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dholbachgood morning07:00
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moritz31hey someone here ?08:56
ogra_only 312 people it seems09:01
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy System Administrator Appreciation Day! 😃09:02
mardymzanetti: hi! Does the open app store support multiple versions of the same app (for different frameworks and architectures)?09:04
moritz31can someone maybe help me with porting to the z3tc, think i got a problem because of sony's custom mkbootimg09:11
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junk0xc0dehi there. i need to port Ubuntu Touch to my Android Phone (Lenovo A526). where should i start, what should i do?11:47
k1lthere was a porting guide somewhere in the wiki pages11:47
guest42345junk0xc0de, https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/11:47
junk0xc0deguest42345, tnx11:47
guest42345have fun11:47
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k1lafaik, if cm runs on the device its not that hard.11:48
ogra_we switched to AOSP a while ago ...11:48
k1lwhich i could try for the good old hp touchpad since there are some cm ports for that.11:49
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ogra_pmcgowan, bug 148028412:34
ubot5bug 1480284 in Canonical System Image "please remove unused libstagefright*.so files from the android container" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/148028412:34
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kenvandinemandel, any luck figuring out the issue with the fix-network branch?12:37
kenvandinemandel, i've reproduced the problem seb128 had seen, it just doesn't find any updates12:38
kenvandinemandel, i really want to get that fixed, because fixing the u1 credential is dependent on that branch12:38
mandelkenvandine, I have a working branch on it, but I first have to finish the integration of pulse audio with the trust store, I'll move back to system-settings in a few hours12:39
mandelkenvandine, you should have an updated MR today12:39
kenvandinemandel, thx!12:39
kenvandinemandel, if you want to propose a branch based on the fix-network-errors branch, that would be easiest12:40
mandelkenvandine, ok, will do that12:40
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Guest8495this is gonna sounds like a silly question.. but where the heck do you get the touch OS image ?  I can only find the developer preview.... but from what I understand.. they are shipping a phone with an os ?12:44
k1lGuest8495: you need a special image for every device. we dont have a ubuntu cd  for all smartphones like we do have on pcs.12:45
Guest8495ohhh  ok...  so I guess im out of luck trying to get it on my chinese phone..12:46
k1lwhich device is it?12:46
Guest8495its a mlais mx12:46
k1lyou could look out if someone did the job of porting ubuntu-touch to it already. ir you could start it yourself: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/12:47
Guest8495looks like quite a bit of work lol12:49
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ProstheticShey ogra, i saw in a conversation you talking to some of the kde devs about being making images that are easily flashable to swap between plasma mobile/unity front ends (as i assume the rest of the stack is fairly unchanged, mir->unity wayland->kde , being the larger differentiators13:14
ProstheticSthat'd be pretty damn awesome13:14
ProstheticS(im running on a meizu and to be able to see what they're doing on it would rock)13:14
ogra_ProstheticS, right13:19
ogra_they need to create the prerequisites for that first though ... like a seed and meta package for plasma13:20
ProstheticSno doubt, not really saying all this to push you or anyhting, more just commenting on how awesome that would be, and i imagine you would also love to play with the above as well :)13:21
ProstheticSdid i read somewhere that they think plasma mobile will be able to run android apps?13:23
ProstheticSif they get that going (shashlik i beleive the softwares called) do you think you guys will try and port its display portion to run no mir so that ubuntu touch can run em too?13:24
ProstheticSi guess, with all these being recent announcements no thought has really gone into this yet though :p13:24
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Z3Hi! It's possible to create a customized scope with only the icons of your favorite applications in a similar way to android "classic" desktop?15:51
Z3And remove the other scopes15:51
JanCZ3: that should be possible, but why not use the sidebar launcher for that?  (or do you have too many "favourite apps" for that?)15:54
Z3JanC I just want  that ubuntu phone desktop look similar to android15:54
Z3I like desktop with icons15:55
Z3I would like to configure my ubuntu phone in that way15:55
JanCwhy not use Android then?  ;-)15:55
Z3because what's under the desktop is completely different :-)15:55
Z3I will have a computer in my pocket, console linux apps ...15:55
JanCbut, like I said, it should be possible to create a scope like that, I guess15:55
Z3Ok, thank you ! :-)15:56
JanCthe developer docs should have info about creating scopes15:56
Z3so it's not possible for the end user?15:57
JanCseems like the main apps scope can't be removed though15:57
ogra_you could disable everything but the apps scope15:57
Z3that's the scope I want15:58
ogra_that would pretty much look like it i guess15:58
Z3great !15:58
JanCwell, it's not (only) your "favourite apps"15:58
ogra_no, its 6 or 8 favorites by default and all the rest underneath15:58
Z3and the final question15:58
Z3that's enough for me15:59
ogra_(6 or 8 depending on the device)15:59
Z3it would be fine15:59
JanCogra_: it's possible to change those 6 or 8?15:59
Z3my other question is: it's possible (when convergence arrives) install another desktops for the desktop mode of ubuntu phone?15:59
ogra_JanC, iirc they come from a dconf key and you can add as many as you want (not sure if the UI/design copes though)15:59
Z3I would like to install gnome-panel package so my desktop is a classic desktop16:00
ogra_i doubt that16:00
ogra_the convergence requires Mir and unity8 ... you might be able to run apps through Xmir but i doubt that would work for a full desktop16:00
Z3I hope it works some day16:01
Z3I like classic desktops16:01
popeyi doubt we'll make any effort to get that working16:02
popeyothers might though16:02
popeylike the kde guys did for plasma16:02
Z3I can't wait to the convergent device of this year16:02
Z3thank you for the information16:02
ogra_well, i could imaggine you could run xfce or a classic gnome UI "on top" of unity ... and that means literally on top, covering the original desktop :)16:02
Z3mmm it would be fine for me !16:03
ogra_but that would higly increase your ram usage and stuff16:03
Z3I understand16:03
Z3thank you again16:03
ogra_(and i'm only guessing, nobody will invest in making such a thing work)16:03
Z3maybe the community16:04
JanCcurrently the "favourites" in the apps scope are already in the sidebar launcher too, not sure how useful that is  :)16:04
Z3well, if you have the buttons on the main desktop, you don't have to swipe to see the bar16:05
Z3is more efficient16:05
Z3you have to do less things to get the same16:05
JanCor maybe it should be possible to select a "favourites" category16:05
JanCallowing the user to populate that category16:06
Z3that would be great16:06
ogra_Z3, do you actually use an ubuntu phone yet ?16:07
Z3ogra_ not yet, I installed it in my nexus 4 1 year ago or so16:07
Z3but I didn't like the interface16:07
ogra_just wondering :)16:07
JanC1 year ago was in the stone age  :)16:07
Z3yeah, I guess16:08
ogra_the swiping kind of gets into your genes after a while ... thats why i ask16:08
* ogra_ never felt the need to use the apps scope for favorites ---16:08
Z3I dont like too Unity ... but in desktop is easy, I just install gnome-panel package and I get my classic desktop back16:09
ogra_well, there is no "mobile gnome"16:10
Z3I hope there is some day16:10
* ogra_ dooubts that 16:10
mhall119Z3: you might have better luck hoping that plasma-mobile is usable16:10
JanCit will probably not run on Mir though16:10
ogra_they missed the train when the nokia n700 was recent16:11
ogra_and never caught up16:11
mhall119JanC: shouldn't matter, lightdm would be able to launch Wayland-based sessions16:11
Z3mhall119 I will read about that16:11
ogra_mhall119, it wouldnt do convergence most likely though16:11
ogra_not sure where wayland stands there16:11
mhall119ogra_: no, I don't think that's in the works, even for plasma16:12
ogra_but i doubt it has ever been their focus16:12
mhall119ogra_: as far as I know it hasn't, they focus on having the same screen for the life of a session16:12
JanCmhall119: that assumes Wayland runs well on Android drivers?  :)16:12
ogra_JanC, sure16:12
mhall119JanC: it should16:12
mhall119with libhybris anyway16:12
ElleoJanC: jolla use wayland on android drivers16:13
ogra_right, jolla and ubuntu phone arent to far apart in system design16:13
mhall119so does plasma-mobile on the Nexus 5 images16:13
ogra_(ors is more elegant indeed ... with the android bits in the container and all :) )16:13
DonkeyHoteithere's nexus5 images of plasma-mobile?16:13
mhall119DonkeyHotei: yes16:13
Z3thank you very much for the info!   byeeee16:13
ogra_but technically they are pretty close16:13
mhall119DonkeyHotei: http://kubuntu.plasma-mobile.org/16:14
mhall119they even make use of ubuntu-device-flash to install it :)16:14
mhall119those are a plasma-mobile session on top of an Ubuntu Touch base, just like we provide Unity 8 sessions on top of it16:15
DonkeyHoteihow would i point multirom to that?16:16
mhall119DonkeyHotei: no idea, sorry16:16
ogra_i doubnt that would work without patching16:17
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imiso... on #gentoo the guys say that you can provide me an URL about how to install gentoo on a samsung galaxy note 217:05
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dobeygood luck with that then17:09
jgdximi, s/gentoo/ubuntu https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/n710017:10
imiI don't think a cellphone OS (Ubuntu on this exact machine) is not commercially viable until the cellular radio component is work in progress... I mean, all my respect to you guys, but my arguments are then still valid:17:16
imihi, we really need to have a way to be able to install Sabayon/Gentoo on any smartphone17:16
imias the age of PCs fade, the age of Linux can fade as well, which would be bad17:16
popeytroll elsewhere imi17:17
imiok. first of all, it meant to be serious. please prove me wrong, if some of the information escaped my attention. I never meant to be a troll.17:19
jgdximi, okay, then you'll have to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices/ — the samsung g note 2 is a community port, which is why cellular does not yet work.17:21
imiok thanks17:22
imiwill it mean on the long run (in 1-2 years) that it would be as easy to install Linux on any smartphone as on a PC?17:23
imiI mean, a fully functional Linux?17:23
jgdximi, that depends on smart phone manufacturers.17:24
imihow and why it's more easy with a PC? My concern is that PC sales are declining (while smartphone sales are rising)17:26
jgdximi, I don't know, but i know of a place where you can search for stuff like that.17:29
imiok. thank you then.17:30
imiI think we need a strategy for this issue. is there a channel to discuss this?17:31
dobeya strategy for what issue?17:50
dobeyas long as cellular hardware manufacturers continue producing tightly controlled proprietary hardware, you're not going to have a single image that can be installed on any phone17:51
dobeyand if you want Sabayon/Gentoo, this is the wrong channel to discuss anyway. this channel is about Ubuntu17:51
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alesagegreetings Friday folks, having some trouble seeing my krillin via adb/fastboot, seeing this kind of thing in dmesg on host http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11974820/ any hints?18:32
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