[00:45] I think whatever "default MTA" gets installed should still be able to mail root even without manual configuration [00:46] which is not the same as a "black hole" :) [01:03] maybe there can be a fake mail-transport-agent package on the cloud images that satisfies the dependency but doesn't actually do anything? [01:04] lsb-invalid-mta seems to be exactly that [01:31] JanC: Mailing root locally is no more useful than an motd, mind you. You'll never noticed either one without logging in. [01:40] infinity: that's mostly true (local mail would be kept, while a MOTD would probably be overwritten); maybe lsb-invalid-mta is better then, assuming (I didn't test) that mdadm would log a failed attempt to send mail [01:41] JanC: motd would be overwritten by what? We relay other messages via update-motd too (pending updates, required reboots, etc)' [01:42] JanC: And I'm not suggesting removing the mail-sending part of mdadm. If you have an mta installed and configured, it'll mail, yay. [01:43] if there is an MTA that can do local delivery, all mails sent by mdadm would be stored locally (but I guess all that should be in the logs too anyway) [01:43] JanC: I'm suggesting that an motd update is more useful than an mta you didn't want and thus didn't configure (or a null mta, or a local only mta, whose only indication that something's up is a "new mail in /var/mail/root" message, which you get on every login because of $random_cron_spam) [01:44] JanC: Anyhow, there are lots of local-only mta options. From my exposure to UNIX/Linux admins >= 10 years younger than me, no one will read that mail. :P [01:44] YMMV. [01:45] I grew up in the era of massive shared machines and local mail, most younger folks I see blindly ignore local mail spools for months. [01:45] besides, you set up nagios to check on your storage systems anyhow, right? right? [01:45] sarnold: Ideally, yes. [01:46] sarnold: Not sure there's such a thing as too many ways to be told a disk died. :) [01:47] infinity: hehe :) [01:47] Although, the way I last found out a disk died was update-grub complaining it couldn't write to one of them... [01:47] lsb-invalid-mta would possibly result in extra error messages showing up in nagios too ;) [01:47] (I got mail from mdadm shortly after, it was just entertaining timing) [01:48] JanC: I honestly don't think lsb-invalid-mta is a reasonably solution to anything, ever. [01:49] Either have a working MTA (local, smarthost, or full), or don't have one at all. [01:49] One that returns an error on every invocation is worse than not having the binary. [01:49] well, it would alert people who read logs about he fact that they could get mail [01:49] But, y'know, yay LSB. [01:49] JanC: You have pretty high confidence in people doing strange things like "reading logs for fun". [01:49] I read logs when there's a problem. [01:50] Not to see if there's a problem. [01:50] Big difference. [01:50] but then they will know they could have gotten a mail for the next time :) [01:51] i've long wanted some smart tool to read my logs for me and let me know when there's a problem before I find it :) [01:51] well, such tools exist... [01:53] sarnold: I'm assuming that was facetious, since you mentioned that very tool a few lines up. :) [01:53] I used to use one of those log summary tools but it just turned into one more email that I mostly ignored each day. :) [01:53] infinity: do as I say, not as I do [01:55] infinity: (it actually comes back to that "not enough computers" problem; a laptop and an irc box aren't really enough to bring out nagios..) [01:55] the trick is to not make them report useless stuff, of course [01:57] sarnold: meaning that you just have to look at your IRC window to know both are up? :) [01:57] JanC: exactly :) === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem === _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [05:01] pitti: Which systemd package is it that keeps locking my unity session when it upgrades? :P [05:01] pitti: Rather annoying. [07:08] good morning [07:52] Laney, hi, do you mind a syncpackage lucene++? === soee_ is now known as soee [07:56] or dholbach maybe :) ^^^ [07:58] taking a look in a bit [08:00] I merged the ubuntu v5 rename in Debian [08:00] as is :) [08:01] * LocutusOfBorg1 I wish I could upload my packages directly to ubuntu :) === ljp is now known as lpotter [09:01] LocutusOfBorg1, synced [09:09] ta [10:46] chrisccoulson: Hi, you've just reverted my firefox arm64 FTBFS fix for the second time. === _salem is now known as salem_ === _morphis is now known as morphis === Luke_ is now known as Luke [13:02] hhh [13:02] heell [13:14] LocutusOfBorg1: thanks! [13:14] thanks to you for caring :) [14:24] barry, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/213724887/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.plinth_0.5-1_BUILDING.txt.gz [14:25] yep, django is the next big stack on the failure list to look at [14:28] [14:54] doko: hmm, can you upload a no-change rebuild of the "step" package? seems it wasn't in the gcc5 ppa and needed to be, and it's one of the transition blockers [15:08] smb, arges: add yourself to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server please [15:08] smb, arges: then use https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+git/ [15:29] doko: or do you know if anyone from kubuntu team is working on getting the gcc5 issues in all the kde libs/apps fixed up? [15:29] seems a lot there that needs simple rebuilds, and library package renames/symbols fixes [15:30] Riddell, ^^^ [15:31] dobey, please ask the Kubuntu guys directly. I'm currently travelling [15:31] doko: ok, thanks [17:57] whats the reasoning for the ubuntu lvm install giving you a 200mb boot partition? [17:57] thats maybe 6 kernels [17:57] everytime a install a machine and forget it until the upgrades break :( [17:59] Set your grub to only keep 5 then. [18:00] they to pile up in autoremove but I never run that [18:00] I'm wondering what advantage does a boot partition even have? [18:00] I usually just put it in root [18:03] jtaylor encrypted rootfs [18:05] ah that makes sense [18:11] now when /boot/ is encrypted as well... :) === chiluk` is now known as chiluk [21:22] hello [21:29] does someone know about a good documentation to get started with pool and dist directories in ISO images? What they are meant for, how they are used, how to manage them? that kind of thing? [21:48] never mind, I got my answers. [21:48] gn === salem_ is now known as _salem [22:30] uhm, hi [22:31] I'm having a problem with an package update [22:31] thermald from 1.1~rc2-11 to 1.4.3-2 [22:32] the problem happens when playing games [22:32] it drops my fps by a lot, can any dev help me or something? [22:42] asantos3: Please file a bug ('ubuntu-bug thermald') and I'm sure the maintainer (cking) will poke at it on Monday. [22:44] infinity, should I file the debug on the ubuntu repo then? [22:44] because I don't know if it's ubuntu specific [22:44] asantos3: As I said, type "ubuntu-bug thermald" [22:44] asantos3: It's probably an upstream bug, but starting with us is still reasonable. [22:45] asantos3: And our maintainer is also the Debian maintainer, and he contributes upstream. [22:45] ok, thanks === BenC- is now known as BenC === ValicekB_ is now known as ValicekB === gammax90 is now known as gammax