
dokoNoskcaj, the problem is that this will force the old gnome mm 2.4 stack to c++11 as well00:41
dokoand afaics there are no updates00:42
dokoplease ask robert_ancell about it00:42
sarnolddoko: does that mean there's some set of packages that we shouldn't ever rebuild?00:42
sarnolddoko: is the problem with Noskcaj's suggestion updating the old gnome mm stack, or is it that they've included some c++11 patches?00:43
dokosee the packages I updated to build with c++11. feel free to investigate these, and that any depending packages can be built in c++11 mode. even the unmaintained ones00:45
dokolibxml++2.6, libffado, I think there were others too00:45
robert_ancelldoko, Noskcaj, I'm removing the C++ patches now that I've reverted the glibmm change01:32
robert_ancelldoko, or is it desirable to have things building with C++11?01:33
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pittiGood morning05:05
didrocksgood morning05:54
hikikohi didrocks06:03
didrockshey hikiko, how are you?06:04
hikikogood :) you?06:06
didrocksI'm great, thanks!06:07
ricotzLaney, hi, regarding https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/0ad/0.0.18-1build2 -- http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/16673/ -- https://paste.debian.net/plain/28963407:01
seb128good morning desktopers07:50
didrocksre seb12807:50
* TheMuso waves to Europe. :)07:50
willcookemorning all07:52
seb128re didrocks07:52
seb128hey willcooke07:52
willcookeevening TheMuso07:52
didrockshey willcooke, TheMuso07:53
seb128that gcc transition keeps people and builders busy it seems :-)07:58
Laneytotally didn't come on just to check on a build failure08:03
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:03
hikikohello willcooke Laney seb128 etc :)p08:03
Laneygood, I'm actually on vac today ;-)08:03
willcookehey hikiko Laney08:03
Laneyhey hey08:03
seb128Laney, oh, you are?08:04
seb128Laney, enjoy!08:04
seb128Laney, any fancy plans?08:04
seb128hey hikiko08:04
Laneyseb128: friend's wedding08:05
Laneygot the suit cleaned and everything08:05
seb128Laney, have fun!08:05
Laneyshould be nice08:06
Laneyapparently there's a "surprise" later on08:07
Laneyso I am excited to know what that turns out to be08:07
didrocksenjoy Laney :)08:10
* didrocks goes for running NOW, later, it's going to be 39°C08:10
didrocksI'm not that crazy to run at that temperature :p08:10
seb128didrocks, enjoy!08:12
seb128haskell rebuilds are ridiculous, I wonder how many days cjwatson is spending every cycle on those08:15
LaneyI bet he's scripted it08:16
darkxsthey all08:20
Laneygot to go, does anyone want to review/upload https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/libcolumbus/g++5/+merge/267159 ?08:21
Laneyyou get to try the new train system!08:21
Laneyricotz: sorry didn't get to look, maybe put it on http://pad.ubuntu.com/gcc-5-transition08:23
seb128Laney, libcolumbus I can do08:25
willcookeg'night TheMuso08:41
willcookeoh. also... Howdy Trevinho, if you're back from hols08:42
seb128Trevinho, hey08:47
seb128had good holidays? ;-)08:47
* willcooke thinks he's asleep still 08:49
willcookehe = Trevinho08:49
hikikohaha I think he is still on holidays :)08:55
seb128Laney, libcolumbus isn't happy because the vcs/your merge doesn't include the changelog entries from the direct archive uploads08:57
seb128Laney, can you include those?08:57
seb128darkxst, hum, you upload bluez to the transition ppa today?09:02
seb128darkxst, what did you change compared to the version that was there?09:03
seb128k, little it seems ;-)09:03
darkxstseb128, just merged the last debian version09:03
darkxstand merged gnome-bluetooth09:03
seb128thanks for working on those09:04
darkxstI'll see if Noskcaj can fill the gaps with the other updates09:04
darkxstseb128, gnome-user-share has drop its prefs UI in favour of g-c-c sharing panel09:04
darkxstcan you take a look at that sharing panel and see if the UI is ok for you guys09:05
darkxstcould probably just merge that (and the sharing plugin in g-s-d) into the u- variants09:05
seb128darkxst, is there any other update needed before landing bluez5?09:07
seb128like gnome-user-share?09:07
seb128or can that come later?09:07
Noskcajdarkxst, What specifics do you want me to do? There's a few r-deps that probably should be RMed09:07
Noskcajseb128, user-share is after AFAIK09:07
seb128sharing is https://blogs.gnome.org/thos/files/2013/04/Sharing-Settings.png09:08
seb128that's not bluetooth only and probably not ok for us09:08
darkxstseb128, yes, personal-file-sharing is gnome-user-share also09:09
darkxstoddly I have never seen the remote access one09:10
Laneyseb128: they're all no-change rebuilds so I would get the train to ignore them09:12
Laneyotherwise can do later09:12
seb128Laney, can it do that?09:12
Laneysome force option09:13
seb128I don't see any on https://ci-train.ubuntu.com//job/ubuntu-landing-015-1-build/build that seems to fit09:13
darkxstNoskcaj, look over and update the remaining rdeps as need09:14
seb128right, that seems to fit indeed09:14
Laneythink so, double check with sil2100 maybe09:14
Laneyright, I know what bus ticket to get09:14
LaneySUIT TIME! BYE!09:14
didrockssee you Laney :)09:14
* didrocks couldn't go running, even staying inside is too hot09:14
seb128Laney, have fun!09:15
seb128didrocks, go swimming ;-)09:15
darkxstseb128, reverting the user-share UI should work also, so long as there are no changes to the settings09:16
didrocksseb128: yeah, I should…09:16
seb128darkxst, why do we need to update gnome-user-share?09:16
darkxstseb128, bluez509:17
seb128darkxst, that was not in the ppa, was it overlooked previous cycle?09:17
seb128not on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-v-bluez5 either09:17
Noskcajseb128, It's been held back since 3.8 because if was waiting on gnome-bluetooth and bluez509:18
seb128k, I guess I'm not asking clearly09:18
seb128what happens if we land bluez5 and don't touch gnome-user-share?09:19
seb128does something stop working?09:20
darkxstseb128, https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-user-share/commit/?id=8ac9a4d917bd55f869bba86420ecc5938693905a09:22
darkxstbut I don't know the reverse question, i.e. will it still work without modification09:22
darkxstand actually user-share seems to be dying anyway, bluetooth stuff has moved into gnome-bluetooth for 3.1709:24
darkxstall that seems to be left there is the webdav shares09:25
seb128anyway, the commit you linked apply mostly fine to our g-u-s version09:25
seb128so we can deal with the update question later09:26
darkxstseb128, ok09:27
NoskcajAre we safe to RM bluez-btsco and grml-btnet? dead upstream, ubuntu only, need porting, not seeded, no r-deps09:27
* Trevinho is back (since some hours, actually, but under the pile of unread emails...09:30
darkxstNoskcaj, didn't you just answer your own question? though generally they can just get demoted to -proposed09:32
Noskcajdarkxst, I have no powers, and wanted to check09:32
darkxstNoskcaj, obscure packages in universe, that haven't seen upstream releases in close to 10 years, you don't need powers for that, you just ask for them to be dealt with09:35
seb128didrocks, the livecdroot/ubuntu-touch packages in the transition ppa were for desktop-next/snappy not bluetooth right?09:46
didrocksseb128: yeah, those 2 packages were uploaded there for the snappyfication :)09:47
seb128k, thanks09:47
Noskcajlooks like altos will need an unrelated build failure to be fixed for bluez migration to happen09:47
darkxstNoskcaj, maybe its caught up in the gcc5 transition?09:57
NoskcajMight be, i'm not going to have the time to chase up the cause for a while though. I'm busy with irl stuff till next weekend, so i'll just keep going throw the r-deps looking for where we have issues09:59
darkxstNoskcaj, thats fine, just add comments to the blueprint, about what you find then10:02
willcookehrm - can someone with a virgin 15.10 install try ctrl-alt-t for me?10:41
willcookeit's not working on my test machine10:41
Trevinhowillcooke: mh, I've not that virgin, however, in terms of key grabbing that's the same of doing Alt+F in terminal (or any other gtk app), so if that's not working either it'compiz, otherwise it's unity-settings-daemon10:47
Trevinhowillcooke: hey, btw :)10:47
willcookeTrevinho, hey!! Welcome back.  Good hols?10:48
Trevinhowillcooke: yep, thanks... :)10:48
willcookeso, in the terminal, alt is showing the menu10:48
willcookebut alt-f isnt opening the file menu10:48
Trevinhomh, so... It might be both that Alt+F isn't grabbed or, that unity calls the proper method, but something changed...10:53
willcookealt-tab works, alt-f4 works etc10:54
willcookesuper opens the dash10:55
willcookeI'll open a bug...10:56
Trevinhowell, it's a different way to handle keys in that scenario, since unity registers a org.gnome.Shell dbus interface for registering and activating accelerators10:56
darkxstTrevinho, and that is just wrong, Unity should not be stealing shell interfaces!11:01
Trevinhodarkxst: since unity is the only shell in that scenario it's not wrong, we're just implementing a shell API that gnome apps need11:03
darkxstTrevinho, but it confuses the gnome code, and we have had to work around that numerous times11:04
darkxstnow that the keygrabbers are split out into mutter and u-s-d, is it really required to steal it?11:04
darkxstgnome-screensaver may still use it, but is ubuntu even still using that?11:05
willcookeI've logged the bug against Unity, is that the right place?11:25
darkxstwillcooke, keygrabber is in u-s-d as far as I remember, but unity steals the dbus interface11:28
willcookethx, I've added u-s-d as an also-affects11:30
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pittiseb128: do you happen to know how to call gst-install (from sessioninstaller) with something meaningful?13:20
pittiI naïvely tried "./gst-install  audio/mpeg", but that's not searching/finding anything13:20
seb128pitti, gst-install "gstreamer|0.10|totem|Advanced Streaming Format (ASF) demuxer|decoder-video/x-ms-asf"13:22
seb128pitti, but your command works for me13:23
seb128I get a dialog with a bouncing bar13:23
pittiseb128: yes, but it doesn't actually list any results13:23
pittiseb128: ah, now the bouncing bar shows a name and I get a result; merci !13:24
seb128pitti, yw!13:24
pittiseb128: (want to port sessioninstaller to py3 on Sunday, preparing :) )13:24
seb128what did you change?13:24
seb128ah ok13:24
* didrocks goes back to appart, bbiab14:43
Sweet5hark*grumble* gcc5 *grumble*15:12
pittiSweet5hark: +115:13
pittithis is utter sheer madness15:14
ogra_lets just roll back15:15
pittifor every transition you start you get at least three FTBFS, two .symbols changes, and two more transitions15:17
* Sweet5hark 's vacation will start in 2 days. If I havent fixed LibreOffice by then, ....15:28
Sweet5hark... I will leave it to you guys. trololo&YOLO15:29
Sweet5harklibreoffice 4.4 building on gcc5 *fingerscrossed*16:09
Sweet5hark(next up: libreofice 5.0, but I think I will only do that in the ppa and bump to archive after my vacation)16:10
Sweet5hark^^ seb12816:10
seb128Sweet5hark, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/1:4.4.4~rc3-0ubuntu2 was build on gcc5 no?16:11
seb128Sweet5hark, did you email the DMB btw?16:11
seb128or better to do that after vac?16:11
Sweet5harkseb128: I assume that build was on gcc5 -- but lots of deps (e.g. cmis, cppunit, etc.) were still old builds. as they are rebuild against gcc5 they again cause LibreOffice to ftbfs ....16:15
seb128Sweet5hark, a bit weird though16:16
Sweet5harkseb128: so I assume while that build was gcc5, libreoffice is now ftbfs in proposed16:16
seb128that we renamed a day before the libreoffice upload16:16
seb128was also before16:16
seb128well if you have a fixed version feel free to ping me for sponsoring ;-)16:17
Sweet5harkbut not sure, I havent looked at that build, was just nagged by doko about libreoffice being ftbfs ...16:17
seb128ok, so there is probably an issue16:17
Sweet5harkseb128: yeah, as written above: lets just fix the ftbfs on 4.4 (and I'll use internal copies there liberally as we will bump libreoffice to 5.0 soonish then anyway).16:18
Sweet5harki will try to get libreoffice 5.0 against gcc 5.0 all nice in the ppa, but bumping that to the archive on the last day before vacation would be madness.16:20
Sweet5harkand DMB -- yeah, lets punt that for later too, sorry.16:24
ricotzSweet5hark, hi, I am sorry, but you are quite irritating :\16:56
ricotzI pointed you already to both, 4.4.5 and 5.0.0, builds against gcc516:58

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