
dibdibHello, I've got a fairly simple question about the software included in Ubuntu Studio.02:33
dibdibWhat version of Ardour is included?02:33
dibdibI didn't seem to see it on the website.02:33
holsteindibdib: depends on what version of ubuntu you are referencing02:33
holsteinubuntu is not rolling, so, whatever version is "current" when that version of ubuntu releases is included,02:34
holstein!info ardour02:34
ubottuardour (source: ardour): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.8.16+git20131003-4 (vivid), package size 3541 kB, installed size 13667 kB02:34
dibdibAh, yes, so it's not as simple of a question as I had thought. I'm sorry.02:34
Unit193!info ardour402:35
ubottuPackage ardour4 does not exist in vivid02:35
Unit193!info ardour302:35
ubottuardour3 (source: ardour3): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.403~dfsg-3 (vivid), package size 7072 kB, installed size 31466 kB02:35
Unit193!info ardour3 wily02:36
ubottuardour3 (source: ardour3): digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1~dfsg-1 (wily), package size 7143 kB, installed size 31151 kB02:36
holsteinardour4 should be in 15.10..02:36
holsteinthere are many ways to get ardour402:36
Unit193It is, as ardour3. :D02:36
holsteinhehe ;)02:36
Unit193!info ardour3 vivid-backports02:36
ubottuPackage ardour3 does not exist in vivid-backports02:36
Unit193!info ardour3 trusty-backports02:36
ubottuPackage ardour3 does not exist in trusty-backports02:36
dibdibHmm. Thank you folks for your help.02:37
dibdibAh hell, I closed my other chat and left this one open.02:42
=== Me_ is now known as sunstar
deliadi got my usb recongnized by in cat /proc/asound/cards12:59
deliadbut can't select it in alsa mixer12:59
deliadit's working only thru jack13:00
deliadhow i can make it work with alsa directly?13:00
=== wook is now known as Guest52668

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