
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
* diddledan blows raspberries03:46
shaunogo to sleep :|03:46
knightwisehey diddledan05:54
knightwiseyou're up early05:54
diddledanwell technically I'm up late05:54
diddledanit's just that late happens to be early05:54
knightwiseLol :)05:54
knightwisepulling an all nighter ,05:55
knightwisei'm still  a little tired , got to bed late yesterday ,  went to the movies05:56
mapitowhat did you see]05:57
knightwisejurassic world05:57
mapitoah cool05:57
mapitoseen it:D05:57
knightwiseentertaining but .. that was about it05:57
mapitoseen terminator genisys? agree knightwise05:57
mapitowent to cinema an d saw terminator on my own..like a real loser:D05:57
knightwiseprobably gonna see terminator next week05:58
knightwisewe found a nice cinema that is pretty cheap05:58
knightwisewatched the first 5 minutes of Jurassic world with my eyes closed just to enjoy the main theme by john williams.05:59
knightwisei'm a soundtrack lover05:59
diddledanI love soundtracks, too05:59
diddledanjohn williams especially06:00
knightwisejohn williams, james horner, brad fiedel, hans zimmer ...06:00
diddledanhe's amazeballs06:00
knightwiseall great composers06:00
knightwisebrad fiedel did the original terminator movie06:00
knightwiseand the second one , that great tradck where they use an anvill to punch out the beat06:00
diddledanyeah that one with the anvil is wow06:01
knightwiseHans zimmer did the rock  and gladiator.06:01
diddledanthere's a lot of industrial overlaid with smooth synth06:01
knightwiseif you want a nice soundtrack for the end of the world you need to call this guy06:02
diddledanodd. just reloaded win10iot onto my rpi with the "it's not really RTM" build, and the mac address has subtly altered - either the old build or the new one read it from the hardware wrong - there's a transposed byte: old=b8:27:eb:b3:67:0f new=b8:27:eb:0b:36:7f06:07
diddledannote the 0 moving from the last 0f to insert in-bwteen eb and b306:08
mapitothis bbc show is utter dross06:19
mapitobritains bookies..about coral and punters06:19
mapitoguy who claims he's a pro etting £120 to win £1k ..then in the bookies betting on the garbage BAGs06:20
mapitoanother idiot 'i look at people who dont have a bet on a saturday and can't understand how they can do that'06:22
mapitooff to my pool of sweat06:40
mapitocant wait to get ac06:40
davmor2Morning all08:32
knightwise mornin davmor208:34
davmor2Bit of tatu this morning added to the playlist08:35
knightwisetatu .. as in the russian pop band ?08:37
davmor2knightwise: yes I have a morning head song playlist where I add the track that happens to be stuck in my head that morning today is Tatu All the things she said08:42
davmor2knightwise: it's a really mad mix of music08:43
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:43
knightwisedavmor2: i remrmber them08:44
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Rain Day! 😃09:11
zmoylan-pii'm in ireland, this is different how exactly? :-)09:12
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gs_T_cEoX6I09:16
* bashrc waits for happy rain09:26
zmoylan-pithe rain that falls just after you've got home and put the kettle on?09:28
* zmoylan-pi puts kettle on for coffee09:36
* bashrc watched jono's review of the latest ubuntuphone09:40
zmoylan-pitime to move laptop from desk it's sat on for 3 years, 5 seconds, time to take power supply... 5 minutes.09:43
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:43
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
foobarryplayin donkey kong country returns on the wii10:52
foobarrybecause i'm 86% through the game. i need to complete it10:52
foobarrybut its actually reallly hard10:53
zmoylan-piproper video games are10:53
foobarryquite old skool in that you have to play levels 20 times sometimes10:53
foobarryand learn them10:53
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
diddledanhow long till sourceforge disappears? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/28/dice_to_unload_slashdot_and_sourceforge/12:20
zmoylan-pisome one will buy it thinking they can turn it around12:21
diddledancrazy that it used to be the go-to place and now it's pretty much useless12:22
diddledanthey've been out-done by github12:22
zmoylan-pislashdot i think is unturnaroundable now12:22
zleapwell github is the place for software now I guess12:22
zleap well git hub is easier to clone or fork,and collaborate on projects12:23
zmoylan-pitime to bring it out behind the electronic barn with myspace and bebo12:23
diddledangithub, IMO, is more influential now than sourceforge was at it's peak12:23
zleapwell things change,  the way we  download and work on software has changed12:23
diddledanaye - sourceforge is the old style of single canonical place whereas the rise of git and github allow the decentralised paradigm that fits so sublimely12:25
diddledansf.net never really evolved beyond CVS/SVN12:25
zleapand it was dsigned by hackers for hackers,   or if I am right linus had something to do with github12:25
foobarryslashdot is 3-day old news for greybeards12:26
foobarrythe stories are ok but the comments are ridiculous12:26
diddledanI never got the whole slashdot thing12:27
diddledansame with reddit12:27
foobarryreddit is vast , and has niche subreddits of interest if you have a niche hobby12:27
mgdmI used to read Slashdot, but I gave up about 5 years ago, haven't really missed it since12:27
foobarryor specific forums for your smartphone et12:27
foobarryi read slashdot tiwtter feed12:28
foobarrythe stories are decent enough12:28
foobarryand other feeds are full of junk (e.g the verge)12:28
foobarryboingboing dupe everything on their feeds, making them useless12:28
foobarryand el reg sucks12:28
zmoylan-pii use alterslash to follow slashdot but hang out on soylent news now with other slashdot refugees12:30
mgdmI got really bored of boingboing a while ago12:31
diddledanlol @ go-lang's "cowboy gopher": https://blog.golang.org/gophercon2015.jpg12:35
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
diddledanoh yeah. lunch13:15
awilkinsWowzer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wgk4U4qVpNY13:26
diddledanawilkins: the biggest point for me is in the last moments of that video where they say that write-cycle count doens't impact life13:33
awilkinsI've not had any NAND flash devices that cost more than £1.50 fail so far13:34
diddledanI still worry about flash even though it's supposed to be fine these days13:34
awilkinsI rather liked the "This is 1,000 faster than NAND flash and cheap too" bit13:34
awilkinsIf it's cheaper than NAND it will be a total game changer13:35
diddledanneed a new mobo :-p13:35
awilkinsThe whole "Single unified storage pool" thing did NOT appeal to me13:35
diddledanmy mobo isn't EFI so I don't believe it can do NVMe/PCIe13:35
awilkins"Yeah! Because long-term storage is now as fast as RAM we can use it AS RAM!!!!211!!!  "13:36
zmoylan-pifor a while, yes :-)13:36
awilkins(10 minutes later, a badly written instruction deletes several important OS utilities)13:36
diddledanthat's an interesting thought there - if you're using long-term as RAM do we even need to include any DRAM in our systems?13:37
awilkinsWith a 64-bit processor, you can address bumloads of RAM13:38
awilkinsor "memory"13:38
diddledancompletely remove the DRAM and you've simplified things13:38
awilkinsThink it would be great for portable devices13:47
diddledanit'll improve battery life if you can remove the dram and store runtime memory on long-term storage that doesn't need power to maintain state13:49
daftykinsdiddledan: did your surface firmware update go on in the end?14:14
diddledanthere's been another newer one since then. No idea whether that new one applied yet or not. but the old one never did work.14:15
daftykinsjust downloaded a win10 64-bit ISO14:18
diddledanthat'll be fake14:18
diddledanor pre-release which is akin14:19
daftykinsnah from the media creation tool on the MS site14:19
daftykinsi know how to spot fakes ;)14:19
diddledanthere's a media creation tool?14:19
popeyyou can get the iso already14:19
popeyI grabbed it hours ago14:19
daftykinsmight re-do my desktop, although mines one of the older nvidia cards without a DX12 driver for now - not that that matters (:14:20
popeyupgrade fails here14:20
popeyreboots, fails, reboots back and undoes it14:20
diddledandoesn't that iso need a win10 key tho?14:22
diddledani.e. not an upgrade14:22
daftykinsdiddledan: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/faq?3e26a302-d673-443a-ade9-97844670c197=True14:22
daftykinstakes a 7 serial or reads the 8 serial from the EFI14:22
popeyI grabbed an iso, but am also doing an upgrade14:23
daftykinsi'll nuke from orbit i think14:23
* daftykins doesn't believe in upgrades14:23
diddledanand.. if you can do it that way then what was the point of this lil icon in my taskbar....14:23
daftykinsjust for noobs.14:24
popeycan't be bothered to reinstall14:24
popeywill wait till they fix this14:24
daftykinswhole OS probably needs a bit more polish really ;)14:24
foobarryis win10 harder on hardware than 7 /814:25
daftykinsway better than even 714:25
foobarryis that official?14:26
daftykinshow official can such a claim be o014:26
foobarryseems unMS like14:26
diddledanfoobarry: it seems faster14:26
popeyyeah, I heard the same, its lighter14:26
popeyindeed that 8.x was14:26
diddledanthat should be in air quotes14:26
diddledan"it seems faster"14:26
diddledanref: http://www.windowscentral.com/seems-faster14:28
tpeI was considering updating my hardly-used Win 7 partition to 10 until I read this... http://thenextweb.com/microsoft/2015/07/29/wind-nos/14:29
awilkinsHang on, can you just feed Win10 ISo a Win7 serial?14:30
awilkins(until next year, natch)14:30
tpeI know most of this can be switched off, but to be on by default... well, my already zero trust in MS has entered negative values.14:30
diddledanawilkins: seems so14:30
awilkinsI presume it then shoves a Win10 key in the EFI14:31
daftykinstpe: usual scaremongering14:31
diddledanawilkins: how will that work when I don't have an EFI?14:31
awilkinsMaybe it does what it does now and stores it somewhere in the registry14:32
daftykinsdiddledan: you put a serial in14:32
daftykinsyou can still do legacy installs14:32
tpedaftykins: How far can these "privacy" policies go before they're not just scaremongering anymore?14:32
zmoylan-piit would only take one update to turn it back on acidently of course14:32
daftykinstpe: well that article makes out like it's sharing all your wireless passwords, which is an option you can turn off on initial boot14:32
daftykinsso yeah, if you're unknowing and always select defaults on OS install - sure it'll do something undesirable14:33
daftykinsbut it doesn't sound like end of world desirable ;)14:33
tpeOh yeah, as I said, it can mostly be switched off. But the fact it's there in the first place is (in my opinion) pretty disgusting.14:34
tpeIf people understand the implications and still want to use it, fair enough.14:34
daftykinstpe: what do you use?14:34
daftykinswe had plenty of tinfoil hat wearers come in #ubuntu crying over the amazon stuff14:34
daftykinsstill do from time to time :)14:34
* bashrc adjusts tinfoil14:35
tpeUbuntu on the desktop, Arch on the laptop.14:35
daftykinsbashrc: you look like an extra from Space:1999! :D14:35
tpeDesktop has a Win 7 partition that hasn't been used in a fair while. Old work stuff, mostly14:36
daftykinsextra :(14:37
tpeI have VMs of XP and 7 which pretty much cover any rare need for Windows these days.14:37
daftykinsi just murdered a lot of 8 stuff14:37
daftykinsthat can be truly filed under 'Vista 2.0' now14:38
diddledanbashrc: I like that a "human decision [is] required" :-p14:38
tpeDidn't bother with 8 at all... but I'm likely to be one of those "annoying" Windows 7 holdouts, at least for the times Windows is required.14:39
daftykins7 is definitely nice14:39
daftykinsi've got all clients i can on it14:39
daftykinsdefinitely no need to drag them off14:39
tpeThe only reason I migrated from XP to 7 was because a 3TB external hard drive won't work with XP. ;)14:39
daftykinsyou could've gotten XP 64-bit!14:40
daftykins(no, not really - terrible idea)14:40
tpeIndeed, if I wanted to be raped up the arse.14:40
popeyuh, now now.14:40
daftykinstpe: family friendly please14:40
Seeker`XP -> 7 (and then probably to 10 at some point)14:41
diddledanpopey, popey, he's our man, if he don't like it. it's not family friendly!14:41
Seeker`before they introduce 11, which following Microsofts usual development standards, will be rubbish14:41
popeyI dont believe 11 is on the horizon14:41
popey10 is a "rolling release"14:41
foobarrysounds ominous14:41
popeysounds great!14:41
foobarrypeople are worried about subscriptions14:42
tpeXP was solid for years for me... I had it on release, and surprisingly never really ran into problems. Even before the first SP.14:42
popeyyeah, xp worked well for me too14:42
popeyi remember having a dodgy copy when it came out, on the day we moved into this house, well the day we had a house warming14:42
diddledanI really don't get how many times microsoft have to say "no, there is not going to be a subscription" before people finally accept it14:42
popeypeople saw my pc and were like "whats that!"14:42
daftykinstpe: EOL is EOL14:43
popeydiddledan: not seen the subscription in Solitaire then?14:43
Seeker`diddledan: they'll accept it when there is never a subscription :P14:43
foobarrybecause adobe14:43
tpeI switched to Ubuntu after looking at the idea of moving to Vista. Didn't really want that.14:43
popey$1.49 a month or $9.99 a year14:43
daftykinsthey'll rake it in from all the people not working wanting no ads ;)14:43
popeythat smells like a subscription to me14:43
popeyThe whole ploy is to get people to punch their credit cards into the database14:43
diddledanwtf? "coins"?14:43
popeyright now Apple, Amazon and Google have vast databases of customer credit cards14:44
diddledanwhat are "coins" for?!14:44
popeywhich makes it frictionless for their customers to buy stuff14:44
popeyMicrosofot have never really got over that barrier14:44
popeybecause people don't buy the OS in a store with an @microsoft account14:44
popeyunlike apple which kinda makes you sign up with a CC on day one of opening up your shiny iphone / imac etc14:44
tpeWhat would happen if I were to clean install Windows 10 on a machine not connected to the internet?14:45
tpeHow far would I get?14:45
directhexactivation failure14:45
directhexi mean, you can install/use it fine & use phone activation - i have to, as it has no built-in driver for my desktop's lan14:45
daftykinsi've just gotten to desktop in a VM without entering a key14:46
foobarrywait 1 month14:47
* diddledan mumbles something about "gotten" not being a real word14:47
foobarrywindows 7 does that too14:47
tpeI'm thinking along the lines of needing to run it on a non-networked music production machine at some point in the future. I have no interest in running it on my connected workstation.14:47
daftykinsyeah i know how it works :)14:47
daftykinsjust you had to make modifications to let 8 let you in with the images it downloaded14:47
foobarryfinished my other thing14:47
popeydiddledan: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/gotten14:47
diddledanpopey: that proves my point14:48
awilkinsWhat about "snuck" ?14:48
diddledan"north american" isn't real speak14:48
popey"As past participles of get, got and gotten both date back to Middle English."14:48
directhexi like snuck14:48
daftykinsah memories of Office Space (the film) come up when win10 says "Just a moment..."14:48
awilkinshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q51ld-scMI8 < snuck14:48
popeysnuck is word of the day14:49
diddledanawilkins: I snucked14:49
=== popey changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport |IRC stats: http://tinyurl.com/uukstat | G+ Community: http://tinyurl.com/uukgplus | next meeting TBA | Beer Train! http://tinyurl.com/choochoo2015 | "Snuck"
diddledanlol. gotta love jenny garner14:49
daftykinswho? :)14:50
diddledanthen next pops up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty4PhRWt1hU14:50
daftykinsooh i tell a lie, it's not letting me complete the initial OOBE wizard whilst being offline and not having entered a product key14:51
daftykinsactually it's online14:51
daftykinsah no now it works :)14:51
popeytsk, windows 10 install fail doesn't clean up after itself14:52
daftykinsit'll keep the install folder there i'm sure?14:53
daftykinsto avoid downloading the lot again14:53
popeynot just that14:54
popeyit left the bootloader entry14:54
popeyso when booting windows you get "Start windows normally" and "Windows setup"14:54
popeychoose setup and it barfs because some stuff has been deleted14:55
popeyalso https://twitter.com/ishabazz/status/62640388387139584014:55
diddledanoh dear14:55
diddledanlol @ something happened14:56
popeyreminds me of when I was on a course, and MSSQL gave the best error it could:-14:56
popey"0xFFFFFFFF - Catastrophic failure."14:56
popeyokay then!14:56
daftykinsi still put this under 'upgrades' :)14:57
awilkinsThe "FFFFFFFFFF" is just because the real message has been truncated a little14:59
shauno"FFFFFFFF....." is how I announce most "catastrophic failures" too15:00
shaunoit's a bit more universal than E_STUBTOE15:00
daftykinselectronically stub ones toe?15:00
diddledanE_STUBTOE is something about a function being unimplemented?15:03
diddledani.e. it's a stub15:03
awilkinsThey left some underscores out15:04
awilkinsThey wrote an error function that didn't have code in it15:04
daftykinssteptoe and son15:04
diddledanwhy do I suddenly get the phrase "SETEC ASTRONOMY" pop into my head?15:05
diddledan(yes, I know where it's from and what it means. it's just random that I suddenly thought of it)15:06
shaunoof all the things that pop into your head, this is the one you question?15:06
diddledanspeaking of which, apparently I don't have a folder called "asswords"15:07
daftykinsmaybe shauno was taking the P15:07
Seeker`diddledan: why not?15:11
diddledangrumpycat looks like he's let himself go15:16
awilkinsIt's funny because Windows 10 finally has multiple virtual desktops and ALMOST has SSH now!15:18
Seeker`awilkins: being windows it's missing the "Secure" part? :P15:19
awilkinsAnd definitely because the stereotype of all Linux users being fat neckbeards is totally true : http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yOEwD8OWuQc/Tdyk-T3cYzI/AAAAAAAAAV8/D6BIfJNCyoI/s1600/4108114455_1dc2bed37e.jpg15:20
daftykinsSeeker`: childish15:21
daftykinsbeen plenty of open sauce dramas of late15:21
Seeker`daftykins: not serious15:21
diddledanI need chocolate15:23
daftykinsi have stacks of the stuff D: very dangerous15:24
Seeker`diddledan: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-3369021115:25
diddledanbut I don't _Want_ to curb my chocolate eating15:25
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: You know chocolate is poisonous, right?15:27
diddledanTwistedLucidity: so're carrots15:28
TwistedLuciditySo...chocolate carrot cake is a weaponised dessert?15:28
Seeker`everything is fatal if you eat too much of it15:29
Seeker`including "nothing"15:29
* bashrc considers weaponised puddings15:30
TwistedLuciditySo homeopathic medicines /do/ have an effect after all!15:31
diddledanhow can you have too much when nothing is in essence not enough15:31
TwistedLuciditynothing does not imply "not enough". There are somethings I am perfectly happy to have "nothing" of, thanks!15:31
* diddledan hands around the arsenic15:32
* TwistedLucidity tries to remember if it's that or cyanide in some nuts....15:32
* diddledan tries to remember if he's nuts15:32
Seeker`TwistedLucidity: cyanide in almonds I think16:04
TwistedLuciditySeeker`: it is16:09
daftykinsturns out booting the ISO rejects a win7 key as-is, so i have to upgrade it first17:02
daftykinsslight shame but ah well (:17:02
foobarryis win10 day a sucess for ms? seems so17:03
daftykinsfound some reports online?17:05
* popey retries the upgrade with the linux hard drive unplugged17:12
foobarryit seems linux ppl are upgrading their otherOSes whereas usually it's greeted with derision and meh17:15
foobarryand patches17:15
* davmor2 derises and meh's17:16
awilkinsIf I upgrade my WIndows I fear it will trash my Linux partition17:17
awilkinsAll on the same drive17:17
popeythat did it17:19
popeyits now upgrading, now I took my second drive out17:19
davmor2popey: is your system uefi?  I'm assuming windows 10 will magically enable a key and then lock out your linux drive anyway right ;)17:22
daftykinstoxic talk, that17:23
popeymine is a ye olde bios system17:23
davmor2daftykins: hey I'm only guessing :P17:23
daftykinsyes, but quite silly17:24
awilkinsIt does like to trash grub17:27
awilkinsgrub : detects Windows and kindly adds a boot entry17:27
awilkinsWindows : just blats the MBR because hey, no-one runs anything else, right?17:27
daftykinsactually 10 preview since it became open to the public sat beside my xubuntu install just fine17:28
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
popeyblimey, that was quick, it's finished upgrading17:29
popeyhah, well, aside from the post upgrade nonsense :)17:30
popey\o/ 640x480-o-vision17:31
shaunosilly question, but can you actually buy windows 10 ?18:00
daftykinsnot yet18:00
shaunoah.  I wondered what I was doing wrong.  their site sent me round in circles :)18:02
directhexawilkins: i find dual-booting much less stressful in UEFI land18:50
directhexsince there's no more contention for bootloaders18:50
foobarryscience museum or natural history museum for a bright 5yr old who loves science and the natural world?18:58
foobarryprob don't have time for both18:58
shaunoI'd probably say natural history museum, just because it's the only one I can still remember 20 years later19:00
directhexfrench embassy. it's right next to both museums, and has the excitement of sitting in a waiting room!19:08
foobarryi might do the science one to check it out19:08
foobarrythe upside is high19:08
foobarryif its too over his head then natural history i a safe bet19:09
foobarrybcos dinsouaurs19:09
NokajiAre we talking London's Science Museum? - I've just been reviewing my photos from my visit last month19:15
foobarryyes Nokaji19:17
Nokajirighty, mine was a fast excursion through the place as was pushed for time hence plenty of photos so I can review at my leisure19:18
Nokajithey have a Cray1 there19:18
foobarryanything for young kids?19:25
Nokajiplenty of youngsters there, so i guess so - cars, space, olde world things ofc19:29
Nokajiyou can film and use flash, they don't give a damn19:29
Nokajiflciking through my photies - space rockets, space men, steam rockets (train), stagecoch, cabinet of stuff inc old clocks, telescopes, pipe organ, penny farthing, old work tools, biplane, cars stacked up in a line, lodsa cars foden truck, meschersmitt car (bubble cars), car cut in half to show parts, colchester lathe, things to read, things to test your smelling - that's as far as i got19:58
Nokajihave to give credit to my point and shoot  camera, always up to the task, always in focus, always steady, good lighting, higlhy detailed 12MP pics20:02
Nokajiand fast20:02
foobarrygonna do space section, then launchpad and then nip over to the natural history for est of our time20:04
foobarrylots of the best stuff is for adults, and older kids20:05
foobarryjust gonna take smartphone instead of heavy camera20:05
foobarryits mainly a day out for the lad20:05
NokajiI'd have toured exhibition road et al if i'd given myself enough time, too20:24
Nokajihope he? likes it, most seem to20:25
Nokajiboys toys is usually a winner20:25

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