[01:41] ... with errors ... *facepalm* [01:43] I can't tell if they actually got installed here [01:46] what's this? [01:49] So long as he (< Guy1524>) is trying, we can help . Get him over the frustration level so he can focus and concentrate in a coherent manner . [01:57] what an idiot ¬_¬ [02:00] K; can not help the helpless . [02:02] bazhang's oping seems to have moved to the darkside [02:13] thought I saw them at the darkside bar [02:16] cateyes [06:37] who is this stevendale? and why should i care? === explosive is now known as EriC^^ [07:17] EriC^^, is he serious? [07:18] *shrug* === EriC^^ is now known as heelflip === tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [16:53] *bangs head on wall* [17:00] we got another great customer? [17:01] sort of. someone trying to install mini and wondering why no desktop LOL something like that ROFL [17:01] net mini, no less LOL [17:02] *facepalm* [17:02] you'd think the clue was in the name [17:02] * ObrienDave takes aim at Google translate. *** BOOOOOOOOOOM *** [17:02] ;P [17:43] is it troll day???? [17:44] always the weekends [17:45] satur-troll-day? ;P [17:46] :D [17:46] hrmm, thought it was Sunday already [17:47] maybe in your part of the galaxy ;P [17:49] people who show any attitude or trolling or stupidity get an immediate ignore here, [17:49] ^_^ [17:50] yeah i should do that, otherwise they work me up and i just tell it like it is :) [17:50] I do too heh [17:50] me three ;P [17:50] always couched in the words I use [17:55] grrrrrr. why do they always want to argue the logic of LTS? [17:56] we're in that generation now where kids are trying it out - and kids seem to think that the only way to run a computer is to chase the latest versions of everything [17:57] even getting the idiots come in trying to install the latest kernels from kernel.org now *sigh* [17:57] if you are the center of the world, i'ts how you see it, could be a age attached cognitive dev, might just be a jerk, seen more than enough oldsters do the same. [17:58] woah, i'm an oldster and i understand LTS ;P [17:58] me to [17:58] heh [17:58] i represent that remark ;P [17:59] i've realized for long time a stagnant outlook will make you look really stupid around others who are not at the least, not that I care, I just want the complex pictures [18:00] high level dev is being able to hold multiple conflicting views and not necessarily take any side [18:01] or at least understand them [18:01] yes, you need to stay up on the latest trends but, that does not mean you install the bleeding edge automatically [18:01] oh yeah, that is the most irritating user. [18:02] it's like trying to change someones religion [18:03] i liked the trolls comment, if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it LOL [18:04] had to clean the ignore I'm missing all the fun [18:04] yes you are LOL [18:07] Per a recomendation from a friend I just read this book 'the short and tragic of robertpeace; a brillian young man who leeft newark for the ivy league' A young black man who had his tuition and everything covered attends Yale, a brilliant person in many ways and a tragedym in the end, got it free as an ebook. [18:08] I have a degree in black studies, so this was so nice to return to as a read [18:10] tragedy? [18:12] He dies in the end, it is a really good image of the lives of many people in this cultural group [18:13] earned a presidential award in highschool, and was sponsored to Yale by the benefactor of the private school, whom had never done this for anyone. [18:14] hrmm, so where'd it all go wrong? [18:17] daftykins, Being from the hood and never being able to leave the caretaking of many people with working hard and selling some weed. Much more complex but that is the jist. A downward spiral leaving Yale with all A's except one C. [18:17] :( [18:18] actually made some major scientific discoveries was a scientist in degree, but covered all the classic bases for an informed mind. [18:18] an amazing story really and so sad as well [18:19] mmm, sounds it [19:08] honestly, setting brightness in drivers instead of on the monitor - friggin' users are insane [19:10] I like the unity users who have to go all configs and lxde/lubuntu users who never heard of a config [19:11] or even worse a tiling wm [19:15] xubuntu shocked me in that it'd still blank your screen at idle time out, when playing a full screen video [19:15] some basic features just aren't thought about at all [19:20] I have ended up with the gnome shell, I never use most of the de, just a search 'synapse'and a cairo dock, addons and no top bar and bottom is held down with an app [19:20] blank desktop mainly