
silver_mwell I disabled the wbar because it was not working well in dual screen11:37
silver_mand in rotating backgrounds11:37
silver_mwas always keeping the previous background11:37
holsteinsilver_m: thats what way it provides transparency14:45
silver_mbut why it keeps previous background14:46
holsteinsilver_m: as opposed to requiring 3d, which, i think is your issue with plank.. since, my understanding is, you just installed compton, and just installing it is not enough14:46
silver_mshould I config plank to  start some seconds later than compton? at startup?14:47
holsteinsilver_m: i think, personally, you should decide how important transparency is to your work flow, and implement it, into lxde, if thats what you want.. when you do that, then, *all* things that require transparency will just work14:57
silver_mbut the big question is: how to implement transparency14:58
krytariksilver_m: Set up Compton properly.15:01
silver_mmy 1st problem is that I unpinned the anchor icon from plank and now I cannot bring it back15:02
holsteinsilver_m: no.. thats not an issue..15:02
silver_msecond problem is that I had set compton -C15:02
holsteinsilver_m: you can simply reset the config, and get it back to defaults.. but, the config file allows you to provide the transparency15:03
silver_mhow to reset the config15:03
holsteinsilver_m: what you'll do best with, is, simply remove plank from the equation, right now, and *just* implement tranparency, if thats key to your work flow15:03
holsteinsilver_m: you can simply rename the config file, or delete it..15:03
silver_mwhere can I find the config file15:04
holsteinsilver_m:  ~/.config/plank/dock1/settings is what was linked before.. and is documented..15:04
holsteinsilver_m: i would look in my users /home for .config/plank, and simply rename, move, or delete plank, and everything inside..15:05
holsteinsilver_m: then, you will get, as i said, the default setup, which will give you the anchor, which is *not* going to fix your transparency issue..15:05
silver_mand what to do in compton to support transparency in plank15:06
holsteinsilver_m: please, dont worry with plank.. this is to provide transparency for the entire OS.. so, please, go in steps15:06
silver_mmaybe  the anchor helps me to set images zoom on hover in plank15:06
holsteinsilver_m: please, make sure you have reset the config for plank, if you want to get the anchor back.. remove/rename, or delet the config, and reload the desktop.. then, we can move on to transparency..15:07
silver_mok I will reset plank15:08
holsteinplease, no need to spend time setting up plank, either. just let me know when you have an anchor..15:08
silver_mok now I have an anchor15:09
silver_mI will do the settings later15:09
holsteinso, now.. the question need not be "how to make the background transparent in plank".. the issue is, lxde doenst support transparency, right now.. so, thats what we address.. and compton can do that..15:10
silver_mhow to support transparency15:12
holsteinsilver_m: im looking for a nice, simple, relevant guide for you to add compton, and configure it properly.. please be patient..15:13
holsteinsilver_m: are you using lubuntu 15.04?15:14
silver_min the other pc I use the LTS15:14
silver_min the pc I want to setup15:14
silver_mI use LTS15:15
holsteinsilver_m: so, again, friend.. is this lubuntu 15.04? are are you asnwering, no, this is lubuntu 14.04?15:15
holsteinsilver_m: i, and the other volunteers need details..15:15
silver_mit is lubuntu 14.04 LTS in the pc we talk about15:16
holsteinsilver_m: on the pc "we talk about".. you will make sure you have compton installed.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compton"15:18
holsteinsilver_m: make sure that completes without error..15:18
silver_myes it is insalled15:18
holsteinsilver_m: so, you ran that command? and have no errors, corrrect?15:18
silver_mit says compton is running15:19
silver_mlatest version15:19
holsteinsilver_m: shouldnt say compton is running.. should say, the latest version is *installed*.. not, running..15:19
holsteinbut, anyways, i am using http://duncanlock.net/blog/2013/06/07/how-to-switch-to-compton-for-beautiful-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/ and will be catering it for you, a bit15:19
holsteincreate a text file in ~/.config/ called compton.conf with the following contents:15:19
silver_myes but I have conky and says  it is running15:19
holsteinsilver_m: conky is *not* compton..15:20
silver_myes but it says compton is running15:21
silver_mit shows tasks15:21
silver_mon pc15:21
holsteinsilver_m: http://paste.ubuntu.com/12048690/ is what i would put in that file. its from the linnk i gave15:21
holsteinthen, you can use "alt f2" and type "compton" to test it..15:22
silver_mwait I copy paste it15:22
silver_mok I will do this in a few time15:26
holsteinsilver_m: cool.. im out.. i need to get back to work here15:26
silver_mok I will tell you later what happens15:27
holsteinsilver_m: keep in mind, you can use #ubuntu, since this is not specifically related to lubuntu or lxde.. if its slow in here..15:27
silver_mbut I use lubuntu15:27
silver_mmy pc is old and cannot run unity15:28
silver_munity is very slow15:28
krytariksilver_m: He was referring to the IRC channel.15:28
silver_mbefore unity I was running ubuntu but after unity pc becme slow15:28
holsteinsilver_m: sure, and im not suggesting you not use lubuntu, or, that you are using unity.. just that, compton, and plank dont ship with lubuntu or lxde, so, if its slow here, like it is, you can get help in the larger, and more populous #ubuntu channel15:35
silver_mok I ll give it a trhy15:37
silver_min the other pc I have lubuntu 15.04 and it has automatically transparent plank but it is not dual screen15:38
holsteinsilver_m: sure.. it is a different release, and version of the software15:39
holsteinsilver_m: also, a different machine.. with different GPU drivers.. all kinds of variables, that was can sort through..15:39
holsteinsilver_m: one easy way.. on the 14.04 machine, take the live 15.04 installer iso, and run it live, and test plank..15:39
holsteinthen, you can decide if its easier to implement, what is obviously very important OSX like looking dock, by working with 14.05, or, just installing 15.0415:40
silver_mok I will test15:41
holsteinor, implement another dock. or compositing.. etc15:41
silver_mwell I copy pasted the text in compton.conf but the result is still the same16:53
silver_mno transparent16:53
JohnDoe3i use xcompmgr and try compton only default. And get transparent17:44
Geogtshow easy is it to break my system by removing orphaned packages with gtkorphan?  it found 97 packages when i selected to show all packages, not only those in the libs section.19:04
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