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Graf_Westerholt | Oi! | 05:34 |
Graf_Westerholt | When I click on window menu — more actions — special settings, the new form instantly crashes. | 05:49 |
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marus | hi everyone, after update, my keyboard layout has chanched!!! | 07:07 |
Graf_Westerholt | marus, can you explain it? | 07:08 |
marus | Graf_Westerholt> lol so i recieved security update like everytime, after install it, my keyboard layout has been changed | 07:09 |
marus | it sound crazy but true | 07:09 |
Graf_Westerholt | marus, but changed to what? | 07:10 |
marus | Graf_Westerholt> was DE now US layout | 07:11 |
Graf_Westerholt | Can you change it back? | 07:11 |
marus | Graf_Westerholt> i try to look why it does happend, so that i can change it | 07:12 |
marus | Graf_Westerholt: i have restore it to DE | 07:13 |
Graf_Westerholt | marus, do you know #kubuntu-de ? ;) | 07:13 |
marus | lol i don't need it, i'm not DE | 07:13 |
marus | ;-) | 07:13 |
Graf_Westerholt | marus, why do you use DE-layout? | 07:14 |
marus | i work for them xD | 07:14 |
Graf_Westerholt | And you write in German? | 07:15 |
marus | yes | 07:24 |
Graf_Westerholt | ok :) | 07:25 |
lordievader | Good morning. | 07:32 |
lordievader | Graf_Westerholt: Too bad about your nVidia problems :( | 07:32 |
Graf_Westerholt | Oi lordievader! | 07:36 |
lordievader | Hey Graf_Westerholt | 07:36 |
Graf_Westerholt | lordievader, I read in a forum to try EGL as OpenGL interface in Compositor-Settings. I am trying it. | 07:37 |
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ejay | Hi all. I've found a solution for making work intel/ati gpus on laptops. Found it on Arch wiki. No swicheroo needed, no additional grub changed needed. It's out of the box solution. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PRIME IMHO it should be on ubuntu wiki as well (somewhere on ati open source drivers pages). | 09:26 |
ejay | grub changes* | 09:26 |
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Graf_Westerholt | Network Monitor eats a lot of the CPU. | 11:47 |
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yannic | Hallo | 11:59 |
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corleone | ll | 12:19 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 12:49 |
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dub_ | hi, I'm having trouble setting up my proxy in Kubuntu, everything works fine in Ubuntu, however my https proxy isn't getting set in Kubuntu | 14:47 |
dub_ | I can get to news.google.com (http) but not to google.com (https) | 14:47 |
dub_ | does anyone have an idea of whats going on here? | 14:47 |
Taggnostr | hello | 14:49 |
Taggnostr | I'm having some problems with the panel at the bottom and plasma 5: after switching to the dark breeze theme, the kde icon, and everything in the tray (including the clock) disappeared | 14:50 |
Taggnostr | the bar is still white (even though I'm using the dark theme) and the button/tray are still there (I can click on things and they work), but I just see all white | 14:51 |
Taggnostr | several icons from the K menu -> applications are also invisible | 14:51 |
Taggnostr | do you know any way to fix this and/or turn the bar dark too? | 14:53 |
Graf_Westerholt | dub_, what webbrowser are you using? | 14:55 |
Taggnostr | I just found out in workspace theme -> desktop theme -> details, that I can set the theme for the icons and panel, but when I try to do so I get a "malformed url" error | 14:56 |
dub_ | Firefox | 14:59 |
dub_ | I think that was the issue | 14:59 |
dub_ | just downloaded Chromium and now it works | 14:59 |
Taggnostr | I suspect that once I selected the breeze dark theme, it also tried to select the same theme for the icons, and since the url is malformed, it couldn't load the icons -- that's why they are missing | 14:59 |
Taggnostr | if I use the oxygen theme it works, so I guess I'll just use that | 15:01 |
Graf_Westerholt | How to restart the desktop? | 15:10 |
Graf_Westerholt | My desktop froze. | 15:10 |
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prw_ | running kubuntu 15.04, fully updated and can't change my icon sizes. when i go to system settings->appearance->icons->advanced, the "size" dropdown doesnt work. do i need to install a particular package to make this work? | 15:37 |
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Graf_Westerholt | I do not have a real workspace anymore. plasmashell is not working any more. | 15:48 |
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=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A] | ||
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watsug | Hi, I have a problem on my Kubuntu 15.04 | 17:10 |
watsug | I have three knotes icons in my taskbar that I can't seem to remove? | 17:10 |
watsug | How do I remove them? | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | watsug: open the 3 dashes at the far right of the panel then paas the cursor over the icons you want to remove and click the X in the popup | 17:25 |
BluesKaj | paas=pass | 17:26 |
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Guest59711 | Hi, I have kubuntu 15.04 and I got a problem after I killed plasmashell procces I guess!! So the problem is that I gey Login screen but when I try to login in, it just re-open lgoin screen!! Now Im on my root user, but I cannot enter to my local user!! I was reading about Xauthority but Im not able to deal with it.... someone can helps me??? | 20:30 |
krytarik | !xhangs | Guest59711 | 20:35 |
ubottu | Guest59711: If the GUI hangs after logging in, use <ctrl><alt><f1> to switch to text mode. Log in and do: rm .{X,ICE}authority | 20:35 |
root____ | ubottu: I did rm .{X,ICE}authority and console show me that its not a file directory.... | 20:45 |
ubottu | root____: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 20:45 |
krytarik | root____: Make sure you are at the top level of your home directory when running that command. | 20:47 |
root____ | krytarik: I was able to log into my local user but I just got the same programs that I had opened before the crag... and I cannot do anything... just change windows with alt+tab | 20:55 |
Graf_Westerholt | khotkeys is broken. I can set hotkeys, but wen I reopen khotkeys, it shows as if I did nothing. When I set a new hotkey and save, every defined hotkey is gone. | 21:11 |
krytarik | root____: I can't tell if this still applies to KDE Plasma 5, but there you go: http://askubuntu.com/questions/508666/how-to-delete-a-manually-saved-session | 21:11 |
rubytor | krytarik: thank you for your help... I solved my problem: rm -r ~/.local/share/kscreen.... I lost my widgets, themes and more related with plasma but I prefer that!! | 21:41 |
watsug | BluesKaj Thank you for the answer, saw it just now, I knew there had to be an easy solution :) | 21:47 |
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kubuntu_ | Hello, is there a way to reinstall / repair kubuntu without removing my files, etc? | 22:26 |
vedu | kubuntu_: your home folder can be reued as is | 23:02 |
vedu | unless something in that is causing your problems | 23:02 |
vedu | kubuntu_: s/reued/reused | 23:03 |
sebastian | hi whats up | 23:13 |
sebastian | how do you d | 23:13 |
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Guest55331 | messi | 23:13 |
Guest55331 | where are you | 23:13 |
Guest55331 | messi i love you | 23:14 |
Guest55331 | i love you football | 23:14 |
Guest55331 | hi | 23:17 |
edition | is it possible to change the background of the classic KDE menu? | 23:46 |
edition | nevermind. | 23:49 |
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