lpotter | cd bin | 00:03 |
greyback_ | lpotter: /bin $ | 00:06 |
lpotter | wrong dir ~/bin :) | 00:21 |
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attente | i can't seem to log into a unity8 session from the unity8 lock screen. every time i enter my password, it just resets back to the lock screen | 14:13 |
attente | this is on desktop btw | 14:14 |
seb128 | attente, unity8/mir don't handle keyboard layouts, so make sure you type what you think you are typing | 14:22 |
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa | ||
seb128 | you are probably qwerty, but in case you have a difference on some symbol or something you are using | 14:22 |
attente | seb128: i haven't had this problem before, and wouldn't it show an error saying incorrect password? also my password is short and contains no special characters | 14:24 |
seb128 | no, it doesn't show an error | 14:24 |
seb128 | it just "wobble" | 14:25 |
seb128 | I often have the issue typing my password in azerty :p | 14:25 |
seb128 | is that a recent issue? on wily? | 14:25 |
attente | oh. it didn't wobble for me | 14:25 |
seb128 | I didn't try unity8 this week, I can update and try in a bit | 14:25 |
attente | sure, yeah, this is in wily | 14:26 |
attente | quite a lot of errors in the log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11953881/ | 14:35 |
seb128 | ChrisTownsend, ^ you test unity8/wily regularly, did you get login issues? | 14:42 |
ChrisTownsend | seb128: No, not as of yesterday. | 14:43 |
ChrisTownsend | Hmm, Mir issues it seems. | 14:43 |
ChrisTownsend | attente: Do you have mir-graphics-drivers-desktop installed? | 14:44 |
ChrisTownsend | You should, but just checking. | 14:44 |
ChrisTownsend | Nevermind, you're at the Unity8 lockscreen, so you do | 14:45 |
attente | ChrisTownsend: were you able to reproduce it? | 14:45 |
ChrisTownsend | attente: Give me a sec and I'll reboot my test system. | 14:45 |
ChrisTownsend | attente: It still works fine for me. | 14:47 |
ChrisTownsend | attente: It seems it lost track of the Scopes surface. Anything in the unity8-dash.log file? | 14:48 |
attente | ChrisTownsend: this is what i have: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11953951/ | 14:49 |
ChrisTownsend | attente: In your unity8.log, this seems to be where it falls down: | 14:50 |
ChrisTownsend | g_dbus_connection_real_closed: Remote peer vanished with error: Underlying GIOStream returned 0 bytes on an async read (g-io-error-quark, 0). Exiting. | 14:50 |
ChrisTownsend | Signal caught by Mir, stopping Mir server.. | 14:50 |
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ChrisTownsend | Not sure why that is happening. | 14:51 |
ChrisTownsend | greyback_: Any ideas about what's happening w/ attente's session? ^^^^ | 14:52 |
greyback_ | hmm no idea, but that dbus fail looks relevant | 14:54 |
greyback_ | I'll update my wily machine to see if I can repro | 14:54 |
mhall119 | kgunn: kdub: can we get a blog post talking about what's new in Mir 0.14 and coming in 0.15 on unity.ubuntu.com please? | 14:57 |
kgunn | camako__: ^ | 14:57 |
* kdub wouldnt mind writing something | 14:58 | |
camako__ | Blog post? Was there some external interest in seeing this info in a blog? | 14:59 |
davmor2 | kdub: you just did /me quotes "kdub wouldnt mind writing something" | 15:03 |
kdub | davmor2, yes? | 15:05 |
davmor2 | kdub: but that is writing something :P | 15:06 |
kdub | ah :) | 15:06 |
* kdub wouldnt mind writing this, and writing something else | 15:06 | |
davmor2 | hahah | 15:08 |
greyback_ | mhall119: hey, silo0 is working fine, pocket-desktop is functional in there | 15:16 |
mhall119 | greyback_: ok, I'll try it again | 15:16 |
mhall119 | greyback_: it's not turned off for mako for some reason is it? | 15:16 |
greyback_ | mhall119: nope, I have it working on my mako right now | 15:18 |
greyback_ | mhall119: please use hte cltrain tool to enable it, so the right packages are installed | 15:18 |
mhall119 | greyback_: does the display work properly on an external monitor, or is it just the keyboard/mouse switching on desktop mode that's working? | 15:20 |
greyback_ | mhall119: all of the above | 15:20 |
mhall119 | cool, I don't have BT mouse or keyboard yet, but I'll try the display part | 15:21 |
greyback_ | mhall119: it will change to desktop mode when you plug in the display. Thanks for trying it out! | 15:23 |
camako__ | mhall119, is this where I post for Mir 0.14? | 15:32 |
camako__ | https://unity.ubuntu.com/blog/ | 15:32 |
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mhall119 | camako__: yes, if you don't have access to /wp-admin/ let me know | 15:49 |
camako__ | mhall119, Thanks. I seem to have access after logging in. | 15:49 |
mhall119 | greyback_: oh, that's some nice progresss :) | 16:00 |
mhall119 | it doesn't crash when I plug it in to HDMI, it auto-rotates on the phone and has the right orientation on the TV | 16:01 |
greyback_ | mhall119: we've a long way to go with window management, but yeah hte basics are there | 16:01 |
greyback_ | yay for not crashing! :) | 16:01 |
mhall119 | the scopes app has the header cut off on the phone, and it's not filling the TV screen properly, but it's closer | 16:01 |
greyback_ | mhall119: yeah, several apps are too tall for phone landscape | 16:02 |
mhall119 | on the TV it seems to be shifted about 20% down and to the left | 16:02 |
greyback_ | I'm unsure what to do there | 16:02 |
greyback_ | yeah, it's the same image as on the phone screen, which has smaller resolution | 16:02 |
greyback_ | on nexus7 it looks better | 16:02 |
greyback_ | as resolutions almost 1080p there | 16:03 |
mhall119 | greyback_: really the grid units setting should change at runtime to match the external display | 16:03 |
greyback_ | mhall119: that is easier said than done | 16:03 |
mhall119 | I figured | 16:03 |
greyback_ | but yeah, that would be the plan | 16:03 |
mhall119 | greyback_: as for what to do, file bugs, lots of them :) | 16:03 |
mhall119 | against the SDK, the apps, etc | 16:03 |
mhall119 | if we should just change the GU to use fewer pixels when plugged in, that would probably help with apps fitting on scren | 16:04 |
greyback_ | mhall119: sure, but the grid units have never changed at runtime before, I'm not sure if the SDK guys have that in mind | 16:06 |
* mhall119 will go and ask | 16:06 | |
camako__ | mhall119, I created something simple ---> https://unity.ubuntu.com/2015/07/28/whats-new-in-mir-0-14/ | 16:17 |
camako__ | Feel free to hook it where you want | 16:18 |
mhall119 | camako__: perfect, thanks! | 16:18 |
mhall119 | camako__: FYI, you need to put blog posts in the Articles category for them to show up on https://unity.ubuntu.com/blog/, I've just done that for yours | 17:00 |
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camako__ | mhall19, ok will do that next time. Thanks | 17:22 |
josharenson | mterry: where is the file that specifies what session is started after a user logs in? Not seeing it in /etc/lightdm or /usr/shar/lightdm | 18:04 |
mterry | josharenson, new-style folder for that is /usr/share/lightdm/sessions. Old-style folder is /usr/share/xsessions/ | 18:06 |
mterry | josharenson, the default is configured via /etc/lightdm.conf.d/* | 18:06 |
mterry | josharenson, or /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d | 18:06 |
mterry | josharenson, and the user can have their own setting for that saved in accountsservice | 18:06 |
josharenson | mterry: ok cool, thanks. | 18:07 |
greyback_ | attente: it took me a long time to get a chance to try it, but my newly updated wily does let me log into unity8. So unfortunately something must be wrong on your end | 18:27 |
attente | greyback__, ok, thanks | 18:59 |
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