=== gerald is now known as Guest98424 [09:59] Anyone a perfect tuturial for compiling to the latest kernel? Always black screen after reboot now. [10:00] (after compiling) [10:41] columbobaas, what do you mean by the latest kernel, and what are you compiling for [10:42] The latest kernel has a good AMD support [10:42] apw: so I want to try it. [10:42] yes but where are you getting it, which latest kernel source are you referring to [10:43] and what h/w platform is it [10:43] x86_64 [10:44] 'perfect' 'tutorial' [10:44] a tutorial is a list of things to do, and that falls short of documentation which still isn't perfect [10:44] ohsix, well documentation about fixing x then [10:44] after compiling [10:45] columbobaas, i am trying to find out where the source you are trying to compile when you say "latest" [10:45] is this latest ubuntu kernel, latest upstream, latest random vendor kernel, what [10:45] what level of that are you trying to find, as we have kernels at different levels [10:45] what release are you trying to make it work on, etc etc [10:45] "how make latest work" isn't enough to help really [10:46] nor is 'black screen' [10:46] ohsix, x not loading [10:46] literally hundreds of kconfig options can lead to that, you should probably figure out how to build the ubuntu kernel first and diverge slowly [10:47] columbobaas, for example is what you really want is a 4.2 based kernel, there is a 4.2 based ubuntu modified and configured kernel in the CKT PPA [10:47] if you want a pure upstream kerenl, we produce builds of those in the mainline build archive [10:47] which are configured with the ubuntu config [10:47] thank you for the ckt ppa tip [10:48] columbobaas, that is an early preview of the next wily kernel [10:48] which if you are after the very latest support might be an option, trying a wily daily CD and seeing if it works [10:48] if so upgrading there might help [10:48] but ... without knowing more about what you are referring to, its all guess work [10:49] yes, but I learn [10:50] I tried a lot of distros, but ubuntu is the most solid. I compiled the kernel in Debian and now i want to try it in Ubuntu [10:52] the most important thing is to make sure you have installed linux-image-* and linux-image-extra-* if you are building ubuntu kernels [10:52] else you have only half the kernel (the bit a virtual machine needs) not the bit a machine with displays etc need [10:52] but is it really with .deb files? I found it really strange. [11:03] columbobaas, "it" ? debian builds produce .deb's, ubuntu is a debian/apt based distro so our builds produce debs [11:04] apw: on Debian i downloaded the latest kernel from kernel.org and used to make command [11:04] the make command* [11:05] you can do that, but it dumps files into your system that you cannot easily find to remove [11:05] which is why you normally use .debs to contain them [11:05] most likely your issue is configuration then, and i'd use the one in /boot for the nearest version of an ubuntu-kernel [11:06] Thanks for that explenation [11:06] or you could use the mainline builds which do the same thing for you [13:19] apw: problem solved (with flush_workqueue): https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/8/4/775 [13:34] tseliot, not until 4.3 - in the meantime I've committed it as a SAUCE patch on Wily master-next [13:34] rtg: thanks [13:34] that will make my life much easier [13:36] tseliot, I've verified that linux 4.2-3.3 fixes build problems with bcmwl. I also uploaded bcmwl yesterday to fix a different FTBS [13:37] rtg: nice, I hadn't noticed the failure [13:38] I still have to fix one more thing for fglrx I think, but I'm busy with other work. I promise to do that soon though [14:13] tseliot, heh yeah, that was tim :) [14:17] apw, hi, is 4.2.0-3 already scheduled to land in the archive? [14:18] ricotz, we're working on getting it to feature paritity with 4.1 before so [14:18] apw, alright, got a bit scared ;) [14:18] ricotz, heh why ? [14:19] apw, seems a bit early for my taste even it is rc5 already [14:21] ricotz, oh devel is always the wild west [14:21] we've got gcc5, what could be more wild than that [14:21] of course but the kernel is another thing [14:21] right [14:22] ricotz, the kernel is a unique snowflake in the sense you get to keep older ones :) [14:23] so one could claim that being more caviliere is ok, but anyhow its pending some DKMS fixes for sure [14:23] and likley by the time those kinks are worked out we'll be at a much later rc or even release upstream [14:23] yeah, although while the filesystem gets crumbled into pieces there is no older kernel anymore ;) [14:26] of course still looking forward for a new shiny kernel [14:27] it passes some pretty hard filesystem testing before it gets out of our PPA, and most of us run it for some time before as well [15:11] sforshee: hey bug 1476900, did this get uploaded into wily [15:11] bug 1476900 in linux-firmware (Ubuntu) "Backport Intel 8260 Wifi/BT firmwares" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1476900 [15:16] arges: I think so, let me double check [15:17] sforshee: just not marked in the bug, wanted to verify before accepting into proposed [15:17] arges: yeah, the last upload did include it, I didn't think to add the bug number [15:19] sforshee: ok i'll mark it fix release then. thakns [15:20] arges: already did it [15:20] sforshee: cool