
robruok, if anybody is around, I am now going to take the spreadsheet offline and migrate all requests into bileto.00:09
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1I2YFOy | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Spreadsheet is now read-only
veebersrobru: should I hold off trying to make an entry to bilto 'till you're done?00:09
robruveebers: yes please. running some scripts.00:20
veebersrobru: ack, I'll hold off :-)00:22
robruveebers: almost done actually00:23
robruveebers: ok moment of truth00:30
robruveebers: success! ok go ahead with whatever you were doing00:31
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1I2YFOy | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Spreadsheet is migrated fully, use bileto exclusively from now on.
veebersrobru: cool, I'm just out the door though :-P I'll fire one off when I get back though00:32
robruveebers: sorry about that, should be settling down now ;-)00:32
veebersrobru: nw :-)00:32
robrukgunn: veebers: everything working OK? ^^04:25
kgunnrobru: uh,  i didn't reconfig or anything...04:26
kgunnwant me to look at something on my end04:26
robrukgunn: you ran the build job though? looks like it worked. need any help?04:27
robrukgunn: I'm just paranoid after the issues I've been seeing yesterday and today04:27
veebersrobru: oh, as far as i can tell, I built the ppa but haven't used it yet04:28
kgunnrobru: i had built mir and qtmir earlier...yeah04:28
veebersrobru: packages seem to have built fine04:29
robruveebers: you made the request in bileto ok? no weird errors?04:30
veebersrobru: yeah I did. Nothing odd that I saw04:36
robruveebers: cool04:36
sil2100jibel, davmor2, popey, ogra_: how about we skip today?08:06
popeyI had a shower and put a shirt on and everything!08:06
popeyI have nothing to discuss today.08:06
jibelsil2100, it's fine by me08:09
davmor2sil2100: but I'm no good at skipping I always get tangled in the rope08:12
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ogra_sil2100, apart from feeling sorry for popey i got nothing either :)08:16
davmor2michi: have a word with sil2100 about your silo QA don't really deal with that side at all08:19
michidavmor2: OK, thanks for letting me know!08:20
michisil2100: ping08:21
michiCan you help with this one? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-051-2-publish/6/console08:21
sil2100michi: what's up?08:27
sil2100Ah, looking in a min08:27
jibelsil2100, robru the bot should be fixed now, it freaked out on errors 500 and created duplicates08:39
mandelsil2100, sorry to be a PITA, what was the patter to add in the CI to set the version, something like revno0 or the like, right? I'm updating the symbols files08:39
jibelI marked silo 8 as ready for QA08:39
mandelsil2100, no need, I found and old MR with what I needed :)08:42
michisil2100: sorry, was off-line for a while09:02
sil2100michi: reviewing :)09:10
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
jibelsil2100, is there just really 1 silo ready for QA in bileto?09:56
jibelsil2100, or something went wrong with the migration?09:56
sil2100jibel: no idea...09:59
jibelsil2100, I think it's the second option, something is wrong10:00
sil2100jibel: well, what I do know is that bileto says there are 2 landings assigned to silo landing-00210:01
jibelsil2100, probable one from yesterday and the import10:02
jibelsil2100, I think you can safely cancel the one that is not granted10:02
sil2100One of them is landed probably, so I put it to landed10:04
sil2100jibel: actually, comparing with the spreadsheet, it looks like that indeed10:05
sil2100When grepping for silos that were marked as ready for QA, none of them are assigned right now anymore10:06
sil2100jibel: oh, no, wait10:06
sil2100jibel: ok, bileto really looks somehow b0rken10:07
sil2100jibel: accoridning to bileto, only a few requests are assigned to silos10:08
sil2100robru: ^10:19
sil2100jibel: anyway, trying to manually correct this10:21
sil2100jibel: could you take care of landing-011?10:26
sil2100jibel: silo 11 is for the gcc-5 transition10:34
greybacksil2100: quick question, is the "assign" button like hte old "assign/reconfigure" button in the spreadsheet? I want to add to my silo10:35
sil2100Yes :)10:36
greybackcool, thanks10:36
davmor2sil2100, jibel: just looking through the silos why does silo43 exist?10:37
jibelsil2100, rvr is on silo 1110:38
jibeldavmor2, what is islo 43?10:38
rvrThere is no silo 43 on trello10:39
jibeldavmor2, it's a wily silo10:39
davmor2jibel: wily and unity710:40
rvrNo QA Needed some exciting Compiz/Unity7 fixes desktop only Original requestid: 143811760501110:40
rvrAh, wily10:40
jibelsil2100, now there are requests ready for QA without a silo10:44
sil2100Yes, as I migrated that data manually10:44
jibelsil2100, 72 for example10:44
sil2100jibel: ah, ok, misread what you said10:45
sil2100Yes, that's what I mentioned above10:45
pete-woodstrainguards: doko seems to have manually uploaded libusermetrics to one of my silos, can you guys strip it out? (https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-049/+packages)10:46
sil2100pete-woods: it's unrelated to your landing?10:47
sil2100pete-woods: I can remove it10:47
LaneyI'm guessing it was a typo10:47
Laney49 -> 3910:47
Laneyyou should check with him10:47
pete-woodssil2100: completely. I don't have any idea why it's in there10:47
pete-woodsindeed, I already landed the gcc5 fix for libusermetrics to the archive10:47
pete-woodsI've let him know you guys are removing it10:48
Laneyprobably want to copy it to 3910:49
Laney(minus binaries)10:49
pete-woodswhile you guys are at it could you also remove the unity-notifications stuff?10:49
pete-woodsit turns out there's nothing wrong with that library10:49
pete-woodsso don't want to make any changes to it10:49
pete-woodsI've just removed the unity-notifications MR from the request (thanks for migrating it to the new system btw)10:50
pete-woodsand run the assign job again10:50
sil2100pete-woods: ok, will remove those10:57
jibelsil2100, I'll had some error handling when the silo is missing in bileto but the result won't be nice :)10:58
jibelat least that'll unblock qa10:58
pete-woodssil2100: awesome, thanks :)11:02
sil2100jibel: filled in a bug for this bileto issue11:35
jibelsil2100, I fixed the bot to not explode when no silo is assigned even if it doesn't really make sense. But at least all the requests are on the board11:37
bzoltan_sil2100: do you have any idea why the qtbase5-private-gles-dev could be missing from the UITK gles build? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-013-1-build/186/consoleFull ?11:46
jibelsil2100, why is /home/ubuntu/bin/silo_notifier.run12:10
jibeloops paste failed12:10
jibelsil2100, why is https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/?req=56 ready for QA while it is for wily?12:10
sil2100jibel: not sure, it was the same thing on the spreadsheet12:15
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jibeldbarth__, ^ it's yours, do you know?12:17
jgdxalesage, hey, is the button gray or grayed out?12:19
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1I2YFOy | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Spreadsheet is migrated fully, use bileto exclusively from now on. Wily landing gates closed for the gcc-5 transition package copy!
jgdxrvr, commented on the silo 33 board item12:26
sil2100jibel: maybe it was a dual landing silo that got converted12:27
sil2100Anyway, no landings for now12:28
rvrjgdx: I see. Let's wait until alesage is awake.12:30
jgdxrvr, okay12:31
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bzoltan_sil2100: ^^^^ any idea?12:40
alesagejgdx, rvr hi, when resetting the LTE check item doesn't come back green as I expect12:45
jgdxalesage, hi! I don't quite follow. The LTE check is unchecked and cannot be checked?12:47
jgdxalesage, ah, you do a "APN reset" and the LTE comes back unchecked.12:50
alesagejgdx, correct12:55
sil2100bzoltan_: let me take a look once I'm back from lunch :)12:55
bzoltan_sil2100:  OK, thank you12:56
jgdxalesage, could I have the output of $ /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-contexts please ?12:58
alesagejgdx, sent privately13:00
jgdxalesage, thanks. Is this after you manually checked the lte item?13:01
dbarth__jibel. sil2100: yes, ours13:01
dbarth__and yes, it was dual landing converted back to wily only13:01
jibeldbarth__, okay, deleted from the board13:01
alesagejgdx, yes--the item shows up green on boot13:02
alesagejgdx, doesn't seem to appear here, don't know if it's supposed to13:02
alesagejgdx performing another test13:02
rvrsil2100: How can I approve silo 11?13:02
sil2100rvr: in bileto, go to the request that has silo 11, press edit and switch the status from the dropdown list there13:03
sil2100dbarth__: ok, I'll do it a not-requires-QA then13:03
* sil2100 still fighting his hardware problems13:03
rvrsil2100: I don't find silo 11 at https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/13:05
sil2100rvr: yeah, that's a known bug, that's why you should use the dashboard and then click on the requestID there - it'll bring you to the bileto entry13:05
jgdxabeato, is anyone setting ia contexts' preferred prop to 1 on boot?13:05
rvrsil2100: Hmm13:05
abeatojgdx, yes, ofono does that13:06
sil2100 https://bugs.launchpad.net/bileto/+bug/1480249 <- teh bug13:06
rvrsil2100: Ah, I see13:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1480249 in Bileto "Some bileto request after migration are missing silo information" [High,New]13:06
jgdxabeato, hmm.. why not immediately after a ResetContexts?13:06
abeatojgdx, well, you do not use the IA context at that moment13:06
rvrsil2100: Error submitting form 40113:06
abeatojgdx, it is used just when ofono starts13:06
jgdxabeato, okay, thanks!13:07
abeatojgdx, np13:07
sil2100rvr: uh13:07
sil2100Try retrying13:07
rvrsil2100: Same result, error 40113:07
sil2100hm, let me try13:07
sil2100Works here, maybe you don't have teh permissions13:08
sil2100Let me check that13:08
alesagejgdx, sent another result privately13:08
sil2100rvr: is that you? https://launchpad.net/~victor-ruiz+qa13:09
rvrsil2100: Yes and no13:09
jgdxalesage, right. That's currently due to design.13:09
sil2100Give me your launchpad ID13:09
rvrsil2100: It's an account I created for some tests13:09
rvrsil2100: ~vrruiz13:09
sil2100rvr: added, try switching it to something else now13:10
sil2100You might need to re-log to bileto13:10
rvrsil2100: Ack13:11
alesagejgdx one more note on the trello card13:11
jgdxalesage, it's a normal sdk button :P13:12
alesagejgdx, ok thanks for clarifying :)13:13
rvrsil2100: I still see Error 401, but the status is QA granted.13:13
sil2100bzoltan_: one more moment, now still in a meeting ;p13:13
sil2100rvr: I set it to QA granted myself13:13
sil2100rvr: anyway, poke robru once he's up, it's his stuff ;p13:13
jgdxalesage, the grayed out one is substantially less opaque. Do you want me to file a bug against the uitk+ux?13:14
rvrsil2100: Ok, thanks anyway13:14
rvrrobru: Where is the test plan of bileto? }:)13:14
alesagejgdx whether or not that's a bug is a grey area for me ;P13:15
rvrrobru: I have error 401 trying to approve a silo13:15
jgdxalesage, lol13:17
alesagesilo ppl I got rvr's same 401 whilst approving 33 << sil210013:22
sil2100alesage: let me check if you're added to the team too13:23
alesagesil2100, ah13:23
sil2100alesage: hm, strange, you're already added - did you check the 'ci-train-users' checkbox when logging into bileto?13:23
alesagesil2100, don't think so13:24
alesagesil2100, will log out and repeat13:24
sil2100alesage: log out and log in while checking the team membership :) Maybe that will help13:24
rvrsil2100: Ahh, I didn't check that box13:25
sil2100Ah ha!13:25
sil2100Ok, so all is clear13:25
rvrsil2100: Yeah, seems ok now13:25
kenvandinesil2100, i just noticed bileto doesn't show which silo has a landing, is there a place i can file a bug about that?13:28
sil2100There is a bug for that already ;)13:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1480249 in Bileto "Some bileto request after migration are missing silo information" [High,New]13:29
kenvandinesil2100, oh, is that just for landings from the spreadsheet?13:29
kenvandinealesage, are you still trying to approve silo 33?13:30
alesagekenvandine, you caught me still trying to approve silo 3313:30
alesagesil2100, I'm finding that setting the combo and pressing save has no effect :(13:30
sil2100bzoltan_: ok, on your request now13:31
alesagesil2100, but weirdly some data in the form is missing13:31
sil2100alesage: uh?13:32
sil2100kenvandine: I hope it's only for those entries13:32
kenvandinesil2100, alesage is looking at req=2813:34
kenvandinesince there's no easy map of 33 to 28 :)13:34
alesagesil2100, FWIW http://i.imgur.com/KBm2GhM.png13:35
jhodappsil2100, are you able to do a source package upload to a silo?13:39
sil2100jhodapp: sure13:39
jhodappsil2100, alright, let me get things situated and I'll ping you with the details shortly13:40
sil2100bzoltan_: hey! What did you mean exactly? I only see that your -gles packages failed to build because of some qmake error13:41
sil2100bzoltan_: did I miss something?13:41
bzoltan_sil2100:  where do you see that? I see there missing dependencies13:43
sil2100https://launchpadlibrarian.net/213129613/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-i386.ubuntu-ui-toolkit-gles_1.3.1584%2B15.10.20150730-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz <- I see this13:43
sil2100Project ERROR: Project has no top-level .qmake.conf file.13:44
sil2100And because of this probably the dh_auto_configure fails13:44
kenvandinealesage, looks like you created 3 new landings with qa granted?13:45
kenvandinebut all blank13:45
bzoltan_sil2100: ehh... you look at the actual build log file ... bingo. Sorry, let me try to parse that13:45
alesagekenvandine, landings for everyone!13:45
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
sil2100bzoltan_: yeah ;) When the trains says that there's a build failed, I usually check the logs then, since the train doesn't parse those in any way13:46
bzoltan_sil2100: true, thank you13:46
sil2100alesage, kenvandine: I have a bug for that too ;)13:46
kenvandinesil2100, ok... so how do we mark it as qa verified?13:46
kenvandineqa granted, whatever13:46
sil2100alesage, kenvandine: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bileto/+bug/148025113:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1480251 in Bileto "Missing 'remove request' feature" [Low,New]13:46
sil2100kenvandine: ok, let me just do that13:47
sil2100But remember, no wily publishings for now!13:47
kenvandinewhy not?13:47
kenvandineare we in a freeze?13:47
sil2100kenvandine: didn't you see doko's e-mail and my follow up?13:47
kenvandineoh... no i didn't13:47
sil2100gcc-5 is landing, we don't want to land anything that might require a re-build13:47
jhodappsil2100, shared the source package files with you via google drive13:49
jhodappsil2100, this needs to go into silo 3813:49
kenvandinesil2100, ok... so silo 33 will need a rebuild after that lands13:50
sil2100jhodapp: ok, will upload in a sec13:53
jhodappsil2100, thanks!13:53
sil2100jhodapp: uploaded! Just a reminder: you need to change UNRELEASED to wily (or vivid, depending where you want to build the package)13:58
sil2100I changed it for you :)13:58
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
jhodappsil2100, oh didn't know that bit...I was told to leave it as UNRELEASED14:00
pmcgowanjibel, the trello cards have nice bug references but the links are not to launchpad but rather back to trello14:04
pmcgowancan that be fixed?14:04
jibelpmcgowan, yeah trello interprets #NNNN as its own references. It can be fixed.14:12
jibeland will be14:12
pmcgowanjibel, thanks, I find it convenient14:15
greyback_sil2100: hey, my silo11 has been acked by QA. I clicked the publish link but was told I don't have right to do that. That expected?14:15
greyback_note, it is a vivid-overlay only silo14:16
jhodappsil2100, can you let me know when silo 38 is ready? anything else that I need to do?14:20
sil2100pmcgowan: I might be a bit late to the meeting, start without me - I'll join in some mins14:30
pmcgowanoh I am late as well14:31
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacahas the train changed to run tests as root at any point since .. april?14:37
Chipacatrainguards ^ i guess that's a question for you?14:40
sil2100Chipaca: why do you ask? The train builds everything as the same user as always14:40
sil2100I mean, building the source packages, as the binary packages are being built in the PPA14:41
Chipacasil2100: and that user is not root14:41
Chipacai'm going to blame tvoss with confusing me on this issue :)14:41
Chipacasil2100: sorry, and thank you14:41
sil2100;) No worries14:42
jhodappsil2100, any update on silo 38?15:16
greyback_trainguards: any reason I can't publish silo11? It's vivid+overlay, ACKed by QA.15:16
sil2100greyback_: only trainguards can publish, and we're in a freeze right now15:17
sil2100See topic15:17
greyback_sil2100: I saw wily gates closed, but not vivid, hence question15:18
sil2100Ah! Overlay! Ok, publishing in a momento :)15:18
greyback_sil2100: thanks man, sorry for poking15:19
jhodappsil2100, thanks :)15:19
davmor2sil2100: robru: I'm trying to set silo 008 to qa granted but I'm getting a 401 error do I need to be in a group or anything that I'm not in?15:23
sil2100davmor2: sure, I'll add you, you need to re-login once that's done15:23
davmor2sil2100: no worries15:24
davmor2sil2100: did you add me yet?15:40
jibelpmcgowan, lp friendly bug link in trello cards https://trello.com/c/Fz4noUoF/2088-38-ubuntu-landing-047-systemd-anpok15:41
pmcgowannow thats service :)15:42
sil2100davmor2: I thought I did15:43
sil2100oh, I got a timeout15:43
rvrmzanetti: Approving silo 3515:45
davmor2sil2100: got it now thanks :)15:47
* davmor2 waits on the bot to tell me it is approved before annoying sil2100 ;)15:49
sil2100robru: remember - don't publish anything for wily or dual-landing until doko says the gcc-5 copying is done15:50
davmor2\o/ silo 008 qa granted \o/ sil2100 it's my first one through bileto leave me alone :P15:51
rvrdavmor2: Congratulations, you've unlocked the bileto achievement!15:52
davmor2rvr: :)15:53
AlbertAdavmor2: yey!16:00
AlbertAtrainguards: ^ JSONDecodeError?16:05
sil2100AlbertA: looking16:05
AlbertAsil2100: ack thanks16:06
sil2100AlbertA: looks like an error connecting to bileto... not anything we should be worried about16:07
sil2100robru: ^ could you check https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-008-2-publish/113/console ?16:07
robrusil2100: looks like lplib is not returning values. Lp down?16:08
sil2100Works, maybe it was transient?16:09
robrusil2100: jenkins never parses json from bileto, jsondecodeerror would never come from bileto. bileto errors aren't fatal in jenkins. jsondecodeerror means lplip is failing16:13
pmcgowanrobru, sil2100 hey so I am confused, are all the silos that currently say wily and vivid blocked for the forseeable future?16:18
robrupmcgowan: yes.16:19
pmcgowanwhy are there so many dual landings queued if that no longer works?16:19
pmcgowanseems folks didnt get the message16:19
robrupmcgowan: because it only just started16:19
sil2100pmcgowan: not for long16:19
robrupmcgowan: if something needs to land urgently we can change it to vivid-only16:19
sil2100I mean, the freeze we have right now is only temporary16:20
robrusil2100: do you have an ETA on that?16:20
pmcgowanyeah but once gcc 5 is on nothing dual lands again right?16:20
sil2100Since doko is copying packages to the archive, we can't land anything before this finishes as we need to rebuild those silos that have been released, so that the new wily ones build against gcc-516:20
robrupmcgowan: depends, lots of things aren't written in C that could still dual land after the transition16:20
sil2100pmcgowan: yeah, at least for those projects that don't need gcc-5 specific changes and had to branch16:21
mzanettirvr, thanks16:21
pmcgowanI see16:21
robrupmcgowan: it would be up to the landers to know what language their projects are written in ;-)16:21
pmcgowanso it depends16:21
pmcgowanthey are almost all c so not sure I get it16:22
AlbertArobru: pmcgowan: but if the project builds in both GCC5 and GCC4.9 can we dual land?16:22
pmcgowansil2100, robru but you are saying even C projects that didnt need specific changes they are fine16:22
robrupmcgowan: AlbertA: that I'm not actually sure16:23
sil2100Most of the cases, yes16:23
pmcgowanwhats the criteria then16:23
AlbertAtvoss: ^16:23
sil2100Libraries can have problems for instance, since a library that uses symbols can have problems maintaining them for both gcc-4.9 and gcc-5 at once16:24
sil2100But some projects can just deal with symbol files getting removed and replaced by abi-compliance-checker and shlibs, but not sure if that's an official way of dealing with things16:25
sil2100Since if the ABI changes between gcc-4.9 ad gcc-5 in a library, basically you just need to bump the soname for the library - thus making it un-dual-landable anymore...16:27
sil2100Anyway, the gcc-5 ABI changes are really a big pain in the ugh16:27
pmcgowansil2100, it sounds to me the answer is effectively no you cannot expect to dual land16:28
pmcgowanand I suspect most of the queued silos are dead in the water right now16:28
pmcgowanor we dont know16:28
sil2100Let's wait for the transition to finish, I wouldn't say it's as bad as that, but we need to remember some components will not be dual-landable16:29
pmcgowansil2100, how will we know? wait for stuff to break?16:29
robrupmcgowan: this is the time-honored tradition of the train guard ;-)16:43
robrupmcgowan: just kidding. if there's a way to predict, then we should do that. but I don't know what it is16:43
sil2100pmcgowan: sorry, was busy with something - but generally we'll know after we have all the projects released, we'll know for which projects the ABI changed and which projects need to be rebuilt16:44
sil2100But generally most of those things happened already in silo 1616:44
sil2100tvoss and slangasek were overseeing that16:44
slangasekrobru, sil2100: gcc5 transition only affects the ability of libraries to dual-land; I don't know what's in the current set of silos, but there are a good number of non-libraries around16:47
robruslangasek: we ship things that aren't libraries?16:48
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sil2100robru: as per doko's e-mail, copies are over - I suppose some of the silos that are ready might need to be re-built17:27
sil2100If not all of them17:27
robrusil2100: great. yeah probably all of them17:27
sil2100I'll be EODing in a minute, I'll just send out the e-mail17:29
=== sil2100 changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1I2YFOy | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: Spreadsheet is migrated fully, use bileto exclusively from now on. gcc-5 landed in wily, silos requiring rebuilds
robruslangasek: so what's the scoop, can I free silo 16 then?17:40
cjwatsonrobru: err, C++ surely, not C :)17:51
cjwatsonunless I'm way out of touch, things written in C that don't link to C++ libraries are unaffected by a libstdc++ change17:53
robrucjwatson: nope, I am the one that's out of touch. Never written a line of C or C++ in my life ;-)17:54
dobeyof all the requests on the ci train page, which are dual landing, very few of them will be able to continue being dual landings17:56
dobeythere are a couple on the list for ubuntu-rtm; i guess those can just be destroyed?17:58
robrudobey: yeah. Mark the status as 'Abandoned' to make them disappear.17:59
dobeyor something is just really messed up17:59
robrudobey: what's messed up?18:00
dobeywell now they seem to be gone; but one had a bunch of unrelated branches listed with it, that are also listed in another request18:01
robrudobey: the branches listed in the requests were copied verbatim from the spreadsheet, as far as I know nothing got corrupted in the copy18:02
robrudobey: if you see a mistake, please fix it.18:02
dobeywell, as i said, that reuqest is gone now; it was disappeared from the view while i was poking about to see what might have happeened to cause that18:03
robrudobey: I marked a couple as Abandoned while we were talking: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/?q=Abandoned18:04
dobeyrobru: yeah; https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/?req=16 is the one i was saying looked messed up. notice how the listed MPs have nothing to do with signon-apparmor-extension, or the seed18:06
robrudobey: spreadsheet row 6 has the same values.18:07
robrudobey: probably some spreadsheet issue that just got copied over.18:07
robrudobey: some of those MPs are 'WIP' and one even was deleted so I think it's safe to say that that's not something that's ready to land.18:08
dobeyyeah; looks like someone/something broke the spreadsheet18:08
dobeyyeah, and a couple of them are in https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/#/?req=1518:09
dobeylooks like a very old landing too18:09
AlbertAtrainguards: so any idea on the JSONDecodeError in silo 8?18:16
robruAlbertA: ah sorry, I told sil it was transient, I don't know why he didn't retry.18:17
robruAlbertA: ok published18:18
AlbertArobru: thanks!18:18
robruAlbertA: you're welcome18:18
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kgunntrainguards so i've kinda been watching silo 35, i think it's had a QA +1 since my morning....wondering why it's not moving?18:42
robrukgunn: looking18:42
robrukgunn: yeah, so wily did the massive gcc5 transition today18:43
robrukgunn: I dont have a very good understanding of it, but apparently if your silo uses C++ it needs to be rebuilt. also there's some talk that dual builds will no longer work18:43
robrukgunn: also the dashboard isn't doing a good job of highlighting what can be published, I should fix that...18:45
dobeyyeah, unity8 can't do dual landings any more18:46
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo or CI Train support? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1I2YFOy | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: All silos using C++ in wily or dual need to be rebuilt.
kgunnrobru: so we had that unity8 silo up and was ready for qa for a couple of days, thinking we'd make it in before this happened18:57
kgunnrobru: so what's the recommended approach here ?18:58
kgunni mean it's been tested on vivid+o....so we don't want to repeat18:58
kgunnthe testing part18:58
kgunnbut do we need to scrap that silo and do src sync landing ?18:58
dobeykgunn: i think it's time unity8 started using separate upstream source trees for wily and vivid19:04
kgunnwell obviously dobey, but like i said the guys had this in the pipe for a while...pipe just slow19:05
kgunndobey: actually for unity8 maybe not19:05
dobeyyeah, and we're all going to have to waste some time syncing trunk with manual uploads to wily19:05
kgunni don' tthink there is a reason there19:05
dobeywhy not?19:05
dobeya straight copy of the source package from one archive to the other, is incorrect19:06
renato___trainguards, I am having problems to build the address-book-service on silo 34 it is saying that there is a missing version19:06
dobeybecause then you'll have different binaries with the same version19:06
kgunndobey: the bins would be rebuilt19:06
kgunni'm talking source19:07
dobeykgunn: yes, and thus they would be different19:07
boikorobru: all the "~gcc5" stuff missing from changelogs, is that because it was done without merging contents back to trunk? or still in proposed?19:07
kgunnyou're talkign bins19:07
dobeyand thus the version numbers would be the same, but they would mean different things19:07
dobeykgunn: i'm takling about ubuntu archive policy19:07
kgunndobey: nope, cause you'd have 15.10 on one and 15.04 on the other ....wouldn't we ?19:08
robrukgunn: so, your vivid packages that have been QA'd can be copied to the overlay ppa19:08
dobeynot if you copy the source packages19:08
robrukgunn: but yeah, for the wily half of your landing, that's in trouble19:08
dobeythe only way you'd have that, would be if you had two separate upstream branches, and did separate landings into both19:08
robrudobey: I'm not sure what you're talking about with the version numbers. in dual silos it makes version-appropriate copies and rebuilds them.19:09
dobeyrobru: that is nuts19:09
kgunnsee the package names19:09
robrudobey: what, more nuts than having the same version number with different binaries?19:10
kgunndobey: why is that nuts ? the source is what matters....all i care about as a dev is to translate back to an acutal commit19:10
kgunnon a source file19:10
dobeyrobru: probably equally as nuts;19:10
robrudobey: see the PPA: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-035/+packages versions have "15.10" or "15.04" as appropriate, with same source contents otherwise, but separately built binaries19:10
dobeykgunn: how do you translate back to a commit if there isn't a commit for that version?19:11
kgunnif i know the unity8 version, and there's one src branch used to feed that, i can see when it's released19:12
dobeybut the version in the overlay PPA has no direct connection to the upstream branch. there's no commit to debian/changelog with the 15.04 version in it, and there's no tag on the branch for that release, is there?19:13
robrudobey: so you just have to know to s/15.04/15.10/ and then you find the commits just fine19:14
kgunndobey: actually looks like you and i are wasting bits chatting about it19:14
kgunni think michael prepped to stage19:14
robrukgunn: let me know if you want me to copy those vivid packages to the overlay ppa19:15
kgunnrobru: yeah, for vivid+overlay please do19:15
robrukgunn: ok will do19:15
kgunnrobru: and i guess we'll just do a seperate landing for wily on monday or something ?19:15
robrukgunn: yeah I'm not sure exactly what needs to be done for wily, sorry19:15
robrukgunn: I guess you want to merge those branches to trunk?19:16
* kgunn plans onletting dust settle a little19:16
robruwithout releasing to wily19:16
dobeycertainly needs rebuilt against gcc5 stuff19:16
kgunnno one disputes that ?19:16
kgunnrobru: yeah, i gues we'll catch up to wily after the settling19:17
robrukgunn: alright sorry for the hassle19:20
kgunnrobru: hey man, thanks for all the help...not your fault, we move slow, qa is slow, just victim of transition and timing19:20
robrukgunn: you're welcome!19:21
dobeytrainguards, cihelp: so what's the best way to reconcile changes made in manual uploads, back into our trunk?19:26
robrudobey: get the diff from launchpad, commit it to your trunk19:26
robrudobey: eg: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/211730328/accounts-qml-module_0.5%2B15.04.20150415.1-0ubuntu1_0.5%2B15.04.20150415.1-0ubuntu2~gcc5.1.diff.gz19:28
robrujust apply it right to trunk like a patch19:28
slangasekrobru: if the landing gates are blocked, is there a hurry to free silo 16?  I /believe/ it's all been copied, but I didn't do the copying, I think doko did; we certainly don't want to lose anything from there and have to rebuild it19:38
robruslangasek: I heard we were unblocked. I guess there's no hurry, just curious.19:40
slangasekrobru: hmm, who said we were unblocked?  It's possible that we're ok to land things on top of gcc5 now, but I didn't realize that call had been made yet19:43
robruslangasek: sil said there was an email from doko, I didn't actually verify myself19:43
robruslangasek: oh I misread19:44
robru <sil2100> robru: as per doko's e-mail, copies are over - I suppose some of the silos that are ready might need to be re-built19:44
slangasekaha, yes19:44
robruslangasek: "copies are over" but not necessarily unblocked19:44
slangasekso that means silos 39 and 16 have been copied into -proposed19:44
charlesrobru, if I add another MR to a landing request, how do I reconfigure the silo -- do I go through the assignment steps again?19:56
robrucharles: yep, the assignment will detect the silo is already assigned and reconfigure it.19:56
charlesrobru, great, thanks19:56
robrucharles: you're welcome19:56
charlesthought I'd ask and avoid assigning a second silo :)19:57
robrucharles: no worries, apologies it's not clear. Was trying to save a bit of space rather than have "Assign/Reconfigure" repeated a thousand times.19:57
jhodapprobru, is there a way of getting around this error without Mirv being back (I'm assuming it's his key that it's complaining about here. I made sure that my public key has been uploaded)? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-038-1-build/44/console20:13
jhodapprobru, I signed the package today, but it's complaining about the signature from the 14th20:14
robrujhodapp: uh, your package failed to build on amd64. nothing to do with gpg signatures.20:16
robrujhodapp: scroll further back in the log. it shows the links to the PPA build failures.20:17
jhodapprobru, ah ok yeah missed that20:22
robrujhodapp: you're welcome20:22
jhodappI've been working with signatures on a package lately, so it led me to a red-herring :)20:22
jhodapprobru, would my silo be gcc5 based now?20:24
robrujhodapp: sorry the details about that aren't very clear to me. The build log should say what version of gcc it's installing though20:25
jhodappah good point, yeah it's in front of me20:25
jhodappI wonder if dbus-cpp is gcc5 compiled already in that silo...there's some compat issues that seem odd that shouldn't have changed20:26
jhodapprobru, anyway thanks, will need to speak to tvoss20:26
robrujhodapp: actually the log seems to show it installing both 4.9 and 5. I'm not sure how to know which it's using.20:26
tvossjhodapp, is that a wily silo?20:27
renato___chihelp, I am having problems to build silo 34 it  keeps saying that there a missing version20:27
tvossjhodapp, if so: does it have the latest fixes to remove the gcc4.9 pinning?20:27
renato___but there is nothing on project trunk20:27
tvossrenato___, is that wily silo?20:28
renato___tvoss, yes20:28
jhodapptvoss, it does not20:28
tvossjhodapp, here we go :)20:28
tvossrenato___, which project is that?20:28
renato___tvoss, it says: address-book-service 0.1.1+15.10.20150730-0ubuntu2~gcc5.1 is missing20:28
jhodapptvoss, I saw a branch from you for getting rid of the 4.9 dependency...seems maybe I just need to merge with that yes?20:28
tvossjhodapp, yup, very likely20:28
tvossrobru, I think you have to help renato___ in getting the version bumped as he is likely overridden by a package uploaded to gcc5 silo, which is now in wily proposed20:29
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jhodapptvoss, alright...can you ping me for any future branches or request a code review directly from me...I didn't get any emails about the request for review20:29
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jhodapptvoss, and thanks for preparing that20:30
robrurenato___: you need to sync the distro upload back to your trunk.20:31
renato___robru, how I do that?20:31
tvossjhodapp, I see you are the media-hub driver, probably some launchpad settingthat is missing for you to receive mp mails20:31
robrurenato___: you have to get the diff from the distro release and commit it to your trunk.20:31
tvossjhodapp, I get a bunch of mails for mps every day, actually have a filter for that setp20:32
renato___robru, where I can get this diff? (apt-get source???)20:32
robrurenato___: eg this diff: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/213228395/address-book-service_0.1.1%2B15.10.20150730-0ubuntu1_0.1.1%2B15.10.20150730-0ubuntu2~gcc5.1.diff.gz20:32
renato___robru, ok thanks20:32
robrurenato___: the package source page always has these diffs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/address-book-service20:32
robrurenato___: you're welcome20:33
renato___robru, nice to know, thanks20:33
robrucharles: so this silo 8, this is all ok with the gcc5 transition? not going to interfere?20:37
charlesrobru, shouldn't interfere. I already landed the gcc5 fixes for pay-service yesterday20:39
robrucharles: k, thanks20:39
charlesdobey: ^20:39
dobeyyes it's good20:40
dobeyi guess it was acked then20:42
jhodapptvoss, yeah, not sure20:44
robrualright I'm off for a bit of a longer lunch, bbl20:51
boikorobru: so, for the ~gcc5 entries, do I need to update the trunk of the projects I am landing stuff in?21:26
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robruboiko: yeah you'll have to sync the diff to trunk manually22:14
robruboiko: I'm actually afk, can you file a bug against lp:cupstream2distro that says "feature request: sync distro back to trunk". It's a reasonable feature we need and shouldn't be hard to implement.22:26
boikorobru: sure22:28
robruboiko: thanks. Now that bileto is live i should have more time to fix little annoyances like this.22:29
boikorobru: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cupstream2distro/+bug/148047722:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1480477 in CI Train [cu2d] "Feature request: sync distro back to trunk" [Wishlist,New]22:34
robruboiko: thanks22:37
boikorobru: np22:38
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renato___robru, now I getting the same error for address-book-app, but the diff is big: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/address-book-app/+changelog23:25
renato___robru, should I merge it manually again?23:26
robrurenato___: yeah it will have to be manual23:27
renato___robru, what causes that?23:27
robrurenato___: if somebody makes a manual upload to distro without using the train, then it doesn't get automatically merged to the trunk.23:28
robrurenato___: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/213228380/address-book-app_0.2%2B15.10.20150701-0ubuntu1_0.2%2B15.10.20150731-0ubuntu2~ppa1.diff.gz most of this diff is just translations, other than the translations and the changelog there's only really one line in this diff23:28
robrurenato___: and the translations are probably already in your trunk. so you really just need the changelog and that one line at the very bottom23:28
renato___robru, ok, pushing23:30
renato___thanks again23:30
robrurenato___: you're welcome23:30

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