
=== vinay is now known as Guest14794
santa_gcc 5 uploaded to unstable https://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gcc-5/news/20150731T094053Z.html10:45
santa_~ final judgement starts, we must delay it10:45
dokosanta_, Riddell: new packages are now in silo 39, with a lot of renamed library packages11:03
santa_doko: thank you, gcc 5 is going to be available in ubuntu unstable today as scheduled, right?11:08
dokotrying ...11:09
santa_off for a while, brb11:49
soee_Riddell: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103317747728601767381/posts/8Ne3cbXF6qg?cfem=111:59
santa_ScottK: list of possible debian's qt ftbfs'es: https://paste.kde.org/pjai4grix13:06
soee_from g+: http://cdn.overclock.net/d/d9/d9fcbaaa_QP5DBAz.jpeg13:21
ScottKsanta_: Did anyone work out fixes for those?13:53
santa_if I'm not mistaken debian and ubuntu aren't sharing symbols files for Qt13:58
santa_ScottK: so, replying to your question: for debian -> nope afaik; for ubuntu -> I don't know, better check with those canonical fellows13:59
ScottKOK.  Thanks.14:00
ScottKmitya57: Have you looked into Qt5/gcc5?14:00
santa_ScottK: oh, and just a small thing: qtenginio has last upload to unstable not available in git master, maybe you want to poke the debian's person in charge14:01
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ScottKsanta_: pushed.14:10
santa_ScottK: thank you, I will rebuild that one14:21
santa_ScottK: ok, qtenginio master does build so you can remove it from the list14:44
=== Mamarok is now known as Guest32214
* Riddell blogs http://jriddell.org/2015/07/31/kubuntu-paddleboard-club/15:33
lordievaderHehe, the movie at the end :D15:36
geniiRiddell: Is this where my donation money goes? ;)15:42
lordievaderLooks liek you guys had a good time ;)15:42
Riddellgenii: no no, that's all self funded :)15:42
geniiAh, carry on then!15:42
soee_oh if you do surfing etc. maybe someon is diving also ?15:43
=== soee_ is now known as soee
Riddellovidiu-florin: app-install-data17:00
dokoRiddell, santa_ : GCC 5 in proposed, have fun17:02
Riddelldoko: awooga!17:02
Riddelldoko: will you copy over stuff from your PPA like qt?17:02
dokoRiddell, it already is17:03
dokoif you have new transitions, please document them in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GCC517:03
mitya57ScottK, it builds, but some symbols need to be removed (they are already marked as optional)17:07
mitya57no transition needed because Qt does not use STL in public API/ABI17:08
mitya57I'll probably do the symbols removal for qtbase right now (in experimental branch)17:09
ScottKK.  Thanks.17:17
dokomitya57, ScottK : you should do the double-conversion library transition first, and I think libproxy, and maybe wait until the new icu is uploaded17:19
mitya57doko, ok. I'm not planning of uploading anything to Ubuntu, but I'll wait before doing it in Debian.17:22
lisandroScottK: here17:24
ScottKWelcome lisandro.17:24
lisandroI don't know what was already discussed wrt qt5 and gcc5, but so far I could only find symbols changes in qtbase (haven't checked tthe rest yet)17:25
lisandromitya57, doko: I'm already working on the symbols stuff on Debian, at least to have things moving17:26
dokoyou should do the double-conversion library transition first, and I think libproxy, and maybe wait until the new icu is uploaded17:26
dokoor prepare these first. 17:27
lisandroapart that they need to be rebuilt with gcc5, is there anything else missing?17:27
lisandrobecause they should not bring symbols changes for us except they are breaking API17:28
mitya57Should *we* do the double-conversion library transition in Debian? We are not maintaining it…17:28
dokoyes followup library transitions17:28
dokolet me file a bug, I didn't yet17:28
lisandrowell, if it's just waiting for the libs to be rebuilt then it's just a mteer of following the transition17:29
lisandroand keeping symbols up to date17:29
lisandromitya57: I've got some vtables dissapearing from qtxmlsomething17:30
lisandrobut I *think* those are safe17:30
dokofor every library where  new cxx11 appear, you should do a library transition17:30
dokoI see, I need to better explain that ...17:30
lisandrofrom that part of qtbase, just a minute17:31
santa_lisandro: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2015/07/31/#kubuntu-devel.html17:32
lisandrodoko: it's just a matter of waiting to get all rdeps rebuilt until we push qt, that's all17:32
lisandroexcept again if somthing is breaking api17:32
dokoabi, not api17:32
dokothe api stays the same17:32
dokoread one of the bugs at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=libstdc%2B%2B-cxx11;users=debian-gcc@lists.debian.org17:33
* lisandro reads17:34
lisandrodoko: ahhh, then normal transition stuff. We just need to wait until all the pieces are put together17:35
lisandroQt exported symbols will not change if rdeps change abi17:35
dokoif everybody waits, then this will take a year ...17:35
lisandrothere is no other way around I'm afraid17:36
lisandrothat's why the transition is handled in levels17:36
lisandrowell, it's either that or binNMUing packages a lot of times17:37
lisandroat the end it's faster to simply wait 17:37
dokoif you think, fine17:37
lisandrosure thing, but don't worry, the RT will prompltly mark us if an upload is needed17:38
dokothe release team is having a vacation right now17:39
lisandrothen I'll do my best to keep an eye on the transition as a whole too17:40
shadeslayermhall119: so coming to ubucon berlin?18:28
ahoneybunshadeslayer: happy with the patch ?18:40
shadeslayeridk, maybe18:42
shadeslayerperhaps check why it was ma: same18:42
shadeslayeranyway, have to go18:42
Riddellovidiu-florin: #ubuntu-bugs18:43
ovidiu-florinRiddell: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bugs18:43
Riddellovidiu-florin: see bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad18:43
soeesomeone seen sitter lately ?18:56
ahoneybunhe left I think wedsday18:58
soeeis there someone else who can add slack integratin to kubuntu-ci (jenkins) >19:00
ovidiu-florinsoee: we still haven't decided if we will use slack, since it's NOT free software19:01
ovidiu-florineven if it can be integrated with all our tools19:01
ovidiu-florinit's NOT free software19:01
soeeovidiu-florin: sure thing, i just wanted to test allthe possible and easy to do options :)19:02
ahoneybunnot that many people use slack tbh (at least in here19:03
ahoneybunI do like the mobile app over any irc app that I know of19:03
soeewell i didn't knot slack either till the Neos devs started to use is so as TYPO3 CMS community19:05
soeeand i just love it :)19:05
soeei see elementary os devs use it19:05
valorieI would like to see IRC <> Slack integration before we dismiss it19:06
soeei would like to know what is teh potential risk using such "non free" software19:06
soeeis is tgainst our policy ?19:06
valorieI don't like using non-free software, but all of us use lots of it on our smartphones19:06
sgclarkit makes folks grumpy!19:06
valorieall the time19:06
soeewell than i think now its more not if it is good/better than irc etc. but rather that it is not open sourced right ? :)19:08
soeevalorie: when it comes to bots we can try this: https://github.com/ekmartin/slack-irc19:14
soeei'd liek to know also Riddell opinion19:21
Riddellwhat what?19:28
ovidiu-florinRiddell: waht do you think of us adopting slack?19:31
soeeRiddell: what do you think about testing slack as a communication tool for Kubuntu team19:31
Riddellsoee: it's a proprietary tool so sounds like a bad idea19:31
clivejoRiddell: calligra built OK !!19:40
Riddellclivejo: awooga :)19:40
Riddellclivejo: calligra-l10n needs doing if you fancy another task :)19:40
clivejohave you used it?19:40
Riddellcalligra? I've no updated yet19:41
clivejowhy does calligra need l10n?19:41
clivejoeveryone speaks english!19:42
ovidiu-florinthat's a joke, right?19:44
clivejojust a bit of craic Ovidiu19:46
yofelFWIW, compared to calligra, -l10n is childs play :P19:47
clivejonot if you havent a clue!19:48
yofelthere was some script inside it that did most of the job19:48
* clivejo waits on ahoneybunto publish the "Kubuntu Packaging Bible"19:51
yofelif he ever does, that will indeed be one huge book...19:51
Riddellthere's a script in kubuntu-automation that I tend to use for calligra-l10n19:51
clivejogot a link?19:52
yofelclivejo: bzr co lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation19:54
ahoneybunclivejo: yofel it would be a best selller19:55
clivejooh dear, this code is copyright19:56
clivejo#Copyright Jonathan Riddell 201319:56
valoriesoee: without the bot it is rather impossible to test it19:57
clivejoahoneybun: make an audio version I can learn in my sleep19:59
Riddellclivejo: I licence it though don't I?20:10
Riddellcalligra-l10n-package is the one, let me know if you have problems20:11
Riddellcalligra-l10n is a weird package with multiple .orig tars for the source which is rare20:11
clivejoI need to understand what is going on20:14
clivejo"depot.kde.org:/home/ftpubuntu/%s/calligra-%s/calligra-l10n/*tar*" % (stability, version)20:15
clivejocant I just use the local tarbal on my machine?20:16
yofelthe local 20 tarballs?20:16
yofelI don't think that's supported20:17
clivejoIm confused20:17
yofeloh, you need access to depot for that script :/20:17
clivejoand what is depot?20:18
yofela kde server where the tarballs are published before release20:19
yofelyou can try the "upstream2orig" script inside calligra-l10n, that uses local files.20:20
yofelYou can fetch the tarballs from download.kde.org for that20:20
soeevalorie: ping20:22
slack-bot<soee> hi slack-irc20:25
soeeok sorry for the spam - testing tis bot :)20:26
soeethis bot will not send all messages to #development hannel on slack20:29
slack-bot<clivejo> does it work both ways?20:35
soeeclivejo: yes, bot sends your message from slack to this irc channel20:35
clivejoI see20:36
slack-bot<yofel> soee++, now we can actually try this in a useful way :)20:37
slack-bot<soee> i can also configure other channels like #kubuntu to log to #help slack channel for example, but this is not needed atm. i think20:39
ubottutesters is Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31, vip, mparillo for information20:39
sgclarkPlasma 5.3.2 vivid needs testing20:40
soeeyay! :)20:40
slack-bot<yofel> Funny enough, here on the train slack's websocket connection is more stable than quassel's..20:42
yofelthat slack-bot pings me every time I say something on slack is annoying though :/20:46
yofelotoh, you can answer pings on slack on irc..20:48
slack-bot<sgclark> Hmm that could get bothersome 20:48
clivejosoee: you mentioned there was an app for slack?20:51
* yofel is just installing that20:51
yofelthere's also https://github.com/raelgc/scudcloud if you want something for the desktop20:51
yofelbut that's not much different from just using the webapp20:52
clivejoI dont like leaving my computer on at night, will this allow me to stay logged in?20:52
slack-bot<soee> clivejo: https://slack.com/apps20:52
soeeclivejo: but all slack channels history you can see next day20:53
soeeit will show you howmany unread messages you heve there20:53
soeeno need for app etc. 20:53
slack-bot<clivejo> That could be useful20:54
valoriesoee: sorry was either offline or in other stuff20:56
valoriehere now20:56
valorieuntil this whisky in my glass is gone20:56
ScottKConsidering slack isn't free software, I don't see the point.20:57
clivejommmm whiskey20:57
valorieScottK: just a test, no worries20:58
slack-bot<sgclark> Cant you add #kubuntu-ci to slack like you did #kubuntu-devel?20:58
valorieand only for those who need to access IRC on their phones sometimes, and can't use quasseldroid etc.20:58
ScottKThere are other IRC clients.20:58
clivejothe history feature is nice20:59
valorieno argument20:59
ScottKConnectbot is pretty good.20:59
valoriesince soee made a group, I thought it worthwhile to *test*20:59
valorieif people refuse to use it, we won't use it20:59
clivejoit can share media too?21:00
valorieyou are in charge of it soee21:00
soeeclivejo: media ?21:03
clivejopdf, pics, audio etc21:03
soeeslack - yes21:04
* valorie logs off, turns off computer, goes to bed!21:05
valoriethank you, soee21:05
valorieniters all21:06
clivejogood night valorie21:07
ScottKsoee: Are you in charge of this slack bot?21:09
ScottKI've read the terms of service for slack and I'm not at all comfortable with this IRC channel being copied to slack.21:09
ScottKSomeone can ping me when it's turned off and I'll rejoin.  I have no intention of being bound by their TOS and it's not at all clear to me that relaying my IRC onto slack doesn't trigger that.21:10
soeeScottK: yes i just started it for a tets21:10
sgclarkheh irc bit is the only feature I find useful. 21:15
yofelsoee: can you turn the bot off please? we need Scott more than slack21:16
soeesure :)21:16

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