[08:00] I have ubuntu-gnome-bugs team set as bug supervisor team for ubuntu-gnome project, however members of this team can't access private bugs in the project, is this intended behavious [08:01] I'm pretty certain it did used to work in the past [08:06] darkxst: Check https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+sharing [08:11] cjwatson, that shows me that user can only see his own private bugs [08:12] cjwatson, bruce pieterson is a member of the bug supervisor team, and should be able to see all private bugs? [08:12] or are you saying I have to manually set this on each user? [08:20] William might correct me, but I don't think bug supervisor implies sharing private bugs. But on +sharing you can share all private bugs with that whole team. [08:21] (and private security, I guess) [08:25] cjwatson, oh ok [08:26] cjwatson, except, teams do seem to appear on the sharing page? [10:28] darkxst: As Colin says, bug supvervisors can't implicitly see privatebugs -- they can only set importance etc. [10:28] Until 2012 they were subscribed to new private bugs in some configurations, but +sharing replaces that functionality. [10:31] wgrant, ok, but is ther some way to set that? given teams don't appear to show on the sharing page [10:32] darkxst: "Share with someone" and then you can pick a team [10:32] cjwatson, ok [10:32] It's a javascript-only operation I think [10:33] So if you have stuff disabled in your browser I guess that might explain why you didn't notice it? [10:34] cjwatson, me that won't take ubuntu-gnome-bugs, but it will accept our other teams [10:35] s/me/meh/ [10:36] darkxst: really? works for me with a different project on qastaging [10:36] and ubuntu-gnome-bugs is an exclusive team (restricted), so it should work [10:37] I cannot add ubuntu-gnome-bugs to ubuntu-gnome sharing page [10:37] screenshot? [10:37] cjwatson, it just says "No items matched "ubuntu-gnome-bugs" [10:38] I can get a screenshot if you really, but need dinner first [10:39] darkxst: http://people.canonical.com/~cjwatson/tmp/ubuntu-gnome-bugs.png [10:40] cjwatson, can you try on ubuntu-gnome project? be back in half or so [10:41] Huh, indeed ... [10:47] darkxst: Oh, that's because ubuntu-gnome-bugs already has stuff shared with it [10:47] darkxst: this is all somewhat unhelpful UI, sorry, but if you go to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+sharing?orderby=&memo=[%22Tariq%22%2C%20%22tariq-abusheikh%22]&start=1275 then search for ubuntu-gnome-bugs and use the + icon there, you should be able to sort it out [10:56] cjwatson, ok that should be sorted now, but why does it take some foo link to get teams showing up on the sharing page! [10:56] darkxst: well, I found that by paging through the list until I found ubuntu-gnome-bugs [10:56] darkxst: but this is certainly bug-worthy, it's pretty confusing [10:57] ok, maybe I just missed it, it a simple filter would help, alot! [10:57] indeed [11:07] cjwatson, just double checked, when I directly go via the +sharing link there are no entries starting with U [11:09] darkxst: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+sharing and press Next 17 times [11:09] it's sorted A-Z then a-z it seems [11:09] definitely there but this is undoubtedly a pain [11:10] cjwatson, oj that would do it, I pressed last, and then back until I got U [11:10] you perhaps got to u rather than U [11:10] cjwatson, yes, aparently u, is after U [11:10] and it's sorted by displayname rather than name [11:11] (which is arguable) [11:11] I tend to prefer sorting this kind of thing by name [11:11] and I wouldnt care, if there was a filter ;) [11:12] quite [11:14] you want me to file a bug? or are you on it? [11:15] please file a bug, I'm firefighting something else [11:21] cjwatson, bug 1481717, its short, I'm hungry and gone now [11:21] bug 1481717 in Launchpad itself "There is no search filter on project sharing page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1481717 [11:22] darkxst: thanks [11:49] https://launchpadlibrarian.net/211257553/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.obs-studio_0.11.1-197~trusty_BUILDING.txt.gz [11:56] djjeff: that implies that your build-dependencies can't all be concurrently installed; probably something broken in that PPA [11:56] or its dependencies [12:02] djjeff: this build was nearly a month ago though, and things look installable now. Have you considered just retrying? [12:03] its not my PPA its obs-studio [12:04] you should contact the owner of the PPA if you have a problem with the contents of a PPA [12:04] djjeff: generally you should do ... what dobey just said; but I've retried those builds for you [12:04] thank you [12:05] djjeff: ... and they still fail. Please contact the maintainer of the PPA. [12:05] they have their channel on Quakenet #obsproject [12:05] OK, feel free to ask there, but we aren't going to :) [12:05] There are a *lot* of PPAs hosted on Launchpad, we don't take responsibility for all of them building cleanly [12:06] is there a new build log? [12:06] A maintainer of the PPA can come to us for help if there's something that they can't fix that seems to be an infrastructure problem [12:06] does it fail because of qtbase5-dev ? [12:06] (or for the version of ubuntu you might use) [12:06] Yes, but it's basically the same. https://launchpad.net/~obsproject/+archive/ubuntu/obs-studio/+build/7637229 [12:06] I don't know why it's failing, somebody will have to track it down [12:07] apt doesn't give very helpful error messages when something deep in the stack is uninstallable [12:07] if it's for wily, and depends on wily-proposed, and you're building c++ stuff, there is a very high probability of failure at the moment, due to gcc-5 transition [12:07] dobey: this isn't wily, please don't introduce confusion [12:14] faruton on quakenet is the maintainer of this PPA [12:15] djjeff: don't tell us, ask them [12:15] annoying they do not use freenode [12:15] comlpain to them about it, not us :) [12:15] they'll have got mail notifications of the failure too [12:16] I have spent almost 1 hour in their channel on quakenet and gotten nowhere [12:17] it builds for utopic and vivid just fine [12:17] why would trusty be any diff [12:18] I don't know, could be something in their PPA, could be something in the other random PPA they depend on, could be that build-dependencies need to be subtly different in trusty for some reason [12:18] they are welcome to come to us if they can't work it out, but we can't fix their builds for them [12:19] certainly not without their involvement [12:22] if they come to us I would be happy to discuss the problem with them and help figure it out [12:37] djjeff: The reason is mysterious, but changing "libgl-dev" to "libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev" in Build-Depends is good practice anyway, and appears to fix this problem [12:37] djjeff: Please pass that on to the PPA maintainer [12:37] did it build? [12:38] djjeff: It fixed the build-dependency installation in my local test rig. I cannot apply it to that PPA myself [12:39] djjeff: That's why I'm asking you to pass it on to the PPA maintainer, since apparently you have contact with them [12:39] hardly [12:39] More than I do [12:39] as i said they are in #obsproject on quakenet [12:39] I've given you the exact fix to apply [12:40] You're apparently already there, you could just copy and paste what I'm saying [12:40] Otherwise I'm done [12:40] I have [12:41] OK, so that should be good once they apply that change then [12:41] I may just reply to his thread of obsproject forums [12:42] Thanks for passing that on [12:43] replying directly to [12:43] https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/ubuntu-14-04-14-10-15-04-ppa-installation-instructions.16495/ [12:43] patience is the key. or self-directed problem solving. [12:43] cjwatson: do you have a working .deb on your local test rig? [12:44] djjeff: no, I didn't run it through that far, and didn't particularly want to run untrusted code on this test rig since it isn't properly sandboxed [12:44] untrusted? is it not open source? [12:44] that doesn't make it trusted [12:44] anyone can upload anything at all to a PPA [12:45] can I create a PPA for myself? [12:45] sure [12:45] that would be awesome! [12:45] https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA [12:47] I mean, you can trust what you like, obviously, but I hope you'll respect me being cautious about running stuff without proper sandboxing on my laptop with close-to-superuser privileges on Launchpad and Ubuntu :) [12:48] your test rig is not sandboxed? [12:48] heh [12:48] darkxst, cjwatson: Ah, yes, I'm not sure why the person picker on +sharing doesn't just pretend you clicked the (+) icon next to the person if it's already in the list. [12:49] djjeff: I could put more effort into making it so, but it wasn't necessary for just testing out the build-dependency bits. [12:57] ok cjwatson I created a thread and quoted you in it [12:57] https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/obs-studio-14-04-trusty-lts-launchpad-ppa.34271/ [12:58] oh its awaiting moderation [12:58] thanks. [14:03] the PPA maintainer is online now [14:04] he was confused that you can use "or" in build depends [14:05] djjeff: you don't need to inform us of the general ongoings of a different channel on a different network. :) [14:05] no clue why he wont just join here [14:05] its his PPA not mine [14:06] are they deconfused now? [14:06] I hope so.... I really want this to be dealt with so I can go on with my day [14:06] and maybe get some sleep soon [14:07] I might just turn on netflix and crawl into bed I am exhausted now [14:07] generally speaking, when build-depending on a virtual package (as libgl-dev is), it's a good idea to specify a preferred "real" alternative [14:08] so libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev says "preferably libgl1-mesa-dev, but in a pinch, anything that provides libgl-dev will do" [14:08] I haven't worked out why that unconfuses apt in this case, but like I say, it's a good idea anyway [14:11] cjwatson: was something else pulling in part of the lts-utopic or lts-vivid xorg stack? i think those create some dependency confusion with the virtual packages; i had some issues there when installing the lts-utopic stack on my trusty machine for runtime. [14:11] I don't think so, but it's possible [14:11] I didn't keep the log [14:12] faruton: hi, thanks for joining. I'm not sure how much was relayed to you? [14:12] Yeah, everything pertinent I believe. Appreciate the help regarding this [14:13] dobey: it's certainly possible that apt went in that direction by default and needed prompting [14:13] it tends not to backtrack, because things get NP-complete that way [14:15] ok he joined now I can /part and get on with my day thanks again cjwatson for your help [14:15] Apparently I was too stubborn to actually just ask about this issue, rather than declare 14.04 unfit and shove it under the carpet. Waiting on jenkins to finish the release [14:15] Thanks jeff [14:32] faruton: heh, easy to do. It wasn't an obvious problem === keithjarret is now known as garr [15:36] cjwatson: That appears to have fixed it, thanks! [15:36] faruton: excellent === zoktar_ is now known as zoktar [21:15] how do you use ubuntu-archive-tools/copy-package to copy from proposed? [21:15] mwhudson: --from-suite foo-proposed [21:22] cjwatson: thanks [21:25] oh and --to-suite=foo for a ppa