
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
diddledanme hungyr02:58
zmoylan-piyou in need of dictionary02:59
diddledanstill hungyr tho03:01
* zmoylan-pi passes diddledan my klingon dictionary03:01
knightwisemornin peeps !05:54
knightwiseComin at ya from the recently upgraded windows 10 Surface pro 305:54
knightwisea little bit of step back if you ask me05:55
diddledantech ftw!05:55
knightwiseactually feeling like im using an older os; I miss the start screen (no kidding)05:55
diddledanyou can reinstate that05:55
diddledanlet me find the right dohicky05:55
knightwiseI know. I'll play around a little with the new interface and get the hang of it.05:55
diddledansettings -> personalisation -> start05:55
diddledanthere's a toggle for "use start full screen"05:56
knightwisethanx diddledan05:56
* knightwise has to rearrage all his tiles now :p 05:57
knightwisein all its not bad. Its a pretty clean upgrade. had a small issue yesterday with the lock screen but that got fixed after a reboot05:58
knightwiseok ,; bittorrent sync and a raspberry pi  ? Not a good combination06:05
knightwiseThe btsync process is eating away the cpu like crazy06:06
knightwisethinking of  running a "pull" rsync script instead06:07
knightwiseThere , Rsync script running. all I need to do now is to do the RSA key exchange and cron the script06:54
knightwiseand then (hopefully) it will work06:54
bujjihello all07:03
bujji*****Happy System Admin Day*****07:04
bujjimappps: hello o/07:06
knightwisehey bujji ,07:14
knightwiseHappy sys admin day07:14
bujjiknightwise: hello))07:15
bujjithank you,you too))07:15
bujjiknightwise:   o/ \o07:17
MooDoomorning all08:00
knightwiseok , the new mail and calendar apps in W10 can give Apple a whooping.08:02
MooDooknightwise: liking win10 are you?08:04
knightwisenot too bad. I think the start button is a little bit of a step back .. But thats probably because i'm not on a desktop (Surface pro 3) in all they didn't do a bad job.08:05
davmor2Morning all08:13
knightwisehey davmor208:15
davmor2so morning song this fine day Bat out of Hell08:20
knightwiseOh god !08:21
knightwiseanother one to get stuck in my head08:21
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)08:26
Laneydavmor2: listening to desert island discs?08:26
davmor2knightwise: no idea what you mean08:27
davmor2Laney: nope, my wife went through her american cookbook and read out the word MeatLoaf and that was that I couldn't get bat out of hell out of my head then :)08:28
Laneyit was one of the songs chosen on there08:29
* bashrc is like a bat out of hell08:29
davmor2The sirens are screaming and the fire are burning way down in the valley tonight08:31
* popey tickles corenominal 08:47
* corenominal giggles08:47
bigcalmpopey: the $1m addition was a fun surprise08:53
bigcalmLooks like we'll have plenty of card games for the RAT08:54
bigcalmpopey: did you get the same cartoon as mine?08:56
popeybut with my name on it :)08:56
bigcalmI hoped that was the case ;)08:56
bigcalmI wonder if somebody with the surname "James" got a cartoon saying "Jamess"08:57
bigcalmOr similar surname08:57
bigcalmI was honestly surprised to get post this morning08:58
popeyyeah, me too09:00
popeygot the "shipping soon" mail at 00:27 this morning09:01
bigcalmThose that do not follow us on twitter have no idea what we're talking about09:01
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy System Administrator Appreciation Day! 😃09:02
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:04
davmor2JamesTait: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FE_p5N89XQI09:05
JamesTaitIt's funny because it's true. ☺09:07
ujjainbattered means like beaten up, right?10:35
ujjainnot in the context of fish?10:36
popeyor drunk10:38
popey"got completely battered last night"10:38
popey"the woman left her husband because she was battered by him"10:38
popeyso could be  bothyes10:39
davmor2popey: but with a posh accent you can be anything and drunk.  "I went out last night and got completely Gazeboed"10:39
popeytrue dat10:39
popeytrolleyed, spannered, there's loads10:40
bigcalmdavmor2: Michael McIntire fan much?10:40
davmor2bigcalm: maybe, I might have lots of stand up dvds10:41
davmor2bigcalm: Like all of eddie izzards, lots of bill bailey, franky boile etc etc etc10:42
davmor2boyle even10:43
bigcalmOnly mentioned him because that's a quote of his - though he may have taken it from somebody else10:45
zmoylan-piobligatory frankie boyle richard hammond joke... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui5eUpF3iQQ10:45
ujjainhaha gazeboed10:55
davmor2ujjain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2hyB_Eg6q810:58
diploIs there a way of removing chmod access to a user, my google fu is failing at the mo but still trying :)11:10
popeyfor their own files?11:11
popeyseems like it would break things11:12
diploHave an issue with people 777ing files11:12
popeyso tell them11:12
popeyyou're trying to fix a meatspace problem with a technical solution11:12
diploheh, I know right, simple11:12
popeyeducate them11:12
diploExactly my response11:12
popeyscan the filesystem for 777 files and email them and their line manager when they screw up11:12
diploI've tried, management suck at my place11:12
popeyimplement policy11:12
popeyremove their shell access if they do it again11:13
diploBut as they are logging in as one user I can't say who it was11:13
popeyoh dear11:13
popeyfix that :)11:13
diploBasically we have customer servers, we remote in as 1 user11:13
popeyyeah, we have had that, we added a gateway box in the middle which they had to ssh through11:13
popeyusing their own account11:14
popeyso we could see who went through the box11:14
diploRather than fix an issue correctly they just 777, just trying to work out a way of eithe rlogging it or removing access to them doing it11:14
popeyi dont think thats a solution11:14
diploI totally agree with what you're saying, it's just falling on deaf ears11:14
diploI'm trying to improve my problems11:14
popeyi think you'd break stuff if you remove access to chmod11:14
diploI don't either, but all the systems run as this user for our app11:14
diploThat's what I wanted to test :D11:14
diploI'd rather deal with the problem people myself11:15
diploI'm pretty sure I know who the few offenders are, I guess another way is to log access times on customer servers and log connections from our server and match them up so I have proof11:16
diploBiggest problem working at a company who have staff who have worked since Assembly days of the software11:16
diploI mean we're still running CentOS 4.8 on a huge amount of servers, we still have Redhat 8 boxes and SCO boxes, it's not just staff but customers too11:17
popeyscan file permissions each day in a cron job - email you when one changes to 777 :)11:17
diploAll I ever want to do is bang my head on the table :/11:17
diploI guess that's a good start yeah11:17
bashrcis that what sysadmins do all day?11:18
diploBang their heads on tables ?11:18
diploIt feels like it :)11:18
popeyhappy sysadmin day btw ;)11:18
diploI'm implementing ansible currently locally, but got to get it okayed before I start deploying it11:19
diploOh that's today ?11:19
bashrcrather like being a developer, people only tend to contact you when something has gone wrong11:19
diploI'm *supposed* to be a developer now adays11:19
diploI haven't done any coding for maybe 6-8 weeks, fixing other issues11:20
diploOur code is archaic, it doesn't conform to standards.. basically I'm trying to trace all the issues, propose fixes to stop Support calls11:21
bashrcmaybe the problem is archaic code isn't worth maintaining, or costs more than rewriting it11:23
diployeah we're re-writing it currently, probably 30% in and being used11:25
diploI'm just installing CentOS 4.8 in a VM to write a document about how to extend LVM / partition as no clear plans on installation / setup11:27
diploDid it on 6 and wrote documentation, but 4.8 has an older kernel and doesn't allow resize2fs to work the same way etc11:27
diploSooooo much fun :(11:27
=== JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait
MyrttiExploding Kittens!12:02
bigcalmPfft, that was so 9am :P12:03
Myrttiever so sorry I live in the middle of nowhere ;____;12:14
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
zmoylan-pino public transport to geet you to centre of wherever?12:17
Myrttiit's hardly the lack of public transport that makes the mailman come to our door with our copy of 'Kittens at 130012:17
zmoylan-pithat happens in cities too, at least in ireland12:18
diddledanand yeah. so talking in a dead channel doesn't get many responses :-p13:02
diddledanfyi, #ubuntu-podcast is quiet13:03
diddledanmy virgin is dead13:03
diddledanI think it was a sacrifice13:03
zmoylan-piso no volcanos for a while at least13:03
=== TREllis_ is now known as TREllis
awilkinsNew detail about that XPoint RAM stuff : http://www.computerworld.com/article/2954492/computer-hardware/that-new-3d-xpoint-memory-could-last-forever.html13:37
awilkinsApparently will cost more than DRAM (but that was obvious, even if it doesn't cost more to make, they're going to claim it does so they can price it more than NAND)13:37
awilkinsSorry, cost more than NAND13:37
awilkinsI reckon it would make a great cache layer on spinning rust disks13:38
awilkinsIf it has that kind of longevity you wouldn't need to worry too hard about it expiring13:38
awilkinsAnd I infer it doesn't have the same "page flash" mechanism of wiping, so it's write performance should be really good too.13:39
daftykinswell from the other article it sounds like it'd be higher density so could just outright replace the lot13:41
awilkinsNot as fast as DRAM13:41
awilkinsAnd apparently not as good for density as stacked NAND - yet13:41
daftykinsprobably haven't done it in 3D yet13:42
awilkinsNaah, it's 3D, they make a big thing of the 3D in the promo vid13:42
awilkinsYou can use one set of addressing wires to address two layers13:43
awilkinsWell, one half a set13:43
awilkinsINitial builds are apparently 128Gbit dies, that's a 2-layer13:44
awilkinsSounds like they have room at the bottom for the feature scaling and they can add layers13:44
daftykinsyeah that's slower though13:45
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
foobarryanyone tried the talktalk family filter thing?16:52
foobarrydoes it block the whole of reddit or just certain sub reddits?16:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOW
daftykinsthat thar xbox one streaming18:27
shaunoit seems my microserver is probably in callais somewhere :(19:47
daftykinspesky French19:49
daftykinswhere on earth did you order from o019:49
shaunoamazon  lol19:49
shaunoit went from spain to france, and now it has an "emergency" exception19:49
foobarrybecause of the blockades20:04
foobarrycan non truckers get to france on eurotunnel too?20:07
foobarryhave lego always done minecraft, or is it new?20:07
MartijnVdSI've installed *gasp* Debian on my main desktop20:09
daftykinsMartijnVdS: why on earth!? :)20:12
MartijnVdSdaftykins: I had it on my laptop already.. Jessie + some bits of Sid20:12
MartijnVdSit's quite good actuallyt20:12
daftykinsi'm enjoying win10...20:16
* diddledan wakes up21:06
diddledanmy virgin resurrected herself while I was napping21:06
diddledanmgdm: virgin broadband21:08
diddledanmgdm: my virgin was sacrificed earlier today and now it's alive again21:09
mgdmheh heh21:09
Laneyspeaking of virgin22:51
Laneymy connection is somewhat knackered atm22:51
Laneynew outbound connections often fail to establish22:51
Laneyanyone else having this?22:51
diddledanI had trouble getting mysql downloaded earlier22:52
Laneylike: http://paste.debian.net/287985/22:52
Laneyrun that22:52
Laneysee if you get to 5022:52
diddledanI've got to 9 instantly and now it seems hunged22:53
Laneyruddy virgin22:54
Laneywhat are they playing at?22:54
StevenRLaney: I've noticed that they've been sucky over the last week or so22:54
diddledanooh it just moved onto 2722:55
LaneyI only noticed it today22:55
diddledanand finished23:04
Myrttihttps://imgur.com/gallery/SeFWcO9 noticed this on BBC earlier today, surprised nobody else imgurified it yet so I did. https://imgur.com/gallery/SeFWcO9 Babby white lion cubs23:15
Myrttidouble linkage23:15
m0nkey_they're like puppies!23:22

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