
phillwhi wxl I've just sent an email.... decision time :)16:25
wxldoes anyone remember where the seeds are under version control?16:47
wxli can find the current copies and i note there's a change aug 4 http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/seeds/lubuntu.trusty/16:47
krytarikwxl: https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/lubuntu.trusty16:56
phillwwxl: Never been involved with that to that depth, what is seeded is set by Julien16:56
phillwI'm not sure if anyone else has commit privs to the seed area.16:56
phillw(for lubuntu)16:57
wxlworking on this at #ubuntu-devel if anyone wants to come16:57
wxlalso just emailed about it16:57
wxlthat's the problem child16:57
phillwwxl: I'm not welcome on there.... Soz, you're on your own :/16:59
phillwrafaellaguna: your cloak is not being applied correctly ... go check your settings!!!!17:01
wxloh man i have the worst splinter17:01
wxlwhere is ppc for trusty btw? sigh17:01
wxli guess that one's out?17:01
rafaellagunaeverything looks fine here, phillw17:02
phillwwxl: it was out at 14.04.117:02
phillw(18:00:42) rafaellaguna [~rafaellag@184.Red-83-45-201.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] entered the room.17:02
phillw(18:00:42) rafaellaguna left the room (quit: Changing host).17:02
phillw(18:00:42) rafaellaguna [~rafaellag@ubuntu/member/rafaellaguna] entered the room.17:02
phillwrafaellaguna: do not call me a liar ^^^^17:02
wxlphillw: oh right i forgot17:02
rafaellagunawell, it is now, phillw :)17:02
wxli should make a wiki to document all the weird exceptions17:02
rafaellagunawxl, again, every single comment to Lubuntu mailing list is awaiting approval?17:03
krytarik!doublejoin | rafaellaguna17:03
ubot93rafaellaguna: Your IRC client is completing NickServ authentication after joining channels, which triggers a fake quit and rejoin to apply your cloak and increases channel noise. Please see https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nocloakonjoin and use SASL or another method to prevent this.17:03
phillwwxl: we have one already17:03
wxlphillw: where?17:04
rafaellagunathanks ubot93, I will17:04
phillwwxl: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu17:04
wxloh that yes :)17:04
wxli meant kind of a running thing but that's fine17:05
phillwit holds 14.04, 14.04.1 etc17:05
phillwwxl: no way can we split, as cdimage works that way.17:05
wxlphillw: that's fine. i meant something different anyways17:06
phillwkrytarik: thanks17:06
krytarikphillw: Sure.17:06
phillwwxl: okies ... been few testers for 14.04.3 - but, it is not going to be CD sized and tested by cut off.... So, it's for you to make the call and we move to 14.04.04 with no alternates and look after the desktop ISOs...17:07
rafaellagunakrytarik, you're very kind. But I'll try logging in with another app with native SASL support.17:08
wxlkrytarik: hm?17:08
wxloh derp17:08
wxlsorry krytarik17:08
* wxl hands his head in shame17:09
tsimonq2Ok, I have a question. On this page: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/341/builds/95070/testcases, I am the only person who tested the packages! What is the reasoning for this? Does nobody focus on the packaging QA for Lubuntu?17:11
wxli could get rid of some of these  * Languages: zh-hans hu bn sv ar fi hi el ca da hi17:12
tsimonq2wxl: On this page: http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/341/builds/95070/testcases, I am the only person who tested the packages! What is the reasoning for this? Does nobody focus on the packaging QA for Lubuntu?17:12
phillwtsimonq2: please do not repeat yourself17:12
tsimonq2I am just really confused17:13
wxltsimonq2: currently no, but i'd love to have it done, so keep on it!17:13
tsimonq2I can't until Sunday, but as long as there is nobody working on this(and even if attention is attracted to it), I will continue!17:14
wxltsimonq2: would it be too much of a pain for you to post a message to the list pointing out this?17:15
phillwwxl: there is an email floating around about the removal of a 'bit' that supports jp language support... but rafael is more familiar with it... Not even sure if 14.04 or 15.04 or 15.10 !!!! I just know it is not RHEL v6 and RHEL v7 realted !!17:15
tsimonq2See, I am a teen, and my parents are divorced, so my wily machine is at my mothers and I go by her on Sunday. If only there was another person to help...17:16
tsimonq2I will!17:16
wxlmuch appreciated tsimonq2 !17:16
tsimonq2What is the email address again?17:16
wxltsimonq2: lubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com17:17
phillwwxl: that has got to be the worst posting of a ML in recent history... Rafael has already told you that every thing is going into the moderation queue :( :(17:18
phillwIncluding mine17:18
wxlphillw: those are fixed now finally, but you guys did not use your usual emails, os you can't exactly blame me for that :)17:19
phillwwxl: then possibly ask tsimonq2 to join the lubuntuqa mailing list? spamming users with requests on test cases seems to me a rather stupid thing to do..... but, that is just IMHO, boss :)17:20
wxlphillw: he's already on it17:21
tsimonq2phillw: wxl: I haven't sent it yet...do you have any other suggestions phillw?17:21
melodiewxl when you want17:22
phillwtsimonq2: wxl is TL on here, we are is minions :)17:22
tsimonq2wxl: Do YOU have any other suggestions? I will send it within 2 minutes otherwise...17:23
phillwtsimonq2: but joining the lubuntu-qa ML I think would be a good idea... But, the boss has to approve that :)17:23
tsimonq2I already have...17:23
tsimonq2I got the emails about the alternate .isos17:24
wxlmelodie: you can find this info on the iso tracker, but it does fit on 800. the amd is 727, so not sure if it would work with overburn17:24
wxltsimonq2: just send it17:24
tsimonq2wxl: Sent17:25
krytarikwxl: I suggest creating 'lubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com', and moving to there - more open to the wider community.17:25
wxlkrytarik: well technically there's lubuntu-qa on launchpad17:26
krytarikwxl: "Policy: You must be a team member to subscribe to the team mailing list."17:27
tsimonq2wxl: I joined lubuntu-qa on launchpad about a half an hour ago :P17:27
phillwkrytarik: to many mailing lists is too confusing.17:27
krytarikphillw: Hence I said 'move' it.17:27
phillwkrytarik: as QA == devel17:28
rafaellagunakrytarik, using a higher delay now. also autologin isn't recommended, right?17:28
phillwkrytarik: no, QA / testing is humans ... devel is the people we keep in darkened cellars coding :D :D17:28
krytarikrafaellaguna: You mean auto join - why not?17:28
phillwrafaellaguna: you came in cloaked17:29
tsimonq2phillw: lol17:29
krytarikrafaellaguna: I mean, I've not enabled it for most channels myself, but...17:29
tsimonq2phillw: I might join that in the future17:29
rafaellagunakrytarik, some say the autologin could work before the identify command or the SASL connection.17:29
tsimonq2phillw: :P17:29
rafaellagunathen the double login appears17:29
melodiewxl but it does fit on 800 : this you can provide as information along with "dvd" and "live usb" (referring to your mail on the mailing list)17:29
wxlyep melodie17:30
wxlof course it can't be assumed that everyone has a 80017:30
wxltsimonq2: shoot i told you the wrong place. that's fine but it should go to qa :/17:30
tsimonq2email address?17:30
tsimonq2wxl: I am not seeing it in the archives...17:33
wxltsimonq2: you sent to the launchpad list? if so it takes a little bit17:33
tsimonq2I am here: https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-qa/17:33
tsimonq2lol ok that explains it17:33
tsimonq2Ubuntu lists is usually instant17:33
wxljust got it17:33
tsimonq2wxl: Not in the archives yet...:P17:34
wxli know17:34
wxlblame it on python17:34
tsimonq2wxl: And can somebody fix this goshdarn mini.iso problem with Lubuntu!17:35
wxltsimonq2: which is that?17:35
wxlthis has to do with the mini.iso?17:36
tsimonq2wxl: Or rather this: https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-qa/msg05247.html17:36
tsimonq2with the alternate .iso17:36
tsimonq2ask phillw17:36
wxlyeah we're not getting alternates for trusty17:37
wxlprobably won't at all17:37
wxlit's a problem that the release team needs to fix and they haven't had time17:37
wxlperhaps it will get done by .5 :)17:37
tsimonq2wxl: Sorry...what do you mean by .5?17:37
wxltsimonq2: 14.04.5, the last point update for trusty17:38
tsimonq2wxl: HA, you already have it for .2, why wait all that time?(or was it a joke, in which case, I get it)17:38
wxltsimonq2: it's just a matter of needing someone else's help that has limited time17:38
wxltsimonq2: the fact that we're the only flavor providing alternates does not help17:39
tsimonq2Then we should have our own guy...17:39
tsimonq2Because that just sucks17:39
wxltrue but finding the extra bodies is a problem17:39
tsimonq2Good point17:40
melodie<wxl> of course it can't be assumed that everyone has a 800 || they are less expensive to buy than DVD's generally.17:40
tsimonq2Mailing lisits?17:40
wxlmelodie: true, but that doesn't mean anything. some people are just lazy :)17:41
tsimonq2I will think about it...17:41
melodieso sometimes it could be helfpul, at least one more choice17:41
tsimonq2lol *lists17:41
tsimonq2not lisits17:41
melodiewxl if they are lazy, they pay someone to install for them, end of the problem.17:41
melodiehi tsimonq2 I just saw your mail on the qa list : where are you from?17:42
tsimonq2Green Bay, WI, USA17:42
tsimonq2ANd you? :P17:42
melodieWI is Wisconsin?17:42
melodiesouth France, nearby Toulouse17:42
tsimonq2Anyways, this is supposed to be on-topic. If you want to talk, email me. My email is in the mailing list email. :)17:43
melodieI don't17:43
melodiejust wanted to locate you on the map :)17:43
wxloooh i like this guy already17:44
wxlfocused :)17:44
tsimonq2Again, ON-TOPIC. If you want to talk, email me and we can do a Google Hangout or whatever17:44
melodieit will not be necessary, but thanks for proposing17:45
melodieI help the lubuntu project very slightly, only when obviously people don't know and I do, which isn't that often (but might help the buddies once a while)17:46
melodieif you want to just chit chat here and then, you can visit #linuxvillage17:47
tsimonq2wxl: Just wondering, what do you do for Lubuntu?17:47
tsimonq2melodie: Cool!17:47
tsimonq2Will do!17:47
wxltsimonq2: release mgr, head of qa, and a bunch of other random stuff unofficially :)17:47
melodietsimonq2 he is the manager for the versions coming out, an community manager in short17:47
tsimonq2Is there any way that I can become a member of QA(or am I a member already...)?17:48
wxlyou already are :)17:48
tsimonq2Well, cool!17:48
wxlafter you have some contributions under your belt, you can become an ubuntu member too17:48
tsimonq2What kinds of contributions?17:49
wxlthen you can get a cool ubuntu email alias, IRC cloak, a certificate signed by sabdfl17:49
wxlbasically the membership is a recognition of continued help to the ubuntu project (of which lubuntu is a part of)17:49
wxlby doing testing, etc., you're contributing17:49
wxlif you help people on irc, it's contributing17:50
wxlbasically anything you do with the project is contributing17:50
wxlunless it's not helpful :)17:50
* phillw dad home on flying visit.. Mum's operation has gone well.. I have to feed him and send him back to work in the morning.... 17:50
tsimonq2How do I apply for something like this? And I am a teen...I can contribute in my free time but I don't want to have to spend every second of every day contributing(although I do run Lubuntu)17:51
wxltsimonq2: it doesn't mean you do everything every minute, but that you aren't just doing something once every year17:52
wxltsimonq2: i'll help get you there but meanwhile, you can start working on your membership application17:52
tsimonq2wxl: Exactly...now how do I apply/what do I still need to do to be eligible?17:52
tsimonq2Can we email so we aren't flooding this chat?17:53
wxlwe can also go to #lubuntu-offtopic ;)17:53
tsimonq2I don't have my email hidden on launchpad and I used my email to talk on the mailing list...17:53
tsimonq2Going now...17:53
melodiewxl Julien just answered17:59
melodiefortunately I put him in copy with his other mail address in my former mail17:59
melodieso you are right, you can remove the lang packs17:59
tsimonq2wxl Go to the offtopic chat :P18:00
melodieand also if you point me directly to the filesystem.manifest I can propose some packages to remove -which Julien can decide, of course-18:00
ianorlynwxl dialies for wiley seem not to have built20:41
phillwianorlyn: wxl there are no builds for 6th Aug... it is not a lubuntu problem.20:57
ianorlynthere are for server20:58
phillwserver is not on the beauty parade... Just like net install (mini iso)21:00
tsimonq2wxl: Why hello sir. I am back!22:15
wxlhey tsimonq222:15
tsimonq2Hey, I have my friend here by the name spencity that wants to know about what QA is and how he can contribute22:16
wxlQA is basically sorting through bugs and/or testing out new pre-releases22:17
wxlhow to contribute: read the wiki and go  at it :)22:17
tsimonq2Can he get a link?22:17
wxltell him i said thanks :)22:18
tsimonq2And let me know if you can do a hangout later22:18
wxlwait he's right there22:18
tsimonq2Email me22:18
wxlthanks spencity :)22:18
tsimonq2Ok bye22:18
spencitySo per say would I have the ability to contribute in developing future version of Ubuntu?22:19
tsimonq2wxl: Can you give spencity an answer please :) thanks22:20
wxlspencity: yes22:21
spencitywxl: Thanks for the info :) !22:22
wxlspencity: let me know if you need anything else22:22
spencitywxl: Sure thing22:23
wxltsimonq2: you guys both in wi?22:24
tsimonq2wxl: Yes we meet irl lol22:24
wxltsimonq2: might want to see if the WI Ubuntu LoCo is still alive http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-us-wisconsin/22:25
wxli'm also on the LoCo Council XD22:25
phillwwxl: are okay with doing the update to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/Lubuntu for .3 ?22:25
tsimonq2wxl: I hear that is based in Madison22:26
wxlphillw: yeah i can get to that later22:26
wxltsimonq2: oh i see you're on the list!22:26
phillwwxl:  thanks.. :)22:26
wxltsimonq2: try to get in touch with the leaders and see if they can give you an update on what's going on with it22:26
wxltsimonq2: if they are not actively maintaining it, we can always set you up as the new leader :)22:27
tsimonq2wxl: Ahem...well I am only a teen...but I guess :P22:27
tsimonq2We are in Green Bay22:27
tsimonq2And spencity leaves every so often22:27
phillwwxl: stop scaring the youngsters !!!22:28
tsimonq2phillw: No, it's all right22:28
spencityFor the record I happen to be older than tsimonq222:28
tsimonq2by a couple months :P22:28
spencityMy maturity however exceeds you tsimonq2 hahah22:29
tsimonq2We need to kepp ON TOPIC PEOPLE22:29
tsimonq2LUBUNTU ONLY :P22:29
phillwnot sure.. I'm only 52 years old this year... So still a teenager (at heart)22:30
tsimonq2wxl: But I wouldn't mind getting set up as the new leader if you can get that set up22:30
tsimonq2phillw: LOL22:30
spencityAt heart I feel wait... crud I feel nothing22:30
tsimonq2spencity and I are old enough to be legal online(13) but not old enough to be considered an adult22:31
tsimonq2ON TOPIC :P22:31
wxltsimonq2: check with the leaders first22:31
tsimonq2wxl: I will22:31
spencityYes, and whomight these leaders be?22:31
tsimonq2wxl: I will paste a link22:31
tsimonq2One sec22:31
tsimonq2I will contact the owner now22:32
wxlyep that22:32
wxlyou guys can reply back to the lococouncil22:32
ubot93The LoCo Council is coolbhavi, jose, SergioMeneses, PabloRubianes, nhaines, wxl, and lunapersa - they are here to help, just ask! :) You can send them an email at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com22:32
tsimonq2LOL and wxl is on the Loco council too22:33
spencityYou guys are way better than an encyclopedia lol22:33
tsimonq2what a coincidence22:33
wxlhonestly i'm relatively new to loco council and i'm not sure if we have established any limits on age for leaders, but my guess is no22:33
wxlyep there is a reason :)22:33
tsimonq2wxl: Can you check?22:33
wxltsimonq2: on it22:34
tsimonq2wxl: I just want you to check before I send an email to Mr. Hook22:34
spencitywxl: Hey as long as we can code have mature conversations, well what limit could there be?22:34
tsimonq2wxl: I think maturity and responsibility factor in too, spencity22:35
wxlmy guess is that it's not a factor, but we will see22:35
spencityYes which is indeed my point22:36
tsimonq2wxl: Well, I guess what I am saying is that an 8-year-old who can't do basic math shouldn't be able to run Canonical...22:36
wxltsimonq2: true, true, but someone with the drive to get people together is probably sufficient, regardless of age. good learning experience, too!22:37
tsimonq2wxl: But for people like me and spencity, we can do more than basic math and we are responsible students22:37
spencityHow long have you all been Ubuntu users? And lol tsimonq2:22:37
tsimonq2ON TOPIC spencity22:37
wxlOR go to #lubuntu-offtopic22:37
wxlfrankly this whole conversation is offtopic for lubuntu :)22:37
tsimonq2I was just about to say that :P wxl22:37
tsimonq2Let's go there22:37
spencityI was just about to ask what we should be on topic with lol22:38

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