=== FJKong_afk is now known as FJKong [07:04] good morning === ara is now known as Guest14068 === utlemming is now known as utlemming_away === utlemming_away is now known as utlemming === utlemming is now known as utlemming_away === utlemming_away is now known as utlemming [13:41] BY THE POWER OF GREYSKULL [13:41] RISE UP, MASTERS [13:41] wom 13 [13:42] MOTUs: Good morning/day/evening/night/. I think a package has stopped being maintained in Debian, and as a result we have 'old' and 'broken' software (electrum bitcoin wallet) in the repositories. Is it possible to request a blacklist until Debian updates it for that package to be included? [13:42] you almost got away, highvoltage [13:42] and if so what's needed for all that [13:42] Laney: lol [13:43] teward: broken how? [13:43] should it be removed from Debian testing too? [13:43] Laney: i think https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=792231 is a good start point [13:43] Debian bug 792231 in electrum "Electrum version 1.9.8 vulnerable, needs update" [Normal,Open] [13:43] Laney: it should be UPDATED by the Debian Bitcoin Team [13:43] or torpedoed from their repositories entirely [13:43] the version there, 1.9.8, is a year old [13:43] and current is 2.4.x [13:44] teward: probably start by making that 'serious', I guess [13:44] amd we could update it in Ubuntu without waiting for Debian [13:44] I guess the stable releases want to be updated too [13:45] which will be fun but maybe the SRU team will let it be updated to the new version assuming that it is compatible [13:46] Laney: i'm not a packaging expert for it, though. I'd be happy to *try*, but there may be a PPA we could 'borrow' and have the sec team look at [13:46] i'll reach out to electrum upstream to see if they know of prebuild packages for it, i think they have some... [13:49] Assuming they based it off the same packaging [13:49] good point [13:49] otherwise... might be a good opportunity to learn [13:49] * teward shrugs [13:50] I am hesitant with anything Bitcoin to use any packaging, and to build from source to make *sure* that the packaging doesn't have hidden surprises [14:44] Laney: well, I got a response back. http://paste.ubuntu.com/11993520/plain/ [14:44] sounds like missing deps are being a big issue [14:45] if anything, I think I'd like the sec team to review and determine if it should be yanked [14:58] teward: doh [14:59] Laney: i just responded asking "GIven that this is already vulnerable and it has OTHER vulnerabilities, does it even make sense to keep it in the repos" [15:00] from my perspective, on security considerations alone, the answer is "No, this is not worth keeping" [15:00] but I have no say [15:00] not really [15:00] best to go raise it with security guys [15:00] sure you do [15:00] so, hop into -hardened and ask for their opinions, link the Debian bug>? [15:00] and let them say "Burn it" :P