=== faenil_ is now known as faenil [05:40] hello. is there a plane to add voice recognition to phones. like google search (responding to ok ubuntu) :') === IdleOne is now known as Guest96327 === haha is now known as Guest8979 === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === Guest96327 is now known as IdleOne [14:06] Hello, is there a way to change what type of info shows up on the main screen (as in the X text sent today (as an example) one)? [14:06] hello everyone ...can anyone help me out with this error [14:06] Device falcon not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu [14:07] i want to install ubuntu touch in motorola g [14:07] then you would have to port it ... there is no image on that server for the falcon http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu/http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu/ [14:08] oops [14:08] http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/ubuntu/ [14:08] !devices [14:08] You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices [14:08] !porting [14:08] if there isnt a link to an image for your device in the wiki above, check the xda forums, perhaps someone there has worled on a port [14:09] okey i understand .. [14:09] looking forward [14:10] belkinsa, i dont think you can change the defaults easily ... but there is an app in the store that can set a customm message [14:11] (the bit showing the info is a generic service, apps provide the text for it) [16:41] stgraber: Not sure if this is the right place, but trying to compile system-image-2.2 on a desktop 14.04 deriv and I get this error: http://sprunge.us/UJXS Do you know how I would go about fixing this error? [16:43] habs: that would be a question for barry [16:52] barry: ^ Thanks, was just looking to get this compiled [18:36] hello! [18:37] where do I download the image for my Meizu MX4? [18:37] I kind of did something stupid [18:39] how do I reflash the phone? [18:41] phablet-tools, :) [18:46] yes [18:47] but, it's getting stuck, not starting adb [18:47] or at least not visible with adb [18:48] what I did was stupid, I know, I was trying to move /usr to /home and make a symlink /usr -> /home/usr i order to free some storage on / [18:49] I made an backup of /usr called /usr.bak [18:51] my phone is in recovery mod, but ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en does not do anything [18:52] do I need to enable my phone some how? [18:53] you need a recovery img with adb [18:53] the installed one doesnt have adb [18:54] how to obtain that? [18:54] and how to install? [18:57] found it :) === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [19:03] I'm in a adb shell now, how do I access / in Ubuntu Touch? [19:04] you mean from recovery ? [19:04] or... if I run ubuntu-device-flash touch --device arale --channel ubuntu-touch/stable/meizu.en will I wipe /home? [19:04] yes from recovery [19:04] no, not if you nort use --wipe or --boratrap [19:05] *--botstrap [19:05] sigh [19:05] *--bootstrap [19:05] :) [19:05] I better run that line then :) [19:05] sudo ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/meizu.en --recovery-image /pathh/to/your/recovery.img [19:06] that will only reinstall the system and not touch and of the writable bits (like homedir) [19:06] *any [19:07] I started the line I asked about before your last response, I hope it will work [19:08] In any way, thanks alot :) [19:08] --bootstrap makes it fromat the partitions, --wipe makes it rm all writable data, so dont use any of theseif you want to keep something [19:08] well, good luck :) [19:08] if my /home is deleted it's no big deal, just sorting music :) [19:10] hmm... it rebooted :D [19:11] my thought's on Ubuntu Touch so far.... LOVE IT! [19:12] NORMAL BOOT :D [19:13] ;) [19:13] rotating ubun... never mind, allready booted [19:13] fantastic [19:14] now I can continue destroying my phone :D (I'll do my best to not do that... yes) [19:15] is there a good way to move /usr or make / bigger? [19:17] not easily, no [19:17] hmm [19:18] use a chroot (that also prevents you from having to make it writable which causes various other probs) [19:20] do you think that running "sudo su", "cp /usr /home" "mv /usr /usr.bak", "ln -s /home/usr /usr" could work? [19:21] I like the idea of a chroot, but how do I set that up? (I realy want XMir running) [19:21] oh, i think that wont work in a chroot [19:21] should I have proposed instead of stable? [19:21] so you likely have to make it writabble [19:22] (and be prepared to have to re-flash too :) OTA will break) [19:22] but only when I install [19:22] yes [19:22] true [19:22] (and the system isnt designed for apt updates, it will fall apart over time) [19:23] there were instructions on the mailing list how to make XMir work though hacking up the os [19:23] check the archives [19:23] you don't have a link to the archive? [19:24] I'll install proposed now :) [19:25] https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/ [19:26] thanks [19:26] (the search interface in launchpad is crap, better search for "XMir ubuntu-phone" on google ;) [19:27] hehe, yepp [19:38] now it got proposed :) [19:40] I'll give up for today, It's getting late here in Sweden, 21:40 ( or 9:40PM) [19:41] thanks alot ogra_ [19:41] bye [22:12] hello guys, how best way to init help deveolop for ubuntu phone... [22:16] exits anyway to emulate ubuntu phone? [22:17] seldon: there is the ubuntu sdk [22:19] seldon: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ [23:16] Hello, i try to acces my mx4 via Fastboot but I will see only < waiting for device > adb is workingfine. Any tips for me?