
z1gz1gWilee if i had a working host os i would've done that lol00:00
z1gz1gAnd i disagree with this irc client. No tag option =\00:00
wileeez1gz1g, Ah, well without a real check, you have no evidence it is good is all, you would be thrown out of deh court. ;)00:01
wileeenot saying it's the issue but there is a basic model; of checking00:01
z1gz1gWileee, unless of course i can replicate the fault with media from another source.00:02
wileeez1gz1g, still would want hard data00:02
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: did that work00:02
cryptodan_laptopthe steam download00:03
LonelyDanboI guess. but steam won't run.00:03
wileeez1gz1g, I'm on your side, I just like a good scientific based inquiry when needed.00:04
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: any errors?00:04
LonelyDanboyeah. Steam Error "OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display"00:04
z1gz1gWilee, hey, cant prove a fault without evidence can yah?00:05
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: youll need to install your video card drivers00:05
Berrytgm4883: Hey, I'm the guy with the hard drive issue from earlier00:05
LonelyDanbohow was I running WoW in Wine but the damned Steam app won't run?00:05
Berrytgm4883: The hard drive issue is fixed, but I still have a flash drive issue00:05
LonelyDanbohow do you install video card drivers in linux?00:06
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: WoW uses DirectX not OpenGL00:06
LonelyDanboyay. ok.00:06
wileeeLonelyDanbo, Look in software & sources last tab for drivers available00:06
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: what computer do you have00:06
LonelyDanboI don't remember my hardware.00:07
LonelyDanbosoftware & updates in settings?00:07
wileeeLonelyDanbo, tyoe it in the dash00:07
BerryActually, can anyone in general help with flash drives that can't be read?00:08
z1gz1gLonelyDanbo, when do you get rhe error?00:08
LonelyDanboah. it's "using NVIDIA legacy binary driver - version 304.125 from nvideia-30400:08
wileeeLonelyDanbo, If you can't even name the hardware, your gonna have problems here, just a heads jup.00:08
LonelyDanboI get the error when I try to run Steam00:08
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: try updating your driver to nvidia-33100:08
z1gz1gInstalling now to see what happens lol00:09
wileeez1gz1g, Your arguments are really bad but good luck. ;)00:09
LonelyDanbook, thanks. it's applying changes.00:10
xheartare there programs for ubuntu 14.04lts to check if i have malware?00:12
xanguaxheart: why do you think you have malware?00:13
xheartafter upgrading to 14.04lts i have to constant reconnect to my internet wifi00:13
z1gz1gWoo! Total lock up! Thats new.00:13
xhearti have to do this every 10 to 15mins of browsing the interent00:14
xhearti have noticed if i use this chat or a download from ubuntu servers i get no problem of connection but when i use mozilla or chrome that is where the issue starts00:15
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: remember to reboot00:16
z1gz1gXheart, sounds like a new feature to me, but install clamav if you wanna do a virus scan00:16
tgm4883Berry: what flash drive issue?00:16
xheartcan i download it from the terminal?00:17
xheartwhat is the command?00:17
Berrytgm4883: What?00:17
Berrytgm4883: They worked earlier both on an xp and the ubuntu00:17
z1gz1gXheart, sudo apt-get install clamav i think00:18
Ben64Berry: plug flash drive in, then pastebin the output of "dmesg"00:18
LonelyDanboI'm being told Steam doesn't work with kernel version 59 and I have to go back to 5800:20
Berrytgm4883: It was so big, the terminal cut part of it off.00:20
xanguaz1gz1g: a virus scan of what? Windows virus?00:21
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: what kernel do you have00:21
Berrytgm4883: http://pastebin.com/Ggm4tSjH00:21
LonelyDanboI don't remember00:21
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, if so, you'll find that actually documented somewhere.  Do a search and rely less on "someone told me".00:21
cryptodan_laptopLonelyDanbo: type in a terminal uname -a and copy and paste the output here00:22
tgm4883cfhowlett: it's documented00:22
LonelyDanboLinux [computer name] 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014 x86_6400:23
tgm4883LonelyDanbo: uh, you don't have the affected kernel00:23
tgm4883LonelyDanbo: so whoever told you that needs smacked up side the head00:23
cryptodan_laptopsteam works fine for me on kernels 3.2 to 4.0.500:23
cfhowletttgm4883, I have #59 + steam.  WFM00:24
LonelyDanbowell my Wine is still broken.00:24
cfhowlettLonelyDanbo, unrelated00:24
LonelyDanbowell not broken, just broke some of my games for it.00:24
tgm4883cfhowlett: you have the affected kernel on 14.04 and it works for you?00:24
LonelyDanboI'm so addled I can't keep track of all this stuff.00:24
johnny_|_Hi. How can I switch names of eth0 and eth1? I am using ubuntu 14.10. I found some old threads but I don't have any file in /etc/udev/rules.d/00:25
cfhowletttgm4883, paste.ubuntu.com/11956721/00:25
tgm4883cfhowlett: that isn't the affected kernel :/00:26
xhearthow do i run clamav?00:26
tgm4883cfhowlett: 3.13.0-5900:26
cfhowletttgm4883, ah.  OK.  my mistake.00:26
xhearti download it00:26
tgm4883cfhowlett: no worries, but since you wanted documentation https://github.com/ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux/issues/3936   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/147909300:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1479093 in linux (Ubuntu Wily) "Segfault in ld-2.19.so while starting Steam after upgrade to 3.13.0-59.98 " [Medium,Confirmed]00:27
xhearthi guys00:27
cryptodan_laptoptgm4883: I have used that kernel with steam just fine00:27
xhearthow i run clamav?00:27
xhearti downloaded it00:28
cfhowlett!clamav | xheart00:28
* tgm4883 sighs00:28
tgm4883cryptodan_laptop: and you are on 14.04?00:28
cfhowlettxheart, I believe it launches from the command line.00:28
cryptodan_laptoptgm4883: yes00:28
tgm4883cryptodan_laptop: and you're sure you ran it on that kernel?00:29
cryptodan_laptoptgm4883: yes I am positive00:29
tgm4883cryptodan_laptop: and you want a cookie?00:29
xhearti am sorry can you explain me?00:29
wileee!av | xheart00:29
ubottuxheart: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus00:29
tgm4883cryptodan_laptop: sorry to be like that, but honestly, I just posted documented bug reports that point at that.00:30
cfhowlettxheart, do NOT install from download.  install from software center.00:31
cfhowlett!info clamav | xheart00:31
ubottuxheart: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.7+dfsg-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 95 kB, installed size 743 kB00:31
xhearti am in the terminal but it is not downloading yet00:32
xheartnevermind 1%00:32
cfhowlettxheart, dude.  STOP.00:32
cfhowlettxheart, ok, so it's working?  keep going00:32
wileeexheart, Nothing you described indicates any need for a antivirus, this is a wild goose chase on a wifi issue.00:33
xhearthahaha i cancelled, should i continue?00:33
johnny_|_How can I switch names of eth0 and eth1? I am using ubuntu 14.10. I found some old threads but I don't have any file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ (sorry for repeat)00:35
wileeejohnny_|_, You are eol on 14.1000:36
johnny_|_let's pretend i'm on 14.04 then00:38
wileeejohnny_|_, You have no support here.00:38
wileeelets pretend I say this, because I actually care00:39
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:40
cfhowlettwileee, note: 14.10 = end of life.  end of life = no longer supported.  no longer supported = the only advice you will receive is "upgrade to a supported OS".00:40
Gallomimiawhats the command to show the release?00:40
Sa300behi every guys, i am new to ubuntu and like to learn linux, where do you suggest to start??00:40
wileeecfhowlett, your point is?00:40
tgm4883Gallomimia: lsb_release -a00:41
bazhang!manual | Sa300be00:41
ubottuSa300be: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/00:41
bazhang!rute | Sa300be  and this00:41
ubottuSa300be  and this: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com00:41
wileeecfhowlett, back to ignore for you, not worth even seeing your nick, nor being instructed on what I see you do yourself, grow up00:43
zebawsHey guys! I am working on a sociology survey. Could anyone take 5 mins to fill it out for me? https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19-HAIUfYP8H1F1xRS01NT6spkoMRphMyvzW5BBtCSJg/viewform?usp=send_form00:46
bazhangwrong channel zebaws00:46
=== cardamon is now known as tripelb
Sa300beubottu, thanks alot for your reply.00:48
ubottuSa300be: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:48
rw5okhello there, I created an installer usb, but my bios rejects it saying 'missing operating system'..but when I view the usb contents, installer folders are all there. also the strange thing is that the usb doesnt appear in file manager until I mount it. normally it mounts automatically.00:50
wileeerw5ok, created how?00:50
rw5okwileee, with the 'startup disk creator' of ubuntu00:51
wileeerw5ok, No issues before with this flash stick?00:55
wileeebooting an install?00:55
rw5okwileee, actually no. no-mounting used to happen with the OS that was previously installed on it00:56
rw5okbut the same usb auto-mounts when there is non-OS content in it00:56
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rw5okwileee, anyway, I changed the installer usb. trying with a new one :)00:59
wileeerw5ok, Good test, yeah, which one?01:00
wileeeah the usb01:00
rw5okwileee, another OS could be a good way to test the usb, you mean?01:01
rw5okthat can be tried, too01:02
wileeerw5ok, I was thinking another usb loader, but also a si=um check, maybe a new partition table and partition, a sum check maybe.01:02
rw5okwileee, as soon as I can get my hands on it, I will first learn what these are, then try to find out if the usb is ok :)01:03
=== corey84__ is now known as Corey84
rw5okI mean more the checksum, I understand the rest :)01:04
wileeerw5ok, That is just my methodology based on knowing everything works here, it is a biased opinion.01:05
wileee!checksum | rw5ok tis should help01:05
ubotturw5ok tis should help: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:05
xheartwhen running clamscan how i know it is running?01:05
rw5okwileee, oh, thank you!01:06
wileeeno prob01:06
rw5oknow I made the new installer. will try with this one..thank you for all your hints and help, wileee!01:06
=== Blaster is now known as Guest79317
`itsmee-hitler mankinds leader01:13
cfhowlett`itsmee-, not interested.  take you nonsense elsewhere01:13
=== Quintin is now known as Bleakwar
cfhowlettBleakwar, ask your ubuntu question01:15
=== Madran is now known as Adran
BleakwarI'm trying to install ubuntu on a computer that originally used windows xp but every time i get this error saying that it can't download metadata and therefore the iso01:18
cfhowlettBleakwar, XP computer?  sounds like old hardware.  lubuntu loves old hardware.  use torrents.01:18
BleakwarI trying to install ubuntu to a computer using a usb method and i use usb universal installer to turn the flash drive into a bootable drive, when i try to install it gives me a metadata error01:20
wileeeBleakwar, Are you using the mini net install?01:21
wileee!checksum | Bleakwar01:21
ubottuBleakwar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:21
BleakwarI'm using the default desktop  install01:22
jjavah0licif you were to use the free windows 10 upgrade to split and add a ubuntu partition how would/should you go about doing that for best outcome?01:23
wileeeBleakwar, This is what release?01:23
bbubbuCan someone please help me get past this problem01:23
bbubbuerror while loading shared libraries: libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:23
cfhowlettjjavah0lic, why would you even do that?  ubuntu can make its partitions.01:24
Bleakwar15.04 release01:24
wileeejjavah0lic, Windows cant build a ext type partition, leave an unallocated space for ubuntu.01:24
jjavah0licjust bought a new laptop with windows with free upgrade01:24
cfhowlett!dualboot | jjavah0lic, install windows first.  then install ubuntu.01:25
ubottujjavah0lic, install windows first.  then install ubuntu.: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:25
wileee!uefi | jjavah0lic Check this as well, confirm your setup.01:25
ubottujjavah0lic Check this as well, confirm your setup.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:25
bbubbuShould I do something like "sudo apt-get install libcurl" ?01:25
cfhowlettjjavah0lic, no word yet on how linux friendly windows 10 is ...01:25
Meliowe will find out in several short days01:26
theking@Andy Weir01:26
bbubbuI mean actually I tried that and it doesn't help at all01:26
Bleakwaroh, by the way my old computer is currently using beta windows 10, i want to replace it with ubuntu01:28
MelioBleakwar, so burn an iso and have at it01:29
Meliodo you need assistance,01:29
wileeejjavah0lic, If you plan to upgrade the windows I would get it all done and backed up and than install ubuntu.01:30
Meliogeneric first step, backup your stuff01:30
wileeejjavah0lic, Make a recovery disk in windows if you don't have an install disk, manufacturers generally will give you one cheap, or MS.01:31
Bleakwarit came up with the error, cannot download the metalink and therefore the iso01:32
cfhowlett!es | erik__,01:32
ubottuerik__,: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:32
Bleakwarmy question is do i have to be connected to internet to finish the install?01:34
cfhowlettBleakwar, no01:34
Bleakwarsigh, i though that was the answer, i've installed lubuntu to my netbook before it died, it didn't need it etheir01:36
MelioI dual boot, it's pretty simple to do if you know your configuration, have some experience in understanding files, partitions ect..01:37
=== joevandy1 is now known as joevandyk
Melioubuntu is a fantastic os for detecting pretty much all your hardware, and works better for wifi ect.. then windows does out of the box01:38
treeprogramHi, I'm a relative Ubuntu newbie, and I'm trying to apply the following: to fix a similar problem I'm having with my Asus Zenbook. However, I don't know where the file mentioned can be found. Any help?01:38
treeprogramthe following: http://askubuntu.com/questions/587063/battery-indicator-always-says-using-battery-power-even-when-plugged-in-asus01:38
Meliowhat's the file named01:38
treeprogramspecifically, "The culprit is here, inside method FBST (called inside _BST)"01:38
treeprogramfrom the askubuntu answer01:39
treeprogramhere's the source: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-ACPI-Battery-Driver/issues/7#issuecomment-5306095601:39
Meliosomeone mentioned in the thread a newer kernel may fix this01:40
treeprogram" Thanks to ACPIDebug, I hunt bit inside my DSDT, to find where is define fCurrentStatus. As you pointed me on _BST, it helps..."01:40
Meliohave you tried a newer kernel01:40
treeprogramMelio: not yet, as the solution shutt1e mentioned seems quite easy, if I can find the file01:40
orellabacguys, how to make changes to synclient from CLI permanent?01:41
jjavah0licjust os I have this right there is an option in the ubuntu install to resize the ntfs partition?01:41
BleakwarI think i figured out what the problem was, i think the usb boot installer wasn't up to date and started looking for the wrong iso name01:43
cfhowlettjjavah0lic, gparted is the usual partition resize tool and yes, it addresses ntfs partitions.  note: if you use it, next time you boot windows it will complain and demand you run /chkdsk01:44
Auctuswhat are these "features" firefox keeps talking about, never had unity before, what do they do? Youtube for example, do i wanna install some features01:45
jjavah0licbut no real damage is done to the windows partition?01:45
cfhowlettAuctus open firefox.  go to firefox information page.01:45
cfhowlettjjavah0lic, *cautiously* no.  but again: windows 10 may/may not be linux friendly.  My experience is with Win701:46
=== jeremy_ is now known as Guest44703
Bleakwarso now to copy the iso to another flashdrive to give the program something to find01:49
=== crixer is now known as windix
wileeeBleakwar, If you click the update on install, you have to have net access. Careful with conclusions here and just following them.01:52
wileee<Bleakwar> I think i figured out what the problem was, i think the usb boot installer wasn't up to date and started looking for the wrong iso name  This makes no sense is all01:53
=== guy is now known as Guest88269
Guest88269hi - i want to mention a big fail on ubuntu, which i will never use again. I installed ubuntu 14.4 LTS  on a windows machine, with 2 internal harddrives mounted. Chose the 'install side-by-side windows. The damn OS overwrite and wiped out my secondary hard drive by default. This should not have happened. you guys suck.01:55
wileeeBleakwar, Never use the usb loader as your download, you want that iso to test, use as a tool....etc.01:55
=== windix is now known as crixer
orellabacsynclient is used to change the area of virtual button on touchpads. But I can't get it to store the changes permanently. Need help pls.01:56
Bashing-omGuest88269: Reported : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1265192 .01:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1265192 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "Install/reinstall wipes out all/other partitions" [Critical,Fix released]01:56
BleakwarUniversal-USB-Installer- i used this to turn my flash drive into a boot drive to install ubuntu and in the error log it showed that it was looking for 14.10, it was looking for the wrong iso01:57
Guest88269downloaded version hours ago - i really hope Ubuntu disappears and anyone who supports it -loses a harddrive full of data due to idiots incompetence.01:57
tgm4883Wow, such insight01:58
wileeeBleakwar, You should not be downloading that way is all.01:59
cfhowletttgm4883, I understand his anger ... but seems he wanted to vent/rant, not seek a solution.  Of course, as his drive has been written, solutions would be limited in any case.01:59
chingaoGuest88269: it sucks that you lost a harddrive full of data. I would be mad too. Do you have a backup to restore from?02:00
wileeelong gone02:00
BleakwarI've been downloading the iso from the web, and selecting the iso in my local files, to use when i use the flashdrive to boot from02:01
wileeeBleakwar, with the local iso clicked, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/02:02
lkthomasanyone running latest kernel 3.19 on desktop with nvidia card driver? seems dkms failed to build02:02
Bleakwaroh, i also tried to mount the iso using windows 10 and just loading the iso as a virtual disk02:03
Bleakwarit seems to be working02:03
Bleakwarnevermind, it didn't02:05
tgm4883lkthomas: I am, but I literally just installed this OS02:06
BleakwarI'll try this way, wish me luck.02:06
BleakwarI mean your way.02:07
wileeeBleakwar, which is?02:07
arooni-mobilehey everyone . considering buying a SSD to upgrade my lenovo t420.  options look like MSATA drive but its only SATA II, and replacing my 2.5" drive with a SSD (this is a SATA III interface).  obviously msata would be easier but it looks like you only get half the speeds you do on SATA III... what are your thoughts?02:07
lkthomastgm4883, I see, the nvidia binary build failed02:08
Bleakwarusing the link you posted02:08
kokutHi, anyone knows an aplication for comparing two text files ?02:09
kokutline by line?02:09
wileeeBleakwar, you have to point the app at the iso and be sure the local iso is checked.02:09
wileeeBleakwar, If you have another fail check the sum of all that usb and iso02:10
ablest1980how do i change02:10
Bleakwarokay, i'll retry that.02:10
monostone<kokut> Have you tried using diff?02:11
kokutmonostone: which one is better, diff or merge?02:11
kokutmonostone: or merge02:11
kokutmonostone: Meld*02:12
monostone<kokut> diff does what you want02:12
monostone<kokut> try: diff -u file1 file202:12
kokutmonostone: no man i need a gui02:13
kokutfiles are extremely different02:13
Bleakwar??? I don't understand but this flashdrive is 32gb without formatting02:13
monostone<kokut>: Sorry, don't know any file comparison tool with GUI.02:14
wileeeBleakwar, formatting does not change the size overall.02:14
ablest1980i want to change ablest1980@ablestx-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$ ablest1980@ablest1980-HP-Pavilion-g6-Notebook-PC:~$02:15
wileeeoverall size, to be clearer Bleakwar02:15
kokutmonostone: Meld is perfect for what i need02:15
kokutty anyways02:16
monostonekokut: Sure thing, I just remembered "xxdiff", but haven't used it. its a GUI based compare,merge tool for files and folders.02:17
ablest1980how do i change my hostname?02:17
Bleakwarwhat i mean is that the number on the flash drive says 32gb but it never says more than 29.8 gb on the computer02:17
wileeeBleakwar, different measurement model usually, 1000mb is a gig to some 1024 is others02:18
wileeeor data on the drive02:18
wileeeif formatted02:18
=== \r3m\r3m is now known as r3m
Bashing-omablest1980: Rdit 2 files - /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname .02:19
Auctusstorage is 1000mb=gig all the time now, thanks to marketing, its crap :p02:19
code__change host name /etc/hostname02:19
Bleakwari understand that, marketing wants to tell you it's gb using less because it's cheaper, but once formatted it's a bit less.02:20
Bleakwartounge tied02:21
Bleakwari understand the concept, that's what i mean to get across.02:22
mustmodifyThis is absurd. I need to use sed to add Google Analytics tracking to a bunch of HTML pages. ( I know, use a template, I just got handed this website using frameset and I want to get benchmarks before I start fixing things.) Can you do multiline replacement with sed?02:26
mustmodifyI guess I could just do "s/</html>/`cat file`" ... or however that works.02:26
Bleakwarthis installer says it supports ubuntu 14.10 but nothing about 15.0402:27
wileeeBleakwar, Have you recognized the local iso box I keep mentioning?02:28
wileeeand how to point the app at your iso?02:29
Bleakwaryeah, i installed using that the first time, and the second, and this time (the third)02:29
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wileeeBleakwar, Not a clear answer, at least for me, two questions02:30
wileeeBleakwar, Anyway, there are a handful of usb loaders you can use in windows. I'm done at this point02:31
BleakwarYes i got what you've been telling me.02:31
BleakwarI'm sorry that i've been difficult to help02:32
Bashing-ommustmodify: Tutorial:http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html .02:32
wileeeBleakwar, I would only say, if I asked how tall you were I would expect an exact measurement. ;)02:33
Bleakwarlol, i actually don't know the awnser on that one.02:33
wileeeBleakwar, Than you would not give a vague answer would you?02:34
BleakwarI would say that i just don't know.02:34
wileeeBleakwar, if it was important you would measure, is this install important?02:35
wileeeis our time important ;)02:35
wileeewe're not paid here we are volunteering02:36
wileeenot a big deal, it is your install, you will get it done at some point ;)02:37
Bleakwaryeah, i'm helping my mom by installing ubuntu to her computer for her, helping is important to me i just don't have good skills at communicationg with others.02:37
cfhowlettBleakwar, you're a good son.  :)02:37
cfhowlett!cookie | Bleakwar02:37
ubottuBleakwar: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!02:37
wileeeBleakwar, That's alright, in the end we want to see you succeed.02:38
Bleakwarthanks, but yeah, i am telling the program to use the local iso to install to the flashdrive.02:38
* wileee loves passive aggressive behavior expressed, so lack of development02:39
wileeeBleakwar, not you02:39
Bleakwaroh, okay.02:39
Bleakwarokay, it finished installing to the flashdrive, now to try and use the flashdrive to install to the computer02:40
=== devuser is now known as pepigno75
agent_whiteEvenin' folks02:44
BleakwarI've confirmed the problem, wubi keeps looking for a 14.10 iso02:44
cfhowlettBleakwar, wubi?  wubi is the worst install idea on a long list of ideas.  it's not supported and it WILL BREAK your ubuntu 14.04+         DO NOT WUBI02:45
xanguaBleakwar: the problem is wubi, don't use WUBI02:45
cfhowlett!wubi | Bleakwar02:46
ubottuBleakwar: Wubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.02:46
cfhowlettBleakwar, your options:  windows + virtualbox + ubuntu (well lubuntu)      2.  dualboot02:46
Bleakwaroh, okay, I'll try to boot from the flashdrive then.02:47
cfhowlett!cn | Lee-02:48
ubottuLee-: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:48
lee_HELLO WORLD02:49
cfhowlettlee_ ask your ubuntu question02:50
Bleakwarwhen i try to boot from the flashdrive it leaves the screen blank with a cmd cursor blinking in the top left and i can't do anything.02:51
cfhowlettBleakwar, this is on your xp computer?02:51
cfhowlettBleakwar, old hardware. use lubuntu not ubuntu02:52
cfhowlett!lubuntu | Bleakwar02:52
ubottuBleakwar: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.02:52
=== pepigno75 is now known as anddevuser
Bleakwari'm guessing it's just a problem with the way the bios starts?02:53
elev34hello there, I just made a clean install. but I cannot open my encrypted disk. I get this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11957276/02:53
BleakwarI'll install lubuntu just asking.02:53
cfhowlettBleakwar, not necessarily.02:53
elev34I mean, the disk doesnt open in the new install even though the passwords are correct.02:53
elev34I ran update-upgrade, too. is it because something is still missing in the new install?02:54
Bleakwarokay, i'm guessing because this is a computer i just rebuilt this morning.02:54
agent_whiteelev34: Is "cryptsetup" installed?02:54
elev34agent_white, do I need to install this separately?02:54
agent_whiteelev34: "Failed to execute child process "cryptsetup" (No such file or directory)"02:54
agent_whiteelev34: Try running `sudo apt-get install cryptsetup`02:55
elev34agent_white, I saw this notice, but I thought it was an abnormal situation rather than a missing part..because I thought it was a natural part of ubuntu02:55
elev34now installing it indeed02:55
elev34will try again when install is done..hope it works02:56
agent_whiteelev34: Mmm it could be? I doubt it though.  Attempting to install an already installed program doesn't hurt a thing though.02:56
elev34no, no, it is indeed running an install..so apparently it wasnt installed already02:56
agent_whiteAye! Good. I betcha that'll be the fix.02:57
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elev34agent_white, yes, solved...thank you very much!..phew!..02:57
agent_whiteelev34: Cheers :)02:58
Bleakwarcould someone throw me the link for lubuntu?02:58
cfhowlett!lubuntu | Bleakwar02:58
=== UT8 is now known as MingHan_LI
agent_whiteBleakwar: lubunu.net  ?02:58
=== WaddupYo is now known as Waddup
Bashing-omBleakwar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Lubuntu/GetLubuntu .03:01
Bleakwari've spent two days customizing computers and most of today trying to put a os on it.03:01
Bleakwarthankyou all03:02
Bashing-omBleakwar: I feel for you, I also still recall my 1st install .03:02
Bleakwarthis still took less time than it did my first install03:03
Bleakwara whole week on my netbook trying to get it to use lubuntu.03:04
Bashing-omBleakwar: Once you have done a couple of ubuntu installs, only takes 20 minutes - good internet connectivity.03:04
BleakwarI'm also going to keep a spare flashdrive with lubuntu installed to it, i used to use it to bypass loging in on school computers03:05
Bashing-omBleakwar: Also, ubuntu - If it is difficult, you are doing something wrong .03:05
Bleakwaryeah, my problem was that was trying to install using wubi, and it was looking for 14.1003:07
wileeeBleakwar, I suspected wubi was involved.03:07
Bashing-omBleakwar: We have been watching, we catch your back side. :)03:07
wileeeubuntu should install however lubuntu will be quicker03:08
Bleakwarwhen trying to install ubuntu my screen remains blank so i'm going to try lubuntu03:08
Bashing-om!nomodeset | Bleakwar03:09
ubottuBleakwar: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:09
kuatoHi guys, quick question about netatalk/afp share. I am running elementarty os (ubuntu) and this comes preloaded with some form of afp/netatalk as I am able to connect to my server right out of the bag, However what would be the best wat to automount this afp share with password credential, should it be added as a line to the fstab entry ? .03:09
awtemplerAnyone use Shiny Server?03:11
bodhi_zazenkuato, I am goinng to guess elementary OS is off topic here, just as ubuntu would be i n#debian03:13
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awtemplerAnyone familiar with Shiny-Server on Ubuntu??03:15
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Guest61543you ren ma ?03:16
wileeeGuest61543, Tell the channel your support need.03:16
Bleakwar"Phoenix award bios cmos" this is apparently my os chipset03:17
Bashing-omBleakwar: ?? I run Phoenix Award bios on this box .03:19
Guest61543 ???03:19
Guest61543how are you !03:19
kuatobodhi_zazen: You could be right, I merely stated that in case this is an edition as I cant remember if ubuntu comes preloaded with those same tools also without an apt-get. just wondering the best way to perma-mount a share in ubuntu./03:20
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histoguanophobic: what?03:20
histoguanophobic: sorry wrong user03:20
Bleakwarsigh, this old emachine is so troublesome03:21
histoBleakwar: did you try the nomodeset thing?03:21
Bashing-omBleakwar: Old hardware, lubuntu will make your life much easier . How much ram is installed ?03:22
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BleakwarI don't know what that is.03:22
histo!nomodeset | Bleakwar03:23
ubottuBleakwar: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:23
linociscohi all03:23
Bleakwar4gb of ram @bashing03:23
histolinocisco: hello03:23
jak2000how to change the resolv.conf permanently i am change and when restart resolv.conf is empty03:23
histojak2000: what are you using to connect to the network?03:24
histojak2000: is this a full desktop system?03:24
jak2000really its a virtual machine03:24
histojak2000: but does it have a desktop with network manager?03:24
histojak2000: In network manager you edit your connection and specify your DNS in there. If not you can edit /etc/network/interfaces file and specify nameservers there.03:25
Bleakwarwhen i said blank i ment it looks like a blank cmd from windows03:26
Bashing-omBleakwar: 4 gigs of ram, lubuntu should scream with a P4 or better processor .03:26
jak2000histo ok03:26
jak2000googling about interfaces.. (here i changed from dhcp to static ip but not specified the nameservers)03:27
Bashing-omBleakwar: maybe what you are referring to - is booting to a terminal ?? Is the system asking for your username (login) ?03:29
arooni-mobile im using the tomate app for pomodoros, but it makes this awful sound at the end of a pomodor;  is there any way to change the sound its making?03:29
Bleakwarno, just the typing cursor03:29
tewardis there a way to set what the 'default' kernel that the Grub entries use is?03:31
teward(so I can 'default' to a specific kernel at boot, rather than using the absolute latest)03:31
Bleakwaryou know what i mean? @bashing03:31
histoteward: edit /etc/default/grub and then update-grub03:33
arooni-mobilewhere are sound assets usually stored for ubuntu/linux apps?  im using tomate to do pomodoros but the sound upon completing a 25 minute allotment of work is awful and i'd like to change it to an alternate  *.wav file.03:33
bodhi_zazenwrong window AC0HY03:34
wileeeteward, Check the grub manual03:34
bodhi_zazenteward, http://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry03:36
Bashing-omBleakwar: We are backto a graphic's driver issue . Boot the liveDVD ( when you have it make up ) and we guide you to use that boot parameter 'nomodeset' to get ya booted in 'buntu's " try ubuntu " mode .03:38
tewardbodhi_zazen: thanks03:39
wileeeteward, That grub manual is a long arduous read, sorry about that, was about to give you the duplicate of that link.03:40
bodhi_zazenteward, it is not perfect, probable better, IMO, to put kernel upgrades on hold03:40
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tewardbodhi_zazen: ehh, I agree, but i don't want to remove -59-generic (on Trusty) and miss the fix for the latest-introduced kernel issues03:42
tewardbodhi_zazen: and since i have -58-generic on here still, why not temporarily keep that as the default until -60-generic or w/e they use to fix the regression via the default settings rather than remove linux-image and the metapackage that keeps the kernel updates03:43
tewardi can trim older kernels in the mean time xD03:43
=== Aja is now known as Guest13678
linociscohi all03:51
AndChat499956Hello everyone!03:51
linociscohow to increase performance of ubuntu x64 on Dell Inspiron 3443 Core i703:52
AndChat499956I'm planning on buying a printer. Which one do you think will be perfect for ubuntu 14.0403:52
=== Blaster is now known as Guest88818
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, depends on what is causing poor performance =)03:52
bodhi_zazenAndChat499956, check a hardware compatibility list03:53
nicekiwi_how can I pip from mysqldump into a tar file? not a gz file03:53
linociscobodhi_zazen: it was preinstalled by windows 8.1  and it was faster03:53
AndChat499956Okay, but my budget is around 100$03:53
linociscobodhi_zazen: now with ubuntu x64 , and found slower and performance is sluggish even when moving cursor03:53
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, most slow downs are due to crapy hardware drivers - so get a linux compatible laptop or replace video / wireless etc03:54
xanguaAndChat499956: one that is Linux compatible or at least provide you drivers, examplehttps://www.thinkpenguin.com/03:54
bodhi_zazenbut again, depends on what is causing the slowdown03:54
linociscobodhi_zazen: how can I find compatible drivers for that specific model?03:54
xanguaThere is an Ubuntu wiki section about hardware providers for Linux03:55
bodhi_zazenidentify your hardware .... upgrade to latest kernel 4.1.2 perhpas03:55
AndChat499956xangua: thank you.03:55
bodhi_zazenAndChat499956, http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw and http://www.linux-drivers.org/03:56
AndChat499956bodhi_zazen: Thanks a lot.03:56
linociscoxangua: where is that wiki for  required drivers for my dell laptop?03:59
xangualinocisco: it's actually about hardware providers with Ubuntu or other Linux distros pre-installed04:00
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bodhi_zazenlinocisco, for the most part, the drivers are built into the kernel. Some hardware , however, is closed source *cough* nvidia04:01
bodhi_zazenfor the open source driver, update to the latest kernel04:01
xangualinocisco: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuPre-installed04:02
bodhi_zazenfor the closed source, contact nvidia04:02
bodhi_zazenand check the hardware compatibility list just as with any os04:02
linociscobodhi_zazen:  it came with windows 8.1 64bit pirate version and I removed and installed ubuntu 14.04 x64 and did apt-get update && upgrade and still performance the same04:03
linociscoxangua: it is not preinstalled like OEM04:03
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, next time but with Ubuntu preinstalled and try installing windows04:03
bodhi_zazenI am betting it is easier to install ubuntu then windows , at least in terms of finding drivers04:04
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, otherwise , identify your hardware as requested04:04
xangualinocisco: you can sometimes specify an Ubuntu OEM install if that's what you mean04:04
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, See http://askubuntu.com/questions/31618/how-can-i-find-my-hardware-details and http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw and http://www.linux-drivers.org/04:05
Jamie_1ugh... it wont let me upgrade to 14.1004:05
linociscoxangua: bodhi_zazen I dont want to use windows at all. that was why I removed all and installed ubunut fresh04:05
xanguaJamie_1: 14.10 is no longer supported04:06
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, so next time don't buy windows04:06
bodhi_zazenbuy with Ubuntu pre-installed04:06
Jamie_1xangua: when did that happen?04:06
xangua!14.10 | Jamie_104:06
ubottuJamie_1: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) was the 21st release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 23rd, 2015. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/utopic04:06
Jamie_1well that really sucks for me.... :(04:07
bodhi_zazenJamie_1, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and http://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life04:07
linociscobodhi_zazen: I dont want to buy windows. the original one is with ubutu OEM preinstalled but most end users here are only familiar with windows and the resellers removed default ubuntu on dell and reinstalled windows 81. crack version with correct drivers. that is the problem I am having04:07
bodhi_zazennon LTS seem to be supported for less time these days04:07
Jamie_1the current release of intel hd graphics drivers is only currently supported for 14.10 right now.... go fucking figure04:07
bodhi_zazenlinocisco, most end users buy with ubuntu , rather then windows installed04:08
xanguabodhi_zazen: drop that language please04:08
wileeeJamie_1, You should not be using the intel tool04:08
xanguaJamie_1: ^04:08
linociscobodhi_zazen: here is different only microsoft users04:08
Jamie_1wileee: i cant seem to find any other drivers for intel04:08
linociscobodhi_zazen:  I can't find preinstalled laptop with ubuntu04:09
wileeeJamie_1, THe ones in the ubuntu are not working?04:09
Jamie_1wileee: thanks again for earlier... and there is no propriatary drivers at all04:09
wileeerepo* sorry04:09
wileeenot for intell I believe jamesd_04:09
wileeeJamie_1, ^^04:09
xangualinocisco: I just gave you a link you can find Linux vendors all around the world...04:10
linociscoxangua: thanks yes. i m lookiing now04:10
xanguaBut maybe you should focus in your actual problem04:10
Jamie_1wileee: I have the intel hd 3000 sandy bridge... and i can tell that its not using it to its full potential if almost at all04:10
wileeeJamie_1, Is this a must have the latest driver syndrome?04:10
linociscoxangua: I did apt-get update and upgrade but when I rebooted , software updater automatically run and asked me to install linux image and others so I proceed. I dont know why04:11
Jamie_1wileee: i know that the sandybridge is a rather nice processor and gpu mix... and it should be rendering with ease... but its not. I keep getting frame skipping04:11
xangualinocisco: you don't know why you are asked to install security updates? Please elaborate04:12
histoJamie_1: frame skipping in what?04:13
Jamie_1histo: a steam game with the grapics even set to lowest and also a crap ton on my pcsx204:13
Jamie_1my old six year old laptop before it died performed both the pcsx2 and game with better quality04:14
linociscoxangua: from GUI, software updater automatically popped up and asked me there are xxx packages to update since installation.  i proceeded and and finished and rebooted. found kernel image is updated from console prompt. let me check drivers using your link04:15
xanguaCheck drivers yo are using, using my link? I really don't get what are you trying to say linocisco04:16
Jamie_1any one have any ideas on how to increase performance than if not from drivers... i used to have the first gen i5 dual core with an 6 year old nvidia grapics card that was performing these tasks better than a i7 dual core with the intel hd 3000 grapics... which is kinda ridiculous04:16
linociscoxangua: http://askubuntu.com/questions/31618/how-can-i-find-my-hardware-details04:17
linociscoxangua: for example, using lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A1, It gave me output. How do I find correct drivers?04:20
histoJamie_1: it probably didn't have intel video chipset if it performed better04:22
xangualinocisco: I seriously don't know what are you taking about, you asked me out of nowhere there is the Ubuntu wiki site about your drivers when I was taking about hardware vendors with Linux distros pre-installed04:22
histoJamie_1: intel graphics chipset are not that good at all.04:22
linociscoxangua: lshw and other commands on http://askubuntu.com/questions/31618/how-can-i-find-my-hardware-details , gave me hints how to check audio, grahpic installed. but I dont know where to get required drivers for my specific model Dell laptop04:24
pawanla y que?04:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:26
TechMongeris there a way to get around changing public IPs with ssh?04:27
Jamie_1histo: from what i was told the sandy bridge chip set was rather nice04:27
histoTechMonger: what?04:27
histoTechMonger: oh you mean if the ip changes still being able to find the box?04:28
TechMongermy isp changes my public ip whenever it wants04:28
Jamie_1I didnt have to pay for it... so its whatever04:28
histoTechMonger: get dynamic domain name then04:28
TechMongeri think my isp charges for that04:28
histoTechMonger: http://freedns.afraid.org/04:28
xanguaGet a router?04:29
Jamie_1i forgot how much of a nightmare setting up a new laptop will all of my stuff for  both dev and fun was....04:29
TechMongerhisto, can i do this myself?04:30
agent_whiteJamie_1: I've been meaning to get around to diving into Puppet for that exact reason :P04:32
pawanhow do i get ip of perticuler routor04:32
agent_whiteTechMonger: Yup! It is something you can do yourself and is free (depending on the provider).  It is called "dynamic DNS".04:33
wileeepawan, If your after your own router, the ip is in network to access it.04:35
pawannot mine of course ...04:35
wileeepawan, This is not a hack channel if that is your goal.04:36
pawanso what is this channel for??04:37
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic04:37
linociscoi gave up and I can't really find any drivers for My Dell04:40
=== Blaster is now known as Guest64749
xajCan anyone help me get git installed in ubuntu-15.04-snappy-armhf-rpi2? I was able to install wget and I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to get dependencies built with dpkg for git04:59
grywhy not use repo?05:00
LonelyDanboso the solution for this bug didn't fix it, and I can't load Steam as a result. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/126825705:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,In progress]05:01
xajI don’t think that’s available in snappy @gry05:01
grythen use other release, in which it is available05:02
xajSo you’re suggesting I not use snappy because there’s no way to get git...05:03
xajHow am I supposed to build a snap without git? lol05:03
xajscp is a PITA05:03
xajI’m trying to clone guh-cli since it didn’t come in the guh snap05:05
MynameisjoejoeHey can someone help me with a techinal problem with ubuntu05:05
Mynameisjoejoe*technical problem05:05
MynameisjoejoeAnyone there?05:06
wileeeMynameisjoejoe, If you describe it, to the channel, maybe.05:06
wileeethis is a volunteer channel is all05:06
MynameisjoejoeAlright, so my computer will do this sometimes, i ill put on a youtube video and then all of a sudden my computer crashes to the login screen, i put in my password and it just crashes back to the login screen.... For me to fix it i have to restart my computer05:07
MynameisjoejoeAnyone know what's up?05:08
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!05:08
wileeeMynameisjoejoe, I would include the the hardware, the ubuntu or flaver release and the desktop.05:09
MynameisjoejoeThe Hardware is a Macbook 13 inch, and its 14.0405:10
LonelyDanbomaybe something's overheating from the video.05:10
wileeeMynameisjoejoe, Cool, unity desktop we would assume. you can install lm-sensors an set up maybe a conky and watch the temp, your ram cpu and lots more.05:11
LonelyDanbomaybe I should try Mint. Someone one another channel suggested it, and someone else on the page for my nVidia driver issue also mentioned it.05:12
LonelyDanboI'm getting so much trouble lately, with my Wine games breaking while trying to update, to Steam failing to run.05:12
xanguaLonelyDanbo: are you saying that from the very beginning you were tying to run steam and steam games with wine?05:14
LonelyDanbono. both separately.05:14
wileeeLonelyDanbo, I have a harmonica about an inch long, should I play the blues for yah?05:14
xanguaLonelyDanbo: did you already tried asking in steam forums then? I believe there is an Ubuntu channel oriented to steam05:15
MynameisjoejoeAnyone know what program i should downloa?05:16
LonelyDanboI have not tried forums.05:16
MynameisjoejoeWhat is the problem LonelyDanbo05:17
LonelyDanboSteam won't run. Steam - Error. OpenGL GLX extension not supported by display.05:17
LonelyDanboI changed the driver I was using to a more recent one, but didn't restart before doing an apt-get update and I forget what, and it gave me an error. the page for the error gave me a solution, but the solution didn't fix it.05:18
LonelyDanbothe error page was: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-331/+bug/126825705:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1268257 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-331-updates (Ubuntu) "nvidia-331-updates 331.38-0ubuntu3: nvidia-331-updates kernel module failed to build, with only error: "objdump: '... .tmp_nv.o': No such file"" [High,In progress]05:19
LonelyDanboUbuntu worked great for a year when I didn't update anything. ... after taking 3 weeks to get things working initially.05:20
ubottuYou might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.05:21
SpaceBebopOuch, ubottu is killing me05:22
LonelyDanboso my choices for Mint seem to be MATE based on GNOME 2, and Cinnamon.05:24
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
ryileferHey..I tried installing nvidia driver on my ubuntu 14.04 and ran into quite a few problems like frozen screen, not able to access anything beyond the login page,etc..I got really frustrated and reinstalled ubuntu again..could someone please help me install nvidia driver properly??05:36
dididodoHi ... kernel 3.13.0-59 is crashing wine ... this has been confirmed by other users ... where can i find infos about the latest patches and workarounds?05:42
xanguaryilefer: is there something wrong with the open source drivers?05:43
ryileferxangua: yeah..it keeps freezing.. I tried the proprietary, trusted version.. Same problem05:43
=== ubik is now known as Guest34493
wileeeLonelyDanbo, This is support not your crying game.05:56
agent_whiteryilefer: So you're freezing up using either driver?05:57
agent_whiteryilefer: If you can get to login, but see nothing after that... have you checked X11 logs? (/var/log/Xorg.0.log) ?05:58
ryileferagent_white : yes sir..I'm currently running it on x.org x server- nouveau display driver..05:58
agent_whiteryilefer: Hm. Well if you freeze using nouveau AND the proprietary driver, then something else is up.05:59
ryileferagent_white: currently on my phone so that I can go to crtl+alt+f106:00
ryileferagent_white: will install pastebin and send lspci..06:01
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agent_whiteryilefer: No need for lspci.06:01
ubottuThe Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/06:01
ryileferubottu: so I'll install via bumblebee?06:02
ubotturyilefer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
agent_whiteryilefer: Check your logs.  /var/log/Xorg.0.log namely and first (since issues are after login), and then /var/log/debug as well... to start.06:02
agent_whiteryilefer: Ignore that link.06:02
wileeeryilefer, I poped that up as it seems it may be an optimus setup, confirm with your helpers, I'm guessing.06:02
agent_whitewileee: How so?06:03
ryileferagent_white : can I pastebin the xorg log file for you to see?06:03
agent_whiteryilefer: Please do!06:03
wileeeagent_white, As I said I'm guessing, two cards nouveau and nividia, not trying to rain on anyones parade.06:04
=== lambda_ is now known as tblambda
ryileferagent_white: paste.ubuntu.com/1195789706:04
agent_whitewileee: Two cards? -- Oh I know, just not sure how you figured it to be optimus. You could be right! :P06:05
wileeeagent_white, I have always had intel so no idea really.06:05
wileeeused computers heh06:06
agent_whiteryilefer: What video card do you have?06:09
agent_whiteryilefer: Maybe lspci output would be helpful, as well :)06:09
ryilefer_agent_white: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11957886/06:09
agent_whiteryilefer_: Are you using Unity?06:14
ryilefer_agent_white: i guess..ubuntu 14,04 lts06:16
agent_whitewileee: you coul be right ;)06:18
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
shine_I have some kind of virus where a video player plays in the background whenever my browser is open and the only information I can find is windows specific - of course. It's kind of laughable, actually, this : http://www.fixyourbrowser.com/removal-instructions/remove-ads-video-player-virus-works/  site advocets running about 5 different virus and malware scanners in a row to solve the problem (but, again, windows specificl - lmao). So06:18
shine_what do I do though? This is interfering with my any work I try to do.06:18
shine_I'm using chrome btw06:19
ryilefer_agent_white: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11957959/ did  ' ps -ef | grep unity'06:19
agent_whitewileee: Not sure if it's optimus or not though...?06:19
wileeeagent_white, Not sure if bumblebee is the latest use is all, if this is optimus.06:19
wileeenot sure here I just spend to much time here, heh'06:20
wileeeshine I would reset the browser as a start save the bookmarks and turn off cookies and history.06:21
wileeeclean it and keep it clean, virus I doubt06:22
agent_whiteryilefer_: wileee seems to be right. Since there's only one VGA controller being shown (that being the onboard Intel), and 3D controller is showing your GeForce GT 720M, you need to follow the link wileee gave: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee06:23
ryilefer_agent_white: will do..If i run into trouble, well...i;ll be back :)06:24
ryilefer_agent_white , wileee : thanks a ton you two :)06:24
shine_Can anyone offer suggestion as there is (apparently) no information about this where linux is concerned - only windoze06:25
shine_wileee: sorry didn't see -06:26
shine_Can't do that atm so I guess I'll have to suffer w/ it for a bit longer. Thanks for the idea though. I'm sure that will work06:26
wileeeshine_, I would use an adblocker and flashblock in chrome, there are a few good addons.06:34
wileeeI would wager that ad thang is running in flash06:34
wileeechromes reset saves the bookmarks, but a backup of them is good, cookies and history really are a waste if you have passwords saved your set.06:36
wileeeI would say passwords not for anything like banks etc though06:37
CB6If the system always has errors on boot and asks to report the errors is there any system checking to insure the same error report isn't being sent over and over again from the same person?06:38
dsodsiis there a better way to execute cd ../../../ ?06:39
wileeeCB6, Have you looked at the drop down ifo?06:39
shine_wileee: thanks wilee - peace brother06:41
agent_whitedsodsi: You can shorten "../" to ".." to "-"06:42
wileeeCB6, That is apport, it will even popup on 3rd party issue is why I ask are you reading what the app is.06:43
Fuchscd -    on most shells does something else06:43
Fuchsit pops back to the last directory used06:43
Novice201yHello. After last reboot I see only command promt on the screen and Lubuntu doesn't load.06:43
agent_whitedsodsi: Otherwise, make an alias or something.  See here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12198222/go-few-directories-up-in-linux06:44
agent_whiteFuchs: Aye!06:44
agent_whiteFuchs: That's my point. I was only stating what "../" could be changed to... and, of course, cannot be chained.06:44
CB6It didn't elaborate on the error06:45
CB6Nothing blatantly apparent anyhow.06:45
agent_whiteFuchs: Oh wait!06:45
agent_whiteFuchs: you're entirely right hahah.06:45
wileeeCB6, Usually there is a more info click.06:45
agent_whitedsodsi: Ignore my statement! "../" can be shortened to "..", but if you want to change multiple levels at once in a simple manner, make an alias.06:46
Kartagiswho wants 100points on askubuntu.com? http://askubuntu.com/questions/648663/any-way-to-recover-my-3tb-usb-hdd06:46
wileeeCB6, I can't say this is for you but I remove apport.06:46
dsodsiok other thing please06:47
wileeeKartagis, testdisk06:47
dsodsihow can we display logs of locking unlocking session ?06:47
dsodsinot with last06:47
Kartagiswileee: testdisk says can't read the filesystem06:47
wileeeKartagis, Really, can't say for free there is anything better.06:48
agent_whitedsodsi: Unlock screen events are in the /var/log/auth.log file.06:48
dsodsiit s empty06:48
agent_whitedsodsi: `grep screen /var/log/auth.log*`   ?06:48
wileeeKartagis, I have two 2 terabytes drives, one is a backup the other is a backup of it.06:49
dsodsinono it s ok06:49
BLUG_FredHi! Trying to install Ubuntu on a new MacBook Air (7,1) with Intel HD 6000 graphics and the text is not displayed... so it makes it a bit hard to move around. Anyone has a clue as to what to do? Google didn't help me much so far06:49
CB6When I load the system up it pulls some errors too fast for me to read06:49
InFlamesdoes anyone ever have issues of windows getting trapped on a non-existent monitor when you plug/unplug a video cable?!?! it's driving me insane, been this way for a year, i can't take it anymore06:50
wileeeBLUG_Fred, Have you had a look at the mac wiki?06:51
BLUG_Fredwileee: yes. It stops at version 6,206:52
BLUG_Fredwileee: they're like Air from 201306:52
wileeeBLUG_Fred, I figured you had, no idea here.06:52
BLUG_Fredwileee: ok .. thanks.06:52
BLUG_Fredwell I assume it's a graphic drivers problem06:53
wileee!nomodeset | BLUG_Fred this might be worth trying06:53
ubottuBLUG_Fred this might be worth trying: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:53
BLUG_Fredwileee: ok thank you. I'll read through that.06:54
BLUG_Fredwileee: any idea if ubuntu connects automatically to unsecured wifi?06:54
BLUG_Fredbecause I can't get online and update the distro without seeing the list of wifi...06:55
wileeeBLUG_Fred, you can set it as the default I would think.06:55
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:55
InFlamesit seems the windows are being moved to a different workspace06:56
agent_whiteInFlames: Are you using Unity?06:58
InFlamesI just tried locking the session and suspending it, neither caused it, it only happens when it naturally sleeps, or monitor is disconnected for a while06:59
InFlamesso it seems...06:59
CB6Where do I go to check out the startup errors?06:59
BLUG_Fredwileee: after reading all this I'll try the text mode install.. I need to do another download :/07:01
wileeeBLUG_Fred, Not sure with a mac booting the live, but all you need is that first gui that has a choice to try install or do a memory check, I think it is tapping shift at powering on the media till you see it.07:03
agent_whiteInFlames: Maybe do "SUPER+S" to grab the Window and move it to another workspace?07:03
agent_whiteOr switch to another workspace... "Ctrl+Alt+(left/down/right/up arrows)"07:04
CB6Is apport the error reporting?07:04
BLUG_Fredwileee: yeah.. let me try before doing another download... good point07:04
wileeeBLUG_Fred, Than a f6 and choose nomodest07:04
wileeeBLUG_Fred, It used to be you got that gui, now it bypasses it.07:04
wileeeCB6, It is one I suspect there are others not sure. I would not get to caught up in seeing errors though. It is the type of error that is the key.07:06
wileeeCB6, dmesg will show stuff07:07
CB6Every single start it does it lol. It didn't start this way so it's likely not a core default thing07:07
wileeeCB6, YOU all updated and everything is working?07:08
CB6Not anymore07:08
CB6"Settings" and "About Us" pull down tabs no longer work07:08
wileeeCB6, Ah, no idea, usually there is precursor you remember any preceding activities as a cause?07:10
CB6Whatever do I do with this output lol?07:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:11
CB6Update that day 60MB07:11
xhearti ran clamscan and it found over 15 errors , what command in sudo i need to enter to fix those errors?07:13
CB6dmesg goes way beyond the scrollable viewer. Is there any way to get back to the dmesg area?07:13
xheartcorrection over 15k errors07:13
wileeeCB6, we had a kernel upgrade lately, that people have been having issue with, you might check an earlier kernel07:13
CB6I have 14.02 or whatever it was07:13
wileeexheart, Show us the errors in a pastebin if you can.07:14
InFlamesagent_white, i'll try that next time it happens (in a bit probably)07:14
wileeeCB6, If you were told to reboot after an update/upgrade you had a kernel change most likely07:15
agent_whiteInFlames: Mhm :)07:15
xheartwilee it is running now clamscan -remove07:16
CB6been a few of those reboot requests07:16
jimbo_Hi, I cannot login my user using the loginscreen, it flashes black and then goes back to the login screen after I removed my NVIDIA drivers by running "Nvidia.run --uninstall".07:17
wileeeCB6, right after you boot run  dmasg | less that will show since that boot http://lnag.sourceforge.net/lnag_html/node5.html#SECTION00540340000000000000007:20
CB6dmesg or dmasg?07:20
wileeeCB6, Doh dmesg07:20
CB6making sure lol07:21
CB6when working with computers :P07:21
wileeemy back hurts, heh07:21
wileeeCB6, I rarely read this area, but it may help you and you have some evidence if there is anything.07:22
morphyeysis wubi still not working with windows 8?07:26
D30hello all, i am trying to boot an ubuntu iso to a kvm host using this url as location http://server1/iso/dists/trusty/07:27
auronandacei thought wubi was depreciated a long time ago07:27
xanguaWill never07:28
wileeemorphyeys, Not supported is all, not sure on W8 working.07:28
D30that ubuntu trusty iso is mounted via /mnt/iso folder07:28
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.07:28
D30and link to /var/ww/html07:28
D30however i seem not able to figure out the correct url for it :(07:28
wileeemorphyeys, A vm might work ok.07:28
morphyeyshello thanks07:28
D30i keep getting this error Could not find an installable distribution at 'http://server1/iso/dists/trusty/main/debian-installer/binary-amd64/'07:28
D30The location must be the root directory of an install tree.07:28
D30i also tried just http://server1/iso/07:29
D30but still it wont work.. may i ask what would be the correct installatin url for ubuntu 14.04?07:30
CB6Has anyone in here actually got samba to work properly? I can see windows fine but windows can't see Ubuntu.07:32
awtemplerAnyone familiar with shiny server?07:34
OerHeksCB6, maybe it is your antivirus07:36
CB6considered and disabled the AV firewall07:36
OerHeksCB6, use paste.ubuntu.com for your samba config, maybe it is just a setting07:38
pritamhoe to list any specific file in terminal ?07:41
OerHekspritam, man ls07:43
wileeeawtempler, I checked the net, the ppa support it had stopped at 13.10, however I saw links on 14.04 and it.07:43
wileeeindependent parties though07:44
awtemplerwileee: I have installed it (built from source)...it works....but i am having some issues with it07:44
awtempleron ubuntu 14.04 (32 bit)07:44
xheartis wilee here?07:46
xhearthow do i fix the errors?07:47
xhearto sent you the info07:47
CB6Should I be seriously weirded out by the fact that my practically new install doesn't allow me to click on system info or settings? I double click and nothing happens. Extremely suspicious07:48
wileeexheart, What errors, I was not sure why you were running clamav, I thought you had a wifi issue of disconnecting.07:48
wileeexheart, has to be a pastebin I have pm off07:49
xhearti have to be disconnecting and connecting to be able to surfer the web07:49
xheartSCAN SUMMARY -----------07:49
xheartKnown viruses: 392024907:49
xheartEngine version: 0.98.707:49
xheartScanned directories: 3799307:49
xheartScanned files: 17526107:49
xheartInfected files: 007:49
OerHeks!paste > xheart07:49
ubottuxheart, please see my private message07:49
OerHeksxheart, we don' t need to see that whole list, what are you thinking?07:50
wileeeI'm gonna guess the errors are root something not accessible07:53
pritamhi ubottu07:54
Fuchsubottu would be a bot and not answer you directly07:55
ubottuFuchs: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:55
pritamFuchs, I know!! just kidding07:55
Fuchsand he isn't terribly intelligent, as he just wrote  (someone should probably fix that regex there a bit)07:56
agent_whitePoor ubottu. Born into a world of spaghetti regex.07:57
morphyeysHello guys, how can I zip all the .txt files from directory ?08:01
x4w31morphyeys: zip archivomultiple.zip archivo1.txt archivo2.txt archivo3.txt etc....08:03
x4w31sudo apt-get install zip unzip08:03
aa_when I use smplayer,click "open file",it create a window by gtk,but smplay is develped by QT08:05
morphyeysx4w31, what about zip archivename.zip *.txt ?08:06
ObrienDave^^^ way to easy ;P08:07
x4w31morphyeys: the sintax is zip FinalArchive.zip Archivetocompress1 Archivetocompres2....08:07
x4w31or *.txt not run?08:07
ObrienDavezip from the directory above. easy08:08
agent_whitemorphyeys: Or... `zip archivename *.txt` . No need to add the extension ;P08:08
x4w31exactly * only.08:08
x4w31prepair folder and end it :P08:08
agent_whiteaa_: smplayer has a dependency of qt5-script.  Just because it is developed by QT doesn't mean it doesn't use additional GUI libraries.08:10
agent_whiteaa_: Rather... QT aren't the developers, they are just one library used.08:12
mcfriskHi! How to do apt pinning in ubuntu 14.04? It seems like default release names like trusty are not know so APT::Default-Release "trusty"; can not be set, fails with "E: The value 'trusty' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources"08:12
wileeemcfrisk, You had a look at man apt08:17
wileeethere is a web page way easier to read08:18
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto08:18
mcfriskwileee & OerHeks: thanks, luckily I just had a typo in /etc/apt/sources.list and had only deb-src repos for trusty there. With both deb and deb-src apt is fine with default release name of trusty.08:22
wileeemcfrisk, The error was weird, good job.08:23
aa_agent_white: yes ,but why smplayer don't use qt library and use gtk library08:27
OerHeksaa_, that filedialog is part of the operatingsystem, i guess that is dominant over a QT dialog box08:29
=== Zhenqi is now known as Peiyu
funkenstrahlenHey, I call 'ssh-copy-id -i /home/vagrant/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no i42n@auriga.uberspace.de' and get 'command-line: line 0: Bad configuration option: umask' as an error. Why?08:31
funkenstrahlenIf I remove the stricthostkeychecking option the error does not occur08:32
aa_OerHeks:how to do it?I want smplayer use Qt dialog box in ubuntu08:34
OerHeksaa_, kubuntu will work i guess08:35
ObrienDavexubuntu ;p08:35
ObrienDaveoh, *bites fingers*08:36
OerHeksnot sure it is even possible what you are asking, QT dialogs08:36
ObrienDaveaa_, does it work? if yes, whay does it matter?08:36
backboxAny ONe ther?08:37
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funkenstrahlenmy problem was a bug in openssh. upgrading solved it.08:44
cynixx3I need some dual boot help. I can only access my USB iso with uefi disabled. do I need to have uefi enabled while installing the OS?08:46
EriC^^cynixx3: do you have windows installed in uefi mode?08:47
cynixx3EriC^^,  yes08:47
EriC^^then you need to boot ubuntu in uefi mode08:47
cynixx3I am trying to.08:47
EriC^^how did you make the usb?08:47
EriC^^try linux live usb creator08:48
cynixx3okay. thanks08:48
EriC^^also try pressing esc and see if you get a boot options menu, and choose usb uefi08:48
ObrienDavetry setting USB to legacy mode08:48
EriC^^ObrienDave: he has windows installed in uefi mode08:48
D30hello so im using http://server1/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/ as my installation url in kvm08:53
D30but seem its not correct08:53
D30what should be the right path?08:53
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
CB6Is there a decent internet monitor like rainmaker for windows?09:00
CB6Something that sits on the toolbar most likely09:00
Ububeginwhen I did , sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre .. my system got java7 update 79.. but I want the latest update 85.. https://www.archlinux.org/packages/extra/i686/jdk7-openjdk/09:03
Ububeginhow do I do this09:03
Ben64Ububegin: you don't09:04
CB6my connection just dropped off lol. Not sure if you guys saw my question about a decent internet monitor that shows being active with up/down activity like Rainmaker to sit in the toolbar or on the desktop kind of like the weather app.09:04
fidel_Ububegin: if you are using ubuntu - you can use what is in your package-managent - not what the arch is offering ;)09:04
UbubeginI mean is there anyway to update to the latest java 7.. It is a company policy (some security vulnerability shit)09:06
=== max12345 is now known as Guest41410
Ben64!latest | Ububegin09:07
ubottuUbubegin: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.09:07
fidel_Ububegin: there might be a way using a custom ppa which might provide openjdp packages - but afaik this is not supported inhere09:07
Ububeginfidel_: Ok I will google for openjdk custom ppa..09:07
=== Guest41410 is now known as max12345
OerHekswebupd8 ppa i think09:08
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.09:08
=== backbox is now known as om
bhagwanhello om09:12
omhi bhagwan09:12
omi got you09:12
bhagwanalso me09:12
ommi tulla mazha ip deto ssh connect hotay ka te paha bar09:13
k1lbhagwan: om, this channel is not for backbox support and is english only. please see where backbox offers support.09:13
bhagwani thing we can create our own channel, so way u did not create ?09:14
D30weird i dont have  installer-amd64 in /ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/09:14
bhagwanom are you online ?09:14
D30idea anybody?09:14
bhagwanso you should create new channel09:15
fidel_bhagwan: om i guess you dont know there is /query for private talks ;)09:15
omwhat kind of query friend09:16
omok bhagwan tell me what is your problem09:16
bhagwani can open xml file of wikipedia sai09:16
bhagwanonly html file open but in html only linking no any contain09:17
omfor persing xml file u have to use xmlperser in python09:18
omin c programing there is libcurl library for persing xmlfile09:19
omdont download the html file09:19
bhagwanbut firstly xml file cant open09:19
omcan i see your program09:20
bhagwandusry tab var ya09:20
bhagwanyes wait09:20
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x4w31bhagwan:  where u from? :P09:23
bhagwanin India09:24
gotchahey guys, im running an ubuntu server VM to run a webserver, couple of other services like Redman etc.. is it best to keep this on an ubuntu server or an ubuntu desktop can handle all that just fine?09:24
bhagwanand you ?09:24
gotchai assume ubuntu server uses less resources then ubuntu desktop?09:25
bhagwanhello sai09:25
saihow r u09:26
fidel_gotcha: there is no problem keeping that on a server. May i ask wehy you are asking?09:27
fidel_gotcha: at the end the diff between server and desktop should be the default package selection ...so ...09:28
gotchafidel_, im asking because im installing a new ubuntu installation to clean up the old server. cuz i have a lot of junk all over the place09:29
gotchaso wanted to make a new installation, transfer only what i need and then completely delete the old one09:29
Amozgotcha, if you don't see any use for the desktop features at the new install, go with ubuntu-server.09:29
fidel_gotcha: you can use whatever you want to run those services - using a "server" install might give you a smaller footprint - as less default packages-  less running default services09:29
fidel_thats the diff09:29
gotchaso a graphical interface doesnt really make that much difference from running it from terminal09:32
bhagwanthanks fidel09:34
saihi fidel09:35
Amozgotcha, for server features ? no. Those are separate things. You can even start out with ubuntu-server, and then just install the ubuntu-desktop package if you want to add the GUI later.09:35
fidel_gotcha: if its about setting up a server - use the server image. if you need a desktop-like environment - either use the desktop image - or the server image and manually install the additional packages you might need09:36
Amozgotcha, but are you still running it in a VM?09:36
fidel_gotcha: as mentioned above - the difference between those images is only what packages are pre-selected/getting installed by default09:38
gotchaAmoz, yes09:39
CB6Do you guys use conky at all?09:39
gotchafidel_, makes sense i guess09:39
Amozgotcha, and what's the host OS?09:39
fidel_CB6: yes - i.a. to display the state of the system, raid etc09:40
Amozgotcha, i see. Well if you don't need the GUI, go with the server, less resources required that way.09:40
gotchathank you09:42
k1lCB6: so you mean "rainmeter" and not rainmaker? i thought you were talking about a weather app09:43
k1lCB6: but conky is the way to go then09:43
CB6haha yes09:43
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ--
CB6Is there a conky package that's super popular? There's like unity conky and seemingly a lot of variations. Stable, asesthetically pleasing and secure being main considerations.09:49
=== Blaster is now known as Guest17524
k1lCB6: install conky. then you need to make or "get" a config file that makes conky look like you want09:50
k1lCB6: search the "this is my fancy conky desktop" websites or threads to get that config files from others09:51
ArnCHi everybody, is there any plan to upgrade the salt-stack packages of the ubuntu-server 14.04 repos to the latest stable? (2014.7.6)09:53
saihi om09:54
k1l!sru | ArnC09:55
ubottuArnC: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates09:55
OerHeksCB6, old tread, 2000+ pages about conky http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=231309:55
ArnCthx k1l09:55
OerHeksawesome collection09:55
wileeemore conkies than you can even try09:56
OerHeksbut now there is conky manager too http://www.webupd8.org/2013/07/conky-manager-gui-for-managing-conky.html09:56
OerHeksthis is the 1st thing i learned on ubuntu, conky script and cronjobs09:56
CB6As someone from the web scripting world the whole cron job to me means running web scripts at random intervals09:59
CB6Kind of shocked at how similar CSS is to bash10:01
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fleetfoxany ideas on how to debug lack of hw acceleration in chromium?10:04
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=== Chex is now known as Guest59585
x4w3(12:00:25 :P.M.) tepper.freenode.net: (notice) Server Terminating. Received SIGTERM??10:07
=== p1l0t is now known as Guest5604
OerHeksx4w3, just a netsplit10:10
=== denbeiren is now known as zz_denbeiren
x4w3OerHeks:  oki :P10:11
x4w3 grep -e "16/07/2015" server.log --> grep: line too long; what's the problem?10:13
x4w3there isn't a binary file, only that it has big size.....10:14
EriC^^oops.. wrong window10:15
saihow to bypass proxy using python programming if someone know than tell me10:15
OerHeksx4w3, try grep -r "16/07/2015" server.log10:16
x4w3...[soporte@Web1 log]$  grep -noR "16/07/2015" server.log > /home/soporte/list_grep.txt10:16
x4w3grep: line too long --> nothing10:16
x4w3oks thank...let me10:17
EriC^^x4w3: try with awk maybe10:17
OerHeksThat might be more usefull indeed10:17
x4w3grep -r "16/07/2015" server.log --> grep: line too long10:17
EriC^^x4w3: try awk '/16\/07\/2015/' server.log10:18
x4w3EriC: awk '/16\/07\/2015/' server.log --> searching....thank u10:20
EriC^^no problem10:20
ner_how can i play cod: call of duty black 2 ops on ubuntu 12.04?10:27
hazardoushi, does anyone know if there is simple way to force all traffic by one specific user through a specific network interface?10:29
jimwI'm looking for a package called 'libgnucrypto-java', which appears to have been removed from the repositories. I'd be happy with just an old .deb of it, but googling around I can't find one. Anyone suggest a better place to look?10:34
grypackages.ubuntu.com select 'all' in dropdown10:35
jimwgry: no results :-910:36
x4w3wow, server.log has 450mb of plain text!! oh my god!! vim hang itslef ) after awk it....10:39
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=== gogo1234123 is now known as nodenull
x4w3with ls -lh say 450mb and with du -h 32mb what's the probloem?10:39
gryjimw: I ... don't know where to check.10:39
x4w3i close #debian-es, anybody reply never!10:39
jimwgry: A kind person has just msgd me the answer:10:41
Ben64jimw: that package got removed from debian over 5 years ago because of security issues, you probably shouldn't run it10:41
jimwhttp://www.filewatcher.com/m/libgnucrypto-java_2.0.1-4ubuntu1_all.deb.634152-0.html, in case anyone else cares10:41
jimwBen64: Yeah, it's nasty I know10:41
TJ-jimw: http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libg/libgnucrypto-java/10:44
TJ-jimw: also current dev status: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnucrypto-java10:46
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Neo9how to set a umask value for a user in a way creation of file& folder both should get  750 permissions.10:46
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Guest35438Hi how do I remove ubuntu completely and install windows 10?10:48
x4w3what is the best compression method? gz, tar or zip?10:48
jimwTJ-: ta10:48
x4w3for plain text (server.log 450Mb).10:48
Guest35438how do I remove ubuntu and install windows 10?10:49
Ben64x4w3: there is no best, figure out which one suits your needs10:49
Ben64Guest35438: ask in ##windows10:49
x4w3Ben64: thank u i test it, zip beacuse i download it to split it in windows.10:50
Ben64x4w3: not sure what that means but ok10:50
x4w3Ben64:  thank u :) don't worry my spanish sometimes fly alone :)10:52
BluesKajHiyas all10:54
user11223321242:adac ...11:01
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R0b0t1Hi so uh11:23
R0b0t1does anybody have any references w.r.t. nokia lumia 1020s running ubuntu?11:24
SilverBackhelo, i am new here11:31
hyesjadsaadfare there anywhere in ubuntu community where we can express our gratitude for ubuntu11:31
bazhangubuntuforums testimonials hyesjadsaadf11:31
hyesjadsaadfthere should be ubuntu meetings or something11:32
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mahdi_jahi all11:44
mahdi_jatonight i install last ubuntu kernel update and after restart system my wine not work11:45
Neo9_how to set a umask value for a user in a way creation of file& folder both should get  750 permissions11:45
CyberJacobI've got an HP Pavilion with a Broadcom BCM43142 Wi-Fi chipset that loses it's adapter every time the laptop goes through sleep/hybernation11:45
mahdi_jaany body get this problem and how i can solve it11:45
Secret-Fireany way to keybind two actions to one key?11:47
CyberJacobIt's currently using the wl driver, is that the right one?11:47
xmurphySecret-Fire: bind the key to a script that executes the actions11:49
Secret-Firei can try11:50
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sl1rpymy wife is trying to do updates on her laptop and its complaining about insignficant space.  we have done everything the dialog suggested and its still giving the error.11:59
sl1rpyanyone have any ideas about this error?12:02
mcphailsl1rpy: I presume you mean insufficient space? If not, please pastebin the exact error12:04
sl1rpymcphail, yes... that one lol...12:05
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mcphailsl1rpy: :) - please pastebin the output of "df -h"12:05
fidel_sl1rpy: got "df -h" running?12:09
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sl1rpyfidel_, yes... pastebin is on a dif computer so im trying to figure out how to post link onto irc12:11
fidel_you could scp the url in a file from comp1 to comp2 (which has irc running)12:12
fidel_ugly way - but should be quick (&dirty) ;)12:12
x4w3my favourite sw is scp or ssh :)12:12
x4w3and expect in to sftp :)12:12
mcphailsl1rpy: df -h | nc termbin.com 999912:13
sl1rpy_or i could do this... lol12:13
sl1rpy_its complaining about the /boot12:13
mcphailsl1rpy: yes - having a /boot partition is a bad idea. If you do have one, you need to make it large12:15
mcphailsl1rpy: you'll need to clear some space in /boot to complete the upgrade12:15
sl1rpy_mcphail, i did the auto setup... so i thought it would just put everything under / and do one partititon?12:16
mcphailsl1rpy_: that's what it should do. Don't know if there are edge cases?12:16
mcphailsl1rpy_: is this real Ubuntu or a derivative?12:16
sl1rpy_ubuntu 15.04 64 bit...12:17
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mcphailsl1rpy_: having a /boot partition that small is going to be a recurrent problem12:17
jam__hi all, I asked this question in the #lubuntu channel but didn't get any reply so I try here12:18
uViViDhow do i check installed 3d drivers....running linux on android12:18
jam__I want a minimal Ubuntu system (no desktop) but the mini.iso don't let me install using wifi12:18
jam__ is there any minimal CD images available?12:19
pragomer1how to use usb tethering with android and ubuntu 14.04 ? when activating usb tethering on my android device, ubuntu shows a 2nd wired connection named "usb0" (like eth0)... but if config show for usb0 e.g. my network on pc has e.g.12:21
sl1rpy_mcphail, huh... looked at gparted on both my laptops and it shows the /boot partition seperate from the encrypted partitions.  is there something that prohibits /boot from working properly if lvm encryption is enabled?12:21
TJ-Is duckduckgo timing out for anyone other than me?12:21
alex88hi guys, is there a way to open a terminal during an install from a minimal cd image?12:22
YotsonTJ-, works fine here.12:22
didaralex88, Ctrl+Alt+F2 ??12:22
ioriaduck seems ok12:22
alex88didar: love you!12:23
TJ-Hmm... I'm hitting "ec2-176-34-155-20.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com" and it's timing out ... no HTTP responses12:23
didaralex88, no problem :)12:23
jam__I guess not : (  http://askubuntu.com/questions/203122/how-do-i-do-a-minimal-install-without-an-internet-connection12:23
alex88trying to recover some data from an old hard disk ;S12:23
jam__..but that is a 3 years old answer12:24
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didaralex88, you can also try out Ctlr+Alt+Fn | n >= 2, n < 612:24
alex88didar: not a problem, that works fine!12:25
sl1rpy_mcphail, basically is it possible to have encrypted volume with the /boot mounted inside the encrypted volume?12:25
jdo_dkHello, i know this is not "normal" ubuntu issue, but can anyone help my "sort" mailq to tell which domain has most mails in queue ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11959271/12:25
didaralex88, http://www.sysresccd.org/SystemRescueCd_Homepage12:26
didar... might be helpful12:26
didarHad used it a few years ago12:26
mcphailsl1rpy_: aah - don't know about that12:26
TJ-All 8 IPs for duckduckgo.com returned via round-robin looup are unresponsive for HTTP (port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) ... could someone show me a "pastebin <(dig +short duckduckgo.com)" so I can set up some temporary local host overrides?12:27
sl1rpy_mcphail, well im assuming if it was possible, ubuntu auto partitioning would have done it that way so i wouldnt run into this problem.12:27
mcphailsl1rpy_: probably :)12:28
alex88didar: for sure! now lets see if i can mount a remote samba folder12:28
mcphailsl1rpy_: If it autocreates a boot partition which is too small, it might be worth filing a bug12:28
didar:o good luck12:28
sl1rpy_mcphail, i was kinda wondering if there could be a feature that you can delete old kernels once detected that there isnt enough space12:29
TJ-sl1rpy: Yes, it is possible12:30
mcphailsl1rpy_: you can apt-get autoremove to remove old kernels, but the updater isn't intelligent enough to do that automatically.12:30
alex88didar: thanks ;) seems it's there "Network tools (Samba, NFS, ping, nslookup, ...): to backup your data across the network" ;)12:30
TJ-sl1rpy: As in, LUKS/dm-crypt for the /boot/ file-system12:30
mcphailsl1rpy_: there are people on here all the time who have run into that problem12:30
TJ-sl1rpy: After creating the encrypted /boot/ file-system, make sure to add to "/etc/default/grub" the config "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y"12:31
sl1rpy_mcphail, ah... that did it.  that should be in the dialog for this error than apt-get clean12:31
mcphailsl1rpy_: doesn't always work, iirc, if the update leaves things particularly broken12:32
sl1rpy_mcphail, should this be a feature request or a bug request?12:32
mcphailsl1rpy_: bug12:32
ioriaTJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/11959308/12:33
mcphailsl1rpy_: (don't know which package, though)12:33
sl1rpy_mcphail, a combination of software updater and grub?12:34
sl1rpy_mcphail, oh and the auto setup of encrypted volumes12:34
mcphailsl1rpy_: I think the bug itself is with the installer: if it automatically creates a partition which is too small it is a bug12:34
TJ-ioria: thanks... it seems there's a problem on the return-route to me from the AWS Ireland data-center... I have those same set of IPs both locally and in the London data-center... my local HTTP/HTTPS connections time out, but I can ping the hosts - I wonder if someone's messed up a MITM proxy?12:35
mcphailsl1rpy_: at the very least, it should produce a warning that /boot is a bit small12:35
ioriaTJ-  you're the pro :þ12:36
sl1rpy_mcphail, or take you to a screen after you select "use whole disk, encrypt, lvm" to where you can choose the size for /boot12:36
TJ-^ _12:37
TJ-@ @12:37
sl1rpyall i know is Java and a little bit of C++... if i knew more i would contribute by working on the installer iso :-P12:39
TJ-sl1rpy: You really don't want to go near the installer! It has so many years of workarounds for workarounds for workarounds that even the people that maintain it get lost!12:42
sl1rpyTJ-, oh... lol.12:45
sl1rpyanyhow.... the dialog should say to use apt-get autoremove instead of apt-get clean to resolve the issue.... and another, make the /boot partition bigger.12:46
eeinhello. how do you install a deb package at the ubuntu server installer? I tried to tty the basic kernel doesn't have the dpkg package yet12:48
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eeini have a non-free nic driver i need to install. and the only option is install from cd but i have it copied to a flash drive and the ubuntu install is cd12:49
sl1rpyeh, im stuck on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs and trying to find a link that actually lets me post a bug12:50
d8bhattaHell Guys12:52
d8bhattaI am trying to install VM player in ubuntu  and use https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_player/6_012:52
d8bhattato download12:52
d8bhattabut the problem is when I download it,its in exe version12:52
d8bhattaIt looks like it needs to be in .bundle12:53
sl1rpymcphail, isnt the package for the installer ubiquity or something like that?12:53
d8bhattaCan somebody suggest me12:53
mcphailsl1rpy: I don't know, to be honest12:54
mcphailsl1rpy: sounds reasonable, though12:54
d8bhattaI think I have got it now..thanks12:57
sl1rpymcphail, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/147934412:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1479344 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu Installer makes /boot partition too small on encrypted lvm setup" [Undecided,New]12:58
dRistzleguys.i just installed ubuntu 14.0413:01
dRistzleand my wireless doesnt seem to work13:01
dRistzlebut the ethernet connection is fine13:01
k1l_dRistzle: what is your wifi chip? lspci will tell13:02
dRistzleThe terminal says Ispci is not a command13:04
k1l_lspci its a L at the start13:04
synapseHas anyone here used NodeJS to run a http server on ubuntu?13:04
mcphailsl1rpy: thanks13:04
patitohi guys .. During the boot ubuntu cannot find my usb/ethernet device13:05
k1l_synapse: should we wait for all users to say yes and no or will you start to ask the real question? :)13:05
synapsek1l_ Well if no one has experience with it they wouldn't know how to solve the problem :)13:05
dRistzle00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT DRAM Controller (rev 0b) 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b) 00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT HD Audio Controller (rev 0b) 00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation Lynx Point-LP USB xHCI HC (rev 04) 00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation Lynx Point-LP HECI #0 (rev 04) 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporati13:05
OerHekssynapse, better ask in #ubuntu-server13:06
k1l_synapse: ok, we will never know then13:06
sl1rpymcphail, np13:06
k1l_!paste | dRistzle13:06
ubottudRistzle: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:06
synapseOerHeks ok thank you13:06
dRistzlethats what the terminal states13:07
dRistzlemy wireless networks show13:08
dRistzlebut i cant connect to them13:08
sl1rpyman i cant WAIT till the ubuntu phones hit the states13:08
k1l_dRistzle: what gives you "uname -a" you can show the one line in here13:10
dRistzlek1l_: Linux dRistzle 3.16.0-45-generic #60~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 24 21:16:23 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:11
k1l_dRistzle: you could try if the 3.19 lts kernel will solve that13:12
k1l_dRistzle: install the package: linux-generic-lts-vivid13:13
k1l_after a restart the kernel 3.19 should be used. maybe that solves it already13:13
artur_what's up people )13:13
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steve-mcbuttswinblows 10 > ubuntu 813:14
mustmodifyI have a list of html files from `find . -name *.htm?` ... what's the right tool to find out which of those files does not include a certain string? (in this case, my Analytics tracking code.)13:16
xriskmustmodify: grep should work13:17
artur_i ha one stupid problem with xubuntu and all family of ubuntu13:17
OerHeksmr analistic-tracking-code needs a tool to track a string .. humor13:17
TJ-mustmodify: "find . -name *.htm? -execdir grep -v 'CANT_FIND_THIS' {} \; "13:17
mustmodifyIs execdir a parameter of find ?13:18
mustmodifyAh, so it is.13:18
TJ-mustmodify: Yes. it executes the command in the target directory, as opposed to "-exec" which uses the entire relative path.13:19
mustmodifyso I know `grep -v` ... but I'll have to research the string there...13:20
mustmodifyOh... the string is the analytics code.13:20
mustmodifyand then I assume {} is like -I{}... ie where to put the filename.13:20
artur_my notebook has wifi button and when i press the button, blue-tooth is turning on13:21
dRistzlek1l_:im installing the package13:21
TJ-mustmodify: find replaces {} with the find filename path13:21
mustmodifyI've done something similar with xargs.13:22
dRistzlek1l_ : installation completed13:22
mustmodifyTJ: but when I do that I get back the contents of the files. I want the filenames.13:23
mustmodifyso I guess I need a conditional13:24
Picimustmodify: use the -H switch to grep to print the filenames13:25
mustmodifythough obviously grep has a 'show me the filename' option.13:25
dRistzlethanks alot guys13:25
mustmodifyyep I just did that, good suggestion.13:26
dRistzlewifi back up :D13:26
mcphailmustmodify: have you tried ag (package silversearcher-ag)?13:26
mcphailmustmodify: can do what you need without messing around with find etc13:26
mustmodifyTJ: Output is a bit of a mess, but I think I can clean it up. Thanks!13:27
mustmodifymcphail: Actually, someone turned me on to ag recently. Man it's fast.13:27
mcphailmustmodify: a bit buggy, but it works fairly well13:27
dRistzlek1l_: thanks alot :D it worked13:28
k1l_dRistzle: good to hear13:28
mustmodifymcphail: How would I solve this problem with that, though? I'm looking for files that DO NOT contain something.13:28
mustmodifyDoes bash include set subtraction? That would be cool.13:28
mustmodifyOr actually I guess I could use ag from ruby and do set subtraction there. :)13:29
TJ-mustmodify: You can add options to the grep, if you only want the filenames use "grep -L ..."13:29
mcphailmustmodify: ag has the "-L" flag as well13:29
EriC^^mustmodify: find -name "*.." | while read bla; if grep -q "search"; echo $bla; done13:30
mcphailmustmodify: "Only print filenames that don´t contain matches."13:30
EriC^^something like that will list all files that don't contain it13:30
TJ-EriC^^: that's a lot of overahead for just using "grep -L ..." :)13:30
EriC^^sorry use if ! grep -q "search" $bla; echo $bla; done13:30
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EriC^^TJ-: i'm a motorhead so it comes natural to me :P13:30
TJ-EriC^^: OK, remind me not to let you fit a turbo-charger :)13:31
mcphailmustmodify: try "ag --html -L pattern"13:31
EriC^^lol, i was j/k TJ- :p13:32
mustmodifymcphail: Oh... well, uh... that solves my problem then. Thanks so much! That will save me zoodles of time in the future.13:32
TJ-mustmodify: this works fine for me:  e.g. "  find /usr/share/doc/ -type f -name '*.html' -execdir grep -L 'DTD' {} \;  "13:33
mcphailmustmodify: np13:33
EriC^^TJ-: won't that find everything that includes the search? i thought he wanted the files that dont include it?13:34
mustmodifyTJ: even simpler: `ag UA-6572xxx-1 . -L|grep htm `13:34
mcphailmustmodify: if you find ag a bit buggy, I have a PPA with some custom patches which fix a few of the errors13:34
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DWSRHey all, what's the guest session username? I'm trying to enable auto-login in lxdm.13:45
dRistzleplease help me out.My wifi is only remaining connected for a minute or two after which it stops working on ubuntu13:51
dRistzleand wont work until i restart ubuntu.and will disconnect again after 2 mins13:52
Ackisis there a way to test out changes to my sudoers file before committing to them?13:53
DWSRHey all, what's the guest session username? I'm trying to enable auto-login in lxdm.13:53
cfhowlettDWSR, open a terminal.  type who13:54
tanathosor whoami13:54
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dRistzlek1l_: Sorry to bother you.But your solution is'nt working13:59
DWSRcfhowlett: It's a different variation of guest-r4nd0m every time I login.13:59
cfhowlettDWSR, exactly.  thus "no name" ...14:00
dRistzlek1l_: My wifi turns off after 2 minutes of restarting ubuntu.14:00
DWSRcfhowlett: Yes, but I want to enable auto-login to guest session from LXDM. All the results from searching through mention config files for lightdm or lxdm that don't exist on my system.14:00
OerHeksdRistzle, known issues with that RTL8723BE http://askubuntu.com/questions/457341/wifi-drops-and-wont-reconnect-until-reboot-14-04-with-rtl8723be and even this solution did not work perfectly http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/ubuntu-trusty-realtek.html14:01
cfhowlettDWSR, install lxde?14:01
cfhowlettDWSR, or go whole hog: lubuntu14:02
DWSRcfhowlett: I have lxde installed (I did a Lubuntu minimal install)14:02
cfhowlettDWSR, and the guest does NOT have lxde running?14:02
TJ-EriC^^: delayed reaction but ... "-L, --files-without-match"14:03
EriC^^TJ-: oh ok, thanks14:03
DWSRcfhowlett: End goal: User presses power button: Some indeterminate amount of time later, they are presented with a DE that's the guest session. Currently I can manually login to the guest session, but I want to literally have "push button, receive bacon"14:04
DWSRThe guest session has everything running properly.14:04
cheetahw26how can I force a reinstall of a package and also reinstall all configuration files?14:04
TJ-Just found out, duckduckgo had blocked my IP ... unblocked now and they have a bug :)14:04
cfhowlettDWSR, so "kiosk" mode?14:05
DWSRcfhowlett: Eh, pretty much14:05
cheetahw26for some reason when I try to install postgresql I keep getting errors, files are missing in the data directory... something must have happened during the install where some files were copied, but not others14:05
OerHekscheetahw26, uninstall with the purge option and start over again14:06
cfhowlettDWSR, do-able but outside my area.  suggest you access the lubuntu or lxde support channels.14:06
DWSRI wanted to do a minimal Lubuntu install because these are old laptops. These laptops literally have network manager, LXDE, and Chrome installed.14:06
DWSRLubuntu support channel's dead.14:06
DWSRWhere's the lxde support channel? #lxde?14:06
cheetahw26apt-get remove postgresql, then apt-get purge postgresql ?14:07
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cfhowlettDWSR, I believe so.  http://lxde.org/irc/14:07
fontisHmm.. I can't seem to decide between elementary and ubuntu gnome :<14:07
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fontisThe suspense is killing me14:07
cfhowlettfontis, install virtualbox.  install both.  test.  choose.14:07
OerHekscheetahw26, apt-get remove --purge postgresql14:08
DWSRcfhowlett: Irony being that mibbit is banned on freenode. Thanks14:08
cfhowlettDWSR, https://github.com/MobilityLab/TransitScreen/wiki/Lubuntu-kiosk-setup-procedures14:08
cheetahw26thanks... think I need to remove all of the others too, i.e. client, client-common, common, etc?14:09
OerHekscheetahw26, i would just apt-get install --reinstall , not sure why you think files are missing14:09
cheetahw26error shows not a vaild directory PG_VERSION is missing...14:09
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cheetahw26thanks... remove --purge finally was able to get rid of them completely from dpkg, reinstalling now14:11
dididodohi... is there something like a single-click mute/unmute for audio output?14:26
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reisiosome volume applet icons can do that14:27
cfhowlettdididodo, laptop14:27
dididodoreisio, a button i n the gnome panel would be perfect ... single click mute and unmute to the old volume setting14:28
reisioalso you can make your own easily enough14:30
reisiomapped to a pavucontrol toggle command or something14:30
* reisio would just use a keyboard shortcut at that point, though14:30
dididodoreisio.. ok, thats an alternative, you are right14:31
dididodoi'll check out pavucontrol, thx14:32
eeinhow can i find the name of a network interface to set as active?14:34
eeini think the proprietary driver loaded14:34
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TJ-eein: "ip link show"14:39
eeinTJ it hasn't been made active14:41
eeinso it doesnt show there. lshw -class network shows the NICs but provides no logical name and shows as UNCLAIMED14:41
eeini am trying to make it active14:42
eeinbut i need the logical name to edit the network config14:42
eeini guess unclaimed means no dirver?14:43
TJ-eein: Then there is no interface, just a hardware device with no kernel module driver14:44
eeinmaybe i grabbed the wrong package. what is 14.04 trusty? (why use cutsie names just call it by number)14:46
eeini don't see trusty14:46
DWSReein: Code names are very useful as opposed to saying fourteen point oh four.14:46
DWSReein: Obviously typing the numbers is shorter, but saying the name verbally is shorter.14:47
DWSRAlso, more memorable.14:47
eeinok, thats an opinion. i find it annoying to remember every distros names14:47
eeinyou could just say 14 lts14:47
DWSRI have lightdm logging my Lubuntu minimal install into a guest session by default. I edited failsafe.conf to stop Plymouth from waiting for the network to be up before booting, however now NetworkManager isn't starting by default. Is there a better way to do this?14:48
DWSReein: Sure, which works for the distinction between 14 series releses, but what about 15.04, 15.10?14:48
eeinwell isnt .04 stable and .10 bleeding14:49
DWSREventually it's stable.14:49
eein.04 are eventually stable?14:49
eeinanyway that was decided by people smarter than me. but how would i get a 14.04 package for this https://packages.debian.org/wheezy-backports/firmware-bnx214:50
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:51
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eeinOerHeks, those are for wireless drivers, mine is a wired 571614:53
OerHekseein, i see. netxtreme was removed from linux-firmware some time ago http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/precise/main/base/linux-firmware14:54
eeinso where does that leave me? OerHeks14:55
eeinI have the same server running 14.04 with a working driver. Can I move the associated files to the non working server?  lshw on the working shows driver=bnx215:00
FreederHi, I'm thinking about moving my 4xRAID mdadm setup from one machine to another- what do I need to be mindful of, so that I don't lose my data on those disks?15:00
eeinhow can I match that to a deb15:00
BOY_slimI am first time here15:01
TJ-eein: what is the PCI device ID (" lspci -nn ")15:01
BOY_slimI am from Italy15:01
BOY_slimIs there anyone from Italy ?15:02
lotuspsychje!it | BOY_slim15:02
ubottuBOY_slim: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:02
mistralo1I have some problem where a program cannot find a shared lib.15:02
eein02:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme II BCM5716 Gigabit Ethernet [14e4:163b] (rev 20)15:03
lotuspsychjemistralo1: can you explain to channel whats happening exactly15:03
mistralo1If i add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the program works. But that isn't suitable. but when I add it to the ld.so.conf it doesn't work (even after running ldconfig)15:03
mistralo1Its not a suitable solution because the program is suid and LD_LIBRARY_PATH wont be accepted15:03
TJ-eein: the kernel has a driver built-in for that "bnx2" so something is preventing it being loaded. Can you "pastebinit <( /var/log/dmesg)"15:04
lotuspsychjemistralo1: wich program are you talking about15:04
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mistralo1lotuspsychje: its a custom program. Which is using pango and the pango lib fails to load which is in an odd place /usr/lib64/pango/1.8.0/modules/15:05
shankerhi friends ia ma having a issue with playonlinux PlayOnLinux is unable to find 32bits OpenGL libraries.15:05
shankerYou might encounter problem with your games15:05
LUCAS-ARG1hello, i have ubuntu 14.04 on my laptop with a sshd ive installe root into the ssd part of the disk and home in hdd, its ok to have that setup? i did not wanted to go with bcache configuration setup15:05
eeinTJ that is the working server, I am trying to get a server of the same model up that does not have the driver. I found and sneakernetted the driver to the working system at some time but cannot find the package anymore and want to copy over the package from the working to the non working15:05
mistralo1just not sure why it wont work when added to ld.so.conf. Even when looking in the output of strace it won't scan that dir for the shared lib15:06
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TJ-eein: If the server you are targeting is Ubuntu, with 14.04, then it has the bnx2 driver and supporting firmware installed as part of the kernel packages15:06
eeinTJ when I install, no NICs are found15:06
quangsomething wierd15:06
shankerissue-PlayOnLinux is unable to find 32bits OpenGL libraries.15:06
shankerYou might encounter problem with your games15:06
quangmy desktop has nothing on it15:07
quangjust my background15:07
quangand a mouse cursor15:07
eeinif it were in the kernel wouldnt it load it from the CD?15:07
quangwhat happeend15:07
eeinquang, you need to restart the window manager15:07
mistralo1lotuspsychje: any ideas?15:07
quangi did a lot of things15:07
LUCAS-ARG1hey guys if i have an sshd and install the system in the ssd part of the disk and use the rest as home instead of using bache its ok?15:07
lotuspsychjemist: no sorry15:07
TJ-eein: try "modprobe bnx2" and then check kern.log15:08
quangi did that15:08
quangbut it didnt work15:08
quangare u talkin about that?  or to do something else?15:08
TJ-LUCAS-ARG1: most integrated sshd's don't let you address the flash cache separately15:09
LUCAS-ARG1TJ-: i was able to do it... im not sure if its ok... "/" is installed there and everything is running ok... just dont know if its ok to do so15:11
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ubottuMany Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.15:11
TJ-LUCAS-ARG1: You wrote "sshd" - was that a mis-type. Do you mean the PC has a HDD and a SSD and you want to use bcache on the SSD? In which case, yes, that's a good combo15:12
LUCAS-ARG1TJ-: well its a disk with 32gb of ssd, just 1 disk... but i see it as a separate disk on gparted so i was able to install "/" ok the ssd part and "home" in the regular part of the disk...15:13
eeinTJ-, Jul 29 11:13:33 bion kernel: [ 5518.904608] bnx2x: Broadcom NetXtreme II 5771x/578xx 10/20-Gigabit Ethernet Driver bnx2x 1.78.17-0 (2013/04/11)15:14
eeintrying to find bnx2x 1.78.17-0....15:14
TJ-eein: So the driver had loaded - you should see further messages showing the PHYs found15:14
eeinTJ-, that is from the working server15:15
TJ-eein: that's not helping is it? We're not trying to fix an issue on the good server!15:15
eeinTJ-, i am trying to locate the driver package for the non working server which doesn't have a driver15:15
TJ-eein: I told you - the driver is *part of the standard kernel packakes*15:16
TJ-eein: "dpkg -S bnx2.ko" ==> "linux-image-extra-3.13.0-58-generic: /lib/modules/3.13.0-58-generic/kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/broadcom/bnx2.ko"15:17
R0b0t1does anybody have any references w.r.t. nokia lumia 1020s running ubuntu?15:18
reisiothink -touch keeps a list, R0b0t115:20
TJ-eein: if that driver is missing I'm not convinced the server has Ubuntu on it; it could be Debian15:20
k1l_R0b0t1: most of that devices dont load other OSs becuase of locked bootloaders. and since there are no linux drivers (like for android devices) its a extra burden15:20
k1l_but yes, #ubuntu-touch is the channel with the specialists15:21
R0b0t1k1l_, often the bootloader is locked but will load most OSes you put onto it, per android phones. But seeing as it was a windows phone device I was wondering how they managed to load any alternative OS at all.15:22
daftykinsphones are a bit off topic :)15:22
R0b0t1so is pedantry ;)15:23
daftykinsno, we have channel rules15:23
daftykinsthere's another channel for ubuntu phone stuff15:23
lotuspsychjeR0b0t1: try the #ubuntu-touch channel and the XDA forum for existing projects15:25
eeinTJ-, I just installed 14.04 I have the CD. when I go through the install no NIC is detected15:25
eeinI show the bnx2x in the kern.log on both servers but the one that isnt working shows UNCLAIMED15:26
eeinit also doesn't explain why if it is in the kernel that the installer wouldnt find the NIC15:27
CB6http://paste.ubuntu.com/11960220/ am I missing anything in my samba conf that would cause me not to see it?15:29
lotuspsychjeCB6: did you try the #samba channel?15:29
ioriaeein ubuntu server installer or mini.iso ?15:29
TJ-eein: can you grab the output of dmesg from the bad server and pastebin please?15:29
CB6didn't knw there was one15:30
TJ-eein: The BNX2 driver is in the "linux-image-extra-<kernel-version>" package, and the firmware (if required) is in "linux-firmware"15:30
ioriaC86 i think you have no shares15:32
CB6the GUI has shares specified but perhaps the conf file needs a change also?15:32
CB6Like I have right clicked and selected share options. Both computers are on the same workgroup so I know that is right15:33
* eein flips table gently15:33
ioriaC86 i never used the gui for that, sorry15:33
eeinidk whats wrong I popped the disc in a third r210 and it found the NIC15:33
CB6when you do smbtree does it typically show beyond samba running the folder shares?15:34
eeinsomething must be wrong with the hardware on the second r210. I'll double check BIOS but I believe it is all correct and there is not configuration available for NIC15:34
daftykinseein: module isn't loaded by the sounds, if a NIC is unclaimed15:34
CB6I just want to share some basic folders /home/user/videos etc15:34
CB6Teamviewer for some reason is capped at 120KB lol so slow15:35
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eeindaftykins, yeah but something must be wrong before then because the installer CD finds NIC on other identical servers just not this one15:35
CB6I selected LAN in options but it made no difference. I should be seeing like wireless N transfer rates15:35
daftykinseein: maybe it only picks one for primary and doesn't set them all up15:36
RaulwynnHow may I setup my nvidia videocard to work with gaming? Is there a GPU monitor available?15:37
CB6conky you mean?15:37
rebsraul, use the nvidia propriettary drivers15:38
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CB6Conky hasa GPU monitor15:38
mcphailRaulwynn: not sure what you mean by a GPU monitor, but nvidia-settings will allow you to look at temperatures etc if you install the proprietary drivers15:38
CB6more for general desktop stuff from I could see15:38
plHi, I need a little favor. Can anybody using Chromium on Ubuntu 15.04 try this command: ldd /usr/lib/chromium/chromium | grep srtp15:39
pland let me know the output?15:39
DWSRAnyone know why, on a Lubuntu install, Network Manager only comes up a couple minutes after I boot to the desktop environment?15:39
Raulwynnrebs: Yes, I am but I'm watching my gpu while gaming and the driver won't use more than 50% gpu and the game is studdering pretty bad.15:39
RaulwynnI'm using nvidia drivers.15:39
Dumle29If I want to add a custom URL handler, how would I go about doing this? Running ubuntu gnome 15.0415:40
mcphailRaulwynn: are you sure the performance is GPU bound?15:40
Raulwynnmcphail: How would I tell?15:40
CB6Samba channel is a graveyard lol15:40
Raulwynni'm using a watch nvidia-smi command15:40
CB6nobody chatting in there but tons of people in the room15:40
mcphailRaulwynn: you'd need to mointor _everything_ (CPU, GPU, disks, network) and see where the bottleneck appears. Probably not on-topic for this channel though15:41
Dumle29Specifically I'd want steam://advertise/<id> perform the command: steam steam://advertise/<id>15:41
Raulwynnmcphail: I figured as this would be a programming/program issue on Ubuntu, it would be on topic, but that's cool. Where should I go?15:42
plI'm trying to help sorting out a but. The output of that command would help me. Anybody willing to help?15:42
plldd /usr/lib/chromium/chromium | grep srtp15:42
mcphailRaulwynn: also, make sure you are on the latest proprietary drivers. What version are you using?15:42
compdocCB6, which samba gui do you use? the gnome one?15:42
TJ-eein: dmesg should show if there's some issue configuring the device... my guess is some kind of PCI BAR mapping issue15:42
Raulwynnmcphail: 304.12515:43
mcphailRaulwynn: and what game? Those drivers are too old for things like Witcher2 etc15:43
KartagisI need help with http://askubuntu.com/questions/648663/any-way-to-recover-my-3tb-usb-hdd15:43
RaulwynnThat was suggested as best stable driver for GTX 6xx . Bioshock Infinite.15:43
Kartagissomeone has 100 points with their name on it15:44
RaulwynnWhere can I review the drivers for which videocards?15:44
mcphailRaulwynn: 304 is stable, but not performant15:44
Raulwynnmcphail: That was not explained to me, where can I find this information?15:44
OerHeksKartagis, it is not broken man !15:45
mcphailRaulwynn: gaming on Ubuntu is still fairly niche, so there isn't a big repository of information. Often useful to keep up with the Steam Forums and Phoronix.com15:45
OerHeksKartagis, you need fuse for that exfat >> sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils >> http://askubuntu.com/questions/451364/how-to-enable-exfat-in-ubuntu-14-0415:45
Kartagiswhat is not broken?15:46
mcphailRaulwynn: the 304 drivers are not suitable for many modern games15:46
plNobody using chromium?15:46
mcphailRaulwynn: nvidia have a forum with linux information as well15:46
Raulwynnmcphail: Okay. thanks15:46
RaulwynnI just was told to use this driver. haha15:47
mcphailRaulwynn: the "unsupported" way to do things is to install the xorg edgers PPA and use the latest drivers on there. Of course, PPAs can be unstable and can break system upgrades15:47
CB6compdoc the default GUI for 14 desktop 64 bit Ubuntu15:48
CB6I'm actually not sure if it's "Unity" or "Gnome"15:48
TJ-CB6: that'll be Unity15:49
CB6I have firewall on so I was told to check out GUFW to see if firewall rules are blocking it in the Linux chat.15:51
_SLM_Is there a good equal to ZoneAlarm on Linux? As in, I like the feature of this firewall that in the beginning it notifies me of everything happening for which I do Allow/Deny/Allow And Remember/Deny And Remember. Thus allowing me to be in control of what happens on my system in every aspect of system processes and internet connections, while not having to manually update blocklists/whilelists15:52
daftykins_SLM_: not hugely, in what situations do you feel you're running a program and don't want it to talk online?15:53
DWSRCan I configured networkmanager to allow guest sessions to configure the WiFi?15:53
KartagisOerHeks: it says  ERROR: exFAT file system is not found when I try to mount15:53
Fuchs_SLM_: these so called personal firewalls are a horrible and useless thing, so no, fortunately there isn't15:53
daftykinsi would argue most Windows users doing that are doing so because they're running illegal software and want to prevent it phoning home :)15:53
CB6evidently I don't have GUFW installed. WHat's the default firewall for Ubuntu that you enable? I know I enabled the firewall15:53
Fuchs_SLM_: on Linux you tend to have just only the ports open for actual services you provide, and these are configured in a sane way (e.g. ssh with public key auth only and maybe fail2ban)15:53
daftykinsiptables, UFW is a front-end for it15:53
_SLM_daftykins, I like being in control of my own system, so in all situations. In the beginning I do a lot of ¨does this make sense? yes: allow&rmemeber no: deny&remember15:54
TJ-Kartagis: The type value shown by fdisk is not guaranteed to be correct, and doesn't need to be15:54
daftykins_SLM_: it does but i don't personally see the point :)15:54
TJ-Kartagis: Try "sudo blkid /dev/sdc"15:54
daftykins_SLM_: to me, if it's running at all, it's a problem15:55
KartagisTJ-: no output15:55
TJ-Kartagis:  sorry, typo, try "sudo blkid /dev/sdc[12]"15:55
* Kartagis is baffled15:56
_SLM_I prefer being prompted on everything and setting rules to eventually be prompted less15:56
_SLM_this appoach saved me from some virusses in the past15:56
_SLM_where my virus scan was being useless15:56
TJ-Kartagis: it might help if you describe the actual problem15:57
CB6UFW is the downloadable GUI for IPtables?15:57
KartagisTJ-:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/648663/any-way-to-recover-my-3tb-usb-hdd15:57
daftykins_SLM_: viruses - or preferably, malware in general isn't an issue in Linux land - so i think you ought to retire this approach15:57
mcphail_SLM_: I have looked at various things a couple of years ago and never found anything equivalent to ZoneAlarm etc. Might have changed recently15:57
_SLM_I se15:57
TJ-Kardos: That doesn't describe any *problem* - what is actually wrong? You have a 3TB drive that you know should have data on, in one or both partitions, and now you can't access the data?15:58
KartagisTJ-: that's right15:58
_SLM_daftykins, I know virusses are less of an issue, but I also appreciate the part of being in control of whats happening without having to monitor anything manually15:58
TJ-Kartagis: now we're getting somewhere! ... was the drive in another PC when there was valid data?15:59
Homely_GirlHi my 8 yr old has beat me into submission to install Minecraft.....it's a .jar file, can you help me set up an easy access icon for her to use plse? I don't know how to run the jar file , sorry 2 be a nuisance15:59
daftykins_SLM_: ok, well good luck finding something. don't think it's gonna happen though15:59
k1l__SLM_: that sort of windows firewalls gives you a false impression  of what that actually does.15:59
_SLM_k1l_ like?15:59
OerHeksHomely_Girl, easy to do > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UnityLaunchersAndDesktopFiles16:00
daftykinsHomely_Girl: tonnes of guides online, look up your version of ubuntu, it'll show how to install a java version then potentially make a double-click script to launch it.16:00
KartagisTJ-: no, at the same PC. I've just tried a few other distros and came back to ubuntu. and it wasn't working16:00
k1l__SLM_: so if you dont have a program listening on a port, that port is not "opened"16:00
Kartagisit was working before that16:00
TJ-Kartagis: Was the drive always connected over the USB link?16:00
k1l__SLM_: "netstat -tulpen" will show you what is running16:00
Kartagisthat's right16:01
KartagisTJ-: the only difference is that its usb 3.0 was broken so I had the case replaced16:01
Homely_Girldaftykins, Just 'cos I know how to run apt-get does not mean I know how to make a script! I choose Linux 'cos Windoz e is dumb!!! lol16:02
mcphail_SLM_: I don't think you're going to get a solution here today, which is a shame. I can see the utility in having a program like this16:02
Homely_GirlOerHeks, Thanks for the link.16:02
_SLM_k1l_, I know how ports work, I am a developer, I´m supposed to. I know zonealarm is basicly a prompt-based whitelist with rules16:02
TJ-Kartagis: OK, so if "blkid" doesn't identify any file-system data in those partitions it looks as if something, at some point, has wiped part or all of the contents16:02
_SLM_Maybe I should write it and open source it.. I wonder if it would be difficult to do in linux..16:03
k1l__SLM_: ufw, or better gufw, could be something that you want16:03
KartagisTJ-: sudo fdisk -l shows the partitions though16:03
mcphail_SLM_: there isn't so much need for it, as most of the software we run is OPen Soource and heavily curated. Furthermore, when Snappy is introduced, a lot of the trust issues with applications will be minimised16:04
TJ-_SLM_: Linux doesn't activate listening services unless specifically requested, and on Desktops in LANs there's no publicly accessible ports unless the gateway is port-mapping (IPv4) or direct-addressing (IPv6). The only benefit would be for *outgoing* connections is that what you want to monitor?16:04
KartagisTJ-: the disk is also babbling about GPT and MBR16:04
Homely_GirlOerHeks, Link did not work :(16:04
AbuDharMaster Boot Record? :D16:05
_SLM_k1l_ thanks for the suggestion.16:05
mcphail_SLM_: however, at this point in time I am running more proprietary software on Ubuntu than ever before and I would appreciate a program like ZoneAlarm16:05
_SLM_TJ- yes, outgoing16:05
daftykinsnormal TJ- service will be resumed shortly16:06
AbuDharGPT is becoming the standard ?16:06
AbuDharMBR is only for Win16:06
KartagisI'm not sure16:06
_SLM_mcphail I think commercial software will find it´s way to linux depending on its own popularity, like linux games. So yeah, not everything is open source and therefor trusted16:07
k1l_AbuDhar: no, mbr and gpt is not win or linux only16:07
daftykinsand now back to your regular TJ- programming :)16:07
mcphail_SLM_: snappy will help with this, though16:07
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KartagisTJ-: oh, there is another difference. laptop's fs was reiserfs and the disk is reiserfs as well16:08
TJ-Kartagis: showing the partition layout (by fdisk) only requires reading the first 512 bytes of the device though, it has no bearing on what may have happened elsewhere on the device16:08
_SLM_mcphail http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/tools/snappy?16:08
Kartagisbut I get wrong fstype when I try to mount with -t reiserfs16:08
AbuDhark1l_, that's not what I said.. I was saying that GPT works for all OS'16:09
AbuDharwhile MBR is only Windows, right?16:09
AbuDharor not?16:09
boltzz:( Having major issues guys. Why doesn't linux ever just... work?16:09
AbuDharcan Linux use MBR?16:09
mcphail_SLM_: that is the core nugget of it, but (with a lot of work) it will be polished and brought to the desktop16:09
k1l_AbuDhar: that is wrong. MBR was before gpt. and works for linux too16:09
daftykinsAbuDhar: MBR is cross OS :>16:09
TJ-MBR = Master Boot Record, and is a disk label format used originally with BIOS. That only allowed 4 primary partitions, then along came GUID Partition Tables (GPT) with 128 primaries by default, and many more useful functions too. GPT generally uses the first *and last* 34 x 512 bytes (sectors) of the device16:09
AbuDharokay :>16:09
k1l_boltzz: it does for me :)16:10
boltzzI'm trying to install xubuntu on my machine. I have had xubuntu on this machine and on this very SSD before, but now whenever I install, I boot up for the first time to a blinking cursor.16:10
boltzzNo splash screens, no grub menus, just a black screen with a blinking cursor.16:10
_SLM_mcphail, considering a linux move now, whatever technologies happen in 5 years is good for then :)16:10
boltzzI've tried pressing ESC, I've tried pressing shift. Nothing.16:10
TJ-boltzz: Do you have more than one disk device attached, such as a USB mass storage device?16:10
boltzzTJ-, I quite a few additional internal HDs.16:11
mcphail_SLM_: true. If you find a ZoneAlarm equivalent, let me know :)16:11
boltzzboltzz, but why should they be an issue?16:11
boltzzboltzz, I'm not dual booting, I'm telling xubuntu to install on this particular SSD in its entirety.16:11
TJ-boltzz: if there are multiple drives then the problem is you've not set the drive you want as the boot drive, or else you accidentally installed the boot-loader to another disk16:13
AbuDharWindows can only boot from GPT on UEFI-based computers running 64-bit versions of Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, and corresponding server versions.16:13
AbuDharAll versions of Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and Vista can read GPT drives and use them for data — they just can’t boot from them without UEFI.16:13
boltzzTJ-, I am manually selecting this drive as the boot.16:13
boltzzTJ-, how could I have accidentally installed the bootloader on the wrong drive?16:14
boltzzTJ-, how can I install without doing so?16:14
TJ-boltzz: Right ... but if the boot-loader was accidentally installed to another drive... there's no bootloader on the drive you're selecting16:14
boltzzTJ-, okay, fair enough. Could be. How do I check where the bootloader ended up and how do I ensure it ends up on the drive I'm installing to?16:14
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TJ-boltzz: if, for example, there are 6 drives in the PC, then the installer will not know which drive is the correct one to install the boot-loader to and will often choose the first disk discovered, which it would call /dev/sda ... and might not be the SSD you're installing the OS to16:15
TJ-boltzz: if you've not changed anything else I'd see if just letting the PC boot to its default boot device gets you to GRUB, and possibly the OS installed. I'd hold down shift as it boots to catch the GRUB boot menu, and then double-check from there the entries are the SSD ones I expected to see.16:16
GAM002i get a warning signal saying the software i installed might have a umet dependencies16:21
subthalamusHello, where would you start troubleshooting a spontaneous shutdown in kubuntu?16:23
subthalamusI think the T410 is overheating but how do I check and why doesn't it do it in Winders?16:23
lotuspsychjeGAM002: did you add ppa's?16:23
subthalamusdo I need to tweak fan settings or something?16:23
cfhowlettsubthalamus, it'll likely be recorded in the logs, but if you've already narrowed it down to overheating ...16:24
subthalamuscfhowlett: which logs specifically?16:24
subthalamuscfhowlett: I say overheating as a guess. it tends to be when something video intensive is running and it if freaking hot where I live right now16:25
cfhowlettsubthalamus, dmesg | more is a likely place to start16:25
cfhowlettsubthalamus, ah, that sounds familiar - graphics card overload16:25
subthalamus[  633.092291] perf interrupt took too long (2502 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5000016:26
subthalamus[  633.092291] perf interrupt took too long (2502 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 5000016:26
cfhowlettsubthalamus, use paste16:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:27
subthalamusnothing else seems relevant in dmesg16:28
cfhowlettsubthalamus, yeah, that does seem to reference the intel gpu16:28
subthalamushow do I tell kubuntu to play nicer with it?16:29
subthalamusincrease GPU speed or decrease clockrate or something?!?16:29
subthalamus*fan speed16:29
plrhello guys , how can i forward journalctl into logstash ?16:29
subthalamusif Micro$oft can do it :/16:30
cfhowlettsubthalamus, the fix exceeds my abilities.  sorry.  but you seem to be on the trail.16:30
subthalamusI'll sit it on icepacks :)16:31
GAM002lotuspsychje: sorry for the late reply. What is ppa?16:31
lotuspsychje!ppa | GAM00216:34
ubottuGAM002: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge16:34
TJ-subthalamus: those errors are critical, and were introduced with commit 32b7eeec4. Which Ubuntu release/kernel version is being used there?16:35
GAM002lotuspsychje: aah yes i did add and extra download source for installing steam16:35
CB6If you had Samba running and no shares in theory would the Samba machine at least show up in the workgroup when you click network?16:35
CB6I disabled the firewall and it still didn't show up in the workgroup16:35
lotuspsychjeGAM002: you might wanna remove that ppa from sources and apt-get update16:36
GAM002i think there is an update available waiting to be installed for steam client could that be the reason?16:36
subthalamusDescription:    Ubuntu 15.0416:36
subthalamusRelease:        15.0416:36
subthalamusCodename:       vivid16:36
GAM002is it beacause i havent installed the update?16:37
subthalamusTJ-: vivid , sorry remind me how to check the video driver version in use?16:37
TJ-subthalamus: check the kernel version with "uname -r"16:37
lotuspsychjeGAM002: might be because of the ppa you added, always a risk16:38
Unaccounted4glxinfo | grep version16:38
GAM002lotuspsychje: well the source is trusted16:38
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subthalamusinstalling mesa-utils16:39
GAM002lotuspsychje: so the problem will be removed if i remove it from source?16:39
GAM002lotuspsychje: and wont i stop getting update for that software if i do that?16:39
subthalamusOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 10.5.216:39
subthalamusOpenGL shading language version string: 1.2016:39
subthalamusOpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 10.5.216:39
subthalamusOpenGL ES profile shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0.1616:39
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Unaccounted4You're using the open source drivers16:40
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | GAM00216:40
ubottuGAM002: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:40
subthalamusUnaccounted4: ok, what is recommended?16:40
Unaccounted4Which gpu did you have again?16:41
GAM002lotuspsychje: ok thank You16:41
TJ-subthalamus: it looks like this bug #1436590 (several other similar bugs too)16:41
ubottubug 1436590 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Intel Display i915 driver crashes, Thinkpad X1 carbon Gen 3" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143659016:41
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designbybeckIs there a Ubuntu Background Image going on with this device? https://www.ily.co/ if you scroll down towards the bottom16:41
TJ-subthalamus: if you can't fix it any other way it might be worth trying out the latest xorg-edgers PPA packages at https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa16:42
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lotuspsychjedesignbybeck: it looks like it, but i dont think it is16:45
subthalamusTJ-: can I just restart Xorg or do I need to reboot?16:45
designbybeckdoes look pretty close but I didn't know either lotuspsychje16:45
designbybecklotuspsychje, though I'm sure there is a raspberry pi add on that will make that same thing for much cheaper! ;)16:46
CB6has Unity been buggy for Samba folder shares?16:46
ActionParsnipCB6: thats handled by Nautilus, nothing to do with Unity16:47
ActionParsnipCB6: Nautilus and gvfs16:47
CB6Known issues with Nautilus and Samba in 14?16:49
ActionParsnipCB6: "14" what is "14" ?16:49
lotuspsychjeCB6: ask your real samba issue mate16:49
CB6Ubuntu 1416:49
ActionParsnipCB6: there is no "Ubuntu 14"16:49
cfhowlettCB6, 14.04 or 14.10 (EOL/DOA)16:49
ActionParsnipCB6: there is Ubuntu 14.04 (Codenamed Trusty) and Ubuntu 14.10 (Codenamed Utopic, which is EOL)16:50
TJ-subthalamus: it looks like a serious kernel error16:50
cfhowlettCB6, let's find out: open a terminal:  lsb_release -a | pastebinit16:50
ActionParsnipCB6: the 14th release of Ubuntu is Natty (Ubuntu 11.04) which went EOL ages ago16:50
jesse__I´ve got a dell inspiron 1525. Which only has 3gb of RAM and some terrible integrated graphics card I think, can it run ubuntu nicely?16:50
ActionParsnipjesse__: should be fine16:51
CB6I would look at system settings manually but it isn't working anymore in Unity :|16:51
cfhowlettjesse__, possible yes, but you might xubuntu or lubuntu snappier16:51
ActionParsnipjesse__: if you want to free more resources for applications, then use Xubuntu and the desktop session will use less RAM16:51
CB6I meant 14.0 whatever lol16:51
ActionParsnipCB6: there is a difference, as I just showed16:51
jesse__But I want to use Unity, but im afraid it will be slow indeed.16:51
CB6I installed like a couple days ago so whatever is on the site16:51
jesse__But Unity looks nice16:51
ActionParsnipCB6: 15.04 and 14.04 and 12.04 are fully supported16:52
cfhowlettCB6, please don't "whatever". unclear info >>> bad answers.16:52
subthalamusdoh, I don't think the drivers changed16:52
ActionParsnipjesse__: Unity should run. Its not that big. Try it in live CD. If it works there then great16:52
subthalamusTJ-: I added the edgers ppa but16:52
ActionParsnipCB6: Samba in Nautilus in Trusty should be fine. What issue are you seeing?16:53
subthalamusafter an update, nothing seems to have changed16:53
DWSRAnyone know how to run allow Guest sessions to properly manipulate network connections?16:53
Jamie_1for some odd reason my terminal is showing just black and several drop downs are just black16:53
CB6http://paste.ubuntu.com/11960220/ does the fact that the conf isn't showing specified shares matter if nautilus shows shared folders? smbtree shows samba as running as per specific folders none displayed. I'm not sure if smbtree is supposed to show that16:53
kostkonjesse__, intel hd3k and 4k should be able to run Unity just fine16:53
jesse__Great :D16:53
TJ-subthalamus: did you do "apt-get dist-upgrade" ?16:53
jesse__Thanks for your advice; ActionParsnip kostkon16:54
Jamie_1jesse__: I did downgrade my kernal to 3.13 but it was messy before that16:54
ActionParsnipCB6: gvfs will manage the shares you specify in nautilus. Personally I use the config file but thats just how I manage it16:54
CB6I asked in samba and it's dead in there. Someone just said I specified no shares but I have nautilus specifying share folders so trying to figure out why it doesn't show up at all. The router etc shows up no issues in the workgroup16:54
ActionParsnipjesse__: no worries, hope it works out for you16:54
ActionParsnipCB6: what OS are the clients going to be?16:54
jesse__Hope so too, I´ve been on Mint for some time. I started working on my Ubuntu phone app for the competition and I thought to myself I cant be developing an Ubuntu app on Mint i gotta download Ubuntu haha16:55
CB6I'm not familiar with Trusty so I don't know what you mean by that. I'm assuming it's some sort of share manager. The conf file didn't update but does that matter if this Trusty manages it?16:55
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subthalamusTJ-: well, no but when I do it now it says nothing to do16:55
CB6oh ok so gvfs does the share management16:55
ActionParsnipCB6: yes, but what OS are the clients connectin gto the share/s going to be using?16:56
subthalamusthis is already vivid16:56
CB6does gvfs update smb.conf on the fly because it wasn't updated here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11960220/16:56
Jamie_1i am on ubuntu-gnome 14.04 my terminal is black... not able to do anything... on gnome de when i click on a drop down in firefox it does nothing.... on unity de the drop down comes down but is black.... i had to install a secondary terminal to work around it... im not really sure what needs to be done to fix this or diagnose the problem. can someone help me figure this out16:56
CB61 windows 7 laptop 1 ubuntu desktop16:57
ActionParsnipok cool, if it was pure Linux you could ditch samba :)16:57
subthalamuscfhowlett: thanks16:58
CB6file share speeds are so low in Teamviewer so that is far from practical.16:58
subthalamusTJ-: what are the generally more recommended drivers for this intel chipset?16:58
subthalamusare there better proprietary drivers?16:58
Jamie_1any ideas?16:59
daftykinsJamie_1: test a new user / guest account16:59
Jamie_1okay... have to log out in that case then17:00
compdocJamie_1, could be a video card driver problem. what happens if you boot the Ubuntu live cd?17:00
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Jamie_1compdoc: cant dont have a flash drive large enough right now17:00
daftykinsJamie_1: oh was this that fresh Lenovo install?17:01
TJ-subthalamus: the drivers are in the kernel17:01
daftykinsJamie_1: done much after the mini install + DE install?17:01
nemithso openconnect and some update in the last week is fucked17:02
nemithnetwork-manager-openconnect that is17:02
daftykinsnemith: unwelcome language17:02
Jamie_1daftykins: well... installed tb, firefox trunk, aurora, and beta... steam... change kernal version... installed sublime...17:03
daftykinsJamie_1: to which kernel?17:04
Jamie_1daftykins: 3.1317:04
daftykinsbut that's what 14.04 comes with17:04
daftykinshmm may've tried to give you a newer HWE kernel i guess17:05
subthalamusTJ-: wow, I'm a dinosaur17:05
subthalamusthey don't do the binary drivers any more?17:05
Jamie_1daftykins: it came with 3.1617:05
subthalamusnvidia and ati/amd ?17:05
daftykinsJamie_1: ah yeah, 14.10 HWE stack then.17:05
TJ-subthalamus: it's an Intel device, all the Intel drivers are open-sourced and mainlined17:06
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ivan_on_tracMy OS is 64-bit. But I use 32-bit programs in compatibility mode.  "dpkg --add-architecture i386" - But after an upgrade from Ubuntu, the program no longer works properly.17:06
Jamie_1daftykins: yea... so i just manually rolled it back to 3.1317:06
ivan_on_tracMy Ubuntu is 14.0417:06
daftykinsJamie_1: if that laptop has new enough hardware, it could be having an issue... but yeah still prefer to hear if another account has an issue too17:06
subthalamusTJ-: OK, so how do I verify that the intel drivers are the edgers variety?17:06
Jamie_1daftykins: brb going to check17:06
daftykinsivan_on_trac: i don't think you are supposed to run that anymore.17:06
ivan_on_tracdaftykins: why dot?!17:08
TJ-subthalamus: The kernel driver is part of the standard kernel packages. The Xorg drivers will come from the xserver-xorg-video-intel package I think it is17:08
daftykinsivan_on_trac: because ubuntu is multiarch now17:08
subthalamusTJ-: if we're talking about  i915-3.19-3.13 , they have not been updated since january17:08
subthalamusdon't video drivers get updated more frequently usually?17:08
TJ-subthalamus: no, no need, unless serious bugs are being fixed17:09
Gallomimianot so much. not for nvidia anyway17:09
ivan_on_tracdaftykins: Since when ?17:09
TJ-!mainline | subthalamus you could try a more recent mainline kernel build17:09
ubottusubthalamus you could try a more recent mainline kernel build: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:09
Jamie_1daftykins: yep... same thing17:10
daftykinsJamie_1: ok, can you install 'pastebinit' and share an "lspci | pastebinit" ?17:11
Jamie_1daftykins: good thing i installed the alternative terminal17:12
Jamie_1daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11960804/17:12
daftykinswell there are TTYs too17:12
OerHeksivan_on_trac, as of 11.10 > http://askubuntu.com/questions/107230/what-happened-to-the-ia32-libs-package/107249#10724917:13
Jamie_1daftykins: cant copy and paste with tty....17:13
Jamie_1i dont feel like writing down the pastbin #17:13
daftykinsseriously :P17:14
csbHello, does anyone know any opensource screen recording program for both Ubuntu and Windows 8.1 besides Open Broadcaster (OBS) ? I need something lightweight (even if that means record with low resolution like 800x600).17:14
ivan_on_tracOerHeks: But it was working. But the latest update broke something.17:14
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ivan_on_tracAnd as I undo this setting? dpkg --add-architecture i38617:15
bazhang!info kazam17:15
ubottukazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 733 kB, installed size 2052 kB17:15
Jamie_1daftykins: with the amount of stuff i do in one day... yes that little thing makes a difference... :P17:15
bazhangtry kazam for ubuntu csb17:15
bazhang##windows for the other csb17:16
csbbazhang, ty17:16
daftykinsJamie_1: so this is gnome3?17:16
Jamie_1daftykins: yes... i would ask over there... but did and there is no one in there.... :/17:17
daftykinsJamie_1: i don't know anything about that DE or why a terminal would be blank, my only idea would be to try installing the v4 mainline kernel and see if the newer intel driver affects it in any way - but that might be totally wrong.17:17
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds17:18
Jamie_1daftykins: right now i am on unity de and its still doing the same thing...17:18
daftykinsJamie_1: doing what specifically?17:18
ubuntu-mateHello World17:18
Jamie_1daftykins: all pop up stuff like notifications for emails and stuff are just black bubbles.. firefox drop downs are black bubbles and the terminal is black17:19
daftykinsJamie_1: and you're totally fine with regards to a dist-upgrade?17:20
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Jamie_1daftykins: i can try... but that may end with my annoying you more to get the correct gcc build stuff17:20
Jamie_1and it would have to wait till after 3 due to i have an online meeting at 2....17:20
daftykinsJamie_1: well you have to be up to date regardless. and i know nothing about gcc so fire away :P17:20
daftykinsheh lets hope your meeting doesn't require any black bubbles17:21
Jamie_1skype... have to install and hope it works17:21
daftykinsi've used it on ubuntu fine17:21
Raulwynnusing ubuntu 15.04 and nvidia gtx 660 with nvidia 352.30 driver. Why can't I watch HD video on my computer?17:21
Jamie_1daftykins: i know it runs fine... the question is with my current problem will it run fine.....17:22
daftykinswell do it and find out instead of pondering :D17:22
Jamie_1i am right now....17:23
Jamie_1its install as we speak17:23
Jamie_1lol i keep trying to hot corner like on gnome....17:23
tgm4883Raulwynn: HD video from where?17:25
CB6http://paste.ubuntu.com/11960866/ is this smb.conf done right? Still not seeing the share and I figure it might be the conf file configuration.17:25
tgm4883Raulwynn: is is just super stuttery?17:25
RaulwynnIt won't let me watch anything above 360. There is no option like my computer doesn't have the capability.17:26
RaulwynnEven at 360 (or whatever low resolution) it stutters17:26
tgm4883Raulwynn: can you link an example video?17:26
RaulwynnAargh! This video can’t be played with your current setup. is what it tells me17:27
tgm4883Raulwynn: well that does explain much...17:27
Raulwynntgm4883: What is that?17:28
Jamie_1daftykins: works... just not very well right now... little challenging to operate without the drop downs17:28
Raulwynnhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcixldqDIEQ What is the highest resolution option you have?17:28
RaulwynnI'm reading it is an issue with firefox?17:29
tgm4883Raulwynn: 1920x1080 in Chrome17:30
RaulwynnOkay hold on. Lemme get Chrome17:30
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Raulwynntgm4883: Still holding me to 360p. Is there an issue with ubuntu not playing at a higher resolution? I've watched 1080p on this PC through winXP before17:45
AustnealI've accidentally told dpkg to overwrite my apache conf file while upgrading... apache2 hasn't reloaded, so everything is still working. But is there a way to recover my conf file?17:45
tgm4883Raulwynn: I'm not on my Ubuntu machine at the moment, but no, I've watched 1080p before from it17:46
TJ-Austneal: you should find that dpkg created a backup. look in /etc/apache2/ and sub-dirs for files ending ".dpkg-old" or similar17:47
hackin88Good afternoon companions17:47
tgm4883hackin88: do you have a question?17:47
ioriaRaulwynn, what driver are you using ?17:47
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ioriaRaulwynn, using nouveau  on a GeForce GT 430 with no issue .  what cpu ?17:49
RaulwynnI'm running a dual core 2.2ghz17:49
hackin88I am new to using the IRC, I'm just testing this tool, thank you my friend17:49
CB6If ufw is off is there potential for samba to still be blocked?17:49
ioriaRaulwynn, what dual core ?    cat /proc/cpuinfo17:50
AustnealTJ-: I'm going to love you forever if that works.... one sec17:50
ioriaRaulwynn, was good on XP ?17:51
ioriaRaulwynn, with HD,  i mean ?17:51
Raulwynn1080p with no stuttering17:52
timbozemanwould it be hard to make F8 send paste keys? (ctrl + v) I've looked at doing it with autohotkey, but it doesn't seem to do easy at the system level17:52
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AustnealI love you xD17:52
ioriaRaulwynn, did you try wih the default nouveau ? before installing nvidia ?17:52
RaulwynnYes it was terrible17:52
ioriaRaulwynn, ohhh17:53
Raulwynn360p would stutter and break so bad.17:53
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ioriaRaulwynn, unity ?17:54
tgm4883Raulwynn: are you sure you are using the prop drivers?17:55
RaulwynnWhat should I do to make sure17:55
tgm4883well that doesn't sound like 100% ;)17:55
ioriaRaulwynn, ubuntu-drivers list ?17:56
tgm4883Raulwynn: "glxinfo | grep OpenGL"17:56
tgm4883I don't have my ubuntu machine right now, but a quick search says that should work.17:56
tgm4883Can you pastebin the output of that Raulwynn17:56
Lurchyhey people...quick question about top17:57
Raulwynnhold on lemme install pastebin17:57
Lurchywhy dont I see a cursor so I can type "k " to kill a process?17:57
Lurchynewbie using top for first time.....how do I bring up cursor to type?17:58
tgm4883Lurchy: what?17:58
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tgm4883Lurchy: just hit k17:58
tgm4883Lurchy: no cursor needed17:58
Lurchyi can "q" out of top....17:58
Lurchyback to cml17:58
Lurchyerr cmd prompt17:58
tgm4883Raulwynn: hmm, appears to be using it correctly17:59
RaulwynnI don't know... I mean my computer should have no problem with this.17:59
Lurchywas watching tutorial video on how to explore top....but I guess its different ubu release....it doesnt look the same18:00
tgm4883Raulwynn: well I agree, but the issue appears to be that your browser is saying it doesn't support those resolutions...18:00
EriC^^Lurchy: htop maybe?18:00
Raulwynntgm4883: I got it.18:01
RaulwynnNot sure what happened but it started working.18:01
tgm4883Raulwynn: yea?18:01
tgm4883Raulwynn: weird18:01
Lurchyvideo is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnSUX2otYos   look at video at around 39:2018:01
Lurchywhy does his top screen have cursor at top and I dont?  is this where i kill processes?18:02
Lurchyjust tryin to learn18:02
Na3iLhey, am searching for council member to join the meeting of #ubuntu-africa , anyone here18:02
tgm4883Lurchy: have you tried just hitting 'k'?18:02
Lurchywell...i dont want to start killing processes willy nilly.....lol....18:03
tgm4883Lurchy: then don't type in a PID after it ;)18:03
Lurchythe ki comes up now18:03
Lurchyerr prompts comes up now18:04
Lurchyi see...said the blind man18:04
drfoobazHi, my sound only plays as root. And my user is in the audio, pulse, and pulse-access groups.18:04
tgm4883Na3iL: maybe try #ubuntu-community-team18:04
Na3iLty tgm488318:05
Lurchyok...so another dumb question...where can I find a list of all promgrams that are NOT running in top....so i can do a /etc/init.d/(process) start18:06
Lurchylike if I want to openssh into my server box and restart a vnc type server process?18:07
tgm4883Lurchy: well that would be the wrong way to start a service, although that is where they are18:07
EriC^^Lurchy: service --status-all might be useful18:07
tgm4883EriC^^: +118:07
spjtservice --status-all | egrep '\[ -' | awk '{print $4}'18:08
drfoobazAnyone know about my sound issue?18:08
stacks88when i ran apt-get install screen i got these 2 messages, what do they mean? #1 update-rc.d: warning: default start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Start values (S) and #2 update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Stop values (none)18:09
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Lurchytgm4883: what is the correct way to start a process that is running(but not responding) or start a service that is not currently running?18:11
Lurchycan I do a etc/init.d?18:11
Lurchyor restart18:11
tgm4883Lurchy: 'service <SERVICENAME> <COMMAND>' where <COMMAND> could be start, stop, restart, status18:12
Lurchylong story short...I use splashtop(vnc type program) cause I can tunnel out of work to all my puters at once...but it keeps dieing and not respondings from my ubuntu server box behind my router18:13
Lurchyjust trying to learn how to reboot the program18:13
drfoobazSo how can I get sound to play without root? My user is already in all the sound related groups.18:14
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Lurchycool...figured it out18:21
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stacks88when i ran apt-get install screen i got these 2 messages, what do they mean? #1 update-rc.d: warning: default start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Start values (S) and #2 update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Stop values (none).. never got these before, is there anything wrong?18:24
TJ-stacks88: looks like the package postinst script is setting launch runlevels different to those the sysv init script declares18:29
stacks88ive installed screen tons of times before, and i never got that message.. so im trying to understand why would that happen now? when i havent touched or done anything on this particular box18:29
stacks88and so what should i do, just leave it?18:30
stacks88maybe its becuase i didnt run apt-get update and upgrade first?18:30
TJ-stacks88: never seen that reported, but 14.04 install here has that script ("/etc/init.d/screen-cleanup") and it declares runlevel "S" but is installed to the multiuser runlevels via "/etc/rc[23455].d/S20screen-cleanup"18:30
DWSRHey, I'm having an issue with Network Manager not being started when a user logs in. I can start Network Manager manually and proper functionality is restored. How can I resolve this?18:30
TJ-DWSR: Network Manager, or just the nmapplet GUI?18:31
DWSRTJ-: Actual Network Manager. nm-applet is actually starting and saying "Network Manager is not started"18:31
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TJ-DWSR: Assuming its using Upstart, check that there isn't a "/etc/init/network-manager.override" making it a manual start18:32
DWSRTJ-: I'm on 14.04, which is still upstart.18:33
wadWeird. I've got two processes that won't die, even with kill -9 as root.18:33
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pritamwhen I restarted mint .it themes became high contrast. very bad look .what should I do ?18:37
tmmunqim using 14.04 with the full disk encryption, and for the last few kernel updates i am unable to enter the password on boot. what do i do? i am stuck on old kernel, -55 i think18:37
daftykins!mint | pritam sorry.18:38
ubottupritam sorry.: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:38
lotuspsychje!it | samuelaccomo18:38
ubottusamuelaccomo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)18:38
RaulwynnIs there anyway to install office 2013 with ubuntu?18:39
DWSRTJ-: lol, apt didn't put network-manager into upstart.18:39
DWSRRaulwynn: Wine.18:39
nicomachusRaulwynn: there is, but is there a reason that something like LibreOffice Word doesn't work for what you have in mind?18:39
RaulwynnDWSR: I tried. I get errored out18:39
RaulwynnYeah I have to have office for my work.18:39
RaulwynnIt's Office Professional Plus with Lync18:40
lotuspsychjeRaulwynn: playonlinux or office 2013 web apps for ubuntu18:40
DWSRRaulwynn: Guess you have to run a VM or dual boot then18:40
nicomachusahhhh... Lync. :/18:40
RaulwynnFun huh?18:40
DWSRRaulwynn: You could just run Lync/SfB on another device.18:40
DWSRAnd SfB is very useful.18:40
RaulwynnDWSR: What is SfB?18:40
DWSRSkype for Business. Lync has been rebranded.18:40
RaulwynnAre you sure I can use my VPN with that?18:41
DWSRTJ-: Do you know what the normal run level for network-manager is?18:41
DWSRDo you need to have a VPN connected in order to use Lync?18:41
RaulwynnYes. Actually, maybe not.18:42
DWSRRaulwynn: Are you an Office 365 org?18:42
RaulwynnI don't think that Lync goes through the VPN18:42
RaulwynnThey purchase the Pro Plus 2013 for all employees18:42
DWSRSo Lync is on-premises?18:43
DWSRRaulwynn: That doesn't mean that you don't have Office 365.18:43
RaulwynnWe do not have Office 36518:43
RaulwynnI promise.18:43
RaulwynnThey buy lifetime licences.18:43
RaulwynnI'm trying a vmachine using vbox but it's not installing very fast at all18:44
DWSRRaulwynn: That's fine. You can buy perpetual 2013 licenses and still use Office 365 for the online services. That's what my org does. We're a not for profit and we have sponsored 2013 proplus licensing. with Enterprise E2 plans.18:44
CB6I'm getting this error  * Restarting web server apache2                                                AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message18:45
RaulwynnDWSR: So how does that help me run Office on Ubuntu... I'm confused18:45
CB6I noticed when I enter in apache it shows fine but for php.ini it doesn't display.18:45
CB6my local ip isn't ending in 1 it's 101. How do I alter this as per the above error.18:46
DWSRRaulwynn: If it doesn't work in Wine or Cedega, you can't. You'll need to use some alternative setup, such as a VM, dual boot, or using just the Skype for Business portion on another device.18:46
jerikohola a todos buenas tardes18:47
lotuspsychje!es | jeriko18:47
ubottujeriko: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.18:47
RaulwynnDWSR: Why did they stop support of XP :( I guess I'm going to have to buy a new machine soon! :)18:47
DWSRRaulwynn: Because XP is a horrible bug-ridden mess that was based on code from 20 years ago and was EOLed about 5 years too late.18:47
DWSRRaulwynn: 7 is MUCH better, and 10 is better still.18:48
TraumatizerI broke my Ubuntu and don´t know how to fix it, could anyone offer some assistance maybe? :)18:48
p1und3rDWSR: whats wrong with 20 year old code, *cough* unix :D18:48
p1und3r40 year old code ftw18:48
lotuspsychje!ask | Traumatizer18:48
ubottuTraumatizer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:48
stacks88TJ- so should I just edit /etc/init.d/screen-cleanup and change at the top where it says Default-Start: S to 2 3 4 5 and change Default-Stop to 0 1 6 ? cause it kept saying  default start runlevel arguments (2 3 4 5) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Start values (S) and default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match screen-cleanup Default-Stop values (none) , im running 14.0418:48
DWSRp1und3r: Not everything is 40 years old in Unix, iirc there's been a rewrite or two.18:49
RaulwynnI tell you what. My win XP would game circles around any Win 7 of similar hardware because the OS was using almost ZERO resources.18:49
p1und3rDWSR: true but still :p18:49
p1und3rold doesn't mean bad18:49
DWSRRaulwynn: You can say that, except that's literally been disproven.18:49
p1und3rmicrosoft means bad18:49
lotuspsychjeguys keep ubuntu ontopic18:49
RaulwynnDWSR: With nothing running my CPU is at 0% and my ram at 76mb... Win 7 my CPU is at 2% and my ram at 2000+mb18:50
p1und3rsorry i thought i was in #bashmicrosoft18:50
DWSRTJ-: For whatever reason, the network-manager service doesn't start unless I'm logged in with a particular user. Thoughts on why?18:50
tgm4883Raulwynn: that must be a fun game, "Desktop"18:51
TraumatizerI tried to install popcorn-time, it produced the error that it could not find the shared oject file libudev.so.0 and therefore crashed. Only I found the solution to link libudev.so.0 to libudev.so.1, So i tried this to it still didnt work, so I unlinked the file again and just gave up. But know Chrome can´t start either anymore because apparently it also akes use of this same shared object file. How can I just reset everything with regards18:51
Traumatizerto the libudev.so.0 file?18:51
nicomachusTraumatizer: purge it and reinstall.18:51
Traumatizerlike: sudo apt-get purge libudev.so.0?18:52
DWSRRaulwynn: So? XP never had a proper 64bit release and so it was limited to 3.7GB, or slightly more with PAE (but worse performancewise). I can shove 32GB of RAM in my 7 machine. Additionally, I have better default hardware detection, more features, a completely new window manager, and a ton more.18:52
xanguaTraumatizer: are you using 12.04? A 32 bit IS?18:52
nicomachussame with popcorntime to fix that error. I would also suggest installing popcorntime from the webupd8 team ppa instead of compiling from the source on the popcorntime site. It's always worked better for me personally. YMMV18:52
Traumatizerxangua, no latest Ubuntu 64-bit..18:52
xangua!ot | DWSR Raulwynn18:52
ubottuDWSR Raulwynn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:52
Traumatizernicomachus, have also tried that. But doesn´t work either. I think somehow i really broke the libudev.so.0 package or something18:53
xanguaTraumatizer: latest what? What Ubuntu release? Where did you download popcorn and how did you install it?18:53
p1und3rTraumatizer: you said all u did was symlink it?18:53
p1und3rjust undo what u did :p18:53
lotuspsychjerootgjhack13: not the channel for this18:54
Traumatizerxangua 14.04.02 LTS 64-bit; plund3r i did unlink it already.18:54
subzer0hello world18:56
rootgjhack13_hello mars18:57
otenhHi guys how far with the meeting18:58
xanguaTraumatizer: have you trying searching at popcorn forum? I remember reading something about your issue, not sure tho18:58
k1l_otenh: what meeting? this is the ubuntu support channel.18:58
rootgjhack13_op yyuuuuukkk oooppppp18:58
otenhOoo them I am in the wrong pls18:59
Bashing-omTraumatizer: If it is any help, I too run google-chrome on 14.04; My results : sysop@1404mini:~$ ls -al /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0 >> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 Oct 11  2012 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.0 -> libudev.so.0.13.0 . Seems the symlink is required.18:59
TraumatizerOh, so actually but I unlinking I removed a link google chrome requires. Bashing-om;19:00
TraumatizerGonna re-link and see what happens, still strange actually that popcorn-time than doesnt work.19:01
xanguaTraumatizer: apparently you need the 32 bit package, I think that's what I did long ago. sudo apt-get install libudev0:i38619:02
TraumatizerXangua; that no longer exists, I found that solution too.19:03
TraumatizerE: Package 'libudev0:i386' has no installation candidate19:03
xanguaNo longer exist? Maybe I did it for 12.04?19:03
TraumatizerCould very well be19:04
TraumatizerIm just gonna remove Chrome and than reinstall it, my guess is that it´ll fix it at least to its original state19:04
nicomachus^ :)19:04
ioria!info libudev119:05
ubottulibudev1 (source: systemd): libudev shared library. In component main, is required. Version 219-7ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 43 kB, installed size 159 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:05
ioria!info libgudev-1.0-019:06
ubottulibgudev-1.0-0 (source: systemd (219-7ubuntu6)): GObject-based wrapper library for libudev. In component main, is optional. Version 1:219-7ubuntu6 (vivid), package size 14 kB, installed size 116 kB (Only available for linux-any)19:06
takuanwho do I turn to for issues with hibernation in ubuntu?19:10
takuanis this a kernel thing?19:10
lotuspsychjetakuan: ask away in the channel mate19:10
nicomachus!ask | takuan19:10
ubottutakuan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:10
takuanok, simple thing19:11
takuanI set swappiness to 0, I have nothing in swap, hibernate, un-hibernate, my swap has more than 1gig of stuff in it19:12
Traumatizerubottu, xangua; Reinstall of chrome fixed the issue. With the dependencies it probably placed the right libs in the right directories again. Idk really, but it works again :D19:12
ubottuTraumatizer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:12
takuanworse of all it all gets swapped back in at 1-2 mb/s19:12
takuanwhich is damn slow and hangs the system for 2 minutes19:12
takuanwhy on earth is the kernel keeping all this stuff in the swap file which basically wasn't there in the first place19:12
takuaneven with swappiness put to 019:12
nicomachusTraumatizer: Great news. So what's the status on popcorntime then?19:12
xanguatakuan: why not just suspend?19:13
lotuspsychjetakuan: investigate your syslog and dmesg while hibernating19:13
xanguatakuan: putting that setting to 0 doesn't mean it will not use swap19:13
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mcphailtakuan: of course hibernate puts everything in swap. What did you think it did?19:15
takuanlotuspsychje: i did, nothing there19:16
takuanxangua: why waste energy when you don't need to ?19:17
lotuspsychjetakuan: tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg and fool around with hibernate until it freezes19:17
takuanmcphail: it's supposed to put everything back in memory isn't it?19:17
takuantuxonice does that nicely but it's no longer stable19:18
takuanlotuspsychje: I'll try it, but I'm afraid I know the answer19:18
mcphailtakuan: and putting everything back in memory takes a long time. TBH, I think it doesn't even try to put everything, due to the lag19:18
lotuspsychjetakuan: and check htop maybe, see wich process gets high before freeze19:19
mcphailtakuan: if you want speed, use an SSD or suspend rather than hibernate. Hibernate is always rumoured to be being deprecated anyway19:20
takuanlotuspsychje: firefox and chromium19:20
lotuspsychjetakuan: do you own an ssd in your system to set swappiness to 0?19:20
takuanmcphail: suspend uses energy when doing nothing19:20
takuanI want to come back after a night and have my system up19:20
mcphailtakuan: it isn't doing nothing, though, is it?19:20
takuanmcphail: check it with a meter, in suspend it is using 2 watt19:20
takuanand your monitor as well19:21
takuanlotuspsychje: it's a semi ssd19:21
xanguatakuan: if you mean tux on ice PPA,I see it's updated for supported Ubuntu release19:21
takuanhybrid drive19:21
mcphailtakuan: of course - it takes power to keep your RAM ticking over. If you want speed, current technology says you have to pay for it19:21
takuanxangua: yup, but not stable on my system19:21
takuanmcphail: my system should actually fly but for some reason firefox and chromium are swapped in at 2mb/s19:22
takuangod knows why19:22
mcphailtakuan: a hybrid drive is no better than a standard HDD for hibernate19:22
lotuspsychjetakuan: tweak system a bit, see if that gets your system faster, swappiness 10, install preload,clean with bleachbit19:22
takuanmcphail: with 8 gb of ssd in it?19:22
takuanthe actual unhibernate (not the swapping afterwards) takes 2 seconds or something19:22
mcphailtakuan: of course. The SSD is taken up by frequently accessed files. The contents of your memory are a random write19:23
takuanlotuspsychje: the weird thing is that in the beginning it keeps it at 0 after hibernate, after a few hibernation cycles it suddenly jumps to 1 gig19:23
takuanmcphail: don't get your point19:23
lotuspsychje_takuan: as mcphail says hybrid is bit like classical drive not real ssd19:23
takuanthe swap file is used all the time because I'm frequently hibernating19:24
takuanit get read in very fast19:24
lotuspsychje_takuan: might take your settings lower19:24
takuanbut for some reason not everything is put back to memory19:24
takuanlotuspsychje_: swappiness?19:24
takuanit's at 0 now19:24
mcphailtakuan: the swap file is constantly changing. That is not something which can be improved with a hybrid drive - the SSD cache will cache files which are frequently-used and not changing19:24
takuanI tried 10, 1 and 0, all the same it would seem19:24
takuanmcphail: then why is the unhibernate process so quick?19:25
lotuspsychje_takuan: reccomended for real ssd is 10, i would try 60 to test your case19:25
takuanlotuspsychje_: 60 was the same19:25
takuanthat's where I started19:25
mcphailtakuan: because the kernel can load what it needs from swap. It only gives the appearance of being quick19:25
takuanI presumed that turing it down would improve it, but it stays the same19:25
mcphailtakuan: you can't magically transfer 8GB from a spinning disk into your RAM19:26
takuanmcphail: the ssd cache on the drive is 8gb19:26
takuanthe hibernation image on the swapfile should be about 1-2 gig19:26
mcphailtakuan: yep - and the cache will be occupied by frequently-accessed files - not your swap19:26
takuanI guess that firefox has a ton of little files open which get swapped in slowly then?19:27
mcphailtakuan: yes - and a ton of libraries which get swapped in slowly19:27
takuanis there a way to find out what part of a process is actually swapped and what not?19:27
mcphailtakuan: I think so, but just about _everything_ you have will be in swap when you resume from hibernate19:28
takuananyway, this bug seem to have been there for ages: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32919919:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329199 in linux (Ubuntu) "Slow swapin speeds after resume from disk" [Low,Expired]19:28
takuanbtw, the last post is mine at the time I was under the impression that changing swapiness would do something19:29
mcphailtakuan: as I said, hibernate gets little attention because it is always rumoured for deprecation. It has never worked well19:29
takuanmcphail: who actually works on it?19:29
Traumatizerwhy´s ubuntu´s swappiness so high in the first place? It´s almost 60 while for 1GB+ its my understanding that something like 0-10 is better19:29
mcphailtakuan: you'd need to check the kernel sources19:29
lotuspsychje_takuan: you can always make sugestions to #ubuntu-devel19:29
lotuspsychje_Traumatizer: default 60 is good for common systems without ssd19:30
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
mcphailTraumatizer: if you have a decent amount of RAM, just don't use swap (and, by implication, don't use hibernate)19:30
TraumatizerOhh lotuspsychje, but if you have enough RAM why would you want to use swap at all?19:31
TraumatizerSo wouldnt that make 60 too high for common systems19:31
lotuspsychjeTraumatizer: every system is different, tweak as you need it19:31
* mcphail has a swap partition but can't remember the last time his system ever used it19:31
TraumatizerI think mine uses it right now19:32
TraumatizerIm on a cracky dell laptop of 6 years old19:32
mcphailTraumatizer: I would rather have a process killed, than it using swap and bogging down my system19:32
TraumatizerI had this great idea of writing a standalone client for Google Docs in Python. So I created a project folder and wanted to write the first line but I have like no clue how to even begin. So that project is getting abondend before it even started haha19:33
TraumatizerWrong channel; my bad.19:34
qmasbuenas, alguien?19:35
normanhola ubuntu mate?19:37
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:37
NokajiWhen I shutdown/restart Ubuntu, am I supposed to unmount my drives first?19:43
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PiciNokaji: no, the system does that for you.19:44
NokajiPici: okay, i uspected they would have said if necessary however I tried it and it was damn fast19:45
Nokajihit bios screen in an instant, no signing off messages/screens19:46
Nokajii reckon an auto script attached tot he restart button would speed things up19:47
=== shazzr_ is now known as shazzr
K4kIf I add "password_pbkdf2 dummy_user grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.XXXXXXX" etc. to my 40_custom file in grub.d I get "password_pbkdf2: not found"20:02
Aleksandar86somebody here can help me with Firebird server on Ubuntu?20:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:02
xentity1xHas anyone ever tried installing ubuntu on a chromebooK?20:03
artoishi josh20:03
Picixentity1x: google's crouton project can do that20:03
joshua__i just installed ubuntu ; and i have windows 7 installed on this hard-drive ; when i start my cpu , i dont get any prompts to select an o.s ; it just says "mode not supported" on my monitor then boots directly to ubuntu ,20:03
K4kAnyone know if there's another file in grub.d that needs something added in order to allow grub pbkdf2 password protection to be enabled? I have done this before and I swear that all I have to do is add two lines to 40_custom but there must be something else because it's not working this time.20:03
Picixentity1x: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton20:04
Pici(or maybe not Google's, but whatever)20:04
xentity1xPici, I'm more curious about the user experience. I'm wondering what it would be like to programming on it.20:04
joshua__can anyone direct me to any documents on how to fix this?20:04
artoiscrouton is the gimpy way20:04
Aleksandar86how can i see any opened port in local on Ubuntu?20:04
Aleksandar86some command like a netstat in windows?20:04
Picixentity1x: it works fine for me. Theres some networking weirdness, but beyond that its just like a normal install.20:04
k1l_Aleksandar86: netstat is a unix command. just use that on ubuntu too20:05
xentity1xPici, what kind of networking weirdness?20:05
artoisxent, they're ordinary laptops20:05
PiciAleksandar86: its called 'netstat' ;)  see netstat -tan  , or sudo netstat -tanp20:05
xentity1xPici, also do you now if it will affect the battery life20:05
Aleksandar86netstat -a20:05
artoisbattery life is good, as they're designed for Linux20:05
k1l_Aleksandar86: "man netstat" will tell you all the options you would like20:05
Aleksandar86ok. tnx20:06
Picixentity1x: its basically ubuntu in a chroot environment, so chromeos itself is taking care of the networking, and Ubuntu only sees part of it (or at least thats what it looked like, I didn't get it into it too much).  It worked just fine on wifi for me, and battery life is great.20:06
artoisyou can install gnu/linux to metal without crouton for some chromebooks20:07
orbitedI just want to cheer for the ubuntu crowd. Finally I put my old PowerPC G4 to good use. Works like a charm.20:07
xentity1xPici, ok think im going to buy one. What model do you have?20:07
artoisxen, check the model can have its os replaced before buying20:08
xentity1xPici, I was thinking about getting this http://www.amazon.com/ASUS-Chromebook-12-Inch-Gigabit-Storage/dp/B00KGI4XBI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1438200457&sr=8-1&keywords=chromebook+32+gb20:08
xentity1xartois Picci, I'm looking for one that has half way decent specs20:08
joshua__welll , i just did sudo update-grub ; and i still cant access my windows partition ; it still just says mode not supported doesnt show any bios messages or anything and just boots directly to ubuntu20:09
joshua__this is driving me nuts i dont even know what to search for20:09
Picixentity1x: I bought one of these: http://goo.gl/3GI6w0 it was fine for what I needed it for.20:10
artoisjosh, what says mode?20:10
joshua__my monitor20:10
joshua__i press the power button , my monitor hangs on "mode not supported" ; displays no bios msg's then boots directly to ubuntu ; i get no boot options20:11
artoisokay, probably unrelated20:11
MonkeyDustjoshua__  probably a screen resolution issue or so20:12
Aleksandar86in localhost on Ubuntu netstat say 3050 is openet port, but when i check from CLIENT this port is closed20:12
Aleksandar86what i wrom20:12
Aleksandar86some firewall20:12
Aleksandar86this is firebird database port20:13
joshua__its been running fine untill now ; isnt the "screen resolution" set via software ; not my monitor20:13
Aleksandar86i want setup server on UBUNTU, and clients on WINDOWS20:13
orbitedAleksandar86: you could nmap from the client and see if the port is open?20:14
artoisjosh, the mode msg is not related20:14
hgoswhWhat is that linux program called that totally wipes your data clean without possibility of retreval?20:14
Piciorbited: thats not really a great solution as you can be listening for connections only from your local machine.20:14
Aleksandar86i try TELNET from windows (IP on UBUNTU) and say me is CLOSED20:14
artoishgoswh: dd20:15
PiciAleksandar86: What does the line in netstat say? is it actually listening on, or is it listening on or what?20:15
Aleksandar86but in local on Ubuntu say is opened20:15
hgoswhdd is the name?20:15
artoisyes, pre-installed20:15
TJ-joshua__: that sounds like you may have an incorrect resolution defined for the GRUB boot-loader... see what "grep GRUB_GFX /etc/default/grub" reports20:15
artoisdd if=/dev/zero of=becareful20:15
MonkeyDustjoshua__  or even a refresh rate20:16
MonkeyDust(does that makre sense?)20:16
Aleksandar86127.0.0.1:3050 LISTEN and ESTABILISHED20:16
artoishe's trying to boot windows, guys20:16
daftykinsAleksandar86: so it's not listening on the LAN then20:16
artoisnot change his res20:16
PiciAleksandar86: That means that only connections from your local machine can connect to that.  You'd need to modify your server's configuration to listen on all addresses.20:17
Aleksandar86my LAN ip on Ubuntu is
Aleksandar86i can access on 80 port20:17
Aleksandar86from client20:17
Aleksandar86on Firebirdwebadmin20:17
orbitedhgoswh Or use srm for files?20:17
joshua__ grub_gfxmode=640x48020:17
Aleksandar86Pici please help me how?20:17
TJ-joshua__: OK, that isn't going to be out of range. When the PC powers on from cold do you see the firmware/BIOS messages/splash screen before the monitor reports bad mode?20:19
PiciAleksandar86: I'm not familiar with firebird. I don't know where it stores its configuration, its documentation should make this clear.20:20
TJ-joshua__: In that case there's something up with the monitor. Have you powered it fully off at the wall socket for a minute or so in case its got 'confused' ?20:20
Aleksandar86Pici i need find config and change localhost on ?20:20
Aleksandar86firebird config20:21
PiciAleksandar86: yes20:21
TJ-Aleksandar86: any process only listening on localhost a.k.a. is *NOT* reachable from any other host!20:21
joshua__i had ubuntu and windows 7 both installed and running fine ; and today my cpu went to upgrade to windows 10 .. then stopped showing windows 7 when i bootedup .. so i reinstalled ubuntu thinking it would give me an option to boot my win7 and now i got this mess20:21
Aleksandar86Pici why i dont see port in local ubuntu, but HTTP work prom clients?20:22
Aleksandar86apach i started20:22
reisiohgoswh: srm is overkill, but shred -n 1 is fine20:23
PiciAleksandar86: because each service has its own confugration. Apache is listening your outside IP, but firebird is configured to only listen to inside connections.20:23
PiciAleksandar86: this is normal, as often your applications runs locally, and there is no need to expose connections to your database to outside of your computer20:24
reisiohgoswh: shred -un 1 :)20:24
skyofideas2015hi I just got malware everytime I try to click on any link in chromium or firefox I get a popup that goes to ad-type.google.com/rot.aspx and then redirects to totalperformance20:24
hgoswhok cool20:24
skyofideas2015when I checked  both browsers addons and plugins I find nothing20:24
skyofideas2015my home dir is encrypted and I even tried with clamscan and it also found nothing20:24
wileeeskyofideas2015, clean it reset it, malware no.20:25
MonkeyDustskyofideas2015  delete the hidden folder ~/.cache ... that should do20:25
reisiomight want to mv ~/.cache first20:25
reisioinstead of deleting20:25
skyofideas2015i did that with firefox20:25
skyofideas2015but nothing20:25
wileeeskyofideas2015, Did what and to whom are you speaking?20:26
skyofideas2015I deleted ~/.cache/mozilla20:26
reisiomv next time :p20:26
wileee!who | skyofideas2015 try to always20:27
ubottuskyofideas2015 try to always: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:27
MonkeyDustskyofideas2015  try moving or deleting the complete .cache folder20:27
Aleksandar86firebird manual say config is in OPT ubuntu folder20:27
Aleksandar86but i dont see any file in this folder20:27
Aleksandar86im on root20:27
Aleksandar86in terminal20:27
reisioAleksandar86: dpkg -L firebird | less20:27
Aleksandar86resio, what is  | less?20:29
reisioAleksandar86: | is a pipe, less is a pager, both of which you'll use a lot once you know about them20:30
reisioAleksandar86: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pipeline_(Unix) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminal_pager20:31
wileeeK4k, Whatcha looking for?20:31
K4ksingle user mode20:31
reisioAleksandar86: also if you type r-e-i then hit tab, probably even in mIRC, it will complete my nickname for you20:31
K4kI tried adding "single" to the end of the boot line in grub but it just sits at a black screen20:32
wileeeK4k, You have any link to that methodology?20:32
skyofideas2015MonkeyDust that didn't work20:32
k1l_K4k: "text"20:32
K4kk1l_: thanks20:32
K4kwileee: was trying: http://askubuntu.com/questions/132965/how-do-i-boot-into-single-user-mode-from-grub20:33
K4kI've foobar'd something in pam and need to get in to root without a password prompt to correct it20:33
wileeeK4k, Thanks never heard that wording for a text boot, carry on. ;)20:34
k1l_K4k: then you want the recovery boot20:34
K4kk1l_: I think that did it, thanks20:37
anonymous_calling any and all anonymous20:42
reisioanonymous_: #phones20:43
* wileee thinks of Lilly Tomlin as the operator20:44
=== joshua__ is now known as jozhua
anonymous_so do you know any good places to practise hacking20:44
jozhuathis is becoming highly frustrating ; no bios screen , no boot options , just directly to ubuntu ,  ive searched and searched - boot repair / grub update etc etc..20:45
wileeejozhua, Single or dualboot?20:45
k1l_anonymous_: you mean illegal cracking, and that is, obviously, not support in the ubuntu community or the freenode network.20:45
anonymous_idk what single or duelboot is im new to the comunity20:46
jozhuawell its single now haha.. i have win7 on here ,20:46
reisioanonymous_: anyplace20:46
jozhuabut i have no options for anything20:46
reisiojozhua: nick change?20:46
jozhuareisio, that nick was registered ; and i rebooted20:47
anonymous_i have alot of tools idk how to use most of them20:47
wileeejozhua, Let us know if we can help. ;)20:47
reisiojoz is harder to type20:47
reisioanonymous_: man up20:47
jozhuaive tried so many diff. things del , f11 , f2 , still cant see my bios messages , nor can i get a boot menu20:47
reisiojozhua: pastebin /etc/fstab and the output of sudo lsblk -f20:47
reisiojozhua: and /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:47
reisiojozhua: nevermind fstab :)20:47
K4kHow about this one. Running `update-grub` produces "sed: -e expression #1, char 7: unknown option to `s'"20:48
K4kI've not modified any sed lines to my knowledge20:48
anonymous_anyone know of anonymous os20:48
EriC^^jozhua: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 and paste the link20:48
k1l_anonymous_: this is ubuntu only support. for chat there is ##chat as channel20:49
jozhua http://pastebin.com/6HuRSqta20:49
reisiojozhua: sudo lsblk -f20:50
anonymous_anonymous os is ubuntu20:51
nicomachusno it's not.20:51
jozhuai dont know what those commands are and i dont really want to run them as root if im not sure what they do ;/20:51
TJ-jozhua: does the PC have multi monitors by any chance?20:51
k1l_anonymous_: its offtopic in here.20:51
jozhuanext youll have me sudo rm -rf /20:51
jozhuatj nah its just one monitor20:51
reisiojozhua: it just prints information about your partitions20:51
reisiojozhua: lsblk -f without root if you want20:51
wileeejozhua, This channel has everyone watching, per reviewed.20:51
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!20:51
reisioroot does almost the same thing20:51
k1l_jozhua: we dont do that malicious commands in here.20:51
EriC^^jozhua: type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999 , read the above ^20:51
tgm4883jozhua: don't post those commands in here20:51
TJ-jozhua: does the PC have multiple monitor outputs? I've seen this happen where the monitor is *not* connected to the Primary monitor so nothing 'appears' until the OS starts20:52
reisiojozhua: command you said wouldn't do anything anyway20:52
reisionot that your point isn't taken20:52
TJ-s/Primary monitor/Primary Output/20:52
jozhuatj yes i have 220:52
jozhuareisio, what ouput did you want from lsblk -f20:53
jozhuai have fd0 and sda20:53
TJ-jozhua: The BIOS will have one of those outputs as it's primary... I'm wondering if the monitor has been accidentally connected to the Secondary instead20:53
reisiojozhua: all of it, with sudo20:53
jozhuareisio, paste bin it?20:53
jozhuaTJ-, my monitor is hdmi ; only one video card has hdmi ouputs20:54
tgm4883jozhua: what is the other video card?20:54
TJ-jozhua: was the monitor working in the current configuration at BIOS POST time prior to the apt-get update you did?20:54
jozhuatj ; yah everything was working fine earlier today20:55
jozhuai have a built in video card that i can connect with normal vga connections to my monitor20:55
EriC^^jozhua: can you pastebin /etc/default/grub ?20:55
TJ-jozhua: I strongly suspect this is what has happened - do you have a VGA monitor you can hook up to test the other connections?20:56
TJ-jozhua: as you don't get any monitor output at power-on BIOS POST time there's nothing the operating system can do to influence that20:56
TJ-jozhua: Possibly, the BIOS setup config has a primary-monitor option, which has somehow reset itself to another output20:57
jozhuasure i can hook up the monitor via vga20:57
TJ-jozhua: That'd be my first move in this situation20:57
jozhuaand EriC^^ http://termbin.com/eyli20:58
EriC^^jozhua: it looks good, grub is set to show and it has a menu entry for windows20:59
jozhuatj- everything was working grand earlier today , i tried to upgrade my windows from 7 to the new 10 ; and rebooted the computer before it was finished doing whatever , then it wouldnt show me a windows 7 option on boot , so i removed my old install of ubuntu ; formatted and reinstalled ubuntu , thinking that it would install a boot loader pointing to my windows 7 partition , but now it just left me with the black screen , no bios ms20:59
jozhuag's , no boot options.. and ubuntu20:59
EriC^^i bet if you press the down arrow during those 10seconds it'll boot windows if you hit it21:00
jozhuaok ,21:00
jozhuaim gonna swith the monitor around , and reboot21:00
jozhuaill be back one way or the other Lord willing..21:00
wileeedid not know the lord was a coder21:01
Nokajithe lord spoke in riddles21:03
EriC^^sudo create universe21:03
wileeeheh, mmmm intelligent design21:03
reisiomonitor has nothing to do with Windows booting or not21:04
reisioI mean, nothing at all21:04
* reisio shakes head21:04
rem_ya du monde ici ?21:06
EriC^^!fr | rem_21:06
ubotturem_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:06
rem_ok sorry eng only21:06
Aleksandar86how can i get access from all inside 2.5  sudo chown username /vir/lib/Firebird/2.521:09
jozhua  tj ; it was totally the monitor21:09
TJ-reisio: did you miss the part where Joshua said there's *no* monitor signal from power-on, which means BIOS POST isn't being displayed... which suggests the primary output has been changed according to the BIOS21:09
TJ-jozhua: Thought it would be, it had to be, due to the no-signal during POST21:09
jozhuaive spent hours tinkering with this thing , and all i had to do was unplug the monitor and plug it back in21:10
TJ-jozhua: now you can get into the BIOS Setup, reboot, and look in the BIOS setup for an option that controls selection of the Primary video output21:10
jozhuathanks a ton , well out of all this - atleest i upgraded my version of ubuntu , heh21:11
TJ-jozhua: hang on, you just unplugged/replugged the HDMI? That's the same monitor you powered off at the wall ? In which case you had an intermittent connection on the HDMI cable itself, or to be exact the connectors at either end21:11
jozhuatj ; yah i just unplugged it from my computer then plugged it back in21:12
jozhuaand thats the same monitor21:13
TJ-jozhua: Always check the cables first... second.... and thrid :)21:13
TJ-jozhua: OK, so not even a changed-primary-output issue :)21:13
jozhuaso my hdmi cable may be bad?21:14
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Aleksandar86how can i find firebird.conf, any idea to search all folders in ubuntu21:15
k1l_Aleksandar86: how did you install firebird?21:15
EriC^^sudo updatedb && locate firebird.conf21:15
TJ-jozhua: I'd bet you had pulled a connector almost completely out so 1 data line was intermittent. unplug/replug and it goes back in firmly21:16
reisioTJ-: no I just ignored it, he said Ubuntu worked fine and Windows doesn't21:16
reisioergo monitor irrelevant21:16
reisiojozhua: does Ubuntu work or not?21:17
Aleksandar86i found from gui search in /etc/firebird21:17
TJ-mode selection, especially data rates, can exhibit this kind of symptom. I've seen it with DVI-D as well with wobbly connectors21:17
arooni-mobileid like to edit a python pomodoro app to have slightly differnt behavior.  where are the the binary looks like its in /usr/bin/tomate ;;; but where are the other files installed to typically?21:17
Aleksandar86this is file where i need add IP for outside access21:17
jozhuareisio: yah21:19
jozhuaeverything is fine again21:19
bromanhi! can anyone help me?? just installed fresh smarty application (on apache) on ubuntu but it doesn't seem to work after first page!21:20
daftykinsbroman: details?21:21
bromandaftykins, i have apache installed and configured running ok... i installed a smarty app (php with smarty framework)...21:23
daftykinsbroman: right but the "doesn't work after first page"21:23
bromandaftykins, i can access the first page (index.php).. but after that, everything returns me 40421:23
bromanall the links21:23
daftykinssounds like a lack of common apache modules such as rewrite being enabled21:23
daftykinsread your logs to discover21:23
bromandaftykins, i read error.log and nothing shows up there21:24
bromandaftykins, what other log files should i read?21:24
daftykinsall the apache ones21:24
daftykinsperhaps there's even a channel for this framework you speak of?21:24
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bromandaftykins, yes.. there is.. I am already on it and it has 20 users21:25
daftykinsok, well no harm in checking21:25
skinnynadie habla espanol?21:25
k1l_!es  | skinny21:25
ubottuskinny: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:25
LewsTherinAnyone have recommended specs for a mailserver with dovecot, postfix, squirrelmail and a user management UI? Ubuntu 14.04.21:30
LewsTherinTHis machine will be running in a VM, as well.21:30
wadLooking at ubuntu.com. Is there going to be a version 15 LTS at some point? Thinking about upgrading my 12.04 LTS.21:36
tgm4883wad: no21:37
tgm4883wad: LTS releases are in april of even numbered years21:37
wadAh, okay.21:37
tgm4883wad: so 12.04, 14.04, 16.0421:37
daftykinswad: 16.04 next21:37
wadgot it, thanks.21:37
Bashing-omwad: The next LTS will be 16.04 .21:37
k1l_wad: you can upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04 on the LTS path21:37
wadSo I should bump it up to 14.04 then.21:38
daftykinsLewsTherin: start with two core and 2GB RAM at least i'd say, maybe try #ubuntu-server for those that use such things more often21:38
LewsTherinWill do (ツ)21:38
tonyyarussowad: To expand on k1l_'s answer, what that means is that you can go *directly* from 12.04 to 14.04 - you don't have to go through 12.10, 13.04, and 13.10 along the way.21:38
wadSo this box hosts websites, runs postfix, runs minecraft servers, stuff like that. How scared should I be of doing a dist-upgrade?21:38
wadtonyyarusso, perfect, thanks!21:39
tonyyarussowad: The one BIG thing I know of is that there were changes to the syntax for allow/deny in Apache 2.4, so you will need to be prepared for some downtime during the upgrade and then to edit all of your vhosts with the new syntax.  Postfix I think upgrades fine.21:40
tonyyarusso(Assuming your web sites are Apache)21:40
wadAh, good to know!21:40
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wadYes, they are.21:40
* wad takes notes21:40
k1l_make backups before murphys law strikes back :)21:40
tonyyarussoIt's a very easy change to make, but you'll want to Google it beforehand rather than spending hours wondering why the heck your sites all say access denied :)21:40
wadOf course!21:40
wadI have a handful of virtual hosts on it.21:41
wadProbably pre-make all the config changes and have them handy.21:41
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wadHmm... other stuff I have on it: mysql, php, and mediawiki, gallery2...21:43
tonyyarussoAll out of the repos or installed by hand?21:43
tonyyarussoThere might be a change in PHP stuff too, but I'm not sure it's really noticable.21:44
* wad nods21:44
usuarioola  ROO21:46
HikaruBGhi guys21:48
HikaruBGI need to run a nodejs server on a remote ubuntu server. I am able to start that from an ssh console, but in the moment I disconnect the server is down.21:49
HikaruBGHow to do that?21:50
k1l_use screen?21:50
k1l_or start it as a server daemon?21:50
MonkeyDust  I was thinking the same21:50
MonkeyDustscreen, that is21:51
HikaruBGhow to do that? :) sorry for the dumb question21:51
k1l_!screen | HikaruBG21:51
ubottuHikaruBG: screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen21:51
k1l_HikaruBG: but programs that are meant to run as servers should have a daemon mode, imho21:52
Jamie_1hey my ubuntu is have a problem displaying the tops of windows and the terminal. When the windows is not full screen the top bar of the window is just black, also the terminal is black and i cannot do anything with it. At the same time when i got to use something that has a hover over feature for more info the little window from the hover over is black along with when i get a notification.21:52
HikaruBGk1l_, how to create a deamon then?21:53
k1l_HikaruBG: dont know nodejs, sorry.21:53
MonkeyDustHikaruBG  ssh to the remote server and run screen, then execute any command ... disconnect ssh and reconnect using ssh user@ip -t screen -dr21:54
HikaruBGk1l_, how to run a process or a command as a daemon. Node JS server starts simple. $node server.js    and it is on21:54
HikaruBGMonkeyDust, thanks. Can you also guide me in making a server daemon?21:55
Jamie_1Any ideas on how to solve that?21:55
k1l_HikaruBG: as i said: i am not familiar with nodejs. but other server programs like apache etc have daemon modes that run in the background automatically.21:55
MonkeyDustHikaruBG  no, better ask in #ubuntu-server, i guess21:55
HikaruBGOK Thanks! :) I am off to #ubuntu-server21:56
K4kI just tried to swap my lightdm greeter from unity-greeter to lightdm-webkit-greeter and it didn't work so I switched back but now lightdm comes up to a blank screen with a blinking cursor. Can someone help me figure out what's going on. There is an error on the screen at boot that flashes up but it doesn't stay up long enough for me to read it.21:57
K4khmmm, actually, the error seems to have gone away but it now goes to a screen saying "The system is running in low-graphics mode"21:58
=== GitUnit is now known as GitGud
Jamie_1K4k: can you get into the tty?22:01
wileeeJamie_1, Can you check the guest account or make another to confirm this is your work?22:01
K4kJamie_1: yes, that's where I've been poking around trying to see what's up22:01
Jamie_1wileee: already have22:01
K4kI already restored my lightdm.conf file22:01
wileeeJamie_1, And?22:01
Jamie_1K4k: go into the tty and revert to config old22:01
Jamie_1wileee: no repo22:02
wileeeJamie_1, no repo?22:02
Jamie_1wileee: sorry said that wrong.... no i could repro22:02
K4kJamie_1: unfortunately I've already done that. Also run dpkg-reconfigure lightdm and removed lightdm-gtk-greeter and lightdm-webkit-greeter with apt-get purge22:02
wileeeJamie_1, You must not really need help. ;)22:03
Jamie_1K4k: have you tried cd ~ mv .config .configold22:03
K4klet me try that22:03
K4k(though I'm logged in as root, if that makes any difference)22:03
Jamie_1well if you are not root you have to run it as sudo22:03
EriC^^it does22:03
Jamie_1K4k: just do22:03
Jamie_1cd ~22:03
EriC^^cd ~ might take you to /root if you used sudo -i22:04
K4kNo, I actually have a root user on this system22:04
Jamie_1EriC^^: that is what you want to rest the config files22:04
K4kBut that's besides the point22:04
EriC^^isn't he trying to rename the config files in his home dir?22:05
Jamie_1well K4k just do root or su and run22:05
K4kJamie_1: I moved ~/.config to ~/.config.bak, no dice22:05
Jamie_1K4k: what did it say?22:05
K4kwhat did what say?22:05
Jamie_1wileee: any ideas?22:05
Jamie_1K4k: did it return anything or did it just allow the command to pass22:05
szronikI have apport taking up 10-15% of CPU cycles and can't kill it. I've found that it's used to intercept crashes, and if it is, I can't figure out what's crashing. Can anyone help?22:05
K4kJamie_1: the mv command?22:06
Jamie_1and K4k no... mv .config .configold22:06
K4kthat worked fine22:06
Jamie_1that is what you want not bak22:06
szronikOkay, seems to be systemd-logind22:07
Jamie_1wileee: i mean any ideas on how to fix what is going on with the system?? do you think a change of dm might do it?22:07
EriC^^K4k: after you login you get a blank screen?22:07
K4kEriC^^: No, I think there's been a misunderstanding in my original issue. Lightdm literally won't even start22:07
EriC^^ok, seems like a graphics driver issue22:07
MonkeyDustszronik  sudo -e /etc/default/apport ... set enabled to 022:07
Jamie_1K4k: i had the problem about 6 months ago twice and that solved the problem22:07
EriC^^did you install anything?22:08
szronikMonkeyDust: systemd-logind keeps respawning, so says syslog22:08
K4kEriC^^: I installed lightdm-webkit-greeter, swapped the greeter session in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and ran `service lightdm restart`22:08
szronikMonkeyDust: I did a apt-get upgrade earlier today22:08
K4kit restarted lightdm but to a black screen22:08
K4kI swapped it back22:09
K4kand no change22:09
EriC^^K4k: are you sure about lightdm.conf? can you pastebin /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf?22:09
K4kEriC^^: what's the preferred pastebin here?22:09
szronikI think I'll reboot22:09
=== Blaster is now known as Guest88935
Jamie_1oh... did anyone see the question i asked above?22:09
K4kEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11962558/22:10
Jamie_1screw it im just gonna change dm and hope it might fix the problem22:11
EriC^^K4k: ok, try ls /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/22:11
K4kEriC^^: there are 5 files22:11
K4kI don't recall modifying these22:12
EriC^^any greeter files?22:12
EriC^^K4k: try sudo mv /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf{,.old}22:13
K4kEriC^^: no better22:13
EriC^^K4k: can you pastebin ls /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d ?22:14
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K4kEriC^^: Oh, another thing. I did change one boolean in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/com.canonical.unity-greeter.gschema.xml and run glib-compile-schema /usr/share/glib-2.0/schema/22:14
* K4k smiles sheepishly22:14
K4kPerhaps purging the unity-greeter and re-installing it would fix something if that was a bad idea?22:15
EriC^^don't purge it, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm unity-greeter22:15
wish^^Is there a remote desktop application for ubuntu that lets me access my work desktop from home and from my laptop?22:16
EriC^^also pastebin ls /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d22:16
rafaelxiquesme acabo de conectar. Alguna novedad?22:16
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:16
MonkeyDustwish^^  is it windows or linux at work?22:17
wish^^Im on ubuntu at work and on my laptop and im on windows at home22:17
K4kEriC^^: reinstalling unity-greeter fixed it...22:18
K4kI guess I broke something with glib-compile-schemas22:18
JustSighDudesHi guys, my install is suddenly really slw Any ideas what's going on? I've formatted it 2 days ago22:18
MonkeyDustK4k  so you need a windows program?22:18
EriC^^K4k: ok22:18
JustSighDudesRunning 15.04, plenty of free ram22:19
wileeeJustSighDudes, Install htop and look at what is running and eating the speed.22:19
wish^^MonkeyDust: no22:19
JustSighDudesNothing. Highest CPU use is compiz at 0.4%22:20
JustSighDudeswileee, ^22:20
wileeeJustSighDudes, using what measurement?22:20
wileeewhat app is this from22:21
JustSighDudeswileee, htop this is CPU22:21
MonkeyDustwish^^  you say you have windows at home and that you want to connect to your work22:21
wileeeJustSighDudes, You have scrolled all the way to the bottom?22:21
JustSighDudeswileee, i's sorted by CPU22:22
wish^^MonkeyDust, i need to set up a VNC i guess22:23
Jamie_1ugh... is there any way to force update to 14.10 even know its not supported anymore?22:23
wileeeJustSighDudes, I would not sort it read it all, honestly you have no info to work with, we don't do miracles. ;)22:23
JustSighDudeswileee, I did scroll all the way to the bottom just to make sure. Nothing is higher than 0.5% percent22:24
MonkeyDust!vnc | wish^^ ok, start here22:24
ubottuwish^^ ok, start here: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX22:24
JustSighDudeswileee,  And the bars at the top showing the cores are all at 0.5% and lower22:24
wish^^ty MonkeyDust22:24
wish^^it is 100mbit at work and 50 at home22:24
tonyyarussoJamie_1: Step 1) Why do you want to?22:24
Jamie_1tonyyarusso: hoping it will solve the problems i have been having22:24
TJ-JustSighDudes: Have you monitored the kernel log for signs of I/O errors?22:25
JustSighDudeswileee, I feel like it's a rendering issue not a processing issue, but don't know how to debug that22:25
Jamie_15:52:27 PM - Jamie_1: hey my ubuntu is have a problem displaying the tops of windows and the terminal. When the windows is not full screen the top bar of the window is just black, also the terminal is black and i cannot do anything with it. At the same time when i got to use something that has a hover over feature for more info the little window from the hover over is black along with when i get a notification.22:25
JustSighDudesTJ- where would I find that log? is that syslog? Cuz there's nothing in there or dmesg22:25
wileeeJustSighDudes, I can't help with this. ;)22:25
tonyyarussoJamie_1: ah.  I have no idea how do-release-upgrade handles them, if at all, but the repositories at least used to be kept around on old-releases.ubuntu.com, so you might be able to pull it off with that.22:25
Bashing-omwileee: You have done so much, for so long, with so little; You are now qualified to do anything with nothing !22:25
JustSighDudeswileee, No worries. Thanks for trying.22:25
wileeelol Bashing-om22:26
Jamie_1tonyyarusso: i had to use a net install to get this on here....22:26
szronikI have Ubuntu Server running on a PowerPC machine. If the machine dies on me, I'd like to be able to move all of the settings to a x86/x86-64 machine. What's the best way for me to do that?22:26
TJ-JustSighDudes: "/var/log/kern.log" ius the ongoing kernel log. dmesg is mainly boot-time only22:26
wileeeJustSighDudes, No problem, don't want to drag around what other helpers can cover.22:27
Jamie_1tonyyarusso: the only reason i want to is it seems no one knows how to solve this stupid problem...22:27
Jamie_1not saying its easy... its just a pain in my f*** A**22:27
Jamie_1and i dont feel like going through installing all over again and putting everything back on22:28
JustSighDudeswileee, appreciated, way better than suddenly not replying.22:28
JustSighDudesTJ- nothing there.22:28
Jamie_1so it seems i am just gonna run on a f****D up version of Ubuntu gnome22:28
TJ-JustSighDudes: can you describe how it feels 'slow' - what actions do you perform and what are your expectations vs what happens... how slow is slow (e.g. 5 seconds instead of 1 second expectation)22:30
JustSighDudesTJ-, I should mention ALT-Tab is lightening fast. But when I'm typing the letters take a while to show up22:30
JustSighDudesTJ-, and terminal output takes a bit to refresh22:31
JustSighDudesTJ-, even opening a new tab in chrome is fast. But typing the URL is slow. And videos play choppy22:31
t0ntinHi, all. I had XP and ubuntu on my laptop. I installed Win 7, and now it does not give me the option to boot into ubuntu at start-up. Anyone know how I can fix that?22:31
tewardt0ntin: boot to a livecd and run boot-repair22:32
MonkeyDustt0ntin  the windows installation ruined grub22:32
tewardt0ntin: the problem is Windows torched grub22:32
tewardthat's not hard to fix22:32
JustSighDudest0ntin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows22:32
t0ntinteward, I will try that. Thanks.22:33
wileeet0ntin, If you use the bootrepiar app save the bootinfo summary url.22:35
wadWish me luck. Upgrading my VPS from 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS.22:44
wileeeJustSighDudes, Only thing that has come to mind is that the latest kernel updates has caused some issues, you might try a previous on in grub.22:44
wileeeJustSighDudes, I saw the no errors you posted.22:44
JustSighDudeswileee, will try now22:46
TJ-JustSighDudes: OK, I know where to look now. You've got an input device problem. I've seen that with PS/2 style i8042 keyboard inputs22:46
TJ-JustSighDudes: can you "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg"22:47
wileeeJustSighDudes, However TJ- is excellent help, folow their lead.22:47
TJ-JustSighDudes: I'm suspecting you'll need something like "i8042.nomux" on the kernel command line, but lets wait and see what devices the PC has first22:49
wileeegood find TJ- ; )22:50
SuperFAMhey, quick question. does anybody know how to clear the scrollback history on the gnome terminal in ubuntu?22:50
daftykinsSuperFAM: of commands? the bash history file22:50
bekksSuperFAM: Why would you want to do that?22:50
TJ-wileee: I've seen it several times before. there are several i8042 workarounds depending on the exact nature of the issue22:51
SuperFAMno i mean like, the stuff you would see displayed22:51
SuperFAMso if i used clear22:51
SuperFAMlike that, but i can't scroll back anymore22:51
daftykinsclose and re-open22:51
SuperFAMthat's the only way? :|22:51
daftykinsonly one i know, maybe don't do things you want to hide :)22:52
SuperFAMno reason to hide anything, haha. i just like a clean window22:52
bekksThings seen cannot be unseen.22:52
MonkeyDustSuperFAM  rm ~/.bash_history22:52
TJ-SuperFAM: "tput reset"22:52
wileeeTJ-, Heh, I learn here everyday.22:53
NytramI still haven't learned WHY one would want to do that. But HEY. we can do it anyway. 8)22:53
reisioSuperFAM: also, 'help history'22:54
SuperFAMTJ: thanks!22:55
reisiooh that22:55
reisioCTRL+l :)22:56
bekksreisio++ :)22:56
reisioAHAHAHAHAH infinite karma22:56
bekksreisio++ ;)22:57
wileeeohm mana padmee ohm (phonetically)22:57
reisiowhile(true): do bekks++; done22:57
NytramErk! Love orgy ensues... time to go.22:57
bekksreisio: for(;;); do reisio++; done22:59
TJ-syntax error near unexpected token `('23:00
bekksreisio: for((;;)); do reisio++; done23:00
reisioyes bekks++23:01
wileeeThis reminds of the Large Hadron physicists do a rap at a local bar with unix commands23:01
TJ-reisio++: command not found  :P23:02
reisionot my fault there's no karma bot23:02
reisiowe'll just have to keep track in our heads23:02
TJ-reisio: Your karma is the number to the left of your nickname :)23:02
bekks730010350 for me, currently. :)23:03
bekksOff by one fail :(23:04
reisiomy karma is 16:05:3823:05
reisiowhoops 16:06:0623:05
reisiosnap, joke already done23:06
TJ-Mine just went from 2359 to 0 :(23:06
Oblivion^ what you guys chatting about?23:06
MonkeyDustOblivion  this is the ubuntu support channel23:07
OblivionMonkeyDust really?23:08
MonkeyDustOblivion  type   /topic23:08
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OblivionMonkeyDust sorry thought Id joined @nontm0s23:09
frewanyone know why dbus would not be running on 12.04?23:11
freww/o dbus I can't start upstart services :/23:11
Oblivion!how much of ubuntu is still based on debian23:11
Oblivion!how long have I not used IRC lol23:12
ubottuOblivion: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:12
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Oblivionfrew dbus should be running23:12
Oblivion12.04 uses upsatrt ?23:13
frewOblivion: ... yes that's why I'm asking why it woudln't be23:13
frewstart: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory23:13
Oblivionfrew it should be running defo23:13
Oblivionfrew is that starting dbus daemon?23:14
frewthat's me trying to start some other service23:14
Oblivionfrew start dbus23:14
frewwell that won't work: start: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory23:14
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shine_Man, I have this situation ... I have something I *just need to get done* -- unfortunately, this topic is extreeemely complicated for me. So, I've tried to boil down what is already pretty simple information on the topic, into even simpler information on the topic.  The Source info is : http://askubuntu.com/questions/461135/copy-mp4-files-to-dvd     And my, simpler, version is : http://pastebin.com/ZuHFZMNq     Could anyone check it out23:15
shine_see if what I wrote makes sense? Based on my paste, am I understanding this process correctly?  Please don't confuse me by making it more complicated though.23:15
Oblivionfrew whats in  /var/run/dbus/23:15
frewOblivion: there's no dbus directory in /var/run23:15
Oblivionfrew what about ps aux | grep dbus23:15
frew(except for grep itself)23:16
Oblivionfrew and dpkg --list | grep dbus23:16
frewI have dbus, dbus-x11, and a few libs installed23:16
frewI wonder if I am somehow in a lower runlevel?23:16
frewthis is a vm23:16
Oblivionfrew anything in /var/sys/sublock for dbus?23:17
frewI don't have a /var/sys?23:17
Oblivionfrew yeah what RL you in 3 or 5?23:17
Oblivionfrew run level23:18
frewI'm not sure23:18
frewhow can I check?23:18
frewI wish init (upstart) put the runlevel in it's args or something23:18
Oblivionfrew type runlevel23:18
* frew straces runlevel23:19
shine_How bout I just pay someone to do the job for me? What would that be worth to someone?23:19
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Oblivionfrew might be worth rebooting , I dont like windows fixes but something looks screwed23:19
daftykinsshine_: inappropriate here.23:20
Oblivionfrew or restarting , is it lightdm on Ubuntu (with unity)?23:20
frewit's headless23:20
Oblivion* restarting lightdm23:20
Oblivionfrew headless shouldnt need dbus what you trying to run?23:21
frewif you run an upstart service it needs dbus23:21
frewand I'm trying to run an upstart service (one of our services)23:21
daftykinsshine_: the word you're looking for, for step #1 is 'transcode' depending on codecs in use23:21
Oblivionfrew iirc dbus is only needed for X apps23:22
frewI wish you were right23:22
frewbut start actually uses dbus to tell upstart to start the service23:22
Oblivionfrew yeah upstart, sytemd causinf me new problems, why we couldnt stay with system V init23:23
frewI'm fine with new stuff23:24
frewit' sjust a bummer to be in the middle23:24
frewI feel like learning about this upstart stuff is a waste of time now that it's abandoned more or less23:24
shine_I feel like I need a stinkin' 4 yr degree to pull something like this off - and, well, it's not that it isn't worth it to me - it's infinately worth it - just maybe not worth my time doing it (by the time I figure it out It'll be 10 years from now and cases of wasted dvds later).23:24
Oblivionfrew yeah is it 15.04 >+ that ship with systemd?23:24
shine_daftykins: thx23:24
frewso my laptop actually is running systemd23:24
frewand I haven't had any issues, fwiw23:24
Oblivionfrew luckily I mostly work with CentOS servers23:25
frewbut 14.04 will be around for a long time23:25
frewso I guess I'm stuck with upstart for quite a while23:25
frewCentOS uses sysv I guess?23:25
microhaxoguys, i just installed ubuntu and for some reason on the desktop i have a huge cursor?23:26
frewOblivion: it looks like 2 is my default runlevel?23:26
reisioFedora is using systemd, so CentOS will be using it eventually if not already23:26
OblivionCentOs from 7 uses systemd ^ <= use sys v init still23:26
Oblivionfrew Yeah Im running xubuntu here mines the same, this is where I get angry lol why Debian/Ubuntu do everything different, run level 2 is reserved in RHL23:28
Oblivionfrew im in X though23:28
frewon my host I'm in ubuntu and my RL is 523:29
shine_daftykins: do you know, does the starting file (mp4 in my case) have to be a single file or can it be multiple files to one dvd?23:29
Oblivionfrew so that sounds like the propblem the run levels are misconfigured possibly23:29
frewI think so too23:29
frewI'm gonna try to force it to a given runlevel now23:29
frewand reboot it23:29
Oblivionfrew so this is a vm ?23:29
frewit's a docker container running init to act like a vm23:30
frewaside from this issue I've not had any problems23:30
frewbeen using it for a few weeks instead of vagrant23:30
Oblivionfrew yeah thats the prob, in a docker it uses the host kernel23:31
frewI don't understand how that's related23:31
* frew doesn't know much about init yet23:31
frewdoes the kernel like, globally set the init level/23:32
Oblivionfrew I suspect it is using the host dbus23:32
frewI could make it use the host dbus but I'd need to configure that23:32
Oblivionfrew Is dbus running on the host?23:32
fluxxerdoes anyone else have a problem with their desktop getting blown away again and again with every other update?23:32
frewit almost certainly is, but I didn't give it (the container) a socket or volume to konw how to reach it23:32
fluxxerwith MATE, that is23:32
Oblivionfrew I have not much experience with dockers , so not sure but It looks like a docker issue to me23:33
frewmanually specifying runlevel 2 still doesn't start dbus, for whatever reason23:34
fluxxeri have Mint 17 on my desktop and Ubuntu MATE on my laptop, and it's always a gamble whether i should update or not because this might happen.. i login, and the MATE panels don't load, and the CPU load goes way up trying to load things. if i login as guest, this doesn't happen23:34
frewI'll try 523:34
Oblivionfrew If you havent found a soloution a good person to ask is Allan Jude Tech Snap jupiter broadcasting23:35
frewis that a contractor or something?23:35
TJ-frew: have you looked at the upstart logs23:35
frewnot yet, didn't even think to look there23:36
Oblivionfrew no its a security/technical podcast23:36
frewwill check out23:36
Obliviondoes upstart keep logs?23:37
TJ-frew: /var/log/upstart/23:37
frewI'll look there23:37
Oblivioniirc it logs to syslog23:37
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TJ-Upstart logs each service separately23:37
fluxxerbeep beep, hello23:38
Oblivionfluxxer your asking Mint support in Ubuntu , wrong channel, use Mint support23:39
fluxxerMint is based on Ubuntu. Ubuntu MATE is based on Ubuntu.23:39
OblivionTJ where to?23:39
shadeemotivewhats up?23:39
TJ-I already said23:39
fluxxeri guess i should find the MATE channel, but i don't know where that is23:40
Oblivionfluxxer yes but as they ship with different packages and desktops , it dont work the way you think23:40
BlueProtomanCan anybody recommend a good PPA for Qt 5.5 on Ubuntu 15.04?23:40
shadeemotivewho here play sonic robo blast 2?23:40
shadeemotivei got no good ppas23:41
Kamuelawow my years-old issue with ubuntu suddenly just doens't happen anymore23:41
fluxxerKamuela: amazin, isn't it23:41
OblivionblueProtoman Gentoo only distro I use for dev23:41
fluxxerhow probems mysteriously come and go23:41
BlueProtomanOblivion: That's nice, but I didn't come here about Gentoo23:41
shadeemotivei got srb2 who want to join :P23:41
Kamuelayou know what's more amazing? how little I even want to look into it. i'm fine with it gone, no hard feelings23:41
OblivionblueProtoman I advised it because to keep upstream with dev apps you need to use Gentoo, Arch, LFS to keep up23:42
fluxxermy probem just keeps resurfacing with every other update :P23:42
fluxxerguess i'll go find the MATE channel then, if there is one23:42
OblivionblueProtoman problem is keeping all the shared libs up to date and not breaking stuff23:42
shadeemotivewell i got a question23:43
BlueProtomanOblivion: I'm not installing a new operating system.23:43
shadeemotivewhy isnt there no new change when i go from ubuntu 14.04 to 14.10?23:43
shadeemotiveor why wont 15.04 work???23:43
OblivionblueProtoman well if they dont provide .deb learn to compile from source, but look forward to dependcy hell :(23:44
KamuelaDoes anyone know why ctrl+alt+t no longer opens a terminal in 15.04?23:45
BlueProtomanOblivion: I know how to compile from source, but I'm trying to find a .deb so I don't have to23:45
shadeemotiveok brb23:45
OblivionblueProtoman search google for package name ppa23:46
somsip!ppa | BlueProtoman23:46
ubottuBlueProtoman: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:46
OblivionblueProtoman trust at your own risk though23:46
BlueProtomanOblivion: Already did23:46
OblivionblueProtoman nothing?23:46
BlueProtomanOblivion: Just for Trusty, but I'm not on that23:46
reisioKamuela: smack all your ctrl/alt/win/meta/shift keys23:46
OblivionblueProtoman what you on ver num please I never remember names23:47
BlueProtomanOblivion: 15.0423:47
jonneafter upgrading to 15.04 , pulseaudio keeps selecting the wrong audio port. It defaults to line out (unplugged) instead of headphones (unplugged), so i don't get audio until i switch them with pavucontrol23:47
jonneis there a way to make this pavucontrol setting be remembered on startup?23:48
Kamuelareisio, is that a real suggestion? lol23:48
Kamuelareisio, HA, HA, HA... well indeed it was. tada23:48
jonneor alternatively make it detect that my headphones are actually plugged in23:48
Kamuelathank you23:48
jonneit worked fine in 14.0423:48
OblivionblueProtoman depending on deps it could be ok to install from the 13.04 is that trusty or was it 12.04, if it pulls in alot of deps though would cancel it23:48
reisioreisio: 1; stuck keys: 023:48
OblivionblueProtoman but this is why I use Gentoo to keep close to upstream23:49
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frewsorry got into long conversation about crypto23:51
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frewso looking at /var/log/syslog23:51
frewI don't see any *obvious* reasons why dbus wouldn't be running23:52
Oblivionfrew try a reboot23:52
frewOblivion: I did23:52
frewand switched from RL 2 to 523:52
TJ-frew: did you look at the Upstart logs too?23:53
Oblivionfrew dmesg | grep -i dbus?23:53
frewTJ-: looking there next23:53
frewnothing really in there23:56
frewthere are 3 files in there, hostname.log, hwclock.log, and munin-node.log23:56
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* rypervenche high fives Oblivion.23:56
frewOblivion: nada23:57
frewhm hm hm23:57
Oblivionfrew give me a sec got to get my head around why Debian/Ubuntu use RL 2 instead of 3/523:57
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HmmmphCan someone on here help me with a problem I've been having please?23:58
HmmmphIt's in regards to my graphics card.23:58
TJ-frew: which suggests dbus isn't being started. What does the dbus service declare its start-on to be? is that condition being satisfied?23:58
frewgood question23:59
frewlocal-filesystems and deconfiguring-networking23:59
frewthat could theoretically not be happning, since this is in a container23:59
frewI wonder... if I could change it to start on.. .somethign else23:59

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