=== renato is now known as Guest68484 === Guest18179 is now known as makuseru [01:22] Hi, having a weird issue. I cannot change certian settings all of a sudden (running 15.04) i cannot change my desktop from folder to desktop view, i cannot install any programs, as well as some folder view settings via right click. [01:23] Anyone know what would cause these issues? [02:08] Hola [04:51] evening guys, I'm having an issue with my wifi software. kubuntu dson't seem to be detecting the card anymore. So what do I do? [04:52] card is an intel centrino 1030 as I understand === soee_ is now known as soee [08:00] Good morning. [08:24] My Printer (HP Deskjet 8600) print the test-Page, or libre-office Documents. But not Documents from acroread or okular. [08:24] any Idea why? [08:24] The Printer-Command in okular is: lpr -P Officejet_Pro_8600 -o PageSize=A4 -o PageRegion=A4 -o Duplex=None -o InputSlot=Auto -o ColorModel=RGB -o MediaType=Plain -o OutputMode=Normal -o OptionDuplex=True [10:07] Kubuntu 15.10 will ship with plasma 5.4 right? [10:20] how do i remove notes that are stuck in the taskbar? [10:20] lol === Yukkii is now known as Dhs92 === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [12:41] Howdy folks [14:32] Hi, attempt to install https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack indicates removal of essential kde parts like kde-workspace, any idea how to install it properly? [14:41] morning guys, I'm having an issue with my wifi software. kubuntu dson't seem to be detecting the card anymore. So what do I do? [14:41] card is an intel centrino 1030 as I understand [14:51] finetundra_: run sudo modprobe iwlwifi, then post the output if any [15:05] hi guys [15:06] i am using kubuntu for about 4 months (since 15.4 was released) and i found that now my computer is slower than an the beginning, i am doing same tasks but i have lags, and freezes [15:06] any tips how to find out what slows my computer? [15:09] BluesKaj: no output [15:09] kamil_: maybe check top/htop for what's using resources? [15:11] finetundra_: mainly firefox, i have a lot of resources on this computer, its not the problem i think (8gb ram, used about 3) [15:12] kamil_: um, hmm [15:12] finetundra_: and kidle_inject what is this? [15:13] kamil_: that I don't know. [15:14] kamil_: I seem to recall someone asking about this a few weeks ago. Almost the same issue. It may Have something to do with Plasma 5 [15:16] finetundra_: does your package manager show an iwlwifi version driver as installed? [15:16] finetundra_: :/ i can install other de, but its not the soultion :/ [15:18] BluesKaj: how do I check? [15:19] look in your software center [15:21] the default software center leaves something to be desired so I usually install muon to use as a reference for installed packages [15:21] finetundra_: i fount that this may have something to do with intel_powerclamp but still have no idea what can i do [15:21] BluesKaj: I don't see it. But the issue has fixed itself for now and that'll do for the time being. I gotta run so I'll come back if/when it stops working again [15:21] or uninstalled packages too [15:22] finetundra_: so theat command must have loaded the eifi driver [15:22] wifi [15:22] kamil_: I honestly don't know what to tell you. I've gotta run though [15:22] inetpro: okay, thanks [15:22] wtf autocomplete... [15:23] finetundra_: okay thanks :D [15:23] kamil_: does ksysguard show any processes using lots of cpu ? [15:25] BluesKaj: 4 processes kidle_inject with 12-13% of cpu usage each [15:25] i found that blacklisting intel_powerclamp can help, im going to check this [15:26] kamil_: yeah that's probly plasma at work [15:27] BluesKaj: okay, rebooted, now, ill check if it work [15:28] kamil_: rebooting won't change any default plasma processes [15:29] BluesKaj: i blacklisted intel_powerclamp as suggested in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1389077/comments/18 [15:29] Launchpad bug 1389077 in linux (Ubuntu) "[HP ProBook 4530s] Intel Powerclamp is Slowing CPU" [Medium,Confirmed] === koma is now known as Guest88631 [15:32] BluesKaj: and if it is plasma, then what can i do? any updates to beta or something? [15:32] kamil_: why powerclamp ? [15:33] BluesKaj: i found that powerclamp is starting kidle_inject processes and its true, now i dont have it, but it still is not good as it was [15:36] kamil_: 15.04 ? [15:37] BluesKaj: yes [15:39] kamil_: i assume you run updates and upgrades periodically [15:39] BluesKaj: [15:39] yes * [15:41] kamil_: is this a production work machine or a homeuser pc? [15:42] BluesKaj: homeuser pc (laptop exactly) [15:44] BluesKaj: but i have plasma 5.3 from ppa (kubuntu backports if i remember well) [15:48] BluesKaj: u told that this is plasma work, maybe downgrade it to 5.2? [15:50] kamil_: I believe plasma 5.4 is about to be uploaded to the backports soon and it promises to fix some of the slowness due to the plasma4 and 5 integration problems [15:51] BluesKaj: how long is soon? :D [15:51] i think ill downgrade it now, check if it work, and upgrade back if 5.4 will be available [15:52] kamil_: in a week or 2 , depends how long the packaging process takes [15:53] BluesKaj: okay, thanks for info, as i said ill check 5.2 now [15:53] because it gets more and more annoying (today is worse than yesterday_ [15:54] best to leave it alone IMO, too many dependencies might get lost or boken, then you'll have a real jam up [15:55] BluesKaj: ill take the risk :P [15:55] hi, i changed my password for privacy some days, but now, i want to return to my old fast password, a single letter; when i type psswd username, it says it is too short... is any way to just have one character as I had in my installation? thnx [15:56] kamil_: don't think you'll see much difference [15:56] BluesKaj: lets see [15:57] akasic: nope I think 3 letters is the minimum [15:58] ok, i find the solution, is, infront of passwd, example: sudo passwd username :) [15:58] thnx anyway blue [16:01] BluesKaj: or maybe you can suggest other de, that would be easy to remove in the future? [16:01] that can i use for those two weeks === aj_ is now known as aj__ [16:22] kamil_: I've been a KDE user for 10 yrs and tried them all , but for a simple and fast desktop xfce comes to mind === tomas_ is now known as Guest26080 === zimmerle_ is now known as ModSecBender [17:05] hello [17:05] any kubuntu users? [17:05] I need some help [17:06] i would like to have desktop icons without this squares [17:06] on backgorund [17:06] how to do that? === LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps [17:07] ?? === joel_ is now known as Guest14111 === Dhs92 is now known as Yukkii === mkv is now known as m4v [19:38] Hello guys, I installed Kubuntu today and I've got this window: http://i.imgur.com/ps5H7Eb.png [19:39] What should I do? I'm not sure. [19:42] Jojimbo: so... well.. use the driver that may work better for your videocard then :) [19:42] bprompt: I don't know. I have an Nvidia video card. [19:43] Jojimbo: I may settle for the (recommended driver) [19:43] Ok thanks bprompt! [19:43] np === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === czr is now known as crazylamir === LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps === LjL` is now known as LjL-Alps === ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB [23:24] I did an apt-get upgrade on 15.10 which had a problem with one package and due to that I lost a lost of installed pacakaged (amarok was gone, so was yakuake, etc..) I've reinstalled most of these packages, but I do have one problem: things like knetwork manager, kdeconnect (both would always be in the icon list at the lower right of the screen) etc are gone, and I don't know what packages to install to get those back on my desktop === kubuntu is now known as Guest76252 === Guest76252 is now known as surgy [23:41] hello === surgy is now known as surgy3 [23:41] hello [23:42] i just made a live usb drive and am currently in the live..... installed the lts 14.02 kubuntu and when i boot from the harddrive it just has a blinking cursor. i think it might be a grub issue? can someone please help me? [23:44] surgy3: first of all try 14.02 ? [23:44] what do you mean? [23:44] 14.02 is the lts right? [23:44] surgy3: sorry, typo. 14.02 version ? [23:44] yes its kubuntu lts 14.02 [23:45] 14.04 is lts [23:45] you can grab latest image: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1404-lts-update-out-0 [23:45] oh well then its 14.04 :) i just downloaded it an hour ago from the official website [23:45] im actually in the live version now. [23:45] talking to you... [23:45] maybe my bios boot order is just messed lemme check that rq [23:46] surgy3: do you see playmouth during booting ? === mkv is now known as m4v [23:51] ok === kubuntu_ is now known as surgy3 [23:51] im almost completely convinced im having a grub issue [23:52] i installed lts 14.04 from a live usb. and then tried to boot from that drive. its a 120 gb sdd and kubuntu uses the entire disk. after installtion i tryed to boot into the drive and all i get is a blinking cursor on a black screen. [23:52] can anyone help me? [23:53] right now im talkin to you via the live usb drive [23:58] how do i reinstall grub on my sdd from the live installation? [23:58] Might also be a graphics card/driver issue [23:59] i googled and found the problem but i cant find the solution. for somereason during installation kubuntu instaleld y grub on another hdd..... one that im not booting from. i want the grub installation to be on my sdd that im booting kubuntu from. [23:59] Not that I have any idea how to fix it if it is, but it's something else to consider [23:59] Dragnslcr: but im using the live cd to talk to you now and it loaded just fine