
knome off to bed, see you later00:04
knomehave a nice evening bluesabre 00:04
bluesabreseeya knome00:27
Dragon64Good evening00:40
jjfrv8ochosi, Preferences is ready for a review as well.01:12
bluesabreochosi: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~menulibre-dev/menulibre/2.1/revision/24801:31
ali1234why do the tabs in mousepad look weird now?05:21
ochosibluesabre: phew nice :) thanks!07:40
Noskcajpuzzles launcher 0.0.2 is now in the PPA, maintscripts made08:14
flocculantbusy old bot that one 08:59
knomeDragon64, hello09:04
drcAny noted problems DL'ing the daily images?14:23
flocculantnot sure about a straight downloads - but zsyncing works it seems14:23
flocculantalso appears to download ok from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20150731/14:25
drcStraight DL'ing appears to work until the very end when FF shows a fail and the file disappears.  Tried Xubuntu and Kubuntu daily's no go...DL'ing X15.04 from cdimage works just fine.14:25
flocculantjust rechecking the zsync 14:26
flocculantdrc: where did you get it from? dated or daily? 14:28
flocculantzsync works for current (not daily)14:29
flocculantjust trying the straight download here 14:29
drcI tried both current and dated14:29
flocculantok - well I'll know in ~25 minutes what happens for me 14:30
drcLike I said, wait until the very end...it's tricksy :)14:30
flocculantdrc: yup - failed 15:00
drcYay, it's not just me...er...I mean, that's too bad :)15:00
flocculantha ha 15:00
drcJust for grins and giggles, I'm DL'ing yesterday's daily.15:03
flocculantgoing to see if I get some sort of error message with wget15:03
drc'bout 10 min from now....15:04
flocculantdrc: if you do and you get that ok - would be useful to double check zsyncing to today's 15:04
drcnever done that...might need instructions.15:04
flocculantok :)15:05
flocculantit's certainly useful if you get these images frequently 15:05
drcI don't, that's why I've never done it.15:06
flocculantaah right :)15:08
drchuh...yesterday's daily DL'ed fine15:12
drcback in a bit15:17
drcLooks like everything is working now...today's dated daily does not fail at the end (as of bout 2 minutes ago)15:23
flocculantodd - but good :)15:24
drcmust be k...er...gnomes.15:25
ochosievening all19:20
flocculantevening ochosi 19:20
ochosihey flocculant, how's it going?19:22
flocculantok - you? 19:22
flocculantreading -quality where there's a discussion about the ubiquity autopilot tests going on 19:23
ochosigood good, a bit tired though19:28
flocculantit'll get worse ... 19:29
ochosiyeah, i guess19:34
knomeflocculant, since we've been discussing QA and the xubuntu tracker, is there something from the ISO/packages tracker you'd like to see in the xubuntu tracker?20:34
knome(keeping in mind the limitations the tracker API has)20:35
flocculantknome: I don't think so 20:39
flocculantabout the only things that *might* be useful would be number of tests done and this new pass/fail for ubiquity possibility20:39
flocculantbut iso.qa is more likely to have up to date info on it anyway20:40
flocculantperhaps if during the next cycle we go back to packages.qa - that might be useful information for others20:41
flocculantbut I would be wary of adding stuff to tracker because it can be done20:41
ochosicould be useful though for non-qa folks to get a quick glance of how things are20:42
ochosi(i mean if there is useful stuff in the api)20:42
knomei'll look around quickly20:42
knomewhich probably means i'll spend the night hacking on xml-rpc20:42
knomebut... that's ok20:42
flocculantochosi: true 20:43
flocculantknome: if you are going to look then I'd guess a total for daily 32/64 would be sufficient for non-qa people20:47
knomewhat about for qa people? :P20:47
flocculantbut it really depends on how often it updates20:47
flocculantknome: I'd expect qa people to want more detail and go to the qa tracker :p20:47
knomefor the ultimately up-to-date information, you should always refer to the source, eg. the qa tracker20:47
flocculantmaybe bugs from the summary - trouble there is the current page goes back further than wily 20:55
ochosistill, a single go-to place might make things easier for newcomers20:55
flocculanttbh - a list of bugs from launchpad would be more useful - to me at least :p20:57
Unit193But keep in mind simple != information overload.20:57
flocculantochosi: yea - I agree with that view - just not so useful to me20:57
knomeflocculant, list of what launchpad bugs?20:57
flocculantUnit193: yep "I would be wary of adding stuff to tracker because it can be done" 20:58
flocculantknome: 'current dev version' ones20:58
knomeflocculant, i guess there is no common nominator you can use to search the bugs from LP?20:58
flocculantnot that I've managed to find no 20:59
ochosiUnit193: btw while you're around, how's the x-core workitem going? anything you need help with there or are things moving ahead?20:59
flocculantochosi: to be honest for non-qa people wouldn't a mail to the list once a week with total tests be enough 20:59
flocculantwhich has the added bonus of highlighting that to everyone subscribed to that list21:00
Unit193ochosi: Nope.21:00
knomeflocculant, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.struc21:01
knome^ all wily bugs reported from the iso tracker21:02
knomeunderstanding which of those affect us... noep21:02
knomewe need the qa trackers add more tags automatically21:02
ochosiUnit193: ehm, nope to what? progress or need for help?21:03
Unit193Now you've reversed the order of questions!  Progress.21:04
ochosiyeah, but what about the other question?21:05
knomeugh, i don't understand the php xml-rpc interface21:09
knomethat's a good start.21:10
Unit193ochosi: I could maybe cludge something together for lp:ubuntu-cdimage, the Debian installer I haven't the slightest idea, and livecd-rootfs looks based on live-build, which I have messed with.  So I'd say that's a safe presumption that someone that actually knows something on these, or at least python.21:11
knomeUnit193, would you also be willing to update debian-cd for us with the new pcx from krytarik?21:12
Unit193http://paste.openstack.org/show/5KhCuR1s4j0RGIc5sav0 should be it for livecd-rootfs, in theory.21:17
Unit193ochosi: I believe micahg volunteered to help with ubuntu-cdimage which would be great.21:23
Unit193knome: And, that'd be in lp:~ubuntu-cdimage/debian-cd/ubuntu21:31
knomeUnit193, that works for me.21:31
ochosiUnit193: maybe we could split this up into >1 workitem then to account for micahg's part21:33
ochosior to track the progress in more detail maybe21:34
flocculantnight all 21:37
knomenighty flocculant 21:37
ochosinight flocculant 21:37
flocculantabout tomorrow off and on21:38

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