[00:12] oh look, metview no longer FTBFS because of c++ problems, it has moved on to being FTBFS because of fortran problems [00:12] that's progress, I think? [06:19] someone understand why this haskelly thing is FTBFS on powerpc? I don't *think* powerpc buildds suddenly lost the as command: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediawiki2latex/7.20-1build1/+build/7768918 [06:38] wow, ok, d-shlibs is even crazier than I last remembered [06:40] in case anyone else needs to know: the way you make d-shlibs behave is by passing d-shlibmove a --v5 argument [06:41] (because obviously the thing to do each time there's a C++ ABI transition is to make your helper tool grow another option) [08:43] robru: ping [10:39] sil2100: Could you lend a hand with this one? https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/dashboard.html#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-041 [10:40] No changes to code. I had the autopkg test dependencies wrong and would like the test to pass. [10:41] michi: looks like a sane change not requiring QA - you want that released now? [10:42] Yes, if you would please. I will have to top-approve first though? [10:42] The package isn’t going to make it until the autopkg test passes. [10:43] I shouldn’t have added an autopkg test in the first place, and everything would fine. Serves me right… ;) [10:46] Top approve it and change the status to 'Publish without QA' [10:46] :) [10:46] michi: 'Publish without QA' means 'I tested the package that didn't need QA and it's ready for release' [10:47] Working on it. Can’t find the bloody MR now… [10:47] Oh, christ... [10:48] I silo’d the MR to merge into devel not the one to merge into trunk :( [10:48] My apologies for wasting your time. [10:48] michi: no worries, I just noticed that too [10:48] Will be back in an hour or so… [10:49] Rebuild, check if it's cool again and set the status to 'Publish without QA' - we'll notice it then and release [11:09] sil2100: Thanks for that! I’ts building now. [11:09] I’ll ping you when it’s done. [11:28] sil2100: I think we should be good to go now: https://requests.ci-train.ubuntu.com/static/dashboard.html#?q=ubuntu%2Flanding-047 [11:37] michi: did you switch the status to Publish without QA? [11:37] I believe I did. Checking... [11:37] Ah, no. [11:37] I set it to “No QA needed". [11:38] How do I change it now? [11:38] sil2100: Ah, worked it out… “Edit..." [11:38] Just changed it. [11:39] o/ [11:41] sil2100: :( From queuebot: Silos: ubuntu/landing-047 (michi) Can't publish: Packaging changes need manual ACKing. (persistent-cache-cpp) [11:41] michi: reviewing and publishing [11:42] Ah, sweet, thanks! [11:42] (it's a message for us, not for you, so don't worry when you see this) [11:42] OK, I had no idea. Still learning the ropes... [11:42] What’s the “silo dirty” about? [11:43] Ah, that’s just noice. [11:43] Those are two silos I abandoned a few hours ago. [11:43] Three, actually. [11:47] sil2100: Whohoo! \o/ [11:47] queuebot: Silos: ubuntu/landing-047 (michi) Migration: persistent-cache-cpp is in the Proposed pocket. (persistent-cache-cpp) [11:47] Thanks for your help! [11:47] Np! A dirty silo means that it needs to be rebuilt as something landed for the project you have in the silo [11:48] michi: so the project in the silo needs to be rebuilt to include the changes from the archive [11:48] Aha. [11:48] michi: you want the two other silos abandoned? [11:48] So, I just hit rebuild? [11:48] 30, 32, and 41 are rubbish. [11:48] Trash them, please. [11:49] So, do I need to rebuild 47? [11:49] Doesn’t look like it. [11:49] Dashboard says “in the proposed pocket”. So I assume that means things are fine. === jhodapp|sick is now known as jhodapp [15:44] https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily-add-iw/+merge/267370 <- could anyone review this seed-addition soon? It's a simple and small addition though [17:46] qt-gstreamer is on the list of packages with symbols changes for g++5, and is hit by the qt4+boost issue. package has non-trivial reverse-dependencies (both qt4 and qt5 binaries are seeded). any kubuntuers able to take a look at this? Riddell, ScottK? [17:47] fwiw if I disable the qt4 build it still ftbfs by failing to find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/include/gst/gstconfig.h, so there's some failure to properly pkgconfig here as well [17:52] slangasek: I don't have time to work on it, but I did pass it on to #kubuntu-devel to see if someone could. [17:53] ScottK: cheers [17:53] ScottK: if someone picks it up, feel free to point them at me for braindump [17:53] Sure thing. === jhodapp is now known as jhodapp|errand [18:45] anybody know anything about libgconfmm-2.6-dev and libglademm-2.4-dev? do they need an ABI transition for g++5? === jhodapp|errand is now known as jhodapp [18:48] Laney: ^^ I know you're off, but as you're connected maybe you have a quick answer [19:29] slangasek: which ^^? [19:29] robru or you? [19:29] Laney: oh I assumed he was talking about gconf and glade [19:30] well, I don't know is the answer to you, sorry :( [19:30] Laney: I'm working with slangasek on this (as he's training me) so we're sort of the same person as far as this question is concerned. [19:30] robert_ancell might know slightly more about the gnome-mm stack [19:30] Laney: alright [19:30] otherwise, -> monday, leave a note in the pad or something [19:30] Laney: ok thanks [19:31] ah yes, robert_ancell; now I found the mail thread I was looking for [19:31] something about reverting to glibmm 2.44 [20:49] utlemming: open-vm-tools in wily-proposed has new build-dependencies that haven't gone through MIR; could you please take care of this? It's a blocker for the icu transition (and from there to gcc-5) [20:50] slangasek: ack, it was on my todo...I'll get the MIR filed shortly [20:51] utlemming: thanks [20:52] Reverse-Depends: mediawiki2latexguipyqt [20:52] I see your latexguipyqt and raise you a huitzilopochtli [20:55] slangasek: At least I can unpack what mediawiki2latexguipyqt means. I'm pretty sure you made the second one up. [20:55] infinity: I call [20:56] used in a sentence: I was really miffed when the Aztec god Huitzilopochtli gazumped that nice split-level in the shire [20:56] *laugh* [20:59] barry: Is there some discussion I'm missing around this copy-package MP? [20:59] barry: Why would I want copy-package to not fail on missing source? [20:59] barry's using copy-package a bit for python3.5 ppa test rebuilds [20:59] he appears to have opinions about its behavior ;) [21:00] yep :) [21:00] I have a countervailing opinion [21:00] the current behavior should remain the default [21:00] i have a wrapper around copy-package which tries to first copy from -proposed. the wrapper has to know whether that fails or not so it can fall back to copying from wily in that case [21:00] if it doesn't fail hard (exit !0) then the wrapper doesn't know [21:00] I like to know when I typo a package name. [21:01] barry: I'm not against proper error handling, I'm disputing the default. [21:01] *but* if you're copying a bunch of them, you probably don't want it to fail hard on the first one [21:01] infinity: doesn't matter much to me if we switch the sense [21:01] barry: --fail-immediately might want to be --skip-missing to invert the default behaviour. [21:01] infinity: i can do that [21:02] infinity: i'll ping you when i've updated the mp [21:08] infinity: oh right, one thing about that. if find_latest_published_source() fails currently it just tracebacks, so i think it's still better to catch the exception and return False in the default case. then if --skip-missing is given, it'll print the error and continue [21:09] barry: Yeahp, agreed. See above, re: not against proper error handling. :) [21:09] infinity: :) [21:09] barry: My #1 beef with python programmers is ignoring error handling because "hey, tracebacks are totally user friendly". [21:10] * barry is a vegetarian and has no beef [21:10] Or you have more beef, because you don't eat it? [21:29] infinity: the new mp taste like chicken [21:37] slangasek: MIR filed via Bug #1482777 [21:37] bug 1482777 in open-vm-tools (Ubuntu) "[MIR] open-vm-tools 9.10.2 build dependencies: xml-security-c and xerces-c" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1482777 [21:37] utlemming: cheers [21:39] barry: I see no new MP. [21:39] infinity: i just updated the existing one [21:39] infinity: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/ubuntu-archive-tools/exit-status/+merge/267385 [21:39] Hrmph. You'd think I would have gotten email about that. [21:39] of course not, because launchpad [21:40] barry: Shouldn't "print(error)" be outside the if block? [21:41] barry: Seems weird to yell at me when succeeding, but fail silently. [21:41] infinity: yeah, that probably makes sense [21:43] infinity: updated [21:44] infinity, slangasek: so xe-guest-utilities has sat for a few weeks awaiting to be de-newed. Any chance that could be looked at? [21:45] barry: Taking it for a test-drive. [21:46] utlemming: hmm. didn't I sponsor that upload? should probably have a different reviewer [21:49] barry: Merged. [21:50] slangasek: Yeah, I told him I'd review it after the point release was out. Will I hate myself for saying that? [21:50] infinity: invariably [21:50] heh [22:06] whoever accepted uhd, please fix the arm64 ftbfs [22:07] slangasek, gfortran transition started, however some packages already migrated to wily, and are broken [22:07] your metview now builds again with some effort [22:08] afk now again [22:09] doko: I hardly think accepting a package into the archive puts the archive admin on the hook for fixing the remaining FTBFS... :) [22:09] doko: metview> glad to hear it, thanks [22:11] doko: I tend to not bin-new until all 6 arches are built to avoid potential transition skew, which I suspect is doko's complaint. [22:12] Err, slangasek ^ [22:12] what transition skew would there be? [22:12] Oh, no idea in this case. Didn't look. [22:12] you mean if somebody started firing off revdep rebuilds before the other archs were done? [22:12] But yes, that. [22:13] Sweet, arm64 is trying to build armv7 ASM. [22:13] That'll end well. [22:13] right; at the moment there's a massive pile of stuff that needs doing and I'm pretty much just doing whichever bit I have in front of me at the moment [22:14] which includes newing bits of libs that I know unblock parts of the stack [22:15] * infinity side-eyes launchpad's 76.6MB debdiff from the old version. [22:15] does that mean you're looking at uhd? [22:15] infinity: awesome, thanks [22:15] slangasek: It means I looked that far. :P [22:17] slangasek: Looking deeper. [22:20] That's the relevant diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12025342/ [22:20] A bit less then 76MB [22:20] s/then/than/ [22:55] n$ readelf --dyn-syms armhf/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libuhd.so.003 | wc -l [22:55] 1666 [22:55] That's got to win some sort of award. [23:28] slangasek: Okay, uhd breakage hacked around in my PPA, and confirmed that the hack didn't alter any public symbols on armhf, so calling it good. Will binary copy to -proposed shortly. [23:28] infinity: spiff