[07:08] good morning [07:57] yo [08:25] morning [08:49] hola dpm [08:58] hello hello [11:26] dpm, danke [11:27] np ;) [11:27] popey, dholbach, I'm looking at moving my website/blog to another VPS, and from Wordpress to Ghost, but keeping the same feed for the Planet. Would you happen to know if I need to follow any steps to avoid spamming the Planet with old posts? [11:28] dpm, no, no idea [11:28] just check the dates on posts when they get imported into ghost [11:28] there are tools for doing that import aren't there? [11:28] can't imagine they'd screw the posting date up [11:28] I could imagine that planet will for sure try to reimport them (new URL for articles, etc.) [11:28] I've done the import, the dates are fine [11:29] the URLs shouldn't change either [11:29] ok, in that case it might actually work :) [11:29] I've had the experience with editing old posts and them being re-posted on Planet, and I'm a bit wary on touching anything that's got to do with feeds [14:27] hey dpm [14:27] I just CCed you on a long email thread without context [14:28] so I am going to fill you in. [14:29] Ok so this exists: https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia [14:29] and I reached out to the guy about maybe forming a more formal "nvidia driver PPA" [14:29] and like, applying for funds to send him some hardware [14:30] and then coordinating with the desktop team to give people an option to run a semi-officially blessed way to get newer drivers for gamers in ubuntu [14:31] jcastro, is he in touch with tseliot? [14:31] tseliot is +1 pending we ensure it won't break distro things [14:31] yeah, this guy seems like the new tseliot [14:31] but I would like to set up a meeting early next week to coordinate around teams [14:32] will is basically like "you guys figure it out, do the work, then lmk what to put in distro" [14:32] I'd like a little help from the community team wrt. socializing it, etc. [14:54] jcastro, ok! willcooke mentioned it to me a couple of days ago [14:55] jcastro, have you put any thoughts on having a place for the team to discuss? ML, discourse, etc? [14:57] I was thinking hangout, then ubuntu-desktop ml [14:59] right, I meant in the future, not for the first contact (HO wfm). So you're thinking announcements and discussions once it's all set up should go to ubuntu-desktop@? [15:00] sure [15:04] desktop is a quiet list fwiw [15:05] popey, in the context of "it'd be nice to liven it up a bit", you mean? [15:06] in the context of "if you want an audience, it aint there" [15:06] but links to mailing list posts can be shared of course [15:07] well, for the developer stuff having it on the list is fine [15:07] it'll be up to us to submit to reddit, twitter, etc right? [15:07] technically it'd be a nearly invisible feature in the driver capplet thing [15:24] mhall119: OMG that dog! [15:24] jcastro: she's adorable isn't she? [15:24] what's the mix? those are definately hound ears [15:26] jcastro: not sure, but we think redbone coonhound [15:26] we almost got another beagle last weekend [15:27] that is the constant struggle once you become a happy dog owner [16:02] all rightie! [16:02] have a great weekend everyone! [16:02] see you on monday! [17:11] mhall119: your wife may be a bit happy if she sees FB [17:11] mhall119: also lovely new dog! [17:35] czajkowski: she's out atm, but I'm sure she'll check it soon [17:36] mhall119: oh she's clearly seen the news :) [17:36] mhall119: I'm in Floriday for 15 days next year :D [17:36] Honeymoon has been booked :D [17:45] \o/ [20:02] https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/3g617q/ubucon_la_is_this_weekend_and_its_all/ could use some upvote love