[08:18] * PaulW2U counts summaries - just 2 Canonical & 2 LoCo to do [16:20] I did go ahead and reformat the cloud news section [16:21] jose: do you have the power to make an UbuConLA 2015 playlist on youtube? https://www.youtube.com/user/UbuntuOnAir/playlists [16:21] might be useful for linking directly (for ubuconla in general, and the newsletter ;)) [16:55] pleia2: I do, was going to do it today! [16:55] working on it now [16:59] pleia2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-qBHd6_LXWb7HcFQAmfY1eDu0YaYxl4C [17:03] :D [17:03] thanks [17:05] ah, and you updated the newsletter, thanks [17:05] (or someone did) [17:05] hola, PaulW2U! [17:06] If either of you want to update/change those UbuCon summaries please feel free to do so [17:06] after all you *were* there :) [17:06] :) [17:07] pleia2: watched your session in full by the way [17:08] :D [17:09] I forgot to make clear that if you do the things I say, you'll be quite hire-able so while the section on getting a job seemed rushed, that was only because you won't have to try that hard [17:10] well, you'll have to keep *working* hard, just the actually getting a job with the large body of foss work defined is not so hard [17:14] Me hire-able? Working hard? For me it'll soon be the end of the road as far as I'm concerned. Saying no more for now :) [17:14] I suppose it also depends on what you're looking for :) [17:15] I tend to talk to college students in these talks [17:15] typically they have free time and are studying compsci, so valuable for them to add open source work to their resume [17:15] As I said, no more for now. Later :) [17:16] :) [17:16] But a good talk - I could see what I know about you in what you had to say [17:17] thanks [20:58] Unit193: link check? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue429