 |
morphis | ogra_: did a landing for it already | 14:31 |
ogra_ | oh,. ok :) | 14:31 |
jibel | but the MP looks more recent, so maybe reland it if it has been updated | 14:32 |
seb128 | morphis, can you do another one for that bug? ;-) | 14:33 |
morphis | seb128: for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/whoopsie-preferences/+bug/1437633? | 14:34 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1437633 in lxc-android-config (Ubuntu) "Choosing not to report crashes and errors setting reverts" [High,Confirmed] | 14:34 |
seb128 | morphis, yes | 14:34 |
morphis | seb128: for vivid? | 14:34 |
seb128 | morphis, yes | 14:35 |
ogra_ | jibel, i think it was also paired with another fix back when it failed | 14:35 |
seb128 | pmcgowan, ogra_, jibel, morphis, we probably need to land that in the ppa as well, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/207170546/whoopsie-preferences_0.16_0.17.diff.gz | 14:35 |
ogra_ | +1 | 14:35 |
pmcgowan | yes | 14:35 |
morphis | seb128: that is in wily to? | 14:37 |
jibel | ogra_, yeah, that's my recollection too and there was no further attempt | 14:37 |
seb128 | morphis, that's already in wily yes | 14:37 |
morphis | ok, so we just have to sync both packages over to the vivid pppa | 14:37 |
ogra_ | iirc that wont work | 14:39 |
ogra_ | because whoopsie behaves differently in the two releases | 14:39 |
ogra_ | hmm | 14:39 |
ogra_ | or was that RTM vs vivid | 14:39 |
ogra_ | (there was a reason we initially developed two different patches but i cant remember what it was anymore) | 14:41 |
Laney | The changes I mentioned in #28 haven't happened in wily it seems BTW | 14:42 |
Laney | #22 | 14:42 |
seb128 | Laney, those are not needed for the upstart boot from the phone, right? | 14:44 |
seb128 | well, 2/ I mean | 14:44 |
seb128 | the lxc-android change is what we are talking about | 14:44 |
Laney | Why not? | 14:48 |
Laney | I mean, maybe I forgot the details, but I think they are? | 14:48 |
Laney | You need something to set the symlink up for the writable_filename thing to do | 14:48 |
Laney | s/do/work/ | 14:48 |
Laney | (but mainly I wanted to point out that the fix isn't finished even in wily) | 14:50 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
kal_cividFajdida | How install a S.Or. debian In ubuntu phone ? Some guia known? | 14:51 |
kal_cividFajdida | How install a S.O. debian In ubuntu phone ? Some guia known? | 14:51 |
ogra_ | kal_cividFajdida, you are speaking in riddles | 14:53 |
ogra_ | (try a complete sentence without abbreviations perhaps) | 14:53 |
kal_cividFajdida | ogra_: riddles ? what is? | 14:58 |
ogra_ | your last two lines are | 14:58 |
popey | whois kal_cividFajdida | 15:02 |
OerHeks | What is S.O debian, kal_cividFajdida ? | 15:02 |
kal_cividFajdida | System operative = S.O. debian | 15:03 |
ogra_ | so you want to install debian instead of ubuntu on a phone ? | 15:04 |
davmor2 | kal_cividFajdida: you ask debian to create a phone | 15:04 |
kal_cividFajdida | popey: OerHeks | 15:05 |
kal_cividFajdida | create, not. install S.O. debian intro ubunto phone. | 15:05 |
JanC | I assume that by "System operative" you mean "operating system"? | 15:06 |
morphis | seb128, ogra_: its better then someone does the the upload to vivid who knows what has to be sync and what the fix is | 15:07 |
davmor2 | kal_cividFajdida: Ubuntu on a phone is not the same as Debian on a pc, you would have to ask debian to create a phone version of their operating system and then once they created that you would be free to install if on a phone they supported | 15:08 |
davmor2 | s/if/it | 15:08 |
ogra_ | you can indeed create a debian chroot in /home/phablet though | 15:10 |
ogra_ | using debootstrap | 15:10 |
kal_cividFajdida | in android I install debian XLC. No free android. Install O.S. And ubuntu phone no free. I want to install debian how operating System together ubuntu-phone | 15:11 |
ogra_ | what do you mean by "ubuntu phone no free" ? | 15:12 |
ogra_ | it is all GPL (except for a few drivers) | 15:13 |
mariogrip | when is Oxide branch-1.9 gonna be released to the wily repo? | 15:14 |
kal_cividFajdida | ogra_: W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/ E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 15:14 |
ogra_ | kal_cividFajdida, you can make it writable but then OTA updates will break ... nothing stops you to do that though | 15:15 |
morphis | seb128: you're working on ubuntu-system-settings, right? | 15:16 |
ogra_ | you can have only either package based updates or image based updates ... both together will not work ... the phone is built for image based upgrades | 15:16 |
ogra_ | you are free to do anything you want :) | 15:17 |
ogra_ | (but it will eventually break) | 15:17 |
davmor2 | kal_cividFajdida: this is because the Operating system is read only, popey already pointed you at a link to make it writable, but that will likely break your system on the next ota, again which you were told earlier by popey. It's not that the system isn't free or open, the system is locked so binary diffs are functional for updates. | 15:17 |
kal_cividFajdida | ahhh ¡¡¡¡ no recomended. I have not deep knowledge in systems GLP . I am 98 % of the population. | 15:18 |
seb128 | morphis, yes | 15:18 |
morphis | seb128: is there a reason why you are doing sync calls to connect a bluetooth device? | 15:18 |
kal_cividFajdida | in ubuntu phone | 15:19 |
morphis | seb128: saw the settings app hanging for some seconds multiple times now | 15:21 |
seb128 | morphis, not that I know, charles wrote that code, maybe he had a reason ... if you have patches feel free to send them our way for review ;-) | 15:23 |
charles | seb128, morphis, in a meeting atm, will read my scrollback here afterwards | 15:24 |
morphis | charles: thanks | 15:24 |
morphis | seb128: basically nobody is evaluating any return result so doesn't make sense to me | 15:24 |
ogra_ | btw, notre that we have obex ... and it even works to share files around ... just not stable | 15:26 |
ogra_ | rsalveti implemented that ages ago | 15:26 |
ogra_ | (but nobody ever fixed its remaining bugs) | 15:26 |
morphis | ogra_: who handles the obex requests? | 15:30 |
morphis | ubuntu-system-settings? | 15:30 |
ogra_ | you have to ask rsalveti, but iirc it worked without having any UI app open | 15:30 |
ogra_ | should just be bluetoothd | 15:31 |
ogra_ | this was definitely not finished ... but i remember seeing it working at least once | 15:31 |
pmcgowan | ogra_, morphis yes I was running that for a while, but it lacked UI | 15:32 |
morphis | would it be some indicator who then takes up the UI for that? | 15:33 |
charles | morphis, I try to not write sync bus calls and don't recall putting any in the bluetooth setting panel; maybe that was added later? | 15:33 |
charles | morphis, yes, if you have a patch I'd be happy to review & use it | 15:34 |
morphis | charles: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/view/head:/plugins/bluetooth/device.cpp#L166 | 15:34 |
* rsalveti looks | 15:35 | |
rsalveti | morphis: there is no ui handling it atm | 15:35 |
rsalveti | it's basically used to share contacts when you pair it with a car | 15:35 |
rsalveti | you can use to share files, but currently in a specific location | 15:36 |
morphis | charles: my expection would be us doing just an async call and just take notice about the result later on as the device state will change anything which we will then process | 15:36 |
morphis | rsalveti: yeah I know | 15:36 |
rsalveti | ideally we'd have to work on a UI to get it to accept the requests and so on | 15:36 |
morphis | right | 15:36 |
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rsalveti | ogra_: so it seems the device tarball from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/vivid/daily-preinstalled/pending/ are not actually produced by the android src package we have in the ppa (overlay) | 15:38 |
rsalveti | awe_ just saw that last week | 15:39 |
rsalveti | just extract the content from the mako one, and it's ro.build.version.incremental=20141117-0039-0ubuntu11 | 15:39 |
ogra_ | ugh | 15:39 |
rsalveti | instead of 20150519-2220-0ubuntu5 | 15:39 |
rsalveti | which is the latest from https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay | 15:39 |
rsalveti | ogra_: since the ppa gets used when building the image, we might be missing something here | 15:39 |
seb128 | charles, sorry, looking to https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/annotate/head:/plugins/bluetooth/device.cpp it seems that code is a mix from you and cyphermox so maybe cyphermox is the one who did those bits | 15:40 |
ogra_ | well, sil2100 could just regulary pull in the wily binaries | 15:40 |
awe_ | rsalveti, I'll re-ask the question from our priv chat. why does udf report a feb date for the mako dev tarballs, when in reality it's from last nov? | 15:40 |
charles | morphis, looks like this code was added by cyphermox when he added a lot of functionality to it in mid-2012 | 15:40 |
charles | seb128, right | 15:40 |
awe_ | ogra_, for rtm? | 15:40 |
rsalveti | 20141117-0039-0ubuntu11 | 15:40 |
ogra_ | awe_, for vivid+overlay | 15:40 |
rsalveti | maybe a package rebuild (without changes) | 15:40 |
awe_ | got it | 15:40 |
rsalveti | device=20150210 | 15:41 |
rsalveti | at that date | 15:41 |
awe_ | yup | 15:41 |
charles | seb128, morphis, so let's ask cyphermox if it needed to be that way because $reasons, or if substituting in an async call would work | 15:41 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, hmm, doesnt that 20141117-0039-0ubuntu11 get created from the debian version ? ... seems plausible that the upstream version is from nov | 15:41 |
rsalveti | ogra_: that is from the package version used | 15:42 |
rsalveti | from the android package | 15:42 |
ogra_ | ro.build.version.incremental=20141117-0039-0ubuntu11 i meant | 15:42 |
rsalveti | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/android | 15:42 |
rsalveti | it's the latest from vivid, from the archive | 15:42 |
ogra_ | so the last upstream checkout/merge was in november | 15:42 |
rsalveti | the issue is that it's not consuming the android package that is in the overlay | 15:42 |
ogra_ | and then 11 changes we made to it | 15:43 |
rsalveti | https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay | 15:43 |
rsalveti | from 20150519-2220-0ubuntu5 | 15:43 |
rsalveti | for whatever cdimage specific reason :-) | 15:43 |
ogra_ | hmm, might be a livecd-rootfs issue | 15:43 |
rsalveti | ogra_: right | 15:43 |
ogra_ | mv "${sourceslist}" "${sourceslist}.orig" | 15:44 |
ogra_ | mv "${sourceslist}.d" "${sourceslist}.d.orig" | 15:44 |
ogra_ | echo "deb $LB_PARENT_MIRROR_CHROOT ${LB_DISTRIBUTION} main universe multiverse restricted" >$sourceslist | 15:44 |
ogra_ | Chroot chroot "apt-get -y update" | 15:44 |
* rsalveti will get some food | 15:44 | |
ogra_ | Chroot chroot "apt-get -y install android" | 15:44 |
ogra_ | :) | 15:44 |
rsalveti | right | 15:44 |
ogra_ | probably because that doesnt use PPAs :) | 15:44 |
rsalveti | need to include the ppa | 15:45 |
ogra_ | yep | 15:45 |
ogra_ | time we get an official US device so we can drop mako | 15:45 |
* ogra_ hides from things anyone in this channel could throw at him :) | 15:45 | |
cyphermox | charles: morphis: I don't see why it couldn't be an async call, I don't recall why I changed it from async to sync | 15:59 |
morphis | cyphermox: maybe I see something in the history | 15:59 |
cyphermox | there may have been some timing issues before we got bluetooth properly stabilized | 16:00 |
mhall119 | bzoltan_: Kaleo: does the SDK support changing the gridunit/px ratio at runtime? | 16:07 |
mhall119 | greyback_ and I were just discussing some issues with plugging a phone into a larger HDMI display, and one thing that is needed is to change that value to what it should be for the external display | 16:07 |
greyback_ | mhall119: well I can answer that: no it doesn't support it :) It's defined by an environment variable at the moment | 16:08 |
greyback_ | but if it can be made to change at runtime, I'm unsure. Probably it can | 16:09 |
ogra_ | rsalveti, awe_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/11954314/ ... but i'm not sure if the PPA setup is still in place at this point, i guess that would need a few test builds (and it would indeed first have to land in vivid at all) | 16:09 |
mhall119 | greyback_: well that might just be to get the initial value | 16:09 |
bzoltan_ | greyback_: thanks for being fast | 16:09 |
greyback_ | mhall119: it's not. I know that code :) | 16:09 |
mhall119 | well the good news is that everybody outside of the SDK should be using units.gu, not the environment variable | 16:10 |
greyback_ | mhall119: the value for GU that units.gu contains is read from the env var | 16:10 |
mhall119 | I don't know if changing that will trigger events that will update the app's UI, but if it could that would be magic | 16:10 |
greyback_ | mhall119: in theory it should | 16:11 |
bzoltan_ | mhall119: greyback_: we need a dbus service for doing dynamic gu adaptation | 16:11 |
jfred | Uhh... so this is rather unnerving. I just had messages in the messaging app displayed as coming from the wrong contact. | 16:11 |
jfred | Has anyone else experienced this? | 16:11 |
jfred | Nexus 4, OS build #21 | 16:12 |
bzoltan_ | mhall119: greyback_: it is not a black magic ... very doable. We have talked about it several times in the sDK team. If the use case is string enough I can push the priority higher. | 16:12 |
greyback_ | bzoltan_: either dbus, or mir could provide the IPC for that. It would be a value per screen. | 16:13 |
mhall119 | greyback_: how would per-screen work, if the app was shown on more than one screen at the same time? | 16:16 |
greyback_ | mhall119: the compositor would have to zoom the app window to suit whatever GU it does not match with | 16:17 |
mhall119 | sounds tricky, so the app will have to tell the compositor what it's GU value is? Or willthe compositor have to keep track of what it's told each app to use? | 16:19 |
* ogra_ thinks we should just make all apps fullscreen and sell the spare space for ads :) | 16:20 | |
greyback_ | mhall119: the compositor will tell the window which screen it is on. Each screen will have a GU value associated. Compositor will know this info, and have to figure out a zoom based on the app's current GU, and the GU of the display it is visible on. | 16:20 |
ogra_ | GU issue solved ... and we have a new business model | 16:20 |
mhall119 | ogra_: haven't you been quoted enough this week? | 16:21 |
ogra_ | LOL | 16:21 |
davmor2 | jfred: known issue beening worked on | 16:27 |
jfred | davmor2: Great, thanks - I was looking through the bug reports for messaging-app but didn't see an existing bug report for it at first glance | 16:29 |
* ogra_ glares at jcastro | 16:29 | |
morphis | seb128, charles, cyphermox: but let me see if I can rework that as I go | 16:29 |
bzoltan_ | ogra_: I have proposed an ad daemon and ad component in the UITK some time ago... was not popular idea. But I still beleive that controlled ad traffic is better than random spam on the screen. | 16:35 |
ogra_ | bzoltan_, nah, i want random spam ... but yeah, an ad daemon could help := | 16:36 |
ogra_ | :) | 16:36 |
davmor2 | wait you want to add a spam daemon that's evil......why didn't I think of it :) | 16:47 |
ogra_ | davmor2, well, if you fullscreen a mobile app on a desktop there is a lot free space in the app ... so the toolkit should just fill that space with "proper content" ;) | 16:49 |
jfred | davmor2: Do you happen to know where I could find the bug report for that issue? I'd like to keep an eye on it. | 16:51 |
davmor2 | jfred: not off hand | 16:51 |
jfred | oh wait I think I found it - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/messaging-app/+bug/1473761 | 16:52 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1473761 in Canonical System Image "SMS from A appear as to have been sent from B" [High,In progress] | 16:52 |
davmor2 | jfred: https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1476833 I think it might be this one | 16:53 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1476833 in Canonical System Image "wrong contact name is displayed for phone number" [High,In progress] | 16:53 |
ndec | hi there, on an armhf system, i am trying to rebuild gst-plugins-bad, and it fails to build from source (http://hastebin.com/akagaqaxix.rb). that seems to be related to the 'android' stuff that went into gst. my armhf system is not using MIR/android, just a debootsrap based rootfs | 16:58 |
ogra_ | Laney, jhodapp, could you guys help ndec ? | 16:59 |
ndec | is that expected? i would expect any package to build with apt-get build-dep <foo>, apt-get source <foo>, and then dpkg-buildpackage | 16:59 |
ndec | i am using vivid rootfs. | 16:59 |
ogra_ | i assume there is an optiojn to disable the hybris parts for a build | 16:59 |
ndec | i am not expecting any package to fail to build though.. so maybe there is something i am missing too.. | 17:00 |
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charles | morphis, cool | 17:07 |
Laney | ndec: are you building with the "overlay" PPA too? | 17:07 |
ndec | no. | 17:07 |
ndec | well, i don't know what it is, so i guess no. | 17:08 |
ogra_ | no, you dont | 17:08 |
ndec | Laney: i actually want to build a non ubuntu-touch armhf system. | 17:08 |
Laney | Well I'm not aware that it should fail to build in vivid | 17:08 |
Laney | doesn't mean that it doesn't but if that's the case then it'd be a bug | 17:10 |
ogra_ | Laney, well, the version in the pastebin doesnt look like vivid, more recent | 17:10 |
Laney | what gives you that clue? | 17:11 |
ndec | ogra_: vivid has 1.4.5-1ubuntu2 | 17:11 |
ogra_ | ah | 17:11 |
ogra_ | i thought 1.4.5 was new | 17:11 |
ogra_ | ignore me then :) | 17:12 |
Laney | ndec: Looks like it does fail, that's a bug | 17:16 |
Laney | ndec: You could try --disable-android_media_hybris (I think) to build without it | 17:17 |
ndec | Laney: ah.. cool. | 17:17 |
Laney | Then might have to hack the packaging to not try to install that stuff | 17:17 |
ndec | i don't need it anyways.. | 17:17 |
ndec | i can take care of that.. | 17:17 |
Laney | got to go, good luck! | 17:18 |
rsalveti | ndec: Laney: I believe the mir/platform-api dependencies are also busted in vivid | 17:47 |
rsalveti | that's the same issue we had on wily | 17:48 |
rsalveti | ndec: yeah, just disable it and you should be good | 17:48 |
rsalveti | ogra_: we could as well just push that new live-build to the overlay ppa | 17:48 |
rsalveti | including a diff similar to yours | 17:49 |
ndec | rsalveti: Laney : i added "--disable-android_media_hybris" in debian/rules and removed armhf from android_hybris_archs. it built fine. i have packaging issues, but they were expected. need to clean debian/control now | 17:49 |
rsalveti | right, indeed | 17:49 |
ndec | what's the new live build thing? | 17:49 |
jhodapp | ndec, cool | 17:49 |
rsalveti | there is a gst-hybris package as well | 17:49 |
rsalveti | ndec: oh, that is for a different issue | 17:50 |
ndec | rsalveti: right. dh_install: gstreamer1.0-hybris missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/*/gstreamer-1.0/libgstandroidmedia.so), aborting | 17:50 |
ndec | ah..ok. | 17:50 |
ndec | rsalveti: btw, does all this hybris stuff have to be in -bad? you couldn't make your own plugins-set instead? | 17:50 |
rsalveti | ndec: atm it's sharing quite a bit of code with the native android plugin that is already there | 17:52 |
rsalveti | which is why it's also part of that package | 17:52 |
rsalveti | we still need to upstream our changes, that would naturally help as well | 17:53 |
rsalveti | as Laney said, this is indeed a real packaging bug that we had, need an sru for it | 17:53 |
ndec | rsalveti: Laney: i think i am good to go with this debdiff: http://hastebin.com/xogehisufa. i have a few other changes, not related to this. but at least you can see my changes. | 18:01 |
ndec | i will test that tomorrow.. | 18:01 |
pmcgowan | dobey, hi I am confused as to whether we thought this was fixed or not https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1378678 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/1413655 | 18:08 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1378678 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "updates panel doesn't deal with invalid u1 tokens" [Critical,Confirmed] | 18:08 |
ubot5 | Ubuntu bug 1413655 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "Updates panel does not prompt for login when U1 account is invalid/deleted" [High,Triaged] | 18:08 |
pmcgowan | are we not handling failed logins? | 18:08 |
dobey | pmcgowan: i guess it doesn't handle failed logins. i don't really know that code | 18:09 |
dobey | more a question for kenvandine i guess? | 18:09 |
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dobey | the second bug is fixed though, as indicated in the bug | 18:10 |
pmcgowan | dobey, ok I saw your name there so thought you may know | 18:10 |
dobey | oh it never landed in ubuntu-rtm branch there | 18:10 |
pmcgowan | it landed in vivid though | 18:10 |
dobey | pmcgowan: well, the u1-credentials library doesn't know if the HTTP requests succeeded or failed, the app has to handle those cases and do the right thing | 18:11 |
pmcgowan | dobey, seems the title is wrong for this symptom then | 18:11 |
dobey | yeah; but the rtm task was still open. i just marked it won't fix for rtm | 18:11 |
dobey | pmcgowan: well, the title of that first bug is correct | 18:12 |
pmcgowan | dobey, arent those the same bug? | 18:12 |
dobey | but perhaps not specific enough | 18:12 |
dobey | no they are not the same bug | 18:12 |
dobey | the second bug was the system settings panel not handling when the token was automatically deleted on the phone in the background | 18:13 |
dobey | that first bug is that system settings isn't handling the error conditions of the HTTP requests to the updates server properly | 18:13 |
pmcgowan | ah ok, seems we should maybe fix that | 18:13 |
kenvandine | pmcgowan, i thought that was fixed, but i guess not | 18:15 |
kenvandine | i think that was something diego had said he was going to fix | 18:16 |
pmcgowan | kenvandine, ok, just assigned to you, no need to thank me | 18:16 |
kenvandine | pmcgowan, :-D | 18:16 |
pmcgowan | seems we fixed one case but not the one folks are htting now | 18:16 |
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clevrpwn | is there any reason the nexus 9 isn't officially supported for ubuntu touch? | 18:23 |
beuno | clevrpwn, yes, engineering focus on hardware that is shipping with Ubuntu pre-installed | 18:24 |
clevrpwn | bruno that's what I figured, but it really shouldn't be a problem to port it should it? there's not a port at the moment | 18:25 |
clevrpwn | bruno sorry wow dyslexic today | 18:25 |
clevrpwn | okay nope that's autocorrect | 18:26 |
beuno | clevrpwn, I'm not sure, the devil is always in the details | 18:26 |
beuno | sometimes drivers are based on a newer AOSP | 18:27 |
beuno | sometimes there's special tricks to get it to boot | 18:27 |
clevrpwn | is arm64 supported? I'm assuming that lies in the android base | 18:27 |
beuno | yeah, arm64 is likely fine | 18:27 |
beuno | there's a porting guide | 18:28 |
beuno | I think nobody in the community has taken it on | 18:28 |
beuno | it sometimes takes time for devices to be widespread enough that people start caring enough to invest work | 18:28 |
popey | arm64 isn't supported yet AIUI | 18:28 |
beuno | Canonical is focused on enabling devices that ship with Ubuntu | 18:28 |
clevrpwn | yeah of, just ordered one figured I'd build for it | 18:29 |
popey | not even android does arm64 well | 18:29 |
popey | our stuff doesn't work on android L which the nexus 9 ships with | 18:29 |
clevrpwn | popey thanks | 18:29 |
popey | there's a fair amount of work to do before that will work | 18:29 |
popey | np | 18:29 |
clevrpwn | I mean in theory you could install the next desktop over the top of the ubuntu ARM64 though right? | 18:31 |
popey | we don't have an ubuntu arm64 image | 18:32 |
clevrpwn | yeah you do it's for servers | 18:33 |
clevrpwn | http://www.cnx-software.com/2014/12/28/ubuntu-nexus-9-tablet/ | 18:33 |
rogro82 | currently working on a google cast client and doing device discovery using a very basic mdns implementation... i guess it would be better to handle mdns device discovery through avahi... question is does a confined policy allow me to use avahi client or should i just stick with what i have now? | 18:39 |
mhall119 | rogro82: does avahi client need access to anything other than the network? | 18:47 |
mhall119 | you may have to ship the client library, but if it just needs network access you should be fine as far as convergence is concerned | 18:47 |
kenvandine | mandel, looking at fixing bug 1378678, but i should fix it based on the fix-network-errors branch | 18:47 |
ubot5 | bug 1378678 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "updates panel doesn't deal with invalid u1 tokens" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1378678 | 18:47 |
kenvandine | mandel, did you ever look into why the fix-network branch failed? | 18:48 |
rogro82 | mhall119: avahi client works over d-bus, but shouldnt need more then a network connection as its just a basic multicast responder | 18:51 |
rogro82 | ill just give it a test and if it works on a device ill use avahi else ill just stick with the current implementation for now.. thanks | 18:54 |
rsalveti | ndec: looks fine | 18:56 |
mandel | kenvandine, no, but I can do :) | 20:45 |
mandel | kenvandine, I can get back to you in the CET morning with a fix, or is it too late? | 20:45 |
kenvandine | mandel, i have a branch that should handle the 401 and 403 which has a prereq on the network-errors branch | 21:02 |
kenvandine | https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-system-settings/fix-1378678/+merge/266151 | 21:02 |
mandel | kenvandine, ok, perfect, I'll fix that guy :) | 21:02 |
mandel | kenvandine, let me finish some testing I'm doing at the moment and I'll take a look | 21:03 |
kenvandine | mandel, i don't recall what was wrong with the fix-network branch | 21:03 |
kenvandine | mandel, no rush | 21:03 |
mandel | kenvandine, I can check, no worries :) | 21:03 |
kenvandine | ok, thx | 21:03 |
mandel | kenvandine, I little rush, I hate that bug, it made me think I broke system settings | 21:03 |
mandel | kenvandine, the bastard! ;) | 21:03 |
kenvandine | i'll be away for a couple hours, gotta go work out | 21:03 |
kenvandine | indeed :) | 21:03 |
kenvandine | i'll check back later, or tomorrow :) | 21:04 |
kenvandine | mandel, thx | 21:04 |
mandel | kenvandine, perfect, if you see anything else I can help with let me know | 21:04 |
dobey | kenvandine: you need to actually delete the credentials | 21:05 |
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wanna_buy_bq_e5 | i want to buy a bq aquarius e5, but i dont know. do u answer customer questions here. or is this a dev-channel :) | 22:01 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | when i buy a bq e5, do i use ubuntus repositorie? | 22:02 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | s | 22:02 |
popey | wanna_buy_bq_e5: hello | 22:03 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | hi | 22:03 |
popey | the image on the bq e5 is built from packages in the repos | 22:03 |
popey | what exactly do you need? | 22:03 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | hmm, i like use the phone at least as a phone, but for instance can i do video-chat over wlan ? | 22:07 |
popey | we dont have a video chat yet | 22:07 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | voip? | 22:07 |
popey | not yet | 22:09 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | but its planned for some day? | 22:11 |
popey | yes | 22:12 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | which day? :) | 22:12 |
wanna_buy_bq_e5 | far away? in sight? | 22:12 |
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=== howefield is now known as howefield_afk | ||
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam |
Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!