=== nik0_ is now known as niko [09:24] Pici: Yourls broken? [11:41] Unit193: no? [16:34] good evening, I would like register a channel related with ubuntu-phone [16:35] should I use ##ubuntu-phone-es because is not an official channel? [16:37] mimecar: you can register #ubuntu-phone-es but make sure you follow these instructions so that the Ubuntu IRC Council has access should any problems arise: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/CreatingChannels [16:38] Ok, pleia2. I will read the documents, thanks [16:38] mimecar: also, please be sure to let the english-speaking community know, so that they can join as needed :) [16:39] sure :) [16:50] I registered the channel and I've also added the accounts of freenode staff and irc council [16:51] great [16:52] Do I have to add to the list of channels of Ubuntu? (not an official channel) [16:53] mimecar: I think it would make sense to add it to this list https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList#IRC.2BAC8-ChannelList.2BAC8-Local.Local_Ubuntu_channels [17:28] pleia2, Should I ask IRC council to see if they accept the name ? [17:28] I want to get it right [17:30] mimecar: I checked, it's right :) [17:30] they only will need it if there is a problem, so you should be good to go [17:54] fwiw, everything looks good to me :) [18:10] I have added the channel to the list of Local Ubuntu channels :) [18:34] yay [19:24] Pici: Ah, it was just redirecting me oddly, the item no longer existed. Sorry for botherin'