
Kilosmorning GnikLlort and lurkers06:08
GnikLlortMorning :)06:08
mazalMorning everyone06:39
mazalFreekin freezing :(06:39
pieter2627morning all06:43
pieter2627nice and cold morning06:43
Kilospietie o/06:43
Kilosice outside06:43
pieter2627and inside :P06:44
Kiloslol only windows frosted up06:44
Kilospoor goosie must have frozen on the bike this morning06:45
mazalWhen I open the fridze warm air comes out :P06:45
mazalMy update notifier is still broken :( And don't know why06:47
Kilosoh my06:47
mazalgoogle was no help06:48
Kilosyou got synaptic hey?06:48
mazalOom Kilos you know that little blue icon that pops up at the bottom of the tray ? Mine is more than a week now not doing it anymore06:48
mazalNow I have to keep doing manual06:49
Kilosthe left corner one?06:49
mazalright corner where all the tray icons and notifications are06:49
mazalIt only pops up when updates available to notify06:50
Kilosthe panel tool box button06:50
Kilosoh 06:50
mazalI think it's called update notifier , but not sure06:50
Kilosdid you answer if you got synaptic?06:50
mazalYeah but that's irrelevant06:50
Kilosmine only shows when there are updates06:50
Kilosno mman06:51
mazalI don't have a problem updating , is only the notifier that don't notify anymore06:51
Kilosjust try my fixit ways06:51
Kilosopen synaptic06:51
Kilostype inypdate06:51
Kilostype in update06:52
mazalBoth those06:52
mazalor just update06:52
Kilosfirst one was a typo man06:52
mazalThat tells me that muon-notifier is installed06:53
mazalre-install ?06:53
Kilosnow start at the top of the list and right click reinstall eveything that shows as installed06:53
Kiloswhen thats done type in kubuntu-desktop and do same06:54
Kilosthen feedback06:54
mazalfeedback will have to wait though , already did updates manually06:55
mazalSo will see next week06:55
Kilosi moften find synaptic finds small updates on many of the packages thatare installed06:56
Kilosdidnt yours download stuff?06:56
mazal2 small ones yes06:57
Kilossynaptic lekker for me , i tick reload, mark all upgrades and tick apply06:58
Kilosand it does the work06:58
Kiloseven kernels06:58
mazalmark all upgrades >06:58
mazalIs that in a different menu ?06:59
Kilosnear reload is mark all upgrades button06:59
mazalstaaadig oor die klippe , dis koud !!!06:59
mazalSo oom does that to actually do updates ?06:59
Kilosright next to reload button is the mark all upgrades button07:00
Kilosyes it does all that apt-get does and more07:00
mazalMy "apply" stays greyd out , but that's probably cos there isn't updates now07:01
inetprogood mornings07:15
mazalmorning inetpro07:22
mazalYou mos also a KDE man ?07:22
inetpromazal: hi07:46
* inetpro has no troubles with kde07:46
inetprobut I prefer the cli above anything else07:47
mazalinetpro: Do you perhaps know what could be the cause that my update notifier doesn't work ?07:47
inetprokde is just there for some convenience07:47
inetpromazal: $ lsb_release -a07:48
inetproin other words, what release?07:48
SquirmMorning people on za07:50
inetprohi Squirm07:50
* inetpro still running an older Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS at the office07:50
mazalHi Squirm07:50
inetpromazal:  $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -dy dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:51
inetproshould take it to 14.04.207:52
mazalAre we on .2 already ? , then mine is .2 also07:53
inetpro07/31 09:48:23 <inetpro> mazal: $ lsb_release -a07:53
inetprook... what does ask ubuntu tell you?07:54
mazalabout the notifier ?07:54
mazalI already checked most of those , didn't help07:56
inetpromazal: on 12.04 I can still do the following to change update manager settings: $ kdesudo software-properties-kde08:09
inetpronot sure whether that works for 14.0408:09
inetproshould be the ame as what you get when going to Muon Update Manager | Settings | Configure Sources08:13
inetproshould be the same as*08:13
grembleI cannot deal with this ice-wind08:29
grembleIt cuts straight through my clothes08:30
barrydkMorning everyone09:14
Kilossorry, power cut09:26
Kiloshello gremble superfly ThatGraemeGuy too09:27
superflyHi Kilos09:27
grembleHey Kilos 09:28
gremblehey superfly ThatGraemeGuy 09:28
Kilosai! now just been fighting veldt fire10:11
Kiloswhat a day10:11
grembleWho won?10:17
Kiloswell duh! im here aint i10:18
grembleIt could just be a tactical retreat10:19
Kilosno all killed10:19
Kilosi never leave a fire till its completely save to do so10:19
Kilosmaybe years of working on farms teaches you10:20
grembleSince the 2013 fire, there is nothing left here to actually burn10:20
grembleThe trees that caused the havoc never recovered10:20
grembleNow it is just lantanas10:21
gremblebut theyr'e really difficult to get rid of10:21
Kilostry cutting plant short then pore lotsa dieasel on the stump and tel it soak in to the roots10:22
Kilosor dig up all roots10:22
grembleDiesel would poison the ground and digging is not really easy in the mountain. Too much rocks. 10:23
grembleIn the garden I usually try to dig them out10:23
Kilosdiesel actually dilutes and washes away10:23
grembleOh my the lantana we get here kill sheep :c10:24
Kilossjoe poisonous?10:25
Kilosi dont know enough about it other than its a pest10:26
grembleYup. They cause liver damage10:26
grembleIt's poisonous10:26
mazalinetpro: Sorry , then power failure happened , then work happened , then lunch happened11:41
inetpromazal: no problemo12:08
mazalI was still busy making a screenshot for you when the power decided it's time to let go12:14
Kilosek gaan bietjie slaap13:13
SquirmOh - Happy syadmin day to all!13:18
Squirmsysadmin even13:19
CryterionThere's a sysadmin day?13:25
SquirmCryterion: not many people care to know about it :/13:27
SquirmLast Friday in July13:27
gremblehttp://listen.hatnote.com/#en This is pretty trippy (makes sounds obv)13:28
CryterionAh :) their problem if they don't want to13:28
grembleHappy sysadmin day Squirm, assuming that you are one :P13:28
CryterionBlue moon tonight as well btw13:28
Squirmgremble: almost, but not quite14:06
Kilosdebs send best regard to all that know her16:18
Kilosoh only fly, pro,and crashkid16:19
Kilosand nuvolari 16:19
Kilosand i think Squirm was around at the time16:20
Kilosoh my tonight 2°c colder than last night17:35
superflyIt was really cold this morning 17:36
superflyIt's going to be 7 tonight here 17:38
superflyNot bad 17:38
Kilosill shows you here this morning17:39
superflyKilos: have you got enough warm stuff? 17:39
Kilosunder a leaking water tank17:39
Kilosyeah ty , in bed is good17:39
superflyYeah, need works well here too17:39
Kilosexcuse the mess there, thats near our burning area17:43
Kilosbut thats at 8am this morning17:43
superflyThat's cold 17:49
Kilossuperfly  can i ask you to speak to someone at the local lug there and ask then to join africa please17:51
Kilosno rush of course17:51
Kilossomeone here is in jozilug too i will ask him17:51
Kilosoh kulule i think17:52
superflyKilos I'll mention of on the mailing list, but the LUG folks here are not really into the LoCo 17:52
Kilossuperfly  i would like them to join so it shows on the wiki page to encourage the other african lugs17:52
Kiloswe have to lead the way i think17:53
Kilosubuntu-africa is now going to outgrow lugs and locos hopefully17:54
Kilosonly lug guy i got to know a bit better was froztyza17:55
Kilosimo its all about standing strong together as linux users17:55
Kilosoh yes and theres william but he is like us17:56
Kilosnice friendly peeps hehe17:56
Kilosinetpro  talk quick man before load shedding sends me to bed17:57
inetprogood evening17:58
Kiloshi my pro17:58
inetproKilos: NO LOAD SHEDDING 17:58
inetprowhat made you think there was?17:59
Kiloswell been every friday night for weeks17:59
Kiloseven sis said go make tea quick17:59
Kilosand get candles hehe17:59
inetprouh... always check17:59
Kilosi wish my pc could run on candles power18:00
inetprobe an informed citizen, go find out18:00
Kilosvery busy mostly man18:00
Kiloshard morning then fires then sleep then chat my girls18:01
Kilosi cant multitask like you guys18:01
Kilosand Guest20640 still here , just swops nick now and again18:02
inetprowe should really find a simple feed to tell us when loadshedding has started and when it has ended right here18:02
inetproMaaz: list feeds18:02
Maazinetpro: I know about: CricInfo, Eighty20 and Hayibo18:02
inetprosee, he can read feeds18:02
Kilosbut once in bed from 8 to 10 makes it hard to get up again18:02
inetproMaaz: help feeds18:03
Maazinetpro: Displays articles from RSS and Atom feeds. You can use it like this:18:03
Maaz  add feed <url> as <name>18:03
Maaz  remove <name> feed18:03
Maaz  list feeds18:03
Maaz  poll <name> feed notify <channel> on <source>18:03
Maaz  stop polling <name> feed18:03
Maaz  latest [ <count> ] articles from <name> [ starting at <number> ]18:03
Maaz  article ( <number> | /<pattern>/ ) from <name>18:03
inetproMaaz: latest 1 article from Cricinfo18:05
Maazinetpro: Excuse me?18:05
inetproMaaz: latest 1 articles from Cricinfo18:05
Maazinetpro: 1: "India A 135/10 & 267/6 * v Australia A 349/10"18:05
Kilosteach the lady bot too18:06
Kilosinetpro  you a man of influence18:06
Kilosplease talk to some lugs about joining africa18:07
Kiloswaits for ai!18:08
Kilosoh you and fly18:08
Kilosdebs says ty for looking after me18:08
inetproKilos: big pleasure sir, send regards from this side as well18:10
Kilosty very much18:10
Kilosshe has 3 vertebra already solidly fused from the ankylosing spondilitus18:11
Kilosso was forced to stop working18:11
Kilosbut gvt paying her and paying tara to look after her so they good atm18:11
KilosMaaz  google ankylosing spondilitus18:12
inetprowth is ankylosing spondilitus?18:12
MaazKilos: "About Ankylosing Spondylitis - Spondylitis Association of America" http://www.spondylitis.org/about/as.aspx :: "Ankylosing spondylitis - Mayo Clinic" http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ankylosing-spondylitis/basics/definition/con-20019766 :: "Ankylosing spondylitis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"18:12
Maazhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ankylosing_spondylitis :: "Ankylosing Spondylitis: Pain, Symptoms, Treatments, Causes, and ..." http://ww…18:12
Kilosbad disease18:12
Kilosfuses spine18:12
Kilosand the meds are bad regards side effects18:13
Kilosno immune system if you take them18:13
Kilosya sad18:13
Kilosnot a good disease for a nurse to have18:14
inetproSquirm: thanks for mentioning ansible the other day18:14
* inetpro been doing some research and played a bit... this thing can makes life so much easier18:15
Kiloswhat must i enable to a gmail account to let it allows the xperia to use the playstore?18:17
inetprocontact Sony support team18:21
Kilosok ty18:22
inetprono man... 18:22
Kilosthing drives me nuts18:22
inetprohave you tried googling?18:23
Kilosi enter same password and everything but gmil blocks it18:23
Kilosi dunno18:23
Kilosbeen fiddling on and foff since i got it18:23
Kiloswill read the xperia guide again18:24
Kilosty inetpro 18:24
Kilosai! 18:31
Kiloshorrible android things18:31
Kilosalien tech18:31
inetproyou found something better yet?18:35
Kilosim looking18:35
inetprogood luck!18:35
inetproKilos: I mean good luck with finding something better than the horrible android thing18:36
inetpromaybe one day Ubuntu Phone will be good enough for all the basics but I'm afarid we're not quite there yet18:38
inetprogetting there fast but still at a rather slow pace18:39
Kilosit doesnt even show playstore anywhere in setting18:39
Kilosjust play now with uninstall option only18:39
inetproKilos: is it a tablet?18:40
Kilosno old cell mini pro18:40
Kilossme funny number18:41
inetproSony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro18:43
Kilosmaybe it needs to be downloaded and installed18:43
Kilosand everytime i switch from pc to fone i gotta change glasses , then forget to change back18:46
Kilosin that you go settings/applications/manage apps then choose all18:56
Kilosmine doesnt show all18:56
inetproget a decent phone man18:56
inetproonly R8000 or so18:57
Kilosi must ask for a ubuntu fone18:57
Kilosim sure it will be easier18:57
Kilosdoes it also use a playstore 18:58
inetproUbuntu Phone review: years in the making, but still not consumer-ready http://www.engadget.com/2015/07/24/ubuntu-phone-review/19:01
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:26

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