
Kiloshelloooo africa06:17
Kiloshi ongolaBoy elacheche07:50
ongolaBoyhi :)07:50
Kilosdid they sort your repo ongolaBoy ?07:51
Kilosunofficial even07:51
ongolaBoyKilos: yes .. they changed the status at least :)08:17
cyrilbHi guys08:35
Kiloshi cyrilb hows things there08:35
cyrilbI'll be in Johannesburg from Aug 11th to Aug 23rd08:36
cyrilbWhat's the best way to meet Debian / Linux / Free Software people?08:37
cyrilbShould I post on a ML ? FB ? Ubuntu team?08:37
Kiloshave a look at jozilug08:37
Kilosi dont see any of them online at the moment but will pass the message along08:38
Kilosyou can also mail our list08:38
Kilosirc will be #ubuntu-za08:39
Kilosalso look in FB for ubuntu-za08:39
Kilosim not sure who all is there or what cities they are in because i dont do FB much08:40
KilosQA  google jozilug08:41
QAKilos: "JoziLUG: South Africa's Premier GNU/Linux User Group" http://www.jozilug.co.za/ :: "Jozi Linux User Group (JLUG) (Johannesburg) - Meetup" http://www.meetup.com/Jozi-Linux-User-Group-JLUG/ :: "Linux Containers and Docker Presentation from Jozi LUG meetup ..." https://www.jumpingbean.co.za/blogs/mark/linux-containers-docker :: "IPv6 Yourself - The Linux Foundation" http://events.linuxfoundation.org/sites/events/files/…08:41
=== r0ckwilda{-_-} is now known as r0ckwilda
cyrilbKilos: where is the mailing list?12:10
Kilosfrom the sight cyrilb12:15
Kilossorry i took so long to answer12:15
Kilosfollow the join us and you will find the list12:17
cyrilbKilos: where?12:21
Kilosyou follow the join us link12:21
Kilosoh no12:22
Kilossorry im mixed up with za12:22
Kilosyou join the list in the launchpad place12:22
cyrilbthis https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa ?12:26
Kilossomewhewre there should be a place to join mailing list12:27
Kilosat the bottom of the page i think12:27
Kilosnono http://12:27
Kilosno s12:27
Kilosyou find it cyrilb ?12:30
Kilosoh my12:30
Kilosim mixed up again'12:30
Kilosis right12:30
Kilosits our site that is http://12:30
cyrilbI don't see any link to join12:36
cyrilbat https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa12:36
Kilos ubuntu-africa@lists.launchpad.net12:55
Kilosill go find what happens there12:56
Kilosbut i think you did join man12:56
Kilosweeks ago12:56
Kiloselacheche  you supposed to help as well man when i forget what is where12:59
elachechehow can I help?13:01
Kiloscyrilb  is trying to join mailing list13:01
Kilosbut i think he did otherwise it should show the join button , not so?13:02
elachechecyrilb, Kilos it's here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa13:03
elachechethe other link is for the project not for the team!13:03
Kilosoh cool ty sir13:03
Kilossorry cyrilb13:04
Kilosim a greeter bot only13:04
KilosQA  list join is <reply> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-africa13:05
QAKilos: I'll remember that13:05
KilosQA  botsnack13:05
cyrilbGo it, I'll send an email tonight13:06
Kiloscool with luck someone could be in jozi13:06
inetproKilos: it's in the topic15:09
Kilos-oh my15:11
=== r0ckwilda is now known as r0ckwilda{-_-}

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