[00:40] dear lordy! https://youtu.be/S6mEo_FHZ5Y?t=776 [00:43] that can't be real XD [05:39] mornin [07:32] morning all === zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi [08:04] just viewed an ok apartment:) [08:18] Morning all [08:18] morning davmor2 [08:21] morning boys and girls. [08:24] howdy brobostigon [08:25] morning MooDoo [08:27] Just got back from a meeting with a new client. [08:27] knightwise: go well? [08:28] Yep, They signed up for a four-hour consultancy session .. and i think there is more to come [08:28] cool, :) [08:28] yep :) nice to see that part of the business kick off :) [08:28] :) [08:28] good good [08:29] if only i had enough hours in the day :p [08:29] but i'm not complaining at all :) [08:29] just so much to read/learn/listen to :) [08:29] tell me abou it [08:30] * brobostigon is focusing on writing interesting things for his pebble. [08:30] /me is reading a book about social engineering (and listening to the accompanying podcast) + i try to watch the Hak5 videos and practice my wireshark skills [08:31] luckily, the pebble sdk emulator can emulate os.3, without me having to have a device, so i can test things. [08:31] it's an advert to make you buy latest pebble... :-) [08:31] Lol :) [08:32] the latest pebble looks good [08:32] it worked \o/ [08:32] i just got a huawei P8 and a 'talk band' to review [08:32] also an interesting litlle gadget [08:32] zmoylan-pi: they will be back porting os3 to og pebbles. [08:34] taking care of their customers... they're doomed... [08:34] looking after their customers is just good practice. [08:35] its a rare thing. [08:36] I should probably run wireshark against my server and check things [08:37] having problems bashrc_ ? [08:37] no, but it would be good to look for any vulnerabilities [08:37] :) [08:45] hope i get this apartment [08:49] fingers crossed [08:55] mapito: what do you like about the place ? [08:55] bigger than he other place..1st was studio in luxury block £1200 a month no oven just hob and microwae LOL [08:55] this has an oven bdroom..lounge..kitchen etc..and an oven;p [08:56] have ac? [08:56] yep [08:57] but she said you have to speak to the building management company and pay some fee [08:57] surel just goes on your electric i thought [08:57] diddledan: yeah, mad (matchstick) isn't it? [08:58] unless it's part of the building in which case they have to open the ducts and clear out the trekkies climbing through jeffries tubes... :-) [08:59] Good morning all; happy Coast Guard Day! 😃 [08:59] morning [09:00] hey JamesTait [09:00] 👋 knightwise [09:01] jefferies tubes zmoylan-pi :) [09:05] my android phone is black screening now;( [09:05] whatsapp crashed and it asked if i want to restore history..clicked yes and black screen ever since [09:05] * Vampire0_ is now known as Vampire0 [09:05] rebooted ..nothing..went into recovery and it says bootup failed [09:05] would a factory reset help? [09:05] anyone able to help [09:06] yes, i would wipe and reflash, sounds like its fs is corrupted. [09:25] JamesTait: this will make you Laugh. Wolverhampton Pay for a working Lifeboat, it is almost certainly the one up at Rhyl :D [09:26] how can i do this brobostigon ? [09:26] struggling to find help [09:26] its a Motorola Moto G XT1068 [09:27] adb reboot recovery [09:27] ah so i dont need this..sec [09:27] do you have a custom recovery installed? [09:27] nope [09:28] whatsapp crashed.clicked restore history then black screen [09:28] phone boots up logos etc..even said updating apps just now [09:28] but i guess whatsapp still crashed and causing this? [09:28] that command will just send you to the normal recovery then, you need a custom recovery to properly wipe as we described. [09:29] factory reset will be the closest. [09:29] i tried factory did nothing [09:29] pressed power and vol down [09:30] davmor2, I can't imagine there's much call for one actually in Wolverhampton. 😉 [09:30] does a custom recovery like cwm exist for your phone? [09:30] davmor2, I watched the lip sync battles last night, btw. [09:30] brobostigon, would this help http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g-2014/general/restore-to-stock-t2873657 ? [09:30] if i restore to stock again? its stock atm but this might wipe it and everything [09:30] mapito: also can you get hold of a factory andorid image for said phone? [09:30] davmor2, thank you. 😃 [09:31] yep got factory image [09:31] mapito: does that page describe how to install recovery? [09:31] JamesTait: you enjoyed that then :) [09:31] describes how to flash back to stock brobostigon [09:32] davmor2, I did. ☺ [09:32] mapito: ok, use fastboot to stick it into bootloader mode, wipe from there, and reflash. [09:33] sec [09:34] popey: see I find fun videos too :P [09:34] mapito: there are alot more images described on that page, i would follow that, i can only describe how i would do it with a nexus. [09:35] cant find how to get 4.4.4. [09:35] JamesTait: you should look up Dwain Johnson vs Jimmy Fallon, The Rock sing Taylor Swift, it is so wrong :) [09:37] brobostigon, [09:37] http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g-2014/general/windows-tool-moto-g-2014-xt1068-dual-t2983295 [09:37] this looks right? [09:43] mapito: nominally standard adb and fastboot as come with the android sdk, should work without a problem. [09:49] mapito: i presume you are using windows? i havent actually done any of this from windows before, so i cant really help as to functioning of adb and fastboot within windows. [09:49] ;[ this sucks wish id just clicked no [09:49] yea [09:50] nominally in any case, you should be able to stick the phone into bootloader mode, wipe and reflash from there using fastboot. [09:50] http://d-h.st/VOw [09:50] says 5-mb yet its a few hundred k?! [09:51] is that a link to a factory android image for said phone? [09:51] ye [09:51] could suggest a lot of people are downloading it to fix that model of phone... [09:51] but when i download it its a zip of a fe 100k [09:51] havent motorola published an image themselves? [09:53] not that i could see [09:54] a standard CM image for mako, is about 230mb~, i would go from there as a size. [09:56] hmm download a file in a zip and its called [09:56] it should be a zip file, yes. [09:56] RETAILDSDSALL_XT1068_4.4.4_KXB21.85-14_cid7_CFC_SVC.xml.zip.exe [09:56] yea that doesnt seem right tho;] [09:56] i agree. [09:57] i wouldnt downlaod that. [09:57] a zip embedded in an exe, is very suspicious. [09:58] see this is it right = http://d-h.st/VOw that when i download isnt the right size eveb [09:59] xml.zip ? [09:59] yea [10:00] grabbing http://click.xda-developers.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_143868241532719&key=f0a7f91912ae2b52e0700f73990eb321&libId=icx5fy7801000n4o000DA593978mrpexx&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fforum.xda-developers.com%2Fmoto-g-2014%2Fgeneral%2Frestore-to-stock-t2873657&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FNoKvOu&title=%5BRestore%20to%20Stock%5D%5BXT1068%5D%5BAll%20Dual%20Sim%20Mode%E2%80%A6%20%7C%20Moto%20G%20(2014)%20%7C%20XDA%20Forums&txt=http%3A%2F%2Fgoo.gl%2FNoKvOu at [10:00] m and its everal hundred mb like expected [10:00] that doesnt look right either. [10:02] delta-ota-Blur_Version.21.11.14-21.11.23.titan_retaildsds.retaildsdsall.en.03.zip.b31f6760-1d35-482b-b0d6-e59b673d049c is file [10:03] of course gets to 72mb/120 and fails [10:03] gah [10:03] is there a cm image for your phone? [10:05] nope:( [10:05] 1058 but no 1068 [10:06] ? [10:06] ah there is [10:06] http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Titan_Info [10:07] but i cant get to settings so how can i enable usb debuigging? not sure if it is atm [10:08] are you in bootloader mode? [10:08] on the phone is that ower an vol down? if so ye[ [10:09] does 'fastboot devices' show the device? [10:10] think so shows zx1d22vkd AND FASTBOOT [10:10] oops caps [10:10] whch ust be it [10:10] can you paste the exact output of that command please. [10:12] C:\Program Files (x86)\Minimal ADB and Fastboot>fastboot.exe devices [10:12] ZX1D22V4KD fastboot [10:12] good good, you can follow the instructions on the CM site then. [10:12] wicked [10:14] just keep in mind, updates will be as from cm, not motorola themselves as well as you will probably want to install gapps. [10:18] can i root a moto g without deleting data? [10:18] i managed to do it on the hudl2 [10:18] hudl2 good? reviews seemed decent [10:19] yes, its an option in dev options on cm. [10:23] oh man [10:23] i m stuck again [10:23] where? [10:23] unlocked bootloader etc but it turns off usb debugging [10:23] and as its black screen its just stuck on i dont know how to re-enable [10:23] is that after you have flashed cm? [10:24] ah ok i put it back into bootloader mode [10:27] do i install recovery [10:29] mapito: yes. [10:30] fastboot flash recovery recovery.img [10:40] hmm done that said it worked but everytime i go to recovery [10:40] its just the ndroid on his back sayin no command [10:53] Hold up and power [10:53] When he's on his back [10:54] anyone heard of cf-root cf-auto-root? [10:54] what does it do? [11:01] man i hate xda-devs forum [11:02] you can leave out the word xda-forum there. all forums are annoying to navigate [11:03] oh man [11:03] what is going on [11:03] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmzwuoj5Nhg [11:03] i get no command every single time === JamesTai1 is now known as JamesTait === alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch [12:30] http://nerdist.com/adorable-hitchhiking-robot-fails-to-cross-us-because-people-are-horrible/ [12:30] hitchbot got murdered :( [12:33] horrific picture https://twitter.com/laurenonizzle/status/627692082522660865 [12:41] at least its getting more press now then if it had actually arrivedf [12:42] whats the point without the journey? === alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g [13:04] they must've stolen the display etc [13:04] sad ... but hey [13:05] it happens [13:05] i think they beat it up and beheaded it [13:05] the whole press about it is more annoying [13:05] all the "humanity sux" posts .. [13:19] http://arstechnica.com/security/2015/08/0-day-bug-in-fully-patched-os-x-comes-under-active-exploit-to-hijack-macs/ [13:20] why did he disclose? did apple ignore him? [13:23] they do have a habit of it, so i hear [14:06] hmm [14:06] time to try this aai [14:06] again;/ [14:06] ? [14:15] there was no responsible disclousure on this one [14:15] why ? they gain no kudos [14:16] ah well that's a poor move then [14:16] no idea why. I just noticed the original release had "At the moment it is unclear if Apple knows about this security problem or not" [14:20] :/ [14:21] i read an interview with linus torvalds daughter [14:21] googled her role model. facepalmed [14:22] hmm? [14:22] http://opensource.com/life/15/8/patricia-torvalds-interview [14:23] http://forum.xda-developers.com/moto-g/help/moto-g-stuck-recovery-fails-boot-menu-t3105779 [14:23] this is EXACTLY what's hapened to my useless phone [14:23] cites shanley kane as a role model. this person has a troll twitter account in the name of "feminism". but is basically a hater [14:23] mapito: try reddit [14:25] how [14:25] mapito: looked up unlocking the bootloader then? [14:25] i have unlocked it daftykins [14:25] that's step #1 if you don't want to go back to where you bought it [14:25] alright, so flash a recovery and ROM [14:25] but the issue i also riht when i flash a recovery image [14:25] wit bro [14:25] sec [14:26] it says ok when i flsh it, also removed recovery before flashing [14:26] https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoG/comments/3fntrt/need_help_unbricking_a_moto_g_falcon/ ? [14:26] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmzwuoj5Nhg [14:27] when i select recover i get the android lying on hid bck and command not found..even tho it says it flashed fine [14:28] what version of android [14:28] press power for 5 secs then tap power up [14:29] on the command not found screen [14:29] was lollipop before [14:29] wait sec foobarry so on the command no found screen power for 5 sec and tap power up at same time? then relese both [14:29] and by tap..just press? [14:30] depends on your version [14:30] hold on [14:30] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ax2DdQZVBQ [14:31] what v is lollipop? 5.x? [14:31] yea [14:31] ok [14:31] hold power for 5 sec [14:31] press vol up after the 5 sec while still holding power [14:32] so power 5 sec then vol up 5 sec and release on command not found screen? [14:32] no [14:32] on command not found screen [14:32] press and hold power for 5 secs [14:32] hmm [14:32] without releasing power, press vol up for < 1 sec [14:32] then release both [14:33] il try it in sec [14:33] 5 secs may be 2-5 secs in reality [14:33] wont it have turned off after 5 sec [14:33] no, i just did it earlier today [14:33] to wipe cache [14:34] did you get the command not found also then? [14:34] thats "normal" in stock [14:37] but i dont get it foobarry ive flshed the recovery part? [14:38] i dunno [14:38] maybe it didn't work [14:38] motorola offer an easy tool themselves [14:39] confused;[ it says command not found but yet says ok [14:39] they do? [14:39] https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoG/comments/22mimr/the_guide_to_rooting_the_motog_with_a_howto/ [14:40] http://www.theandroidcop.com/how-to-root-motorola-moto-g/ [14:40] lots of different ways [14:41] im so stuck on what to do phone boots up and everthing but an app crashed and its just black screen backlight..was when whatsapp crashed and said do you want to restore history [14:41] to do what though [14:41] patience grasshopper :> [14:41] wipe the cache and do a factory rest? [14:41] although it sounds like maybe just the launcher crashed [14:42] just do wipe cache and see if it works [14:42] no option to wipe the cache when i get to the fastboot menu [14:43] i did it from teh no command screen [14:43] have you got past that screen yet [14:46] nope..shall i flash recovery aain to be sure [14:46] again [14:46] there are probably dedicated channels for this though [14:46] yip [14:46] we aren't the best people to ask :D [14:46] hey hey who's we ;) [14:47] the monkees [14:47] noone talks in them( [14:47] you need to ask a well phrased question for someone to take interest [14:48] or watch a youtube vid [14:48] i did :Z [14:48] mapito: you did the vol power up thing on comand not found? [14:48] mapito: so not like in here then ;) [14:49] i thought i ased enough..provided a llink which was exact same issue i had [14:49] watch this and read all the comments [14:49] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ax2DdQZVBQ [14:49] just doing so now foobarry [14:49] if the vid doesn't work then the comments do [14:49] i was on 5.02 so needed the comments [14:49] forutantely the whole of ubuntu-uk is on holiday otday [14:51] ;] [14:54] * daftykins looks around the channel [14:54] yeah where are they! [14:57] http://i.imgur.com/O3QwVi2.png [14:57] extracted my steps [14:57] i'm not here [14:57] and my sleeps http://i.imgur.com/GA3PGH9.png [14:59] Shriyansh obsolete 4 months ago [14:59] +Hasher Hamza at the no command screen, hold the power button as well as the vol. up button for 5-10 secs (i use a moto g 2 running on lolliopop 5.0.1) [14:59] hm did that [14:59] and phone turned off and rebooted [14:59] not that one [14:59] do the one i said [14:59] power 2-5 secs, then hit vol up then release [14:59] both [14:59] k sec:) [15:01] got it [15:01] yay [15:01] wipe cache and try normal boot? [15:02] yes, [15:04] nothing;( [15:04] i guess factory reset now [15:05] what do u mean by nothing [15:05] boots up shows android and motorola logo then just black screen backlit..from the crashed app i think [15:06] howcome i still cant get into a custom recovery ROM? [15:07] should i do factory wipe/reset now? surely wipes all settings and apps..could fix it? [15:08] not having seen what you did since the phone last worked...i don't know [15:08] but if you unlocked the bootloader you already lost your settings and apps [15:09] ive tried flashing recovery roms but cant get anywhere with them [15:09] oh really? [15:09] i thought that's what it said [15:09] but then i couldn't figure out why my phone's still doing exactly the same..after the last boot logo it hangs..ill see updating app 1 of 3 etc..then the black screen which happened after the whatsapp crash [15:10] you mean optimising app? [15:10] yep [15:10] press and hold on the black screen? [15:10] i don't see how whatsapp has anything to do with this :) [15:10] and the backlight goes off and phone turns off foobarry [15:11] sounds like you screwed up [15:11] basically WhatsApp crashed righ..it then said do you wan to restore history i said yes..and then it crashed and I had this black screen [15:11] take it to a friendly teenage geek [15:11] I had this black screen since nthe WhatsApp crash [15:11] or factory reset :D [15:12] i did factory reset same thing gah [15:12] it can't have worked then, doesn't sound very reset :D [15:13] ensure the ROM is for the correct phone [15:14] yeah those things have some subtle versions i think? [15:14] hmm [15:14] ok [15:15] se recovery still shows android system recovery] [15:16] yet fastboot says the Clockwork recovery was successful [15:35] Good morning peeps :) [15:35] allo o/ [15:36] what's new in bigcalm's world? [15:37] Diddly squat [15:40] should i try to flash with an official 4.4.4 kitat fw and go from lollipop back to that? [15:41] I've done factory reset/clear cache. [15:43] is kitkat the newest ROM you can find? [15:48] no, but the phone came with kitkat atm its on Lollipop and having issues;[ [15:48] cm12.1 definatly has issues on older devices like my old nexus 7, but works beautifully on my nexus4. [15:50] hmm [15:51] what to do [15:51] i dont get why i cant get custom recovery roms to work? [15:52] so you did, fastboot flash recovery recovery.img, then, fastboot reboot recovery.img, ? [15:54] and you made sure the recovery image was the right one for your device. [15:54] Hmm, been brought a laptop to have a look at. Turns on, lights up, screen backlight is on, nothing much else, no image on the display, just black. Any ideas? [15:55] yea , now the links not working..tried to check i did get correct imagw [15:55] on the CM wiki page for your device, there should be a link to the correct recovery image. [15:56] recovery-clockwork-touch- [15:56] yea [15:56] the page is down atm [15:56] http://clockworkmod.com/rommanager [15:56] just getting bad gateway [15:57] plenty of alternatives to grab such files i reckon [15:59] i would always go to official source for such things. [15:59] just did it again, but as to fastboot reboot recovery -- no i didnt do it, was mistaken its not listed on page hm [16:00] fastboot reboot recovery.img [16:00] then your phone should reboot into recovery [16:00] yeah but i meant like CM's site or XDA forums might have mirrors etc [16:01] command doesnt work..there's an adb reboot recovery? is that what i do? [16:02] try that. [16:02] recovery.img* [16:03] all that does is restart the device into your recovery :> [16:03] btw, i do mean, by recovery.img actually replacing that with the actual filename of the recovery image you flashed. [16:04] ya [16:04] i did fastboot reboot recover recovery-clockwork [16:04] daftykins: at which point, we can wipe and flash with the cm image and gapps. [16:04] yeah, i know how it works :> [16:05] :) [16:05] mapito: have you been following the instructions as on the CM wiki? [16:05] yea [16:06] heh [16:06] hmm [16:07] fastboot sees the devce but adb devices isnt showing it so i cant run th command [16:07] argh [16:09] adb only works in either recovery or in the OS itself, in bootloader mode use fastboot. [16:10] hm right, so i've flashed that recovery-clockwork again select recovery from fastboot menu? vol down then up? this is when it ust gives me the android icon and no command [16:14] daftykins, any ideas? [16:15] i think you're rushing into things and perhaps not following the guides well [16:15] no way guides could mess up this much [16:16] but i don't know the device so not much for me to say [16:16] ok;[ [16:16] surely moto have some way to totally restore the image to stock? [16:17] i don't even know what you're trying to achieve, just fix or change ROM too :) [16:17] just fix [16:17] however that neds to be done change rom or go bac to kitkat [16:17] ive tried clear cache/factory reset same issues still there [16:17] wasn't that after starting to flash things? [16:18] nope [16:18] is it in-warranty? [16:18] as i said whatsapp crashed and it then stuck on the black backlit screen perm [16:18] rebooted still on it [16:18] which was when i decided to try and see if i could fix [16:18] nope [16:22] mapito: so if you follow the cyanogenmod device install guide for example, how far do you get? [16:22] assuming that this thing absolutely is the falcon [16:23] after i flash the recovery image [16:23] then i cant actually get into it [16:23] http://wiki.cyanogenmod.org/w/Install_CM_for_titan [16:23] step 7 complete for [16:23] Installing recovery using fastboot [16:24] so it's a titan not a falcon? [16:25] thats what the page said [16:25] but it said the recovery image was recovery-clockwork-touch- [16:25] hrmm [16:25] i using the wrong img? hmm [16:25] well they might not differ a lot [16:26] so i'm assuming you're skipping the bootloader unlock parts since you said you'd done it already [16:26] but how about just double check anyway? [16:26] cant get on the page to see [16:26] its unlocked it comes up with the warning message [16:27] https://www.clockworkmod.com/rommanager [16:27] works [16:27] all it has is Motorola G listed..mines a moto g xt1608 [16:27] figured must be the mg for all moto g [16:27] but from fatboot if i boot into recovery i just get the no command [16:28] i don't think it's wise to guess :> [16:28] there was only 1 listed for Motorola G [16:28] hm [16:30] sure you don't mean xt1068 ? [16:31] dual SIM moto g 2nd generation [16:32] mapito: ? [16:34] i still don't like android. maybe i'll go back to winmo [16:35] brave :D [16:39] daftykins: i liked 7, hated 8, mostly over the music app. 10 on desktop has fixed music, so... [16:40] what was up with it? [16:40] i do local file playback only [16:40] * brobostigon does like sailfishos. [16:44] mapito: you've died on me === Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [18:11] m00 [18:11] lo [18:23] *bark* [18:28] graham clueless alert: https://grahamcluley.com/2015/08/windows-10-adult-screensaver/ [18:34] hrmm anyone bought motorcycle helmets before? :> [18:34] you're upgrading from pedal-power? [18:34] well, or cycle no huge difference [18:34] nah, full face required for downhill in wales D: [18:34] aah [18:35] though i'm on strict orders to get a normal one too [18:35] punishment for non-compliance could be worse than a crash without wearing one [18:36] eep [18:37] Firefox for iOS is released to the public in 1-3 weeks someone whispered in my irc [18:37] ooh [18:37] I wonder how they're wrangling that [18:38] previously they've said "no" due to apple's policies stipulating that third-party browsers use the webkit engine [18:38] afaict anywsho [18:38] you duct tape the friendly rasp pi to the back of your iphone... :-) [18:39] diddledan: it is using Webkit but its good if you use FF on the desktop for syncing bookmarks etc [18:46] this looks silly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr_5U4y6EG8 [21:17] hey guys, does anyone have experience with connection laptop on two monitors. I can't make launcher to be visible on both monitors.. [21:36] mp_se: can you give more detail? [21:48] I'm using gnome, ubuntu 14.04. [21:49] two monitors, one via vga 23" and the second 22" via hdmi [21:50] I need those two status bars (up - with Applications and Places, and bottom - opened programs) to be visible on the second monitor also [21:50] in display settings I've selected Launcher placement to be All displays [21:50] but it still shows only on one [21:51] I can move from one to another, but not on both [22:06] ah no idea about gnome [22:06] tried, at a guess, #gnome ?