rrrrrrrddzz | AbuDhar: it's a long story: this time at setting partition as root. wouldn't carry on | 00:00 |
rrrrrrrddzz | CosmicNoise: and you others; thanks. I'll prolly be back in a while if I ever have 10 hours to kill and want to try to install the dual boot once again :p | 00:01 |
Aleksa | HEllo, again | 00:05 |
Aleksa | no progress here with grub :( | 00:06 |
Aleksa | but I notice after GRUB loading message „ACPI: unable to enable ACPI”. Whatever :( | 00:06 |
Aleksa | how do I finally fix my grub so it would show up normally ? | 00:06 |
XenophonF | is there a chat log for this channel? | 00:08 |
Aleksa | may I try boot-repair on Ubuntu that is running (not in live mode)? | 00:08 |
teward | !irclogs | XenophonF | 00:08 |
ubottu | XenophonF: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too. | 00:08 |
teward | XenophonF: and they are public | 00:08 |
XenophonF | thanks teward! | 00:09 |
Aleksa | my bis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11951145/ | 00:13 |
CosmicNoise | Very frustrating when newbies are having a frustrating first time with linux. | 00:21 |
CosmicNoise | They don't see the light at the end of the tunnel. | 00:21 |
CosmicNoise | And then it's back to Windows :( | 00:21 |
lotuspsychje | CosmicNoise: re-ask your question here once in a while, dont give up easy | 00:23 |
=== Parabola_ is now known as Parabola | ||
=== Artemis3v__ is now known as Artemis3v | ||
blook | CosmicNoise: I just connected, what was your question? | 00:26 |
CosmicNoise | blook, I didn't have one. | 00:28 |
blook | oh. well then... | 00:29 |
CosmicNoise | Is there an #ubuntu-chat? | 00:31 |
kostkon | !ot | CosmicNoise | 00:32 |
ubottu | CosmicNoise: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 00:32 |
CosmicNoise | \join #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:32 |
CosmicNoise | WOOPS :) | 00:32 |
CosmicNoise | IRC equivalent of fly being doing. | 00:32 |
CosmicNoise | down* | 00:32 |
=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois | ||
=== rob is now known as Guest62068 | ||
Melio | I wanna put chrome on ubuntu 14.04 LTS, I am really excited cause i finally did some magic to dual boot this laptop | 01:05 |
Melio | last time i ran into the issue of chrome having to deal with not being packaged with proper key pairs or something | 01:05 |
Melio | something google did w/ the linux debian release or whatever | 01:06 |
Melio | is that still an issue? | 01:06 |
Melio | it was an easy work around, just do the key signing manually | 01:06 |
Melio | then install | 01:06 |
wileee | Melio, install it from google you will have all you need. | 01:06 |
Melio | wileee and you have done this? | 01:06 |
wileee | Melio, I don't use chrome, but this is a known fact, it adds the repo and key when installed from google. | 01:13 |
Melio | I had a hell of a time doing this before | 01:14 |
wileee | granted it's installed correctly | 01:14 |
Melio | I was just curious if google put out a new chrome archive | 01:14 |
Melio | withthe keys functional | 01:14 |
Melio | I'll try it. but i'm in a apt-get update right now | 01:14 |
wileee | Melio, The issue you describe is really minor anyway keys are simple if they is one | 01:15 |
Melio | actually.. it's an upgrade. | 01:15 |
wileee | there* | 01:15 |
Melio | wilee, i agree | 01:15 |
Melio | i'm going to upgrade this box and get everything current | 01:15 |
Melio | then start the chrome install | 01:16 |
wileee | follow your bliss ;) | 01:16 |
Melio | as always | 01:16 |
Melio | i'm just super happy i was able to dual boot this | 01:17 |
Melio | it's not an easy feat on modern laptop hardware | 01:17 |
suku | clear | 01:20 |
suku | oops | 01:20 |
=== Betal_u is now known as Betal | ||
happyfr0gg | Are there Blu-Ray movie codecs available in Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS??? | 01:27 |
Melio | happyfr0gg, it matters mostly if your blu-ray drive is linux compatible | 01:28 |
happyfr0gg | Melio- Ohhhh. That will require some intense research. I gotta start hitting Google pretty hard then. | 01:30 |
Melio | if you know the model # ect.. yeah | 01:30 |
Melio | just google tat | 01:30 |
Melio | that | 01:30 |
happyfr0gg | Melio- thanks for the advice. | 01:31 |
happyfr0gg | Blu-Ray burners are fairly new to the market, not a whole lot to pick from. | 01:31 |
blook | what? there are 130 products in newegg's blu-ray burner category. | 01:32 |
Melio | blook, compatible with linux is the question | 01:33 |
happyfr0gg | I was given a desktop system (maybe < 4 years old) with a nice AMD graphics card and its DVD burner does not read anything from within Windows. | 01:35 |
blook | i think you're confusing software blocks with hardware blocks. | 01:35 |
blook | Melio: as long as you have a blu-ray burner, check out Silicon Empire Burner. | 01:35 |
Melio | blook, happyfr0gg inquired about getting his/her bluray player working lin ux | 01:36 |
blook | oh, had the requesting user wrong. | 01:36 |
Melio | it's all relevant. I'm curious as to why my laptop doesnt have blu-ray | 01:37 |
Melio | I guess it's just spec | 01:37 |
Melio | no blu-ray drive. just dvd | 01:37 |
blook | happyfr0gg: because you can't get it working in windows, you're looking to linux in order to use it? | 01:37 |
blook | Melio: cost. | 01:37 |
happyfr0gg | I have not purchased a Blu-Ray burner yet. I am doing research before I do so. | 01:37 |
Melio | this is a higher end asus product | 01:37 |
Melio | upward of 1k usd | 01:37 |
Melio | touch screen, quad core intel processor, 8 gig ram | 01:38 |
Melio | just not blu-ray | 01:38 |
blook | yeah. laptop though. | 01:38 |
Melio | no concern really | 01:38 |
Melio | I stream more then i rent physical discs | 01:38 |
blook | happyfr0gg: got it. your hardware choice shouldn't matter too much. i like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827136269. | 01:38 |
blook | as far as software, i can recommend both/either Silicon Empire Burner and k3b Burner. | 01:39 |
nimbiotics | sloightly OFF TOPIC: I understand you have to take 2 test (LX0-101 and LX0-102) in order to get Linux+ certified, but a friend of mine is telling you have to take a third one. is this true. TIA! | 01:40 |
blook | oh... looks like SEB has died :(. K3B it is, then: $ apt-get install k3b | 01:40 |
wileee | ask them to prove it ;) | 01:40 |
Melio | nimbiotics, comptia linux cert or lpi | 01:41 |
Melio | am i confusing the two? two differnt linux certificiations | 01:41 |
blook | nimbiotics comptia requires two: either 103&104 or 101&102. refer to http://certification.comptia.org/getCertified/certifications/linux.aspx | 01:41 |
Melio | I have never been certified in anything | 01:42 |
happyfr0gg | blook - I like the drive you mentioned. I could theoretically burn a dozen or more Linux live systems onto a Blu-Ray disc!!! Freakin' awesome! | 01:42 |
blook | happyfr0gg: theoretically, yes. waste of a blu-ray though :P | 01:43 |
Melio | the media isnt super expensive | 01:43 |
nimbiotics | blook: Thanks! | 01:43 |
blook | i got a billion 4gb pendrives a few years back for like $10usd, i just use those and my handy dandy label machine. | 01:44 |
blook | nimbiotics: no problem. | 01:44 |
happyfr0gg | With this Blu-Ray burner, and in regards to porn, hell yeah. No reason to have a USBs or NAS. | 01:44 |
blook | who stores porn anymore? | 01:45 |
happyfr0gg | I am just joking. Lol. | 01:45 |
blook | careful, those kind of jokes get you on three-letter agency's lists. | 01:45 |
Arbition | So does using the internet :o | 01:45 |
blook | it's a good thing i don't use the internet. | 01:46 |
blook | bunch of nerds. | 01:46 |
happyfr0gg | *uck the 3-letter agencies. | 01:46 |
Melio | when i was military, i had to hide porn in modified xbox's for the troops | 01:46 |
somsip | !ot | 01:46 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 01:46 |
Melio | I'm a mf'n patriot :) | 01:46 |
blook | branch? | 01:46 |
Melio | usaf | 01:46 |
happyfr0gg | Okay all. We need to stay on topic. Sorry ubottu. | 01:46 |
blook | what kind of recliner did you have? | 01:46 |
blook | :) fine fine. | 01:47 |
Melio | military issued | 01:47 |
Melio | standard mil spec recliner. | 01:47 |
blook | i'm a marine, we didn't get any fancy pants recliner. | 01:47 |
Melio | I live in charleston, sc | 01:48 |
somsip | Melio: take the chat private or to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 01:48 |
Melio | I help marines with broken cars along the highway | 01:48 |
Melio | somsip, sorry, I am overzealous with text tonight | 01:49 |
somsip | Melio: no biggie - lets just keep it on support in here | 01:49 |
blook | we didn't mean to interrupt all of the people asking questions, somsip. our bad ;) | 01:50 |
happyfr0gg | You all have a good night. | 01:55 |
pmted | How do I rebind Alt+F2? I tried the dconf-editor, but nothing happened. | 01:58 |
pmted | nvm, got it. | 02:01 |
pmted | exit | 02:01 |
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=== sergio__ is now known as sergiodechile | ||
sergiodechile | hola | 02:06 |
sergiodechile | necesito de vuestra ayuda | 02:06 |
sergiodechile | como puedo cambiar el color de 24 bit a 16bit en ubuntu 15.04 MATE??? | 02:07 |
squinty_ | !es | 02:07 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 02:07 |
sergiodechile | ok excuseme | 02:08 |
sergiodechile | thank you | 02:08 |
squinty_ | :-) | 02:08 |
sergiodechile | I need change the color a 16 bit in Ubuntu MATE 15.04 | 02:09 |
blook | type /join #ubuntu-es | 02:10 |
sergiodechile | danke | 02:10 |
sergiodechile | tschuss | 02:10 |
=== NotANick_ is now known as NotANick | ||
ragheed | hi | 02:14 |
Melio | hi ragheed | 02:15 |
ragheed | how is it going? | 02:15 |
Melio | ubuntu runs fine, doing some updates, upgrades, and setting up things how i want it | 02:15 |
ragheed | Is this the ubuntu IRC channel where I can ask questions? | 02:15 |
Melio | ragheed, yes! | 02:15 |
ragheed | Cool! | 02:15 |
ragheed | Please I need some help | 02:16 |
somsip | !details | ragheed | 02:16 |
ubottu | ragheed: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 02:16 |
ragheed | It has been one month since I got ubuntu | 02:16 |
ragheed | The problem is that I get a whole system freeze from time to time (every 20 minutes but not regularly) | 02:17 |
somsip | ragheed: what is running when it freezes? | 02:17 |
krash_ | Greetings all! I am new to Linux and new to Ubuntu, but the good news is I am loving the experience so far. I have a question concerning swap size, but will wait for ragheed to finish up | 02:17 |
ragheed | And after it freezes nothing works before doing the (SysRq+ RSEIUB) trick | 02:18 |
ragheed | Nothing in particular | 02:18 |
somsip | krash_: just ask. There are usually a few people looking to help on here | 02:18 |
krash_ | cool | 02:18 |
ragheed | usually I use chrome to browse the internet | 02:18 |
ragheed | that's all | 02:18 |
somsip | ragheed: boot to recovery and leave it for 20-ish minutes to discount hardware first maybe | 02:18 |
somsip | !text | ragheed (or boot to text mode) | 02:19 |
ubottu | ragheed (or boot to text mode): To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode | 02:19 |
Bashing-om | krash_: Ask your explicit question . | 02:19 |
ragheed | I tried the recovery mode and asked to boot normally | 02:19 |
ragheed | but nothing changed | 02:19 |
somsip | ragheed: you need to find what is causing the problem. So a memtest or other thing that discounts the possibility of it being software is a common first thing to check | 02:20 |
krash_ | so I resurrected my last PC I built and got 14.04 up and running. At the time I had what I thought was a bad RAM stick. Ubuntu was installed on 2G. As it turns out it was just not seated properly. So now I have 4G of RAM. Ubuntu installed the swap at 4G and now I want to resize to 8G | 02:20 |
somsip | ragheed: once you know it's not hardware, boot to minimal software and check logs. | 02:20 |
ragheed | Ok, can you please tell me what to do? | 02:20 |
krash_ | is that necessary? from what I have researched so far it's not that simple to do. | 02:20 |
somsip | !text | ragheed | 02:20 |
ubottu | ragheed: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode | 02:20 |
=== gerald is now known as Guest17780 | ||
Melio | krash_, if you resize your swap disk, and reinstall - this should be a clear cut process | 02:21 |
wileee | krash_, So why the swap 2 x ram? | 02:21 |
Melio | but resizing the swapdisk doesnt really require it | 02:21 |
ragheed | Ok after adding text what should I do? | 02:22 |
somsip | krash_: 2nd answer here. Have a read and ask if not clear http://askubuntu.com/questions/178712/how-to-increase-swap-space | 02:22 |
squinty_ | !gparted | 02:22 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 02:22 |
Melio | http://askubuntu.com/questions/367331/how-to-increase-the-size-of-linux-swap-partition | 02:22 |
somsip | ragheed: reboot and press shift (for grub2) | 02:22 |
krash_ | I could do a reinstall, but was looking to avoid if possible. | 02:22 |
somsip | krash_: 3 reposnses to you, none have suggested a reinstall | 02:22 |
xkoan | Brief question here from an extremely new user.. I've gotten Ubuntu onto a bootable USB, and have got it up and running with the trial mode. If I wanted to install Ubuntu, would it get rid of my OSX and all files associated? Or can I install Ubuntu and switch back and forth at will? | 02:22 |
krash_ | somsip, I will check that out | 02:23 |
Bashing-om | krash_: 4 gigs of swap I expect is plenty, for general usage, Unless you are doing some heavy duty number crunching I would not worry . I run 8 KB of swap with 4 Gigs of ram, and I rarely touch the /swap . | 02:23 |
reisio | more useful these days for suspend alone than ordinary swapping | 02:24 |
krash_ | Bashing-om; Thanks, it was just bugging me that I couldnt figure it out. No insane number crunching at the moment. | 02:24 |
ezumador | j/ubuntu-br | 02:24 |
somsip | !pm | ragheed | 02:24 |
ubottu | ragheed: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. | 02:24 |
ezumador | j/#ubuntu-br | 02:25 |
ragheed | Ok | 02:25 |
Bashing-om | krash_: Howevr. IF you hibernate the system, you do need just a tad bit more swap than the installed ram . | 02:25 |
ezumador | j/ #ubuntu-br | 02:25 |
reisio | well, it's useful to have a tad bit more | 02:25 |
somsip | ezumador: '/join #ubuntu-br' | 02:25 |
krash_ | Thank you all for the help. I am going to tinker with that website listed above. | 02:26 |
ezumador | somsip: obrigado sempre erro kkkk | 02:26 |
pepee | !br | 02:26 |
ubottu | Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada. | 02:26 |
krash_ | Keeping this chat up in case I come across any issues. | 02:26 |
krash_ | :) | 02:26 |
squinty_ | krash: there is also a good tutorial on the gparted web site for increasing/decreasing partition sizes | 02:28 |
xkoan | Brief question here from an extremely new user.. I've gotten Ubuntu onto a bootable USB, and have got it up and running with the trial mode. If I wanted to install Ubuntu, would it get rid of my OSX and all files associated? Or can I install Ubuntu and switch back and forth at will? | 02:28 |
somsip | xkoan: install it on what? a mac? | 02:28 |
xkoan | yes on a mac | 02:28 |
somsip | !mac| xkoan | 02:28 |
ubottu | xkoan: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 02:28 |
xkoan | !mac | 02:29 |
ubottu | For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages | 02:29 |
somsip | xkoan: the idea is you click the link and read the info there | 02:29 |
xkoan | Sorry, new to IRC as well! Thanks I'll check out that link | 02:29 |
nicekiwi_ | how do I use 'grep -v' on multipule lines? | 02:30 |
ragheed | hey again | 02:30 |
ragheed | I tried to enter grub2 but actually I have windows aside so I coudn't | 02:30 |
krash_ | squinty: thanks for that. I was just trying the ubuntu link another provided and following that process will not work. | 02:31 |
ragheed | anyone? | 02:31 |
krash_ | the following command; d if=/dev/zero of=/media/fasthdd/swapfile.img bs=1024 count=1M (with sudo) failed, no file or dir | 02:31 |
krash_ | when I do a cat /proc/swaps I get; | 02:31 |
krash_ | Filename - /dev/dm-1 Type Partition Size: 2G Used 0 Priority -1 | 02:32 |
csrgxtu | i heard that Apple gonna to make swift work on Linux, does it mean that we can programming Apple apps in Linux | 02:32 |
csrgxtu | ? | 02:32 |
squinty_ | krash: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/display-doc.php?name=help-manual | 02:32 |
somsip | csrgxtu: that's a question for apple devs, not ubuntu | 02:32 |
krash_ | Thank you | 02:32 |
csrgxtu | somsip, dose apple have an irc | 02:33 |
somsip | !alis | csrgxtu | 02:33 |
ubottu | csrgxtu: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http* | 02:33 |
csrgxtu | ok, thks | 02:33 |
ragheed | ubottu: can you help me with my issue here? | 02:35 |
ubottu | ragheed: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:35 |
ragheed | ah ok | 02:35 |
auzty | how to remove all queue mail? | 02:35 |
somsip | auzty: from where? | 02:35 |
ragheed | Somebody ? | 02:35 |
auzty | i stop the queue, uninstall the postfix | 02:35 |
somsip | ragheed: so you rebooted and what happened? | 02:35 |
auzty | i already postsuper -d all | 02:35 |
ragheed | I couldn't run the memtest | 02:35 |
ragheed | I tried entering recovery mode | 02:36 |
auzty | but somehow, the mail got queued again | 02:36 |
ragheed | but couldn't find an option for memtest | 02:36 |
somsip | auzty: sudo postsuper -d ALL ? | 02:36 |
Bashing-om | ragheed: Under "advanced options" in grub's boot menu ? | 02:37 |
squinty_ | ragheed: when trying to access the grub menu for a fully installed system, you should be able to hold down the shift key immediately after the computer boot splash screen. | 02:37 |
auzty | yes i already do that somsip | 02:37 |
somsip | ragheed: did you see the grub prompt? | 02:37 |
krash_ | I did mess with Gparted before, but I dont see my 2G swap file. I used LVM when I installed, does that make a difference? | 02:37 |
somsip | auzty: no idea then. Try asking in #postfix (if there is such a channel) if no one else responds here | 02:37 |
erikson | hi friend | 02:37 |
ragheed | I have a windows 8.1 installed aside | 02:37 |
auzty | ohhh okok thanks somsip | 02:37 |
auzty | :D | 02:37 |
ragheed | And in the advanced options menu I just get few options of recovery mode | 02:38 |
squinty_ | !lvm | 02:39 |
ubottu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto | 02:39 |
squinty_ | krash_, might want to take a look at that lvm link. | 02:40 |
krash_ | looking, thx | 02:40 |
wasichichwas | hi everyone i hope there is someone on the world right now that can help me and is awake | 02:42 |
somsip | wasichichwas: less drama, more details would be good | 02:42 |
wasichichwas | whats my problem? i have somehow messed up my rights on ubuntu or in encrypted it i tried acessing everything i ve spent over 10 hours probably now , the thing is i can access it via live ubuntu but i cant copy or open my files | 02:43 |
wasichichwas | so how do i get to recover my files via live ubuntu | 02:44 |
somsip | wasichichwas: have you booted to recovery and checked permissions? | 02:44 |
wasichichwas | somsip i dont know how to do that i just installed ubuntu for the first time | 02:44 |
somsip | !recovery | wasichichwas | 02:45 |
ubottu | wasichichwas: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode | 02:45 |
wasichichwas | i can boot normally into it , when i boot normally into it i cant access my datas | 02:45 |
wasichichwas | i tried accessing my datas in the encrypted folder which doesnt seem to be the case and was a hell of a work | 02:46 |
ubuntudiego | hi | 02:46 |
ubuntudiego | its catalyst 15.7 at ubuntu 15.04? | 02:46 |
somsip | wasichichwas: so it's definitely due to encryption then? Or is it possibly due to permissions? | 02:46 |
reisio | ubuntudiego: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 02:46 |
ubuntudiego | its vivid and vivid updates the same thing? | 02:47 |
kandinski | anybody in Melbourne, Australia, up for a job that entails making .deb packages of proprietary software? Please privmsg. | 02:48 |
reisio | total waste of time | 02:48 |
ubuntudiego | sorry? | 02:48 |
kandinski | job is freelance part-time, and has to be local (it involves working with small embedded computers, you need to have access). Thanks! | 02:48 |
wasichichwas_ | shit my computer just crashed | 02:49 |
=== ksp is now known as Guest35856 | ||
wasichichwas | let me start from the beginning i have probably messed the rights on my ubuntu installation , since i pressed on the ubuntu installation on my personal folder on a file depicting a key and typed in my password all my personal files got lost i assumed that i encrypted my home directory or moved my files but that doesnt seem to be the case somehow , when i tried putting entering via live usb ubuntu i was able to see my files but i ca | 02:53 |
wasichichwas | em | 02:53 |
wasichichwas | how do i get my files ? i might crash now since am getting bluescreen | 02:54 |
wasichichwas | !german | 02:55 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 02:55 |
somsip | wasichichwas: if you can see them on a live usb, boot to that and copy them somewhere else | 02:55 |
diffract| | how do i disable alt-left mouse click? i have some applications that use that combination | 02:56 |
wasichichwas | somsip do you think that i can open them if i move them somewhere else? | 02:56 |
somsip | wasichichwas: you said you can see them. if you can see them, you can copy them. so copy them and test the idea | 02:56 |
wasichichwas | somsip i didnt try moving them since i was so relieved to see those files , and was scared to loose them again | 02:57 |
=== CripperZ` is now known as S|ipKorN- | ||
wasichichwas | ill try and come again | 02:57 |
somsip | wasichichwas: why move? just copy | 02:57 |
wasichichwas | kk | 02:57 |
wasichichwas | hmmhmmm | 02:57 |
wasichichwas | cheers | 02:57 |
wasichichwas | somsip it says the folder can not be handled since i dont have permissions | 03:03 |
wasichichwas | !german | 03:05 |
wasichichwas | !german | 03:06 |
wasichichwas | !deutsch | 03:06 |
ubottu | In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! | 03:06 |
Katronix | Hi all, currently I have 1 TB drive that both Windows and Linux share, looking at installing a second tb drive and would like to move one of them to it preferably w/o having to re-install either. Can anyone recommend the best way of doing this? | 03:14 |
reisio | well, linux is vastly simpler to migrate | 03:15 |
Katronix | reisio: I would need to update the grub menu though right? | 03:15 |
reisio | yeah | 03:15 |
reisio | that's easy though | 03:15 |
reisio | what I'd do is "duplicate" the partitions for your linux install on the new drive as you see fit | 03:16 |
reisio | then rsync all the data over | 03:16 |
reisio | update /etc/fstab and reinstall grub | 03:16 |
reisio | then you can backup anything important on windows, make sure it's defrag'd, and resize it | 03:16 |
somsip | wasichichwas: use recovery mode, like my earlier suggestion | 03:16 |
wasichichwas | somsip i ve allreadz tried entering via recovery mode , the files are not shown | 03:17 |
Katronix | reisio: so you wouldn't recommend using something like clonezilla? or that would backup both partitions? | 03:18 |
reisio | Katronix: I wouldn't, but theoretically you could clone partitions and then expand | 03:18 |
Katronix | reisio: while doing a su can I rsync files that are in use? such as the files needed to run Linux / XWindows etc? would it be better to do it from a live cd? | 03:20 |
Katronix | or I suppose I could dd the partition over if I was using a live cd? | 03:22 |
wileee | Katronix, With so many tools and the cli I do most of what was described if I move or fresh install the OS. | 03:23 |
wileee | my point was a wide choice, heh, for you to do it as you like | 03:24 |
wheresmypaaants | Hey all, I've had a new issue arise with my computer setup and I'm not sure why. It seems that my settings are being erased upon reboot. For starters, my monitor arrangement is erased each time & are divided into two sides (http://imgur.com/umxDjrD) in "settings -> display" category, so I have to fix it in the nvidia control panel. Second, my audio preferences are reset from HDMI / DisplayPort 3 to Digital Output upon reboot | 03:24 |
reisio | Katronix: you can, but yeah it'd be simpler from a live OS | 03:25 |
wheresmypaaants | And I cannot move the monitors to the opposite side | 03:26 |
Katronix | do I need the full live dvd? or can I just use the mini.iso? (to just copy one partition to another) | 03:30 |
wasichichwas | so am still struggling since i cant move my important files , ubuntu tells me that i dont have the permissions ((am ubuntu live installation so i can save my files from an failed ubuntu installation) | 03:32 |
reisio | Katronix: for copying thing? | 03:32 |
reisio | I'd use http://www.sysresccd.org/ | 03:33 |
Katronix | reisio: yes | 03:33 |
Katronix | reisio: so this will have everything I need I guess? | 03:35 |
reisio | yup | 03:36 |
reisio | not that an Ubuntu image wouldn't | 03:36 |
reisio | think those have rsync | 03:36 |
Katronix | reisio: just to verify, after I copy the files over, I should boot into my dual boot drive, modify the grub then reboot? then I can remove the linux from the dual boot? | 03:37 |
reisio | Katronix: yeah that should work fine | 03:40 |
reisio | Katronix: /etc/fstab, grub re-install to mbr (or whatever) | 03:40 |
Katronix | ok | 03:40 |
reisio | basically you just have to tell it that /boot is on the 2nd drive's ?? partition instead of the first's | 03:41 |
reisio | but probably still install GRUB onto the space at the beginning of the first disk | 03:41 |
reisio | depends :) | 03:41 |
reisio | you can fix anything with a live OS, though | 03:41 |
=== roonie is now known as pellucid_banana | ||
MelRay | Hi I currently just got layed off from work. I also have been fighting stage 4a colon cancer. My wife are searching online for various alternative methods to get myself healthy. However I'm looking for suggestions on ways I can use Ubuntu to track the sites my wife finds and also to track the web searches so we don't duplicate the same effort twice. I know some less elegant ways to do this. Is there a better open software soluti | 03:57 |
MelRay | on to accomplish this. where we can have individual logins and post our results. | 03:57 |
MelRay | Is there something like sharepoint I can setup on my ubuntu box? | 03:58 |
=== Badger_t is now known as badger-t | ||
wasichichwas | somsip i installed gksu nautilus | 04:01 |
wasichichwas | and was able to retreive my data | 04:01 |
wasichichwas | am not kiddin i spent over 10 hours to accomplish all of this , at least i learnt a little of ubuntu | 04:01 |
wasichichwas | >0_) | 04:02 |
wasichichwas | next time i will be much more careful with ubuntu | 04:02 |
mancomunado | Is there even a thing to search files and get its audio trackname? | 04:15 |
Katronix | from a working linux install, can I make a boot cd? | 04:15 |
mancomunado | katronix google it fag | 04:16 |
somsip | !behelpful | mancomunado | 04:17 |
ubottu | mancomunado: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes. | 04:17 |
somsip | Katronix: you want to be able to clone it and install it elsewhere? | 04:20 |
Katronix | somsip: moving my linux partition to another drive, I tried downloading systemrescuecd but Windows said the iso was invalid, so was curious if I can do it from Ubuntu instead | 04:21 |
Katronix | figured if I could make a bootable cd for linux and include gparted on it, I'd be all set lol | 04:23 |
somsip | !clone | Katronix | 04:23 |
ubottu | Katronix: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate | 04:23 |
=== squireboy is now known as Fezzler | ||
somsip | Katronix: that might not be the best factoid. Clonezilla or even dd might be better for what you want | 04:24 |
somsip | !info clonezilla | 04:24 |
ubottu | clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.10.11-1 (vivid), package size 678 kB, installed size 2624 kB | 04:24 |
wheresmypaaants | Hey all, I've had a new issue arise with my computer setup and I'm not sure why. It seems that my settings are being erased upon reboot. For starters, my monitor arrangement is erased each time & are divided into two sides (http://imgur.com/umxDjrD) in "settings -> display" category, so I have to fix it in the nvidia control panel. Second, my audio preferences are reset from HDMI / DisplayPort 3 to Digital Output upon reboot | 04:24 |
wheresmypaaants | And I cannot move the monitors to the opposite side | 04:24 |
Katronix | my original source is a Windows / Linux shared drive, so I want to move only the LInux partition | 04:24 |
somsip | Katronix: normally you'd clone the partition to another drive, then resize it to fill the drive | 04:25 |
Katronix | somsip so use something like clonezilla and then gparted to resize it? | 04:26 |
somsip | Katronix: Yep. I've never done it, but that's how what I undrstand | 04:26 |
Katronix | would also need to update grub at some point | 04:27 |
somsip | Katronix: if it's your boot partition, yes | 04:31 |
Katronix | k | 04:32 |
=== vishnu is now known as Guest91874 | ||
Apteryx | Where did the toolbar go in Evince, Ubuntu 14.04 ? I see no ways to customized the tools I rely on (hand tool for dragging the screen around, for example). | 04:36 |
Apteryx | Did the Gnome developper cut the good stuff in their quest for minimalism ? | 04:36 |
Apteryx | Gnome developpers* | 04:37 |
mon_ | hi. i want to ask about gcc compiler | 04:38 |
Apteryx | mon_: you might want to ask in the gcc channel if it's specific | 04:39 |
mon_ | ok | 04:39 |
xangua | Apteryx: yes, they did | 04:39 |
xangua | qpdfview is a good alternative Apteryx | 04:40 |
=== pepee_ is now known as pepee | ||
Apteryx | xangua: hahaha | 04:43 |
Apteryx | Evince is the prime example of Gnome extremenest when it comes to removing loved, useful features. | 04:43 |
Apteryx | or hiding them in some dark corner of dconf | 04:44 |
wileee | Apteryx, Try looking in the top panel | 04:51 |
=== ubik is now known as Guest82609 | ||
YokoBR | hi guys | 05:13 |
YokoBR | i've installed a lamp service on my ubuntu laptop, but it's not loading my js app | 05:14 |
YokoBR | it doesn't even list the app dir | 05:14 |
mon_ | i want to ask about gcc compiler in ubuntu. | 05:16 |
mon_ | can i ask here? | 05:16 |
mon_ | or still need to ask in gcc channel? | 05:21 |
morst | HI | 05:21 |
mobile2 | how to enable PHP’s opcache ? | 05:24 |
=== gerald is now known as Guest49844 | ||
mobile2 | anyone ? | 05:26 |
wheresmypaaants | Hey all, I've had a new issue arise with my computer setup and I'm not sure why. It seems that my settings are being erased upon reboot. For starters, my monitor arrangement is erased each time & are divided into two sides (http://imgur.com/umxDjrD) in "settings -> display" category, so I have to fix it in the nvidia control panel. Second, my audio preferences are reset from HDMI / DisplayPort 3 to Digital Output upon reboot | 05:28 |
wheresmypaaants | And I cannot move the monitors to the opposite side | 05:28 |
Bluewolf | Hi all, My Ubuntu 14.04 was doing updates when the screen locked, when I returned to check the progress it would not accept my password. With no other response I was forced to bomb it and now it won't start up into the OS, I recall the updates being ubuntu base? | 05:33 |
mowzey | fucwk u | 05:34 |
mowzey | fuck u | 05:34 |
mowzey | ping www,google.com | 05:34 |
xangua | Bluewolf: was it just downloading the updates or aplying them¿ | 05:34 |
Bluewolf | xangua: Ah that I am not exactly sure, one of the two but I think it was downloading it, there again it might have finished. I never got the chance to check | 05:36 |
wileee | Bluewolf, Can you get to a tty, or the recovery terminal? | 05:37 |
Bluewolf | wileee: Its not making it to the login screen, its freezing before that. I can go to the recover upon start up, yet I don't know much about it having never used it before. | 05:38 |
wileee | Bluewolf, If you tap the esc as you are booting in you will see text, probably a good start. | 05:39 |
wileee | you might see errors or where it stops | 05:39 |
thirtynein | hi, i would like to ask if anyone could help me with a problem i'm getting in ubuntu 15.04, i had an external drive connected and it showed in my media folder as "disk" i restarted pc due to update and now there is a "disk" folder and "disk1" folder showing up. the "disk" folder is root acces only and the "disk1" is the disk i have plugged in. anyway how to get rid of the folder that popped up? | 05:40 |
linocisco | hi all, what is the meaning of mkdir ~/Evolution | 05:42 |
linocisco | ? | 05:43 |
Bluewolf | wileee: Okay here are the two errors yet I don't know why they would be an issue, usb 2-1.2: device not accepting adress12, error -32, usb 2-1.2: device descriptor read/64, error -32 | 05:43 |
wileee | linocisco, man mkdir in a terminal | 05:44 |
wileee | Bluewolf, if you have usb's plugged in not needed I would unplug and try the boot, that is a guess however. | 05:45 |
Bluewolf | wileee: Well thats just it, the only USB pluged in is the mouse? | 05:46 |
wileee | Bluewolf, Ah, no idea on that error. My basic thought starting out was to get a terminal and run sudo apt-get -f install to see if any thing needs finishing on installing. | 05:47 |
Bluewolf | wileee: This machine I am using has just come up with updates and it is Ubuntu Base, thats the one that was downloading when I bombed the machine. | 05:48 |
Bluewolf | What next then? | 05:48 |
Bluewolf | Live Disk? | 05:48 |
wileee | Bluewolf, not sure it's the answer either at least yet, hopefully others will know. | 05:48 |
wileee | Bluewolf, Did the computer stop at these errors, if not what did it look like when the boot stopped? | 05:49 |
sebadoh | so ive installed sendmail and ive installed mailutils... but I cant get my web form to send mail via php. | 05:50 |
sebadoh | what am i missing? | 05:50 |
Bluewolf | wileee: Yes it stopped at these errors, and that's all that appeared. I have run it again and now its going on an on with a number of things. Got a picture - Should I send it to you? | 05:52 |
wileee | Bluewolf, Nah, just trying to be concise in the info given, I doubt I can help, sorry. | 05:54 |
=== aarcane_ is now known as root________ | ||
anonxdos | yo | 06:16 |
anonxdos | yo | 06:16 |
anonxdos | yo | 06:16 |
anonxdos | yo | 06:16 |
anonxdos | yo | 06:16 |
rocketeer998 | So I was wondering, is there a way to seperate my desktop into several smaller sections | 06:17 |
rocketeer998 | So I can't accidentally drag a window from one into another | 06:17 |
rocketeer998 | Almost like I was simulating multi-monitor without the ability to drag between monitors on a single screen | 06:18 |
rocketeer998 | I know, it's a strange question | 06:18 |
wileee | rocketeer998, have you seen this or this a fantasy? | 06:18 |
rocketeer998 | This is a fantasy | 06:18 |
rocketeer998 | I'm wondering if anyone else has seen it | 06:18 |
rocketeer998 | Or has any ideas how to create it | 06:19 |
wileee | well this is support of actual issue is all | 06:19 |
rocketeer998 | The closest thing I can find is starting another X server with something like xnest, but that seems like total overkill | 06:19 |
rocketeer998 | Or better yet, if I could only cross the barrier with ctrl-drag or something | 06:20 |
rocketeer998 | Yeah I know this probably doesn't exist | 06:20 |
chuckrock | Ü3Î)¥-ìx˛z. | 06:22 |
chuckrock | `?gýBoç£a(²õ°cɸ,W@Nr2à¿E7שc7[Ê~ý ÕrRÇ,9Nå7ñb}BªA^'HìT(2Âí`õ^A®5ÇJ | 06:22 |
chuckrock | ·sӟ¬ZjÁú | 06:23 |
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chuckrock | ÂÖAáS¿úCÜ\3ïµåTMI | 06:23 |
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Arbition | amazing | 06:23 |
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chuckrock | g * , J w < q f + = Y _ [ | % I P E 4 o g l i o f , = . @ ( u < p ! g p / I [ # 4 2 | 06:28 |
SkyMall | is there a way to install Ubuntu server on a machine that has no video output? | 06:29 |
nicekiwi_ | :D | 06:29 |
debiancheng | hi | 06:38 |
debiancheng | all | 06:38 |
neonixcoder1 | I tried my luck in #ubuntu-server channel with a query but I did not get any answer there.. So asking it here.. | 06:47 |
debiancheng | hi,all. | 06:48 |
mzf | where can i find the latest installers that have latest kernels in them? | 06:48 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 06:48 |
neonixcoder1 | I want to upgrade my 10.04 to 14.04(right now doing 10.04 to 12.04 upgrade) and when I do an upgrade from 10.04 I am getting "locale: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.15' not found (required by locale)" error | 06:49 |
neonixcoder1 | and its rebooting with out any prior information after this error.. | 06:49 |
neonixcoder1 | Any suggestion how can I make GLIBC_2.15 is there? | 06:49 |
nicekiwi_ | the current date on my ubuntu server is July 16th 2015. How do I fix that? | 06:50 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: do you setup ntp or some sort of tool? | 06:50 |
nicekiwi_ | I thought I had setup NTP 0_o;; | 06:51 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: glibc 2.15 is in 12.04 Precise; at what point in the upgrade is that occurring? | 06:51 |
nicekiwi_ | apparently i Did not | 06:51 |
neonixcoder1 | if not do it and it will fix your issue.. if you want to set manually use date command.. | 06:51 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:Some times at kernel upgrade and most of the times when updating locale | 06:52 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: is this after the reboot into the 12.04 system? | 06:52 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-: This error is before reboot and present in install logs. After reboot, my system wont boot.. :( | 06:53 |
neonixcoder1 | It says some or other lib files are missing.. | 06:53 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: The error suggests it is the 12.04 version of 'locale' running, but finding the 10.04 version of glibc | 06:53 |
ufk | hello | 06:54 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:True.. How can I make sure it finds 12.04 version instead of 10.04 version. Right now on my machine it is 2.11 GLIBC version.. | 06:54 |
ufk | how can i allow a non-root user to execute application to bind with reserved ports ? | 06:54 |
nicekiwi_ | neonixcoder1, how do I get the current date in console? | 06:54 |
neonixcoder1 | just date | 06:55 |
nicekiwi_ | :( uh oh.. | 06:55 |
debiancheng | date | 06:55 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: is this a bare-metal installation or some form of virtual machine guest; it sounds like the kind of error Virtuozzo/OpenVZ would cause | 06:55 |
debiancheng | aha | 06:55 |
debiancheng | :p) | 06:55 |
nicekiwi_ | neonixcoder1, well I've installed and restarted NTP, but my date is still: Thu Jul 16 13:17:22 NZST 2015 | 06:55 |
nicekiwi_ | 0_o;; | 06:55 |
neonixcoder1 | its a bare-metal installation on a CF card.. | 06:55 |
debiancheng | ufk: using sudo | 06:56 |
TJ- | nicekiwi_: ntpdate won't skew the clock a massive amount; you need to manually bring it into line first | 06:56 |
nicekiwi_ | oh | 06:57 |
TJ- | nicekiwi_: you may need to stop the ntpd then use "ntpdate -b to force the time set, then restart ntpd | 06:57 |
nicekiwi_ | TJ-, I get: 16 Jul 13:21:08 ntpdate[78331]: no servers can be used, exiting | 06:58 |
TJ- | nicekiwi_: the ntp tools generally try to avoid giving applications a surprise by shifting the clock by vast amounts, so you have to manually intervene when the clock is more than a few seconds out. At boot ntpdate is supposed to be run once, early, but that won't usually overcome more than about 120 seconds or something | 06:58 |
TJ- | nicekiwi_: see "man ntpdate" - you also need to tell it which time server to use | 06:59 |
nicekiwi_ | ah.. so if my servrr has been "suspended" for a week or so, it owuldent update itself | 06:59 |
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neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: Use date command to set it as below command | 07:00 |
TJ- | nicekiwi_: quick workaround for that though, use: "ntpdate-debian -b" :) | 07:00 |
nicekiwi_ | TJ-, oooo :) that helped :D | 07:01 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: date MMDDHHmmYYYY.ss | 07:01 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: good to hear that.. | 07:01 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: One more suggestion, as you said ntp restart did not fix time and that is because you did not set iburst in /etc/ntp.conf file.. | 07:02 |
rocketeer998 | Is there a way I can get a tiled window manager where inside the tiles, I have compositing windows? | 07:02 |
neonixcoder1 | rocketeer998: Did you tried screen or tmux tools? | 07:03 |
rocketeer998 | Can I use those for things other than terminals? | 07:03 |
rocketeer998 | I looked a little bit into byobu | 07:04 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-: Any suggestions on GLIBC issue? | 07:04 |
rocketeer998 | neonixcoder1: those are almost backwards from what I can see - we have a graphical window with tiling inside it | 07:06 |
nicekiwi_ | neonixcoder1, iburst? | 07:06 |
rocketeer998 | I want adjustable tiling, with windows inside of the tiles | 07:06 |
rocketeer998 | And I suspect there's no such thing, but I figured I'd ask at least | 07:06 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: I can only find 2 other mentions of that error, and *both* seem to occur with non-English locales (French and German, respectively.). What is the native locale on that system? | 07:07 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_: Yes, by default ntp will not adjust time if the time difference is more than 1000s(~16mins) from your system time to ntp servers time.. | 07:07 |
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neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_:So its always advisable to pust iburst in your settings(Ex: server 0.au.pool.ntp.org iburst) when you mention your ntp servers in /etc/ntp.conf file.. | 07:08 |
DF3D2 | So I have an intel xeon system, with an Nvidia 750ti. HDMI out to a DENON S700W Receiver. I have a problem where if I switch inputs on the receiver or turn the TV off/on I will have no picture until I restart lightdm via SSH. My xorg.0.log is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952086/ My xorg.conf is here:http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952091/ | 07:08 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-: It is en-AU | 07:09 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_:s/pust/put/g | 07:09 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:If locale is creating issue, I can change it to default en.. | 07:10 |
nicekiwi_ | neonixcoder1, ahhh ok :) thanks | 07:10 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: I'm wondering if you can correct things with something like "LANG=C LC_ALL=C apt-get -f install" | 07:10 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:What is that C? | 07:11 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: It tells the libc library not to mess with locale conversions, use the C programming language default | 07:12 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:I just executed it. Can I start upgrade now? | 07:12 |
neonixcoder1 | nicekiwi_:wlcm | 07:12 |
rocketeer998 | neonixcoder1: Well everyone is asking you things, but for example GNU Screen seems to multiplex consoles inside a window. I'm looking to tile the screen at a high level, and have windows inside of those tiles. It would almost be as if you could interact with the super-s screen and not drag windows between the "desktops" | 07:12 |
neonixcoder1 | rocketeer998:Not sure man.. | 07:14 |
ytixdecaf | ?? | 07:14 |
rocketeer998 | neonixcoder1: alright, I'll keep looking | 07:14 |
ytixdecaf | Hello! | 07:14 |
aa3_ | hey..i just installed 14.04 and the wifi is not working | 07:14 |
aa3_ | tethering from my phone | 07:15 |
TJ- | neonixcoder1: I'm really not sure how much that will help. The main thing is the locale package is expecting the version of glibc from 12.04, which if being run under 10.04 won't be there of course. I wonder if the langpack-locales package in 12.04 had some upgrades during its lifetime that broke the 10.04>12.04 upgrade requirements. The Changelog shows 2 upstream syncs | 07:15 |
Kalipris | Ey | 07:18 |
Kalipris | ayy | 07:19 |
OerHeks | aa3_, some need more info about what ubuntu version, what wifi device, and if you checked additional drivers or terminal output of " sudo ubuntu-drivers devices " | 07:19 |
aa3_ | 0erHeks: running ubuntu 14.04..just ran apt get update and apt get upgrade | 07:20 |
neonixcoder1 | TJ-:Hmm got it. Let me try my luck.. | 07:20 |
ytixdecaf | Yo! Yo! Yo! | 07:21 |
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aa3_ | 0erHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952120/ | 07:21 |
OerHeks | aa3_, seems there is no wireless driver available, what does " lspci" say about your wifi-chip ? | 07:23 |
OerHeks | or " lsusb " if it is an USB device | 07:23 |
aa3_ | OerHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952124/ running on a laptop | 07:23 |
ytixdecaf | Does anyone in here feel Ubuntu sucks? | 07:24 |
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debiancheng | what do you think of it | 07:25 |
debiancheng | ytixdecaf | 07:25 |
TJ- | !ot | ytixdecaf | 07:25 |
ubottu | ytixdecaf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 07:25 |
Guest57309 | is anyone here who has an idea which problem might be responsible for this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/595998/bluetooth-working-but-wont-detect-any-devices | 07:25 |
Guest57309 | i would be very grateful for help | 07:26 |
TJ- | aa3_: Can you show "lspci -nnk" so we can see what, if any, drivers are in use? | 07:27 |
aa3_ | TJ- : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952142/ | 07:27 |
OerHeks | aa3_, perform the last line from this Question ( http://askubuntu.com/a/514058 ) sudo rfkill list all # and i fyour device is hardblocked, perform the answer below and see if it works for you | 07:27 |
OerHeks | ath9k | 07:28 |
aa3_ | OerHeks: only the last line right? | 07:28 |
OerHeks | aa3_, yes,, " sudo rfkill list all" to see if it is blocked now. | 07:28 |
aa3_ | OerHeks: says hardblocked | 07:29 |
rocketeer998 | Is there a way to block windows from crossing some border, perhaps? | 07:30 |
aa3_ | OerHeks : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952153/ | 07:30 |
aa3_ | OerHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952156/ | 07:31 |
TJ- | aa3_: "hard blocked" means that there's some form of user-operated switch, either a key-combination or separate switch elsewhere, to enable/disabled the radio. | 07:34 |
aa3_ | TJ-: Fn + F2 maybe..will give it a try | 07:35 |
aa3_ | nope | 07:35 |
TJ- | rocketeer998: maybe you can use the compiz plugin "Window Rules" for that? | 07:35 |
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TJ- | rocketeer998: See for example: http://wiki.compiz.org/WindowMatching#Winrules | 07:36 |
rocketeer998 | Perhaps, but doesnt | 07:36 |
rocketeer998 | *but doesn't that allow me only to set rules per program? | 07:36 |
aa3_ | I need to reboot...be back in 5mins max | 07:37 |
xheart | hi guys | 07:38 |
linocisco | hi all, what is the meaning of mkdir ~/Evolution | 07:39 |
linocisco | hi all, what is the meaning of mkdir ~/Evolution? | 07:39 |
aa3_ | TJ- , OerHeks : started working after the reboot...thanks a lot :) | 07:40 |
TJ- | linocisco: it is a terminal 'shell' command. see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 07:40 |
OerHeks | aa3_, have fun :-) | 07:41 |
aa3_ | one more question..to update my gpu, apt get install nvidia current is the proper command right? | 07:41 |
Alan | so... xorg-edgers, how do I install something from it? I've added the PPA, but any time i try and install something new from it, i get version conflicts | 07:42 |
xheart | i upgraded from 12.04lts to 14.04lts but i have to keep contecting to my wifi after a few minutes constantly | 07:42 |
xheart | looks like my wifi stops working because it sees someone trying to enter my system | 07:42 |
xheart | 14.04 on a 32bit pc has issues? | 07:42 |
xheart | ? | 07:42 |
xheart | ? | 07:42 |
Alan | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952198/ | 07:44 |
TJ- | Alan: you need to dist-upgrade the entire Xorg stack of packages by the look of that. It also suggests there's an ABI (Application Binary Interface) change meaning some 'new' packages (as opposed to merely upgrading existing packages) to be installed | 07:52 |
xheart | hi | 07:53 |
Alan | TJ-: I've added the PPA and done a dist-upgrade, it upgraded *some* xorg-related packages, but not many... | 07:53 |
Alan | and it's still preventing me from installing anything | 07:53 |
ObrienDave | xheart, Appropriate time-of-day greetings & Welcome | 07:53 |
xheart | my internet connection stalls after installing 14.04lts | 07:53 |
Ben64 | Alan: probably a conflict with a ppa | 07:54 |
xheart | hi Obrien | 07:54 |
TJ- | Alan: dist-upgrade should upgrade to all the latest packages from the xorg-edgers PPA. Do you have other PPAs containing some of those packages also enabled? | 07:54 |
ObrienDave | xheart, define "stalls" please | 07:55 |
xheart | in order for me to get it working i have to constant disconnect and connect again | 07:55 |
Alan | TJ-: not as far as I can tell | 07:56 |
xheart | when i had 12.04lts it was working fine | 07:56 |
Ben64 | Alan: pastebin apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-intel xorg-video-abi-15 xserver-xorg-core | 07:56 |
ObrienDave | xheart, wired or wireless? if wireless, what adapter chipset? i.e., broadcom | 07:56 |
xheart | do i need to download something? | 07:56 |
xheart | wireless | 07:56 |
xheart | it was working fine with 12.04 | 07:57 |
ObrienDave | multiple question response. ^^^ :) | 07:57 |
TJ- | Alan: Use "apt-cache policy" on the reported packages to find out which repos they are in | 07:57 |
xheart | i am using mozilla and chrome web browser | 07:57 |
xheart | Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz × 2 | 07:58 |
brainwash | Ben64: xorg-video-abi-15 is not a package | 07:58 |
ObrienDave | xheart, please read the rest of my questions :) | 07:59 |
xheart | broadcom? | 07:59 |
TJ- | brainwash: It's a 'Provides' of "xserver-xorg-core" | 07:59 |
ObrienDave | i don't know, you tell me what you have | 07:59 |
Alan | TJ-: well there's an interesting thing... xserver-xorg-core isn't in xorg-edgers at all | 08:00 |
brainwash | TJ-: no need to tell me that | 08:00 |
xheart | ok let me resume i am wireless, do not know the adapter chip set , web brower mozilla and chrome | 08:00 |
Alan | oh, hand on | 08:00 |
Alan | yes it is | 08:00 |
Alan | but not according to apt-cache | 08:01 |
Ben64 | pastebin the thing already | 08:01 |
xheart | os 32bit | 08:01 |
ObrienDave | xheart, it does not matter, usually, what your browser is. more important it the adapter chipset | 08:01 |
xheart | where do i search that? | 08:01 |
NoDRMinBooks | How do I run/install http://sourceforge.net/projects/oast/ ??? | 08:02 |
Alan | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952257/ | 08:02 |
xheart | chipset? | 08:02 |
Alan | thee | 08:02 |
Alan | *there | 08:02 |
TJ- | Alan: "apt-cache show xserver-xorg-video-intel=2:2.99.917+git20150723.a29e765e-0ubuntu0sarvatt~trusty" will show you all the dependencies being requested | 08:02 |
Ben64 | NoDRMinBooks: ask the person who made it | 08:02 |
ObrienDave | xheart, chipset is the manufacturer of the device, usually | 08:03 |
NoDRMinBooks | Ben64 I don't know how to contact them | 08:03 |
xheart | pentium | 08:03 |
OerHeks | NoDRMinBooks, would you really like to install such old software? 2009-07-18 | 08:03 |
ObrienDave | xheart, chipset, as in Intel, Nvidia, ATI, broadcom | 08:03 |
xheart | intel | 08:04 |
Alan | TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11952268/ | 08:04 |
NoDRMinBooks | OerHeks, What would you use instead? | 08:04 |
TJ- | Alan: there's no xserver installed at all, which explains why a dist-upgrade won't do it. You have to install the entire suite, starting with the topmost package, probably "xserver-xorg" | 08:04 |
xheart | ntel® G33 x86/MMX/SSE2 | 08:04 |
ObrienDave | xheart, no, the wireless adapter | 08:04 |
TJ- | Alan: I know the output - I have the package in use here :) | 08:04 |
Alan | TJ-: if there's no xserver installed at all, what on earth am I using? | 08:04 |
OerHeks | NoDRMinBooks, i would use standard networkmanager to handle VPN | 08:05 |
NoDRMinBooks | I just want a similar program to Viscosity or Tunnelblick but I don't know of ones that work on GNU/Linux. | 08:05 |
TJ- | Alan: Maybeyou've messed up the package manager so dpkg/apt no longer know what's installed? | 08:05 |
xheart | 802.11 WiFi (wlan1) | 08:05 |
Alan | TJ-: I haven't even had this machine up and running long enough to do that | 08:05 |
TJ- | Alan: if apt tools are reporting those packages as not installed, something is very wrong | 08:06 |
Alan | TJ-: does ubuntu 14.04 not start with xserver-xorg selected? | 08:06 |
TJ- | Alan: yes, that's my point!! | 08:06 |
ObrienDave | xheart, i need the brand name of the adapter manufacturer. (chipset) | 08:06 |
Alan | i thought the base metapackages are supposed to take care of this.. | 08:06 |
TJ- | Alan: try "dpkg -l '*xserver*' " and look which packages are reported as installed "ii" | 08:06 |
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ObrienDave | xheart, i need the brand name of the wireless adapter manufacturer. (chipset) | 08:07 |
xheart | where do i search for that info? | 08:07 |
TJ- | xheart: please follow the steps and guides at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide | 08:08 |
ObrienDave | in your sysinfo. do you have windows installed? | 08:08 |
lordievader | xheart: 'lspci -k|grep -A2 Network', pastebin that to ObrienDave ;) | 08:08 |
lordievader | xheart: The output, not the command. | 08:08 |
Alan | TJ-: well there's something interesting... xserver-xorg-core-lts-utopic is what's installed... is this potentially a 14.04.2 thing? | 08:08 |
ObrienDave | lordievader, thank you. i can never remember those commands :) | 08:08 |
Alan | TJ-: how do i find out what's depending on a package to pull it in? | 08:08 |
TJ- | Alan: that'll be the HardWare Enablement stack | 08:09 |
hellojs | hello | 08:09 |
TJ- | !hwe | Alan | 08:09 |
ubottu | Alan: On August 7, 2014, Ubuntu 12.04.5 will deliver the kernel and graphics stack from 14.04. At that time, security updates and bug fixes for older hardware enablement stacks will cease. Users of older hardware enablement stacks are encouraged to update to the 12.04.5 hardware enablement stack or upgrade to 14.04. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/1204_HWE_EOL for further details. | 08:09 |
TJ- | Alan: darn, that factoid hasn't been updated with the correct link | 08:09 |
TJ- | Alan: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 08:09 |
ObrienDave | wrong factoid info??? say it isn't so! ;P | 08:10 |
k1l | !enablementstack | TJ- | 08:10 |
ubottu | TJ-: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 08:10 |
Alan | TJ-: and I'm guessing xorg-edgers and HWE are mutually exclusive? | 08:10 |
D30 | hello all, im trying to edit grub boot loader to enable serial/console on ubuntu 14.10 by following this guide http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-serial-console-howto/ but i cant find /boot/grub/menu.lst in ubuntu 14.10 , does it changed in ubuntu14.10? | 08:10 |
TJ- | Alan: that would be a sensible conclusion, yes :) | 08:10 |
k1l | the !hwe factoid was made due to a message user got and were asking a lot in here how to fix :) | 08:11 |
TJ- | D30: That's a grub v1 file, you want "/boot/grub/grub.cfg", but you should edit "/etc/default/grub" and set it there, then use "update-grub" | 08:11 |
TJ- | k1l: what a mouthful! | 08:12 |
D30 | what should be edited in /etc/default/grub TJ- ? | 08:12 |
OerHeks | D30, carefull, 14.10 is EOL | 08:12 |
ObrienDave | upgrade to 15.04 | 08:12 |
Alan | TJ-: now there's something interesting... maybe I can get away with upgrading to the -vivid HWE? | 08:12 |
D30 | OerHeks: its fine, im just using this on testing purposes.. no 14.04 available right now :p | 08:12 |
TJ- | D30: add the serial console options to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX | 08:13 |
Alan | TJ-: my problem is basically that i'm trying to get working displayport MST support in the intel drivers so i can daisy-chain monitors... | 08:13 |
D30 | TJ-: thanks ill try.. | 08:13 |
TJ- | Alan: do you know in which version of the drivers that is supported? | 08:13 |
Alan | TJ-: i'm already on the -vivid kernel for a different hardware compat issue anyway... how would i go about moving up to the vivid xorg stack? install xserver-xorg-lts-vivid? | 08:14 |
D30 | TJ-: how about the “console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8” option? | 08:14 |
TJ- | D30: always best to first test the options by adding them manually at boot-time, by holding down the Shift key to get the GRUB v2 menu, then selecting an entry and pressing 'e' to edit it, then navigate to the line "linux ..." and adding the options there, then pressing F10 or Ctrl+X to boot that revised command-line. If it works, you can add the same parameters to "/etc/default/grub" as described above | 08:15 |
Alan | TJ-: all i know is that the kernel driver is in upstream as of 3.17 (so my 3.19 (-vivid) kernel should have it), I don't know which version of the xorg drivers that'll correspond to | 08:15 |
D30 | TJ-: okay thanks man :) | 08:15 |
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NoDRMinBooks | +r | 08:17 |
TJ- | Alan: might be worth checking if the xorg stack has it in Vivid too, before you go to too much trouble :) | 08:17 |
Alan | TJ-: I see reports of people having it working in 2.99.917, which corresponds to the -lts-vivid version | 08:18 |
TJ- | Alan: Then I suspect you're OK to try the vivid stack as you suggested | 08:18 |
Alan | TJ-: so that's the right procedure? | 08:18 |
TJ- | Alan: always nice when someone has done their own research :) | 08:18 |
TJ- | Alan: yes, installing " xserver-xorg-lts-vivid" should be the only thing required | 08:19 |
Bray90820 | is it possable to mount a sparse bundel in ubuntu | 08:20 |
Bray90820 | Sparcebundle | 08:20 |
vamadir | hello, how to run only one copy of xchat?? when running xchat, and i click on icon, 2nd xchat start running. | 08:20 |
Alan | TJ-: hmm,m I'm getting all kinds of fun conflicts there... :( | 08:21 |
TJ- | Alan: probably due to the xorg-edgers PPA... I suggest you ppa-purge that and any packages it has installed first | 08:21 |
Alan | TJ-: ... good point >.< | 08:21 |
cofffeebean | who's awake in here ??.. | 08:29 |
Bray90820 | Me | 08:29 |
mon_ | hi i have question on gcc compiler on ubuntu | 08:29 |
cofffeebean | ok.., familiar with pidgin i-m ??.. | 08:29 |
ObrienDave | no one ;P | 08:29 |
bazhang | #pidgin cofffeebean | 08:30 |
cofffeebean | thanks baz.. | 08:30 |
lotuspsychje | !ask | mon_ | 08:30 |
ubottu | mon_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 08:30 |
mon_ | i am running BNC (irc bouncer) in my shell account (ubuntu). It succesfully running via the background. However, when i connect my irc client and enter the bnc pass; i wil be disconected from it. When i check my shell account, it's saying ~/bnc2.9.4$ *** stack smashing detected ***: ./bnc terminated. i did google around and found it has come connection with gcc compiler. How to fix this? | 08:31 |
wudu | hi | 08:31 |
EriC^^ | mon_: that's a bug in BNC, use a newer version maybe | 08:32 |
mon_ | EriC^^: i didn't have any problem compiling in my other unix shell account | 08:33 |
EriC^^ | mon_: is the pass way longer in this one? | 08:33 |
lotuspsychje | mon_: same ubuntu versions on both boxes? | 08:33 |
mon_ | not sure. | 08:34 |
mon_ | hmm | 08:34 |
EriC^^ | mon_: stack smashing means you are overflowing a buffer, if you set gcc to not protect you, it might still crash but you'll be vulnerable to buffer overflow vulnerabilities too | 08:34 |
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wudu | I have an external HDD with an encrypted partition. Until recently I was used to input the passphrase after clicking on the partition in file manager. There is an option to "Remember forever" and I must have accidentally clicked it once, so now I don't get asked for the passphrase anymore. Does someone know how I can get back the old behaviour? | 08:35 |
WyRe | hi guys! i have an issue with samba, i can acces to my shared resource from w7 but that's not maped in w7's network tab | 08:36 |
EriC^^ | wudu: try removing the filemanager's .config maybe | 08:36 |
WyRe | some people said me that could be an broadcasting ip issue | 08:36 |
lotuspsychje | !samba | WyRe | 08:36 |
ubottu | WyRe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html | 08:36 |
mon_ | EriC^^: how to disable it? | 08:36 |
WyRe | lotuspsychje, yes, i have shared my folder propertly but i cannot see my Ubuntu machine in w7 networks tab | 08:37 |
christoph_ | i still can not find bluetooth devices with my ubuntu and i found the following problem : http://pastebin.com/a9SCyxZh | 08:37 |
christoph_ | might this responsible ? and how can if fix this | 08:37 |
EriC^^ | mon_: why don't you use znc? | 08:37 |
EriC^^ | bnc is ancient | 08:37 |
WyRe | i mean, ... if i write my ip adress in explorer bar i can acces that shared resource | 08:37 |
WyRe | but i cannot see my Ubuntu machine in network tab :( | 08:38 |
philip_ | meaning of booting in insecure mode | 08:38 |
mon_ | EriC^^: yeah. but i just want to use it as irc proxies rather than detach the nick in irc | 08:38 |
lotuspsychje | WyRe: might be a ##windows problem ask the guys over there? | 08:38 |
EriC^^ | mon_: maybe you can disable that in the znc config, or just quit every time instead of detaching | 08:38 |
WyRe | mmm i think that could be Samba setup issue ... | 08:38 |
lotuspsychje | !bluetooth | christoph_ | 08:38 |
ubottu | christoph_: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 08:38 |
mon_ | ic | 08:39 |
lotuspsychje | WyRe: and there is a #samba channel too :p | 08:39 |
D30 | guys if you have read my problem above, heres a followup clarrification, i did edit the grub on boot by pressing Shift, and add these config > “console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8” and then press Ctrl+x to boot, at first it seems working because i can the console on other terminal that it did display the VM while booting, but then after a sec the console freeze.. and when i check the VM grub those config i put was gone.. any idea? | 08:39 |
wudu | EriC^^: already tried this. Guess it's using some backend for keeping the passphrase | 08:39 |
christoph_ | lotuspsychje, thanks i will take alook | 08:40 |
rsv | all my icons and texts are mesed up . it happened all of a sudden | 08:40 |
lotuspsychje | rsv: recent update? | 08:41 |
rsv | even when i type someting i can only see some characters | 08:41 |
rsv | louspsychje: yes | 08:41 |
rsv | but i ddont remember what i updated | 08:41 |
lotuspsychje | rsv: can you define 'messed up' for us please | 08:41 |
christoph_ | i am using a new version of ubunut(14.04.2) | 08:42 |
lotuspsychje | christoph_: good choice :p | 08:42 |
D30 | whats inittab in ubuntu? :) | 08:44 |
wileee | rsv, There was a kernel upgrade here today, have you rebooted and tried an earlier kernel, or just rebooted? | 08:44 |
lotuspsychje | D30: man inittab | 08:44 |
rsv | http://imagebin.ca/v/2AAXoQzs3IRR and http://imagebin.ca/v/2AAXVOBjc31B | 08:46 |
rsv | wileee: : i did an update today | 08:46 |
rsv | and it happened all of a sudden | 08:46 |
rsv | and i did not reboot | 08:46 |
wileee | rsv, Be careful to read questions and answer them. | 08:46 |
lotuspsychje | rsv: hmm never seen that before sorry, maybe someone else can help? | 08:47 |
lotuspsychje | scrabled cypers | 08:47 |
rsv | wileee: i did not reboot - do you want me to try it | 08:47 |
wileee | rsv, Never seen that either, same response above | 08:48 |
lotuspsychje | rsv: maybe can you check your grafix card driver loaded? | 08:48 |
lotuspsychje | rsv: you also could try creating a new user to test if text is also disformed | 08:49 |
D30 | i am looking where to actually put this “console=tty0 console=ttyS0,9600n8” in ubuntu grub | 08:50 |
=== stryx`_ is now known as stryx` | ||
lotuspsychje | !grub | D30 | 08:50 |
ubottu | D30: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 | 08:50 |
D30 | 9.9 | 08:50 |
ObrienDave | rsv, i get that once in a while. relog | 08:51 |
rsv | ObrienDave: i did not understand that | 08:52 |
rsv | let me reboot and get back | 08:52 |
rsv | let me see what hapens | 08:52 |
ObrienDave | RELOG? seriously? | 08:52 |
rsv | what is RELOG | 08:52 |
ObrienDave | log out, log in. RELOG | 08:53 |
rsv | oh thsnks | 08:53 |
OerHeks | rsv, there are more complaints about fonts gabble, see this post: http://askubuntu.com/questions/500536/how-to-reset-font-size-in-ubuntu-14-04 install unity tweak and play with scaling factor | 08:53 |
ObrienDave | not reboot, relog | 08:53 |
daya | Hi Guys: Fix,The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be. This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller. Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)? | 08:53 |
daya | while doing parted? | 08:54 |
daya | any idea it | 08:54 |
rsv_ | guys: logout and login worked | 08:54 |
rsv_ | wondering why did it work and what does logging out do? | 08:55 |
Lurchy | hey guys....can I get some guidance how to edit an ubuntu host file? | 08:55 |
lotuspsychje | Lurchy: hostname? | 08:55 |
Lurchy | I want to build my domain website on local server...then when its ready copy to web providers localtion | 08:55 |
ObrienDave | rsv_, i have no idea why it works | 08:55 |
Lurchy | how do I change the host file? anyone have a link? | 08:55 |
rsv_ | okay what does logout do? does it destroy somethings | 08:56 |
Lurchy | how do I change the host file? anyone have a link?050 static IP ubuntu webserver I have running | 08:56 |
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ObrienDave | rsv_, logs you out so another user can log in? | 08:57 |
Lurchy | I want my browser to redirect "www.mydomain.com" to a static IP ubuntu webserver I have running | 08:58 |
Lurchy | trying to wrap my head around it | 08:59 |
vamadir | how to run only one copy of xchat?? | 09:01 |
OerHeks | Lurchy, something like this in /etc/hosts: 192.168.0.x my.localwebserver.com | 09:02 |
ObrienDave | vamadir, don't start another one? ;P | 09:02 |
Lurchy | ok | 09:03 |
rsv_ | ObrienDave: thanks man! | 09:03 |
Lurchy | that is in my client machine....not the ubuntu server box on the network LAN | 09:03 |
ObrienDave | rsv_, most welcome | 09:03 |
rsv_ | ObrienDave: let me reboot, by the way - time to get some sleep | 09:03 |
ObrienDave | 'night | 09:03 |
OerHeks | Lurchy, whatever that ip is | 09:04 |
vamadir | ObrienDave, but if i click on icon, start copy of xchat. How to disable this? | 09:04 |
philip_ | meaning of PXE over ipv4 | 09:04 |
Lurchy | kk | 09:04 |
ObrienDave | vamadir, you don't. DON'T click it. | 09:04 |
OerHeks | xchat is no longer under development, use hexchat clone | 09:05 |
vamadir | when i minimize xchat to tray. some times i didnt see it | 09:05 |
vamadir | this is stupid in ubuntu | 09:05 |
carlosthejackal | hello hello | 09:06 |
OerHeks | all those little bugs will not be fixed AFAIK | 09:06 |
carlosthejackal | How is everyone doing tonight? | 09:06 |
carlosthejackal | Good news, direct x11 coming to linux | 09:06 |
OerHeks | vamadir, not an ubuntu issue, xchat issue | 09:06 |
vamadir | OerHeks, ok. But maybe have way to fix this? | 09:06 |
OerHeks | vamadir, no. | 09:07 |
vamadir | OerHeks. Ok, its mean you didnt know. But its not NO | 09:07 |
idiot001 | ubuntu intrepid ibex 8.10 installed on a laptop. Anyway you could go about installing modern software like chromium ?? | 09:07 |
lordievader | idiot001: Yes, update to something supported. | 09:08 |
OerHeks | idiot001, no, 8.10 is EOL end of life, install a supported version | 09:08 |
lordievader | upgrade* | 09:08 |
ObrienDave | 8.10???? OMG | 09:08 |
idiot001 | I installed it just or fun on an old laptop. | 09:09 |
ObrienDave | install a new one just for fun ;P | 09:09 |
carlosthejackal | woot woot | 09:09 |
anonymous__ | quit | 09:10 |
=== gianni_ is now known as Guest92979 | ||
idiot001 | I'll probably install openbox next or ubuntu mate :-D | 09:10 |
carlosthejackal | =] | 09:10 |
ObrienDave | idiot001, take your pick :) http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ | 09:10 |
Phazorx | hola | 09:10 |
Phazorx | looking for assistance with figuring out audio issues with lenovo laptop on docking station, is this a good place to get help? | 09:11 |
idiot001 | Plenty to choose from :-) I've got most of the latest ones downloaded already :-D I have an obsession with collecting ubuntu images you know lol... | 09:11 |
khax | hi | 09:11 |
ObrienDave | Phazorx, stert bu runnint alsamixer in a terminal. make sure volume levels are up | 09:12 |
ObrienDave | Phazorx, steart by running alsamixer in a terminal. make sure volume levels are up | 09:12 |
idiot001 | On he fly bye bye guys bye bye. | 09:12 |
ObrienDave | WOW | 09:12 |
Phazorx | ObrienDave: alsamixer only runs as alsmaixer -c 1 | 09:13 |
Phazorx | for some reason system does not provide audio device 0 | 09:13 |
Phazorx | voules are up but there is no slider for dockstation speaker | 09:13 |
ObrienDave | i have no clue | 09:14 |
Phazorx | relevant parts of dmesg are: http://dpaste.com/1GXK1FY | 09:14 |
carlosthejackal | yeah | 09:14 |
MoL0ToV | sometimes my ketboard don't type on chrome or firefox, so i open a terminal and keyboard work, then i reopen the browser and also here the keyboard word. where is the problem? | 09:15 |
carlosthejackal | hi | 09:16 |
robotonics | hi all | 09:16 |
MoL0ToV | sometimes my keyboard don't type on chrome or firefox, so i open a terminal and keyboard work, then i reopen the browser and also here the keyboard work. where is the problem? | 09:17 |
carlosthejackal | hi | 09:17 |
piiierrre | hi | 09:17 |
Dashell | hey so not sure if anyone would have the answer as you're not here right now, but I have an HDMI cable and an HDMI slot on my computer, i connected it to my TV and... absolutely nothing happens, i can't seem to find any info online, am I supposed to do something to make it work or is it just a busted cable? | 09:18 |
carlosthejackal | how is everyone tonight? | 09:18 |
piiierrre | Dashell: did u try xrandr? | 09:18 |
Ben64 | Dashell: is that an ubuntu question | 09:18 |
Dashell | nope, i have no idea what that is | 09:18 |
Dashell | oh sorry am I in the wrong chat? | 09:18 |
Ben64 | if you're not asking about ubuntu, yes | 09:18 |
Dashell | well I'm using ubuntu | 09:19 |
Dashell | so yeah | 09:19 |
robotonics | busted cable | 09:19 |
piiierrre | Dashell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 09:19 |
piiierrre | it should list your tv.. | 09:19 |
robotonics | or not projecting the correct display | 09:19 |
piiierrre | i'm trying to use precompiled (proprietary) library (listed as working on RedHat but not supported for ubuntu) to compile my own stuff. so i have a directory full of .so, and when i try to compile, i have a lot of "undefined references to". Does anyone know how to know in which file which reference is please? | 09:21 |
Ben64 | piiierrre: that's something you should be asking the people who made it | 09:22 |
ObrienDave | piiierrre, this is not red hat support. and you're mixing distro packages. glwt | 09:23 |
piiierrre | Ben64: when asking to them they don't answer since they dont support officially ubuntu.... | 09:23 |
Ben64 | then thats your answer | 09:24 |
Bluewolf | Hi all, I left my PC updating Ubuntu Base, when I returned my screen had locked and I could not unlock it no matter what I did (The password was correct). I ended up bombing the PC and now when I start up it will not boot into the OS. There was an error which came up relating to USB 2-1.0 or something like that but I cant get it up again. Anyone know what the issue is? | 09:24 |
Dashell | yeah nothing is showing up, i think maybe this cable is no good, but thanks anyway | 09:24 |
piiierrre | Ben64: ... | 09:24 |
ObrienDave | piiierrre, (listed as working on RedHat but not supported for ubuntu) ya think??? | 09:24 |
piiierrre | ObrienDave: actually i don't really know what's not working buut.. | 09:25 |
ObrienDave | IT DOES NOT WORK ON UBUNTU | 09:25 |
piiierrre | ObrienDave: I CAN FIX IT | 09:27 |
ObrienDave | glwt | 09:27 |
Ben64 | the people who made it won't support it on ubuntu, as ObrienDave says, good luck, but its not on topic here | 09:27 |
ObrienDave | *sigh* | 09:28 |
Bluewolf | ObrienDave: You never gave me the chance to thank you for your help yesterday, I appreciate it and I got gnome installed without any issues. (y) | 09:28 |
ObrienDave | Bluewolf, thank you for that. glad to have been of help to you | 09:29 |
Bluewolf | You were, sadly I find myself back here and most likely due to my own folly. :( | 09:32 |
ObrienDave | LOL we've all done that :) | 09:33 |
ObrienDave | but it is getting close to my bedtime again :( | 09:33 |
Bluewolf | ObrienDave: We all understand the importance of lullaby, I'll linger for help. | 09:36 |
ObrienDave | Bluewolf, you have some of the best helpers in the channel right now, ask away :) | 09:36 |
Bluewolf | I have earlier, just waiting patiently :D | 09:36 |
ObrienDave | ask again, i've been here for 2 hours ;P | 09:37 |
Bluewolf | Okay will do, | 09:37 |
ObrienDave | don't wait so long, 10 to 15 minutes is acceptable | 09:39 |
ObrienDave | they get a little huffy if you ask every 30 seconds or so LOL | 09:39 |
cfhowlett | every 30 seconds = add to /ignore | 09:40 |
ObrienDave | what cfhowlett said ;P | 09:40 |
Bluewolf | My Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome was in the middle of updating Ubuntu Base when my screen locked, upon my return I could not unlock it and therefore bombed it. Now it will not boot back into my OS, it goes to the point just before the login screen before halting. There was an error relating to USB 2-1.0 or something like that, anyone know what's up? | 09:41 |
ObrienDave | i'll leave this in much more capable hands *waves g'night* | 09:42 |
cfhowlett | no no! don't go! | 09:42 |
Bluewolf | ObrienDave: Last time I was told every 10 min, as I was considered to be pestering after 5 min :D | 09:42 |
Bluewolf | Nite | 09:42 |
gnumonk | How do I run dpkg from host to chroot env , like sudo chroot <chroot_env> dpkg -i /var/apt/cache/abc.dpkg | 09:42 |
gnumonk | dpkg is not able to find the .deb files. | 09:42 |
D30 | okay, im not able to figure out the settings to use serial/console in grub and here it is http://pastebin.com/RkPuaEh0 | 09:45 |
D30 | the problem is that i noticed that console only display during vm reboot, but ater the vm is fully up, the console freeze.. | 09:45 |
D30 | any idea? | 09:45 |
D30 | i used both /sbin/getty and /sbin/agetty to test | 09:46 |
havinagiggle | hi guys, i dont know if i am in the right place for this question: i have a thinkpad s440 with win8.1 on it. i bought a new ssd with 500gb and want to dual boot xubuntu and win10 on this new ssd. how should i go about doing this? 1) should i first install xubuntu or win10? 2) how should i partition the drive?, i want 100gb for xubuntu full disc encryption and the rest for win10 without disc encryption 3) how can i use the oem licence on m | 09:53 |
cfhowlett | !dualboot | havinagiggle, 1. install windows first. | 09:54 |
ubottu | havinagiggle, 1. install windows first.: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 09:54 |
cfhowlett | havinagiggle, full disc encryption on the same disc you have your windows on? unwise | 09:55 |
havinagiggle | cfhowlett ok cant i do this? or what is the problem? | 09:56 |
cofffeebean | hmm i did that but windows 7 & 8.., and i formatted my drive & installed windows & updated it & then loaded ubuntu and ubuntu lets u choose how much space to use for both.., is that what ur asking ??.. | 09:56 |
havinagiggle | coffeebean, yes i know this behaviour from past linux installs but is this the right way of doing it? should i let the win install use the full disc and then later with the linux install i choose the option that linux is installed along side win? | 09:57 |
Headgard | Hi | 09:58 |
Headgard | I have a problem with my webcam. | 09:58 |
Headgard | I have a toshiba chromebook, and my integrated webcam doesn't work. | 09:58 |
andrew_ | руддщ | 09:59 |
andrew_ | hello | 09:59 |
cfhowlett | !ru | andrew_ | 09:59 |
ubottu | andrew_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. | 09:59 |
Headgard | When I run cheese I have "Aucun périphérique détecté" -> no webcam found and it is an integrated webcam. | 09:59 |
Headgard | When I run guvcview I have http://paste.ubuntu-fr-secours.org/src-147568 | 09:59 |
cfhowlett | !webcam | Headgard | 09:59 |
ubottu | Headgard: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras | 09:59 |
cofffeebean | havinagiggle the way i told u was the best & only way i kno of.., i'm a newbie on linux to be honest with u.., but thats how i got it & windows to run on the same drive.., once u get linux on & updated etc. u reboot & get a screen to switch to either linux or windows.. | 10:00 |
cfhowlett | havinagiggle, read the wiki. | 10:00 |
Headgard | So someone can help me? cfhowlett it seem to be a vl4 driver problem | 10:00 |
Headgard | thx cfhowlett I will read it. | 10:00 |
cfhowlett | Headgard, sorry, I'm no good at webcam fixes. | 10:00 |
havinagiggle | coffeebean, thanks | 10:01 |
havinagiggle | cfhowlett i am :) | 10:02 |
cfhowlett | !fr | Headgard might want to ask the La Francaise channel. | 10:03 |
ubottu | Headgard might want to ask the La Francaise channel.: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 10:03 |
Headgard | Yep, but I can try to speak english :P There are nobody on the french channel ;) | 10:03 |
cfhowlett | Headgard, yes but all those error messages you pasted are in ... English | 10:04 |
cfhowlett | ? | 10:04 |
cfhowlett | no. | 10:04 |
cofffeebean | havinagiggle, i'd do the windows 1st if it were me.., be sure u update it all the way & then put linux on afterwards.., thats the only way i kno to do it.., but if theres another way then someoneelse might kno of it.. | 10:04 |
Headgard | cfhowlett: oh, my system is in french, the most important thing in the error message is "V4L2_CORE: ERROR opening V4L interface: Not such file or directory" | 10:05 |
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m451 | hi. after switching to the fglrx driver my xserver crashs back to logon every time I try to logon. I'm on 14.04 LTS Desktop | 10:08 |
m451 | Xserver log dosn't tell me anything usefull :-( | 10:08 |
m451 | http://pastebin.com/HpQsM3sg | 10:10 |
tytan | Hello, everyone. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 on my Notebook as my daily driver. I want it to shut down when I press the power button. How do I set that? | 10:12 |
fishcooker | is there any kickstart tutorial here LoL | 10:13 |
cfhowlett | !details | fishcooker, | 10:14 |
ubottu | fishcooker,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:14 |
rainbowwarrior | hello I am running ubuntu 15.04 and i just read that hplip does not support my printer hp 4507 so was wondering do i need to upgrade to 15.10 for it to work or do I need to downgrade back to 14.04 please ? | 10:15 |
cfhowlett | rainbowwarrior, as 15.10 has not been released, you are quite welcome to volunteer to beta test. | 10:16 |
rainbowwarrior | cfhowlett ok thank you | 10:16 |
m451 | oh, guess there is a hint in the log: http://pastebin.com/J6cD3GSZ | 10:17 |
rainbowwarrior | cfhowlett I have to go to doctors but I will try when I get back :) | 10:17 |
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OerHeks | rainbowwarrior^A, strange, this page says your printer is supported with hplip 3.14.10 >> http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/10/hp-drivers-for-linux-adds-new-printers/ and current 15.04 is on hplip 3.15.2 | 10:21 |
m451 | 113.673] (EE) No surface to present from. <-- guess that's the problem. any idea where to configure the monitor to use for x? | 10:21 |
m451 | im using PCI passthrough on an virtualized server to get my gfx running. fake monitor is plugged but it seems like x still tries to use the virtual gfx instead of the physical | 10:23 |
DarkPanther | anybody here who can help me on a suspend problem? | 10:28 |
ionut | what is about ? | 10:29 |
ionut | DarkPanther: what is about ? | 10:29 |
ionut | #DarkPanther: what is about ? | 10:30 |
DarkPanther | the system freezes | 10:30 |
ionut | #DarkPanther: which distro ? | 10:30 |
DarkPanther | kodibuntu - so ubuntu ;) | 10:31 |
cfhowlett | DarkPanther, nope. not ubuntu. not supported here. sorry. | 10:31 |
cfhowlett | !flavors | DarkPanther | 10:31 |
ubottu | DarkPanther: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 10:31 |
ionut | :DarkPanther: which graphic medium ? | 10:31 |
cfhowlett | ionut, if you want to offer support to a non-ubuntu version, please do so in private msg. thanks | 10:32 |
DarkPanther | yap - the problem is not kodi related but happens also in lubuntu and in runlevel 1 | 10:32 |
ionut | it happens olso in Linux MInt 14 with MATE | 10:33 |
kgalahassa | hi, since yesterday, when working, my computer turn to read-only mode instantly, and i can't so write on my document , this is with ubuntu 14.04 | 10:33 |
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ionut | Have a nice day ! | 10:34 |
m451 | hmm any way to list the currently detected monitors? | 10:35 |
brain_ | тук тук | 10:35 |
m451 | gnome-display-properties seems not to work anymore | 10:35 |
DarkPanther | sorry, but what to do now? | 10:35 |
khax | hi guys i want to copy my files from my VPS to my local linux computer, how do I do that? | 10:37 |
khax | im running Ubuntu | 10:37 |
m451 | khax use scp | 10:37 |
khax | ok, but what is the command to run? | 10:38 |
m451 | http://www.hypexr.org/linux_scp_help.php | 10:38 |
khax | thank you | 10:39 |
k1l | khax: if the vserver got ubuntu and ssh running you can connect via your nautilus using sftp | 10:39 |
mcphail | khax: do you have ssh set up on your VPS? | 10:39 |
fishcooker | cfhowlett: i want to install ubuntu from network looks like this http://searchitchannel.techtarget.com/feature/Performing-an-automated-Ubuntu-install-using-preseeding | 10:39 |
khax | yes | 10:39 |
khax | i have ssh running | 10:39 |
DarkPanther | no suggests? | 10:40 |
cfhowlett | fishcooker, never done it. can't offer meaningful advice. | 10:40 |
mcphail | khax: then open the file manager, type "Ctrl-L" and enter "ssh://address.of.vps" to access your files | 10:40 |
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k1l | !away > zz_CyberJacob | 10:41 |
ubottu | zz_CyberJacob, please see my private message | 10:41 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
fishcooker | at least i want to install ubuntu from network.. i want to create ubuntu master installer .. so when the new box booting using network . . the new box will automated installed | 10:43 |
cfhowlett | !install | fishcooker sounds like the pxe install method | 10:43 |
ubottu | fishcooker sounds like the pxe install method: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 10:43 |
kgalahassa | hi, since yesterday, when working, my computer turn to read-only mode instantly, and i can't so write on my document , this is with ubuntu 14.04 | 10:44 |
fishcooker | https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/i386/apbs02.html cfhowlett | 10:45 |
ola_ | Hello | 10:45 |
cfhowlett | kgalahassa, yep LTSP or PXE are the common methods for network installs | 10:45 |
khax | thanks guys | 10:45 |
k1l | kgalahassa: see "dmesg" if there is an error. pastebin it and show the link if you dont know what to look at | 10:46 |
kgalahassa | cfhowlett, i don't understand, I'm novice you know | 10:46 |
cfhowlett | kgalahassa, suggestion: ask over in #ubuntu-server. they do this stuff all the time. | 10:46 |
k1l | cfhowlett: wrong nick :) | 10:47 |
DarkPanther | k1l: there is no error in the logs - it just wont wake up again | 10:47 |
cfhowlett | DOH1 right. | 10:47 |
cfhowlett | !server | kgalahassa | 10:47 |
ubottu | kgalahassa: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server | 10:47 |
k1l | DarkPanther: was not talking about your issue. see the name in front of the line | 10:48 |
k1l | DarkPanther: but for suspend issues see if the modules get loaded after resume | 10:48 |
DarkPanther | ouuups, sorry ^^ | 10:49 |
kgalahassa | kil, dmesg close my gnome-terminal session | 10:49 |
fishcooker | what preseed mean cfhowlett | 10:49 |
cfhowlett | fishcooker, ask #ubuntu-server channel | 10:49 |
kgalahassa | cfhowlett, i'm novice, can you explain it better | 10:49 |
DarkPanther | k1l: they do | 10:50 |
kgalahassa | kil, dmesg close my gnome-terminal session automatically | 10:50 |
cfhowlett | kgalahassa, sorry. I mixed your issue. ONLY your documents are read only? | 10:50 |
tytan | Hello, everyone. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 on my Notebook as my daily driver. I want it to shut down when I press the power button. How do I set that? | 10:50 |
cfhowlett | !server | fishcooker, the server channel is the better place to ask I think | 10:50 |
ubottu | fishcooker, the server channel is the better place to ask I think: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server | 10:50 |
k1l | kgalahassa: can you use pastebinit to upload the logs and show the url? | 10:50 |
k1l | kgalahassa: that sounds like a massive hardware issue like with the hdd or the ram | 10:51 |
kgalahassa | no, cfhowlett, my disk too, and I can't paste anywhere anyfile | 10:51 |
k1l | kgalahassa: i suggest you boot up a live cd/usb | 10:52 |
cfhowlett | kgalahassa, yep. HDD failing would be my guess. | 10:52 |
DarkPanther | k1l: pm_trace_dev_match just tells me "usb" | 10:52 |
kgalahassa | kil, how can i pastebin the logs? where is the logs? | 10:52 |
cfhowlett | k1l, I'm on xubuntu so ... different toys. Does stock ubuntu have HDD tools? | 10:52 |
kgalahassa | kil, cfhowlett : what do you propose please | 10:52 |
k1l | kgalahassa: /var/log/dmesg for example. use "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg" and show the url. if the system is too broken you will need to run a live system | 10:53 |
k1l | cfhowlett: yes | 10:53 |
cfhowlett | k1l, right. have him run the HDD diagnostic tools. | 10:54 |
=== GitGud is now known as Bae | ||
m451 | any easy way to resize lvm2 partition? just got like 70 gig of unallocated space behind my only lvm2 partition | 10:54 |
k1l | kgalahassa: you could check "gnome-disks" program for hdd errors | 10:56 |
kgalahassa | kil, ok | 10:56 |
dragonwars40 | can any one tell me how to get adobe to update please | 10:56 |
cfhowlett | dragonwars40, adobe is a company that makes several products ... | 10:57 |
kgalahassa | but i have real problem, because i can't install pastebin program, system says that i'm in read-only mode | 10:57 |
dragonwars40 | cant seem to get an update that way | 10:58 |
cfhowlett | !details | dragonwars40, no details = no help. | 10:58 |
ubottu | dragonwars40, no details = no help.: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 10:58 |
DarkPanther | k1l: WHERE is the right location to get help? PLEASE! | 10:58 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas all | 10:58 |
philip_ | parity initalization status in Progress(0%) meaning | 10:59 |
dragonwars40 | ok ty | 11:00 |
freeze_ | Hey everyone, I'm having a problem with ubuntu 14.04, the system freezes from time to time and nothing helps but a total reboot | 11:02 |
freeze_ | I ran memtest86+ for 8 hours or so and it didn't find any error | 11:02 |
k1l | DarkPanther: the motivation to help for other distributions is quite low. see if they offer support | 11:03 |
k1l | kgalahassa: then boot a live cd or usb. | 11:04 |
k1l | kgalahassa: that sounds like hardware failure of the hdd/ssd | 11:04 |
mcphail | freeze_: usual advice - check your logs, check your temperatures, check your disks and check your connections (especially the 24pin ATX) | 11:05 |
freeze_ | Everything works fine, I have WIndows 8.1 installed aside but the problem only exists in Ubuntu | 11:06 |
freeze_ | I've already checked the temperature, the disks and all the connections | 11:07 |
cfhowlett | freeze_, did it ever work properly? | 11:07 |
freeze_ | I installed ubuntu about 5 months ago and it worked perfectly (there was no lags), I removed it due to a problem with my touchpad | 11:09 |
freeze_ | 3 weeks ago I reinstalled ubuntu 15.04 and it had the same problem, I reinstalled 14.04 thinking that the problem maybe with the distrubution but the problem still exists | 11:10 |
aleha_ | heello | 11:14 |
bilal | help | 11:15 |
bilal | wew | 11:15 |
cfhowlett | !help | bilal | 11:15 |
ubottu | bilal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 11:15 |
bilal | kontol | 11:16 |
bilal | whoami | 11:16 |
bilal | quit | 11:16 |
bilal | pnp | 11:16 |
bilal | php | 11:16 |
bilal | clear | 11:16 |
cfhowlett | bilal, /quite | 11:16 |
fidel_ | bilal: this is a chat - not a terminal ;) | 11:16 |
khax | haha | 11:17 |
freeze_ | anyone? | 11:19 |
CB6 | Morning, what's a good program for streaming a movie with ubuntu to another pc/ipad device? | 11:19 |
DJones | CB6: I use minidlna to stream video/music to tablets/pc's/tvs via wifi | 11:21 |
CB6 | right on ty | 11:21 |
=== m451 is now known as m451^AFK | ||
tink2 | how can i give koala (http://koala-app.com/) access to /var/www files? | 11:26 |
=== Klapo is now known as Len | ||
lkthomas | is there have risk to run HWE stack ? | 11:36 |
hexhaxtron | How can I have a Currency Converter in the XFCE4 panel? | 11:49 |
Tekkkz | How to remove a package in apt-get without removing its parents (e.g. java-headles packages) ? | 11:52 |
and | 36 | 11:53 |
EriC^^ | Tekkkz: parents won't be removed | 11:53 |
Tekkkz | yeah, if i say sudo apt-get autoremove default-jre-headless, it want to remove all java stuff | 11:53 |
lkthomas | does anyone know anything about HWE stack ? | 11:54 |
EriC^^ | !hwe | 11:54 |
ubottu | On August 7, 2014, Ubuntu 12.04.5 will deliver the kernel and graphics stack from 14.04. At that time, security updates and bug fixes for older hardware enablement stacks will cease. Users of older hardware enablement stacks are encouraged to update to the 12.04.5 hardware enablement stack or upgrade to 14.04. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/1204_HWE_EOL for further details. | 11:54 |
teward | Tekkkz: that's a dependencies chain - my guess is that other packages depend on default-jre-headless. That's less a 'parent package' issue and more a 'dependencies' issue. | 11:54 |
Tekkkz | how to remove headless withoout the java then? | 11:54 |
TJ- | haha! I get to use it :) | 11:55 |
TJ- | !enablementstack | 11:55 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 11:55 |
brainwash | Tekkkz: install default-jre before running the other command | 11:56 |
cfhowlett | hexhaxtron, panel > add new items > launcher > then add the app launch command probably from /usr/bin/AppNameHere | 11:56 |
TJ- | Tekkkz: why do you need to remove default-java-headless ? | 11:56 |
Tekkkz | how to install the default without headless? | 11:56 |
lkthomas | http://askubuntu.com/questions/653690/ubuntu-14-04-install-hardware-enablement-stack-for-kernel-beyond-3-13-x | 11:57 |
TJ- | Tekkkz: headless is a sub-section of the default-java, there's no need to remove it | 11:58 |
Tekkkz | i need to remove it | 11:58 |
Tekkkz | cause else i cant build gui applications | 11:59 |
Tekkkz | so how to install without them | 11:59 |
Tekkkz | how to install with apt-get without auto-install the extra packages? | 11:59 |
TJ- | Tekkkz: "default-jre" is the superset | 11:59 |
TJ- | Tekkkz: or, for building, default-jdk | 12:00 |
Tekkkz | no | 12:01 |
Tekkkz | it also insatlls "extra packages" the headless ones | 12:01 |
=== zengine_ is now known as zengine | ||
vlt | Hello. Is it possible as a user without root privileges to make flash work on Ubuntu 12.04? | 12:03 |
mcphail | vlt: yes - the user can install the plugin manually | 12:03 |
freeze_ | Hey, I've been here before, my system keeps freezing randomly and it has been a month now with no solution, I ran a memtest and found nothing, any help? | 12:04 |
mcphail | vlt: not a good idea, though | 12:04 |
teward | tekk: `default-jre` has a *dependency* on `default-jre-headless` - there's nothing around that. | 12:04 |
TJ- | Tekkkz: I'm not sure what you're getting at, I've already told you headless packages are sub-sets (dependencies) required by the standard java JRE/JDK packages | 12:04 |
TJ- | He's gone | 12:04 |
vlt | mcphail: I know. How can I prevent that? Is it possible to block executing this? | 12:05 |
teward | :/ | 12:05 |
mcphail | vlt: no way that I know | 12:05 |
teward | TJ-: i think he doesn't understand 'superset' vs. 'subset' :P | 12:05 |
vlt | :-/ | 12:06 |
mcphail | vlt: you could probably do something fancy with apparmor but I wouldn't know where to begin | 12:06 |
mcphail | vlt: the other option would be to install flashplugin-installer and let the package manager make sure the plugin is as up-to-date as possible | 12:07 |
vlt | mcphail: But this wouldn't prevent flash from being executed, would it? | 12:08 |
mcphail | vlt: no | 12:08 |
OerHeks | why would flash need a user with root priv ? | 12:08 |
mcphail | OerHeks: you'd need root to install/update flashplugin installer | 12:08 |
vlt | OerHeks: I want to disable the execution of flash completely. | 12:08 |
TJ- | vlt: remove the flashplugin-installer/downloader package or install something like flashblock in the browser possibly? | 12:09 |
vlt | Isn't there a file system mount flag to prohibit execution of files in /home, for example? | 12:09 |
nils_ | noexec | 12:09 |
mcphail | don't think that would stop a shared object being loaded by a running process, though... | 12:10 |
TJ- | freeze_: overheating maybe? | 12:10 |
vlt | TJ-: flashplugin-installer is NOT installed. I wanted to know if there's to way to prevent users executing stuff that is not installed someone with root priv. | 12:11 |
freeze_ | TJ-: Not at all | 12:11 |
freeze_ | TJ-: I have a windows 8.1 aside but it runs without freezing | 12:11 |
cfhowlett | vlt, probably easier to disable it in the browser. | 12:13 |
cfhowlett | and then lock down the browser settings | 12:13 |
ioria | vlt : locate libflashplayer.so ? | 12:15 |
vlt | ioria: And then? | 12:16 |
ioria | vlt : there is ? | 12:16 |
TJ- | freeze: the thing is, the OS is often responsible for operating cooling fans for things like GPU. For example, I have an Nvidia NVS420 in an external enclosure and I have to manually enable the fan at each boot via nvidia-settings because the nvidia doesn't auto-control it when the NVS isn't the primary GPU of the system... if I forget, the thing hangs about 10 minutes later :) | 12:16 |
mani_ | #kernelnewbies | 12:17 |
vlt | ioria: There’s one in one ~user/.mozilla/plugins/ directory. | 12:18 |
ioria | vlt : dpkg -l flashplugin-installer ? | 12:18 |
vlt | ioria: flashplugin-installer is NOT installed. I wanted to know if there's to way to prevent users executing stuff that is not installed by someone with root priv. | 12:18 |
vlt | *a way | 12:19 |
ioria | vlt : ls /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ? | 12:19 |
philip_ | PMBR size mismatch | 12:19 |
philip_ | PMBR size mismatch meaning | 12:20 |
OerHeks | " executing stuff that is not installed by someone with root priv." .. i cannot install anything without root. so why prevent something that does not happen? | 12:20 |
Bluewolf | Hi all | 12:20 |
Bluewolf | My Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome was in the middle of updating Ubuntu Base when my screen locked, upon my return I could not unlock it and therefore bombed it. Now it will not boot back into my OS, it goes to the point just before the login screen before halting. There was an error relating to USB 2-1.0 or something like that, anyone know what's up? | 12:21 |
vlt | ioria: What are you trying to find out? Flash is NOT installed system-wide. So, it’s not in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. | 12:21 |
ioria | vlt : ok, just to check :-) | 12:21 |
vlt | OerHeks: If the user puts libflashplayer.so into ~user/.mozilla/plugins/ he can run it. That's why ;-) | 12:22 |
TJ- | OerHeks: of course it's possible... normal executables can be installed in $HOME/bin/ and are found on PATH, and shared libraries can be loaded via LD_LIBRARY_PATH or by applications like firefox/thunderbird that look for extensions (SOs) in the user $HOME | 12:22 |
Dro__ | i'm going to buy a HDMI to RCA adapter so i can link my computer to my TV (http://www.himodel.com/img_sub/rc_img/12/06/8942.jpg) do you think it will work in Ubuntu ? | 12:22 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, and you ran out of available memory. details matter | 12:23 |
ioria | vlt : well, libflashplayer.so is the main lib, without it flash not works... maybe is possible to chechsum a dir and if it finds that file remove it .... only an idea | 12:23 |
vlt | ioria: hmmmm ... cumbersome | 12:24 |
ioria | vlt : a cronjob ... | 12:24 |
cfhowlett | vlt, non-root users cannot execute non-installed executables. they *might* be able to add plugins to the browser, but you can easily disable that as well. | 12:24 |
philip_ | PMBR size mismatch meaning | 12:24 |
mcphail | vlt: I suppose you could have root take ownership of the directory and prevent the user from installing anything there. Don't know if the user can specify a different plugin directory, though | 12:24 |
ioria | vlt : i'm sure there is an easy way :P | 12:24 |
philip_ | PMBR size mismatch i get this after adding additional harddisk | 12:24 |
mcphail | vlt: and if you _do_ need to watch a directory, use incrontab rather than crontab | 12:25 |
ioria | vlt : maybe squid | 12:26 |
vlt | ioria: squid to do what? | 12:26 |
TJ- | cfhowlett: that is incorrect. Ubuntu specifically support user-installed executables under $HOME/bin/ | 12:27 |
x__ | hi | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | TJ-, true. thanks. | 12:27 |
cfhowlett | I should have said system-wide executables. | 12:27 |
ioria | vlt : it'a proxy... you can create rules for the web browsing ... and block multimedia, or some websites | 12:28 |
=== Yando is now known as ]Yando[ | ||
Holzbein | hi | 12:28 |
Holzbein | a simple question: | 12:28 |
vlt | ioria: That would mean maintaining a black list ... hmmm ... no :-D | 12:28 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: okay here is on of the errors - usb 2-1.2 device descriptor read/all, error -32, *and* usb 2-1.2 device descriptor read/64, error -32 | 12:29 |
brainwash | vlt: has apparmor been already suggested? | 12:29 |
=== ]Yando[ is now known as __yando__ | ||
TJ- | vlt: You could create a 'dummy' libflashplayer.so that does nothing, and force it into the user environment via LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but firefox may still check its own directories first... the only foolproof way I can think of is to "mount --bind /path/to/some/empty.so $HOME/.mozilla/libflashplayer.so" so the file is 'hidden' by the empty.so | 12:29 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: And I don't have any usb devices plugged in other than my mouse. | 12:29 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, wait, now you get READ errors? whole nother layer of issues. | 12:29 |
Holzbein | what does recursive mean and how do i use it in the ls command? | 12:29 |
cfhowlett | Holzbein, man ls | 12:29 |
x__ | i have a problem, during the last kernel update the desktop freeze and then i shutdown, this was yesterday, and now when i try to start, some error messages appears and after that appears "grub>" | 12:30 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: Well when I was on earlier I was told to press esc after boot, so that's what I did and that is the error. | 12:30 |
Bluewolf | I thought I would add them in | 12:30 |
Bluewolf | Seeing as you asked for details' | 12:31 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, helpful ... | 12:31 |
Holzbein | chfhowlett: it says list Subdirectories recursively. | 12:31 |
TJ- | x__: that sounds as if the kernel/initrd files failed to be fully installed into /boot/ - possibly because there's a separate file-system for /boot/ and it ran out of space | 12:32 |
x__ | hmm | 12:32 |
brainwash | TJ-: and if the user renames libflashplayer.so? | 12:32 |
cfhowlett | Holzbein, try this: first run ls. then run ls -a. see the difference? THEN read the man ls page for deeper understanding | 12:32 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: I can't give anything else than what I already have. I don't know what else to do to get details not to mention my lack of experience in this whole thing. | 12:32 |
TJ- | Holzbein: "recursive" means that the tool reads each sub-directory and so on as well as the directory you give it | 12:32 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, understood. | 12:33 |
vlt | TJ-: What happens when someone renames libflashplayer.so to fuckyouadmins.so and places it right besides my mounted empty.so? | 12:33 |
brainwash | stop highlighting --> and <-- | 12:33 |
brainwash | :D | 12:33 |
Holzbein | ok | 12:33 |
x__ | how can i solve my problem? | 12:33 |
Holzbein | thx | 12:33 |
vlt | brainwash: apparmor has been mentioned but I don't know how it works. Can you elaborate? | 12:33 |
brainwash | vlt: well, you should read the documentation then | 12:34 |
vlt | brainwash: Yes :_) | 12:34 |
x__ | the error messages : "error: cant find command 'label' " .. "error: cant find command 'menu' " .. "error: cant find command 'append' " .. "error:cant find command 'text' " .. "error: cant find command 'this' " .. and some more. then appears this " gnu grub version 2.02 beta2-9ubuntu1.3" and "grub> " | 12:35 |
=== Tsunami1 is now known as Guest67219 | ||
TJ- | vlt: If you're trying to lock down the system then you'd need to configure firefox at the system level via system preferences, to disable it | 12:37 |
x__ | tried something i saw in the internet: "grub< ls .. grub> ls(hd0,msdos1)/boot .. grub> set root=(hd0,msdos1)/boot .. grub> insmod linux .. grub> linux (hd0,msdos1)/boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-40-generic .. grub> initrd (hd0,msdos1)/boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-40-generic .. grub> boot " | 12:37 |
x__ | and he start the bot but stop in this step: " ACPI: bus type PNP registered " and after some time shutdown | 12:37 |
ioria | vlt : no firefox takes only libflashplayer.so ... | 12:38 |
ioria | vlt : in renamed the files ... and it doesn't work | 12:38 |
Vooloo | can wget mirroring delete files that are no longer present on a remote server? I use wget to cache my website, but if I delete a page wget does not delete that page in my updated cache... | 12:40 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: Could I go into recovery mode to repair broken packages - Would that help or work? | 12:41 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, iirc, you're install failed midway. I wouldn't trust it. I'd reinstall from scratch. YMMV. | 12:41 |
CosmicNoise | Hi guys. I've done a fresh install and chose to encrypt my HD. | 12:42 |
CosmicNoise | However, whenever I am prompted to decrypt with my pass at startup, my wireless keyboard is not recognised. | 12:42 |
vlt | ioria: I can’t confirm this. Renaming the plugin.so and loading it from .mozilla/plugins works just fine here. | 12:42 |
CosmicNoise | At the moment I have a second wired keyboard hooked up | 12:42 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: My Ubuntu was not installing, it was updating. The OS was already installed and freshly done as I was implementing the updates. | 12:43 |
CosmicNoise | But I'd like to get ubuntu to recognise input from my wireless keyboard for the encryption key. | 12:43 |
CosmicNoise | Any ideas? | 12:43 |
mcphail | vlt: if you enforce the default Ubuntu apparmor profile, does it disable flash? | 12:43 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, meh. I wouldn't trust it. But that's probably just me ... | 12:43 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: The driver for your wireless keyboard isn't present in the "initrd" file system available at boot time. | 12:43 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, makes sense. How to solve? | 12:44 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: If you find out which driver is used you can try to add it to initrd by editing /etc/initramfs-tools/modules. | 12:44 |
s37 | hello | 12:45 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: (And afterwards update-initramfs) | 12:45 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: So your telling me to reinstall completely because of a failed update, I've just reinstalled everything? | 12:45 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, I don't trust aborted installs. Again, that's just me. Ask someone else for a different solution. | 12:46 |
n1848 | do I need any special apps to see minidlna via wifi on the network being served up from Ubuntu? | 12:46 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, okay, will give it a go now. | 12:47 |
ioria | vlt : you could sudo updatedb and again locate libflashplayer.so | 12:48 |
TJ- | vlt: try adding something like " pref("plugin.state.flash", 0); " to "/etc/firefox/syspref.js" ... not sure if the user is able to over-ride that, but I think you can also lock-down the about:config interface but not sure if it'll prevent a change through about:plugins | 12:48 |
=== whizzer0 is now known as Bob | ||
cfhowlett | vlt, you can actually set ffox to allow NO changes to settings. I see this in kiosk set-ups quite frequently. | 12:51 |
=== Bob is now known as whizzer0 | ||
vlt | ioria: And then? | 12:52 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: I would take your advice, but just to be sure there is no misunderstanding in communication. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 Gnome, installed a number of necessary programs (VLC, Wine etc) and then after that I performed updates from the Update Manager, my internet conection cut out with about 36MB left. I started the update once again which was titled Ubuntu Base and then thats when it all started. Same advice? | 12:52 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, nope, that didn't work. I added ohci_pci, hid_logitech, and hid_logitech_dj to /etc/initramfs-tools. | 12:52 |
CosmicNoise | It's a logitech keyboard. | 12:52 |
TJ- | vlt: see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Preferences/A_brief_guide_to_Mozilla_preferences | 12:52 |
vlt | TJ-: Thank you. | 12:53 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, me: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade Since you had a proper initial install and were only doing the upgrades. ( I didn't know you did a fresh install. Sorry for the confusion.) | 12:53 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: Can you double-check that these are drivers are actually available in you initrd environment? You should be dropped to a busybox shell after entering a wrong passphrase at boot. | 12:55 |
TJ- | vlt: I think you may be on to a loser though, because I've watched several mozilla discussions where they see this kind of 'lock-down' as - as they call it - "user hostile" and they try to prevent it | 12:55 |
mikul | Is there any risk by using my standard user as an admin instead of just a sudo:er? | 12:55 |
daum | hey guys this is weird - i have php-fpm setup on my local desktop listening on port 9000 however i keep getting 504 gateway time outs when i connect to it, this has just started in the past day or two. any idea what may be causing that? i tried a number of different dev sites i have local | 12:55 |
mikul | is it recommended? | 12:55 |
vlt | TJ-: I see. | 12:55 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: I would not say its your fault alone, mine too in my explanation. I can't enter those commands in though as my boot up only loads to before the login screen? | 12:56 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, you should be able to boot to the terminal in recovery options. | 12:56 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, could you talk me through how I would do that? | 12:56 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, so enter wrong passphrase a few times, get dropped into busybox shell... then... how do I check the driver is available? | 12:57 |
cfhowlett | Bluewolf, and run the terminal commands from there. then reboot to the full meal deal. | 12:57 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: Ah one sec let me start up into recovery. | 12:57 |
mikul | Is it a good idea of me to change my user account from "custom"/sudo:er to admin? | 12:58 |
=== malinato1 is now known as malinator | ||
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: Excuse my lack of knowledge - booting into the terminal via recovery options, is that the failsafex option (Run in failsafe graphic mode)? | 13:00 |
gry | mikul: details? (generally not a bad idea, because even user with full access will get prompted for confirmation before doing dangerous things) | 13:00 |
TJ- | vlt: not sure if someone's already suggested this, but how about an apparmor DENY policy on the SO ? | 13:00 |
mikul | gry, i just want to check so i don't do anything stupid... i mean if there is no direct risk, I see no meaning for me to not run an admin account on my own computer. | 13:02 |
vlt | TJ-: apparmor has been suggested and is on my list of things to try. | 13:03 |
gry | mikul: you normally run just one account as it prompts before escalating anyway; as mentioned, setting it to admin is fine | 13:03 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
mikul | gry, yeah but i tried to change the priority on a process through xtfce4-taskmanager and i couldn't do that with the right i got atm and i didnt get promted.. and that annoyed me so thats why i wanna try :D the machines aint gonna rise yet ;-) | 13:07 |
gp5st | how can I make my application work with tab complete? like when you type service you can then tab and it'll show the services; I'm assuming the service command allows for that somhow? | 13:07 |
Admiral | konichiwa | 13:11 |
miks | stop quiting | 13:11 |
Admiral | why | 13:11 |
Admiral | j= | 13:11 |
Admiral | l | 13:11 |
Wanshot | hello | 13:12 |
Wanshot | why my wired connection not managed? | 13:13 |
Wanshot | hello | 13:13 |
Admiral | hi | 13:13 |
Wanshot | why my wired connection not managed? | 13:13 |
Admiral | i dunno | 13:13 |
Wanshot | :3 | 13:13 |
Bluewolf | cfhowlett: Or am I supposed to be pressing anything during boot up to get me in the terminal? | 13:14 |
daftykins | wow, quit already | 13:14 |
mikul | If i run a process (P1) with nice, will then all the processes (P2/P3/P4) that process (P1) start also get the same priority as the first process (P1) got? Or will all the other processes get standard priority? | 13:15 |
elmcrest | hey everyone. I have a virtual Ubuntu 14.04 running and I can get my desired keyboard with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration" but it doesn't survive a reboot. all I could google so far didn't help. (f.e. reconfigure console-data) | 13:15 |
pdds | exit | 13:18 |
researcher123 | Sometimes I get this message and can not connect to internet " Creating object for path 'org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/20' failed in libnm-glib Please someone help me out | 13:22 |
xheart | hi everyone. | 13:24 |
xheart | How can i upgrade from 14.04lts to 15.04 via the terminal? | 13:24 |
EriC^^ | xheart: sudo do-release-upgrade | 13:24 |
DJones | xheart: You'll need to upgrade through 14.10 first, you can't go from 14.04 to 15.04 directly because 15.04 isn't LTS | 13:26 |
xheart | oh ok | 13:26 |
xheart | can i upgrade to 14.10 through the terminal? | 13:26 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 13:26 |
DJones | xheart: I'm not sure if you'll still be able to upgrade to 14.10 as its just gone end of life, I suspecr it'll still be possible for a short time | 13:26 |
EriC^^ | xheart: why don't you backup your files and packages list and fresh install 15.04? | 13:27 |
xheart | i was going to try it because since i upgrade from 12.04lts to 14.04lts i have problems in which i have to disconnect from the wireless and reconnect | 13:28 |
xheart | how can i do that Eric? | 13:28 |
CosmicNoise | How do I hide the @ portion of my username on IRC? | 13:28 |
daftykins | CosmicNoise: #freenode for network support. | 13:28 |
TJ- | !ltsenablement | xheart: why not try one of the LTS hardware enablement packs? | 13:28 |
EriC^^ | xheart: do you have a separate partition or usb you can copy your home dir to? | 13:28 |
TJ- | !enablementstack | 13:29 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 13:29 |
OerHeks | !cloak | CosmicNoise | 13:29 |
ubottu | CosmicNoise: To get any kind of cloak (Ubuntu member or any other kind) you first need to set up your nick as detailed in this FAQ: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - For Ubuntu member cloaks, ask in #ubuntu-irc and provide your launchpad page. For unaffiliated ones, ask in #freenode. | 13:29 |
xheart | TJ how i access that LTS hardware enablemen packs? | 13:30 |
xheart | ? | 13:31 |
lduros | hi, is the ubuntu server install doing ntp syncing by default? How does it get its time straight after install? And if using ntp, how often does it sync? | 13:31 |
Amis | Hello! I'm on Ubuntu 12.14 LTS with Gnome flashback (metacity). How can I change the buttons on the side of my mouse? By default one does nothing and the other sends "Super + D" and I have no idea where this is configured to work like this. | 13:32 |
PanV | Got a problem | 13:33 |
TJ- | !enablementstack | xheart | 13:33 |
ubottu | xheart: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases. see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 13:33 |
PanV | My problem is simple and not that important. I am playing Minecraft (minecraft.jar). Minecraft does not have a favicon and it isn't recognised as a program, just a file | 13:35 |
CB6 | Can you not drag and drop files into /var/lib/minidlna ? | 13:35 |
Amis | I also found out now that the other sends "Mod2 + Super" | 13:35 |
OerHeks | PanV, lots of pagen on the web about that, make your own launcher https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles | 13:38 |
OerHeks | pages* | 13:38 |
ytixdecaf | Hello! | 13:41 |
EriC^^ | hi | 13:42 |
EriC^^ | what's up? | 13:42 |
ytixdecaf | I'm just having a hard time figuring out how to install BitchX on my Ubuntu. | 13:42 |
CB6 | Do people still use bitchx? | 13:42 |
EriC^^ | ohh bitchx is old | 13:42 |
Melio | I have a usb drive that seems to b tiny | 13:42 |
CB6 | hexedit is what people are using now is it not the preferred medium? | 13:43 |
Melio | how can i format and find out the max size of this usb drive | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: try irssi or weechat, bitchx is cli right? | 13:43 |
Melio | I can't really touch it in gparted | 13:43 |
ytixdecaf | Yes, it is. | 13:43 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: try irssi | 13:43 |
MonkeyDust | irssi <3 | 13:43 |
ytixdecaf | I do have weechat installed but, I SOOO wanna try BitchX for it's popularity during the 90's. | 13:44 |
EriC^^ | Melio: type sudo parted -l and paste it in paste.ubuntu.com | 13:44 |
Melio | parted ok | 13:44 |
EriC^^ | !info bitchx | 13:44 |
ubottu | Package bitchx does not exist in vivid | 13:44 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: i think you'd have to compile it from source, it has vulnerabilities i think | 13:45 |
Melio | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11953683/ | 13:45 |
CosmicNoise | When is the next LTS? | 13:45 |
Melio | sais it's 4gig | 13:45 |
jmacdonald | hi, has anyone see this behavior out of sudo ? http://hastebin.com/elobenozom.rb | 13:46 |
MonkeyDust | CosmicNoise 04/2016 | 13:46 |
Melio | i must have a corrupted image then | 13:46 |
EriC^^ | Melio: why? | 13:46 |
drmagoo | ytixdecaf: irssi is pretty similar to BitchX and it is in the repos | 13:46 |
Melio | EriC^^, because it's erroring when it finishs writing, sais the disk is too small | 13:47 |
EriC^^ | Melio: you're writing an .iso? | 13:47 |
Melio | it's a dd image | 13:48 |
Melio | http://mirror.fsf.org/membercard/trisquel6.0/image/README-make-disk | 13:48 |
Melio | i'm trying to update a wallet flash usb drive | 13:48 |
EriC^^ | what's the command you're using? | 13:48 |
Melio | it's in that readme file | 13:48 |
Melio | dd if=trisquel-6.0-4GB-membercard.dd of=/dev/sdN bs=3932656 | 13:48 |
Melio | sdn being sdc1 | 13:49 |
daftykins | no, sdc - not sdc1 | 13:49 |
daftykins | disk, not partition | 13:49 |
EriC^^ | you need to use sdc instead of sdc1 | 13:49 |
daftykins | totally knew that was coming :) | 13:49 |
Melio | oh don't use the partition | 13:49 |
Melio | that makes sense | 13:49 |
EriC^^ | daftykins: same here :P | 13:49 |
Melio | derp | 13:49 |
ytixdecaf | Okay. | 13:49 |
daftykins | otherwise the readme would say sdN1 | 13:49 |
ytixdecaf | Thanks, EriC^^ | 13:49 |
Melio | ok modfied my command tryig again | 13:50 |
Melio | thnks | 13:50 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: sure thing :) | 13:50 |
ytixdecaf | https://gist.github.com/AubreyHewes/261748ad940a0be64f28 | 13:50 |
ytixdecaf | I found this though. | 13:50 |
ytixdecaf | I tried ./ | 13:50 |
MonkeyDust | Melio sdc is the drive, sdc1 is the partition | 13:50 |
ytixdecaf | but nothing works. | 13:50 |
Melio | understand now | 13:51 |
Melio | I never really mess w/ drives/partitions | 13:51 |
CB6 | getting this error parsing error file /etc/minidlna.conf line 23 : * "V" for video (eg. media_dir=V,/home/adam/Videos) | 13:51 |
Melio | guess i learned :) | 13:51 |
CB6 | What am I doing wrong here? | 13:51 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: do you have a .tar.gz file right now? | 13:52 |
ytixdecaf | Yes. I do. I downloaded it from sf. | 13:52 |
daftykins | CB6: maybe it wants path comma label, it obviously doesn't like V | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | ok, run tar xzvf bitchx....tar.gz | 13:53 |
k1l_ | CB6: please pastebin the .conf file | 13:53 |
ytixdecaf | I extracted it. | 13:53 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: ok, cd into the dir, and run ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-ssl --with-plugins --enable-ipv6 | 13:54 |
ytixdecaf | You want me to copy paste it, to the terminal? | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: yeah | 13:54 |
EriC^^ | type cd bitchx... | 13:55 |
EriC^^ | then ./configure ... | 13:55 |
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* zykotick9 wonders why anyone would want to use bitchx at this point | 13:55 | |
docmur | I'm playing with incron and for a test I'm having it monitor a file in /var/www, when it's OPENED or ACCESSED. When I open of access the file, I get data in syslog but the command isn't phsyically being carried out, aka to run vlock, this is my line /var/www/ IN_OPEN | IN_ACCESS vlock | 13:56 |
Melio | there's several irc clients for console | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | zykotick9: he wants to see what it's like | 13:56 |
zykotick9 | EriC^^: does it still have unpatched security holes? | 13:56 |
Melio | I think it worked | 13:56 |
EriC^^ | i think so, i have no idea | 13:56 |
zykotick9 | EriC^^: i this so as well... | 13:57 |
zykotick9 | s/this/think/ | 13:57 |
Melio | can anyone explain to me what sync command does | 13:57 |
OerHeks | zykotick9, source is from 2004 :-D | 13:57 |
Melio | refresh the partitions and drive table in memory? | 13:57 |
CB6 | figured it out | 13:57 |
ytixdecaf | it finished processing @EriC^^ | 13:57 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: ok, type make | 13:57 |
CB6 | should show up like this media_dir=V,/home/adam/Videos | 13:58 |
zykotick9 | OerHeks: why this is a terrible idea | 13:58 |
=== CosmicNoisiness is now known as CosmicNoises | ||
ytixdecaf | /usr/local/bin/bash ./configure | 13:58 |
ytixdecaf | make: /usr/local/bin/bash: Command not found | 13:58 |
ytixdecaf | make: *** [default] Error 127 | 13:58 |
ytixdecaf | This shows up. | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | !find bitchx | 13:59 |
ubottu | Package/file bitchx does not exist in vivid | 13:59 |
EriC^^ | !info bitchx precise | 13:59 |
ubottu | Package bitchx does not exist in precise | 13:59 |
zykotick9 | EriC^^: i don't remember bitchx being in any ubuntu... | 14:00 |
CB6 | I googled and saw Bitchx .. I haven't seen that in like a very, very long time | 14:00 |
OerHeks | It was available in Debian http://www.bitchx.com/download.php | 14:00 |
Pici | zykotick9: it used to be there, ages ago. | 14:00 |
zykotick9 | Pici: like pre-lucid | 14:00 |
ytixdecaf | So, it isn't there in the repo eh? | 14:01 |
brainwash | this software is not support here. so, please stop trying to make it somehow run | 14:02 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: nope, i'm trying it now from the site | 14:02 |
CosmicNoise | f | 14:02 |
ytixdecaf | Oh okay. | 14:03 |
CosmicNoise | Apologies. | 14:03 |
philip_ | PMBR size mismatch i get this after adding additional harddisk | 14:03 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: i'm running make now | 14:04 |
zykotick9 | ytixdecaf: honestly, bitchx is a bad idea. For terminal IRC clients try irssi or weechat | 14:04 |
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EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: it worked here, the only difference is that i didn't use --withssl | 14:04 |
jbermudes_ | I just got a new Samsung SSD to install Ubuntu on. Is the lack of Queued Trim something I should be concerned about enough to exchange it for another brand? | 14:04 |
daftykins | jbermudes_: which model? | 14:04 |
daftykins | sounds like a very pointless nitpick :) | 14:05 |
jbermudes_ | daftykins: 850 Evo (not pro) | 14:05 |
Pici | ytixdecaf: there are good reasons why it is not included anymore, including a number of unfixed security problems. You may want to take a look here: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=451373 | 14:05 |
ubottu | Debian bug 451373 in ftp.debian.org "RM: ircii-pana -- RoQA; security issues, abandoned upstream, unmainted" [Normal,Open] | 14:05 |
daftykins | jbermudes_: nothing wrong with that, just as always ensure you've got the latest firmware before OS install and hey prest. | 14:05 |
ytixdecaf | Yes, I've heard, but I really wanna try it for once. @zykotic9 | 14:05 |
daftykins | presto too. | 14:05 |
Yaty | :) | 14:05 |
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Melio | hi EriC^^_ | 14:06 |
brainwash | ytixdecaf: feel free to join the offtopic channel then | 14:06 |
brainwash | !ot | 14:06 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:06 |
ajay2611 | how can i change my hexchat password? | 14:06 |
ajay2611 | i forgot my hexchat password | 14:06 |
EriC^^ | hi Melio | 14:07 |
philip_ | i get this error GPT PMBR size mismatch (457179135 != 250069679) will be corrected by w(rite). | 14:07 |
CB6 | Does this folder matter for minidlna media_dir=/var/cache/minidlna ? I'm not seeing anything when I look for network devices | 14:07 |
jbermudes_ | daftykins: well, the one thing I'm concerned about is that there's a certain bug related to that series misrepresenting what it's capable of and while I know the command is blacklisted in a newer kernel version, I don't know if installing Ubuntu 15.04 with its unpatched kernel will cause any issues | 14:07 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: it pretty much looks like irssi except with less colors | 14:08 |
ytixdecaf | Ahh! Fuck this shit! I'm gonna continue using Xchat! Thanks anyways EriC^^ and Pici. :) :) | 14:08 |
CB6 | http://pastebin.com/wqAkxyZB | 14:08 |
daftykins | jbermudes_: run a newer mainline kernel with it if you're that worried, but i think you're reading into this way too much and being paranoid. | 14:08 |
CB6 | ^^ is my config | 14:08 |
EriC^^ | ytixdecaf: ok :) | 14:08 |
philip_ | i get this error GPT PMBR size mismatch (457179135 != 250069679) will be corrected by w(rite). | 14:08 |
CB6 | just to check I put a file in the video and the pic folder to see if they work but nothing is showing up | 14:09 |
TJ- | philip_: did you clone a smaller drive to a larger one? | 14:09 |
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philip_ | i only added an additional harddrive to an existing RAID 5 setup | 14:10 |
TJ- | philip_: did you zero the new drive first? | 14:11 |
philip_ | the new drive was new | 14:11 |
TJ- | philip_: welll, the message indicates a size mismatch of some kind for the protective MBR of a GPT | 14:12 |
philip_ | how can it be resolved | 14:12 |
ytixdecaf | I've tried installing setoolkit. Does it even work under Ubuntu? | 14:13 |
philip_ | how can it be resolved | 14:13 |
Amoz | ytixdecaf, xchat is quite outdated, have you considered hexchat? | 14:13 |
OerHeks | ytixdecaf, what is setoolkit? | 14:14 |
TJ- | philip_: identify why the capacity of the drive has changed and adjust accordingly | 14:14 |
ytixdecaf | HexChat isn't opensource isn't it? | 14:14 |
Pici | ytixdecaf: sure it is. | 14:15 |
nicechap | is it safe to update to ubuntu 15 from 14? | 14:15 |
nicechap | I ran the update command while in 14 | 14:15 |
ytixdecaf | You mean downgrade @nicechap | 14:15 |
nicechap | and its been running for a while now | 14:15 |
nicechap | why ytixdecaf ? | 14:15 |
philip_ | i dont know how ? | 14:16 |
ytixdecaf | Oh okay I'll give it a try @Pici | 14:16 |
Amoz | nicechap, some people prefer the more tested LTS versions of ubuntu | 14:16 |
ytixdecaf | And did anyone in here try installing setoolkit and succeeded/ | 14:16 |
Amoz | ytixdecaf, it is definitely open source, just like Xchat | 14:16 |
nicechap | Amoz, I hope I have not made things worse? | 14:16 |
nicechap | are there rumours that 15 would be worse off? | 14:17 |
OerHeks | ytixdecaf, Social Engineering Tool from metasploit is offtopic, i guess. | 14:17 |
TJ- | philip_: if you're administering a RAID system this is the kind of knowledge you need to have, otherwise you risk causing data loss. | 14:17 |
k1l_ | nicechap: which command? | 14:17 |
philip_ | i have a better understanding of the raid | 14:17 |
nicechap | k1l_, 'sudo do-release-upgrade' | 14:17 |
k1l_ | nicechap: and on which ubuntu you are exactly? there are 2 versions each year. so only 14 is not specific enough | 14:17 |
Amoz | nicechap, in my opinion the LTS versions are less prone to errors, but if it works for you, no worries. | 14:17 |
philip_ | an only having issue with that error | 14:17 |
nicechap | k1l_, Ubuntu 14.10 | 14:18 |
Melio | ok i decided simply. .. to install ubuntu live with a persistant 1gig partition to read/write and store junk to | 14:18 |
TJ- | philip_: and what tool is reporting that, and what are you trying to do that requires that tool? | 14:18 |
ytixdecaf | Fine, I'll ask some people over there @Oerheks | 14:18 |
Melio | forget fsf's trisqual os | 14:18 |
Melio | it sucks | 14:18 |
philip_ | i used fdisk -l | 14:18 |
nicechap | k1l_, I decided to upgrade as my ubuntu often randomly freezes | 14:18 |
nicechap | windows dont respond | 14:19 |
nicechap | mouse moves a bit but then freezes too | 14:19 |
daftykins | Melio: chat in #ubuntu-offtopic - solely support here thanks | 14:19 |
nicechap | had to restart with power button a few times | 14:19 |
k1l_ | nicechap: ok, so you need to upgrade to 15.04 anyway. you only have 9 months support on the non-LTS version, and 14.10 was end of live on july 23. | 14:19 |
* Melio nods | 14:19 | |
nicechap | looked for a remedy couldnt figure out why, so decided to update like this | 14:19 |
Amoz | nicechap, that is definitely something weird going on, and I'd recommend you to try to figure out what it is that happens. | 14:19 |
philip_ | i used fdisk -l | 14:20 |
nicechap | Amoz, I am not really an expert, got stuck with this | 14:20 |
k1l_ | nicechap: so let the upgrade run. since 15.04 brings new kernel and drivers maybe that already solves it | 14:20 |
Amoz | nicechap, have you tried checking e.g. dmesg for errors? run a memcheck for faulty RAM? | 14:20 |
nicechap | just realized unity service process was running like crazy at 100% cpu when that happened | 14:20 |
k1l_ | nicechap: what means "stuck"? | 14:20 |
nicechap | k1l_, as in I didnt know how I should find out what the cause was | 14:20 |
nicechap | aside from randomly googling | 14:20 |
nicechap | should have found this irc earlier i think | 14:21 |
k1l_ | nicechap: so the upgrade still runs? or is stuck? or is aborted? | 14:21 |
nicechap | k1l_, upgrade runs | 14:21 |
TJ- | philip_: well, the tool is reporting that the protective MBR doesn't cover all the sectors of the device, which infers you should be using "gdisk -l" since a protective MBR only makes sense if the disk label is GPT | 14:21 |
nicechap | I meant stuck in my attempts to find out why 14.10 kept randomly freezing | 14:21 |
k1l_ | nicechap: ok, so let it run, and see if the old errors are getting better with the new kernels etc after the reboot. | 14:22 |
nicechap | k1l_, Amoz if it doesnt get better | 14:22 |
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa | ||
nicechap | should i be worried about ram issues? | 14:22 |
nicechap | what would you recommend ? | 14:22 |
k1l_ | nicechap: keep in mind that you need to upgrade every 6 months until 16.04 is reached. | 14:22 |
Amoz | nicechap, I just told you how to determine that | 14:22 |
nicechap | Amoz, okay, dmesg and memcheck, will google | 14:23 |
nicechap | how to work with them to find the cause | 14:23 |
k1l_ | nicechap: could be bad drivers. just test if its better. if not see the logs (or show them here) to get to know what exactly is causing that issues. so we can see if there is a solution | 14:23 |
Amoz | in the bootmenu you'll have an entry "memcheck86", that's a memory tool for checking the RAM. | 14:23 |
Amoz | nicechap, also, what hardware are you using? | 14:23 |
philip_ | what exactly is dat after adding the harddisk, with fdisk i see above 800 gb but with df -h still shows initial space which is about 500gb | 14:24 |
nicechap | Amoz, would you be a bit specific please about harddisk | 14:24 |
nicechap | num cpus? | 14:24 |
nicechap | memory size? | 14:24 |
Amoz | nicechap, models | 14:24 |
seek3r | Is there any tool I can use to: highlight text, right click on the highlighted text, then hit a custom button on the right-click menu, which will feed the highlighted text as input to a custom python file? | 14:24 |
nicechap | hrrmm Amoz I received this PC from work, will have to dig into the details | 14:25 |
Amoz | it rarely matters if you got 2 or 4 cores, or 2 or 4GB of RAM. That stuff that matters is exactly what brand and model you're using, because that will tell us exactly what kind of errors we might expect from your setup. | 14:25 |
philip_ | what exactly is dat after adding the harddisk, with fdisk i see above 800 gb but with df -h still shows initial space which is about 500gb | 14:25 |
nicechap | Amoz, I will retrieve this info | 14:25 |
nicechap | Amoz, maybe I shall refrain from digging further and taking your time until it happens again upon the ongoing update to 15.04 | 14:26 |
Amoz | nicechap, sure, sounds like a plan :) | 14:26 |
seek3r | Is there any tool I can use to: highlight text, right click on the highlighted text, then hit a custom button on the right-click menu, which will feed the highlighted text as input to a custom python file? | 14:26 |
nicechap | thanks Amoz k1l_ | 14:26 |
diffract| | how do i disable alt-left mouse click? i have some applications that use that combination | 14:28 |
nicechap | just saw this flashing through thousands of lines I get '(gtk-update-icon-cache-3.0:17322): GdkPixbuf-WARNING **: Cannot open pixbuf loader module file '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders.cache': No such file or directory | 14:28 |
nicechap | ' | 14:28 |
nicechap | hoping it is not major | 14:28 |
k1l_ | nicechap: maybe you need to install the pixbuf theme engine afterwards. just let it run | 14:29 |
EriC^^ | seek3r: don't know where you can modify the right click menu, but if you use this command echo ($xsel) | python ... you can feed it i think | 14:29 |
=== regedit_ is now known as regedit | ||
seek3r | EriC^^, thanks, I think with nautilus you can edit the right click menu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14700/how-can-i-write-nautilus-scripts-in-python but I am having a hard time feeding in selected text | 14:30 |
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philip_ | GPT PMBR size mismatch (457179135 != 250069679) will be corrected by w(rite). | 14:40 |
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BenMcLean | Hey does anybody here know anything about accessibility stuff? I'm trying to set up behavior similar to Windows Magnifier in ubuntu | 14:46 |
BenMcLean | the "enhanced zoom" feature in compiz does nothing except make my mouse cursor disappear | 14:47 |
TheOrangeOne | Under 'universal access', there are settings for increasing the font size and using the zoom feature | 14:47 |
Geogts | what's a nice lightweight web browser that any of you would recommend? i didn't some searching and qupzilla and midori seem to pop up a lot. my firefox just seems sluggish | 14:51 |
Geogts | did* | 14:51 |
TheOrangeOne | iceweasel | 14:51 |
Geogts | TheOrangeOne: thank you, i'll give that a quick test run | 14:52 |
TheOrangeOne | or if performance is really bad, something like lynx ;) | 14:52 |
daftykins | Geogts: perhaps test a clean profile and cut down on any extensions you may use. | 14:52 |
SchrodingersScat | !info links2 | Geogts | 14:53 |
ubottu | Geogts: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8-2 (vivid), package size 1834 kB, installed size 3007 kB | 14:53 |
Geogts | well i just took the dive and came from xp. so i think most everything is a clean profile daftykins | 14:53 |
daftykins | ouch | 14:53 |
daftykins | Geogts: old system then? | 14:53 |
Geogts | athlon 64 3400+ and 2GB of ram. i can run firefox fine but i want snappier | 14:54 |
Amoz | Geogts, tried if chromium works better? Otherwise, try midori | 14:54 |
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Amoz | wow. That's one old CPU. 2005. | 14:55 |
Geogts | Amoz: okay thanks. i see midori pop up a lot on web searches for "light browsers". i also hadn't thought of chromium, is it any faster than chrome? | 14:55 |
Geogts | Amoz: i know. wish i had the $$ for a new computer =/ | 14:55 |
BenMcLean | crap, something stupid i did logged me out and I didn't get to see if anyone replied to my question :( | 14:56 |
Amoz | Geogts, hard to tell, chrome might have some more "bloat" from Google, I'm not sure. | 14:56 |
Mitchell92 | Hi... I'm a graphics / web designer, I have decent linux skills... I use a Mac primarily for my work. I have an Acer desktop computer... quad core, 8GB RAM, 500GB drive. I work from my home office. I wanted to set that computer up as a server, to use to locally work on / design websites without having to connect to the Internet to upload them somewhere, so I can have something nice and safe and inside my office. Should Ubuntu Server be | 14:56 |
Mitchell92 | decent? After set up I will not be using a monitor, it will be sitting on the desk and just connecting via SSH or any web based control panel I decide to use. | 14:56 |
Amoz | Mitchell92, sounds like a good choice to me | 14:56 |
Mitchell92 | Amoz, great... what web based control panel would you recommend? | 14:57 |
Mitchell92 | I also wanted to know if I could have it make virtual network devices so if I'm working on say 3 websites, each one would have its own IP address on my network? | 14:57 |
Amoz | oh... uhm, I only know about webmin or something. But I prefer the shell. | 14:58 |
Mitchell92 | ok | 14:58 |
Amoz | Mitchell92, I'm quite sure you can have multiple IPs for one device | 14:58 |
Mitchell92 | I manage my own VPS servers, CentOS for one and Windows 2k8 for another. I just want something local to make things simple until projects are done. | 14:58 |
Mitchell92 | Okay. | 14:58 |
Mitchell92 | I'm familiar with Webmin. I'll try out webmin + virtualmin | 14:58 |
Mitchell92 | It's what I used before switching to Kloxo when I got a new linux VPS | 14:58 |
philip_ | free space to the existing partition | 14:59 |
Amoz | Mitchell92, also, I believe you can solve the multiple IPs with vhosts instead. At least worth looking into | 15:00 |
Mitchell92 | Yes. | 15:00 |
Mitchell92 | Thanks | 15:00 |
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Mitchell92 | I know I can do that... I just thought it would be more simple with multiple IP addresses being its a server that won't be having people access from the internet, from my office only... | 15:00 |
daftykins | !webmin | 15:01 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 15:01 |
daftykins | ^she dead | 15:01 |
Amoz | Mitchell92, you'd still have to configure multiple webservers to listen to separate IPs I believe. | 15:01 |
Mitchell92 | ok :( | 15:01 |
spartan2276 | How can I get Samba on 14.04 working with Ubuntu Desktop 12.04? | 15:01 |
spartan2276 | here is my testparm output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11953997/ | 15:02 |
nicechap | Amoz, k1l_ how long does a typical upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 take? is it hours? I have quadcore sytem with 16Gb rAM | 15:02 |
spartan2276 | When trying to connect via ubuntu 12.04 I get the password prompt and then Nothing | 15:02 |
daftykins | why does time matter | 15:02 |
nicechap | daftykins, because I cannot work now :( | 15:02 |
Amoz | nicechap, I'd say a few hours, but that depends on SSD/HDD and internetconnection. | 15:03 |
nicechap | Amoz, fast internet but no SSD... so i suppose i should go read a book | 15:03 |
Amoz | nicechap, do you have lots of stuff you need on it? I'd always recommend a fresh install from USB if possible | 15:03 |
daftykins | spartan2276: doesn't show any issues there. | 15:04 |
nicechap | Amoz, yeh, I had two large vms on the disk thats why didnt go through fresh install route | 15:05 |
nicechap | I think the upgrade did something to my virtualbox installation | 15:05 |
Amoz | nicechap, I see. Not even separate /home partition? | 15:05 |
nicechap | as I am not able to restart the vms: 'The VirtualBox kernel modules do not match this version of VirtualBox.' | 15:06 |
Amoz | nicechap, try to just remove and reinstall virtualbox | 15:06 |
nicechap | Amoz, is that safe while upgrade is still running? (I suspect it has passed the virtualbox bit) | 15:07 |
BenMcLean | How the hell do you change the cursor in ubuntu 14.04 !? | 15:07 |
Amoz | nicechap, oh, don't touch then! not yet =P | 15:07 |
nicechap | Amoz, okay, going to read a book..... | 15:07 |
kyle__ | Hello | 15:08 |
BenMcLean | i tried using unity tweak tool to install a large cursor pack, but those cursors only appear when the mouse is over my browser. it reverts to regular size when over regular unity ui | 15:08 |
BenMcLean | this is crazy | 15:08 |
kyle__ | Anyone had success with webex on a modern ubuntu desktop? | 15:08 |
kyle__ | I have vendor support that needs to use it to control my screen and get into a device, but it's showing them a blank screen. | 15:09 |
rainbowwarrior | hello I am running ubuntu 14.04 lts and using hlip 3.15.7 but it is not detecting my hp 4507 printer yet it is on the network and can see it fine in windows, can someone help me please ? | 15:13 |
yers | hey guys!..i'm running ubuntu 14.04, installed few hours ago..i'm having trouble with my nvidia drivers.. | 15:13 |
=== erwin is now known as easyOnMe | ||
yers | i have a nvidia geforce gt 720m..i'm currently using nvidia-331..my screen freezen after a while.. | 15:14 |
easyOnMe | hello everyone | 15:14 |
yers | i have to reboot the entire system every few minutes | 15:14 |
easyOnMe | I tried using putty on my Windows 7 laptop from the office today and tried accessing my ubuntu laptop at home which I left switched on when I left | 15:15 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: with a port forward and knowing your external IP huh? so what's wrong? | 15:15 |
easyOnMe | but I could not access it even if I already installed OpenSSH Server on my ubuntu 14.04 LS laptop at home | 15:15 |
daftykins | explain what happened | 15:16 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: putty hanged up and could not connect I do not know what is the problem | 15:16 |
daftykins | sounds like a timeout, you failed to port forward correctly | 15:16 |
zhengxx | public network ipaddress ? | 15:16 |
easyOnMe | but i used port 22 | 15:16 |
AEL-H | Hello, I am getting issues with wget authenticating to my university blackboard which I wish to mirror for offline viewing, I have tried posting the data and also using cookies as well as the auth-no-challenge parameter. Does anyone have any suggestions? | 15:16 |
AEL-H | The command looks like this : wget --cookies=on --load-cookies cookies.txt --auth-no-challenge https://online.myuni.ac.uk/webapps/blackboard/execute/content/file?cmd=view&content_id=_xxxxxxx_1&course_id=_xxxxx_1 | 15:16 |
MonkeyDust | easyOnMe maybe you have to "allow external connextion" or so on the client | 15:16 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: yes but that's only part of the formula ;) | 15:16 |
easyOnMe | zhengxx: I used the one provided by www.myipaddress.com | 15:16 |
easyOnMe | and used it as the address in putty and used port 22 | 15:16 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: what do you mean | 15:17 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: being a laptop, you'll need to ideally set network manager to keep your laptop on a static *internal* IP behind the router whilst connected to your network, either wirelessly or wired. | 15:17 |
daftykins | if your IP changes on the internal network, a port forward becomes useless | 15:17 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: so how do I do that | 15:17 |
daftykins | so it could be any number of things really, you need to check and test your port forward whilst home - get someone out on the internet to check. | 15:17 |
daftykins | well first compare your port forward to what IP your laptop has | 15:18 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: man what you said is so new to me can you please explain a but noob here when it comes to networking | 15:18 |
zhengxx | easyOnMe, ip port forward | 15:18 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: well i don't know how you got this far if any of this sounds new | 15:18 |
daftykins | :) | 15:18 |
easyOnMe | zhengxx: what does ip port forward mean | 15:18 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: this is what I did before | 15:19 |
daftykins | so tell me what rule you added on your router's web administration pages | 15:19 |
easyOnMe | I brought my office laptop at home once that laptop runs on a windows 7 OS | 15:19 |
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spartan2276 | daftykins, I know that is why I'm going crazy because it does not make any sense | 15:19 |
daftykins | that doesn't bear any relevance to this task since we're on about remote access | 15:19 |
daftykins | spartan2276: what, who are you :P | 15:20 |
easyOnMe | I used putty and winscp to connect to my ubuntu 14.04 LS laptop but before that I was advied by people around here to install OpenSSH Server first | 15:20 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: yes but none of this is the information i asked for | 15:20 |
easyOnMe | after that I manage to connect to my ubuntu laptop using my office windows laptop | 15:20 |
daftykins | so again i ask - what is the rule you entered into your *routers* web admin pages? | 15:20 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: that question is something new to me and I am sorry I will not be able to answer you on that but I am willing to find out for you if you can guide me on how to go about it please | 15:21 |
easyOnMe | :0 | 15:21 |
easyOnMe | :0 | 15:21 |
easyOnMe | ;) | 15:21 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: so essentially, you haven't actually opened the port on your router? | 15:21 |
easyOnMe | yes | 15:22 |
easyOnMe | someone tried to help me out but he got disconnected and never managed to complete the whole thing | 15:22 |
daftykins | alright so visit the web page of your router and look up online how to open port 22 TCP and point it at the internal LAN IP of your laptop. | 15:22 |
daftykins | researching what port forwarding is would also be useful at this time | 15:22 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: so how do I visit the web page of my router at home | 15:23 |
easyOnMe | you mean visit the web page of the router brand I have at home? | 15:23 |
k1l_ | easyOnMe: maybe your router offers a "dmz" feature, so you can use that for the ubuntu laptop so it is reachable from the outside | 15:23 |
spartan2276 | daftykins, oh things just keep getting better, now I can't connect to the server via SSH all I get is this Write failed: Broken pipe | 15:23 |
daftykins | DMZ is a terrible idea | 15:23 |
CB6 | When gedit makes to changes to /etc/samba/smb.conf I get the following error (gedit:6587): Gtk-WARNING **: Calling Inhibit failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files | 15:24 |
CB6 | What does this mean? | 15:24 |
kyle__ | daftykins: DMZs are a great idea. DOing stupid things with them. that's a bad idea. | 15:24 |
k1l_ | easyOnMe: you need to do the work on your home router. so you might need to be home to do that forwarding work since most routers are not manageble from the outside | 15:24 |
daftykins | kyle__: i'm talking about in this case, which qualifies as stupid | 15:24 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: run this in a terminal "ip route" you'll see something like "default via..." so take that IP address and visit http://that_IP/ in your browser. | 15:24 |
CB6 | Are workgroups case sensitive? | 15:25 |
daftykins | more often than not it is ,, or others such as | 15:25 |
easyOnMe | ok one sec | 15:25 |
zhengxx | CB6, no | 15:25 |
kyle__ | daftykins: Yeah. | 15:25 |
CB6 | If you're part of a workgroup shouldn't the other pc see it then if both on the same workgroup? | 15:26 |
philip_ | free space to the existing partition | 15:26 |
CB6 | I haven't been able to get minidlna or SMB to show for Win7 | 15:26 |
philip_ | how can i add free space to the existing partition | 15:26 |
daftykins | philip_: LVM? | 15:27 |
zhengxx | CB6, error log | 15:27 |
philip_ | during installation i did not use LVM | 15:27 |
CB6 | where do I check this? | 15:27 |
spartan2276 | daftykins, dude you just replied to my Samba questions like minutes ago | 15:27 |
k1l_ | philip_: can you show a picture from a "gparted" in the gui? | 15:27 |
daftykins | spartan2276: i'm in many channels, i can't remember everything. | 15:27 |
philip_ | its a ubuntu server | 15:28 |
zhengxx | CB6, /var/log | 15:28 |
CB6 | k | 15:28 |
daftykins | philip_: so boot a live session and resize it from gparted. | 15:28 |
k1l_ | philip_: ok, so a "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin please | 15:28 |
TechMonger | i am trying to ssh into my computer at home from work. i am getting a error saying that my hostname or service is not known | 15:29 |
daftykins | nm k1l_ has your back. | 15:29 |
daftykins | TechMonger: what's the exact command and exact error? | 15:29 |
Colby2 | I'm trying to install Ubuntu from a live USB bit I keep getting an ubi-partman error 10 I need to turn on nomsraid or whatever it's called but I can't find it when the USB boots. Where can I find this? | 15:29 |
daftykins | we don't go by vague recollections :) | 15:29 |
TechMonger | root@152:/var/www/html# ssh jay@Ub.att.net | 15:30 |
TechMonger | ssh: Could not resolve hostname ub.att.net: Name or service not known | 15:30 |
CB6 | Assuming a file is too long would it at least see the Ubuntu desktop zhengxx ? | 15:30 |
daftykins | TechMonger: yeah so that address isn't real. | 15:30 |
CB6 | says file name is too long for the share in the var/log/samba/log.nmbd | 15:30 |
daftykins | TechMonger: where did you even get it from? "ub.att.net" ? | 15:31 |
TechMonger | well i have att.net is my isp and ub is my computer name | 15:31 |
zhengxx | CB6, try change the name of file | 15:31 |
daftykins | TechMonger: so you made it up, no that's not going to work. | 15:32 |
daftykins | TechMonger: you have to use your public IP address, or sign up for a dynamic DNS provider such as www.noip.com | 15:32 |
philip_ | i got this error saying "not all of the space avaliable to /dev/sda appears to be used | 15:32 |
daftykins | this will allow you to have a hostname that points toward your home IP. | 15:32 |
k1l_ | TechMonger: you need to know the exact ip the router gets from your ISP or you need to run a dynip service which offers a url that links to your changing ip. | 15:33 |
OerHeks | philip_, earlier you said: <philip_>i only added an additional harddrive to an existing RAID 5 setup | 15:33 |
k1l_ | <k1l_> philip_: ok, so a "sudo parted -l" in a pastebin please | 15:33 |
TechMonger | oh. so if i know my routers ip. how to i specify my computer? | 15:33 |
k1l_ | TechMonger: you dont. | 15:33 |
daftykins | TechMonger: are you the same as 'easyOnMe' ? | 15:33 |
TechMonger | well i have 2 ubuntu computers on my home network | 15:33 |
CB6 | Not visible | 15:33 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: no I am different | 15:34 |
k1l_ | TechMonger: that is the work of the router. you need to tell the router to route all the packages to you that ubuntu pc you want to reach. | 15:34 |
k1l_ | *-you | 15:34 |
daftykins | packages o0 | 15:34 |
zhengxx | CB6, error log | 15:34 |
zhengxx | CB6, paste.ubuntu.com | 15:35 |
k1l_ | daftykins: network packages. | 15:35 |
daftykins | packets | 15:35 |
philip_ | when i used sudo parted -l i get the error ""not all of the space avaliable to /dev/sda appears to be used | 15:35 |
k1l_ | erm, yes. i mean that | 15:36 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: so did you run that command? did you open the web admin of your router? | 15:36 |
CB6 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11954166/ | 15:37 |
k1l_ | philip_: please show all the output | 15:38 |
k1l_ | philip_: put it into a pastebin | 15:38 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: yup I manage to open it on the browser | 15:38 |
CB6 | I hope I'm looking at the appropriate log as there's a couple. This is the only one with something in it | 15:38 |
easyOnMe | it is cisco and now it is asking me for a username and password | 15:38 |
easyOnMe | I do not know the username and the password is it the one we used on our laptop to connect to the wifi for internet connection | 15:39 |
CB6 | NetBIOS name is too long truncating to | 15:39 |
CB6 | Does this mean that in addition to renaming file folders I also have to rename my Ubuntu computer??? | 15:40 |
zhengxx | CB6, check smbd and nmbd service | 15:40 |
maxxer | hi. I've an old 10.04 server. ping to gateway works, ping to works, traceroute to works, dig www.google.com works, host www.google.com works, w3m http://www.google.com WON'T WORK, remains stuck in "opening socket" | 15:40 |
CB6 | standard input is not a socket, assuming -D option | 15:41 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: what do I do now I do not know what the username is | 15:41 |
CB6 | register_name: NetBIOS name CAUTIONHAZARDOUS is too long. Truncating to | 15:41 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
CB6 | Does the netbios error mean anything if it says truncating as in shortening? | 15:42 |
CB6 | ALso what does the other error mean? | 15:42 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: are you still there | 15:43 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: so it did open, you just don't know the login details? look them up. | 15:44 |
MonkeyDust | maxxer tried it here... w3m to google works | 15:44 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: read the make + model on the router, or contact your ISP - do something other than stare at the screen :) | 15:44 |
maxxer | MonkeyDust: thanks but I had no doubt, the problem is on my server but I cannot figure out what! :/ | 15:44 |
zhengxx | CB6, You should start smbd/nmbd/winbindd instead for domain member and standalone file server tasks | 15:44 |
daftykins | maxxer: sorry, no support for EOL releases. | 15:44 |
rainbowwarrior | hello I am running Ubuntu 14.04 lts and I am using hplip but its not seeing my hp 4507 printer yet it is supported, how can I fix this please ? | 15:44 |
philip_ | i think i will have to use gparted live cd | 15:45 |
xheart | hi | 15:46 |
philip_ | i think i will have to use gparted live cd | 15:46 |
CB6 | Is there a tutorial for that? | 15:47 |
daftykins | philip_: yeah you said that twice | 15:47 |
CB6 | I'm literally going by the Ubuntu tutorials here and these errors are produced after following them lol | 15:47 |
xheart | i have 14.05lts and want to download 14.10 , what command i use in the terminal? | 15:47 |
CB6 | the long username and file name i get | 15:47 |
CB6 | otherwise I'm not sure if the truncating means anything | 15:48 |
k1l_ | xheart: you want to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10? | 15:48 |
CB6 | All I want to be able to do is share files locally between devices. | 15:48 |
xheart | yes | 15:49 |
k1l_ | xheart: be aware that you leave the LTS release and need to upgrade every 6 months now. 14.10 is already dead so you need to upgrade twice to reach 15.04 after you upgraded to 14.10 | 15:49 |
philip_ | its is prefered right | 15:49 |
k1l_ | xheart: make sure the "release prompt" is set to "normal" and not "LTS", then run the update gui. it will offer the upgrade | 15:50 |
xheart | correct i want to later download the 15.04 or can i upgrade to 15.04 from 1404lts? | 15:50 |
k1l_ | philip_: you need to do the resizing from a live system anyway | 15:50 |
daftykins | philip_: that is not a clear question | 15:50 |
xheart | what is the command sudo ...? | 15:50 |
k1l_ | xheart: you want to do it on CLI? | 15:50 |
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
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xheart | cli? | 15:51 |
k1l_ | xheart: terminal | 15:51 |
OerHeks | philip_, daftykins , he wants to add this disk to a raid5 volume, am i right? | 15:51 |
xheart | yes | 15:51 |
philip_ | Oeherks i have done that already | 15:51 |
k1l_ | OerHeks: he just talked about unused space so far. i dont know about raid | 15:52 |
k1l_ | xheart: so change the /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades in the last line to "normal" from LTS. then run "sudo do-release-upgrade" | 15:52 |
philip_ | but now want to add the unused space to the existing partition | 15:53 |
LXLE | hello there | 15:54 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: anyway once I got the username and password what is the next step then | 15:55 |
LXLE | i need some help with linux LXLE 12 | 15:55 |
werop52 | lol | 15:55 |
LXLE | maybe this is wrong chat room,, wheres the right one | 15:55 |
k1l_ | LXLE: please ask the lxle support about that. | 15:55 |
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92 | ||
xheart | kll can you write the full command? | 15:56 |
k1l_ | xheart: what gives you "cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades" in the last line? | 15:57 |
k1l_ | xheart: is that a server? | 15:57 |
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
LXLE | the lxle chat is empty :( | 15:57 |
LXLE | maybe someon e can say something if i tell my story? | 15:58 |
k1l_ | LXLE: if you consider support an important feature dont use distributions that dont offer support then :/ | 15:58 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: for you to look up online how to port forward. look up your router model :) | 15:58 |
k1l_ | LXLE: see if lxle offers other support channels like forums or mailinglists or such. thanks | 15:58 |
LXLE | i have a 1 ghz 768 mb ram laptop | 15:59 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: in my case is my router model cisco | 15:59 |
CB6 | how do I start smbd/nmbd/winbindd for standalone file server tasks? | 15:59 |
suku | i'm running LXLE at the moment | 15:59 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: no that's a brand, not a model | 15:59 |
suku | fast os for netbooks | 15:59 |
easyOnMe | what I see on my browser is CISCO DPC3925 | 16:00 |
LXLE | it vont boot on usb and it dont have dvd, i installed the linux in other pc and then put the hdd to laptop, point is that the lxle starts only in recoveri mode, and then normal boot, but ipress the normal boot rightaway it wont start :D | 16:00 |
bipul | Hello Back to Ubuntu. | 16:00 |
k1l_ | !lubuntu | LXLE suku | 16:00 |
ubottu | LXLE suku: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. | 16:00 |
suku | LXLE: what program did u use to create the image on the flash drive? | 16:01 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: so here's google result #1 - http://portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Cisco/DPC3925/defaultguide.htm | 16:02 |
bipul | Back to Ubuntu. | 16:02 |
rodknocker | http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ | 16:02 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: thanks | 16:02 |
suku | yeah netbootin is the best to use | 16:02 |
suku | thats what i used to create my image | 16:03 |
LXLE | i burned image to dvd and installed in on other pc | 16:03 |
suku | ive had too many issues with dd or startup disk util | 16:03 |
bipul | Yes, unetbootin is the best to burn image file. | 16:03 |
k1l_ | LXLE: suku please #lxle or whatever is their channel, for the issues with lxle | 16:04 |
suku | LXLE: yeah, but u are talking about a flash drive, right? | 16:04 |
suku | k1l_: i;m just trying to help him | 16:04 |
suku | lxle is ubuntu based | 16:04 |
CB6 | "You should start smbd/nmbd/winbindd instead for domain member and standalone file server tasks" . When I google this I get # systemctl start smbd.service | 16:04 |
CB6 | #systemctl start nmbd.service which neither are recognized commands | 16:04 |
LXLE | is it possible that linux installed the drivers for the other pc, and if i putted the hdd to laptop it will not recognize drivers? | 16:05 |
suku | LXLE: i am unsure what you are trying to do here | 16:05 |
CB6 | sudo: systemctl: command not found | 16:05 |
k1l_ | LXLE: suku last time now. its unfair for the other users who need ubuntu (or the official flovours) support. | 16:05 |
k1l_ | CB6: what ubuntu are you on? | 16:06 |
CB6 | latest | 16:06 |
k1l_ | CB6: "lsb_release -d" is? | 16:06 |
suku | k1l_: whats you problem? LXLE is ubuntu | 16:06 |
CB6 | Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS | 16:06 |
k1l_ | suku: its not. EOD | 16:06 |
suku | bullshit | 16:07 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: one of the requirements is to set up a static ip address so I search on google is this resource useful: http://enriquemorenotent.com/setting-a-static-ip-for-linux-containers-in-ubuntu/ before I start using it | 16:07 |
suku | look it up | 16:07 |
k1l_ | !flavors | suku LXLE | 16:07 |
ubottu | suku LXLE: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 16:07 |
daftykins | easyOnMe: not even vaguely | 16:07 |
xheart | no, this is not a sever | 16:08 |
k1l_ | suku: lubuntu is officially a ubuntu flavor. lxle might be based on ubuntu but changes stuff. so we dont know what they change so seek their support. that is unfair to the users using ubuntu and needing help | 16:08 |
k1l_ | xheart: it might be easier doing that in the system settings then. | 16:08 |
xheart | ok | 16:08 |
xheart | where do itset it to normal for 14.10 then 15.04? | 16:09 |
zoltanox | join #OSAA | 16:10 |
CB6 | I don't know why I am obsessed with learning this when thumb drives would be ok but it's not a good long term solution. The fact I'm unable to do a basic workgroup or file share between computers is very odd. | 16:10 |
LXLE | ok | 16:10 |
k1l_ | xheart: system settings: updates and software: 3rd tab "updates" down at the bottom make sure the "looking for releases" is set to "every new version" and not to "LTS only" | 16:10 |
LXLE | i am tryng to install lubuntu then | 16:10 |
easyOnMe | daftykins: ok I will do this tomorrow | 16:11 |
easyOnMe | got to go to bed now | 16:11 |
easyOnMe | see guys tomorrow | 16:11 |
easyOnMe | bye | 16:11 |
Raulwynn | How do I change nomodeset for nvidia drivers? | 16:11 |
k1l_ | LXLE: so use "dd" to put the lubuntu iso onto the usb drive. | 16:11 |
TechMonger | how do you display your external IP in term? | 16:11 |
LXLE | can i do it that way; partitioning my hdd to 3 pieses, 1 unformatted , second will be some livemode installer, and third swap area? | 16:11 |
LXLE | dd? | 16:12 |
Pici | CB6: the migration to systemd is not complete, just use service to start the samba daemon. | 16:12 |
j0ker | hello | 16:12 |
j0ker | anyone up?? | 16:12 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: curl -s http://whatismyip.akamai.com | 16:12 |
Pici | j0ker: there are 1,800 people here, if you have a question, just ask. | 16:12 |
j0ker | nah i am pro when it comes to ubuntu | 16:13 |
j0ker | lol | 16:13 |
k1l_ | CB6: ubuntu uses systemd since 15.04. 14.04 still uses upstart | 16:13 |
j0ker | ubuntu just saved my ass | 16:13 |
j0ker | :P | 16:13 |
CB6 | I noticed that there's 15.04. Should I be upgrading? I have no issue doing that. Will I lose my files if I do lol? | 16:13 |
LXLE | what is dd? | 16:13 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: curl -s http://whatismyip.akamai.com; echo is a bit neater in terminal | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: you wont lose your files as you will have backups of your importnat data, right? | 16:14 |
TechMonger | ActionParsnip, thx | 16:14 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: np | 16:15 |
Pici | CB6: keep in mind that 15.04 only has 9 months of support, 14.04 is an LTS and gets 5 years of support | 16:15 |
ActionParsnip | plus 14.04 is awesome | 16:15 |
CB6 | ok well that answers that then | 16:15 |
CB6 | I'm a n00b lol | 16:16 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: all the more reason to maintain effective backups | 16:16 |
k1l_ | LXLE: dd is a terminal tool to get the image onto your usb drive | 16:16 |
CB6 | lol well since I can't file share that means partitioning the drive I guess. | 16:17 |
Raulwynn | Where is the nomodeset settings on in the system files? | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | LXLE: you can use unetbootin to make a bootable USB stick too. | 16:17 |
ActionParsnip | Raulwynn: its a kernel option | 16:18 |
Raulwynn | Yes. | 16:18 |
OerHeks | !nomodeset | 16:18 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 16:18 |
CB6 | ok I've been googling all over the place. What's the daemon initiate command for smb ? | 16:18 |
Raulwynn | I need to access that and change for nvidia drivers but I can't seem to find it. | 16:18 |
ActionParsnip | Raulwynn: you set kernel options in /etc/default/grub the defaults are "quiet splash" so, if you want to add nomodeset, yours would be "quiet splash nomodeset". You need to run: sudo update-grub to make the changes active. | 16:19 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: you can use Nautilus to setup folder shares (just like you do in Windows) | 16:19 |
Raulwynn | OerHeks: Thank you so much! | 16:20 |
TechMonger | what does it mean if my external and local ip are the same? | 16:20 |
Raulwynn | ActionParsnip: Thanks! :) | 16:20 |
CB6 | Right click and add share correct as the tutorial on Ubuntu site shows? That's what I did plus added the workgroup. | 16:20 |
LXLE | ihave been using linux live usb creator so far and it has been working all the time so far | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: then you have a modem connected directly o your PC | 16:20 |
webchat_827701 | ver irc.irc-hispano.org | 16:20 |
CB6 | Also restarted the pc. | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | LXLE: then use that if you are comfortable with it | 16:20 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: if you run: sudo smbtree do you see your share? | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: might just be: smbtree without sudo | 16:21 |
TechMonger | ActionParsnip, that dosent seem likely | 16:21 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: if you run: ifconfig you will see your interface IPs | 16:22 |
CB6 | It pulls up the router | 16:22 |
TechMonger | ActionParsnip, yea, they match | 16:22 |
TechMonger | im at a university | 16:22 |
CosmicNoise | C4ttFl4p33# | 16:23 |
CB6 | CautionHazardous server (Samba, Ubuntu) | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | TechMonger: try: http://www.ipchicken.com do you see the same WAN IP?# | 16:23 |
ActionParsnip | CosmicNoise: time for a new password dude | 16:23 |
TechMonger | yup | 16:23 |
Raulwynn | Does anyone know the webpage that references the nvidia drivers to use with which video cards? | 16:23 |
CosmicNoise | JESUS. Thing auto-logged into ubuntu. | 16:24 |
CosmicNoise | Okay, how to change password? | 16:24 |
CB6 | ComicNoise you can auto input your pw into Hexchat after in the settings so you don't need to verify every time. | 16:24 |
CosmicNoise | I'm on XChat. | 16:24 |
TechMonger | can a modem act like a router? | 16:24 |
OerHeks | CosmicNoise, see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml | 16:24 |
CB6 | https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass | 16:24 |
CosmicNoise | :) | 16:25 |
CosmicNoise | Anyway. I have a question about harddrive encrpytion. | 16:25 |
CosmicNoise | So I boot up, I type in my encryption key, I login in. Then, my computer crashes and I switch the machine off. | 16:26 |
CosmicNoise | Is it still safe at this point? | 16:26 |
CB6 | ComicNoise after you do that click Hexchat > Network List > Edit then enter your NEW pw at the bottom once you've changed it following the directions at https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass | 16:26 |
CosmicNoise | Or is my harddrive technically lying "open", since it didn't get a chance to re-encrypt because my computer was switched off without shutdown? | 16:27 |
OerHeks | CosmicNoise, if you are lucky, the encrypted partition is damaged :-P | 16:27 |
CosmicNoise | OerHeks, eh? | 16:27 |
CosmicNoise | OerHeks, well, it has happened to me a few times, and it starts up no problem afterwards. | 16:28 |
OerHeks | so no, your partition is not lying open | 16:28 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: By entering your passqhrase you only add a crypt layer in the kernel (in RAM). Nothing has to be re-encrypted again. | 16:28 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, I thought as much. | 16:29 |
CB6 | Ubuntu is popping up an error in Nautilus (assuming that's what the general file browser gui is) after trying to browse network. Where do I check the error logs for this? /var/ also? | 16:29 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: what is the error? | 16:30 |
def1ant | the numpad doesn't work by default, I mean it moves my mouse and UI don't want it. How can I set it to display by default | 16:30 |
def1ant | For now whenever I change the settings, it resets to move my mouse pointer after restart | 16:30 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: num lock turned on? | 16:30 |
CB6 | I'm not sure. It asked me if I wanted to report it. I get one on computer start every time and now I'm getting one when trying to navigate workgroup. | 16:31 |
def1ant | Yeah | 16:31 |
def1ant | ActionParsnip, It is on, it just moves the mouse | 16:31 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: does the OS work otherwise? | 16:31 |
CosmicNoise | CB6, could you scroll back and re-enter those instructions for hexchat? | 16:31 |
def1ant | Everytime when I turn on my system | 16:31 |
CosmicNoise | CB6, I just switched over to hexchat now, but I've lost my history obvs... | 16:31 |
vlt | CosmicNoise: Did you solve your Logitech wireless keyboard in initrd problem, btw? | 16:31 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, I did. | 16:31 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 16:32 |
CB6 | Ubuntu is laggy at times but it works. Noticing some operations are fading to black working harder than I feel they should. Still works pretty good though. | 16:32 |
CB6 | ComicNoise after you do that click Hexchat > Network List > Edit then enter your NEW pw at the bottom once you've changed it following the directions at https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#changepass | 16:32 |
ActionParsnip | CB6: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue | 16:32 |
def1ant | ActionParsnip, Ubuntu 15.04 \n \l | 16:32 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/mouse-mousekeys.html | 16:33 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: is that enabled? | 16:33 |
CosmicNoise | CB6, thanks. | 16:33 |
CB6 | Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l | 16:34 |
CosmicNoise | vlt, I just found a whole bunch of potential inputs for hte file that other people recommended online. One of them obviously worked, but not sure which one! | 16:34 |
def1ant | ActionParsnip, nope | 16:34 |
def1ant | ActionParsnip, btw when I turn it on and off, the numpad works like usual, | 16:35 |
def1ant | Btu one restart and it has to be done again | 16:35 |
CosmicNoise | Okay, I have another issue. I'm running dual screen, and one screen is situated on top of the other, but the one at the top is slightly smaller. | 16:35 |
CosmicNoise | But ubuntu makes the actual desktop size available on both screens the same size (the size of hte large screen) | 16:35 |
CosmicNoise | that means there's about an inch or so of desktop on either side of my small screen that I can't see. | 16:36 |
CosmicNoise | Unfortunately, ubuntu puts desktop icons there, which is annoying. | 16:36 |
CosmicNoise | Any way to tell ubuntu to only make "desktop space" where there is screen? | 16:36 |
CB6 | you can get rid of that | 16:36 |
CB6 | From personal experience on dual monitor setup you can eliminate the navigation menu from one under settings | 16:36 |
CosmicNoise | CB6, no, I don't mean the navigation menu, I just mean icons for files I place on the desktop. | 16:37 |
CosmicNoise | If I place a file on the desktop, its icon is not visible, because it's on the part of the desktop just to the left of what my top screen can see. | 16:37 |
CosmicNoise | The only reason I know it's there is that I can see it when I use the desktop switcher. | 16:38 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: as a hack, you could see the option to disable it, in Bash, then add that to your startup items | 16:38 |
CB6 | Should be able to change the resolution individually no? | 16:38 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: something in dconf that smells like this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/113171/turn-mousekeys-on-off-from-keyboard because 15.04 doesnt use gconf | 16:39 |
CB6 | lol I'm double clicking system settings and it's not opening. Actually been finding that's kind of frequent. I've no idea why that is from things like VLC etc do that. | 16:40 |
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Nehrie | #ryzom | 16:40 |
Nehrie | how do I change channel? | 16:41 |
ActionParsnip | def1ant: try rebooting then run: dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/a11y/keyboard/mousekeys-enable false does it make it ok? | 16:41 |
ActionParsnip | Nehrie: type: /join #channel | 16:41 |
Nehrie | ty :) | 16:41 |
CB6 | by doing /j #ryzsom | 16:41 |
ActionParsnip | Nehrie: no leading space, obviously change the channel name | 16:41 |
spartan2276 | How can I fix my SSH issue "Write failed: Broken pipe" ? | 16:41 |
spartan2276 | I have tried -purging openssh and resintalling but nothing helps | 16:42 |
ActionParsnip | spartan2276: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=97003 | 16:42 |
spartan2276 | I even disabled the internal firewall for now | 16:42 |
ActionParsnip | spartan2276: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127369/how-to-prevent-write-failed-broken-pipe-on-ssh-connection | 16:42 |
CB6 | When you click the drop down menu and click "Settings" shouldn't a settings display pop up or something show up??? | 16:42 |
spartan2276 | ActionParsnip, this is not the issue as I get this on a brand new connection | 16:44 |
CB6 | About this computer and system settings don't work yet the Ubuntu Help tab does :P How weird is that? | 16:44 |
spartan2276 | ActionParsnip, but I will take a look anyway | 16:44 |
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CB6 | Going to restart and see if that goes away. | 16:45 |
ActionParsnip | spartan2276: the guides show new settings for the timeouts..... you will need to restart te openssh-server service on the server to reread the configs | 16:45 |
CB6 | OK, even after restart the drop down tab for "About this computer" and "System Settings" don't do anything when I click on them. | 16:49 |
refefer | just lost power and now networkmanager is spitting out "failed to allocate link cache: (-12) Object not found | 16:51 |
refefer | any ideas? | 16:51 |
reisio | you had to re-boot? | 16:52 |
daftykins | upon restarting it? | 16:52 |
refefer | yes | 16:52 |
refefer | the box went down | 16:52 |
refefer | turns out I can't make a network connection now | 16:53 |
ioria | refefer, sudo service network-manager restart (or start) ? | 16:53 |
refefer | same errors | 16:54 |
refefer | I can't find any information about what it means | 16:54 |
Berry | Wow. There are a looooot of people in here. | 16:55 |
ioria | refefer, ps -A | grep NetworkManager | 16:55 |
=== Vovvy is now known as DedVov | ||
OerHeks | refefer, maybe your router needs a reboot too | 16:56 |
refefer | ioria: it's running | 16:56 |
refefer | OerHeks: the rest of the machines are running fine | 16:56 |
ioria | refefer, sudo service network-manager status | 16:56 |
spartan2276 | ActionParsnip, yup I changed the setting and restart ssh and nothing. Same result | 16:57 |
Berry | Hey uh, can I ask if anyone can help with a hard-drive issue? Or two issues, for that matter? 14.04 | 16:57 |
refefer | ioria: network-manager start/running, process 4635 | 16:57 |
ioria | refefer, ifconfig ? | 16:57 |
CB6 | Berry just post your question for best results | 16:58 |
reisio | Berry: I give you permission to ask | 16:58 |
refefer | ioria: sits out both eths, just sans anything useful | 16:58 |
ioria | refefer, try to reconfigure the interface in Network Connections | 16:59 |
ioria | refefer, ip, netmask, gateway and dns | 16:59 |
ActionParsnip | spartan2276: look for guides like that, work calls | 17:00 |
Berry | Alright. So, I've been trying to get this pc operational for quite some time. I've spent over 50 hours with this special child. It has been working just fine for a while, minus not really accepting the hard drive I wanted. It simply wouldn't recognize it as a hard drive, and yet would force the computer to boot from it no matter what sata slot it was in. Which, not having an OS Installed on it, was an issue. And since it tried booting | 17:00 |
Berry | couldn't install any os onto it. Anyway, so I went with a different hard drive that worked (only ~100 gigs, but it worked). Today, I decided to try and get the hard drive working again | 17:01 |
Berry | The issue was that it recognized that there was space, like it was a flash drive, but didn't boot or give me the option to install any OS onto it. And then, when I pulled it out... well... | 17:01 |
ioria | refefer, before be sure that is present in sudo lshw -c network | 17:01 |
Berry | \ | 17:01 |
Berry | All of my games from steam are "uninstalled", and the hard drive I have been using (~100 gigs) says it is full when trying to install anything, yet in the system moniter it says it has 41 gigs left | 17:02 |
Berry | Like I said, I have spent over 50 hours trying to get this thing working. It is quite the special child, and most help online either doesn' | 17:03 |
Berry | t apply or doesn't work (sorry, enter key) | 17:03 |
Berry | So what I need help with is setting up my 1 tb hard drive to work, and fixing my 100 gig hard drive to show my games and let me install stuff again | 17:04 |
Berry | Hopefully, to just only need to use the 1tb hard drive and just toss the 100 gig one | 17:05 |
Berry | Is anyone able to help? | 17:08 |
refefer | ioria: seems broken. anyway I can bipass network manager? | 17:08 |
ioria | refefer, can you paste ifconfig ? | 17:09 |
ioria | refefer, yes... /editing etc/network/interfaces | 17:09 |
refefer | ioria: I have to transcribe: what are you looking for? | 17:10 |
refefer | ioria: the machine doesn't have network so I can copy whatever you're looking for | 17:11 |
ioria | refefer, ethernet shows up in sudo lshw -c network ? | 17:12 |
cuddylier | Anyone know why after doing apt-get update then apt-get upgrade and rebooting, that my kernel version remained 3.13.0-24-generic? Surely it couldn't be the latest as I last updated about a year ago, on 14.04. | 17:13 |
refefer | ioria: yes, shoes up with logical name: eth0 | 17:14 |
refefer | shows* | 17:14 |
ioria | refefer, the driver ? something like driver=r8169 | 17:15 |
cluelessperson | hey guys | 17:16 |
xangua | cuddylier: if you want a later kernel, you can install Vivid release kernel in Trusty via official repositories | 17:17 |
cuddylier | I see | 17:17 |
xangua | vivid kernel is 3.19 | 17:17 |
cuddylier | I was googling and found people saying that apt-get install linux-generic | 17:17 |
cuddylier | Will force an upgrade when I then do apt-get upgrade again? | 17:18 |
spartan2276 | ActionParsnip, wow now I'm just getting a connection refused WTF | 17:18 |
xangua | cuddylier: sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-vivid | 17:18 |
xangua | it's part ofHardware Enablement Stack https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack | 17:18 |
cuddylier | xangua: This definitely won't mess anything up yeah or at least a high chance it won't? | 17:18 |
cuddylier | And will be the same as what I have now really apart from updated? | 17:19 |
refefer | ioria: driver=e1000e | 17:19 |
skinux | Is there any software that can test my RAM to tell me if any of it has gone bad? | 17:21 |
ioria | refefer, run sudo ifup eth0 and check again ifconfig | 17:21 |
Kali_Yuga | how was that website fixubuntu called I can't find it anymore? | 17:21 |
xangua | !adlens | Kali_Yuga | 17:22 |
ubottu | Kali_Yuga: To hide online search results in Ubuntu Unity, go to System Settings > Security and Privacy > Search and toggle the option off. | 17:22 |
CB6 | I may have found the issue "restart: Unknown job: nmdb" | 17:22 |
xangua | cuddylier: shoudl't since it's part of ubutu Official repositories | 17:22 |
CB6 | Do I need to install something other than samba to get the network share to go through? | 17:22 |
Pici | CB6: nope. | 17:23 |
refefer | ioria: it's running DHCPDISCOVER across a number of ports and intervals to, which doesn't seem right | 17:24 |
cakephp722 | Hello everyone | 17:24 |
cakephp722 | I got a questions | 17:24 |
ponyofdeath | what is the best way to create a directory for /var/run/ ? in rc.local? if the thing trying to creat the pid does not have a startup service? | 17:24 |
ioria | refefer, but it's on in ifconfig ? | 17:24 |
cuddylier | xangua: After I installed that, I did apt-get upgrade and it says everything is already up-to-date. | 17:25 |
cakephp722 | regardless goddady shared hosting to digitalocean 5$ a month VPS, should I switch? what is best? | 17:25 |
cakephp722 | I got a questions | 17:25 |
cakephp722 | regardless goddady shared hosting to digitalocean 5$ a month VPS, should I switch? what is best? | 17:25 |
refefer | ioria: it's showing up in ifconfig, though not with an ip | 17:26 |
ioria | refefer, we configure it with one .... what's the ip of you router ? | 17:26 |
ioria | *r | 17:26 |
cakephp722 | I got a questions | 17:26 |
cakephp722 | regardless goddady shared hosting to digitalocean 5$ a month VPS, should I switch? what is best? | 17:26 |
refefer | ioria: standard | 17:26 |
CB6 | This version must have some bugs big time for smb because when I click on the network drive on Ubuntu it straight up closes out lol | 17:27 |
CB6 | godaddy hosting has never been reliable | 17:27 |
CB6 | Liquidweb is solid | 17:27 |
ioria | refefer, if you right click on the icon (if you have it) choose 'edit connection' | 17:27 |
refefer | ioria: can we do it from command line? | 17:27 |
dfinn | auto update keeps filling up /boot on us because it appears to never purge any of the old kernels. is there a fix for this that doesn't require manual intervention? on RHEL based systems you can specify a number of kernels to keep, is that an option on ubuntu? | 17:27 |
CB6 | I've been using liquidweb hosting for years and have never had an issue with them | 17:28 |
ioria | refefer, mmmm ... no, if we use NetMan | 17:28 |
ioria | refefer, just few clicks ... | 17:28 |
CB6 | Considering this result "restart: Unknown job: nmdb" would that make samba shares impossible? | 17:28 |
xangua | dfinn: sudo apt-get autoremove should leave you with just the last 2 kernels | 17:28 |
dfinn | I'm trying to come up with a solution that does NOT require manual intervention | 17:29 |
xangua | cuddylier: you need to restart to start using the kernel | 17:29 |
dfinn | putting that in cron seems like kind of a hack | 17:29 |
cuddylier | xangua: Ah okay, will do now. | 17:29 |
=== christoph is now known as Guest2655 | ||
daftykins | dfinn: there isn't one, make /boot a proper size (or preferably don't even use a separate one) then just be sure to run some regular maintenance :) | 17:31 |
dfinn | that's really unfortunate | 17:31 |
=== zengine_ is now known as zengine | ||
daftykins | not really :) | 17:32 |
daftykins | dfinn: there's also managing with landscape | 17:32 |
JustCurious | Hi, I work on Ubuntu 12.04. I want the system to ask me if I really want to move any file to the trash before doing it. How do I do it? | 17:32 |
JustCurious | is there any way to make Ubuntu confirm if you want to delete any file (Nautilus)? | 17:35 |
JustCurious | sorry for my English | 17:36 |
daftykins | since you can get it back, why do you need confirmation? | 17:36 |
reisio | ^ | 17:36 |
JustCurious | but in shared carpet NTFS-3g, if I delete any file or folder, I can't get it back | 17:38 |
reisio | shared carpet? | 17:38 |
JustCurious | linux windows | 17:38 |
JustCurious | a mounted ... | 17:38 |
JustCurious | device? | 17:38 |
Novice201y | Hello. I didn't have sound on Lubuntu so I install pulseaudio. Sound appeared, but after reboot I hear nothing. Please help. | 17:38 |
reisio | JustCurious: nautilus > edit > preferences > behavior | 17:39 |
daftykins | hmm carpeting in your OS, nice | 17:39 |
daftykins | feels good under the feet i guess | 17:40 |
reisio | yeah | 17:40 |
reisio | harder to clean | 17:40 |
=== DedVov is now known as SRVovvy | ||
JustCurious | it does not work | 17:40 |
reisio | expensive if not made of plastic | 17:40 |
daftykins | JustCurious: NTFS is different. | 17:40 |
daftykins | don't you get a /.Trash#### ? | 17:40 |
reisio | probably any separate FS is | 17:40 |
JustCurious | well yes but it's complicated, for some big files they get erased forever | 17:41 |
JustCurious | in NTFS | 17:41 |
reisio | anyway, asked & answered | 17:42 |
JustCurious | OK THANKS | 17:42 |
fotografisto | Saluton! | 17:44 |
fotografisto | Kie estas esperanto ubuntu helpa kanalo? | 17:45 |
daftykins | fotografisto: no, English only. | 17:46 |
fotografisto | daftykins cxu vi povas paroli esperanton? | 17:49 |
daftykins | !english | fotografisto | 17:50 |
ubottu | fotografisto: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList | 17:50 |
Gallomimia | hello there. i 've had ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed on this particular configuration of system for about 4 months now. I've gone through updates of the kernel some 20 times. During installation, and after ever single kernel update grub-probe reports eighty bazillion crashes. ubuntu claims to send error reports to the appropriate people, but if it were enough details, someone would have fixed it by now!! can anyone suggest a course of | 17:50 |
Gallomimia | action to provide better reports or find a solution to this..... i don't even know if its a problem. thanks | 17:50 |
OerHeks | !eo | 17:51 |
ubottu | Iru al #ubuntu-eo, Bonvole. | 17:51 |
wad | (14.04 LTS 64-bit) I'm doing an "apt-get upgrade", and it's stalled on this step: update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.13.0-35-generic | 17:52 |
wad | I don't think this has happened to me before. | 17:52 |
wad | It's kind of terrifying... I really need this computer to boot! | 17:53 |
daftykins | wad: show a pastebin of everything, we can't go by snippets. | 17:53 |
* wad stares at the terminal, hoping it will continue with the upgrade. | 17:53 | |
wad | Sure! | 17:53 |
wad | http://pastebin.com/EANzzFfZ | 17:54 |
wad | It's still stuck on this step. :( | 17:55 |
daftykins | wad: yeah so there's nothing wrong there | 17:55 |
urda | hey if I want to check a string in bash for it being not empty / null is it [[ -n $str ]] or [ -n $str ] | 17:56 |
daftykins | apache is just saying your hostname isn't an FQDN, aka fully qualified domain name | 17:56 |
daftykins | urda: ask in #bash | 17:56 |
wad | Oh, yeah that part is fine. | 17:56 |
urda | daftykins my bad | 17:56 |
urda | :( | 17:56 |
wad | The problem is that "apt-get upgrade" is stuck on the last step in that pastebin. | 17:56 |
daftykins | wad: so it's just that it's been hanging there a while? | 17:56 |
wad | It is still doing it. | 17:56 |
wad | Yes, for about 10 minutes now. | 17:56 |
wad | It's never taken this long before. | 17:56 |
wad | the CPUs are bored.... what is it doing? | 17:57 |
daftykins | wad: ctrl+c it, it won't be a problem - bear in mind you have multiple kernels installed so there's always a fallback option | 17:57 |
daftykins | wad: once it breaks properly, try an "apt-get -f install" | 17:57 |
wad | ok | 17:57 |
wad | CTRL-C doesn't abort it. | 17:57 |
wad | Will kill the process. | 17:57 |
Gallomimia | yep. why to never run autoremove until after a successful reboot | 17:58 |
daftykins | even autoremove gives you one older kernel | 17:58 |
daftykins | so i'd say that's moot | 17:58 |
wad | I'm gonna reboot. Wish me luck! | 17:59 |
daftykins | wat | 17:59 |
poo | h | 17:59 |
poo | d | 17:59 |
poo | d | 17:59 |
poo | d | 17:59 |
poo | d | 17:59 |
poo | dd | 18:00 |
zerco | hey guys, i get an error accessing an externa harddrive from Steam: "New Steam library folde rmust be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions" | 18:02 |
zerco | any idea what to do to fix this? | 18:03 |
daftykins | zerco: share a pastebin of "mount" in the terminal please. | 18:03 |
P_Kable | hi there | 18:07 |
daftykins | lo | 18:07 |
P_Kable | mi mdadm raid stopped working | 18:07 |
P_Kable | been 6 to 8 weeks | 18:07 |
P_Kable | any help would be greatly appreciated please | 18:07 |
daftykins | so you've no idea what's happened? | 18:08 |
P_Kable | nope | 18:08 |
Gallomimia | describe your configuration | 18:08 |
daftykins | was your OS installed to it, or was it pure storage? | 18:08 |
Gallomimia | so is the adm tool not working? or can you not bring the raid up/ | 18:08 |
P_Kable | pure storage | 18:08 |
P_Kable | cant bring the raid up | 18:09 |
daftykins | so share some dmesg output | 18:09 |
daftykins | http://paste.ubuntu.com | 18:09 |
wad | Yay, it's fixed. | 18:10 |
P_Kable | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11954935/ | 18:10 |
daftykins | wad: btw you can run "sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade" and get a lovely progress bar, without having to wait for one command to complete. dist-upgrade is also a bit nicer then just 'upgrade' | 18:11 |
P_Kable | So, 7 drives, 2T each, raid5 | 18:11 |
Gallomimia | wad thats the command i use to the letter | 18:12 |
P_Kable | and suddenly it stopped working | 18:12 |
Gallomimia | that's frightening P_Kable because i have a raid 5 with 2T nodes too | 18:12 |
daftykins | P_Kable: hmm guess dmesg doesn't show any mdadm info | 18:12 |
Gallomimia | so...... disk utilities? | 18:13 |
P_Kable | Well, I tried to clean and re assemble | 18:13 |
Gallomimia | what does that tell you? | 18:13 |
daftykins | eek | 18:13 |
P_Kable | it says /dev/sdx ios busy | 18:13 |
Gallomimia | anything else involved? dmcrypt and lvm2? | 18:13 |
daftykins | P_Kable: have you cheked the SMART info of every member disk? | 18:13 |
daftykins | in case one is faulty | 18:13 |
P_Kable | no, it says busy for most of them | 18:13 |
P_Kable | but they are not busy | 18:13 |
daftykins | hrmm | 18:14 |
Gallomimia | i wonder if lsof is a good thing to tell you who's caught the resources? | 18:14 |
daftykins | well none of them should even be mounted by themselves | 18:14 |
daftykins | so i doubt any file accesses should be going on | 18:14 |
daftykins | plus it's RAID so they'd not see files on a single disk | 18:14 |
Gallomimia | won't something report their dev blockfiles somewher? | 18:14 |
daftykins | i don't know what you mean by 'dev blockfiles' | 18:15 |
Gallomimia | like /dev/sdx | 18:15 |
P_Kable | lsof | grep /dev/sd = nothing | 18:15 |
daftykins | P_Kable: wouldn't hurt to be doing this from a live session rather than your install perhaps | 18:15 |
Gallomimia | well. that idea is moot | 18:15 |
P_Kable | daftykins: | 18:15 |
P_Kable | ok | 18:15 |
Gallomimia | wait | 18:15 |
Gallomimia | okay nevermind | 18:15 |
P_Kable | ... | 18:15 |
daftykins | hmm | 18:15 |
Gallomimia | couldn't find if this was your install or not | 18:16 |
daftykins | whilst you're there, what does "cat /proc/mdstat" give? | 18:16 |
daftykins | couldn't find? it was one of the first things i asked | 18:16 |
P_Kable | Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10] | 18:16 |
P_Kable | md127 : inactive sdb1[2](S) sdd1[7](S) sde1[5](S) sda[8](S) sdf1[4](S) sdg1[1](S) sdh[9](S) | 18:16 |
P_Kable | 13674584397 blocks super 1.2 | 18:16 |
P_Kable | 18:16 | |
P_Kable | unused devices: <none> | 18:16 |
daftykins | !paste | 18:16 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 18:16 |
Gallomimia | daftykins: i saw your question but didn't see the answer. had to scroll up | 18:16 |
daftykins | P_Kable: can you throw it in a pastebin as above? | 18:17 |
daftykins | maybe try "mdadm --detail /dev/md0" also | 18:17 |
P_Kable | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11954989/ | 18:18 |
daftykins | and the other command? | 18:18 |
P_Kable | mdadm: cannot open /dev/md0: No such file or directory | 18:18 |
Gallomimia | you need md127 not md0 | 18:18 |
daftykins | yeah | 18:18 |
P_Kable | mdadm: md device /dev/md127 does not appear to be active. | 18:18 |
Gallomimia | was your raid always named md127 or was it md0 ?? | 18:19 |
P_Kable | 127 | 18:19 |
daftykins | which is an oddly huge number of numbers to skip | 18:19 |
Gallomimia | k | 18:19 |
Gallomimia | that's what mine called itself after a lot of config errors made it blow up | 18:19 |
Gallomimia | i had nothing on the raid yet so i cleared and remade it | 18:19 |
daftykins | P_Kable: boot a live session now and check the SMART on each disk i think - wouldn't want to take any action before seeing what's up | 18:19 |
P_Kable | ok, I'll do this tomorrow | 18:20 |
P_Kable | thanks guys see you later | 18:20 |
Gallomimia | good luck | 18:20 |
Gallomimia | i really feel for him :O | 18:20 |
daftykins | and this is why i love my hardware RAID controllers | 18:20 |
Gallomimia | i've got the exact same setup. all the details look roughly the same | 18:20 |
Gallomimia | except mine is total storage. boot, home, everything | 18:21 |
dt16 | hello | 18:21 |
Gallomimia | hello | 18:21 |
daftykins | yeah i'd never put the OS on one :) | 18:21 |
Gallomimia | i did it for speed | 18:21 |
daftykins | you lose so much more hair over that noise | 18:21 |
daftykins | hah | 18:21 |
daftykins | RAID5 is wrong if you want speed | 18:21 |
Gallomimia | yeah i only had the 3 drives tho | 18:21 |
Gallomimia | i almost bought a 4th and made raid 10 | 18:22 |
daftykins | ugh the minimum too | 18:22 |
daftykins | anyway, must stay on topic. | 18:22 |
=== rusty is now known as Guest92255 | ||
Gallomimia | if i can, i'm looking for details about lvm2's new dm-cache integration | 18:22 |
Gallomimia | cause i want to implement a couple SSD's onto that setup for "actual" speed | 18:22 |
Novice201y | Hello. I've got problem with installing generator for yo. | 18:23 |
Jamie_1 | does anyone know the smallest version/distro of ubuntu that i can install with a 1gb flashdrive? | 18:28 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: just use mini.iso | 18:28 |
daftykins | !mini | 18:28 |
ubottu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 18:28 |
Jamie_1 | daftykins: i should be able to install the full ubuntu with the whole lightdm and all using the command line? | 18:29 |
rocketeer37 | Whatever happened to the group and tab plugin in compiz? I can't find in CCSM anymore, and the solution given here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1180057) doesn't work for me | 18:29 |
dt16 | hello | 18:29 |
rocketeer37 | The site I'm supposed to get the source from is down or gone | 18:29 |
rocketeer37 | Hi dt16 | 18:29 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: yes | 18:29 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: one command no less, given a working network connection | 18:29 |
Jamie_1 | okay.... the version of ubuntu that came on my laptop was faulty... so i need to do a fresh install of ubuntu.... ugh | 18:30 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: what machine? | 18:30 |
Jamie_1 | lenovo think pad t420 | 18:31 |
daftykins | didn't think Lenovo did ubuntu machines? | 18:31 |
Jamie_1 | no... its from mozilla | 18:31 |
daftykins | from mozilla? what? | 18:32 |
Jamie_1 | they sent it to me | 18:32 |
Gallomimia | i have grown a strong distrust for that organization given their recent cellphone OS's insistence that every program be run as SaaS | 18:32 |
Jamie_1 | one of them put ubuntu 14.04 on it... and apparently did it wrong... not sure how you do that | 18:32 |
Gallomimia | isn't it possible to get ubuntu fixed if something runs? | 18:33 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: so what's going on? | 18:34 |
daftykins | Gallomimia: this isn't a chat channel. #ubuntu-offtopic for that please | 18:34 |
Jamie_1 | well a lot of programs will not install right... some of them when installed dont actually show up as installed... also the graphics are glitching out here and there | 18:34 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: this might actually be down to hardware spec and not the install, what approach are you going to take? | 18:36 |
wileee | Jamie_1, One issue at a time clearly described will be what's needed, for help. ;) | 18:36 |
Jamie_1 | i was gonna re-install... not sure of any other solutions to reconfigure for hardware after installation | 18:36 |
zerco | daftykins "ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume 'LABEL=Seagate': No such file or directory | 18:36 |
zerco | " | 18:36 |
Shogoot | Hi people. Im quite new to Linux and im trying to surf the jungle of sowtware out there. Could you guys push me in the right diretion? I want to set up 2-3 virutaul servers on a linux machine running ubuntu server. Has to be open source and free as in i can use it privately :) Any tips? | 18:37 |
daftykins | zerco: sorry, what's this about? | 18:37 |
wileee | Shogoot, use the ubuntu repos. | 18:37 |
Jamie_1 | as far a i know daftykins there is not way to reconfigure for hardware after install | 18:37 |
zerco | im having trouble writing Steam files to an external harddrive | 18:37 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: rubbish | 18:37 |
OerHeks | Shogoot, install virtualbox and have fun | 18:37 |
Shogoot | wilee toes ubutnu has some native vvirtualization cluster stuff? | 18:38 |
zerco | daftykins so i made a folder in /media/Seagate and chown -R $Username. Put the UUID in /etc/fstab and tried to mount but i still get this error | 18:38 |
wileee | Shogoot, Not sure in that area, is all. | 18:38 |
daftykins | zerco: ah don't use NTFS for steam games imo | 18:38 |
Jamie_1 | how would i got about that? also it wont let me force the system to run make it run make 3.8 | 18:39 |
daftykins | jamesd_: anyway, download the mini.iso - throw it on the flash drive, boot it with a hardwired network cable into your router and see if networking works fine - then you can just wipe it and start afresh - pulling the whole unity desktop down over the internet | 18:39 |
zerco | daftykins: i just switched from windows, i cannot format the harddisk at the moment. Is it possible to use the harddisk as NTFS? | 18:39 |
daftykins | zerco: yes, but what caused the error you pasted? | 18:39 |
wileee | rocketeer37, your link is dated, June 6th, 2009 use up to date info. | 18:40 |
zerco | daftykins: i get this error on steam when using the external harddrive. "New Steam library folder must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions" | 18:40 |
mknawabi | hey all.. i'm trying to get some 32bit software compiled. don't really use ubuntu but decided to try 10.04 with fort77 | 18:41 |
daftykins | zerco: oh yeah now i remember, so you've yet to show me "mount" in a pastebin | 18:41 |
mknawabi | i need to compile w/ f77 -m32 -- how do i get the 32bit libs for a program? | 18:41 |
mknawabi | somewhat like yum install gcc-compat in RH/fed | 18:41 |
daftykins | zerco: open the terminal app, run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "mount | pastebinit" and paste me the link here | 18:41 |
rocketeer37 | wileee: I can't find a more up to date thread with the group and tab window plugin, that's the point | 18:41 |
daftykins | mknawabi: 10.04 is no longer supported. | 18:41 |
wileee | rocketeer37, compiz has changed in that time, and my guess is your on a wild goose chase is all. | 18:42 |
mknawabi | daftykins: cool. i'm asking a generic question | 18:42 |
mknawabi | how do you install i686 packages | 18:42 |
OerHeks | !build | 18:42 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 18:42 |
wileee | you're* | 18:42 |
OerHeks | but useless if the repo servers are down | 18:42 |
rocketeer37 | wileee: I also looked at this (https://launchpad.net/compiz-group-plugin) but I don't have the skills to actually get that installed (2011) | 18:42 |
tgm4883 | mknawabi: from the repos you would add ':i386' to the package name | 18:42 |
daftykins | mknawabi: yeah but it's important, 'cause normal practices won't work :) | 18:43 |
mknawabi | daftykins: i'm sure apt maintains the same functionality, bro | 18:43 |
mknawabi | ;) | 18:43 |
Jamie_1 | daftykins: is it possible to use the 14.04 net install? | 18:43 |
mknawabi | if you know of a repo that has 10.04 packages, yes | 18:43 |
rocketeer37 | wileee: is there any way to attach windows to each other then, creating groups? Or to do something like attaching windows to each other with tabs, ala haiku? | 18:43 |
wileee | rocketeer37, Are you actually sure this is the fix, or are you guessing is my question, from here you look lost is all. ;) | 18:43 |
zerco | daftykins: i installed and mount | pastebinit in terminal but i get "Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key | 18:44 |
zerco | " as a result | 18:44 |
rocketeer37 | wileee: I'm pretty lost actually | 18:44 |
daftykins | Jamie_1: yes that's what the mini.iso i've been referring to from the start, is | 18:44 |
rocketeer37 | That looks like the plugin, and it seems I can still download it, but I have no idea how to actually make it work | 18:44 |
Jamie_1 | oh... there is also a mini iso that is just the the bare bones... I have used the to build a distro before.... | 18:44 |
wileee | rocketeer37, Yes, not familiar with what you imagine is possible. ;) | 18:44 |
daftykins | zerco: ok run "mount" by itself then paste it into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 18:44 |
rocketeer37 | alright, I'll keep looking | 18:45 |
wileee | rocketeer37, Just use a cli desktop if you want this, would be my answer. | 18:46 |
wileee | not exactly the same buit closer | 18:46 |
wileee | but* | 18:46 |
zerco | daftykins: oke i posted the result | 18:47 |
zerco | daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11955146/ | 18:48 |
daftykins | zerco: you have to share the link here | 18:48 |
daftykins | yay | 18:48 |
zerco | daftykins: its about the sdb1 on line 20 | 18:49 |
daftykins | yeah spotted it ;) | 18:49 |
daftykins | zerco: ok so you plugged it in then clicked on it through nautilus, i take it? | 18:49 |
zerco | daftykins: exactly | 18:49 |
OerHeks | is it a name with spaces? : " Seagate Backup Plus Drive" | 18:50 |
daftykins | zerco: yeah that's not gonna work. hit the eject button in nautilus beside it | 18:50 |
daftykins | OerHeks: yeah but i think it's the auto permissions on it that are preventing it working | 18:50 |
proq | where can I find the latest ubuntu hardware support page for whether the Acer Aspire Switch 10 is supported by ubuntu? | 18:50 |
zerco | daftykins: ok i unmounted the drive | 18:51 |
proq | !hardwaresupport | 18:51 |
bekks | !hcl | proq | 18:51 |
ubottu | proq: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 18:51 |
daftykins | zerco: now in the terminal type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o user,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000" | 18:52 |
daftykins | zerco: that should complete cleanly (i.e. no output) but shout if there was an error | 18:52 |
wileee | proq, Be aware that ubuntu's certified is a small list comparatively, a lot of stuff runs and is not there. | 18:52 |
zerco | daftykins, done that with no errors | 18:52 |
daftykins | zerco: alright now repeat the pastebin of "mount" and try to tell steam to install to /mnt | 18:53 |
pyrony | greetings | 18:54 |
pyrony | Can any of you point me in the right direction to get this LaunchPad package installed on Trusty? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/criu | 18:55 |
zerco | daftykins: "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting." when doing pastebinit, But when trying to add /mnt as the folder for steam it gives me the same error about no permissions | 18:55 |
daftykins | zerco: no i meant type "mount" and paste it manually again as before | 18:55 |
proq | bummer. that laptop isn't on the list and most of the list is more than seven years old | 18:55 |
daftykins | proq: bought one or thinking of it? | 18:56 |
proq | daftykins: looking for one | 18:56 |
=== dearn_ is now known as dearn | ||
daftykins | 2-in-1's with Linux look like a nightmare waiting to happen | 18:57 |
proq | ohhh... that's a bluetooth keyboard, isn't it? | 18:58 |
zerco | daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11955202/ | 18:58 |
OerHeks | pyrony, criu 1.6 depends on kernel 3.19 .. so i guess you better upgrade/do fresh 15.04 install | 18:58 |
pyrony | : ( | 18:58 |
proq | yeah, I don't want it to use a bluetooth keyboard | 18:58 |
pyrony | Where does it say that? I'd like to understand how you knew | 18:59 |
pyrony | And what about an older version.. 1.4.1? | 18:59 |
OerHeks | pyrony, i looked back in the archives, and found Gabriel' s ppa with the kernelpatch https://launchpad.net/~gabriellimaguimaraes/+archive/ubuntu/criu | 19:00 |
pyrony | OerHeks: thank you! | 19:00 |
OerHeks | pyrony, there are more ppa's with older versions, i am not sure maybe you better build it yourself. | 19:01 |
pyrony | OerHeks: yes, I am happy to just build it myself | 19:02 |
=== Sewerrat_ is now known as Sewerrat | ||
OerHeks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=criu | 19:02 |
daftykins | zerco: you are trying to use a folder on the disk right? not just point Steam to /mnt/ ? | 19:03 |
zerco | daftykins, im trying to use a folder indeed | 19:03 |
daftykins | ok one sec | 19:05 |
wileee | proq, Your research should be in general on individual hardware, if you want to be sure you have a usable setup, if you want accuracy or close to anyway. | 19:05 |
daftykins | zerco: ok run "ls -al /mnt" and pastebin that | 19:06 |
rocketeer37 | Is there a way that I can set windows to not just always on top, but that nothing else can go under them? | 19:06 |
rocketeer37 | So a window that claims that space and nothing else can go there? | 19:07 |
zerco | daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11955270/ its about SteamLibrary2 | 19:09 |
wileee | rocketeer37, YOU might look at this, it will give a little more info on what to expect and your responsibilities if you want help. http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 19:09 |
rocketeer37 | wileee: will do | 19:09 |
daftykins | zerco: alright lets try again, "sudo umount /dev/sdb1" then "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /mnt -o exec,uid=1000,gid=1000" and try again | 19:10 |
wileee | rocketeer37, Like to see you have some success. ;) | 19:10 |
rocketeer37 | Thanks! | 19:10 |
zerco | daftykins: ok done | 19:12 |
jak2000 | hi all | 19:12 |
daftykins | lo | 19:13 |
jak2000 | i configured my network card (static ip, netmask, gw) and resolv.conf put nameserver cant do a ping to google.com why? | 19:13 |
daftykins | jak2000: check "ip route" reports 'default via...' then the correct IP of your router | 19:13 |
Raulwynn | wileee: Well I made a fool of myself on here the other day and I just wanted to apologize to everyone who was on here. | 19:14 |
wileee | Raulwynn, join the club, free beer. | 19:15 |
wileee | ;) | 19:15 |
Raulwynn | I think that was my issue. So, do you want to know what was causing the problem? | 19:15 |
jak2000 | the ip of the virtual linux is: one line: ip route: default via dev eth0 | 19:16 |
daftykins | jak2000: oh so it's a VM networked from your host PC huh? | 19:16 |
daftykins | jak2000: which virt tech and what network setup? bridging, host only or NAT, etc? | 19:16 |
wileee | Raulwynn, Not sure whom your addressing but I don't remember anything but your nick. I would just state the issue to the channel. | 19:17 |
Raulwynn | Alright. No worries. | 19:17 |
Raulwynn | I'm trying to play WoW on Ubuntu | 19:17 |
Raulwynn | WoW and D3 as my comp is not compatable with win7 and XP doesn't have support/updates anymore. | 19:18 |
daftykins | not compatible? it must be really rubbish | 19:18 |
wileee | Raulwynn, Windows seems important to you, have you confirmed this W7 issue on ##windows, or even by calling MS. W7 as I remember worked fine at one point. | 19:20 |
Raulwynn | Yes I have | 19:20 |
Raulwynn | even Dell says that Win7 is not supported. | 19:20 |
zerco | daftykins, still the same error on steam :( | 19:20 |
wileee | Raulwynn, On that computer model? | 19:21 |
daftykins | zerco: ah well, i go back to my earlier suggestion that it really shouldn't be NTFS to put the library on | 19:21 |
daftykins | zerco: seem to be plenty of google results to that error and situation though | 19:21 |
Raulwynn | wileee: The motherboard will not run pcie and the video card pulls iqrl errors. | 19:21 |
gallomimia | Ah much better. Chat client fixed. So can anyone tell me about my error with grub-probe I posted about some time ago? | 19:21 |
daftykins | i forgot it already | 19:21 |
Bieflap | Hey all, as a rookie i was wondering what it would take to host a few domains on 1 machine with domains having a different mail agent, some internal, some external? A-records, configuring host files, etc seems a bit daunting. | 19:22 |
gallomimia | it dumps core 100% of the time it runs | 19:22 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: what is it, AGP graphics? | 19:22 |
Raulwynn | and because the ddr2 ram runs, it doesn't recognise it. causing paging in nonpaged area errors. | 19:22 |
zerco | daftykins: okay thanks for your help daftykins! | 19:22 |
wileee | Raulwynn, I know nothing on gaming so, best of luck. | 19:22 |
Raulwynn | No. I'm running nvidia gtx 660 | 19:22 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: because what? DDR2 works fine with win7 :P | 19:22 |
Raulwynn | wileee: Thank you | 19:22 |
Raulwynn | daftykins: I'm just going off of what the MS guy said | 19:22 |
jak2000 | daftykins Bridged, the host pc have this info: | 19:22 |
gallomimia | Raulwynn: if its not pcie wtih a gtx660 what is it? | 19:23 |
Raulwynn | gallomimia: It is pcie and gtx660 | 19:23 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: ok, i don't really believe it | 19:23 |
Raulwynn | It's something the microsoft guy was telling me | 19:23 |
gallomimia | believe microsoft. directX is great! | 19:24 |
daftykins | jak2000: can you ping ? | 19:24 |
wileee | I will say the times I've called MS I had to school them | 19:24 |
Raulwynn | Okay. I don't know much technical stuff... | 19:24 |
gallomimia | so the mobo won't turn on its pcie devices?? | 19:24 |
daftykins | wll regardless this isn't a Windows support channel. | 19:24 |
daftykins | *well | 19:24 |
Raulwynn | gallomimia: I have XP and that runs the videocard with drivers fine. I have Ubuntu and that runs the videocard with drivers fine but Win 7 crashes. | 19:25 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: right so where's the ubuntu support question? | 19:25 |
Raulwynn | I'm trying to get Diablo III to run on Ubuntu but exe files aren't read here... Where do I start? | 19:26 |
Raulwynn | I don't know much on linux. I'm sorry. | 19:26 |
gallomimia | k no one seems to know about my 50 grub-probe crashes on every single kernel update... another question: i have screwed up my video settings. it turned out to be two problems: fixed the one to let me see unity. but in command-line mode (eg ctrl-alt-F1-F6) or while booting (after grub shows) i get a blank screen, with a purple strip over the top. and only one monitor displays. Any idea where i can go to fix this? | 19:27 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: go check out 'playonlinux' | 19:27 |
zykotick9 | Raulwynn: try searching https://appdb.winehq.org/ to see if it runs with wine | 19:27 |
zykotick9 | Raulwynn: note playonlinux is a frontend for wine | 19:27 |
gallomimia | wine works great for me to play bliz games. | 19:27 |
gallomimia | not the best stability but it runs good graphics | 19:27 |
k1l_ | Raulwynn: see the wine app db what version to run best for that game and what workarounds need to be done | 19:28 |
gallomimia | they have their own channel at #winehq | 19:28 |
Raulwynn | They do, awesome! | 19:28 |
wileee | gallomimia, On the grub issue, have you modified it with a gui, or at all? | 19:29 |
gallomimia | and mysteriously enough i've found my tinkerings with wine to be a good experience. things seem to work just magically | 19:29 |
gallomimia | wileee: no. it always crashed. on initial install, and on every single new kernel version | 19:30 |
gallomimia | and not just once either. it spams the terminal for 40+ lines | 19:30 |
wileee | gallomimia, would the info be pertinent here in a pastebin? | 19:31 |
gallomimia | uh... i don't think i have any available | 19:31 |
wileee | gallomimia, what does a sudo update-grub show | 19:31 |
gallomimia | i shall pastebin that | 19:31 |
wileee | with command in that paste | 19:32 |
gallomimia | yes shows that perfectly | 19:32 |
wileee | gallomimia, This computer have more than one HD, and is it a efi setup? | 19:33 |
jak2000 | daftykins cant | 19:33 |
gallomimia | wileee: http://pastebin.com/N9SHnyZr | 19:33 |
daftykins | jak2000: then something is messed up with your setup | 19:33 |
Raulwynn | What would be the sudo command to install pastebin? | 19:33 |
daftykins | jak2000: perhaps you need IP forwarding on, what virt tech are you using? | 19:34 |
gallomimia | wileee: it's a raid5 with dmcrypt and lvm2 on top of it | 19:34 |
gallomimia | and yes efi | 19:34 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 19:34 |
Raulwynn | daftykins: Thanks | 19:34 |
daftykins | !manual | Raulwynn since you're a new user you might find this helpful | 19:35 |
ubottu | Raulwynn since you're a new user you might find this helpful: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 19:35 |
jak2000 | .vmware | 19:35 |
jak2000 | daftykins vmware | 19:35 |
daftykins | jak2000: which one? workstation? | 19:35 |
jak2000 | if i configure as a nat and dhcp i can ping | 19:35 |
wileee | gallomimia, So how does those errors appear, where is that from? | 19:35 |
jak2000 | VMPlayer | 19:35 |
gallomimia | Raulwynn: welcome to ubunu :D | 19:35 |
daftykins | jak2000: well it should be bridged and DHCP... likely these IPs you speak of are on host only. | 19:35 |
Raulwynn | Thanks. :) So much different and seemingly better than windows. | 19:35 |
daftykins | Raulwynn: everything has its' problems | 19:35 |
gallomimia | wileee: that was the command you requested, along with a pipe to pastebinit which reported empty input. it also shows upon every kernel update, and when i installed ubuntu in the first place | 19:36 |
gallomimia | Raulwynn: my favorite part of ubuntu is that yes, it breaks and has problems, but unlike other OS, you can usually come in here and get help from some real good folks. | 19:36 |
daftykins | that's silly, you can get help on any OS | 19:37 |
wileee | gallomimia, Any other OS on the HD or HD's, if so what? | 19:37 |
gallomimia | yes, but it's not from good folks :P | 19:37 |
gallomimia | wileee: no. but the /boot partition is separate from all the raid/crypt mess i mentioned | 19:38 |
Raulwynn | gallomimia: I agree the microsoft and windows IRC kinda sucks. | 19:38 |
Eowaden | Hello =) | 19:38 |
k1l_ | gallomimia: what ubuntu is that exactly? what other OS are there? is it encrypted? | 19:38 |
gallomimia | k1l_: i used the ubuntu server installer to perform this install. it is encrypted. i don't know other OS :P but i used to be big on mac and hung out in #macosx and the people stopped being such nice folks | 19:39 |
jak2000 | daftykins are you there? | 19:39 |
jak2000 | wich is wrong? | 19:39 |
daftykins | your setup | 19:39 |
xubudntu | Hey guys. I just did a fresh install of xubuntu from a usb drive. Now, when I boot up, it goes to a blinking cursor and stays there =< | 19:39 |
xubudntu | No grub, no splash screens. Just a blinking cursor. | 19:39 |
jak2000 | if i configure as a nat and dhcp i can ping | 19:39 |
jak2000 | to outside | 19:39 |
k1l_ | gallomimia: i dont care what friends you date :) i am just talking about that system: what OSs are installed there or were installed? was it just a totally clean ubuntu install with plain ubuntu grub? | 19:39 |
MonkeyDust | !nomodeset | xubudntu | 19:40 |
ubottu | xubudntu: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 19:40 |
Eowaden | can someone one help me for ssh key auth ? | 19:40 |
gallomimia | k1l_: zero. no other OS has ever run on this pc, except an older version of ubuntu on another single drive | 19:40 |
xubudntu | MonkeyDust, sounds right, but how do I get into the filesystem to change the nomodeset parameter if I can't boot up past a blinking cursor? | 19:40 |
k1l_ | gallomimia: i just found a huge fedora bug report to that issue. and that seems to be caused by upgrades from fedora | 19:40 |
daftykins | Eowaden: you have to ask a complete question for someone to respond | 19:40 |
Eowaden | it ask me a passphrase every time i connect | 19:40 |
wileee | gallomimia, Ah "RAID" can't help there. Seems you made it complex enough you can't fix it, not a route I would travel is all .;) | 19:40 |
daftykins | Eowaden: tonnes of guides online | 19:41 |
MonkeyDust | xubudntu reboot and hit shift to get into the grub menu | 19:41 |
gallomimia | i've never touched fedora | 19:41 |
Eowaden | okey i will search | 19:41 |
gallomimia | wileee: at this point, the error spewage is the only symptom. a delay in all kernel installs. there's no real problems manifesting | 19:41 |
xubudntu | MonkeyDust, okay, will try. | 19:41 |
daftykins | gallomimia: yeah probably your RAID abomination to blame :) | 19:41 |
gallomimia | to be fair, i set it up that way on recommendation from this channel ;) | 19:41 |
gallomimia | and yeah it was freakin hard to do. but i like it now | 19:41 |
daftykins | highly doubt that | 19:41 |
Eowaden | but it's normal? | 19:42 |
wileee | gallomimia, Really a lvm raid, you expect to recover it if it does fail? | 19:42 |
gallomimia | i think i'll get a backup solution working ;) | 19:42 |
k1l_ | gallomimia: if you want take a read here and see if they found a solution: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=826812 | 19:42 |
ubottu | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 826812 in grub2 "grub2-install fails with grub2-probe segfault" [Urgent,Closed: wontfix] | 19:42 |
gallomimia | ta | 19:42 |
Eowaden | i can fix it with http://askubuntu.com/questions/362280/enter-ssh-passphrase-once i think | 19:43 |
* wileee hugs their backup of their backups | 19:43 | |
gallomimia | ok so that issue is tabled. thanks for the info/discussion. my next question has to do with me fubar'ing my graphics settings after i got a 2nd monitor | 19:43 |
gallomimia | whenever i go into some kind of full-screen console mode with no graphics.... there's no display. aside from a purple bar of about 64 pixels across the top | 19:44 |
lickalott_ | hey guys, I want to make the top corners of my touch pad unresponsive (my fat hands keep tapping it and moving my cursor) I've found the Synaptics Finger and Noise cancellation edits and applied them but I'm not sure how to make certain portions of the actual touchpad really pressure unsensitive | 19:44 |
TechMonger | how do i have 2 monitors and full screen one while doing things on the other? | 19:52 |
kerdel | !nick | 19:57 |
ubottu | Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode. | 19:57 |
=== kerdel is now known as Hardcore7 | ||
jak2000 | daftykins configured other virtual linux in other pc and worked fine, thanks | 20:01 |
=== Scott_ is now known as Guest76138 | ||
Hardcore7 | test | 20:02 |
Hardcore7 | someone here? | 20:02 |
xubuntuf | Hey... still getting the blinking cursor on startup. | 20:03 |
xubuntuf | Tried reinstalling. | 20:03 |
xubuntuf | Tried editing to nomodeset. | 20:03 |
chromatome | Hey. I'm installing couchdb on 15.04 but it doesn't seem to want to stay running as a daemon. | 20:03 |
xubuntuf | And also, no grub screen shows when I press and hold shift on boot. | 20:03 |
lickalott_ | herro Hardcore7 | 20:03 |
xubuntuf | Nothing happens. Just goes straight toblinking cursor. | 20:03 |
xubuntuf | :( | 20:03 |
lickalott_ | xubuntuf, is this a new computer? | 20:04 |
chromatome | It restarts fine with /etc/init.d/couchdb restart but shows "exited" when I check systemctl list-units | 20:04 |
Hardcore7 | @lickalott_ lol, ur name | 20:04 |
xubuntuf | lickalott_, no, I've had xubuntu working before on this computer. | 20:04 |
xubuntuf | lickalott_, just did a fresh install, and now this. | 20:04 |
lickalott_ | download a fresh .iso and start again? Is your flash media going tu? | 20:05 |
lickalott_ | happy wife happy life Hardcore7 | 20:05 |
lickalott_ | :D | 20:05 |
Hardcore7 | omg haha xD | 20:05 |
Hardcore7 | good one ;) | 20:05 |
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
wileee | xubuntuf, Hardware is important info in this and proof you did the nomodeset correctly, just context and details. | 20:11 |
wileee | to the channel not me | 20:11 |
xubuntuf | okay, I imagine this is a graphics issue, possibly also a keyboard issue, as I've had similar issues in the past. | 20:12 |
wileee | xubuntuf, info on did you check the sum of the iso or install tool disk/usb | 20:12 |
xubuntuf | I'm using a NVIDIA GTX 960 | 20:12 |
xubuntuf | I did the nomodeset by logging into a live session, and editing the /etc/default/grub file to change "quiet splash" to "quiet splash nomodeset" | 20:13 |
xubuntuf | How do I check the sum of hte ISO? | 20:13 |
wileee | xubuntuf, So what you describe is on the first boot upon installing? | 20:13 |
xubuntuf | wileee, that's right. | 20:13 |
Hardcore7 | why does ubuntu/linux in general drain so ?????? much more battery power lol, that's the question I've had for 3 years now | 20:14 |
Hardcore7 | just never asked it xD | 20:15 |
wileee | xubuntuf, That mod will not stay without a persistent build, you do the nomodeset at the install gui. Are you using unetbootin to load a usb in this? | 20:15 |
k1l_ | Hardcore7: tell the hardware makers to support linux the same way the support windows :X | 20:15 |
wileee | err try, install, mem test gui | 20:15 |
Hardcore7 | hmpf | 20:15 |
Hardcore7 | i see lol | 20:15 |
xubuntuf | wileee, universal usb installer | 20:16 |
xubuntuf | Just checked the hash sum, it checks out. | 20:16 |
wileee | !sum | xubuntuf check the iso and usb | 20:16 |
wileee | what is the bots sum call | 20:16 |
Pici | !hashes | 20:17 |
ubottu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of all downloadable Ubuntu releases | 20:17 |
wileee | !checksum | 20:17 |
ubottu | To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 20:17 |
wileee | thanks Pici | 20:17 |
xubuntuf | wileee, how do I check the usb for it? I'm currently logged into the live session from the USB | 20:17 |
wileee | xubuntuf, I believe the link tells this, can be done, read carefully. | 20:18 |
wileee | xubuntuf, The deal is without any real usable info from you, we have to start at the lowest possibility, actually the best way for a mean of success. | 20:19 |
CooloutAC | c | 20:22 |
compdoc | is this a problem: <PsychoBoB> Cannot join ##ubuntu (Channel is invite only). | 20:25 |
compdoc | is bob psycho? | 20:25 |
compdoc | oh. nm | 20:25 |
wileee | gives a fair warning ;) | 20:27 |
k1l_ | compdoc: tell him to join #ubuntu and not ##ubuntu :) | 20:29 |
Jamie___ | im not sure how i managed this one.... | 20:29 |
* jmpp greets! | 20:30 | |
Jamie___ | all of the os is on the hdd... somehow the bootloader is on the usb... so i cant boot the computer without the flash drive | 20:30 |
jmpp | i inherited a server that runs a bunch of memory-intensive tasks, and I just found out that, for some very odd reason, it doesn't have a swap partition (nor file, for that matter) | 20:30 |
k1l_ | Jamie___: so install the bootloader again into the mbr of the first hdd | 20:30 |
jd1 | compdoc: there is a very old ban on him: Ban on $a:P:PsychoBoB by weber.freenode.net, set 67 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes ago, Ban on *!*@ by weber.freenode.net, set 67 days, 13 hours, 6 minutes ago | 20:31 |
Jamie___ | k1l_: how would i go about that? | 20:31 |
shomon | hi, how do I install ironpython on ubuntu? | 20:31 |
jmpp | it's a live server, but I can reboot it if necessary, so I'm wondering if anyone can point me to a tutorial I could follow to re-partition the disk and create a swap partition | 20:31 |
Jamie___ | im not really sure how i managed to get the bootloader on the usb instead of the hdd | 20:32 |
jmpp | is repartitioning the boot drive to create a swap partition an option? | 20:32 |
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
Jamie___ | how do i go about installing a bootloader on the hdd.... | 20:33 |
wileee | xubuntuf, I do see a number of links on the NVIDIA GTX 960 most have the same fixes which include proprietary drivers, and I'm see the install issue as a norm in some. | 20:34 |
wileee | seeing* | 20:34 |
k1l_ | compdoc: jd1 is right, he was banned due to just trolling last times he was in here. | 20:35 |
xubuntuf | wileee, yep. Usually when I install I have an issue of this sort. | 20:35 |
xubuntuf | wileee, but I've never had it just go to a blinking cursor and stay there. | 20:35 |
k1l_ | compdoc: tell him he can sort that in #ubuntu-ops if he wants to get back in | 20:35 |
wileee | Jamie___, First gui on the something else option (manual install) has a drop down for grub placement, in the mbr here, pf the usb, I would think | 20:36 |
wileee | xubuntuf, You have hit the esc key during boot for text? | 20:37 |
Jamie___ | ummm... that made little sense to me.... sorry wileee | 20:37 |
Jamie___ | can you explain that a little more | 20:37 |
xubuntuf | wileee, will try next. | 20:37 |
maggots | anyone know any text editors for ubuntu snappy core? | 20:37 |
maggots | That are in the repos | 20:37 |
k1l_ | Jamie___: try sudo grub-install /dev/XXX where XXX is like sda or whatever your first hdd is | 20:37 |
Jamie___ | okay will try | 20:38 |
Bashing-om | Jamie___: If this is a MBR bootloader, I can help . Pastebin the output of terminal command ' sudo fdisk -lu '. | 20:38 |
wileee | Jamie___, ask specific questions is all. | 20:38 |
TechMonger | why is my puplic ip 31 digits long? | 20:38 |
k1l_ | TechMonger: ipv6? | 20:38 |
maggots | how to edit a file without a text editor? | 20:39 |
jmpp | is partitioning the boot drive to add a swap partition possible? | 20:39 |
TechMonger | k1l_, what is that | 20:39 |
tgm4883 | maggots: use sed | 20:39 |
jmpp | maggots: you can use sed and regular expressions | 20:39 |
Jamie___ | Bashing-om: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8840872 | 20:39 |
wileee | jmpp, You can put a swap on the moon as long as fstab knows. | 20:40 |
wileee | or you have the path to use it | 20:40 |
tgm4883 | TechMonger: you don't know what IPv6 is yet care that your IP address is 31 digits long? | 20:40 |
k1l_ | TechMonger: try this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6 its a new ip standard because the internet is nearly out of the old numbers from ipv4 | 20:40 |
Jamie___ | I know for a fact that the os is on the hdd... but i have to boot from the usb | 20:40 |
jmpp | wileee: cool. But do you know of any tutorial that would show me the way toward partitioning the boot drive to add the swap partition? | 20:40 |
maggots | thanks sed and tee will do the job | 20:41 |
CommonCents | Hi. | 20:41 |
TechMonger | wow | 20:41 |
wileee | jmpp, Nothing different than a standard swap build, not sure on a usb is useful honestly is all. | 20:41 |
TechMonger | im late | 20:41 |
jmpp | wileee: as far as I can see, the only drive this machine has attached has only a single partition, the boot one, occupying the entire drive | 20:41 |
jmpp | usb? | 20:41 |
CommonCents | Are there any lightdm experts in the room? | 20:42 |
bekks | !ask | CommonCents | 20:42 |
ubottu | CommonCents: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 20:42 |
CommonCents | USB flash drives are a really bad choice for swap | 20:42 |
k1l_ | CommonCents: we will never know until you describe the issue | 20:42 |
jmpp | when did I say I wanted to use a USB drive? :P | 20:42 |
jmpp | it's the main, internal drive | 20:42 |
Jamie___ | any ideas Bashing-om | 20:42 |
MarcGuay | Hi folks. I've been using *.dev for my local sites and I guess my chrome finally updated itself and I'm getting this ERR_ICANN_NAME_COLLISION error. I've added .dev to my ubuntu hosts file and it seems to work for a bit and then I get the error again. Any ideas? | 20:42 |
TJ- | jmpp: could you use a swap file instead of a dedicated partition? | 20:42 |
Bashing-om | Jamie___: Fropm your live(USB) ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda ; sudo umount /mnt ' renoot into the install and verify all is good now . | 20:43 |
wileee | jmpp, You do not clearly say other than the usb is the boot and you asked questions on adding a swap there. | 20:43 |
CommonCents | OK.. Is it possible to set up an additional "seat" in my lightdm configuration that will start a full screen VirtualBox VM? | 20:43 |
jmpp | TJ-: I guess I could, but I've read on Ubuntu documentation, e.g. the FAQ, that a partition is a much better choice | 20:43 |
jmpp | wileee: I don't think I ever used the USB word, but sorry if I mislead | 20:43 |
jmpp | it's an internal drive, not a USB drive | 20:44 |
TJ- | jmpp: Juggling partitions on a fully allocated device is not something for the novice, unless you can do a full clone to another drive as a back-up | 20:44 |
Jamie___ | going down to try to reboot | 20:44 |
TJ- | jmpp: is the system configured to use LVM? | 20:44 |
jmpp | TJ-: I could clone, yeah | 20:44 |
jmpp | TJ-: not too sure. I know my way around bash pretty well, but I wouldn't call myself a Linux expert 'cause my main system is OS X | 20:45 |
wileee | jmpp, Heh sorry picked that up from a post below yours, my bad. | 20:45 |
jmpp | wileee: no worries ;) | 20:45 |
jmpp | TJ-: if you care to help me with documentation, pointers, etc., I could certainly do it, as I'm pretty terminal savvy and I can defend myself pretty well on linux | 20:46 |
TJ- | jmpp: try "sudo vgdisplay" if you get any report of a volume group, LVM is in use... then you could free some extents and add a Logical Volume for swap | 20:46 |
jmpp | just that it's been a while since I installed Linux, played with volumes, etc. I just manage them post-installation | 20:47 |
Jamie___ | that didnt work so well... now i just get the grub loader when i boot | 20:47 |
Jamie___ | Bashing-om: now when i boot i get the grub line | 20:47 |
=== r3m is now known as \r3m\r3m | ||
jmpp | TJ-: vgdisplay, command not found. what package shoudl I install? | 20:47 |
jmpp | also, this is all over SSH, it's a Rackspace cloud server ;) | 20:48 |
Jamie___ | i dont know if its even a smart idea to see what happens if i remove the usb | 20:48 |
TJ- | jmpp: if the tool isn't installed, LVM isn't in use | 20:49 |
jmpp | figures | 20:49 |
=== RickyB98 is now known as RickyB98|away | ||
jmpp | so, what's your veredict? too risky to resize the partition? out of the quesiton entirely? | 20:49 |
=== Adran is now known as Madran | ||
jmpp | fdisk -l /dev/xvda1: 2048 335544319 167771136 83 Linux | 20:50 |
jmpp | that's how it's looking | 20:50 |
TJ- | jmpp: resizing an existing partition to create space is doable, remember the file-system inside the partiton has to be shrunk first and then the partition ending sector changed to match - I think the GUI gparted tool can do that from a Live ISO boot | 20:50 |
TJ- | jmpp: That's a Xen guest? | 20:51 |
jmpp | TJ-: Rackspace Cloud server | 20:51 |
Jamie___ | ugh... this is annoying... i installed ubuntu gnome from ubuntu netinstall cd... after installing i know that the os is on the hdd due to the fact of the usb is only 1gb... but it seems that the bootloader is in the usb... i have to boot from the usb to get into ubuntu, if i boot from the actual hdd it takes me to the grub line and it does not boot to the os, any other ideas | 20:52 |
TJ- | jmpp: "xvdXX" indicates its a guest of the Xen virtualisation hypervisor | 20:52 |
wileee | Jamie___, On occasion a usb boot puts the usb as sda, you gotta watch for that | 20:52 |
jmpp | TJ-: I have enough space to resize, though, since only 38% of the partition is filled | 20:52 |
Bashing-om | Jamie___: Grub still not happoy huh ? Let's try and repair from with in the install. Try and boot the system from that grub > prompt : at the grub > prompt enter ' set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub ; set root=(hd0,msdos1) ; insmod linux ; linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' If the system boots up we redo grub . | 20:53 |
Jamie___ | umumm one sec Bashing-om can you wait a sec for me to join on my phone and resend that? | 20:53 |
wileee | Jamie___, If you have a helper use their nick when you post as a preface, you can tab complete the nicks. | 20:54 |
Bashing-om | Jamie___: Before the above // Remove the USB ! . and try and boot the install - reset in bios as the hard drive 1st boot proiroty . | 20:54 |
jmpp | TJ-: so, other than the swap file, what would you recommend? | 20:55 |
jamie____ | Bashing-om: can you resend those commands? | 20:55 |
dfg | what's the alternative to ubuntu | 20:58 |
k1l_ | !flavors | dfg | 20:58 |
ubottu | dfg: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu. | 20:58 |
wileee | Jamie___, The commands were for a manual boot, so you know. If you can boot to the OS with the USB one command should fix this with an update-grub after. | 20:58 |
jamie____ | But need them resent so that they are on my phone instead of my computer | 20:59 |
wileee | Bashing-om> Jamie___: Grub still not happoy huh ? Let's try and repair from with in the install. Try and boot the system from that grub > prompt : at the grub > prompt enter ' set prefix=(hd0,msdos1)/boot/grub ; set root=(hd0,msdos1) ; insmod linux ; linux (hd0,msdos1)/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda1 ro ; initrd (hd0,msdos1)/initrd.img ; boot ' If the system boots up we redo grub . | 20:59 |
wileee | that do yah? | 21:00 |
Enchanter_tim | hola. i have a problem with sshd not starting after reboot. | 21:00 |
Enchanter_tim | ive been troubleshooting, but cant find out why it doesnt start. i can start it manually though | 21:00 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: what ubuntu exactly? how did you install the sshd? | 21:01 |
wileee | jamie____, I have supergrub on my usb tool for just these occasions, from inside the install is the easiest fix. | 21:02 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_ 14.04.1 64 bits | 21:03 |
Enchanter_tim | and i installed openssh normally via apt-get (i have to say i also did an overlay of remnux on top of it, but that just added different software. | 21:03 |
pat33x_ | hardy heron | 21:03 |
wileee | pat33x_, And this means? | 21:04 |
jamie____ | No boot | 21:04 |
Bashing-om | !hardy | pat33x_ | 21:04 |
ubottu | pat33x_: Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support ended on May 9th 2013. See http://ubottu.com/y/hardy for more details. | 21:04 |
pat33x_ | my first linux computer | 21:04 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: well if you installed openssh-server it should start ootb. | 21:04 |
jamie____ | Just now stuck on a random screen | 21:05 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: i dont know what the other software did | 21:05 |
ratlingx | jamie____: what | 21:05 |
wileee | !who | jamie____ details also | 21:05 |
ubottu | jamie____ details also: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 21:05 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_ manually starting with service sshd start wrks, as does starting it with sshd -D etc etc | 21:05 |
ratlingx | wileee: so | 21:05 |
k1l_ | pat33x_: we have a extra channel for talking: #ubuntu-offtopic . we try to keep this channel support only | 21:05 |
Enchanter_tim | well, /usr/sbin/sshd -D -t etc | 21:06 |
jamie____ | wileee: what specifics do you need? | 21:06 |
pat33x_ | ok | 21:06 |
wileee | jamie____, what exactly you did to show this info. | 21:06 |
Enchanter_tim | also did a purge of the openssh-server and then a reinstall via apt-get | 21:06 |
Enchanter_tim | its slightly annoying, as the machine is supposed to be headless. | 21:06 |
wileee | jamie____, Can you boot to the install using the usb? | 21:07 |
jamie____ | wileee: yes | 21:07 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: what gives you "sudo start ssh" ? | 21:07 |
wileee | jamie____, Bot to it anbd I will give you the commands, when bootred to it remove the usb and post sudo fdisk -l | 21:07 |
wileee | Boot* | 21:07 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_ sec, im rebooting the damn thing, as i just ded a update-rc.d ssh enable (maybe i missed that) | 21:07 |
jamie____ | wileee: okay doing so | 21:08 |
wileee | jamie____, pastebin the command output is all | 21:08 |
Enchanter_tim | typing with two keyboards is annoying | 21:09 |
Gallomimia | yes :D | 21:09 |
wileee | Enchanter_tim, The drama does us no good and is annoying. | 21:09 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_ that works perfectly, however, it doesnt start after reboot. | 21:10 |
Enchanter_tim | wileee: umm. why the hostility? | 21:10 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: so the question is what did you change there? because on a regular install it is a no issue that it autostarts after install | 21:10 |
Jamie___ | wileee: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8840875 | 21:10 |
Gallomimia | okay i am having a strange problem that just cropped up after an update of the kernel today. My steam library is completely empty (it's on a different LV). when i try to load the library manually it says that drive must be mounted with execute permissions (i think it is). I wonder if you all know where i could find help fixing this, if not here? | 21:11 |
Bashing-om | jamie____: IF you attempted to install grub to sda -while- the operating system is in use - undeternined things can happen . I suggest we try again .. boot the USB to " try ubuntu mode" to a terminal in this try ubuntu node so that the installed system is not active. now from the "try ubuntu" terminal run ' sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt ; sudo grub-install --boot-directory=/mnt /dev/sda ; sudo umount /mnt ' . Reboot and set in bios the hard drive as | 21:11 |
wileee | Jamie___, usb is unplugged I don't see it just confirming. | 21:11 |
Jamie___ | wileee: yes its unplugged like you said | 21:11 |
Jamie___ | Bashing-om: i cant do that... I have the net install since i only have a 1gb usb drive | 21:12 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_: yeah. and how to fix it. ive found several problems (missing /var/run/ssh directory) but i dont get this. | 21:12 |
wileee | Jamie___, run sudo grub-install /dev/sda than sudo update-grub | 21:12 |
bekks | Enchanter_tim: All those missing directories are normally created when installing the package. | 21:13 |
Jamie___ | wileee: what now? | 21:13 |
wileee | Jamie___, Just make sure the HD is first read in the bios when you reboot. IF you see no errors on the commands | 21:13 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: again, there are million of ways to mess with the system so the openssh-server doesnt start. so lets shorcut it and focus on the stuff that you changed that can interfer with the start. | 21:13 |
wileee | Jamie___, reboot without the usb and the HD first read, without the usb should boot it anyway | 21:13 |
Jamie___ | okay trying now | 21:14 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: you can look into the apt logs in /var/log/apt to get to know what happend when you installed the openssh-server | 21:14 |
dougl | I borked my ubuntu and am learning what I did - How can I tell what ubuntu I aM running from console? | 21:14 |
Enchanter_tim | i looked at the script. let me pastebin the bit about openssh | 21:15 |
bekks | dougl: cat /etc/issue | 21:15 |
bekks | Enchanter_tim: Just pastebin the entire log. | 21:15 |
jamie____ | All good wileee | 21:15 |
k1l_ | dougl: or use "lsb_release -a" | 21:15 |
jamie____ | wileee: thanks a lot | 21:15 |
wileee | jamie____, Cool, enjoy | 21:15 |
Bashing-om | !cookie | wileee | 21:16 |
ubottu | wileee: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie! | 21:16 |
wileee | Bashing-om, Never heard of an issue on loading grub this way, however I like to learn. | 21:16 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_ its kind of a lot though | 21:16 |
dougl | thanks bekks k1l_ | 21:16 |
bekks | Enchanter_tim: So pastebin it. | 21:16 |
Gallomimia | Enchanter_tim: thats why pastebin | 21:16 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_this is the modification: http://pastebin.com/JCNii3ZR | 21:16 |
Bashing-om | wileee: I learned it the hard way .. multi-booting, and messing up the booting , many many times . -) | 21:17 |
rosa1 | #marxism | 21:18 |
wileee | Bashing-om, I will watch out for it, I do the same multibooting. ;) | 21:18 |
wileee | I'll* | 21:18 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: so you make a .override file and wonder why its not autostarting? | 21:19 |
Bashing-om | wileee: I installed (L)ubuntu within the extended partition of my xfce system, I learned a lot getting all my boot codes on 2 hard drives working consistenetly . | 21:20 |
k1l_ | Enchanter_tim: so delete the /etc/init/ssh.override file. that will make it autostart again | 21:21 |
Enchanter_tim | k1l_: oh my, pebcak. thank you for spotting that (actually, this is the first time i looked at the install script :P) | 21:21 |
Enchanter_tim | now that was pure stupidity on my part | 21:21 |
Enchanter_tim | heh | 21:21 |
k1l_ | well, yes :) | 21:22 |
wileee | Bashing-om, That makes sense, I use a single HD, msdos SSD, multiple HD and linux with their grubs is a to much fun. I'm just careful if I get a kernel upgrade I switch that linux install to grub control till rebooted, than go back to the one I use often. | 21:22 |
Hardcore7 | :q | 21:22 |
Enchanter_tim | :/ +10 years doint linux/unix and still these errors. i dont think its a good sign. | 21:22 |
Enchanter_tim | heh | 21:22 |
Enchanter_tim | Luciens-iMac:data lucien$ ssh -X hole | 21:23 |
Enchanter_tim | lucien@hole's password: | 21:23 |
Enchanter_tim | awesome | 21:23 |
k1l_ | well, we just need to learn not to do supid misstakes again :) | 21:23 |
Enchanter_tim | now i can finally do remote xeyes again, thanks for spotting that. | 21:24 |
ulrichard | (< ¼Ô%øo¶£ãđcCÞðù"Jä¥@õÀÂ/üî ÆËۋKd | 21:28 |
ulrichard | Íþs82¨]!Çlbs³S¿énÄÀ_öÄUfy²¨¨\.H | 21:28 |
Bashing-om | wileee: The solution O like for "my use case" is to only have my primary booting system as the control, and all other installed systems I have disabled ' 30_os-prober ' in all the other installs . With a new kernel install in any of the systems, all I have to do is ' update-grub ' in my primary . | 21:28 |
wileee | Bashing-om, Only thing lately I have found strange is that for grub from ubuntu to see fedora in a standard install, no lvm no encryption, it has to me mounted. | 21:29 |
ulrichard | ôfÝÙFïá~Ç0?_º1ç²oúÀ(8N²+QV÷ö݁ùL£äyzþqæÈØËòÖDùwdӳD&2ËÔ'$baâÜjk,ÉVÎ+öý`½äåռÌê%´ҦeúZÐwB-µÙf¿0¦Ótt>GüO4:CIΡÅpP%9Óe,·0ۍԺ¡äGaøR~ | 21:29 |
ulrichard | OŔg*;ïÐÈË2ËÛÔ<}2cCܸ»-6hQä`l(xÝpÄOè~:÷#Qû9ði¬eæ9¥Ú׳·úRÖÏ/~OøpüQ¾£v0C%µVÐûàÁR0Â逞¦`e5ðE2hâA£¯~ §Þ-òÃîÈln=ÇF2¹¼àM*üæÒ\P2f`¬<² ôêñé`ûMĬá7 .õDýL¢ïÿ³=Åbô( | 21:29 |
ulrichard | 1àķªðþ!F×É | 21:29 |
ulrichard | ZâûBè¨[,®µ3Sk¶Øvټ9+À!Fa@)Xᅄòý«ktKàC¢ÎÒÐd¶ | 21:29 |
ulrichard | m ӛBo¦±Ù^Åg° E×'²ӮüOñyK2K_ | 21:29 |
MonkeyDust | ulrichard i saw a typo there | 21:29 |
k1l_ | ulrichard: this channel is english only | 21:29 |
ulrichard | 5ܺíèzó&ۻ¯§¨þâËf3 ©]'¢^Ñ=AYYúåæãĞ&f,NÁG¿:£¹DУ03ÒÖ÷aæMSí¶µ|ÙèþEͫ3ÉéAà¼,9^ª̥8ÏàÑσÁ¾a/XÙtnìÃ7ÆB¯9W_»©q%p«vC* v~¸«Âo8ù | 21:29 |
ulrichard | ï9Fû.ð=i/5åYXc©õ'|¶ÀgÒᾸDñÝ|q¨0úWhð÷»50\=²/ÚG%[oÏkkÞH ÓN?×VúèÜïàõx+5L¶CÐs~òPÏd/Èè¹Õ4>4ûÔsTqL\þä | 21:29 |
ulrichard | BLÑQâeü,ÌÈ8 þ̨NoîÛÄ}-8KÕ ZñڔÆ-\(ñãɾã͖¥7öᾩðZs[W¯ZýÉýؖTQÏWa_/h7³vµà²y>0s%æÚ 3ԋÿï/&ɐôîßE½zþ®8Â/ؿ.ä÷XÀ27Ûî>F}ÑÕö]"QµÕ8øév* | 21:30 |
wileee | Bashing-om, That makes sense as well, I just keep my trusty supergrub tool near, I can manual boot...etc, but like the tool. | 21:30 |
tgm4883 | k1l_: I don't think that is non-english either. It's just gobbly gook | 21:30 |
Bearjazz | yeah, it's displaying UTF-16 characters just fine | 21:30 |
Bashing-om | wileee: Yeah ! LVM ( Fedora) is a horse of a different color . | 21:30 |
tgm4883 | that, or I applaud some language for adding a the Registered and Copyright symbols into their alphabet | 21:31 |
Bearjazz | So I'm having this problem where Chrome seems to hang and I can't do anything but move my mouse | 21:32 |
Bearjazz | 15.04 | 21:32 |
Bearjazz | Can't ctrl+alt+T to bring up the terminal, nor can I switch work spaces | 21:32 |
k1l_ | Bearjazz: start chrome from a terminal and see if it spits out some errors | 21:32 |
wileee | Bashing-om, I appreciate the input, your along with a handful of others I learn from everyday. ;) | 21:32 |
wileee | you* | 21:32 |
k1l_ | Bearjazz: or look into the logs of that time | 21:33 |
Bearjazz | Thanks, k1l_, I'll do just that when I boot back into Ubuntu. I'm in Windows now because it was getting kind of frustrating | 21:33 |
Bashing-om | wileee: (blush) , Nawww .. You been around a long time . I too watch your postings to see what I can learn . | 21:35 |
Gallomimia | hi i'm a super-nubtard when it comes to apt-get. can someone walk me thru a procedure to remove kernel update 59 and restore to 58? (59 is broken) | 21:37 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: how is it broken? | 21:38 |
Gallomimia | https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3936 | 21:38 |
EriC^^ | ? | 21:40 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: wow that sucks | 21:40 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: You've booted the 58 kernel and verified it worked? | 21:40 |
Gallomimia | yes. but the work around is to regress the version. that's something i don't know how to do | 21:40 |
Gallomimia | i don't even know if its still installed | 21:40 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: then it is, as you would have had to manually uninstall it | 21:41 |
Gallomimia | yeah i did run the command for that. it is still installed tho | 21:41 |
Gallomimia | i'll boot it for now and live like that | 21:41 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: when you boot your computer, you should be able to select it in Grub. You might have to go to advanced options | 21:41 |
Gallomimia | be back... | 21:41 |
rdzzl | What up guys | 21:45 |
Gallomimia | tgm4883: fixed | 21:45 |
rdzzl | EriC^^: hoya | 21:45 |
EriC^^ | rdzzl: hoa | 21:45 |
EriC^^ | hoya | 21:45 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: awesome. So if you want, we can remove that newer kernel | 21:45 |
rdzzl | EriC^^: so... considering giving the linux installation another try | 21:46 |
Gallomimia | it seems pertinent. but every time i add/remove kernels to the system my grub probe dumps 25 cores | 21:46 |
EriC^^ | rdzzl: cool | 21:46 |
tgm4883 | Gallomimia: well there is no harm in leaving it, just remember when you reboot to select the right one until a new update comes out | 21:46 |
tgm4883 | which I would think would be pretty quickly | 21:46 |
Gallomimia | yeah. i feel that i have a lot of problems to fix and that's lower on the list now | 21:47 |
Gallomimia | and yeah. quickly. there's been a lot of updates over the last few days (and on the weekend?!) | 21:47 |
crosse | hi | 21:54 |
Ryein | can some one tell me a good dock that supports monitors and USB 3? | 21:59 |
bekks | Ryein: Do you mean "docking station"? | 22:00 |
tgm4883 | !hardware | 22:00 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 22:00 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 22:00 |
tgm4883 | not the factoid I was looking for | 22:00 |
Kali_Yuga | we have a problem installing an integrated wifi chip under lubuntu can somebody help?? | 22:00 |
tgm4883 | Kali_Yuga: not without details | 22:00 |
Kali_Yuga | ok I post the details here | 22:01 |
Ryein | bekks, yeah | 22:01 |
Kali_Yuga | with paste ubuntu give me a second | 22:01 |
Kali_Yuga | This is the wifi chip http://paste.ubuntu.com/11956174/ | 22:02 |
Ryein | bekks, you know of any? | 22:03 |
Ryein | bekks, i was gonna get Pluggable but their USB 3 models aren't supported | 22:03 |
Ryein | displaylink is the problem i heard | 22:03 |
k1l_ | Kali_Yuga: see this help site: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 22:04 |
Kali_Yuga | I tried ndiswrapper but the only driver I get is an .exe file I need the .inf file for ndiswrapper or not? | 22:04 |
Kali_Yuga | I get an Internal Server Error | 22:04 |
k1l_ | Kali_Yuga: ndiswrapper should be the very last option. see the site | 22:04 |
teward | Kali_Yuga: use the link k1l_ gave you. Also possibly refer to this as well: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55868/installing-broadcom-wireless-drivers | 22:04 |
Kali_Yuga | Internal Server Error | 22:04 |
teward | Kali_Yuga: with the help.ubuntu.com link? | 22:05 |
teward | loads fine here | 22:05 |
Kali_Yuga | that look difficult | 22:05 |
Berry | Hey, I need hard drive and flashdrive help | 22:06 |
Bashing-om | !details | Berry | 22:09 |
ubottu | Berry: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 22:09 |
Jamie_1 | ugh... got it all working and was setting everything back up but it seems steam wont work right | 22:10 |
Kali_Yuga | so Broadcom is like the worst case under linux right? | 22:10 |
tgm4883 | Kali_Yuga: IDK, second worst maybe? | 22:11 |
Berry | Bashing-om: Steam is saying that both of my drives are read only, and deleted all of my games even though they are clearly still there and taking up memory. Both of my flash drives are coming up as unreadable, and the permissions cannot be determined on them. | 22:11 |
Kali_Yuga | yes thats a lot of fun now to get it working :( | 22:12 |
tgm4883 | Berry: 14.04? | 22:12 |
k1l_ | Berry: please pastebin a the output of "mount" | 22:12 |
Berry | Bashing-om: So because they are unreadable, I can't reinstall ubuntu. I tried wiping the flash drive and reformating them, no matter what I do it doesn't work. | 22:12 |
Berry | tgm4883: Yes | 22:12 |
Berry | tgm4883: Unity | 22:12 |
tgm4883 | Berry: Kernel 3.13.0-59 | 22:12 |
tgm4883 | that was a question | 22:12 |
Berry | k1l_: Err, what? | 22:13 |
Ryein | tgm4883, on that little link you sent me it doesn't talk about docking stations | 22:13 |
tgm4883 | Berry: can you paste the output of 'uname -a' | 22:13 |
Berry | tgm4883: Yes, I have ubuntu 14.04 | 22:13 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: yea, that wasn't the link I was looking for | 22:13 |
k1l_ | Berry: you talked about read only filesystems. that command will show if that is true | 22:14 |
Ryein | tgm4883, do people not use docking stations with their laptops? | 22:14 |
Berry | k1l_: http://pastebin.com/Jt9nrqYh | 22:14 |
k1l_ | Berry: we like facts in here to get to the cause and think about a solution :) | 22:14 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: In general, no | 22:14 |
k1l_ | tgm4883: so Berry got that steam and -59 kernel bug someone mentioned before? | 22:14 |
tgm4883 | yep | 22:15 |
tgm4883 | https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3936 | 22:15 |
Ryein | tgm4883, a brand new laptop is a desktop replacement with a dock going to a couple monitors | 22:15 |
Berry | k1l_: Steam as in the game browser? And yes I think that was me that mentioned the steam bug, but no one helped | 22:16 |
k1l_ | Ryein: depends on the make and model of that laptop. i got a thinkpad x230 with a dock and it works ootb. | 22:16 |
tgm4883 | Berry: So there appears to be a kernel bug. Do you know how to boot a previous kernel? (Selecting it in Grub) | 22:16 |
Ryein | k1l_, im more talking about USB 3 docking stations | 22:16 |
Ryein | k1l_, universal | 22:16 |
Berry | tgm4883: err, not really. I'm somewhat new to ubuntu. | 22:16 |
Ryein | k1l_, https://www.change.org/p/displaylink-support-linux-with-dl-3000-series-chips | 22:17 |
tgm4883 | k1l_: you know if there is a factoid for htat? | 22:17 |
Ryein | i found this tgm4883 https://www.change.org/p/displaylink-support-linux-with-dl-3000-series-chips | 22:17 |
k1l_ | tgm4883: not yet | 22:17 |
tgm4883 | k1l_: I meant just for booting a previous kenrel | 22:17 |
k1l_ | Ryein: that sounds very experimental | 22:17 |
tgm4883 | Doesn't look like it :( | 22:18 |
Ryein | k1l_, products for windows and osx have been out for more then 2 years | 22:18 |
k1l_ | Ryein: if you want to talk about it and start a petition #ubuntu-offtopic would be the better place | 22:18 |
k1l_ | tgm4883: i am not aware of a factoid for booting a older kernel. but the user should be able to select that in grub | 22:19 |
Ryein | k1l_, im not trying to start a petition just didn't know if some one was already working on it | 22:19 |
tgm4883 | Berry: So basically "Holding down the shift key while booting, will display the Grub menu. You can now select an older kernel version.". You want to select the kernel ending in 58 (or previous) | 22:19 |
k1l_ | Ryein: that would be not a ubuntu only issue. so better ask in ##linux or ##hardware | 22:20 |
Ryein | k1l_, http://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-Universal-Laptop-Docking-Station/dp/B00DNULJHW/ref=pd_sim_147_6?ie=UTF8&refRID=1KZHP3T1JHNGWN5WGZ0D | 22:20 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: I'm not sure your point in posting all these links, we know they exist | 22:21 |
MagnusVortex | I've got a database running on my 14.04 box that typically listens to port 7474. I'm moving it to port 80 for firewall reasons, but it appears that something won't relinquish port 80, even after I've stopped the nginx service. Do I need to restart the whole machine to free up ports? How do they get claimed and released? | 22:21 |
tgm4883 | MagnusVortex: well, port 80 is a special port | 22:21 |
tgm4883 | MagnusVortex: as is all ports under 1024 | 22:21 |
Ryein | tgm4883, i didn't get that impression from the link you sent me | 22:21 |
* MagnusVortex nods | 22:21 | |
Ryein | !hardware | 22:21 |
ubottu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 22:21 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: oh for pete's sake, I already told you that wasn't the link I wanted to send you | 22:22 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: I actually wanted to send you to ##hardware | 22:22 |
Jamie_1 | I hate to come back after bugging yall earlier... but i installed gnome and got it working... went to install steam and it installs and i can login... but once i log in nothing loads other than the actual launcher window, Any suggestions? | 22:22 |
tgm4883 | but that obviously isn't in that factoid | 22:22 |
Ryein | tgm4883, it is a software problem not a hardware problem | 22:22 |
k1l_ | Ryein: driver issue count as hardware issues | 22:23 |
k1l_ | Ryein: you need to find a group that is working on the linux support. but its not here in #ubuntu | 22:24 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: it's a driver problem, not a software issue | 22:24 |
tgm4883 | and yes, I would count those as different things | 22:24 |
Ryein | tgm4883, drivers are software | 22:25 |
Ryein | the linux kernel has tons of drivers in it | 22:25 |
Ryein | but whatever | 22:25 |
k1l_ | Ryein: then talk to the linux kernel makers about that. | 22:25 |
Kali_Yuga | well here is the problem | 22:26 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: yes, I'm well aware of what a driver is and where they exist. I bet next you're going to tell me that a tomato is actually a fruit | 22:26 |
Ryein | tgm4883, haha :D | 22:27 |
MagnusVortex | tgm4883: please go on about the special sub 1K ports | 22:28 |
isarl | anybody care to help me troubleshoot why SSH is working and not SSHFS? | 22:29 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: As k1l_ has stated, docking stations are some of the lesser used and owned pieces of hardware. Unless the company making them is creating linux drivers for them then it's up to the users (eg. You and me) to create drivers for it. As I mentioned in the first sentence, these are pieces of hardware that aren't used that much outside of enterprises, | 22:29 |
tgm4883 | meaning there aren't many users with the skills to reverse engineer drivers for it | 22:29 |
tgm4883 | MagnusVortex: http://www.w3.org/Daemon/User/Installation/PrivilegedPorts.html | 22:29 |
Kali_Yuga | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11956334/ and we have 15.04 | 22:29 |
isarl | more particularly, every time I (as my user, not using sudo) try to "mount ~/mntpnt", I get asked for user@host's password, despite setting Identityfile=/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa in the mount options in fstab... | 22:30 |
Ryein | tgm4883, that is inaccurate.. | 22:30 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: I don't know what the issue is, but it's possible it's the same steam issue others are running into if you are on 14.04 | 22:31 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: oh my, you are absolutely correct. It's far more likely that there are a bunch of people with this hardware, but they just don't feel like creating the drivers | 22:31 |
Jamie_1 | tgm4883: i am on 14.04 | 22:32 |
Ryein | tgm4883, this isn't really the place to discuss such things.. if you want to talk further we can go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:32 |
tgm4883 | Ryein: on the other hand, I suppose the drivers could already be in the kernel and it works perfectly, but absolutely nobody wants to post about it on the internet | 22:32 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: can you pastebin 'uname -a' | 22:34 |
Jamie_1 | tgm4883: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/8840890 | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | yep.... | 22:36 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: do you know how to boot an older kernel? | 22:36 |
Jamie_1 | not really | 22:36 |
Jamie_1 | tgm4883: did some messing around with the software... and somehow got it working... just manually did the things it was trying to do but the computer was not allowing for some odd reason | 22:38 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: ok | 22:39 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: you might run into some other issues | 22:39 |
Jamie_1 | already did | 22:39 |
=== cartucho is now known as Guest7443 | ||
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: like all of your games being missing or can't install new stuff? | 22:40 |
Jamie_1 | tgm4883: its now saying that i have no free space on my hdd.... | 22:40 |
Jamie_1 | tgm4883: oh and that also... nothing is really working other than the launcher | 22:40 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: yep, you need to boot the older kernel | 22:40 |
tgm4883 | Jamie_1: "Holding down the shift key while booting, will display the Grub menu. You can now select an older kernel version." | 22:40 |
Jamie_1 | ill try that tgm4883 brb | 22:41 |
tgm4883 | ubottu, you need to learn whats up | 22:41 |
ubottu | tgm4883: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 22:41 |
Das_Fondue | Has anyone heard anything in regards to haswell p-states recently? My i5's package won't drop from pc2 to 3,6,or7. | 22:42 |
hexafraction | Given an interrupt that is causing wakeups (e.g. IRQ7) how do I determine what devices might be raising that interrupt? | 22:42 |
Das_Fondue | hexafraction, have you tried powertop by any chance? | 22:43 |
Kali_Yuga | http://paste.ubuntu.com/11956389/ I HAVE 14e4:4315 rev 01 Case #2 UNKNOWN using Lubuntu 15.04!! | 22:43 |
hexafraction | Das_Fondue: I have it installed but haven't tried it yet; I'll do so right now. | 22:43 |
Das_Fondue | hexafraction, yeah, the overview (first) page lists events/s on a per-process basis | 22:44 |
jamie____ | tgm4883: did nothing when I held shift | 22:44 |
hexafraction | OK, thanks. I think I see what I am looking for. | 22:44 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: hmmm | 22:44 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: you held it right after bios? | 22:45 |
jamie____ | tgm4883: I'm not on lightdm if it makes a difference | 22:45 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: grub is before lightdm, before linux even starts booting | 22:45 |
jamie____ | Okay got gnu grub | 22:45 |
jamie____ | What do I choose now tgm4883 ? | 22:46 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: Do you see the older kernels listed? | 22:47 |
rust___ | back | 22:47 |
jamie____ | There is two memtests and advance options tgm4883 | 22:47 |
rust___ | so the rain/thunder | 22:47 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: try advanced | 22:47 |
rust___ | killed the internet | 22:47 |
jamie____ | There is only 3.13.0-59 generic | 22:48 |
tgm4883 | hmm | 22:48 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: is this a new box? | 22:48 |
jamie____ | Yes | 22:48 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: hmm, I suppose it's possible you never had the old kernels, or you removed them | 22:49 |
tgm4883 | I don't have a ubuntu box right now to see how it looks | 22:49 |
jamie____ | This is a fresh install | 22:49 |
=== GitGud is now known as Bae | ||
Das_Fondue | suppose I'll ask my question again, because why not. Has anyone heard of any recent news as to allowing Haswell chips to go into lower package c states? Or is this still not a feature? | 22:51 |
=== HeyDude is now known as aurorauser | ||
tgm4883 | jamie____: I've got to head out (home time) but you could attempt to install an older kernel version with apt-get. I'll be home in about an hour (although my nick stays on) so go ahead and ping me if nobody else jumps in to help you | 22:52 |
jamie____ | tgm4883: which kernel? | 22:54 |
=== Bae is now known as GitGud | ||
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob | ||
tgm4883 | jamie____: any earlier one would work. Let me dig up the link | 22:57 |
jamie____ | tgm4883: I'm in the | 22:57 |
jamie____ | Process of getting 3.14 | 22:57 |
pingpingpong | Hello there. | 22:57 |
tgm4883 | Jamie https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3936 | 22:57 |
tgm4883 | jamie____: 3.13.0-58 | 22:58 |
Rad- | I'be been thinking of going back to ubuntu, at least for servers | 22:58 |
Rad- | CentOS vs Ubuntu pros and cons? | 22:58 |
wileee | Rad-, we don;t do polls | 22:58 |
k1l_ | Rad-: since you ask in #ubuntu: go for ubuntu :) | 22:59 |
Rad- | k1l_: I'm in ubuntu because i'm leaning ubuntu | 22:59 |
Rad- | but i'm not entirely convined yet =P | 22:59 |
pingpingpong | I was wandering different times; if someone makes a program that needs to interact with the system, do they use the same system calls that are used from the shell? Or is working some other way. | 22:59 |
Rad- | i'm here to have someone push me over the edge, not for polling XD | 23:00 |
jamie____ | tgm4883: getting it now | 23:00 |
wileee | pingpingpong, be exact and give an end goal. | 23:00 |
pingpingpong | wileee, hmmm, let me see if I can articulate better.. | 23:02 |
wileee | pingpingpong, Not to me, but the channel is all. ;) | 23:02 |
=== S|ipKorN- is now known as CripperZ | ||
pingpingpong | I'm learning some shell and bash and going through the list of commands that one can use there. So I was wondering, how it works out, are these commands the same that somebody uses inside let's say a c++ or java program for interacting with he system, or in that case are used other commands? | 23:04 |
Gitgetz | now | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | I am GitGud from #freenode | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | I want to rape the woman of ubuntu | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | I want to fill your mothers up with cum from Toronto ananda | 23:05 |
Rad- | ^what? XD | 23:05 |
GitGud | lol | 23:05 |
xangua | !ops | 23:05 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang | 23:05 |
GitGud | now that is just unfortunate | 23:05 |
GitGud | Someone impersonating me, again? | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | ^ thats me | 23:05 |
GitGud | thats not me | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | Someone impersonating me, again? | 23:05 |
GitGud | I'm the one with the account | 23:05 |
Gitgetz | thats not me | 23:05 |
GitGud | thank you genii | 23:06 |
genii | np | 23:06 |
GitGud | yeah its been going on for a bit | 23:06 |
GitGud | someone does this relentlessly for hours | 23:06 |
Rad- | i'm still trying to figure out what an ananda is | 23:06 |
GitGud | going in and out of channels and talking crap | 23:06 |
=== john is now known as Guest97666 | ||
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob | ||
=== user is now known as Guest88329 | ||
=== CripperZ is now known as S|ipKorN | ||
* wileee reshapes tinfoil hat to new style. | 23:24 | |
LonelyDanbo | Why do I have to "buy" the free Steam launcher in the software center? | 23:26 |
cryptodan_laptop | LonelyDanbo: download it from www.steampowered.com | 23:29 |
Gotiyababa | anyone has any opinions about elementaryos? | 23:31 |
LonelyDanbo | ok. I thought I needed to install both Steam and the ... launcher, since there's two listings in the software center, and when I saw two links on this webppage one of them just sent me to the software center. | 23:31 |
LonelyDanbo | I hope this .deb file is all I need. god, everything is confusing. | 23:32 |
wileee | Gotiyababa, Yes, it's offtopic. ;) | 23:32 |
cryptodan_laptop | LonelyDanbo: the one from steampowered.com will include that and will be more recent | 23:32 |
LonelyDanbo | yeah but the only link I found was from the ubuntu wiki, not steampowered.com. | 23:33 |
u9hz | hello there, I'd like to create an encrypted partition, and I use gnome disk utility. there used to be passwords asked for encryption, but this is not the case as I see, there is no "encrypt" option | 23:34 |
cryptodan_laptop | you click on install now | 23:34 |
cryptodan_laptop | LonelyDanbo: http://store.steampowered.com/about/?snr=1_4_4__11 | 23:34 |
wileee | u9hz, This on an installed ubuntu? | 23:35 |
LonelyDanbo | ah. | 23:35 |
u9hz | wileee, yes | 23:35 |
LonelyDanbo | all this hot weather is melting my brain. | 23:36 |
* cryptodan_laptop throws cold water on LonelyDanbo | 23:36 | |
u9hz | wileee, sorry, sorry, sorry..there is | 23:36 |
wileee | u9hz, Sounds like you found what is needed. | 23:36 |
u9hz | wileee, yes :) sorry for the false alert! | 23:37 |
binni | I just tried to install Steam from I'm guessing the "partner repository", using Synaptic, and when it tried to "unpack" the steam package I got errors and now Synaptic just hangs, displaying the message (in the in-built terminal viewer or "Details"), message: http://pastebin.com/B04rNtsg | 23:37 |
binni | running Ubuntu 15.04 | 23:37 |
wileee | u9hz, No problem, we like it when the user figures it out, good job. | 23:37 |
binni | I'm thinking about just pressing Ctrl+c, which gives me the message: This will abort the operation and may leave the system in a broken state. | 23:37 |
u9hz | wileee, thank you! :) | 23:38 |
wileee | binni, Can't say you wont be broken, never used steam, but that is a warning you will always get stopping any install there. | 23:40 |
binni | uhh, okay, stupid mistake, there was a hidden window behind synaptic which was asking me to accept steam's terms and service agreement.. could have been prevented by not being stupid or more verbose info in the unity panel of my open window states. | 23:41 |
wileee | binni, Heh, you found it. ;) | 23:41 |
wileee | that panel is a bit of interpretation for sure if the same app has multiple windows o[pen | 23:43 |
=== Steven| is now known as Steven- | ||
binni | wileee, I'm more used to the xfce panel, but I guess the "dots" next to the Synaptic icon could have informed me about the open window. | 23:45 |
xangua | Two dots? Glowing icons? | 23:46 |
xangua | They sometimes dance | 23:47 |
wileee | binni, I like the gnome shell, I always have a cairo-dock and use an app called synapse to pull up what I need, there are built in ways however. The mystery dots as I remember. | 23:47 |
z1gz1g | Morning. Or some form of time measurement. | 23:48 |
LonelyDanbo | Steam - Error "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display" | 23:49 |
LonelyDanbo | nice. it doesn't run at all. | 23:49 |
z1gz1g | Quick question: Anyone have issues with the boot encrypt on a fresh install of 14.04? | 23:49 |
LonelyDanbo | of course it doesn't. why would anything work by default? | 23:49 |
wileee | z1gz1g, mmmm the 4th space time dimension | 23:50 |
z1gz1g | Wileee, with my lack of sleep, im sure id be able to grok tesseracts. | 23:50 |
wileee | z1gz1g, I would address that from your issues rather, to the channel for help is all. ;) | 23:51 |
LonelyDanbo | a year and a half old thread suggests I have to reinstall... the OS?? | 23:51 |
LonelyDanbo | I'm about ready to go back to the botnet. | 23:51 |
wileee | LonelyDanbo, Have you not threatened this before? | 23:52 |
LonelyDanbo | yeah. :| a few days ago. | 23:52 |
xangua | LonelyDanbo: have you tried to ask in steam forums? ? | 23:52 |
gerson_ | ola | 23:52 |
gerson_ | ola | 23:52 |
wileee | !es | Gerry666 | 23:53 |
ubottu | Gerry666: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. | 23:53 |
wileee | Gerry666: my mistake | 23:53 |
z1gz1g | Wileee, yep. Im tired. Your comment made no sense. | 23:53 |
wileee | !details | z1gz1g is all we need | 23:54 |
ubottu | z1gz1g is all we need: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel) | 23:54 |
wileee | z1gz1g, Here we do not really answer your first question, we want what you actual problem is is all. | 23:55 |
wileee | your* | 23:55 |
z1gz1g | Kay . . . well fresh install of 14.04, i choose the option to allow partition encryption and set a password. After installing the OS and booting up, the password previously entered is not recognised. | 23:55 |
LonelyDanbo | probably gotta register to post on a forum. uhg. I dunno. | 23:55 |
z1gz1g | The problem seems like it isnt actually saving the password entered. | 23:56 |
wileee | z1gz1g, You have reproduced this with a second install? | 23:57 |
z1gz1g | 3 installs. Evrn wrote down the passwords to be sure lol | 23:57 |
z1gz1g | On my 4th install, basic install to make sure it isnt corrupted media. | 23:58 |
Kali_Yuga | ok we got it working. dam that was a pain in the ass | 23:58 |
wileee | z1gz1g, Cool, no idea here, sorry. | 23:59 |
z1gz1g | Kali_Yugs, have a round of toast! \o/ | 23:59 |
wileee | z1gz1g, You can chksum the iso and installmedia | 23:59 |
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