=== firl_ is now known as firl | ||
firl | rick_h_ Just finished doing the openstack install via the gui only. I ended up having to remove the ceph services, re add them manually, commit the conifg, then add the machines then commit the units. | 16:09 |
firl | rick_h_: If I could add a config file for a whole bundle, that’d be awesome before placing the units | 16:09 |
rick_h_ | firl: can you shoot an email summary to the juju list? I'd be curious to peek at what you did long form an expoose it to others. | 16:10 |
rick_h_ | I'm afk at a sprint at the moment but want to check it out. | 16:11 |
firl | sure, I just need to figure out where the email distro subscription is | 16:11 |
rick_h_ | https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/juju | 16:12 |
firl | ty, I will summarize and send an email out | 16:12 |
rick_h_ | ty much! | 16:15 |
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away | ||
=== kadams54_ is now known as kadams54 |
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