=== r0ckwilda{-_-} is now known as r0ckwilda [06:02] hello africa [06:02] morning Kilos === r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-} [07:51] Morning! [08:38] hi elacheche === r0ckwilda{-_-} is now known as r0ckwilda [12:42] wassup people! [12:43] not a lot but the zim mailing list does'nt look good [14:59] ahla Kilos :) [15:02] hi Neo31 hows you [15:03] Yeah you just say hi to Kilos, elacheche & Na3iL are invisible -_- [15:03] :p [15:03] hahaha [15:04] You see Kilos ! Because he's older than us he don't say hi to us :( :( :'( [15:04] hahahaha xD [15:04] aw sorry [15:05] Neo31 dont forget all the tunis peeps [15:06] Neo31, 404 Not Found :D [15:07] Neo31, is scared, so he run away xD [15:09] lol [15:10] hahahah :D [15:12] scared he gets given some work [15:28] hi philipballew [15:28] wb Neo31 [15:30] im trying to get used to a laptop, what a painfull devices [15:30] device === r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-} [15:43] * a7med is at work, sry [15:43] np === a7med is now known as Neo31 [17:11] ahla tonton elacheche :) [17:50] night africa